City Council Minutes 04-14-2008Council Minutes: 4/14/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday Apri114, 2008 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst. Wayne Mayer, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of March 24, 2008 Special Meeting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 24, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 2B. Approve minutes of March 24, 2008_Regular Meeting. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 24, 2008 REGULAR MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Apollo Glass sign application; 2) Compensation for Council; 3) Occasional stores; and 4) Snowplowing. 4. Citizen comments etitions re uests and concerns. A) Bruce Hamond -Monticello/Big Lake Hospital District -Presentation will be re- scheduled for another date. B) Demonstration of website -After approval of the consent agenda, Angela Schuman did a brief demonstration of the City's new website. C) Chuck Keyes, 9768 Gilbert Avenue, Monticello operator of the wastewater treatment plant presented the Council the award the City had received from the PCA for operation of the facility. In presenting the award the PCA noted that receiving the award doesn't just mean you are a good operator it means you exceed the norm. D) Ted Schnabel, 3758 Hayward Court South spoke to the Council regarding the fence that was installed on the River City Extreme property. The fence is creating a problem for him in that people cut through his property to get to the parking lot for River City Extreme. He understands that the fence is going to be extended at some point but where it is located now keeps him from building a privacy fence. He would like to see the fence extended to the end of his property. Wayne Mayer noted that the fence was placed on the Council Minutes: 4/14/08 River City Extreme property and they were responsible for maintaining it. Mr. Schnabel submitted a photo that showed where the foot traffic has left a trail through is his yard. He was concerned that this unwanted foot traffic could create a liability risk for him. The Council asked if there were any pathway easements in the area. John Simola, Public Works Director indicated there were no pathway easements. In discussing the location of the fence it was noted the existing fence is one foot back from the River City Extreme property line. John Simola stated the property owner could place a fence on the property line. It was suggested staff look at the situation and see what ideas they could come up with. Brian Stumpf stated that the City had put a considerable amount of time and money in coming up with the fence as a buffer and he questioned where this would all end. He stated he would like to sit in on staff discussion of this situation. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC, Parks, Finance, DMV and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving purchase of Automark Ballot Marker. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of the used Automark Ballot Marker with a two year warranty. C. Consideration of approving transfer of charitable gambling license for Land Of Lakes Choirboys to Jala Penos at 512 State Highway 25. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to the Land of Lakes Choirboys for Jalapenos located at 512 State Highway 25 D. Consideration of approving renewal of charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions Club at Chatters Restaurant and River City Extreme. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the renewal of the charitable gambling license for Monticello Lions Club to conduct charitable gambling activities at Chatters and River City Extreme. E. Consideration of approval of 2008 Wright County Highway Maintenance Agreement. Recommendation: Approve the 2008 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County. F. Consideration to review and accept 2007 GMEF Financial Statements, Activity Report, and proposed 2008 Budget. Recommendation: Accept the 2007 EDA-GMEF Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, Activity Report; and 2008 Cash Flaw Projections as presented. G. Consideration of approving a request for a one day charitable gambling license for a raffle at the High School Ballfield on July 10, 2008. Recommendation: Approve the one day charitable gambling license for a raffle for the Monticello Girls Fastpitch Association for July 10, 2008. H. Consideration to approve a request far rezoning from A-o (Agriculture-Open Space) to R-4 (Mobile Home Park) for the property known as Kjellberg's West Mobile Park. Applicant: Kjellberg's Inc./Kjellberg Mobile Home Park. Recommendation: Approve the request for rezoning from A-O to R-4 based on a finding that the subject request is 2 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the character of the surrounding area. I. Consideration to approve a request for conditional use permit far concept stage and development stage planned unit development for a commercial development in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: SB 22, LLC/Mike Krutzig. Recommendation: Approve the request for a conditional use permit for Development Stage PUD and Development Agreement as presented based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the performance requirements for the B-4 District and provides a quality project that justifies the use of planned unit development. J. Consideration of approval of the special assessment agreement and adoption of special assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. Recommendation: Approve the special assessment agreement and resolution adopting special assessments Far Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. K. Consideration of approving a charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. Recommendation: Approve the request for a charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey Program for the Monticello Country Club at 1209 Golf Course Road. L. Consideration to approve reaffirmation and reinstatement of assignment of contract For private development. -Front Porch Associates. Recommendation: Approve the Reaffirmation and Reinstatement for Assignment of Contract for Private Development by Front Porch Associates, LTD; First National Bank of Elk River/ City of Monticello EDA; and City of Monticello. Items #SB and #SK were removed for discussion. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5B AND #SK. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) b. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SB Consideration of approving purchase of Automark Ballot Marker: There was some discussion on the need for the second ballot marker and also whether the City would be utilizing two areas in the Community Center for the 200$ election. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO PROCEED WITH THE PURCHASE OF EITHER A USED . AUTOMARK BALLOT MARKER OR A NEW AUTOMARK BALLOT MARKER DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (S-0) #SK Charitable Gambling License for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. Wayne Mayer indicated that the reason he pulled this charitable gambling request was that he was concerned that the financial information presented was not current. As a former gambling manager he felt it was not unrealistic to expect the license holder to submit current financial information. He also noted in the letter from the Monticello Youth Hockey Program they stated they are a major 3 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 contributor to the ice arena. Wayne Mayer pointed out that the City of Monticello and a number of businesses have made significant contributions to the ice arena as well. Because current financial information on the gambling operation should be available to the City when requested, Wayne Mayer felt this item should be tabled. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REQUEST BY MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY PROGRAM FOR A CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE AT THE MONTICELLO COUNTRY CLUB AT 1209 GOLF COURSE ROAD. CUNT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 7. Consideration of authorization to approve purchase of play structure for Sunset Ponds Park and proceed with installation. Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk presented information on the play structure proposed to be installed at the Sunset Ponds Park. The installation of the equipment would be a joint project done with the Eagle Scouts under the supervision of a representative of the Webber Recreation Company. Tom Pawelk noted that the policy has been when a development is 50% filled, the City has proceeded with the park improvements. The City has budgeted $52,000 in 2008 for the park improvements at Sunset Ponds. Tam Pawelk noted that Webber Recreation installed the play equipment at Ellison Park and the equipment has held up well. He noted that Webber Recreation met the requirements of the project, came within the budgeted amount and was the top choice of park staff and Parks Commission. Clint Herbst suggested that Tom Pawelk contact the individual who had indicated that there was debris buried on site. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSAL FROM WEBBER RECREATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $52,000 FOR THE PLAYGROUND SYSTEM FOR SUNSET PONDS PARK WITH THE INSTALLATION BEING A COMMUNITY PROJECT DONE WITH THE EAGLE SCOUTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) 8. Consideration of adopting ordinance amendment regulating construction and development requiring grading, drainage and erosion plans, controls sand permits. This item had come before the Council previously and had been tabled to allow staff to address concerns raised by Charlie Pfeffer. Since that time staff has determined that definitions in the ordinance are consistent with definitions used by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Adoption of an erosion control ordinance is required as part of the City's SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program). SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ADOPTING CHAPTER 33 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE FOR GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL AND CORRESPONDING AMENDMENTS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT CITY POLICIES AND STRATEGIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF MONTICELLO'S WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. CUNT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. In additional discussion Tom Perrault questioned #33-3[A] 3 which would require an approved grading plan for any work done within 200 feet of a waterway or surface water. Staff indicated this provision was put in place because of past experience with property owners filling in storm water 4 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 areas and conservation easements. There was some discussion on the fee far the grading permit. The proposed fee is $150 regardless of the amount of work being done and there is also a security deposit requirement. The Council felt the fee amount should be looked at since it seemed rather high. It was noted that the ordinance itself did not identify a specific fee amount but referenced the City's fee schedule so any change to the fee would not require an amendment to the ordinance. Tom Perrault also questioned #33-5[A]2 and whether that would prohibit removal of trees and vegetation. Staff clarified that the provision meant removal of trees within the area of the grading permit would be reviewed. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, THE MOTION PASSED 4-1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING 1N OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of authorizin Fire De artment to roceed with develo in s ecifications far new fire truck. Finance Director, Tom Kelly noted this item had come before the Council previously and had been tabled so it could be determined whether adequate funds had been budgeted for the purchase of the truck. Torn Kelly reported there is $369,114 in budgeted funds available for the truck. Since the Fire Department had estimated the cost of the new truck to be about $450,000 additional funds will need to be budgeted in the 2009 budget. Brian Stumpf indicated that it was the Fire Department's intent to budget funds every year to go towards equipment replacement. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW TRUCK WITH FINALIZED COST ESTIMATES TO BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL PRIOR TO ADVERTISING FOR BIDS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of a ravin desi n construction and fundin of landsca in lain far the roundabout at CSAH 1$/Meadow Oak Avenue. Tom Kelly indicated that staff has been working with state and county officials on the landscaping plan for the roundabout. State standards recommend that the view across the roundabout be interrupted. The visual interruption encourages drivers to look for vehicles already in the roundabout. The estimated cost for the landscaping work is $$,558.10 which would come out of the consolidate bond fund. The Public Works Department will be removing the planters each fall and putting them out again in the spring. It is estimated it would take two employees about four hours to remove the planters. Clint Herbst expressed concern about having anything in the roundabout that would obstruct the view. Wayne Mayer agreed with the idea that having the view of the roundabout interrupted would make a driver more conscious of looking for any vehicles in the roundabout. A question was raised about the placement of the planters. Public Works Director John Simola said the six planters would be set back from the median. The Lions Club will be doing the original plantings and will assist in periodic maintenance of the area. John Simola pointed out that the landscaping materials selected are about as low maintenance as it can be. Susie Wojchouski asked if the roundabout created any problems as far as snow removal. Street Superintendent Tom Moores indicated it did not. Council Minutes: 4/14/Q8 SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE ROUNDABOUT LANDSCAPING AT A COST ESTIMATE OF $8,558.10. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOT1ON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (S-0) 11. Consideration of a rovin a e ui stud and 'ob descri tions• than es in li uor store o eration ado tin a scale and ado tin CULA for 2008. The information being considered at this meeting was presented to the Council in a workshop on March 24, 2008. At that time action on the item was tabled in order to allow staff some time to work on issues relating to the liquor store operations. During this time frame staff has met with the Liquor Store Manager and the Assistant Manager to discuss staffing and scheduling concerns. Staff has also met with union representatives and came up with a memorandum of understanding relating to the proposed changes set forth in the pay equity and salary scale. Tom Kelly discussed how the liquor store operations could be made more efficient. The Liquor Store Manager and Assistant Manager have met with City staff and have came up with a revised schedule for the Manager and Assistant Manager that would. reduce the amount of hours that their schedules overlap. The Liquor Store staff felt it was necessary to have both the Manager and Assistant Manager present to coordinate certain work such as ordering and taking deliveries. The report by Sherrie Le indicated that the liquor store was management heavy with there being times when the Manager, Assistant Manager and Night/Weekend Supervisor were all working at the same time. One of the recommendations in Sherrie Le's report is to change the Night/Weekend Supervisor to a Liquor Store Clerk position. In those instances where neither the Manager or Assistant Manager is available one of the Liquor Store Clerk positions would be designated as supervisor and receive a salary increase of $1.50/hour during the hours they are acting as stare supervisor. At the present time there are five full-time employees; the Manager, Assistant Manager, Night/Weekend Supervisor and two full-time Liquor Store Clerks. It was discussed whether that many full-time positions were needed or whether the operation would be more efficient with the use of part-time staff. While it is not proposed to cut the hours of the five full time positions at this time it is a possibility that could be looked at in the future. With the new salary structure it appeared that the Liquor Store Clerks were aver paid. It is proposed to freeze their salary aver the summer months and after September reduce it down so all three full-time Liquor Store Clerks will be at Grade 4, Step 8. There will also be greater effort made to limit overtime. It was suggested that holiday hours be filled by part-time staff rather than :full-time staff. Tom Kelly reiterated that the full-time Liquor Store Clerk positions would be classified as Grade 4, Step 8 and they would be frozen at their current rate of pay until September at which time their rates would be reduced. The reductions for the three positions would be $.S6/hour; $2.25/hour and $2.96/hour. Clint Herbst stated the City hired a professional who looked at this and the Liquor Store staffing was the first thing she mentioned. It was red flag far her. The concern was that the operation was not as efficient as a private stare might be. Clint Herbst felt it was difficult to keep part-time employees if they are only paid'/z of what the full-time employees make. Brian Stumpf said if the proposed changes are approved he would like to see the operations monitored over a period of time to see how much money is saved. Brian Stumpf did not like the idea of a price differential for the Liquor Store Clerk who maybe required to supervise operations in the absence of the Manager or Assistant Manager. Wayne Mayer felt the compromise on hours proposed by the Manager and Assistant manger was justification to continue as normal. While some Councilmembers felt there may need to 6 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 be some adjustment in the wages for the clerks when supervising the store, they questioned whether $1.50 an hour was too high. Wayne Mayer said he would be voting in apposition because they didn't feel the City went fax enough with changes to the operation of the liquor store. Susie Wojchouski felt the compromise on the overlapping hours was a good start and it allowed time to transition the changes. Jeff O'Neill felt they could be doing harm to the operations by making drastic changes too quickly. Staff tried to make the changes in a manner that would have minimal impact on operations. Joe Hartman, Liquor Store Manager and Mike Fishbach, Assistant Store Manager spoke pointing out that of all single store operations, Monticello ranks third in the state as far as sales. They talked about the staffing at other area liquor stores. They also emphasized the importance of their full-time staff as far as providing continuity in the operations, knowledge of the product and having a core of reliable, customer oriented individuals to generate sales. Joe Hartman illustrated that prior to hiring their first full-time staff person they had gone through over a 100 part-time employees. He noted the time it takes to train an individual. Because of the high turnover ofpart-time help there is a lot of time and money spent in training that you don't have with full time employees. Joe Hartman painted out there is a 2,000 increase in the number of customers and a $40,000 increase in sales. Both Joe Hartman and Mike Fishbach spoke to the need to have managers there at the same time for at least part of the day. Ordering product, taking delivery, working with the vendors, handling questions from customers and staff, and employee training were just some of the areas where they felt it was useful to have overlapping time. They felt this teamwork was one of the reasons the liquor store was so successful. Again they emphasized that their full-time employees are the key to goad customer service and that is what brings a customer back. Brian Stumpf asked if staff had any idea how much the change would affect the bottom line. Tom Kelly replied making the Assistant Manager exempt from overtime and reducing the salaries of the clerks would generate some significant savings. Tom Kelly said monitoring this aver the summer would give them a better idea as to the cost savings. Clint Herbst stated he had same reservations an how to deal with this issue. Sherrie Le was brought in to evaluate where everyone was. He said the City needs to be responsible with the taxpayers' money. Mike Fischbach respond that by cutting the clerks hours down and breaking the change of command with the change in the Night/Weekend Supervisor position might be detrimental to the operation. He stated he understands what the Council is trying to da but he feels the full-time people are key to the operation of the store. He noted the liability risk for liquor store employees and didn't feel the part-time people understood that risk. Mike Fischbach said they expect more from their full- time employees and they should be paid mare than part-time employees. Joe Hartman stated they are a $4,000,000 operation and felt the full-time staff was important to that operation. If the ranking for this position is not correct how does it affect the overall pay equity plan. Jeff O'Neill said the grade and step is not out of whack. Pay equity has to catch up to the pay within that position. Council asked if Sherrie Le had seen this change. Jeff O'Neill said based on points the Liquor Stare Clerk position came in at Grade 4, Step 8. Mike Fischbach stated the Liquor Store Clerk position is not strictly a clerk position they da a lot of additional work. Jeff O'Neill said if the job was not properly assigned points there is a process for making sure that the points are corrected. Mike Fischbach said he didn't know if Sherrie Le talked to any of the part-time clerks but there are differences between the duties of the part-time and full-time clerks. Clint Herbst felt it was important to have checks and balances for each department within the City. The understanding of the Personnel Committee was that there would be a six month sunset on the full-time clerk positions. 7 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 Brian Stumpf felt that the Liquor Store staff should be given credit far making the adjustments but felt it should have been done at the workshop. He added that he doesn't agree with item #2a which would give the liquor store clerk an additional $1.50/hour to operate the stare in the absence of the Manager and Assistant Manager. He felt this amount should be something less and he also felt these changes should be rnanitored until the end of the year and then something should be brought back to the Council on the cost saving measures. Tom Perrault felt that since that individual is given additional responsibility to manage the store there should be some wage adjustment but he felt the number of times a clerk would be asked to assume this responsibility should be kept to a minimum. Susie Wojchouski agreed that when the Manager and Assistant Manager is not there someone should be in charge but she didn't believe it should be at $1.50/hour. Jeff O'Neill said $1 /hour is what the union employee gets when he is the lead position. Wayne Mayer said either the Liquor Store is skewed or the study is skewed. Sherrie Le said the positions were overpaid by 15%. Sherrie Le's evaluation was of the job description and not the person in it. Joe Hartman asked if Sherrie Le compared their store with other stores of comparable sales. Sherrie Le's report said the Liquor store has too much management and they are there for too many of the same hours. If this was a private firm, would that many management people be scheduled at one time. Clint Herbst felt they should try to do the things suggested and look at it again after Labor Day. It is proposed that full-time salaries will be frozen until September and then reduced. Splitting up the hours both the manager and assistant manager are working at the same time would be done immediately. Susie Wojchouski said this would give some time to da additional study of other municipal liquor operations. Clint Herbst said the only question is whether the Liquor Store has too many or too few employees. Sherrie Le was not present to provide input from comments that were taken from her report. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PAY EQUITY AND ORGANIZATION PLAT EMBODIED IN THE REPORT BY SHERRIE LE WITH THE PAY ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE RETROACTIVE TO JANUARY 1, 2008. INCLUDED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE REPORT IS: 1) REVISED JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND UPDATED PAY EQUITY ANALYSIS FOR EVERY POSITION IN THE CITY; 2) SUGGESTED ORGANIZATION SHIFTAS ADJUSTING LINES OF AUTHORITY; 3) SALARY SCALE (2007) AND ASSOCIATED PAY SHIFTS EFFECTIVE RETROACTIVE TO JANARY 1, 2008; 4) A VARIETY OF SUGGESTIONS FOR FOLLOW-UP STEPS TO ENHANCE FFICIENCY AND SUGGESTIONS 1~'OR FUTURE CONSIDERATION PENDING RETIREMENT OF KEY PERSONNEL; 5) ADOPTION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ENABLING UNION POSITION FAY SHIFT FROM THE OLD FAY SCALE TO THE NEW SCALE; AND 6)ADOPTION OF RECOOMENDATIONS FOR CHANGES TO THE LIQUOR STORE INCLUDING THE SCHEDULE CHANGES AND CHANGES IN OVERTIME HOURS FOR THE LIQUOR STORE BUT HE WOULD LIKE TO SEE #2A (DIFFERENTIAL PAY FOR THE CLERK SUPERVISING THE STORE IN THE ABSENCE OI~' THE MANAGER AND ASSISTANT MANAGER) REMOVED AND HAVE THE COUNCIL REVISIT THIS AT THE END OF THE YEAR WITH THE CLARIFICATION THAT THE MANAGER AND ASSISTANT MANAGER SCHEDULES BE LEFT AS PROPOSED. Tom Perrault asked if Sherrie Le had any comment about the pay for the clerk supervising in the absence of management. Jeff O'Neill said she felt some adjustment should be made but didn't specify a dollar amount. Wayne Mayer asked on #1B if it should read Wednesday instead of Thursday. He also felt the proposed changes should not have to be contingent on the pay equity plan. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE Council Minutes: 4/14/08 MAYER AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING 1N OPPOSITION. (3-2) The cost of living adjustment was discussed. It was noted that most employees with the new pay scale had received a 1.3%-1.4% increase. In 2007 employees received a 1% cost of living increase and 1 % step increase. With the economic times being what they are it was felt a 1 % cost of living increase would be reasonable and in line with what the City had done in 2007. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A 1% COST OF LIVING INCREASE FOR 2008. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) Tom Perrault asked what the cast of living actually was. Tom Kelly indicated that they had polled other communities and they had a cola adjustment of about 3% but staff did not check that national cost of living index. Added items: Snowplowing: Clint Herbst stated he had received a call from a resident who said the cul-de-sac had not been plowed during the last snowfall. Tom Moores said when it gets to be March and April they do not automatically ga out and clear the full width of the street. If the weather conditions are expected to be such where the snow will melt fairly quickly they will make one pass an each side of the street and one pass through the cul-de-sac but not clear the entire roadway, which was what was done on the last snowfall. One reason is that at this time of the year when they go curb to curb they may pull up sad. Tom Moores noted they did haul snow from some of the city parking lots. Apollo Glass: Brian Stumpf asked why this matter was coming before the Design Advisory Team when the sign was already installed. Chief Building Official Gary Anderson replied that there has been a number of instances where the sign company has not applied for the permit and just installed the sign ar they may tell the owner it has been taken care of when it has not. Wayne Mayer asked what could be done to insure that companies are pulling sign permits. Legal counsel Tom Scott suggest a double fee could be applied to the applicant who failed to get a sign permit Council Compensation: Brian Stumpf stated that since this was an election year he wondered if any of the other members of the Council had given consideration to increasing the compensation for the Council. The last increase in Council wages was in 1995. Brian Stumpf noted that the number of meetings axe increasing and there are more committee and subcommittees that members of the Council serve an. Wayne Mayer said the Council has to look at it far future councils. There has to be some incentive for qualified people to run for office. Wayne Mayer said everyone on the Council has gone above and beyond as far as meetings. Susie Wojchouski felt the Planning Commission should be considered for an increase as taa. Tom Perrault felt if the Planning Commission gets a stipend the EDA should as well. Tom Scott said an ordinance increasing Council compensation could be adopted in an election year but it would not take effect until after the election so the Council could research this and bring it back to the Council at a later date. Occasional Stores: Susie Wojchouski brought up the occasional stores which are only open on certain days. At the present time most of these are located in homes. She wanted to know if there was anything in the ordinance that addressed this type of shop. Brian Stumpf suggested they be treated like garage sales and be limited to a certain number per year. It was suggested that since Buffalo has a number of these shops, staff contact the City of Buffalo to see how they are handled. Ollie Koropchak Resignation; Clint Herbst acknowledged the letter of resignation received from Ollie 9 Council Minutes: 4/14/08 Koropchak, Economic Development Director and wished her the best in her retirement. 12. Consideration of apnrovin~ payment of bills for Auril, 2008. Tom Perrault asked about the philosophy of having the Public Works staff do the oil change and vehicle washing for all city vehicles or having it done by a commercial firm. Tom Kelly said currently there is na city policy an this. John Simola said the mechanic has a full work load with equipment repairs and in the summer the work load is greater. In addition there is only one hoist that could be utilized. At the present time oil changes can be done inexpensively with a commercial firm. Wayne Mayer asked how they planned to address this issue in the new building. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.(5-0) 13. Adiourn WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 1.0:15 P.M. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (5-0) Recording Secretary 10