City Council Minutes 05-21-1998 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS Thursday, May 21,1998 - 6 p.m. Council Present: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson Council Absent: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen Planning Commission Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Robbie Smith, Rod Dragsten Planning Commission Absent: Dick Martie HRA Present: Dan Frie, Bradley Barger, Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr HRA Absent: Bab Murray EDA Present: Darrin Lahr, Barb Schwientek, Ken Maus, William Demeules, Roger Carlson EDA Absent: Ron Hoglund, Clint Herbst Parks Commission Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Jennifer Fearing, Earl Smith Parks Commission Absent: None Police Commission Present: Liz DesMarais, David Gerads, Brad Fyle Police Commission Absent: Bridget Baldwin, Brian Stumpf A special joint meeting of the City Council and commissions was held for the purpose of reviewing the City's vision statement and progress on meeting goals and objectives. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reviewed the items from the project priority list that have been completed as each relates to the vision statement categories of aesthetic/environmental, social/community, cultural, economic, recreational, and spiritual. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the financial condition of the City appears to be healthy with a surplus of $13,557,875 in 1997, and afive-year capital improvement plan is currently being prepared. It was also noted that the City Council will be reviewing a reorganization plan for city hall staffing needs, which will include separating the finance department from the general office structure. Mayor Bill Fair reviewed his list of additional priority items, which included preparation of a five-year capital improvement plan, preparation of a management plan for the community center, reviewing costs for improvements to the entire area near Marvin Road, updating the comprehensive plan in the area of transportation, looking at incentives far industrial growth, considering referendum questions for the 1998 elections, and increasing the Mayor's term of office to four years beginning in the year 2000, which the League of Women Voters will be researching. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - S/21 /98 Joint Comrnissian Meeting Representatives from each commission reported on projects completed during the past year and shared ideas on possible new initiatives. Barb Schwientek suggested that, since the organizational structure will soon be reviewed, it would be beneficial for customers to have a more detailed structure as far as who to contact at city hall during projects. Mayor Fair and City staff also noted that extensive street resurfacing is being planned for the near future and annexation of property into the city will continue due to continued interest by developers. There being no further business, the joint meeting was adjourned. "~ 'Z2~. K e oty Deputy City Clerk 1 [1 Page 2