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City Council Agenda Packet 04-28-2008
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday Aprl~ 28, 240$ -~ 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Ferrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of April 14, 2008 Special Meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of April 14, 2008 Regular Meeting. 2C. Approve minutes of Apri121, 2008 Special Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Parks, Streets, Water, DMV and Liquor Store. B. Consideration of approving a charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. C. Consideration of approval of annual renewal of liquor licenses. D. Consideration of approving appointment of Beth Osiek to fill vacancy on Library Board. E. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Church of St. Henry. F. Consideration of adding a grade to the Community Center part-time pay scale. G. Consideration of authorizing postings. 1. Economic Development Director 2. Human Resources Manager. H. Consideration of approval of increase in the amount the change fund for MCC for operation of ballfield concessions. I. Consideration of a new three year contract with Veolia for refuse pickup/hauling and recycling. J. Consideration of adopting resolution requesting conveyance of tax forfeited land to the City of Monticello. K. Consideration to call for a public hearing for the vacation of that portion of Dundas Road as related to the proposed Amax Addition and consideration to call for a public hearing for the vacation of a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25. Agenda Monticello City Council Apri128, 2008 Page 2 L. Consideration of approving appointments to Fire Department offices for 2008. 6. Cansideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing and consideration of approving delinquent utility assessments for certification to the County. 8. Consideration to approve a request for preliminary and final plat for the AMAX Addition, a commercial plat in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: AMAX Self Storage. 9. Consideratian of approving payment of bills for April, 2008. 10. Adjourn C~ t oW a C7 a~ ww Ua I--I W ~~ O OU ui a w ~- cn ~ ~~ r-~ I Ucnfx Ho 0 o al rl In d~ v o u•~ ~~ N C7 C7 vto ^ ~n ~ o ca 0 . a ~•+ ~ N F4 ~P r-I ~ wl A cr t6 ~ ~ v rd x G W U ~~ W f~, N ~ ~ ~ U ~--~ I ~I a I ,~ ~ I oz ~ I x w I o I ~+ ~ m N ~ ~ o ~ rl I ~ G I [b • ~ 'd ~ i ~ R N W , y I ~ U F~ I C G ~] O W I rn N U I ~.' O i U W OI W v~ x ~ a> i U O W rl O d, I •ri rl ~l N CI F i [L Pao I ~ ^4 N •• ~ A I "y .. (J ylln G o N r.~ • • 0 I in G LL 4 •rl I (D O rl ,~.J I f - r~ ~ [n U I I +~ Ul N W q l rp U(. H O N Q I O F-1 b O o U] LL' W I N 1J [0 U N U' ~] I d' Ul U~ J-J I I N li C7" ~ ~ ~ N O ~ HI o o Vl~ LL P'. Q.' 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Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None Others Present: Lynn Dahl Fleming, Bryan Nelson, Brenda Krueger, Milda Hedbloom, Brett Weiss, Tom Scott and Doug Dawson via telephone. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Fiber Outics En~ineerin~ and Proiect Update. Jeff O'Neill provided background on what has transpired with fiber optics thus far. Construction is planned to start in June. However before that time there are same decisions that have to be made. Three items will be the focus of this workshop: 1) Update on engineering and other aspects of the project; 2) Consideration of approving a resolution on the sale of bonds; and 3) Review ofthe governance model. Update on Engineering: Bruce Westby reviewed the engineering side of things. Spectrum Engineering has been hired as design manager for the project. U-recka Broadband was hired to the field walk-out. The field walkout is done to verify that everything is accurately reflected on the plans. The walk-out was completed on Apri14, 2008. The firm was looking for any anomalies from what is on the plans or if there is something in the right-of--way that may impact the project. Hopefiilly the walk-out would eliminate the need to make changes later on the in project. The City submitted an advertisement for pre-qualifications requests which are due on April 18, 2008. So far 12 firms have requested the documents. The City will review all pre-qualification documents and those firms that attain 800 points or more will be allowed to bid on the project. Doug Dawson commented that a lot of work had been done to identify the site for the central office building. The selected site is near the water tower in the Jefferson Commons Addition. Currently they are getting the bid documents for the building ready. Public Works Director John Simola said the site plan for the building will be completed this week. The garage and the head in building will be located on the site with the garage being bid separately. The site will be screened and fenced. 3. Consideration of a resolution calling for the Sale of Telecommunications Revenue Bonds Series C: The task force has been working to identify the conditions under which the bonds will be sold. Brenda Krueger and Bryan Nelson discussed the bond sale noting that because construction is proposed to begin in June the bond sale will be done in the near future. Funds from the bond sale proceeds should be available for use in early June. The financial consultants will be back Special Meeting Minutes 4/14/0$ before the Council on May 13, 200$ with the results of the bond sale. The financial consultants discussed: 1) Security far the bands; 2) Covenants to the bond holders; 3) Terms and conditions of bond repayment; and 4) Bidding activity. Repayment of the bonds will came from net revenue of the system. Repayment in this fashion is for the life of the bond. There is also capitalized interest covering the debt payment for the first three years and a debt service reserve fund which is funded by principal from the bond sale. The debt service reserve funds cover one year bond payments. Brenda Krueger noted this is standard in a revenue transaction. The first few years of operation of the system are critical. The debt service reserve funds are invested and any interest earned is used to the debt amount. Wells Fargo is the trustee and works on behalf of the bondholders. Wells Fargo also holds certain funds such as the debt service fund. The trust indenture is the "bible" of the transaction. As part of this document the City will be making certain covenants including: 1) The City is going to complete the system; 2) The City is going to continue to operate the system effectively; 3) The City will prepare an annual budget; 4) The City will prepare a capital improvement plan; S) The City will make regular financial reports; and 6) The City will impose fees and charges sufficient to make the debt payment on the bonds. Minimum revenue generated from the operation of the system should be at least 1.25 times the principal and interest on the bonds. Based on the business plan for the operation it is anticipated that revenues generated will be 1.75 times principal and interest. The bond structure calls for three years of bond payments from capitalized interest with the first payment being made in 2013 and the final payment in 2031. After ten years there is an option to call the bonds. Susie Wojchouski asked if after three years, the City finds it cannot make the debt service payment is the risk would be to the bond holders or to the City. Brenda Krueger said there are certain actions the band holders could take to make the City improve the operations and Bryan Nelson said there is no recourse by the bond holders to the general funds of the City. Bryan Nelson indicated the bond holders may request the trustee to have the City retain a consultant to came in and make recommendations as to the operation of the system. Oppenheimer will be marketing the bonds for several weeks with prospective investors. Brian Stumpf asked what the financial consultants considered as favorable conditions for the bond sale. Bryan Nelson responded that the financial markets have come through some rough times. He said the City's revenue bonds would be attractive to bond buyers because of the strong feasibility study and the 74% referendum approval. It was noted since this is a riskier venture, the interest rate would be higher but investors are willing to take on a higher risk for a higher return. Bryan Nelson estimated the interest rate to be somewhere between 6%-9% with the actual figure being closer to 6% than 9%. Brenda Krueger stated there was a change in Sources and Use Fund. The bond amount changes from $22,400,000 to $27,000,000 and for the purpose of the bond issue they would be using the $27,000,000 figure. Going with this figure would allow some flexibility and it was pointed out that $27,000,000 was the ceiling. Milda Hedbloom felt that the task force has tried to err on the conservative side. Doug Dawson explained what they had done thus far in the way of estimates and providing for contingencies. The $27,000,000 gives the enterprise same funds for wiggle roam. Brenda Krueger said any excess funds would stay in the enterprise fund. Susie Wojchouski asked if these excess funds are not used for construction how would they be handled. Brenda Krueger said the funds would be used to repay debt. Doug Dawson said the bonds are also funding some working capital as it is expected that the system will lose money the 2 Special Meeting Minutes 4/14/08 first few years. Any surplus would also help the City get a goad rate an a second round of borrowing if it is needed. The preliminary official statement (FOS) is the legal document on which the borrowing goes forward. The document describes the payment and what is expected in the way of revenue and expenditures. The preliminary official statement summarizes the transaction. Milda Hedbloom said in the preliminary official statement information is made available on haw the system will be managed and a detailed description of the role of the manager is provided. They are currently in the process of naming the management firm and this will be the focus of the Apri121, 2008 special meeting. Other items included an the document are a description of the economic benefit and development that will result from this project. The official statement is not going out until Apri125, 200$ because they are still in the process of finalizing the agreement with HBC. Once this is done the management services agreement can be incorporated into the preliminary official statement. HBC is Hiawatha Broadband Communications out of Owatonna. They have experience in Minnesota in management services and also have the cable signal. They are looking at a minimum of a three year contract. Milda Hedbloom summarized the discussions with Hiawatha Broadband Communications and the mutual benefits to both HBC and FiberNet Monticello. Bryan Nelson felt that a contract with someone like Hiawatha Broadband Communications would give confidence to the bond holders as well as provide cost savings to the City. Tom Perrault asked why the building was being located by the water tower. John Simola replied because the City owns the land, it is centrally located and sewer and water are available to the site. John Simola added that the other site that was considered was near the reservoir on Chelsea Road. 4. Cons_i__deration of approval of the Governance Ordinance for FiberNet Monticello. City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill reviewed the establishment of FiberNet Monticello and the way it is intended to operate. The Council has authority for setting the budget, establishing a capital improvement program and establishing policies. The Advisory Board is to provide direction to the manager of FiberNet Monticello. FiberNet Monticello operates with the programs set forth by the City. Overall FiberNet Monticello is fairly autonomous but it would be similar in operation to any other enterprise of the City. Lynn Dahl Fleming and Cathy Shuman are developing a recruitment plan to be used for filling the positions an the Advisory Board. It is hoped to have the Advisory Board in place before the manager is hired. 5. Adjourn: TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO CLOSE THE FIBER OPTICS WORKSHOP AT 6:25 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday April 14, 200$ - 7 p.m. Members Fresent: Clint Herbst. Wayne Mayer, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.rn. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of March„ 24, 2008 Special Meeting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 24, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (S-0) 2B. A rove minutes of March 24 200$ Re ular Meetin . TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 24, 2008 REGULAR MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 3. Consideration of adding items„ta the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Apalla Glass sign application; 2) Compensation for Council; 3) Occasional stores; and 4) Snowplowing. 4. Citizen comments, petitions,,,,requests and concerns. A) Bruce Hamond -- Monticello/Big Lake Hospital District _ Presentation will be re- scheduled for another date. B) Demonstration of website -After approval of the consent agenda, Angela Schuman did a brief demonstration of the City's new website. C) Chuck Keyes, 9768 Gilbert Avenue, Monticello operator of the wastewater treatment plant presented the Council the award the City had received from the PCA for operation of the facility. In presenting the award the PCA noted that receiving the award doesn't just mean you are a good operator it means you exceed the norm. D) Ted Schnabel, 3758 Hayward Court South spoke to the Council regarding the fence that was installed an the River City Extreme property. The fence is creating a problem for him in that people cut through his property to get to the parking lot for River City Extreme. He understands that the fence is going to be extended at some point but where it is located now keeps him from building a privacy fence. He would like to see the fence extended to the end of his property. Wayne Mayer noted that the fence was placed on the Council Minutes: 4/14/08 River City Extreme property and they were responsible for maintaining it. Mr. Schnabel submitted a photo that showed where the foot traffic has left a trail through is his yard. He was concerned that this unwanted foot traffic could create a liability risk for him. The Council asked if there were any pathway easements in the area. John Simola, Public Works Director indicated there were no pathway easements. In discussing the location of the fence it was noted the existing fence is one foot back from the River City Extreme property line. John Simola stated the property owner could place a fence on the property line. It was suggested staff look at the situation and see what ideas they could come up with. Brian Stumpf stated that the City had put a considerable amount of time and money in coming up with the fence as a buffer and he questioned where this would all end. He stated he would like to sit in vn staff discussion of this situation. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC, Parks, Finance, DMV and Liquor Store. Recommendatian: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving purchase of Automark Ballot Marker. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of the used Automark Ballot Marker with a two year warranty. C. Consideration of approving transfer of charitable gambling license for Land Of Lakes Choirboys to Jala Penos at 512 State Highway 25. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to the Land of Lakes Choirboys for Jalapenos located at 512 State Highway 25 D. Consideration of approving renewal of charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions Club at Chatters Restaurant and River City Extreme. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the renewal of the charitable gambling license for Monticello Lions Club to conduct charitable gambling activities at Chatters and River City Extreme. E. Consideration of approval of 2008 Wright County Highway Maintenance Agreement. Recommendation: Approve the 2008 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County. F. Consideration to review and accept 2007 GMEF Financial Statements, Activity Report, and proposed 2008 Budget. Recommendatian: Accept the 2007 EDA-GMEF Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, Activity Report; and 2008 Cash Flow Projections as presented. G. Consideration of approving a request for a one day charitable gambling license for a raffle at the High School Ballfield on July 10, 2008. Recommendation: Approve the one day charitable gambling license for a raffle for the Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association for July X 0, 2008. H. Consideration to approve a request for rezoning from A-o (Agriculture-Open Space) to R-4 (Mobile Hame Park) Far the property known as Kjellberg's West Mobile Park. Applicant: Kjellberg's Inc./Kjellberg Mobile Home Park. Recommendation: Approve the request for rezoning from A-O to R-4 based on a Ending that the subject request is 2 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the character of the surrounding area. I. Consideration to approve a request for conditional use permit for concept stage and development stage planned unit development for a commercial development in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: SB 22, LLC/Mike Krutzig. Recommendation: Approve the request for a conditional use permit far Development Stage FUD and Development Agreement as presented based an a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the performance requirements for the B-4 District and provides a quality project that justifies the use of planned unit development. Consideration of approval of the special assessment agreement and adoption of special assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. Recommendation: Approve the special assessment agreement and resolution adopting special assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. K. Consideration of approving a charitable gambling license for Monticella Yauth Hackey at the Monticello Country Club. Recommendation: Apprave the request for a charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey Program for the Monticello Country Club at 1209 Golf Course Road. L. Consideratian to approve reaffirmation and reinstatement of assignment of contract for private development. -Front Porch Associates. Recommendation: Approve the Reaffirmation and Reinstatement for Assignment of Contract for Private Development by Front Porch Associates, LTD; First National Bank of Elk River/ City of Monticello EDA; and City of Monticello. Items #SB and #SK were removed for discussion. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #SB AND #~SK. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent~enda for discussion. #SB Consideratian of appraving purchase of Automark Ballot Marker: There was same discussion on the need for the second ballot marker and also whether the City would be utilizing two areas in the Community Center for the 2008 election. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO PROCEED WITH THE PURCHASE OF EITHER A USED AUTOMARK BALLOT MARKER OR A NEW AUTOMARK BALLOT MARKER DEFENDING ON AVAILABILITY. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) #SK Charitable Gambling License for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticella Country Club. Wayne Mayer indicated that the reason he pulled this charitable gambling request was that he was concerned that the financial information presented was not current. As a former gambling manager he felt it was not unrealistic to expect the license holder to submit current financial information. He also noted in the letter from the Monticello Youth Hockey Program they stated they are a major Council Minutes: 4/14/08 contributor to the ice arena. Wayne Mayer pointed out that the City of Monticello and a number of businesses have made significant contributions to the ice arena as well. Because current financial information on the gambling operation should be available to the City when requested, Wayne Mayer felt this item should be tabled. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REQUEST BY MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY PROGRAM FOR A CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE AT THE MONTICELLO COUNTRY CLUB AT 1209 GOLF COURSE ROAD. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 7. Consideration of autharizatian to a rove urchase of la structure for Sunset Ponds Park and proceed with installation. Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk presented information on the play structure proposed to be installed at the Sunset Ponds Park. The installation ofthe equipment would be a joint project done with the Eagle Scouts under the supervision of a representative of the Webber Recreation Company. Tom Pawelk noted that the policy has been when a development is 50% filled, the City has proceeded with the park improvements. The City has budgeted $52,000 in 2008 for the park improvements at Sunset Ponds. Tam Pawelk noted that Webber Recreation installed the play equipment at Ellison Park and the equipment has held up well. He noted that Webber Recreation met the requirements of the project, came within the budgeted amount and was the top choice of park staff and Parks Commission. Clint Herbst suggested that Tom Pawelk contact the individual who had indicated that there was debris buried on site. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSAL FROM WEBBER RECREATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $52,000 FOR THE PLAYGROUND SYSTEM FOR SUNSET FONDS PARK WITH THE INSTALLATION BEING A COMMUNITY PROJECT DONE WITH THE EAGLE SCOUTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) .,„, .,_,.__-__tion of adopting ordinance amendment regulating construction and developm_ ent onsi era...--- ,- -,_., repuirfng grading, drainage and erosion plans, controls and permits. - This item had came before the Council previously and had been tabled to allow staff to address concerns raised by Charlie Pfeffer. Since that time staff has determined that definitions in the ordinance are consistent with definitions used by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Adoption of an erosion control ordinance is required as part of the City's SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program). SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ADOPTING CHAPTER 33 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE FOR GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL AND CORRESPONDING AMENDMENTS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE FROFOSED ORDINANCE IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT CITY POLICIES AND STRATEGIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF MONTICELLO'S WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. In additional discussion Tom Perrault questioned #33-3[A] 3 which would require an approved grading plan for any work done within 200 feet of a waterway or surface water. Staff indicated this provision was put in place because of past experience with property owners filling in storm water 4 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 areas and conservation easements. There was some discussion on the fee for the grading permit. The proposed fee is $150 regardless of the amount of work being done and there is also a security deposit requirement. The Council felt the fee amount should be looked at since it seemed rather high. It was noted that the ordinance itself did not identify a specific fee amount but referenced the City's fee schedule so any change to the fee would not require an amendment to the ordinance. Tom Perrault also questioned #33-5[A]2 and whether that would prohibit removal of trees and vegetation. Staff clarified that the provision meant removal of trees within the area of the grading permit would be reviewed. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, THE MOTION PASSED 4-0 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department to proceed with developing~specifications for new fire truck. Finance Director, Tom Ke11y noted this item had come before the Council previously and had been tabled so it could be determined whether adequate funds had been budgeted for the purchase of the truck. Tom Kelly reported there is $369,114 in budgeted funds available far the truck. Since the Fire Department had estimated the cost of the new truck to be about $450,000 additional funds will need to be budgeted in the 2009 budget. Brian Stumpf indicated that it was the Fire Department's intent to budget funds every year to go towards equipment replacement. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW TRUCK WITH FINALIZED COST ESTIMATES TO BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL PRIOR TO ADVERTISING FOR BIDS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of a rovin desi n construction and fundin of landsca in lau for the roundabout at CSAH 1$/Meadow Oak Avenue. Tom Kelly indicated that staff has been working with state and county officials an the landscaping plan for the roundabout. State standards recommend that the view across the roundabout be interrupted. The visual interruption encourages drivers to look for vehicles already in the roundabout. The estimated cost for the landscaping work is $8,558.10 which would come out of the consolidate bond fund. The Public Works Department will be removing the planters each fall and putting them out again in the spring. It is estimated it would take twa employees about four hours to remove the planters. Clint Herbst expressed concern about having anything in the roundabout that would abstract the view. Wayne Mayer agreed with the idea that having the view of the roundabout interrupted would make a driver more conscious of looking for any vehicles in the roundabout. A question was raised about the placement of the planters. Public Works Director John Simola said the six planters would be set back from the median. The Lions Club will be doing the original plantings and will assist in periodic maintenance of the area. John Simola pointed out that the landscaping materials selected are about as low maintenance as it can be. Susie Wojchouski asked if the roundabout created any problems as far as snow removal. Street Superintendent Tom Moores indicated it did not. 5 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 SUSIE WO7CHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE ROUNDABOUT LANDSCAPING AT A COST ESTIMATE OF $8,SS8.10. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 11. Consideration of anproving pay equity study and iob descriptions; changes in liquor store operation, adopting nay scale and adopting COLA for 200$. The information being considered at this meeting was presented to the Council in a workshop on March 24, 2008. At that time action on the item was tabled in order to allow staff some time to work on issues relating to the liquor store operations. During this time frame staff has met with the Liquor Store Manager and the Assistant Manager to discuss staffing and scheduling concerns. Staff has also met with union representatives and came up with a memorandum of understanding relating to the proposed changes set forth in the pay equity and salary scale. Tom Kelly discussed how the liquor store operations could be made more efficient. The Liquor Stare Manager and Assistant Manager have met with City staff and have come up with a revised schedule for the Manager and Assistant Manager that would reduce the amount of hours that their schedules overlap. The Liquor Store staff felt it was necessary to have both the Manager and Assistant Manager present to coordinate certain work such as ordering and taking deliveries. The report by Sherrie Le indicated that the liquor stare was management heavy with there being times when the Manager, Assistant Manager and Night/Weekend Supervisor were all working at the same time. One of the recommendations in Sherrie Le's report is to change the Night/Weekend Supervisor to a Liquor Store Clerk position. In those instances where neither the Manager ar Assistant Manager is available one of the Liquor Store Clerk positions would be designated as supervisor and receive a salary increase of $1.50/hour during the hours they are acting as store supervisor. At the present time there are five full-time employees; the Manager, Assistant Manager, Night/Weekend Supervisor and two full-time Liquor Store Clerks. It was discussed whether that many full-time positions were needed or whether the operation would be more efficient with the use of part-time staff. While it is not proposed to cut the hours of the five full time positions at this time it is a possibility that could be looked at in the future. With the new salary structure it appeared that the Liquor Store Clerks were over paid. It is proposed to freeze their salary over the summer months and after September reduce it down so all three full-time Liquor Store Clerks will be at Grade 4, Step 8. There will also be greater effort made to limit overtime. It was suggested that holiday hours be filled by part-time staff rather than full-time staff Tom Kelly reiterated that the full-time Liquor Store Clerk positions would be classified as Grade 4, Step 8 and they would be frozen at their current rate of pay until September at which time their rates would be reduced. The reductions for the three positions would be $.56/hour; $2.25/hour and $2.96/hour. Clint Herbst stated the City hired a professional who looked at this and the Liquor Store staffing was the first thing she mentioned. It was red flag for her. The concern was that the operation was not as efficient as a private stare might be. Clint Herbst felt it was difficult to keep part-time employees if they are only paid %2 of what the full-time employees make. Brian Stumpf said if the proposed changes are approved he would like to see the operations monitored over a period of time to see how much money is saved. Brian Stumpf did not like the idea of a price differential for the Liquor Store Clerk who maybe required to supervise operations in the absence of the Manager or Assistant Manager. Wayne Mayer felt the compromise on hours proposed by the Manager and Assistant manger was justification to continue as normal. While some Councilmembers felt there may need to 6 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 be some adjustment in the wages for the clerks when supervising the store, they questioned whether $1.50 an hour was too high. Wayne Mayer said he would be voting in opposition because they didn't feel the City went far enough with changes to the operation of the liquor store. Susie Wojchouski felt the compromise on the overlapping hours was a good start and it allowed time to transition the changes. Jeff O'Neill felt they could be doing harm to the operations by making drastic changes too quickly. Staff tried to make the changes in a manner that would have minimal impact on operations. Joe Hartman, Liquor Store Manager and Mike Fishbach, Assistant Store Manager spoke pointing out that of all single store operations, Monticello ranks third in the state as far a sales. They talked about the staffing at other area liquor stores. They also emphasized the importance of their full-time staff as far as providing continuity in the operations, knowledge of the product and having a core of reliable, customer oriented individuals to generate sales. Joe Hartman illustrated that prior to hiring their first full-time staff person they had gone through over a 100 part-time employees. He noted the time it takes to train an individual. Because of the high turnover of part-time help there is a lot of time and money spent in training that you don't have with full time employees. Jae Hartman pointed out there is a 2,000 increase in the number of customers and a $40,000 increase in sales. Both Joe Hartman and Mike Fishbach spoke to the need to have managers there at the same time For at least part of the day. Ordering product, taking delivery, working with the vendors, handling questions from customers and staff, and employee training were just same of the areas where they felt it was useful to have overlapping time. They felt this teamwork was one of the reasons the liquor store was so successful. Again they emphasized that their full-time employees are the key to good customer service and that is what brings a customer back. Brian Stumpf asked if staff had any idea how much the change would affect the bottom line. Tam Kelly replied making the Assistant Manager exempt from overtime and reducing the salaries of the clerks would generate some significant savings. Tom Kelly said monitoring this over the summer would give them a better idea as to the cast savings. Clint Herbst stated he had some reservations on how to deal with this issue. Sherrie Le was brought in to evaluate where everyone was. He said the City needs to be responsible with the taxpayers' money. Mike Fischbach respond that by cutting the clerks hours down and breaking the change of command with the change in the Night/Weekend Supervisor position might be detrimental to the operation. He stated he understands what the Council is trying to do but he feels the full-time people are key to the operation of the store. He noted the liability risk for liquor stare employees and didn't feel the part-time people understood that risk. Mike Fischbach said they expect more from their full- time employees and they should be paid more than part-time employees. Joe Hartman stated they are a $4,000,000 operation and felt the full-time staff was important to that operation. If the ranking for this position is not correct how does it affect the overall pay equity plan. Jeff O'Neill said the grade and step is not out of whack. Pay equity has to catch up to the pay within that position. Council asked if Sherrie Le had seen this change. Jeff O'Neill said based on paints the Liquor Store Clerk position came in at Grade 4, Step $. Mike Fischbach stated the Liquor Store Clerk position is not strictly a clerk position they do a lot of additional work. Jeff O'Neill said if the job was not properly assigned points there is a process for making sure that the points are corrected. Mike Fischbach said he didn't know if Sherrie Le talked to any of the part-time clerks but there are differences between the duties of the part-time and full-time clerks. Clint Herbst felt it was important to have checks and balances for each department within the City. The understanding of the Personnel Committee was that there would be a six month sunset on the full-time clerk positions. 7 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 Brian Stumpf felt that the Liquor Store staff should be given credit for making the adjustments but felt it should have been done at the workshop. He added that he doesn't agree with item #2a which would give the liquor store clerk an additional $1.50/hour to operate the store in the absence of the Manager and Assistant Manager. He felt this amount should be something less and he also felt these changes should be monitored until the end of the year and then something should be brought back to the Council on the cost saving measures. Tom Perrault felt that since that individual is given additional responsibility to manage the store there should be some wage adjustment but he felt the number of times a clerk would be asked to assume this responsibility should be kept to a minimum. Susie Wojchouski agreed that when the Manager and Assistant Manager is not there someone should be in charge but she didn't believe it should be at $1.50/hour. Jeff O'Neill said $1/hour is what the union employee gets when he is the lead position. Wayne Mayer said either the Liquor Store is skewed or the study is skewed. Sherrie Le said the positions were overpaid by 15%. Sherrie Le's evaluation was of the job description and not the person in it. Joe Hartman asked if Sherrie Le compared their store with other stores of comparable sales. Sherrie Le's report said the Liquor stare has too much management and they are there for too many of the same hours. If this was a private firm, would that many management people be scheduled at one time. Clint Herbst felt they should try to do the things suggested and look at it again after Labor Day. It is proposed that full-time salaries will be frozen until September and then reduced. Splitting up the hours both the manager and assistant manager are working at the same time would be done immediately. Susie Wojchouski said this would give some time to do additional study of other municipal liquor operations. Clint Herbst said the only question is whether the Liquor Store has too many or too few employees. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PAY EQUITY AND ORGANIZATION PLAT EMBODIED IN THE REPORT BY SHERRIE LE WITH THE PAY ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE RETROACTIVE TO JANUARY 1, 200$. INCLUDED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE REPORT IS: 1) REVISED JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND UPDATED PAY EQUITY ANALYSIS FOR EVERY POSITION IN THE CITY; 2) SUGGESTED ORGANIZATION SHIFTAS ADJUSTING LINES OF AUTHORITY; 3) SALARY SCALE (2007) AND ASSOCIATED PAY SHIFTS EFFECTIVE RETROACTIVE TO JANARY 1, 2008; 4) A VARIETY OF SUGGESTIONS FOR FOLLOW-UF STEPS TO ENHANCE FFICIENCY AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION PENDING RETIREMENT OF KEY PERSONNEL; 5) ADOPTION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ENABLING UNION POSITION PAY SHIFT FROM THE OLD PAY SCALE TO THE NEW SCALE; AND 6)ADOPTION OF RECOOMENDATIONS FOR CHANGES TO THE LIQUOR STORE INCLUDING THE SCHEDULE CHANGES AND CHANGES IN OVERTIME HOURS FOR THE LIQUOR STORE BUT HE WOULD LIKE TO SEE #2A (DIFFERENTIAL PAY FOR THE CLERK SUPERVISING THE STORE IN THE ABSENCE OF THE MANAGER. AND ASSISTANT MANAGER) REMOVED AND HAVE THE COUNCIL REVISIT THIS AT THE END OF THE YEAR WITH THE CLARIFICATION THAT THE MANAGER AND ASSISTANT MANAGER SCHEDULES BE LEFT AS PROPOSED. Tom Perrault asked if Sherrie Le had any comment about the pay for the clerk supervising in the absence of management. Jeff O'Neill said she felt some adjustment should be made but didn't specify a dollar amount. Wayne Mayer asked on #1B if it should read Wednesday instead of Thursday. He also felt the proposed changes should not have to be contingent on the pay equity plan. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER AND CL1NT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. (3-2) Council Minutes: 4/14/08 The cost of living adjustment was discussed. It was noted that most employees with the new pay scale had received a 1.3%-1.4% increase. In 2007 employees received a 1 % cast of living increase and 1 % step increase. With the economic times being what they are it was felt a 1 % cost of living increase would be reasonable and in line with what the City had done in 2007. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A 1 % COST OF LIVING INCREASE FOR 200$. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) Tom Perrault asked what the cost of living actually was. Tom Kelly indicated that they had polled other communities and they had a cola adjustment of about 3% but staff did not check that national cost of living index. Added Items Snowplowing: Clint Herbst stated he had received a call from a resident who said the cul-de-sac had not been plowed during the last snowfall. Tam Maares said when it gets to be March and April they do not automatically go out and clear the full width of the street. If the weather conditions are expected to be such where the snow will melt fairly quickly they will make one pass on each side of the street and one pass through the cul-de-sac but not clear the entire roadway, which was what was done on the last snowfall. One reason is that at this time of the year when they go curb to curb they may pull up sod. Tom Moores noted they did haul snow from some of the city parking lots. Apollo Glass: Brian Stumpf asked why this matter was coming before the Design Advisory Team when the sign was already installed. Chief Building Official Gary Anderson replied that there has been a number of instances where the sign company has not applied for the permit and just installed the sign or they may tell the owner it has been taken care of when it has not. Wayne Mayer asked what could be done to insure that companies are pulling sign permits. Legal counsel Tom Scott suggest a double fee could be applied to the applicant who failed to get a sign permit Council Compensation: Brian Stumpf stated that since this was an election year he wondered if any of the other members of the Council had given consideration to increasing the compensation far the Council. The last increase in Council wages was in 1995. Brian Stumpf noted that the number of meetings are increasing and there are more committee and subcommittees that members of the Council serve on. Wayne Mayer said the Council has to look at it for future councils. There has to be some incentive for qualified people to run for office. Wayne Mayer said everyone on the Council has gone above and beyond as far as meetings. Susie Wojchouski felt the Planning Commission should be considered for an increase as too. Tom Perrault felt if the Planning Commission gets a stipend the EDA should as well. Tom Scott said an ordinance increasing Council compensation could be adopted in an election year but it would not take effect until after the election sa the Council could research this and bring it back to the Council at a later date. Occasional Stores: Susie Wojchouski brought up the occasional stores which are only open on certain days. At the present time most of these are located in homes. She wanted to know if there was anything in the ordinance that addressed this type of shop. Brian Stumpf suggested they be treated like garage sales and be limited to a certain number per year. It was suggested that since Buffalo has a number of these shops, staff contact the City of Buffalo to see how they are handled. Ollie Koropchak Resignation: Clint Herbst acknowledged the letter of resignation received from Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director and wished her the best in her retirement. 9 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 12. Consideration of a ravin a ment of bills for A ril 2pp$. Tom Perrault asked about the philosophy of having the Fublic Works staff do the oil change and vehicle washing for all city vehicles or having it done by a commercial firm. Tom Kelly said currently there is no city policy on this. John Simola said the mechanic has a full work load with equipment repairs and in the summer the work load is greater. In addition there is only one hoist that could be utilized. At the present time oil changes can be done inexpensively with a commercial firm. Wayne Mayer asked how they planned to address this issue in the new building. BRIAN STUMPP MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.(5-0) 13. Ad'aurn WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:1 S P.M. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) Recording Secretary 10 Council Minutes: 4/21/08 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday Apri121, 2008 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Ferrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the special meeting was to review the management services contract with Hiawatha Broadband Communications for the fiber optic system. 2. Review of services agreement. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the negotiations with Hiawatha Broadband on the management services contract. BVU was the firm the City had looked at originally to provide management services but it didn't work out due to the inability to get a cable signal. Hiawatha Broadband Communications (HBC) can provide the signal. HBC was willing to go with a three year contract instead of a five year contract which was what BVU was asking for. HBC has a good record of management experience in this area and operates systems in Winona and other communities. The cable signal is a lot less expensive through this agreement. HBC comes from a background in government and education. It was felt that overall HBC was well qualified and reasonably priced. It was a good fit for the City. Susie Wojchouski asked who had reviewed this agreement on behalfof the City. Milda Hedbloom and Joel Jamnik had reviewed the document as did Brenda Krueger from Springsted and representatives from Oppenheimer. It was noted the employees of the system would be city employees but the manager would be an HBC employee. It was felt after three years it would be relatively easy for the City to take over operation of the system. Tom Perrault had questions on the various acronyms that were used since they were not defined any place in the agreement. The consensus of the Council was that this agreement provided mutual benefit to both FiberNet Monticello and HBC. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE SUPPORT OF ADOPTION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HIAWATHA BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council Minutes: 4/21/08 Susie Wojchouski said she would like to have written statement from the City Attorney that he had reviewed the document. Susie Wojchouski asked about the land by the water tower for the building site. She felt legally the land should be in FiberNet Monticello's name and the land should be purchased from the City by the fiber optic entity. There was some discussion on what would be a reasonable value. Staff will check into this further. The concern was expressed that requiring FiberNet Monticello to purchase the land could have an impact the bond sale. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:20 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 2 Council Agenda: 4/28/08 SA. Consideration of a rovin new hires and de artures for MCC Parks Streets Water DMV and Li uor. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Parks Department, Sewer, Water, DMV and Liquor store. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Bushman, Kath n Deputy Registrar Clerk DMV 4/01/08 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Da Class Feldman, Jamie Volunta Parks 03-18-08 Tem /Season Christian, John Volunta Parks 03-18-0$ Tem /Season Avila, Tessi Volunta MCC 01-01-08 PT council_employee list.xls: 4/17/2008 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class lano, Scott Summer Hel Parks 6/4/07 Seasonal Brooks, Joseph Summer Help Parks 6/4107 Seasonal DeMarais, Jaymon Summer Help Water 6/4/07 Seasonal TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Gullickson, Kellen Volunta MCC 5/29/07 PT Feldstein, Tyler Volunta MCC 5/29/07 PT council_employee list.xls: 4/17/2008 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Connoy, Amie Summer Parks 5/26/2005 Temporary Arneson, Nathaniel Life uard MCC 5/13/2005 Part Time Schaffer, Julia Wheel Park Attend. MCC 5/15/2005 Part Time Hanson, Erick Slide Attend. MCC 5/23/2005 Part Time Geyen, Craig Summer Parks 5/17/2005 Temporary Ge en, Mark Summer Parks 5/16/2005 Temporary Peterson, Kristine Summer Parks 5/23/2005 Temporary Pa ne, Christina Slide Attend. MCC 5/17/2005 Part Time Ouellette, Marc Summer Streets 5/16/2005 Tem ora TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Yackley, Cameron Seasonal Parks 5/26/2005 Temporary Lumley, Clint Voluntary MCC 4/29/2005 Part Time Gantner, Ruth Voluntary MCC 5/22/2005 Part Time White, Justin Voluntary MCC 5/6/2005 Part Time Va le, Sarah Voluntary MCC 5/1/2005 Part Time council_employee list.xls: 4/17/2008 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Milstein, R an Cashier/Stocker Li Store 7/12/07 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Da Class Hancock, Katherine Involunta Li uor 6/28/07 PT Thelen, Allyson volunta MCC 6/15/07 PT Weis, Carol volunta MCC 6/23/07 PT Hary, Sean volunta MCC 6/1/07 PT council employee list.xls: 4/17/2008 Council Agenda: 4/2$/p$ SB. Consideration of a rovin a charitable amblin license for Monticello Youth Hocke at the Monticella Caunt Club. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At their April 14, 200$ meeting, the Council tabled action on the request from Monticello Youth Hockey for a charitable gambling license at the Monticello Country Club because the financial information submitted by Monticello Youth Hockey was not current. Since that time Monticello Youth Hockey has submitted updated financial information which is attached. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: l . Assuming the Council is satisfied with the financial information submitted, the Council could recommend to the State Gambling Board approval of the license for Monticello Youth Hockey for the Monticello Country Club. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambling license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: With the updated financial information, staff recommends approval of the charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Financial Information Resolution CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION N0.2008-32 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Monticello Youth Hockey Program has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at Monticello Country Club at 1209 Golf Course Road, WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Youth Hockey Program for a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at the Monticello Country Club, 1209 Golf Course Road is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 28~h day of April, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator -~~ ,~-contribution Report MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY For All Sites From 4/1/2007 to 3/31/2008 Date Check Written Number Payee For 4/13/2007 4085 4/24/2007 DEP 9/21 /2007 4307 10/16/2007 4318 1 q/31 /2007 4351 12/31 /2007 4469 12/31 /2007 4475 12/31 /2007 4476 2/29/2008 4564 2/29/2008 UNSOLD MOOSE SHERRITT ICI= ARENA IRS MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA STATE OF MINNESOTA RINK LINKS STATE OF MINNESOTA MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA MOOSE SHERRITT ARENA Tax CrediURefund from Form Total of Total of Organization Description ICE TIME 990T REFUND ICE TIME BILLS PREMISES PERMIT APPLICATION FEE HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY BOOSTER CLUB ANNUAL LICENSE & PERMIT FEES ICE BILLS ICE BILLS ICE BILLS l ~~c e°~~I ~~~~~; Page 1 Total 16650.Op -2250.00 4968.75 150.00 775.00 750.00 4425.00 11887.50 11081.25 -4066.94 4437Q.56 44370.56 ~~ ~G -~~,d ~` SS o~ t 7:51 ~ 1 4/15/2008 Minnesota Gambler LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 MN ID #5203434 FEDERAL, ID #41-1497027 REGULATORY BASIS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 TABLE OF CONTENTS MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 Independent Auditor's Report Pale 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Profit Carryover- Regulatory Basis 2 Statements of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Profit Carryover- Regulatory Basis 3 Notes to Financial Statements 4-6 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Independent Auditor's Report on Supplementary Information 7 Reconciliation of Games Used -Regulatory Basis 8 Allowable Expense Percentage Cozxxputations -Regulatory Basis 9 Reconciliation of Profit Carryover -Regulatory Basis 10 COMPLIANCE SECTION Report on Regulatory Checklist Questionnaire Regulatory Checklist Questionnaire Repart on Internal Control 11 12 13 JOHNSON, BRUNS & COMPANY CHARTERED Certified Public Accountants Virginia A. Bzuns, CPA* Marlys E. Johnsen, retired CPA INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT 111 Lake Street N. P. O. Box 219 Big Lake, MN 55309 Board of Directors and Members (763) 263-3300 Monticello Youth Program Fax (763) 263-8020 License #B-04147 vbruns@sherbtel.net Monticello, MN SS362 We have audited the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities and profit carryover -regulatory basis of the Lawful Gambling Fund of the Monticello Yauth Program as of March 31, 2007 and 2006, and the related statements of revenues, expenses, and changes in prollt carryover -regulatory basis for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based an our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with United States generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a basis for our opinions. As described in Note 1, these financial statements were prepared in conformity with the accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Department of Revenue of the State of Minnesota "regulatory basis," which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than United States generally accepted accounting principles. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the assets, liabilities and profit carryover of the Lawful Gambling Fund of the Monticello Youth Program as of March 31, 2007 and 2006 and the results of its operations and changes in its profit carryover for the years then ended, an the basis of accounting described in Note 1. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Directors, members and management of the Monticello Youth Program and for filing with Minnesota Revenue and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. v ~' r'`-~c~z F, Johnsan, Bruns & Company, Chartered Big Lake, Minnesota September 21, 2007 * Enrolled to Practice Before the TRS * Accredited Tax Preparer * Accredited Tax Advisor * Accredited $usiness Accountant LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 STATEMENTS OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND PROFIT CARRYOVER REGULATORY BASIS MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 ASSETS 03/31/07 03/31 /06 Cash on Hand -Starting Banks Cash in Bank -Checking Inventory Unsold Ticket Tax Refund Paddlewheel Prize -Inventory Fund Loss Due from General Fund TOTAL ASSETS $4,801 68,499 1,038 3,479 120 1,457 1,20.0 80 4 $5,206 49,03 5 1,110 1,784 4,611 1,457 0 3 203 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Gambling Tax Accrued Raffle Prizes TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 1,983 4,671 10,050 $16,704 $ 1,835 4,652 l0,SS0 $ 17,037 PROFIT CARRYOVER Profit Carryover -Restricted 6$ 3,890 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND PROFIT CARRYOVER 80 4 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements $ 46,166 ~_ 2 LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 STATEMENTS Op' REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN PROFIT CARRYOVER REGULATORY BASIS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 03/31/07 03/31 /06 REVENUES Gross Receipts -Pulltabs $ 1,164,314 $ 1,131,75$ Prizes Faid -Pulltabs .._.. 997,039 983 442 Net Pulltab Revenue $ 167,'275 $ 14$,316 Gross Receipts -Raffle $ 37,484 $ 47,070 Prizes Paid -Raffle 15,901 ~ 16,283 Net Raffle Revenue $ 21,583 $ 30,787 Gross Receipts W Paddlewheel $ 3,030 $ 0 Prizes Paid -Paddlewheel 2ti020 0 Net Paddlewheel Revenue .~ 1.,,010 ~ ~ GROSS PROFIT $ 189,868 $ 179,103 ALLOWABLE EXPENSES Cost of Games Played $ 14,251 $ 1.3,187 Compensation & Payroll Taxes 46,165. 45,046 Rent 12,408 10,220 Supplies 4,417 4,337 Professional Fees 7,475 4,710 Licenses & Bond 683 708 Cash Short 2,410 2,645 TOTAL ALLOWABLE EXPENSES 87 809 80 853 NET REVENUE AFTER ALLOWABLE EXPENSES $ 102,059 $ 98,250 LAWFUL PURPOSE EXPENDITURES Donations $ 35,182 $ 91,740 Gambling Tax on Purchases 24,875 22,322 Combined Receipts Gambling Tax 26,715 24,073 Unsold Ticket Tax Refund (5,270) (4,0$5) Audit 2,233 0 License & Fees 600 600 990-T Tax 0 7,792 M4E Tax 0 5,064 TOTAL LAWFUL PURPOSE EXPENDITURES 8~~4 335 147 506 REVENUES IN EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES $ 17,724 $ (49,256) Profit Carryover -Beginning of Year 46 166 95 422 PROFIT CARRYOVER- END OF YEAR ~ 63.82. ~ See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 3 LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAMS LICENSE #B-04147 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 NOTE 1: SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Nature of Organization TThe Monticello Youth Program is a non profit corporation organized to promote youth hockey in the Monticello area. The organization conducts lawful gambling at l location in the Monticello area. During the year ending March 31, 2006 pulltabs and raffles were the forms of gambling conducted. During the year ending March 31, 2007, pulltabs, paddlewheels and raffles were the farms of gambling conducted. These financial statements include only the lawful gambling fund and do not present the financial position of the organization as a whole. Revenue in excess of allowable expenses generated by the Lawful Gambling Fund can only be used for lawful purposes and Board approved expenditures as defined by Minnesota Statutes. Basis of Presentation The regulatory basis of accounting is the basis of accounting prescribed by the State of Minnesota, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The regulatory basis of accounting differs from the accrual method of accounting in that under the regulatory method, all costs other than the cost of the games and the state gaming taxes are expensed when paid. In addition, under the accrual method, state gambling taxes paid upon purchase of the game would be considered prepaid upon purchase and expensed during the period the game is used. Under the regulatory method, these state gambling taxes are expensed when paid. Also, under the regulatory method, the cost of equipment is expensed, whereas under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, such expenditures are capitalized and depreciated over the asset's estimated useful life. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with the regulatory basis of accounting requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Cash -Starting Game_ Banks Starting game banks consist of irnprest amounts which are used to fund open play of games. Tnvent'nri e.c Inventories consist of the vendor costs of the games purchased. State gambling taxes paid upon purchase of the games are not included in inventories. 4 LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 NOTE 2 : COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES The organization leases space for the site of its lawful gambling activities within the City of Monticello. Rent expense for the years ended March 31, 2007 and 2006 were $12,408 and $10,220, respectively. NOTE 3 : INCOME TAXES The Organization is exempt from state and federal income taxes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However, the Organization is required to pay state and federal income taxes an unrelated business income. Under the regulatory method, income taxes are recognized when paid. NOTE 4 : GAME TESTING AND RESULTS Subsequent to year end, the organizatians independent auditor selected 16 pulltab gannes, including games with unsold tickets, to be tested as part of the audit. The exceptions to our testing, as reported to the Monticello Youth Program are as follows: Amount as Reparted in Amount as Game Serial Number Ty tae of Game Gambling Tax Return__ Tested D4001.43 Fulltab 4622 Unsold 4620 Unsold D400143 Fulltab 6653 Prizes 6651 Prizes 8419525 Fulltab 3912 Prizes 3908 Prizes D400111 Fulltab 8058 Unsold 8060 Unsold 8541429 Fulltab 3126 Prizes 3122 Prizes NOTE 5: UNSOLD TICKET TAX REFUND RECENABLE This amount represents the amount to be refunded by the State of Minnesota for tax on unsold tickets paid for when purchased. This amount is refunded once a year for games closed that have unsold tickets. NOTE 6 : ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts Payable consists of the purchase of pulltabs that were not paid for before the end of the month they were purchased. LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAMS LICENSE #B-04147 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 NOTE 7 : ACCRUED RAFFLE PRIZE A calendar raffle is held where a prize winner is picked for each day on the calendar. Each day has an amount the prize is worth. The raffle took place in December with the prizes to be paid aut aver the year. The total prizes were reported when the raffle closed. The amounts that still remain to be paid at the end of the fiscal years March 31, 2007 and 2006 are $10,050 and $10,550 respectively. NOTE 8: ALLOWABLE EXPENSES Allowable expenses required by Minnesota state law to be under 55% of grass receipts less prizes paid. NOTE 9: FUND LOSS Two pulltab games were stolen from inventory. These games were reported on the schedule B-2 far March 2006 when the theft was found. 6 JOHNSON, BRUNS & COMPANY CHARTERED Certified Public Accountants Virginia A. Bruns, CPA* Marlys E. Johnson, retired CPA 111 Lake Street N. P. O. Box 219 Big Jake, MN 55309 (763)263-3300 Fax (763) 263-8020 vbruns@sherbtel.net INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Board of Directors anal Members Monticello Youth Program License #B-04147 Monticello, MN 55362 Our report on our audits of the basic financial statements of the Lawful. Gambling fund of the Monticello Youth Program for the years ended March 31, 2007 and 2006, appears on page 1. Those audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion an the basic financial statements taken as a whale. The supplementary information as listed in the Table of Contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Directors, members and management; of the Monticello Youth Program and Minnesota Revenue and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. f _ ~ %L-.rl-cit/Yt ~~~/'7~[.C./b' ~~~1->~: ;~L.~.cy `~~ ~-a. . ~G,~.,f" Y? Johnson, Bruns & CoxrJpany, Chartered Big Lake, Minnesota September 21, 2007 7 * Enrolled to Practice Before the IRS * Accredited Tax Preparer * Accredited Tax Advisor * Accredited Business Accountant LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 RECONCILIATION OF GAMES USED REGULATORY BASIS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 03/31/07 03/31/06 # # Pulltabs Inventory -April 1 27 $ 1,110 21 $ 930 Purchases 321 14,140 312 13,367 Total Available 348 15,250 333 14,297 Less Inventory -March 3l (24) 1 038 27 (1,110) Net Available -Cost of Games Played 324 X14.212 306 1 $Z Games Closed on Monthly Lawful Gambling Activity Summary and Tax Returns (306) VARIANCE 0 0 Paddlewheel Inventory -April 1 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 Purchases 3 39 Q 0 Total Available 3 39 0 0 Less Inventory -March 31 0 0 0 0 Net Available -Cost of Games Played 3 X32 0 ~~ Games Closed on Monthly Lawful Gambling Activity Summary and Tax Returns (3) (0) VARIANCE _.0 ~ 8 LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OI' MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 ALLOWABLE EXPENSE PERCENTAGE COMPUTATIONS REGULATORY BASIS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 p3/31/07 03/31/06 REVENUE Gross Receipts (Apr-June 2006) $ 311,283 $1,178,828 Prizes Paid 26( 3,846) 999 725 NET REVENUE $ 47,437 $ 179,103 Allowable Expense Limit Percentage 55.0% SS.O% MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EXPENSES BY MINNESOTA STATE STATUTES 2 0...41 Gross Receipts (July 2006-March 2007) $893,545 Prizes Paid 7S 1 114 NET REVENUE $142,431 Allowable Expense Limit Percentage 60% MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EXPENSES BY MINNESOTA STATE STATUTES 489 TOTAL MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EXPENSES BY MINNESOTA STATE STATUTES 111.504 ALLOWABLE EXPENSES Cost of Games Played $ 14,251 $13,187 Insurance 683 708 Compensation and Payroll Taxes 46,165 45,046 Professional Fees 7,475 4,710 Supplies 4,417 4,337 Rent 12,408 10,220 Cash Short (over) 2y0 2,645 TOTAL ALLOWABLE EXPENSES EXPENSES UNDER ALLOWABLE LIMIT $ 23.691- ALLOWABLE EXPENSE PERCENTAGE ~ 4 ° 9 LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 RECONCILIATION OF PROFIT CARRYOVER REGULATORY BASIS FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 2007 AND 2006 ADDITIONS Casb in Gambling Bank Accounts Cash in Starting Banks Ending Inventory Unsold Ticket Tax Refund Paddlewheel Prize Inventory Fund Loss Due From General Fund Total Additions $68,499 4, 801 1,038 3,479 120 1,457 1,200 $ 80,594 03/31/06 $49,035 s,2o6 1,110 1,'784 4,611 1,457 0 $ 63,203 SUBTRACTIONS Accounts Payable Accrued Gambling Tax Accrued Raffle Frize Total Subtractions $ 1,983 4,671 10,050 $ 16,704 PROFIT CARRYOVER FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS $63,890 PROFIT CARRYOVER FROM TAX REPORT $63,890 VARIANCE FROM BALANCE $ Q Variance is due to rounding. $ 1,835 4,652 10,550 $17,037 $46,166 4$ 6,166 $__._Q 10 JOHNSON, BRUN5 & COMPANY CHARTERED Certified Public Accountants Virginia A. Bruns, CPA* Marlys E. Johnson, retired CPA 111 Lake Street N. P. O. Box 219 Big Lake, MN 55309 (763)263-3300 Fax (763)263-8020 vbruns@sherbtel.net REPORT ON REGULATORY CHECKLIST QUESTIONNAIRE Board of Directors and Members Monticello Youth Program License #B~04147 Monticello, MN 55362 We have audited the financial statements of the Lawful Gambling Fund of the Monticello Youth Program for the year ended March 31, 2007, and have issued our report thereon dated September 21, 2007. We conducted our audit in accordance with United States generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the Lawful Gambling Fund is the responsibility of the Monticello Youth Program management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we completed the Regulatory Checklist Questionnaire which is attached to this report. However, the objective of our audit of the financial. statements was not to provide an opinion on overall compliance with such provisions. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. This report is intended for the information of the Board of Directors; members and management of the Monticello Youth Program and Minnesota Revenue, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. .y `7,t r Johnson, Bruns & Company, Chartered Big Lake, Minnesota September 21, 2007 11 * Enrolled to Practice Before the IRS * Accredited Tax Preparer * Accredited Tax Advisor * Accredited Business Accountant LAWFUL GAMBLING FUND OF MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAM LICENSE #B-04147 REGULATORY CHECKLIST QUESTIONNAIRE MARCH 31, 2007 Yes No N/A 1. The organization conducted gambling only at sites for which it had obtained a premises permit or a one-day off-site permit. X 2. The organization had a licensed gambling manager at all times gambling was conducted. X 3. A lessor, a member of a lessor's immediate family, or an employee of a lessor was not a gambling manager of the organization. X 4. The organization's gambling manager was bonded for an amount of at least $10,000. X 5. Checks for the expenditure of gross profits from gambling were signed by at least two active members of the organization who have been authorized to sign checks. X 6. The organization did not pre-sign gambling account checks. X 7. The organization did not use signature stamps to sign gambling account checks. X 8. If the organization has terminated all gambling activity, a termination plan has been filed with the Gambling Control Board. X 9. The organization has paid all rent for the lease of premises in accordance with its lease agreement (s) . X 12 JaHNS4N, SRUNS & COMPANY CHARTERED Certified Public Accountants Virginia A. Bruns, CPA* Marlys E. Johnson, retired CPA 111 Lake Street N. P. O. Box 219 Big Lake, MN 55309 (763)263-3300 Fax (763) 263-8020 REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL vbruns @ sherbtel.net Board of Directors and Members Monticello Youth Program License #B-04147 Monticello, MN SS362 In planning and performing our audzt of the financial statements of the Lawful Gambling Fund of the Monticello Youth Program for the year ended March 31, 2007, we considered it's internal control in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control. However, we noted certain matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters corning to our attention relating to deficiencies in design or operation of internal control that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the Organizations ability to initiate, record, process and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. Cash Shortages As was reported last year the cash shortages from gambling activities still remain relatively high. While we are still under the .3% of gross receipts we recommend more care be taken with the cash of the organization. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Directors, members, and management of the Monticello Youth Program and Minnesota Revenue and is not intended to be and should. not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. _~ ... ,~ v~ Johnson, Bruns & Company, Chartered Big Lake, Minnesota September 21, 2007 13 * Enrolled to Practice Before the IRS * Accredited Tax Prepazer * Accredited Tax Advisor * Accredited Business Accountant Council Agenda: 4/28/08 SC. Consideration of approval annual liquor licenses renewals. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past the City Council has approved the liquor license renewals in one motion contingent upon the completion of the application, approval by the state and submission of proper insurance coverage. The fallowing licenses are submitted for your approval. Intoxicating Liquor, On-Sale (fee $3,750) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Blue 360 (formerly Silver Fox) 3. River City Extreme 4. The Station Bar & Grill (formerly Jalapeno's) 5. Hawks. Sports Bar & Grill 6. Monticello Country Club 7. Cornerstone Cafe & Catering $. Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar 9. Crostini's Grille 10. Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant 11. Rancho Grande 12. Chatters Restaurant & Bar Intoxicatin Li uor - On-Sale Sunda fee $200 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Blue 360 (formerly Silver Fox) 3. River City Extreme 4. The Station Bar & Grill (Formerly Jalapeno's) 5. Hawks Sports Bar & Grill 6. Monticello Country Club 7. Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar 8. Crostini's Grille 9. Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant l 0. Rancho Grande 11. VFW Club 12. American Legion Club 13. Chatters Restaurant & Bar Non-Intoxicating 3.2% Beer, On-Sale (fee $275) 1. MCC -~ Concessions at Ballfields 2. China Buffet 3. Pizza Factory Council Agenda: 4/28/08 Non-Intoxicating 3.2% Beer, Off-Sale (fee X100) 1. Monticello Liquor Inc. 2. Cub Foods 3. Target Store T-2180 4. Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 5. Super America #4479 Club License (fee-set by statute based on membershiu) 1. VFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 Wine/Strong Beer_Combination License 01,200). 1. DeAngelo's Pizza and Pasta B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Move to approve the license renewals effective 7/1/08 contingent upon applicants providing the appropriate certificate of insurance and payment of license fee. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 4/28/08 SD. Consideration of a rovin a ointment of Beth Osiek to fill vacant on Librar Board. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the resignation of Tam Parker there is a vacancy an the Library Board. The Library Board has been recruiting for applicants and has selected an individual they feel will work well. The Library Board is asking the Council to approve the appointment of Beth Osiek, 8415 Gatewater Drive to fill the term of Tom Parker who has resigned. S. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Approve the appointment of Beth Osiek to fill vacancy created by the resignation of Tarn Parker whose term expired December 31, 2008. 2. Do not approve the appointment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff feels it is important for all of the City's commissions to have the full complement of members and therefore recommends the appointment of Beth Osiek to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Tom Parker. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Agenda: 4/28/08 5E. Consideration of a rovin a tem ora li uor license for the Church of St. Henr . (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND; The Church of St. Henry has requested a temporary liquor license for a social event at which wine is being served that will beheld at the parish on May 15, 2008. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Approve the temporary liquor license for the Church of St. Henry for May 15, 2008. 2. Do not approve the temporary liquor license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the one day license for the Church of St. Henry for May 15, 2008. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Application ~~t>~..., ~~ Minnesota Department of ~'ublic Safety o~ ~~';~~~°"''N' °s ; Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement I.7iYi.sion ~ ~! - ~~_^ 444 Cedar St-Staite 133 , ~ St. Raul, MN 5S1a1.-S 1.33 `~.,. _ • ~ ~N~IftLM~U~ (651 }296-6439 TDD (651)282-6SSS APPLICATIpN AND PERMI'T' TOR .~. TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR. LICENSE rYI71; Ort PrtrNT rNFORMATION NAME OF ORGANI7ATION BATE ORGANi71~D 'r'~ ° EXEMPT NUMT3lwR hur h - ~ -- STREET ADDRL55 CITY STATE 7.1P CODE NAME OF r'ERSUN MAKING AT?PT 1,C,ATTON BUSINESS PHONE IiOM6 PHONE ( ) HATES LIQUOR WILL BE S D TXPir OF ORGANIZATION /Vlpt~ 5 Z(>0$ ©CLUSOCkIA~7'ABL LIGIOUSDOTTiERNpNPROFTT" ORGANT7.ATTON QFFrCFR'S NAME ADDRESS ~IN~t 1 CGf~ti~ E ORGANIZATION OF'FICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORCiAN'IZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location whore license will be eked. If an outdoor area. describe _ .rJ L~C:i ILL ~f AGL ~-c~~r~h ~ ~ ~ .a --1-A$1-€ri? ~~~,e2~ . wi11, the a~p).i.can.t Conlra~t far intoxicating liquor scrvioec? if so. give the t1R~C and address of die f ignor 1)aa.scx I]ro~iding d'ic service. Wi11 the appl.i.cant caery liquor lia[)iT.ity insurance? If sa, tho carrier's name and am.av>xt of coverage, (NOTE: Insurance is Hat mandgtory.) ArPROvAL APF7~ICA'!'rO1V .MUST BF Al'1'ROV>dl) BX CCiY OR (7DUIVT'Y BL[+QR1E 5fJRNat1"IIt~'G'PQ ALCOHOL & GANfB[J1VG )rNi"OItCCM.T;NT CrTY/CQUNTY DATE APPItOvEb CITY FEE nM.OUNT LICENSE DATES DATE PEE PAID S'IGNAT(J,RF, GTTY Cc.FRK OR GOU'NfY QFFlCfiAt- APPRb~Y,'A Alco>>ol. Fc Gambling I;ttfortemem. T)irector Note: >ao not separate tl+ave Mo paRS. sdad both partx to We addt~ above ecd the ori~iml pinned by tbls divfsivn will be returned an the licete~e• 5eYtrmh to the ctCr or Count. at least 30 dnya Irctorc the rent p5.09079(6/98) SF. Consideration of adding a grade to the Community Center part time pay scale. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The program classes or activities at the Community Center have really taken off over the past year. In the past, we typically contracted instructors to lead the class or activity that was developed by our Program Coordinator. We're in a position now that some of our part time employees, who have talents or skills in a particular area, are interested in adding hours to their work schedules to be a program leader. So far, in all cases, it hasn't meant that we've needed to hire to replace an employee or that their hours put them at 40 hours per week. As our programs continue to thrive, this may change, however we have a good system for employee hiring and training. We need to establish a pay grade within the part time pay scale to provide for the Program Instructor. We've researched what other facilities are paying and what their work requirements will be and feel that we're setting our rate at a good level. The process for moving from one step within the grade to another is achieved by successful evaluation and meeting a specific number of hours worked as a Program Instructor. Our time clock allows our employees to select the "department" that they are working in. They can identify if they are working as a Program Instructor and receive the appropriate pay as opposed to a different department, like Guest Services, which would be a different level of pay. We will also have a Program Assistant and a Program Helper, which will fall within a grade already established on our grade system. A community center program most likely will not utilize all three at the same class. The number of community center staff assigned to a program will depend on the activity, the age of the group, and the size of the program. Again, our research identified that we will be paying this person where the market is. Badget Impact: We develop our classes and activities to cover the cost of the instructor, assistants and helpers if needed, supplies and a profit margin. We find that contract employees tend to be more expensive, we see this as a more cast effective option and promotes employee morale as people are able to add to their jobs in areas that are of interest to them or they have a particular talent. Staff Workload: This will not create additional workload. We will only use the staff who has a skill or talent in an area we need. This does help to generate more ideas for classes and activities as employees who have those talents we are unaware of bring new ideas to our Program Coordinator. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: To approve the additional of the new grade for Program Instructor and the additional of a Program Assistant and Program Helper within another grade already established. To not approve the addition of a new grade for Program Instructor or the addition of a Program Assistant and Program Helper within an established grade. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Personnel Committee had an opportunity to briefly review this request and felt that it could be forwarded on to the City Council. The Community Center staff and. myself feel that it is an good step for the community center program department and would like to see this adopted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copies of the job descriptions for Program Instructor, Program Assistant and Program Helper. A copy of the current part time pay scale A copy of the proposes part time pay scale with the requested changes. PROGRAM SUPERVISOR -Part Time City of Monticello ~tle of Class: Program Supervisor -Part Time, Community Center ffective Date: April 1, 200$ Revised: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Performs routine supervisory and routine to skilled program support for the community center; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical direction of the Pragram and Operations Coordinator and the general supervision of the Community Center Director. Su envision Exercised: Provides technical direction to the Program Assistant or Helper assigned to the specific program. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. *Acts as primary Instructor for the specific class, directing the Assistants and Helpers as needed. *Prepares curriculum far the programs as directed by the Program and Operations Coordinator. Provides program ideas to the Program and Operations Coordinator far future implementation. Coordinates program's requirements for purchase authorization; supplies, snacks, Assistants or Aids, etc. evelops flyers or other promotional material for the program and assists with its distribution. *Provides communication For Pragram Assistants or Helpers and Guest Service Associates on program information and registration requirements. Assists with data entry for programs as needed or required. *Ensures the safety of and participation level of all registered participants of a specific program. Distributes surveys to the participants or their parents. Provides excellent customer service, clear communication and question and concern resolutions. *Responsible for all paperwork for specific class, including rosters, attendance sheets, waivers, etc. *Complies with all MCC policies and ensures participants compliance. Performs other duties as needed or required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: *Considerable ability to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all program participants and their parents/guardians. *Considerable ability to deal courteously with the public and provide excellent customer service. *Considerable ability to communicate effectively with the public, other staff anal managers. *Considerable ability to work a flexible schedule to include evenings and weekends. *Considerable ability to develop and implement programs with direction From supervisor. *Working ability to provide first aid or emotional support for an injured or unhappy participant. *Working ability to deal with difficult patrons. ~INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: ust maintain and possess a valid Class D driver's license. Some program instn~ction experience preferred. Must be able to pass a required background check with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. Program Assistant ~ Part Time City of Monticello Title of Class: Program Assistant -Part Time-Community Center Effective Date: April 1, 2008 Revised: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Performs routine to skilled program support for the comrr-unity center; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical direction of the Program Instructor and general supervision of the Program and Operation Coordinator Su ervision Exercised: Provides technical direction to the Program Helper for that specific program TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. *Assists in the instruction of classes, activities ar events provided by the community center. May provide input and ideas towards current programs ar future programs. May help with the development of 1]yers for promotion of programs and assist with its distribution. *Provides communication specific to that program for participants and their parents and community center staff. Assists with data entry far programs as needed or directed. *Ensures the safety of and participation level of all registered participants of a specific program. Distributes and accepts surveys to and from the participants or their parents. Provides excellent customer service to program participants and community center users. Ensures all paperwork is completed for programs to include rosters, attendance sheets, waivers, etc. *Complies with all MCC policies and ensures participants compliance. Performs other duties as needed or required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: *Considerable ability to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all program participant and their parents/guardians. *Considerable ability to deal courteously with the public and provide excellent customer service. *Considerable ability to communicate effectively with the public, other staff and managers. *Considerable ability to work a flexible schedule to include evenings and weekends. Ability to provide creative input for programs or promotion of programs. *Working ability to provide first aid or emotional support for an injured or unhappy participant. Working ability to deal with difficult patrons. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Must maintain. and possess a valid Class D driver's license. Must be able to pass a required background check with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. Program Helper -Part time City of Monticello Title of Class: Program Helper -Part Time-Community Center Effective Date: April 1, 2008 Revised: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Provides program support for the community center; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical direction of the Program supervisor and may receive some direction from the Program Assistant and the general supervision of the Program and Operations Coordinator. TYPCIAL DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. *Provide assistance as needed and directed for programs offered at the community center. Provides program ideas and promotional suggestions for current or future programs. May assist with data entry for programs as needed or directed. *Ensures the safety of all program participants. Also ensures the participation of all program participants. Distributes surveys to the participants or their parents. *Provides excellent customer service to program participants and all community center users. May assist with distribution of promotional information For community center pragrams. Helps with the completion of all program paperwork to include rosters, attendance sheets, waivers, etc. *Complies with all MCC policies and ensures participants compliance. Performs other duties as needed or required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: *Considerable ability to follow directions given and comply with request in an efficient and timely manner. *Considerable ability to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all programs and its participants. *Considerable ability to communicate effectively with the public, other staff and managers. *Considerable ability to work a flexible schedule to include evenings and weekends. * Working ability to provide first aid or emotional support for an injured or unhappy participant. *Working ability to deal with difficult patrons. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Must maintain and possess a valid Class D driver's license. Must be able to pass a required background check with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. r~ C ~~ ~~ ~rTT ~~-~/ ~~~ ~~~ grade fro ~s-~C Pa Grade Ste A Ste B Ste C Ste D Ste E Position 3 6.18 6.49 6.82 7.17 7.39 Unused 4 6.44 6.77 7.11 7.47 7.fi9 Slide Attendant 5 6.70 7.03 7.40 7.77 8.00 Childcare Attendant fi 7.05 7.40 7.77 8.16 8.40 Climb WaIL GS2,'; P:ro- Hel er ` 7 7.47 7.84 8.23 8.fi4 8.90 Ice Rink Attendant 9 8.76 9.20 9.66 10.15 10.45 '~~1',LG, Le~'d CW Rro Assist:: 10 9.27 9.73 10.22 10.73 11.05 Not Used 11 9.79 10.28 10.79 11.34 11.68 PT Custodian, Lead GS .. .00 ;,:o ..,, 10 50 11.03 11.58 ., .. ... 11.93 Pro -ram Instructor ,.,,~ ~ .v...,,., 13 10.30 10.82 11.36 11.93 12.29 Lead Life Guard 14 12.36 12.98 13.63 14.31 14.74 WS 15 12.51 13.14 13.80 14.49 14.92 Not used 20 20.00 21.00 22.05 Certified Fitness Instructor 5G1. Consideration of authorizin the ostin for an Economic Develo meet Director. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City's current Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak, after many years of dedicated service will be retiring from the City of Monticello May 1, 2008. After review of the economic development staffing needs of the City and the capacity of remaining staff to address these needs, the Personnel Committee has recommended bringing the request to advertise the position of Economic Development Director to the City Council for approval. The City Council has in play many projects that are critical to the future economic development of the City of Monticello. These projects need to be fostered and administered by someone with the knowledge of the specific mechanisms and programs that are available and applicable for successful economic development. The networking, related to promoting and marketing Monticello, is another important function that is cultivated and sustained by this department. The priorities outlined for the position of Economic Development are: 1. Support for the big picture of economic development; including commercial, off ce and industrial 2. Develop anal implement a strategic plan for the Bioscience technology park. 3. Marketing Otter Creek Business Park and programs available 4. Capitalize on fiber technology in development efforts as well as in marketing 5. Grant applications 6. Be the primary contact person for business prospects and for feedback from local industries and. businesses. 7. Maintain and develop connections to a variety of funding sources 8. Higher Education committee; facilitating the development of an employee base with the skills that match the needs of area businesses. 9. Economic .Development Authority support to include a. Commercial and Industrial TIF, etc to include project funding scenarios, funding process design, implementation and monitoring. b. Redevelopment which includes assemble sites and being the key player in plan implementation. c. Housing which includes the Transformation Loan Program and Housing sub- committee "Gap Funding" This position, when filled, will work under the direction of the Community Development Coordinator and work hand in hand with community development and the building and zoning department. Budget Impact: The City identified $66,525 in the 2008 budget for this position. The salary range for this position is $8,325 at step one to $$52,822 at step eight. Staff Impact: The work of the Economic Development Director cannot be easily, if even at all, be distributed to other departments. To not replace this position would put Monticello in a deficit position in regards to promoting and committing business and industrial growth and. development in the City of Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: To authorize the request to advertise for the position of Economic Development Director. 2. To not authorize the request to advertise for the position of Economic Development Director. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff and the Personnel Committee recommend that this position be filled as soon as possible as it is essential to successful economic development. It is recommended by staff that due to work demand the committee support provided by this position be suspended until this position is filled. if the position is filled as soon as possible, it is projected. that we will have someone on board by July 15`h D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the current job description for the Economic Development Director. Economic Development Director City of Monticello Title of Class: Economic Development Director Effective Date: November 15, 1991 Revised Date: April 14, 2008 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work, planning, prornotmg, developing and implementing economic development and redevelopment goals for the City; performs related duties as required. Su envision Received: Works under the general supervision of the City Administrator. Su envision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. *Provides administrative and professional support as the Executive Director for the EDA, managing business affairs and acting as a liaison for the City. Oversees the Authority's financial and fund reports and ensures compliance with. the MN Business Subsidy Act and State Auditor's requirements. *Plans, develops, presents for approval and implements long range goals and strategies that support the City Council and EDA goals as reflected in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan anal Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Plan. *Oversees, develops and administers financial funding strategies, policies and programs that support the City's goals and comply with State law. *Encourages commercial and industrial business retention and expansion with existing businesses and property owners. *Negotiates terms and conditions for TIF Districts, purchase agreements, development contracts, loan agreements, assessment agreements and related documents with assistance from the EDA's attorney. *Assists with the land acquisition process for proposed redevelopment and negotiates purchase agreements on behalf of the EDA; may coordinate eminent domain process on occasion. as appropriate. * Works with the Community Development Coordinator and Chief Building Official to ensure coordination between economic development and redevelopment projects and the City Zoning ordinance and review process. *Provides city staff with reports on development proposals and project updates and assists in identifying site development issues facing industrial development projects. *Works with City Administrator in maintaining regular contact with business and property owners, developers, real estate agents, lending institutions and related organizations to facilitate achievement of goals; develops and delivers presentations at conferences, meetings and semanars. Economic Development Director City of Monticello *Provides administrative support or participates on various committees as assigned, including the Industrial Development Committee, Design Advisory team, Marketing Committee, Fiber Optic Task Force, Chamber of Commerce and Wright County Economic Development. *Identifies new industrial prospects and serves as primary City liaison at prospect stage. *Assists in maintaining open. and positive communication between private project owners/managers and city staff from prospect stage through project completion. *Participates in the citywide rnarketing/branding effort including updating City promotional brochures and videos and maintaining an updated community profile to coordinate economic development marketing and promotional activities and accomplish goals. Maintains updated information pertaining to economic development on City website. *Plans and oversees marketing far City-owned business center. *Prepares and presents information to prospective businesses relating to development opportunities and financial incentives. *Prepares annual business report For the EDA, completes required forms and publishes notices. *Maintains all business records for the Economic Development Department anal EDA. *Facilitates review and assessment of current financial incentive tools; explores financial incentives used by other communities far application in Monticello. *Assists in developing and preparing individualized project financing proposals in cooperation with City consultants to meet prospects' financing requirements. *lnforms industrial prospects of Monticello site development standards and explains the value to the prospect and City in maintaining high quality industrial areas. *Assists the Community Development Coordinator as needed in providing guidance to business developers from implementation through project completion. Schedules and attends industrial business location visits with the promotional subcommittee and City staff; coordinates and facilitates tours of the City, meetings and luncheons. *Provides finance consultants with information necessary to develop a financial plan including "Source/Use" statement. *Markets the availability of the GMEF and other financial incentives for expansion projects. *Assists developers with preliminary and formal GMEF applications, analyzes formal application and financial information and prepares written recommendation for EDA and Council approval. Recommends TIF assistance level available or refers related questions to city consultants. *Assists developer with Tlp' application process, assures compliance with statutory requirements and coordinates the TIF process with the County, EDA and Council. *Reviews issues related to compliance with TIF City Guidelines and GMEI~ Policies/Guidelines; recommends updates as needed. *Monitors UDAG and GMEF balances; recommends authorization of additional funds to the EDA. Prepares EDA agendas for review by the City Administrator and oversees preparation of minutes. *Facilitates annual EDA planning processes in coordination. with the Comprehensive Plan and prepares requests for amendments; suggests improvements and drafts written plans. *Assists in preparing and updating economic development and redevelopment portions of the City's comprehensive plan and provides input on other aspects of the plan. *Prepares the annual. Economic Development Work Plan and develops and monitors the annual budget. Monitors legislative initiatives related to economic development and redevelopment, which may impact the EDA and City; may provide testimony at the State Legislature. *Prepares city newsletter articles relating to economic development. Economic Development Director City of Monticello *Schedules City Administrator and IDC teams far Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) visits; conducts and assesses BRE surveys and responds to questions and concerns. *Researches, collects data, and prepares reports as needed ar as directed by the EDA ar City Administrator. *Frovides information and policy recommendations to City Administrator for incorporation into reports to the City Council. *Frovides regular feedback to the Engineering Department to ensure up-to-date information is available on existing commercial and industrial properties, owners and utilities/services. May assist in preparation of grant applications. Performs other duties as needed or assigned by the City Administrator. KNOWLEDGE, SHILLS AND ABILITIES *Considerable knowledge of government processes and services, economic research and marketing related to economic development and redevelopment. *Considerable knowledge of industrial property development. *Considerable knowledge of city planning, project development, financing, land acquisition and related areas. *Working knowledge of laws, rules and regulations related to development and related financing and ability to communicate such to industrial project developers. *Considerable skill to operate office equipment including personal computer with Internet, word processing, spreadsheet, Power Point and database management applications. *Considerable ability to create innovative marketing proposals for developers and. promote the City as a desirable destination for development or relocation of business and industry. *Considerable ability to plan and coordinate prospect visits and provide prospects with information necessary for considering Monticello as a site for their companies. *Considerable ability to assist community development and engineering staff and developers in resolving site development problems in a positive manner. *Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and maintain effective working relationships with state and federal agencies, property and businesses owners, elected and appointed officials, committee members, potential developers and the general public. *Considerable ability to develop alternatives and determine costs, advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives. *Considerable ability to analyze financial statements including balance sheets, profit and loss sheets and cash flow statements. *Considerable ability to use goad judgment in addressing potential conflicts between industrial anal commercial interests and City policies, standards and plans. *Considerable ability to perform mathematical calculations, analyze data and prepare reports. Working ability to read and interpret building plans, site plans and city service maps. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree with major course work in economic development, local and urban affairs, planning or a related field and three years of experience in economic or community development. Must obtain certification from the National Development Council within one year of hire. Must possess and maintain a valid MN Class D Driver's license. *Asterisked items are essential to the job SG2. Consideration of authorizin the ostin far a Human Resource Mana er. (KB/JD) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Asa art of the Pay Equity review, it was identified that the City shouen errDigecto~ hasbeen ate meting ~e P Human Resource 1Vlanager. Currently Kitty Baltos the Community assist the City with its personnel needs as her schedule allows. ~`Veeforethe oeerall needs of the Cby n greatly appreciated and utilized, this is not a scenario that is effec Ln a world where the laws are very specific for employers to follow for e n ploy eeeranp oym nt areas There is difficult if not impossible, to have each department head be well versed rY also a need to centralize many of our processes for example, hiring, o to teelor~ re-employment testing, management, employee issues, worker s compensation programs, emp y p salary schedule review, evaluations, etc. The job requireeachtdeoartment head allowing h m toeperform tthe responsible and will ultimately take a lot of pressure off p work of their department more efficiently. The posting of this position has been discussed a number of time fished b de ript an prepared by our consensus of the committee is to post the position with the establ consultant, Sherrie Le. Bud et Impact: The salary range for this position is $~8,3zT1eas fo P he Human2Resourceep 8 g The 2008 budget identified $58,000 m sala Manager position. Staff Impact: Currently, each department head is attempnt de artment managementnel manager which is not conducive to effi p Additionally, some of the personnel tasks have been assigned to different employees who have added these tasks over and above their current duties not always ensuring they receive the priority attention needed. The ability to streamline all personnel processes to one person will greatly affect each department's ability to efficiently operate eitnh ntHR a ~~ ~o~s~st nt withaC ty employee practices conform to legal requ policies and practices. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: l . To authorize the job posting for a Human. Resourc uM Mari ger ~ r hle City of Monticello. 2. To not authorize the job posting for a Human Reso C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It has been identified in a number of venues that each department he nze thethosti g for thR new pos t on ger is very important. The Personnel Committee consensus was to autho p D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the job description for the Human Resource Manager Excerpts from the Pay Equity Report regarding the Human Resource Manager position. Human Resource Manager City of Monticello Title of Class: Human Resource Manager Effective Date: March 17, 2008 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled administrative and professional human resource and labor relations work; promotes and maintains positive employee relations; performs other duties as required. Su ervision Received: Works under the general and/or administrative supervision of the City Administrator. Su ervision Exercised: Provides work direction to support staff on human resource tasks. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by this position. *Manages the recruitment and selection process for City positions in conjunction with department heads including: advertising, screening, interviewing, testing, applicant correspondence and background checks. *Develops and revises job descriptions, establishes minimum qualifications, evaluates classification and compensation issues and oversees or performs job evaluation work. *Provides organizational development and. succession planning advice and recommendations, assists with change management and acts as a mediator for internal conflicts between employees or between employees and supervisors. *Serves as internal contact for questions concerning employment issues. Provides advice and coaching to employees and management on a variety of issues and approves personnel actions regarding promotion, performance management, discipline, grievances, etc. *Conducts research, identifies concerns and develops proposals and responses far union negotiations; assists the City Administrator and Personnel Committee in negotiating the labor agreements and interprets and administers the contracts. *Reviews and analyzes state and federal laws, rules and regulations related to employment and labor relations to determine actions necessary for compliance and to reduce liability. *Oversees the development, updating and enforcement of personnel policies; ensures any changes are disseminated to all affected employees and provides training on policies as needed. *Oversees employee leaves of absences, including FMLA, Parenting Leave, Military Leave, etc.; advises employees on eligibility for continued benefits during the leaves and administers COBRA. Human Resaurce Manager City of Monticello *Oversees the Worker's Compensation program, including investigating and processing claims, and reviewing claims for trends; identifies actions to reduce the number and severity of injuries. *Oversees and manages the grievance and discipline process and advises management staff on these and other performance management issues and concerns. *Serves as the staff liaison to the Personnel Committee, ADA Coordinator for Employment, Data Compliance Officer for Personnel and Labor Relations Data and HIPAA Privacy Officer for employee health plans. *Administers the City's drug and alcohol testing programs; works with outside providers for random selection. generation, independent collection and testing, referrals to substance abuse professionals and compliance with relevant laws and rules. Obtains market information periodically; analyzes various salary surveys and may recommend adjustments to the salary schedule. *Assists the Finance department in developing salary and benefit projections far the upcoming year as part of the budget process; reviews department requests for additional employees to determine appropriate classification. *Determines and recommends employee relations practices necessary to establish a positive employer-employee relationship and promote a high level of employee morale. *Administers the City's employee benefit program including employee insurance, time off, holidays, etc.; works with outside insurance agents and plan administrators to ensure contractual requirements are met and employee concerns are resolved. *1Vlanages the insurance renewal process and open enrollment meetings and conducts new employee orientation; oversees benefit enrollment and changes. *Determines FLSA status for all positions and assists in ensuring compliance with federal and state laws. *Establishes and maintains all permanent personnel files; approves all items entered and removed from the files. *Prepares and administers the Human Resource budget; purchases equipment, furniture or specialized items as needed and budgeted. Coordinates the City employee safety program and assists in ensuring compliance with relevant laws, rules and regulations. Develops and oversees organization-wide performance evaluation system; reviews completed evaluation to identify concerns and provides input to the department heads and City Manager. *Participates in strategic planning and the establishment and implementation of City goals. Coordinates and facilitates citywide training and education; coordinates and directs employee wellness programs. *Attends Pre-Agenda and City Council meetings, as requested. Performs other duties as needed or assigned. Human Resource Manager City of Monticello KNOWLEDGE, SHILLS, AND ABILITIES *Considerable knowledge of principles and practices of public sector human resource management. *Considerable knowledge of labor negotiations, PELRA, union contract administration, grievance management and labor-management relations. *Considerable knowledge of state and federal laws, rules and regulations related to public sector employment and labor relations, including standard practices in the field to ensure compliance. *Considerable knowledge of the structure, function and operation of municipal government and of sound management principles and practices. Working knowledge of organizational. development and succession planning. *Considerable skill in using a personal computer with standard word processing, spreadsheet and database software and Internet access. *Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, including explaining complex information clearly and concisely and delivering presentations and training. *Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with City staff at all levels, union representatives, outside contractors, elected officials and the public. *Considerable ability to analyze complex information, utilize resources, develop alternatives and recommendations and prepare reports. *Considerable ability to use creativity and sound judgment to resolve problems and respond to challenges. *Considerable ability to manage and. direct the human resource function, including the need to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritize the work. *Considerable ability to maintain confidentiality and to classify and release data in accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act. *Considerable ability to listen to all parties, determine credibility, weigh facts and analyze information to prepare sound recommendations and mediate disputes. *Considerable ability to see, read., understand and discuss written documents and online infarmation. *Working ability to sit for lang periods of time and manipulate objects using fine motor skills for extended periods. Working ability to bend, stoop, push, pull and reach periodically and occasionally lift and carry objects weighing up to 20 pounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's Degree with major course work in business, human resources, management or a related field and three years of professional human resource experience. Must possess and maintain a valid Minnesota Driver's license. Prefer public sector experience. Note: Asterisked items are essential to the job. New or restructured ositious iaaclude: City Administrator -- {Restructured, removing some direct reports and delegating more to the Community Development Coordinator and new Human Re~aurce Manager position) This position had far too many direct reports and was performing too much community development work, leaving little time to meet with the department heads on an individual, or collective basis - for anything other than cornxnunity development purposes, We propose moving the Liquor Store and Deputy Registrar functions tv the finance Director. We also prapase moving the Chief Building Official under the Community Development Coordinator over the next several months. Human Resources work will be handled by a new position. When the existing Economic Development Director retires, the City Council will consider changes to this function; including the possibility of merging some of the responsibilities into the Community Development Depaxment. This will result in three less direct reports for the City Administrator. Human Resource Manager -(New position) This position is budgeted for 20Q8. After considerable deliberations, the Personnel Committee decided that they would like to see if the position can be effective as a sepaxate position at a lower level than originally proposed. The position, assuming full Council approval, would be posted, applications accepted and interviews held. If a good candidate is found, the position will be filled. As a back-up plan, the position of Community Center Director may be merged with Human Resource Director as described below. Human Resource and Community Center Director -~ (Restructured, merged Community Center Director with proposed Human Resource Manager position.) Due to budget constraints and interest in this area by the incumbent, we discussed merging two department head positions into one. There will, of course, be a domino effect in that some of the work previously done by the Cornmuruty Center Director will be delegated and an office specialist will be hired to assist with the human resource and community center support work. Training and mentoring on the human resource area will be provided to make this transition as smooth as possible. Assistant Community Center Director - (Restructured position, formerly MCC Program and Dperations Coordinator) If the proposed position of Hu:naan Resource Manager were merged with the Community Center Director position, the Program and Qperations Coordinator would be given more supervisory and operational responsibility and authority. l" finance Director - (Restructured position, added supervision of Liquor Store and Deputy Registrar staff and operations.) Bath of the newly added areas have managers so this will not be quite the same amount of work as with Finance. There will also be some employee benefit- related responsibilities that will be part of the Human Resource function. It should be noted that the increase in supervision might be ton many direct reports for this position, especially because this change adds two new operational areas to the workload. T 's should be closet monitored and if necessary, some supervisiara should be delegated to the Senior Accountant, making that an Accounting Supervisor position, Senior Accountant -The position will no longer da payroll. There may also be some employee contact that will now be handled by Human Resources. SH. Consideration of approval of increase of the Community Center's change fund for Ball Field concession o eration. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Spring is here! The softball and baseball leagues have started at the City ball fields, which means the opening of the concession stand at the fields. We require start up cash for point of sale operation in the amount of $150 and an additional $400 in our safe for making change for a total increase to the Community Center's change fund of $550. Budget Impact: The increase is necessary at the start of the season to run the concession stand and at the end of the season the change fund is reduced by the same amount. Staff Impact: The finance department will issue a check for the addition to the change fund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the increase to the Community Center's change fund in the amount of $550 for operation of the ball field concession stand. 2. To not approve the increase to the Community Center's change fund. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Director and Managers recommend the approval of the increase for efficient operation of the ball field concession stand for the season. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Agenda - 04/28/2008 5I. Consideration of new three- ear contract with Veolia for refuse/ icku and recycling. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The City's refuse pickup and hauling contract and the recycling contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. will expire the last day of May of 2008. The original contracts were for a period of three years beginning June 1, 2004, and no increases occurred during that three-yeaz period of time. The original contracts included a clause for two one-year extensions based upon mutual agreement of a CPI increase. The increase for 2007 was 2.b%. At the current rate the cost for garbage pickup and hauling is $14,582.50 per month, or $174,990 per year, excluding solid waste management tax. For recycling services the current contract price is $8,1b9.2$ per month or $98,031.36 per year. Recycling services are not taxed. In discussions with Veolia, they first proposed aone-year extension as allowed by contract based upon a CPI increase between 3% - 4%. After further discussions, Veolia proposed a CPI increase of 4.5% occurring in steps over athree-year period of time with the new contract. After some discussion, Veolia reconsidered the increases and is proposing 1.25% the first year, 1 % the second year and 1% the third year, for a total of 3.25% over the three-year period. These very modest increases would result in a $2,187.38 increase for garbage collection and hauling for the first year and $1,225.39 for the first year fox recycling. The actual dollar increases for the second and third yeaz aze actually smaller. For a business that uses significant amounts of diesel fuel, these are very modest increases considering the price of diesel fuel today and projected increases for the future. I've enclosed a copy of the proposal from Rob Holzer, General Manager of Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota. a. Budget Impact: The increases as outlined in the background information above represent a very modest increase in our budget and are certainly within reason. b. Staff Workload Impact: There are no staff workload impacts from this contract. B. ALTERNATIVES: A. The first alternative is to accept the offer from Veolia for athree-yeaz contract with increases of 1.25% the first year, 1 % the second year and 1 % the third year as outlined above. This agreement would take effect the last day of May 2008. B. The second alternative would be not to accept the offer from Veolia and attempt to negotiate the contract fizrther. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a staff recommendation that the City Council consider a new three-year contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc. as outlined in Alternative A. This alternative offers the City a Council Meeting - 04/28/Z008 contract with very modest increases. In the light of the cost of diesel fuel doubling over the last couple of years and Veolia giving their employees a modest increase, it represents a very attractive offer to the City and it demonstrates Veolia's interest in staying with the City and offering to keep our costs low as we work through the next few lean years. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of April 14, 2008 contract offer from Rob Holzer of Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc.; Copy of the 2004-2007 Contract; Copy of the contract extension for 2007-2008. ~~~~f~ E(VViRt71UMENTAt_ SERVICES April 14, 2008 Mr. John Simola Public Works Director, City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Mayor and City Council Members SUPPORTING DATA Thank you for the opportunity to extend our commitment to the City of Monticello. It would be our pleasure to renew Curb-Side Garbage/Refuse and Recycling Services under present terms and conditions with a three year extension. We are asking for 1.25% increase first year, 1.0% increase second year, 1.0% increase third year. We are asking far above increase for some offset of fuel which has doubled in price over the last 14 months, in addition we have also given our employees a modest wage increase. We will also continue storing your carts and deliver as needed per our discuss"ron. We will also continue allowing the use of self contained compactor for your compost collection. Sincerely;. Robert Holzer General Manager Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc. L`e~Eia E5 So"riai iM11~~:e, gnu, 2~~ .:?,:- a': _..- c~ 5.. C „uC E•" ~~ri~sot~ 7n:i ., .- ,.. ,~..<,a~ti _., `~- ~• .... - - ~a CONTRACT Fox ~COpy MONTICELLO GARBAGE/REFUSE PICKUP AND HAULING SERVICES This AGREEMENT made on this 9~h day of December, 2003, is between the CITY ~C, II ELLO a governmental subdivision of the State ofMinnesota, hereinafterreferred to as CITY, and Onyx Waste Services Midwest. Inc., hereinafter referred to as HAULER. WHEREAS, the CITY desires garbage and refuse pickup and hauling for all its residents from covered cans, plastic bags, 3 0/6S/9S-gallon universal roll-around containers, or dumpsters an a contract at a monthly rate for orderly and reliable pickup service and hauling of refuse to a CITY designated disposal facility, etc., thereof, without the responsibility of the CITY maintaining staff and equipment for said purpose; and WHEREAS, the HAULER is organized to and desirous ofcarrying out such CITY wants and desires and has adequate equipment, assistance, and know-how to carry out said project; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED, in consideration of the mutual promises of the CITY and HAULER: 1. PAYMENT That Cl I'Y shall pay HAULER to pick up once per week, beginxung June 1, 2004, all existing uxaits using cans, bags and carts (as ofDecember 1, 2003) (generally single familythrough triplex) including othermiscellaneous CITY support facilities pickups and services at a lump sum cost of $ l 0..580.28 per month (excluding taxes and environmental fees) as specif ed and once or twice per week (as. is cuxrentlybeing performed at each site) far all multiple units on dumpster service (generally all fourplex and greater apartments) at a lump sum cost of $1,665.72 per month (excluding taxes and environmental fees) existing on the first day ofDecember, 2003, and each and every month thereafter for the term ofthis AGREEMENT, unless the AGREEMENT is terminated by either party as set forth in this AGREEMENT, said sum shall be for the number of existing dwellings in the CITY as of December 1, 2003. The monthly payment shall not include current or future surcharge or dumping fees at the CITY approved disposal facilitybut shall include all applicable state and federal taxes or environmental fees on collection and hauling. The state (score) sales tax on collection shall be added to the bill as per state law. The CITY recognizes that these taxes or environmental fees may increase or decrease during the contract. The landfill. or disposal fees shall be paid by the CITY. Prior to each monthly payment to the HAULER, the HAULER shall provide to the CITY documentation of total cubic yards and tonnage hauled during the previous month on a form F'\BETHG\WORDPROC\JOHNIAGREEMTSlGARBAGE-CONTRACT-ONYX-2003,WPD~ 12IOB@003 - p/aGE ~ OF S supplied by the CITY. Documentation shall be based on daily records, including driver identification, truck number, disposal location, ticket number, time ofday, and tonnage/yards dumped (compacted yards shall be estimated by the driver). Effective June 1, 2004, any additional residents (single familythrough tri-plex, and commercial residential mobile homes) picked up by the HAULER upon the request of the CITY will be added to monthly payment at $3.12 per urut/month (excluding taxes and environmental fees). This includes those added between December 1, 2003 and May 31, 2004. Apartment units (commercial residential) generally four-plexes or greater, those serviced by dumpsters, will be added at a rate of $7.22 per yard of dumpster capacity per month for once a week service (excluding taxes and environmental fees). Far twice a week service they will be added at a rate of$14.42 per yard of dumpster capacity per month (excluding taxes and environmental fees). This includes those added between December 1, 2003 and May 31, 2004. All rates will be fixed for the term of this agreement, and any additional residents or commercial residential will be added to the monthly payment at the end of the following month and will be determined by the number of certificates of occupancy issued during the month and the type of service requested. Verification of additional units will begin the month following execution of this contract. This verification will be via electronic mail verification fiom the Office Manager at Onyx with a designated employee within the City of Monticello. Mobile Names, duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, and others with once per week cart service shall also be counted as single family residential units. Apartments, generally four-plex and above, shall be tracked by counting the total number of occupied units in each building. 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall remain in force for a period of three (3) years beginning on the June 1, 2004, and ending on the last day of May, 2007, unless otherwise terminated in accordance with this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT may be renewed twice for a period of one year for each renewal within 90 days prior to its natural termination with a possible CPI increase by the written mutual consent ofboth parties and resolution by the CITY. The first ip ckun shall be June 2, 2004. Immediately upon execution of this contract, HAULER shall furnish CITY with such performance band or approved letter of credit as specified under Paragraph 8 herein. 3. TERMINATIONS This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the HAULER with or without cause upon asix-months' written notice to the CITY. This AGREEMENT maybe terminated by the CITY with or without cause upon a 90 day written notice to the HAULER. F'\BETHG\WORpPRGCl10HNl4GREEMT$\GAR9AGE-CONTRACT-ONYX-2003.WPp: 12/09/2003 -PAGE 2 OF S 4. INSURANCE That HAULER shall carry public liability insurance with a recognized insurance carrier and keep in force at all times during this AGREEMENT the Following minimum of coverage; A. General Liability 1. General Aggregate, $1,000,000 2. PRODS -COMP/OPS Aggregate, $1,000,000 3. Personal and Adv. Injury, $1,000,000 4. Each Occurrence, $1,000,000 5. Fire Damage (any ane ;tire), $50,000 B. Auto Liability 1. Combined Single Limits, $500,000 2. Excess Liability Umbrella, $1,000,000 C. Worker's Compensation Insurance as Required by Law 5. SCOPE F WORK That the HAULER shall not be required to pick up and dispose of any refuse or garbage that is not placed in a covered container or tied plastic bag by the resident and that HAULER shall not be required to use shovels in the loading thereof. In the case of the CITY owned 30/65/95-gallon carts, the HAULER when using a "semi- automated" mixed or all cart system will not be required to regularly take refuse outside of the carts at any given residence with cart service. In the case of HAULER using a "fully automated" truck, the HAULER will not be required to empty carts not placed lid forward and within reach of the loader arm, nor will HAULER be required to pick up material more than occasionally outside the cart without additional charge directly to the customer. Further, the service herein contemplated and provided for shall be furnished only to the residents and identified support facilities within the corporate limits of the CITY. The HAULER shall provide a local or toll free telephone number for residents to call regarding requests for additional service or complaints. The HAULER is only obligated to tip CITY owned carts that are maintained by the CITY. The HAULER shall report any carts in need of repair to the CITY. The HAULER will be charged for damage to the CITY' S cart caused by the operator or faulty lifting equipment. The HAULER shall not tip anon-city owned residential cart. That the HAULER agrees to a once a week pickup of all garbage and refuse atcurb-side for each unit on taurs, carts vrb~s, generally single family through triplex in said CITY and up to twice a week pickup of all existing * CITY shall provide rental carts to residents for semi-automated or fully automated pickup. The carts shall be universal type sized, 30/65/95-gallon. HAULER shall equip their trucks at the HAULER'S cost with the appropriate cart tippers or arm fpr semi pr fully automated service as requested by the CITY. F:~BETHGIWORDPROCUGHNWGREEMTS~GARBAGE~ON7RACT-ONYX-20~b.WPD~ 12I09f2003 -PAGE 3 OF S - dumpster service, generally fourplex and above multiple residences in the CITY (as is currently in practice), including up to five (5) gallons per week of yard waste such as twigs, or garden waste if placed in the cart or dumpster and to dispose ofthe same at a CITY designated landfill or disposal facility. This service extends only to residential property and not tonon-residential commercial or industrial enterprise, except for CITY property listed in Pazagraph 5(D). Each dayprior to pickup ofthe CITY' S residential refuse, all trucks shall be empty. At no time shall a truck ick u non-contract azba a until it has been wei ed and emptied at the landfill or disposal facility. The days of service shall be Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Additional days ofservice shall be agreed to by the City and Hauler prior to implementing such changes. The HAULER can negotiate with any resident with regard to the placement of the garbage other than curbside at the expense of the resident. This includes rolling dumpsters out of buildings or driveway service. Onyx provides this to a few residents now free of extra charge. HAULER shall accept up to the equivalent ofone (l) 95-gallon cart per household per week. It is expected that once in a while (once per month) the average resident may exceed the weekly limits. The HAULER shall not chazge the resident unless the overages are often or bulky items such as a mattress, box spring, chair, couch, etc. Plastic garbage bags may be used for storing garbage in or out of a container. Paper bags are not permissible unless inside a proper container. All dumpsters an commercial residential or CITY support service aze to be weighed each time they are dumped and the weight of contents reported monthly to the CITY. Forms will be provided by the CITY. MiscellaneousCi , Property The HAULERshallinclude,inthebasebid,therequirementto rp ovide, maintain, and empty twice weekly ar once weekly or as needed the garbage dumpsters at the following locations: Minimum 1 '/z Cubic Yard: 1. West Bridge Park - (Year Round) 2. Ellison Park -May 1 through November 1 3. Sewage Disposal Plant - (Year Round), 3 dumpsters, 2 separate locations 4. Municipal Off-Sale Liquor Store (Year Round) (Citymay also include carts in addition to dumpster) Minimum 2 Cubic Yard: 1. City Maintenance Building, CR 39 West (Year Round) Additionally, four 9S-gallon carts F:\9ETMG\WOROPROCVOHN44GREEMT5IGARBAGE-CGNTRACT-ONYX-2003.WPG~ 12IOG1200~ - PAC7E 4 OF B Minimum 3 Cubic Yard: NSP Softball Fields - (May 1 -October 1) The HAULER shall provide one extra gazbage dumpster for West Bridge Park and two extra gazbage dumpsters for Ellison Fark for Riverfest in July of each yeaz, extra containers to be at least five (5) cubic yards. The HAULER shall also provide weekly or twice-weekly (as needed) garbage pickup at the following CITY facilities: 1. Museumi/Tnformatian Center, T.H. 25 2. City Hall, Community Center, Sr. Citizen Center; Walnut Street 3. Library, Walnut and 6`s Streets 4. Fire Hall, 6~' Street West 5. Monticello Help Center, Cedar Street 6. Deputy Registrar Office, 3`~ Street East and also empty a maximum of eight (8) litter containers at various sidewalk locations in the downtown area. These containers. must be emptied once weekly or more. often as needed! The HAULER shall, in addition to the CITY' S regular garbage/refuse, provide pickup of "screenings" (1 cu. yd. dumpster), "grit" (1 cu. yd. dumpster), and general refuse (2 cu. yd. dumpster) twice weekly at the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility. That the following aze legal holidays: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Others by Negotiation If the gazbage/refuse pickup occurs during the week of a holiday, all pickups on or after the holiday will move to the next day for that week only. The HAULER shall start the work day no earlier than 6 a.m. for pickup ofdumpsters, and 7 a.m. for the pickup of carts, cans or bags. The HAULER is asked to maintain a good muffler system on the trucks so as to keep noise to a minimum. The HAULER shall notify the CITY of each occurrence when articles placed out for collection in an approved container are not picked up or are considered as an extra pickup due to their being beyond the scope of this F'~9ETNG~WORDPRpGUGNNV,GREEMT$~GARBAGE-GpNTRAGT-ONYX-2003.WPD: 12IOGI2003 pAGE ~J OF 8 " agreement (e.g. mattresses, furniture, carpet, appliances, ashes, etc.). HAULER shall, to the best oftheir ability, provide address, name of customer, and nature of article not accepted for pickup. HAULER may negotiate independently with customer for collection of any articles that fall beyond the scope of this agreement. Any extra fees so charged shall be reported monthly to the CITY, listing resident, material weight, article, quantity, amount charged, and date. If the items are not typical household garbage, the HAULER must pay the disposal fee or reimburse the CITY if disposed of with the regular load. The HAULER will occasionally except a small amount of demolition materials from a residence if they are in an approved container, within the weekly limit and do not, in the case of a can, exceed the 60 pound limit. If a resident is missed during a normal pickup day and the CITY believes the set out time was proper, the HAULER shall return as soon as ,possible*w to pick up the garbage. 6. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The HAULER shall not pickup grass clippings at curb-side unless they are contaminated with garbage. The HAULER shall report to the CITY each time he or she picks up such a mixture, and the CITY will notify the resident such a practice will not continue. As part of this base contract, the HAULER will pick up bagged leaves atcurb-side only two (2) times per year and transport them to the CI'TY' S compost facility on the west end of town or the Wright County Compost Facility on CR 3 7. The HAULER shall not charge typical MS W taxes or surcharges on the value of this work. The Public Works Department will assist the HAULER with debagging the leaves prior to placement in the trucks. Leaves transported to the Wright County Compost Facility ma.~ require debagging as determined by the City. The HAULER shall report the weight ofeach load taken to the CITY' S leaf compost facility. The date and time of the pickups shall be as mutually agreed to by the HAULER and CITY. The HAULER shall pick up and report mixtures of leaves and garbage as they occur. The CITY shall notify the resident such a practice will not continue. The HAULER, in cooperation with the CITY' S recycling program, shall report to the CITY any dumpsters which routinely contain significant amounts ofrecyclable items such as newspaper, glass containers, plastic bottles, and cans, or other items recycled with the CITY' S program. The location, date, type, and approximate amount of recyclable material shall be noted. At the CITY' S direction, the HAULER shall, at no additional cost, "sticker" (provided by the CITY) garbage containers containing recyclables and when directed by the CITY, leave garbage at curbside until the recyclables have been removed or directed by the CITY to pick up. ** NOTE: As soon as possible meaning the same day if notified before trucks are emptied, or next scheduled pickup d~ in Monticello if trucks have been em tied. FtIBETHGIWGROCROC610HNUGREEMT$1GAR9AGE-0ONTRACT-pNYX4003.WP0: 12!0877003 - PAGE B OF 8 The HAULER shall maintain their trucks and pickup equipmetat so as to be in good operating condition and appearance. The trucks shall be clearly lettered with the HAULER' S name, location of office and phone number. In the event that the HAULER finds reason not to pick up garbage (such as recyclables in garbage, etc.), the HAULER shall leave a note on the cart explaining such reason. However, after HAULER commences fully-automated service, this may not be practical. 7. DUMPSTER RENTAL The HAULER shall provide, when requested by apartment building owner, covered rental dumpsters, including maintenance"`, for residential ro at the following rates: 1 %z cu. yd. $ 4.00/month 2 cu. yd. $_ _C00/month 3 cu. yd. $ 9.00/month 4 cu. yd. $12.00/month 6 cu. yd. $15.00/month 8 cu. yd. $18.00/month The HAULER must, as part of this contract, pick up and transport all residential garbage, including that from multiple unit apartments. Multiple apartment owners can provide their own properly maintained dumpsters or containers approved by the HAULER and the CITY, or may elect to rent containers from the HAULER. $. PERFORMANCE BAND HAULER shall furnish CITY, as a condition to his receiving consideration under this contract as set out in Article 1, a performance band or approved letter of credit; said bond or letter shall remain in force during the term of this AGREEMENT and shall be placed with a bonding company or bank acceptable to CITY. Said bond or letter shall be payable to the CITY OF MONTICELLO and shall be intheamount ofone-half annual value of the contract. *** HAtJL~R maintenance shall include covers, wheels, routine cleaning and paint to the degree as determined reasonable by the CITY. Ft\9ETHG\WORpPROCVOHNWGREEMT$\GAR9AGE-CONTRACT-ONYX-20W.WPD~ 12109@003 -PAGE 7 OF $ " 9. DISPOSAL It is the obli ation ofthe CITY to direct the HAULER for disposal at a CITY approved facility for the refuse, garbage, etc., and pickup matter, and to rya the disposal. cQSt at the facility. The facilitywill be any of the following: 1) Wright County Compost Facility (if operating) 2) Superior Services Inc. Landfill @ Cty Rd 37 & Cty Rd 12 (Wright County) 3) Elk River Landfill, Inc. in Elk River (Sherburne County) 4) City approved transfer station within 1 S miles of Monticello The HAULER shall haul to any of these facilities as directed at no additional charge to the CITY. 10. ASSIGNMENT This AGREEMENT may not be assigned in whole or in part without the written consent of the CITY. 11. GENERAL This AGREEMENT contains the entire AGREEMENT between the HAULER and the CITY and maybe amended only by the mutual consent of CITY and HAULER in writing. 12. WAIVER A waiver of one part of rights of either party is not a waiver of all the rights that may accrue to either party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on this day of 20 ATTEST: CITY OF MONTICELLO Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator By: Bruce Thielen The Honorable Mayor ONYX WASTE SERVICES MIDWEST, INC. By: Its: F'~BETHG1WORpPRGCVOHNl4GREEMT5IGARBAGE-CONTRAGT-0NYX-2003.WPp: 12/OD/2009 'PAGE 8 of B' MONTICELLO _~ ., AGREEMENT _ FOR CURB-SIDE RECYCLING SERVICE ~~~ Q ~ `~~' FOR THE CITY OF MONTI DATA THIS AGREEMENT is made on this 9th day of December , 2003, between. the CITY OF MONTICELLO, hereinafterreferred to asCITY, whose address is 505 Walnut Street, Suite#1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362- 9245, and ONYX WASTE SERVICES MIDWEST, INC., hereinafterreferred to as ONYX, whose address is 2355 12th Street SE, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56304. CITY and ONYX agree: I. GENERAL 1.1 This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws ofthe state of Minnesota. 1.2 This agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of each ofthe parties, but neither partywill assign this agreement without the prior written consent ofthe other parry, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 1.3 All notices shall be in writing and transmitted by certified mail to the respective addresses as noted above. 1.4 This agreement, including appendices, is the entire agreement between the parties. This agreement maybe modified onlyby written agreements signed byboth parties. Wherever used, the terms "ONYX" and "CITY" shall include the respective officers, agents, directors, elected or appointed officials, and employees. 1.5 Tf any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. 1.6 It is understood that the relationship of ONYX to CITY is that of independent contractor. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES ONYX SHALL: Provide curb-side pickup and marketing of seven recyclable materials consisting of a) newspaper; b) aluminum and bi-metal beverage and tin. food cans; c) glass containers; d) plastic containers with a neck; e) corrugated cardboazd; f) glossy page magazines; g) discard mail; and h) vehicle batteries. G F:\BETHGIWCRGPRpC1RECVCLEICUR9510E-RECYCLING-2009-AGREEMENT WPO: 72I09I2003 - ~A(jE ~ - Recycling shall be collected every other week on Monday (north of I-94 and west from the center ofMinnesota Street), Wednesday (apartments and south of 1-94 and east of Oakwood Drive - i.e., EdmonsonAve), and Thursday (north of I-94 and east from the Center of Minnesota Street to Gillard Avenue; south of I-94 and west of Oakwood Drive; this includes Kjellberg's East and West) in the city ofMonticello beginning June 1, 2001. The hours ofpickup shall be no earlier than 7 a.m. and no later than S p.m. If the Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday pickups occur during the week of a holiday, all pickups on or after the holidaywill move to the next day for that week only (e.g., ifNew Year's Day falls on a Monday, the Monday recycling pickup will be on Tuesday). Additional pickup days shall be mutually agreed upon by Onyx and the City prior to starting pickup. 2. Contract services shall include, but not be limited to, the provision for all wages, benefits, salaries, fuel, consurnables, materials, and supplies. 3. The contractor shall provide a sufficient number of qualified personnel, vehicles, and storage facilities asnecessary toaccomplishcurb-side recycling and marketing in an acceptable manner. The City will provide residents with one lazge or three smaller plastic recycling containers per individual pickup, three or more 90-gallon roll-around containers for apartment buildings above a 4-plex but less than a 24-unit, and six or more roll-around 9D-gallon containers for apartment buildings over 24 units. Should any of the containers be damaged when in the use of the contractor and not considered normal wear and teaz, the contractor shall be liable for the repair and/or replacement of such recycling containers. 4. In addition to providing information regarding the number of recycling pickups, the contractor shall provide accurate and verifiable records oftons of individual materials picked up along with marketing reports on a monthly basis to be submitted with request for payment. If a market for a particular material is unavailable and a market develops for an alternate material, the City shall have the option of switching materials. The contractor shall also provide accurate set out counts for the single family through triplexes with bins. This count shall not be estimated. 5 . All of the contractor's equipment, including vehicles, shall be cleazly mazked with the contractor's name and phone number. The contractor shall maintain the cleanliness and appearance ofhis equipment to "the standards of City equipment and the City's contract refuse hauler." 6. The contractor shall provide certificates of insurance for worker's compensation, general liability, and auto in the following amounts: General Liability - Aggregate $1,000,000 - Personal Injury $1,000,000 - Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Auto Liability - $1,000,000 Work Comp - $ 100,000 The contractor shall hold the City harmless for responsibility for any recycled materials once they come into the possession of the contractor. F:\BETMG\WORDPROC\RECYCLEICURBSIpE..RECVCLINCr2001AGREEMENT~WPD: 121098003 - P'4GE 2 7. The contract shall provide for a monthly rate per unit for new individual pickups and a separate monthly rate for new multiple units above a 4-plex. The contract shall provide payment far all households within the city of Monticello whether they are recycling or not. The base rate will be $5,874.00 (lump sum) per month for all existing individual and multiple units in the City as of December 1, 2003. The prices effective June 1, 2004 for new units added after December 1, 2003 shall be $1.90/month/unit for individual pickups, $1.30/month/unit for multiple pickups, and multiple units designated for the elderly and assisted living units shall be at $0.66/month/unit. These rates shall remain in effect through May 31, 2007. The pickup of recyclable materials at five (S) city buildings every two weeks shall be incidental and included in the base bid. The contractor shall keep all monies from the sale of recyclable materials picked up at curb-side. 8. Appendix A is a detailed set of specifications regarding the preparation and condition ofthe recycled materials to be picked up at curb-side. Materials not properlyprepared or not listed will not be picked up. In such cases, the contractor shall leave a note or sticker for the property owner giving the reason for rej ection. The contractor if requested by the Ciry shall pick up co-mingled products as outlined in Appendix B at no additional cost. 9. The contractor shall pick up office paper twice per month at one city building as part of the base contract. 10. The contractor, at the starting date of the contract, shall famish and at all times maintain a satisfactory and sufficient bond or irrevocable letter of credit from a bank approved by the City in the amount of not less than one-half of the annual contract ($70,488.00 _ 2 = $35,244.00) as required bylaw with a corporate swety satisfactory to the owner. The form of bond is that required by statute. Personal sureties will not be approved. The banding company or bank shall notify the City 90 days prior to the expiration date ofthe security. Ifnotice is not given, the security shall be automatically extended for an additional year at no cost by the bonding company or bank. 11. Monthly reports shall be provided with the invoice, including material, weights and disposition of each material. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO SHALL: The City ofMonticello shall provide individual homeowners with one large or three smaller cantainers for recycled materials. The City of Monticello and the resident together will pay for these containers. Each container shall be labeled as to its permitted contents and will be color coded yellow for newspaper, red for glass, blue for cans. Plastic shall be placed in a separate container or bagged. For the multiple pickup locations (above 4-plexes), the City of Monticello will provide three or more 90-gallon roll-azound containers for each apartment building up to 24 units, and six 90-gallon roll-around containers for apartment buildings above 24 units. These containers shall be marked as to the appropriate materials. Should the City select co-mingled recycling the labels shall only be necessary for the 90 gallon carts at the apartments. 2. The City shall provide promotional material and material indicating rules and regulations for material recycling and preparation to each resident in the city of Monticello. F:IBETNGIWORDPROCVYECYCLEICUR951DEdiECYCLING-2003-AGREEMENT.WPD; 12/0912003 -PAGE .~i - 3. The City will make payment to the contractor on a monthly basis within thirty (30) days after acceptance of a formal payment request, including all the necessary documentation as required. 4. The City will update the accounting of individual pickups and multiple unit pickups through the building permit process and certificate of occupancy. Adjustment to the contract price will then be made on a monthly basis. III. COMPENSATION The City shall payto Onyx, beginning June 1, 2004, compensation for services performed under this agreement a monthly fee based upon base fee and additional available number of individual residential pickups and the number ofmultiple units for multiple pickup after December 1, 2003. Compensation will be based upon a base rate of $ 5,874.00 for all existing units in the City as of December 1, 2003, and additional units after that date far $1.90 for individual pickup and $1.30 per multiple unit multiple pickup per month, and $0.66 per month per unit for assisted living units. The actual number ofpossible pickups shall be determined by the City's accounting system. Adjustments will be made on a monthly basis through the building permit statement ofoccupancy system. The above rates shall remain in effect through May 31, 2007. Payment for office paper pickup shall be incidental. 2. In the event that a change in the scope of services provided by Onyx occurs, the City and Onyx shall negotiate a commensurate adjustment in fees. A change in scope of services shall be determined to be the deleting of newspaper, glass, plastic, aluminum, metal cans, cardboard, magazines, or discard mail from recycling, or the addition of other materials as requested and approved by the City. IV. TERM AND TERMINATION 1. The term of this agreement shall bethirty--six (36) months commencing on June 1, 2004 and ending May 31, 2007. The contract may be extended for two one-year periods upon successful negotiations byboth parties and ratification by the City Council within ninety (90) days prior to the normal termination date. 2. Either party may terminate this agreement for a material breach of the agreement by the other party after giving written notice of breach and allowing the other party fourteen (14) days to correct the breach. 3 . Either party may cancel this agreement without cause by giving the other party one hundred eighty (180) days' written advance notice. F:IBETHG\WORDPRCCIRECYCLEICURBSIDE-RECYCLING-2003AGREEMENT WPD~ 12100/2003 -PAGE 4 V. DISPUTES FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be liable for its failure to perform its obligations under this agreement if performance is made impractical, abnormally difficult, or abnormally costly due to any unforeseen occurrence beyond its reasonable control. However, this article V.1. may not be used by either party to avoid, delay, or otherwise affect any payments due to the other party. Both parties indicate their approval of this agreement by their signatures below. ONYX WASTE SERVICES MIDWEST, INC. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: By: Rick Wolfsteller Its: Its: Gi . Administrator F:\BETHG\WORPPROCIRECYCLE\CURB5IUE-RECYCLING-2003-AGREEMENT.WP~~ 72IOG/2003 'PAGE rJ ' CITY OF MONTICELLO CURB-SIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM APPENDIX A RECYCLABLE MATERIALS I. Material l: Newspaper A. Description of types of paper accepted: • Newsprint and inserts B. Conditions of acceptance: • Clean of food particles and other foreign substances C. Bagged in paper bags or bundled and tied II. Material 2: Glass A. Description of types of glass accepted: • Any glass that is used as a food container, no plate glass B. Conditions of acceptance: • Glass must be rinsed out and clean of food particles, labels maybe left on III. Material 3: Aluminum aril bi-metal cans A. Description of types of cans accepted: • All aluminum and bi-metal cans are accepted B. Conditions of acceptance: • Clean of food particles and labels maybe left on IV. Material 4: Plastic (any bottle with a neck) A. Containers (except oil) shall be drained and rinsed without caps and removable handles B. Motor oil containers shall be well drained and caps removed (Do Not Rinse) C. All plastics shall be placed in a separate container marked plastic or brown bagged and placed at curb-side with at least one bar coded bin V. Material S: Glossy Page Magazines F:IBETHGIWOROPROCIRECVCLEICURBSIUE-RECYCLING-200&AGREEMENT.WPp: 1210972003 " PAC7E 6 " A. Only magazines with coated or slick paper B. Do not mix with newspaper C, It is not necessary to remove covers, inserts, or address labels D. Does not include plastic or cellophane, carbon paper, phone books, comic books, or catalogs with glued bindings VZ Material 6: Discard Mail A. Colored or white envelopes (with or without windows), computer printouts, all white/colored paper, typing paper and stationery, notebook paper/letterheads, pamphlets. Staples, paper clips, rubber bands, and scotch tape do not have to be removed B. Does not include NCR or carbon paper, chip board (pop cases, garbage, cereal boxes), construction paper, plastic wrappings or gift wrap, manila file folders VII. Office paper pickup (Y city building only): A. Description of types of office paper accepted: • Computer and ledger paper, white only B. Conditions of acceptance: • Free of foreign substances (e.g. carbon or staples) VIII Other materials with available markets included in proposal: A. Description of materials: • Corrugated cardboard, tin food cans, used motor vehicle batteries, and glossy paper magazines B. Conditions of acceptance: • Coma.gated cardboard: 2' x 2' size, bundled and tied with string • Tin food cans: free of food particles • Motor vehicle batteries: caps on and free of cracks F:~eETHG1WOROPROCViECYCLE1ClIRB310E-RECYCLING-2003-AGREEMENT.WP~~ 12109/2003 'PAGE 7' CITY OF MONTICELLO CURB-SIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM APPENDIX B CO-MINGLED MATERIALS: Onyx sha11provide co-mingled recycling at all residential and commercial residential properties as described in Sections 1 and 3 of this Agreement. Residents are strongly urged to recycle every other week rather than when bins or containers are full and over flowing as all bins and containers are hand dumped. Co-mingled recycling will consist of fiber based products, i.e., newspaper, cardboard, magazines and office waste as described in Appendix A; aluminum and bimetal beverage and tin food cans; glass containers; and plastic containers with a neck (one colored bin must always be set out with. recycling). To co-mingle your recycling, place all items (except paper) in the same bin. Fiber (paper) products maybe placed in a separate paper bag and placed in or next to the recycle bin(s) or on tap of any corrugated cardboard that has been prepared for collection. P_ lactic may be placed in a container other than a bin. However, it must have handles, a cover, a maximum capacity of 30 gallons, and it must be clearly marked with a bright yellow and black sticker that says "PLASTIC" (available at Monticello Public Works or Monticello City Hall). For commercial residential properties utilizing City roll-around carts, the same applies, except the fiber based (paper) products must be kept in a separate cart. F:IBETHG\WOROPROCIRECYCLE\Cl1RB$IDE~2ECYC4ING-2003-AGREEMENT.WPD~ 121092003 " PAGE B - ~~~ MONTICELLO May 31, 2007 Mr. Robert Holzer, General Manager VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE, INC. 2355 12`~ Street SE St. Cloud, Minnesota 56304 Re: Contract CPII'ncrease Offer, RecycCing and Garbage Services Dear Mr. Holzer: SUPPORTING DATA This is to inform you that on evening of May 29, 2007 the Monticello City Council reviewed your May 7~' offer to extend the garbage and recycling contracts far one year but they countered with a CPI increase of 2.6%. If this increase is satisfactory please acknowledge so at the signature block at the bottom of this letter and return a copy to us at your earliest convenience. Ifthe CPT increase proposed is not satisfactory or ifyou have any further questions or if I may be of any additional assistance in this regazd, please feel free to call me directly at 763-271-3271. Respectfully, C Y O ONTI ELLO '[~. a Tahn E. Simola Public Works Director JES/beg cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller, Chief Financial Officer File F'u~yiMW °~nxVOMN,~TTERB~`/EOLIA - CAO l RECYC • 1 VR ExT • fR~ oFF(R -LiR -06]t°i.w°d CPI INCREASE ACCEPTANCE I HEREBY ACCEPT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S OFFER OF A 2.6°h CPI INCRF=P,SE FOR THE CONTRACT RENEWAL FOR GA~RBJAG~E2AND RECYCLING OR A PERIOD OF ONE YEP,R. Robert Holze , Veolia Environmental aa,r~: lG~ ~ - ,~~c~ `7 ('its of tiCnrrtic~fln, Offiec~ ojPuhlr.'~ ti'nrr,-s, 9(19 Gnlf C'acrr.se Rand, klo.ratlcelln..:ti(.1~~ ~~s'6? T~/~pfiorrc~: ('b3i ?9,-,31 "U F«r: /~63~ ?"I-3??l Council Agenda: 4/2$/08 SJ. Consideration of a resolution re uestin conve ance of tax forfeited land to the Ci of Monticello. JO A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Auditor's office is in the process of preparing for an upcoming public auction of tax forfeited land. There are five parcels of land located within the City of Monticello. The Wright County Auditor is asking for Council approval to proceed with the auction of the tax forfeited lands or the City has the option to adapt a resolution requesting that the parcels be removed from the public auction and be conveyed to the City for public use. 155-500-144100 and 144200: These are two small strips of land parallel with School Boulevard and are apparently remnant parcels from the Klein Farms development. 1SS-090-000060: This is Outlot F of the Klein Farms plat. This is a 30' wide strip running from Stoneridge Drive to Farmstead Drive. 1SS-080-000010 and 000020: Outlat A and S of Oak Ridge Addition. Budget Imuact: State deed tax, ag fee and recording costs would come to $52.65 per parcel or a total of $281.25 for all five parcels. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution requesting conveyance to the City of parcels 155-500-144100, 155-500-144200, 155-090-000060, 155-080-000010 and 155-080-000020. 2. Adopt a revised resolution that would reflect any changes to the number of parcels that the City would request be conveyed to the City. 3. Do not request conveyance of any of the parcels to the City. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council adopts the resolution requesting conveyance of the f ve parcels to the City of Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map of properties to be conveyed. Resolution CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION N0.200$-35 SALE OF TAX FORFEITED LAND PARCESL WHEREAS, the following parcels of land in the City of Monticello have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes and these lots and parcels are being prepared for public sale under tax forfeited land sale procedures of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, and; 155-080-000010: Outlot A, Oak Ridge Addition. 2. 155-080-000020: Outlot B, Oak Ridge Addition 3. 155-090-000060: Outlot F, Klein Farms 4. 155-500-144100: Unplatted land lying in Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. 5. 155-500-144200: Unplatted land lying in Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has an interest in acquiring the above parcels for various public purposes including stormwater ponding, pathway, utility easement and other purposes allowed under authority of Minnesota State Statutes, Chapter 469, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: That parcels 155-080-000010, 155-080-000020, 155-090-000060, 155-500-144100 and 155-500-144200 be conveyed to the City of Monticello for public purposes. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 28th day of April 2008. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator F-.4 ~-~ Q 8 r ~ ^~ ~ L. as sa ,qE .OE aorl ec~bEl ~ area( mue Q. ~. ' -- l~? ..~.. - ~._~ ~ Y- -__..~..~ NU~IH~ _ b ~ .~... ~._- .m~..~__..__. 8 3N __ ~ 3flN3A'd '~"'"~ ~` hs~E,21 .00'08 .8U~00[ AO'ZLl I n~ y ,oo cdl ,co oEf ,oo oF1 ,oo oa do oF{ I m .1, p~ I - - ~--I ~~ ~ ~ ~ h I J'~. 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'BAfCKEl1('~~ ~ ~, ~ ~-f,~ \ • ~ j I L--- .;,,, ~ `' ~ , - ( ,_\ I X18 ti \ z ~,, 1 n1 ~ ~y„ 2 \ . \ j e~ ~ 0 2 I ~` J \ ` `' 3 6 sma Q sere 4 r ``\ BADGER STREET _ BAOGf=~~ ,~~ - . -axe -- -m„ -soar -- --: ~'nx1 CIR~r -,` '~\ 2 ©J4, Dom' a ,~~~~ 7 74 J ~ 5 6 ~ ~ 7r JO Council Agenda :4/28/08 5K. Consideration to call fora ublic hearin for the vacation of that ortiou of Dundas Road as related to the ro osed Amax Addition and consideration to call fora ublic hearin for the vacation of a portion of Old State I3i~hwav Trunk No. 25. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to call for the vacations of right of way for Dundas Road and Old State Highway Trunk No. 25. The need to vacate the portions of right of way illustrated in Exhibit A resulted from the review of the proposed Amax Addition plat. The Dundas Road vacation relates to the small portion of right of way which inexplicably widens by a few feet in front of Lot 1. Staff is unsure as to the reason for this, and believes that the vacation of this small portion of additional right of way would be appropriate. The right of way is not needed by the City. The City is not the fee title property owner for land beneath this right- of-way. Therefore, the property would then be conveyed to the adjacent property owner and become part of the Amax Addition plat. The Old State Highway 25 vacation is requested as a housekeeping item. As Council may recall, a quit claim deed was conveyed to Mr. John Lundsten for this parcel. However, the right of way encumbering this piece was never vacated. The vacation would be an action to clear the City's right-of--way interest in the property and is not intended to impact the quiet title action being undertaken by the adjacent property owners. Tf Council calls for the hearings, legal descriptions for both vacations will be prepared and the public hearing would likely be held on May 12th, 2008. BUDGET IMPACT The costs for this administrative action will be for the preparation of the legal description and the publication of the hearing notice. STAFF IMPACT No staff impact anticipated. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to call for a public hearing for the vacation of that portion of Dundas Road as related to the proposed Amax Addition and consideration to call far a public hearing for the vacation of a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25. (JO/AS) 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recornrnends alternative l . D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Vacation parcel illustration ~ ~; '^ ~ I €~ Pv~ E ~ I e S ~ _ r/I MN 3111 - 2/i 5 aNl A 3Nn 15x3 N ~ ~ .Q o h 09: ti I o- r u ~ i° I rn o I o-m v_ o '.' ~ I Q o ~.^.. v°~ .cv o T-~ vN n s g 3C oa ~- I i.- ~ N N+ ~~ u O v O ~ ~ ~I N O N y 3 I a ~~ 1`~ c ~J: c pL rvl OAS N- ~i\ pro ~ ^ C ©Y I m~~a IN g ~ $ ~ o b ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pp~r28 lOC.00,W5 ---- -----------------J \ - -...._.._......_...~~~.._. ccr9c ~ ~ I ~ ~} .. .n MNaNleoi/~s L\ awl to awn a arl clue iaiirara aNn r ~~ n 1 r~ ~~ i ~ i /i ~ I I / I~ I ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ig , i ~~ ~ i r it i I II i~ J _ I ' ob or I y I ~ ~ y' ~{ (oro M_t9,e9,99s) / ODror I cz•sez I ~~ Q I I \ ~ 1 I ~ I `` ~ I I ~ O I 4 1 \ I _ ' tZ' m s I ~ ~ I I y~ © ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ ~ I ~ I rt ~ ~ - ~ ~~ c~ Q7 •~ O I ~ i -~-yy e~ .~ a •L' O `' ~ ~ I ~>s t I ~~ .,;..,gin ~^~---- _ I ~ ~ ~r:r n`6` ~ I ~ ~ I I • ~ oc -9olti ~ I ~ 8 O~E'0 1 Na I ~ ~ air ~~~ `~ ~". ~ it ~ --_ .~n~ir~axa -~ 1 /// ~ ~ ~ ~'' : ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~~,~~ ~ _ i _ .cis ~ I"o tae. i ~ _ .a,M ~ -::; .<;~. ~ ~', I ~ ,.•: ~ / 3 1J ~_ ( - ~/ /~ 1 / _ Sz //// _. `` ~_~ ~ /~ / _ ~ / a _ / ~ ~ ~ ly~s ~ ~ ~ , / ~ r < $ // // ~~.,, ~ UA / ' / J w air / 6 a °° // / ~ o ~.. / / o3'^io / yy U o s N z n // I / Fy U r ~ .n 'Q / / ~ X. pY~~ / _~/ O .~DD. // I , Y /// ~" Oa ~ 1 ~ ' ~ ~ '' ~ ~ ,, ~ ~ / i I./ oa/ta/io :nga aonrN~ of l~a~ens lb'ld Q371~3H~Nfl yoslaoa~~'Wd £5~85~Z 800Z/8/b'Z.L~~HS'sMp'dd-Ol-££89\OMp\££89\s~aafoad p~~~\~J Council Agenda: 4/28/08 SL. Consideration of a rovin a ointments to Fire De artment offices for 2pp$. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the request of Steve Joerg, the Monticello Fire Chief attached is a list of offices and the For the Firemens Relief Association and the Monticello Fire Department. The Fire Chief has requested the City Council review and approve the appointments as presented. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the appointments as presented on the attached listing. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the appointments as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of appointments. OFFICE MEMBER TERM LIMIT TERM ENDING IN JAN OF YEAR **** Relief Association Offices President Jay Morrell 1 year 2007 Vice President Jeff Michaelis 3 years 2007 Treasurer Mike Jahnsan 3 years 2006 Secretary Brad Fyle 3 years 200$ Trustees Jeff Michaelis 3 years 2009 Brian Stumpf 3 years 2009 Monticello Fire Department Chief Steve Joerg 2 years 2009 Assisstant Chief Luke Dahlheimer 2 years 2010 Captain 3 Tim Ackerman 2 years 2009 Captain 4 Daryl Gilles 2 years 2010 Training Officer Steve Hanson 2 years 2010 Assisstant Training Officer Don Anderson 2 years 2009 President Jeff Kranz 2 years 2010 Vice President Steve Hanson 2 years 2010 Secretary Neil Kranz 2 years 2010 Assisstant Secretary Brad Fyle 2 years 2010 Trustees Todd Johnson 2 years 2009 Nick Dahlheimer 2 years 2010 Nominating Committee Brian Stumpf 1 year Elected Nick Dahlheimer 1 year Elected Jason Roubinek 1 year Appointed Dan Anderson 1 year Appointed Investigating Committee Luke Dahlheimer 1 year Officer in Charge Marc Simpson 1 year Appointed Shawn Leach 1 year Appointed Steve Baloun 1 year Appointed Public Relations Steve Hansan 1 year Appointed Daryl Gilles 1 year Appointed Truck Officer Daryl Gilles Life Term Appointed sh 04-200$ Council Agenda: 4/28/08 7. Public Hearin -Consideration of a resolution ado tin ro osed assessment roll for delin went utili bills and certification of assessment roll to Coun Auditor. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than d0 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection an next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. A.1 Budget Impact: Certification of delinquent utility accounts for third quarter 2007 is collection of revenue the City should have received in 2007 but because of the non- payment will not be collected until 2009 when it will appear on the tax rails. A.2 Staff Workload - The process for collecting delinquent utility amounts is time consuming with preparing and mailing delinquent notices; preparing and mailing notices of the public hearing on the assessment of delinquent notices as well as other clerical work in preparing the amounts for certification. The most time consuming step of the process is verifying the delinquent account data against Wright County property tax records. The $SO fee that is added to the delinquent accounts helps defray the cost of staff time and publication expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based an public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by noon on Apri18, 2008. Council Agenda: 4/28/08 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION N0.200$-36 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOURTH QUARTER 2007 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required bylaw, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment far delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2008 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolutian until December 31, 2009. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment an such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4, The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adapted by the City Council this 28th day of April, 2008. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator c s ,~ ~, v ro v x u _~ 0 ,, .~ ro u N J~ U ~r N ~41 PN4 A ~ ~a ~~ A w r w~~ a ~ as ~a ~N ~' a ~~ ~.. 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Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat for the proposed Amax Addition, a commercial plat consisting of two lots in a B-3 (Highway Business). District. Applicant: Amax Self-Storage, LLC. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Amax Self-Storage, LLC has applied far Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Amax Addition, a commercial plat consisting of two lots. The site is located east of Highway 25 and south of Dundas Road. Cedar Street runs through the center of the site. The gross area of the plat is 3.12 acres. The site is zoned B-3, Highway Business and is part of an existing Planned Unit Development. The Planning Commission considered this request at its Apri11 regular meeting. The applicant indicated at that meeting, and in correspondence afterward, that he was not amenable to the recommended conditions placed on the approval by the staff report. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat with the conditions as noted in the staff report. Commission indicated that the conditions would be subject to the Council's discretion. As a result, the item was removed from its original place on the April 14 City Council agenda. Staff and the applicant have had subsequent discussions related to each of the issues raised. They are as follows: 1. Show street vacations on the revised plat. This item relates to a small portion of Dundas Road where the right of way inexplicably widens by a few feet in front of Lot 1. Staff is unsure as to the reason for this, and believes that the vacation of this small portion of additional right of way would be appropriate. The applicant is supportive of this item. 2. The plat should be revised to provide corner cuts for the rights of way at the intersection of Dundas and Cedar Street. This recommendation is to ensure that adequate space is reserved for sight distances, traffic control signage and other street needs at the corners of intersections. This is a common practice and has already been done on the northwest corner of this intersection, and will be done at the northeast corner of the intersection upon replat of that property. The applicant has expressed he is willing to consider this, contingent upon the approval of the vacation noted under item 1. 3. Drainage and utility easements are to be shown on the plat in accordance with standard plat configuration. It is standard City policy that when impacts to elements such as parking lots, patios, fences ar trees occur within the drainage and utility easements the property owner's are required to remove, relocate or repair the element upon completion of the required work. In this case, utility work that causes disruption to the portion of the existing concrete wall on Lot 1, Block 2 that lies within. the City right-of--way or drainage and utility easement shall be at the expense of the property owner. The applicant has indicated that he had received permission to place a wall in its current location by the previous Building Inspector. This location is now within City easement. As such, if the City damages the wall the responsibility for replacement or repair should not be his. 4. Any action relating to the existing signs in the plat would require a separate amendment to the PUD. The applicant currently has a freestanding sign on the northwest corner of Lot 1 Block 1 that would serve Lot 1, Block 2, becoming an off site sign as a result of the subdivision. This arrangement was anticipated and approved as a part of the original PUD approval some years ago. Changing or relocating signage would be part of a revised PUD application, rather than as part of a subdivision. 5. Any ne_w construction an the new Lot 1, Block 1 would require a separate set of zoning approvals once plans and details for that construction is available. The plat only creates the separate lot so it can be conveyed to another party; it daes not establish any specific building rights. Camprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The site is zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the B-3 (Highway Business) district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a commercial plat consisting of 21ots on a 3.12 acre site. The plat area currently consists of two parcels. The larger existing parcel (PID 155-5007142302) is 2.6 acres in area and is split through the center by the Cedar Street right-of--way. The second existing parcel (PID 155- 500-142315) is .52 acres in area and is located on the west side of the site, adjacent to Highway 25. As proposed, the existing small parcel and the west half of the larger existing parcel will be combined and platted as Lot 1, Block 1 of the Amax Addition. The applicant is proposing to plat the area on the east side of the Cedar Street right-of--way as Lot 1, Block 2 of the Amax Addition. Preliminary and Final Plat. The site is currently unplatted. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 of the Amax Addition. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The following chart demonstrates the rninirnum lot area and lot width requirements for properties in the B-3 District. The chart also illustrates the applicable setbacks for the District, and the proposed setbacks for Lot 1, Block 2, on which there are existing buildings. Re aired Pro osed Lot 1, Block 1 Pro osed Lot ]., Black 2 Lot Area N/A 1.'19 acres 1.33 acres Lot Width l00 feet 185 feet 154 feet Front Yard Setback 30 Feet N/A 35 feet Side Yard Setback 10 feet N/A 0 feet Rear Yard Setback 30 feet N/A 43 feet Four buildings are currently located on Lot 1, Block 2. As proposed, the existing buildings on this lot do not meet the required side yard setback. The plat proposes lot lines cutting through the center of each of the four buildings. However, this situation maybe accommodated by the existinng PUD. Any future buildings proposed for Lot 1, Block 1 shall be evaluated on their own merit at the time of development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space far required parking and landscaping. It appears as though the applicant is proposing to dedicate a portion of the north end of PID 155-500- 142302 as Dundas Road right-of--way. This must be clarified as a condition of any approval and clearly identified on the plat. An existing concrete wall with attached fencing is located along the perimeter of Lot 1, Block 2. A portion of this wall is located within the proposed Dundas Road right-of way and drainage and utility easement. A portion of the wall is also located within the drainage and utility easement along Cedar Street. As a condition of approval, any disruption of this wall for improvements completed within the City right-of--way and drainage and utility easement shall be at the expense of the property owner. The property owner shall be responsible to remove or relocate any portion of the wall within these areas as needed to allow for the installation or maintenance of utilities, including the City's fiber optic lines. In reviewing the plat, the City Engineer has also recommended that the property corners in the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, and the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 be pulled back 20-feet in each direction to allow far adequate sight distances at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. This arrangement would be similar to what was previously done in the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1. In comparison to the size of the lot, this adjustment would not significantly affect the plat or the required setbacks, and would be offset by the right-of--way vacation on the north side of Lot 1, Block 1. Access. No changes to access are proposed as part of the plat. Both lots have access off of Cedar Street. Signage. The applicant has not proposed any signage as part of the Preliminary Flat. However, a freestanding sign is currently located in the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1. This sign is proposed to remain, and was previously approved as part of the PUD. Any future relocation of the sign would not affect the proposed plat. Landscaping. The applicant has not submitted a landscape plan as part of the application package. Minimum landscaping requirements far commercial sites are based an total site perimeter or total building area. In that regard, a landscape plan maybe premature at this point. Staffrecommends that an individual landscape plan be provided for the vacant lot at the time that lot develops. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer related to grading, drainage and utilities. Recording. If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Regarding the request for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Amax Addition, a commercial plat resulting in 2 lots, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat, subject to a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-3, Highway Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. (The attached Exhibit Z has been revised to reflect the current staff understanding of the plat status). 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary and Final plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-3 District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Upon review of the proposed plat, staff finds that it is consistent with the performance requirements of the existing B-3 District. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Existing Conditions Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval G:\Land Pro\6833\dwg\6833-1p-EXCOND.dwg, Layoutl, 4/8/2008 2:53:46 PM, JGroe~ C: ~g~ 5~~8~'~~~~g ~ ~o~~~ ~~~ ~ s3; ~3. ob.aN~o€~g.~ is ~~ _ ~8y3 a~3. ~ e ~m~"8€n~g~x ~~~I}~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ -~~~~ ~° gee $q ~~ q^~^y3.~..' %~~~83~~6g ~~ ~~eyR~~a ~, ~ Q ~'~ 8 ~P~q,~~9~°~. a. $° g 8aa N s s ~ ~s g &'°.. ~ ~~~~~ ~ "~i ~~w,o ~zFi $~~e w,~,~^y,o$$$$go 4~SR~ °" ce $ ae~3~ 3~e a 3 ~^=3 ~ ~~43~ 4Ra a°~~~ ~~p~vs~ ~ ~~~gaq Fa ~"~~xsg~ ~~°~ 8~n °~ ~° ~" $4 ^~~SS 3'~x8~o ~'± as8 '~ R°3~ 8 ~3~a x~a z~e~.~~; ~o ~'ogn~~ Rs's~s~s~ yee^a _ ri~s~"~ 'F 3$°oaz~9~g a~~~~ z~ ^~ ~ g~ ol~~~ IrR 'gab=~~~°2~~_3.2~R ~,~~~g 'y~ g'`"8~~p~pk~."RBA: _"i+ ~~~g~`8~~~ ~~~ ~~ a ~x~'~~~ ~3~~a~os8~ ~~ S4 N ~.Rn~~g~~ s q'~$01~~"~g ~~R ~ x.~~~y'.~~~z ~ ~~ ~'~~ga :zzN ~~ ~€~sauS~ ~3~g~~,BR€ o=~ $~~~~~^R ~•^s ~~'R~° has ~ x,s~+~ s~¢ ~"~ix ~"" g. 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CHECKED BY: RMB , c FOR 763w441-2072 FAX 763-441-6866 DWC:6833-t0E-XCOND dw Of /ices tn: Elk River k BurnavilW, NN ~~ ~~ . \ , Signature: TEXT: - AMAX SELF STORAGE. LLC Rick M, Bldm, LS' Date: 03 17 08 Lic. No. 21729 FILE NO.: 6833.10-03 :$ R~ ~~.~ ~~ 4577, g~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~- r ~ s ® `~`~L G:\Land Pro\6833\dwg\6833-10-PP.dwg, Layoutl , 4/8/2008 2:52:08 PM, JGroetsch // ~ / ~ / ~ / ~~ / ~ / ~ / / \ <b C! c~ ~nl ~~ ^$ 1 =~~E ~ y~''i;~p_~~g"$~~qq~~t;g; n 3~-~:R~~° ° tit ~'+t- `~$ :1 ,;- / ,~ i N ° .$~3 g&~7F 3 v~ S R"-i~~~a~ ~ n R~ ~•:.~ -• `' // ~ ~ I /i 'y $_ ~ o tab ~p~~ a 4 gµa.~w6g~i; ii,g &-9o~~R ~.^~, 2$'~ ~ ~; ../ ~ I / ~~ ~'~ a ~-o n'z ~~~.n S~ ~n'?4"~ ~n ~"..'x~a~°-~'"4~ N m $ /'~ _^ I /~~ ~R `N ~ RH Ap z~ ~~°~a~~ ~~5~~ i«R`'n~~n^a~X'q~ I ~ ~ // ~TS eo ='a\ awn > selS ~ ?~~~ N ~~o ~=~Sa ~ "b ~~ c~ ~F ~ ~~-~ s°-gym ° 3 n 3 u.? u- mR !~ // ~ ~ a L o a n~o..gx~~" ~a _ggU,~a~,.~~5 wu q / 3 ~A K"s- N~q ~~ $ ttq r / 5 aN R~~3~'~SowN Q g^ `'~ ~ga~~ ..,~-~>.. ~~R / "~~ z o'~b znp 3~~~7~~n pia P3~ ~3 .,&iG3 ~~~ ~ iPU _ _~h'~k, _ ors ~ $ g ~. /..... 3 ~n ~`~~.~ ~~ ~~3~~n~S~i G~ -n_~~~ ~'."'~ i yt ~ ~.t~4- 5 1 ~, ..~_W,~_~~... ? ~I~~~~ d~e~~~8~~ g~ $d~~€$~~~~ -~ // ~'f^':i ~fr. ~~~Ai+a ~,.K s~ srFt}R °'"°°,~,~, `S~ ~ '~~~~~ °'~ x§ g~ai$~~~~s ~ ~`~ /~N M1~.~i,4a ,.. 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LLC Jahn Oliver & Associates, lnC. Clvi! 8ngiwwinq, Lnxd 5Yarv~y6y,, Luxd Pluxxsxq S80 Bodge Avenue Etk River, Ninneaota 55330 769-447-2078 FAX 963-441-5665 OJfieea in: Elk River & Burnnlilie, A!N I hereby certify that this survey, pion, or report wds prepared by me or under my direct supervision ^nd that I om a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesotp. Signature: Riok M. Blom, L.S. Pate: 03/10/08 Lic. No. ~~I :~ .~I -_ sea.77_ v ocv2x C 'O. ~Q, V~~`go~i m ~$ r „ m wo~A~N O ~~ Y°n' ° Ro ~ g - N n ~ u~ r T~ 1 •' I EAST LINE OF ~ -THE 5 t/2 OE THE NW I/4 DATE I DESCRIPTION !AWN BY: I&CKE~ Br fG: 6833-10-PP. X T: .E N0.' fi833.10 G:\Land Projects\6833\dwg\6833-10-FP.dwg, SHEET 1, 4/8/2008 3:27:15 PM, JGroetsch UNCHECKED PLAT $~B~ECT TO CHANGE REV: 04/07/08 w m : _ - c P tia G.&o c u~ ~ y T.~ ~~+c'~n n 7 ~ rp~~ `°~~ ~ e~aE,R ye `b'ye v',~~"a ~ - a 4i'~a $~ ~ dx '~ "a~.~° Sm ~ Y~ ~ ~~Ag~d w "z... s~ g ro" n ~~ ^ ' ~ n~ ..x~ yF, +~ v~ a ~gR ~ i W S ~ ~ a " s~ ~ , , ~a ~7p ~ ~ ~~ ~ S ~ ~m~~~~va ~•o~ s~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ o~ s Y - E~ y~ 7 ~ ,~ o e p m 7 e K y F o y q ~.~ ~o ~ ~ m 7 ~~~° ~~,~~ 'r. ~x a~~ U~- m~~ ~oa y_ ~c x ~ x °s, waae~° _~~ °'° ~~° `° g g p~ e~ ~~ ~~„ a. 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I ~~ a0 so ~ I '~ I II I ~~ I ) s$ ~ ~~ O e~" d co n N. .~j ('~ ~C b b 0 .~ I ~= ~ ~g $~ I I----]pa.69-~___-__,_-,v-____~ I I I ~1 / I / ~ R ~j ~~ L • ~wE vulK~a wrN rXe a urn v rlrt `, A a ------r I ~ ---sea.n --------r..~._. ~w_.__----~- ~-----J \ _____~._-_- ---- fsoo•Drn~w D«e) V o OO $ i~ ~ ..n .~Ni,'v I` ~5 v ~a gg~g~ n~ )~ N F - n p T I" N m ~ ~ x ova I ~ ~ n3 h°~ I ~ ~ eMSr LINe w ire s Vz ~ ] ~~ iN N 3 DF THE NW 1/a -• _~~ S N~ I ' ~~ ~ n EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval (REVISED) 1. The property lines in the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 and the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 shall be pulled back 2p-feet to allow for sight distance at each of the property corners at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. 2. The preliminary and fmal plats shall be revised to show pending street vacation fo_ r Dundas Road. 3. Any disruption of the portion of the existing concrete wall on Lot 1, Black 2 that lies within the City right-of--way or drainage and utility easement shall be at the expense of the property owner. 4. An action relatin to the existin si ns in the lat would re uire a se arate amendment to the PUD. 5. Any new construction on the new Lot 1, Block 1 would require a separate set o_f zoning a royals once laps sand details for that construction is available.