City Council Minutes 05-14-1998 SpecialMINUTES
Thursday, May 14,1998 - 6 p.m.
Members Present: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst
Members Absent: Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf
A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of reviewing the City's vision
statement and progress on meeting goals and objectives.
Assistant Administrator 7eff O'Neill reviewed the items from the project priority list that have
been completed as each relates to the vision statement categories of aesthetic/environmental,
sociaUcommunity, cultural, economic, recreational, and spiritual.. Economic Development
Director Ollie Koropchak also reviewed the items currently being completed by the HRA, EDA,
and the marketing committee in the area of economic development. During discussions, it was
emphasized that it would be very worthwhile for the City to develop a scattered housing site
City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the financial condition of the City appears to be
healthy with a surplus of $13,557,875 in 1997, and afive-year capital improvement plan is
currently being prepared.
The City Administrator also reported that in order to make better use of existing personnel and to
meet the needs of various city departments, he recommended that the organizational structure be
modified to include separation of the finance functions from the general office structure to be
directly managed by the City Administrator, the addition of a Building Inspection Clerk,
modification to the Office Manager's position to Deputy City Clerk, and addition of a part-time
Administrative Clerk to help the City Clerk with records management activities. He explained
that, although funding for the new Building Inspection Clerk position was not included in the
1998 budget, the building department has sufficient revenue to cover the additional cost far 1.998,
and permanent funding can be included in the budget for 1999. In addition, afull-time
shop/mechanic position will soon be needed in the public works department, which will likely be
proposed in the 1999 budget.
Councihnembers noted that they were in agreement with the proposed reorganization; however, it
was suggested that it be reviewed by the full Council on May 2C.
Mayor Fair then listed the following additional priority items:
1. Preparation of a 5-year capital improvement plan.
2. Preparation of a management plan for the community center.
3. Review costs for improvements to the entire area near Marvin Road.
4. Update the comprehensive plan in the area of transportation.
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Special Council Minutes - S/14/98
S. Look at incentives for industrial growth.
b. Consider referendum questions for the 1998 elections.
7. Increase Mayor's term of office to 4 years, which the League of Women Voters
will be researching.
No specific action was taken by the Council.
AD70URN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously.
Kare oty
Office Manager
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