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City Council Agenda Packet 05-12-2008
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday May 12, 2008 NOTE: SPECIAL MEETING AT 5 P.M. RELATING TO OFF-STREET PARKING IN Sill i I !OIESIDEV, Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of April 28, 2008 Regular Meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of April 29, 2008 Board of Review. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. S. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Liquor Store. B. Consideration of authorizing School Boulevard Signing and Striping Modifications, City Project No. 2008-08C. W00004 � D. Consideration of Change Order Number I and Final Payment for Demolition Project No. 2007-20C, the Cedar Street Garden Center and the farmhouse and two outbuildings at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving and adopting the Monticello, Minnesota 2008 Comprehensive Plan. 8. Consideration of approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing bids for the Fiber Optic Network, City Project No. 2006-32C. 9. Consideration of authorizing change order approval process for Fiber Optics Network, City Project No. 2006-32C. 10. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for grading and utilities for the fiber optics head -in building. Agenda Monticello City Council May 12, 2008 Page 2 11. Consideration of approval of conditional use permit and simple subdivision for fiber optics head -in building. 12. Consideration of authorizing extension of headlight screening fence at River City Extreme. 13. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for outdoor sales and display as related to an outdoor volleyball facility in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: River City Extreme. 14. Consideration of approval of preliminary and final plat for Amax Addition and consideration of approval of development agreement. Applicant: Glen Posusta. 15. Review of 2008 Council and City Commission Compensation. 16. Consideration of approving payment of bills for May, 2008. 17. Adjourn Council Minutes: 4(28/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday April 28, 2008 — 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojehouski. Members Absent: Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allevance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14,2008 SPECIAL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 111M �ll!llillllll�i;�ll�ill'Illj� I'l '1 :111•1111111111 MZ= Tom Perrault noted some typographical errors and pointed out that the vote on agenda item #8 was 4-1. He also stated that on the motion for agenda item #11 he and Wayne Mayer had voted in opposition. He felt language should be added clarifying that Sherrie Le was not present at the meeting to provide input on the comments taken from her report. 11101012 a a N INEA1111 N W0110ILTA a NN DIF -111 a a 11101TA Man I =5 I WIN 061KO) = V u ma V-,4 1 ME' • 1 XIONVIOTY 110CEN00129MOMEMOMMISIA a I 1111011 0 NTro 2 1 !111!1! �ililill!llll�i'll� I illi��Iiii I 3511TRI! I v 0 a "WAM11I .1 a 0 11 a] 91 V IMMOCkyj my a N WAN W &I xk910 *0 ON V as I Wkyj L01 I 091maj Lei V =1 UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. rIT.-TR-71 111rut TUMITTU "il The following items were added to the agenda: 1) National Day of Prayer; 2) Building needs for fiber optics; and 3) Snowplowing procedures, Rk A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Parks, Streets, Water, DMV and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. 1 Council Minutes: 4/28/08 B. Consideration of approving a charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution recommending approval of charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. Res. #2008-32 C. Consideration of approval of annual renewal of liquor licenses. Recommendation: Approve the renewal of the liquor licenses contingent upon submittal of certificate of insurance and payment of fees. D. Consideration of approving appointment of Beth Osiek to fill vacancy on Library Board. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Beth Osiek to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Tom Parker whose term expires December 31, 2008. E. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Church of St. Henry. Recommendation: Approve the temporary liquor license for the Church of St. Henry for May 15, 2008. F. Consideration of adding a grade to the Community Center part-time pay scale. Recommendation: Approve the addition of the new grade for Program Instructor and the addition of a Program Assistant and Program Helper within another grade already established. G. Consideration of authorizing postings. 1. Economic Development Director - Recommendation: Authorize the advertising for the position of Economic Development Director. 2. Human Resources Manager. — Recommendation: Authorize the job posting for a Human Resources Manager for the City of Monticello. H. Consideration of approval of increase in the amount the change fund for MCC for operation of ballfield concessions. Recommendation: Approve the increase to the Community Center's change fund in the amount of $550 for operation of the ballfield concession stand. 1. Consideration of a new three year contract with Veolia for refuse pickup/hauling and recycling. Recommendation: Accept the offer from Veolia for a three-year contract with increases of 1.25% the first year, 1% the second year and 1% the third year as outlined above with the agreement to take effect the last day of May, 2008. Consideration of adopting a resolution requesting conveyance of tax forfeited land to the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution requesting conveyance to the City of parcels 155-500-144100, 155-500-144200, 155-090-000060, 155-080-000010 and 155-080-000020. Res. #2008-35. K. Consideration to call for a public hearing for the vacation of that portion of Dundas Road as related to the proposed Amax Addition and consideration to call for a public hearing for the vacation of a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25. Recommendation: Move to call for a public hearing on the proposed vacation of that portion of Dundas N Council Minutes: 4/28/08 Road as related to the proposed Amax Addition and for the vacation of a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25. L. Consideration of approving appointments to Fire Department offices for 2008. Recommendation: Approve the appointments as identified. Tom Perrault pulled agenda items #5G, #51 and #5J and had clarifications for the following items: #5A — Ratify employee hires: Only the first list of employees was current. The other sheets were from old reports. #5B — Charitable Gambling License — Additional financial information was received from Monticello Youth Hockey. #5C — Liquor license renewals includes a license for Wal-Mart and as an employee of Wal-Mart Tom Perrault would abstain from voting on this item. #5L — Appointment of Fire Officers — The Council was not approving the appointment of the full list of officers only the Captain 4 and the Assistant Fire Chief positions. I IMANNY11 I ISO 5 is NO &1ST4W*J #5G Authorize posting for Economic Development Director and Human Resources Manager. Tom Perrault expressed his concern that there isn't an Assistant City Administrator position. He would like to have the Council consider combining the Assistant City Administrator with the Economic Development position, Clint Herbst said with both the Economic Development Director and the Human Resources Manager the City was going to see what was out there. He said it was somewhat surprising what a Human Resource Manager can command in the way of salary. He felt the City needs to see what kind of applicants they could attract. If it wasn't a good fit the City didn't need to fill the position. Tom Perrault asked if the Assistant City Administrator and Economic Development Director could be advertised as one position. Kitty Baltos said an advertisement has not been put together for the position. Combining the Economic Development Director position with the Assistant City Administrator would change the job description and could change the points. Clint Herbst felt the Human Resources Manager should go forward. Kitty Baltos indicated that the Human Resources position was being advertised as a full-time position. Tom Kelly concurred it should be a full-time position noting there are areas in Human Resources the City has let slide because no one has had time to it. With fiber optics the City will be adding another 3-4 people and there is replacement of staff that will be retiring and development of policies relating to personnel issues that need to be established. Brian Stumpf asked if the Human Resources Manager position could be a contract position and if that would impact how the City would advertise for the position. There was some discussion on the advantages of having a human resources contracted out as compared to hiring an individual. Kitty Baltos asked if the Council wanted language in the advertisement saying the Human Resources position could lead to a full-time position. Council felt initially 75% of the duties would be human resources duties and the other 25% would be other administrative duties. Council Minutes: 4/28/08 MINIMUM, 1MGMARTAIRUMMY"In - I , P- % Clint Herbst suggested on the Economic Development Director position the City could add that city administration experience is a plus. Tom Perrault felt the City should move forward on the Economic Development position and add language that the position may include administrative duties. Tom Kelly suggested that perhaps the Human Resources position could include some duties of an Assistant City Administrator. #51 Contract with Peolia: Tom Perrault stated that the old contract called for a three year contract with two one year extensions. The City already has done a one year extension. Joel Jamnik, City Attorney had advised the City since this is a contract for service, the City is not required to go out for bids or get RFD's. A two year contract is typical and three years is the max. At that point other haulers could argue that the City is bordering on organized collection. Joel Jamnik had suggested the City approve this three year contract and at the end of the contract period the City could do an RFP. Clint Herbst said it was hard to look at this contract as anything but a good deal for the City. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ACCEPT THE OFFER FROM VEOLIA FOR A THREE-YEAR CONTRACT WITH INCREASES OF 1.25% THE FIRST YEAR, 1% THE SECOND YEAR AND I% THE THIRD YEAR FFECTIVE MAY 31, 2008 AND TO CALL FOR RFP'S WHEN THE CONTRACT EXPIRES. Clint Herbst stated that the RFP doesn't help negotiate a contract. Since there was no one year extension at the end of the new three year contract, the RFP doesn't need to be in the motion. VA ,10=1 HUS I V 96*=0610 111 a oil V : I =01 WIV MOMMI Wif 0 Ma' • 1M� UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. #5J Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Lands: Tom Perrault questioned what had happened here since the City had built pathways and ponds on land the City didn't own. The Council discussed the five parcels and why the City should acquire them. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF PARCELS 155-500-144100,155-500-144200,155-090-000060,155-080-000010 AND 155-080-000020. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4-0. 7. Public Hearin2 and consideration of avvrovin2 delinauent utilitv assessments for certification to the County. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the delinquent utility assessment. No one spoke for or 4 Council Minutes: 4/28/08 against the delinquent utilities. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Finance Director Tom Kelly made some comparisons the number of accounts and total dollars of delinquent utilities this quarter as compared to other quarters. I WE 8. Consideration to approve a reciuest for oreliminary and final plat for the AMAX Addition,--,? commercial Wat in a B-3 (Hietwav Business) District. Avi3licant: AMAX Self-Stora2e. Steve Grittman explained the proposed preliminary and final plat for the Amax Addition. The plat creates a new development parcel lying between TH 25 and Cedar Street. The proposed plat excludes property, the former Cedar Street right-of-way, which is in dispute. The plat includes dedicated right-of-way for Dundas Road. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the plat with conditions. Steve Grittman reviewed the conditions: 1) The line of the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block I and the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 should be pushed back 20'; 2) Show the street vacations of the revised plat. A consent agenda item called for a public hearing to vacate a small portion (a 7' strip) of Dundas Road and to vacate a portion of Old TH 25; 3) Drainage and utility easements to be shown on the plat in accordance with standard plat configuration. The applicant has concrete screen wall on his site. With the platting of the property the wall will actually be within the easement. Condition #3 stated any disruption of the portion of the existing wall would be at the expense of the property owner. Clint Herbst noted the Council received a letter from Glen Posusta on this matter. Steve Grittman explained the wall is legal and not in violation of any setback. The plat consists of two metes and bound parcels which are split into one new development lot and the lot of the existing Amax Storage and Glass Hut. Steve Grittman explained that as part of any new plat, the City obtains easements. Condition #3 reflects the City's standard approach to easements. Clint Herbst said there is a lot of room between the wall and Cedar Street. Steve Grittman clarified that Public Works and Engineering both feel that activity in the easement area wouldn't need to interfere with the wall. The engineer's language is stating the City's policy. Clint Herbst asked how much the City was paying for the applicant to deed back Dundas Road. Steve Grittman said the right-of-way for Dundas Road was being dedicated as part of the plat with no payment being made by the City. Steve Grittman added it does not change the status of the roadway rather the road shows as platted right-of-way instead of an easement. Clint Herbst said there are still issues out there that have to be addressed. Clint Herbst felt the City put a lot of requirements on this development including landscaping. He felt if there was a problem with the wall and it had to be reconstructed it should not be the responsibility of the property owner. Steve Grittman stated that the reason the City amended its ordinance was so structures would remain out of the easement area. The last two conditions, #4 and #5 dealing with signage and new construction are relating to future development on the new lot. Issues such as signage and any zoning approvals would require separate approvals. Clint Herbst asked what conditions Glen Posusta was in agreement with. Glen Posusta felt there was sufficient room between the wall and Cedar Street for anything that needed to be done in the area. As far as the dedication of Dundas Road easement, it is on his plat and on the original abstract. He will donate the property to the City provided he could take the existing sign and place it at the comer inside his wall which means it will be inside the drainage and utility easement. Brian Stumpf asked why the applicant wanted the sign inside the wall. Glen Posusta responded that the sign is 5 Council Minutes: 4/28/08 perpendicular to TH 25. He wants to put the sign so it is perpendicular to Dundas Road. He doesn't have room to put it between the curb and the wall. The sign will be visible inside the wall. Steve Grittman said relocating the sign may or may not be a problem. If the sign meets the setback requirements and the provisions of the sign ordinance then Glen Posusta would just need a sign permit. If it does not meet the requirements it would require an amendment to the PUD. Clint Herbst felt if Glen Posusta donates V2acre of land for right-of-way the City could approve the sign. Steve Grittman said the Council could do it but it would have to be done at a different meeting since it is not part of this application. As far as condition #3 Glen Posusta would like to have this provision scratched as there is no reason to have to go inside the wall. Clint Herbst said it should be the City's expense if anything would have to be redone. Glen Posusta agreed it should not be his responsibility to fix it. Susie Wojchouski asked if sidewalk needs to go in what kind of issue would that present. She asked if sidewalk is put in over utilities and Steve Grittman responded that the City tries to avoid that. Generally the sidewalk is put in the right-of-way rather than in the easement. Steve Grittman said if the intent is to vary from the policy, it should be done as part of the development agreement which is a recorded document. Clint Herbst felt all the issues should be hammered out at this time. Glen Posusta stated the wall is on a footing which is 5' in the ground. When he dug in the area he exposed a gas line. The gas line is right next to his wall, Glen Posusta indicated that within 2-3 months there will be hard surfacing in the area so fiber optics should be designed and installed before that time. Susie Wojchouski asked if the boundary of the easement on the east side could be extended to the west side. Steve Grittman said if the City knows where the utilities are going to go that is where the City would require the casements. Shibani Bisson said since the property to the west is not developed they could not know how the property would be serviced with utilities. Staff would need to look at some kind of design for the property to make that determination. Shibani Bisson felt the question is whether there is enough room for utilities and she felt there would be. Clint Herbst said the utility companies including the City should be able to operate within the 20' easement. Glen Posusta noted the dotted lines represent the utility and drainage easements which are standard in plats. Glen Posusta said when he put the wall in he was not aware of the gas line or the easement. Susie Wojchouski asked if there is adequate space for turn lanes should they be needed on Cedar Street. Clint Herbst said the property owner would have to give the right-of-way for a turn lane. Shibani Bisson felt there was adequate space to accommodate a turn lane. Susie Wojchouski commented that going south on Cedar Street, the trees impair the site line to the east. Glen Posusta said if traffic gets heavier the intersection of Dundas Road and Cedar Street would have to be a 4 -way stop. Glen Posusta said he has agreed to remove the 2 smaller evergreen trees. Glen Posusta had no changes to conditions #4 and #5. The discussion and suggestions made by Council need to be drawn up and brought back at the next meeting. MOO", National Day of Prayer: Tom Perrault noted there is a National Day of Prayer scheduled for May 1, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the flagpole area of the Community Center. 0 Council Minutes: 4/28/08 Fiber Optics Building Needs. Clint Herbst stated he was contacted by a rental company in town about locating across the street from the Community Center Building. Clint Herbst asked if the Council wanted to get involved in looking for a storefront location for fiber optics. The City can consider various options such as buying or leasing the space. The City needs to look at what type of space needs there will be for that type of operation such as how many vehicles there will be and how many employees. Brian Stumpf felt some study should be done on what is needed. It was thought that 2500 sq ft to 3000 sq ft would be required, Clint Herbst suggested getting together to work this out. Tom Kelly informed the Council that he and Jeff O'Neill are planning to meet to go over the space needs for all City operations. This would be a workshop in the first part of July. Tom Kelly thought the storefront would be needed by October. If the City rents the space an agreement should be in place by August. Clint Herbst felt this was something the entire Council should be more active in. Clint Herbst said he was not sure if the storefront could be moved to the head -in building after three years. Susie Wojchouski said the space could be used three years for the fiber optic store front but if there is lease to purchase agreement the space could be utilized by City Hall. Brian Stumpf noted that the lease to purchase option would remove the parcel from the tax rolls. Snowplowing. Clint Herbst got a call from a resident stating that when the crews were blading the snow back they were ripping up the boulevard sod. The City requires the property owner to maintain the boulevard. He felt there should be some way of dealing with the snow without ripping up the sod and thought maybe there is something that could be done differently. 011ie Koropchak Retirement. It was announced that there will be an open house on May 6, 2008 from 3 pm to 5 pm in the Mississippi Room for 011ie Koropchak who is retiring as the City's Economic Development Director. Other Items: Brian Stumpf noted that Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 7 p.m. is the Board of Review and on Wednesday afternoon, April 30, 2008 they will be reviewing the RFP's for the Natural Resources Inventory. A public hearing is also being conducted by the Planning Commission on the Comprehensive Plan on April 30, 2008 at 6 p.m. Susie Wojchouski asked about an item under the MCC coding and was informed that they were prizes for the winners of the softball tournament which was held recently. 6*1 OV -43 0 1111 a 12 V nu I a IN [U I IN 0 W Al M I M 0 K01.1i V Ilk 4 AIA I nnnnk� Recording Secretary 7 Minutes Special Meeting: 4/29/08 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojehouski Members Absent: Wayne Mayer I' 11� 0 in FX WIIIM Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Introduction of revresentatives from the Wright Countv Assessor's Office. Greg Kramber, Wright County Assessor, Tony Rasmussen, Senior Appraiser and Lori Thingvold, Assessor for the City of Monticello were present at the meeting. The Board of Review looks at classification and valuation on the 2008 assessment for taxes payable in 2009. Values placed on the property are determined by a Department of Revenue study which compares sales for the period from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007. Sales occurring from October 1, 2007 through September 2008 will be the basis for determining property values for the 2010 taxes. Greg Kramber explained the appeals process. The first step in the process is the local Board of Review. If the individual is not acceptable to the decision of the local board, they can go to the County Board of Appeal and the final appeal is to the State Tax Court. Greg Kramber added that the Board of Review does not have the power to open the valuation for taxes payable in 2008. Lori Thingvold stated that in Monticello there were 135 qualified sales which was the basis of the Department of Revenue sales ratio study. The median sales ratio was 94.4%. The assessor reviews 115 of the parcels each year. In Monticello some townhomes saw reductions and lots along the river saw a slight increase. Tony Rasmussen talked abut commercial property county wide. There were 26 qualified sales resulting in a median sales ratio of 95.7%. The overall increase in commercial property value was about 1.2%. Most of the property value changes were a result of the impact of the interchange. There was $12,500,000 in new commercial construction including River City Extreme, Moon Motors, Palf 'Ryan Companies strip mall and Mielke Properties strip mall. An area of concern for the assessor is the amount of vacancies county wide for commercial property. Greg Kramber pointed out that foreclosures are not included in sales ratio study. Minutes Special Meeting: 4/29/08 Robert Milless owns two vacant lots in Monticello; one in Hillside Farms Second Addition (155-167-002040) and one in Carlisle Village Fourth Addition (155-183-001010). He noted the valuation for the Carlisle Village lot for the last two years has been $70,000 and the purchase price was $71,900. The lot in Hillside Farms Second Addition has a valuation of $60,000. Greg Kramber noted these lots were impacted the Plat Lot Deferral law which was passed to assist developers. There is three years left on the plat lot deferral for Hillside Farms and four years left for Carlisle Village. Greg Kramber said they thought the valuation was fair and would not want to lower it for these lots without making an adjustment for all the lots in the development. Greg Kramber stated that if properties are not selling in a community they would look at comparable sales in other areas. Any indication of value would be looked at. He added that over the last five years a considerable number of residential lots were platted and there is surplus of lots at the present time. Rick Williamson and Al Blason came before the board concerning properties they own in the Riverview Square Addition (155-117-001020, 155-117-001030 and 155-117-002010). Mr. Williamson stated the valuation on the property stayed the same as last year but he questioned the high rate that went into effect last year. Rick Williamson stated that last year they had sold property to Steiner Development and while they didn't like the increase in valuation they accepted it. He went on to say they have also increased the tax rate on convenience stores. With the new freeway interchange the convenience store has lost 50%-60% and they have to rely on coupons and promotions to keep sales up. The interchange for them was not a positive thing as far as their business. The valuation of the convenience store is $1,500,000 which was the same as last year. Mr. Williamson stated last year there was a 62% increase in land value and the convenience store went up about 30% Tony Rasmussen said there were a number of factors: 1) The interchange; 2) The Dahlheimer and Bondus sale of raw land at $5/sq. ft. 3) When land was sold to Home Depot the price was $7.40/sq. ft. In discussion of land sales it was noted that the property sold to Steiner Development went for $8/sq. ft. Rick Williamson indicated they are currently trying to sell the land for $6.30/sq. ft. but nothing is moving out there. Tony Rasmussen stated there have been sales of convenience stores in Albertville, Cokato and other communities which sold for more than their assessed value. He added that the cost of holding land is one of the big burdens for property owners. It was noted when the interchange was put in there was significant development in the area which accounted for the increases in valuation they had seen earlier. If development doesn't continue they would not expect that the properties would see such increases again. If the property owners decide to appeal it at the county level, Tony Rasmussen would go out and review the property. Mr. Williamson noted he would likely be appealing this at the county level. Tony Rasmussen said based on the data he had, he felt comfortable with the valuation for the parcels. Mr. Williamson stated the property is zoned PZM. The question was asked how the zoning impacted the valuation. The state's position is that usage dictates the tax classification. If it is bare land then it is based on zoning. Mr. Williamson spoke about the 0 Minutes Special Meeting: 4/29/08 increase in valuation and its impact on his taxes. Greg Kramber said there are fourteen factors that go into the taxes and valuation is just one of them. Looking at the sales and development that is happening in the area, Greg Kramber is recommending no change in valuation. Brian Stumpf said if the valuation has remained the same as last year he is reluctant to lower it. Greg Kramber reiterated that the sales data they have supports the valuation. If the property owner appeals to the county, the assessor will provide him with information on the convenience store sales. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MAKE NO CHANGE ON THE VALUATION OF T PROPERTIES IDENTIFIED AS 155-117-001020,155-117-001030 AND 155-117-2010. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MAKE NO CHANGE ON THE VALUATION FOR THE PROPERTY OWNED BY ROBERT MILLESS IDENTIFIED AS 155-167-002040 AND 155-183-001010. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dinesh Amin owner of the Americhin (155-010-003040) spoke to the board stating that be an independent hotel owner instead of a franchise owner and the decline in business over the last six months are reasons to consider a reduction in his valuation. He stated the valuation remained the same as last year. Tony Rasmussen said they are looking at hotels/motels and said over the past years they have actually lowered the rates for hotels/motels. Mr. Amin stated because of the new exit people are going to hotels on the south side of the exit and he is on the north side. Tony Rasmussen said hotels across the county did not see an increase in valuation. The valuation on the Americlnn is the second lowest in the county. The assessor was asked if valuation is determined by income or what factors. Tony Rasmussen said they look at income as well as other factors. He added that the county has made some adjustments on the hotels in Monticello several years back and overall the rate has not changed. Tony Rasmussen noted hotel business is cyclical and that the power plant has brought business to the Monticello hotels. Mr. Amin agreed noting that Xcel gives them business for 2-3 months. In discussing the valuation it was stated the land was valued at $4.20/sq. ft. The total valuation was $652,800 and $200,000 of this was land. There are 28 units in the structure. Greg Kramber said they would need to look at 2-3 years of income stream. If the downhill trend continues over the next couple of years they would need to look at this again. For comparable sales there was the sale of the Silver Fox Inn, the Days Inn and a hotel in Clearwater. Greg Kramber said based on the information they had and the comparable sales it was hard to recommend making a change in the valuation. Mr. Amin offered to submit financial information but Greg Kramber indicated he could not base a decision on six months income stream. 3 Minutes Special Meeting: 4/29/08 JWVQNWANJ MI The Assessor's office received a number of letters from property owners which were addressed. Mike Leuer, owner of 155-500-172100 and 155-500-083400 requested a change in valuation. The parcels which total approximately 100 acres had been annexed into the City and platted as the Hidden Forest Addition. The sale price was $2,100,000 which comes to about $22,000 per acre. The assessor has met with Mike Leuer and reviewed the area. The assessor noted today they received a tax court petition on this property which is the final level of appeal. The Bapa Enterprise, owner of the Silver Fox Inn requested a reduction in valuation. The assessor noted there was no change in the valuation from last year when the valuation was set at $1,681,800. Scott Douglas, owner of the former Golden Valley Furniture Building (155-010-052010) brought up the issue of damage to his roof. The assessor is recommending a reduction from the valuation of $278,700 by $8,900 until damage is repaired. In a response to how Xcel Energy property is valued Greg Kramber indicated the state values the property within the fenced area. The county values the land and anything outside the fence. Greg Kramber thanked the Council and staff for their support. Recording Secretary N Council Agenda: 5/12/08 11111711111 The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Liquor store. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. I . Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Nome Title Department Hire Date Class Helgeson.Juaeph Liquor Clerk Hi4NayUquor 4/17/08 PT Name Reason Department Last Day — Class Christian, John Voluntary MCC 04/01/08 PT . Schaffer, Julia Voluntary MCC 04/01/08 PT Birdsall, Trevor Voluntary _ MCC_ 03/01/08 PT Bleichner, Michael Voluntary _ _ _ MCC _ 03/15/08 PT . Sabel, Lauren ' Voluntary MCC _ 04/O6/88 PT . [8�ohuu.Mj�e - - Voluntary- ' MCC - 04/01/O� ' PT council -employee listxis:GM/2O08 Council Agenda: 5112108 5B. _Consideration of authoyiz Sining and.Striping _Uqdifications. City Proiect No, 2008-0�C. (B.W.) This project primarily consists of signing and striping improvements that were previously discussed and/or requested by the City Council including: i. Reposting the speed limit on School Boulevard from 45 mph to 35 mph from 250 feet west of Fallon Avenue to TH 25 per Mn/DOT's speed study results merno, attached for your reference. ii. Removing and relocating various signs on School Boulevard between Edmonson Avenue and TH 25, including the removal of 13 signs to reduce sign clutter per Council's request, which are primarily located on median noses. iii. Installing additional signs and striping on School Boulevard west of TH 25 to better accommodate commercial entrances. Plans detailing these improvements are attached for reference. Highway Technologies has provided a quote of $9,771.25 to complete all work identified in the plans. Staff also recommends that two pedestrian crosswalks on School Boulevard and one on CSAR 75 be improved as follows: i. Install an epoxy zebra crosswalk across School Boulevard on the west side of its intersection with Fallon Avenue, and remove the existing crosswalk striping on the east side of the intersection. This work is recommended because the pathway south of School Boulevard is not maintained during the winter so pedestrians can't use the existing crosswalk on the east side without climbing over a snow bank which is not a safe situation. In addition, a majority of the students crossing this intersection live in Klein Fauns and therefore approach the intersection on the west side. ii. Install an epoxy zebra crosswalk across School Boulevard on the west side of its intersection with Pelican Lane, and remove the existing crosswalk striping on the east side of the intersection. This crosswalk is needed to connect the two pedestrian curb ramps that were installed last year on the west side of the intersection thereby providing a connection between Pelican Lane and the pathway north of School Boulevard. iii, Install an epoxy zebra crosswalk across Broadway on the east side of its intersection with CSAR I8/CR 39. A crosswalk does not currently exist here and with the installation of the pathway east of CR 39 between Broadway and Hart Boulevard a crosswalk is now needed. Highway Technologies has provided a quote of $3,385 to complete this striping work. Public Works staff will relocate all existing crosswalk signing. The total cost for all work as identified in this report is $13,156.25, which would be taken from the City's consolidated bond fund. Council Agenda: 5112108 Council should be aware that a tour has been scheduled on the morning of June 27th to identify additional sign clutter reduction areas throughout the City. 1. Motion to authorize all signing and striping modifications as identified at a cost of $13,156.25. 2. Motion of other. City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. School Boulevard signing and striping plans (2 sheets). Cost quotes from Highway Technologies (2 sheets). Mn/DOT speed study memo (I sheet). ui C-2A�MOVE EXISTING SIGN TO NEW LOCATION SCHOOL BOULEVARD A ldM llb ! F i 1 L `� I �W OF TH 25 �_ �ZLLJ !:': d ;I O � A ��� EAST 0 O Wiz dQ1S 4 0, �- O -� (�} Lu =% cn a _ z V C-101 - ___,„ yrrre r rrrrrrr�.._ i 1\ O C f 0 47 Ldl.. - .._._- ', ._mss..-,,._..-.,•.,•-....-.,-,_«..,_ ® __._... .. - _ __ _ -- � ) ___ .. � .�''",.:.'. - Z W � N07 TO SCALE 7_ Wed t J _ C-1<0 - t J� z Lo rn 7- - - -- 0% `2-O o°0oo 24 X 30 °°o°oo v 00 0 /� r tiJ Z�� 0 0 C-101 7', �,j J rnO-I STOP °°° ` `� A c A © o° vc" � 0,0.0....ALL WAY O `r -I 0° rnz=-4 © 00 A ® C-101 O C-101@ _ REMOVE PAVEMENT MARKINGS _ INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS- EPDXY 4" SOLID 4" BROKEN 4" ScL I6 RT LT 24" YELLOW 4" SOLID 4" DOTTED ::Y "SOI ID 4" SKIP ��rr�+��77 ��77�� T WHITE YELLOW YELLCW ARROW ARROW STRIPE WHITE WHITE ELLOW YELLOW Ji 1jQ®L®VLE V j�R� C1 WMARIGHT TURN LEFT TURN �-'L1NtT LIN FT L[NfT EACH ARROWARRO'N R2-1185 70 IUU 1 EACH LiNFT LINfT LIN FT IN FT 5 150 725 50 950 LIN FI EACH EACH 24 X 30 (A -' W 120 TOTAL 185 70 700 1 2 UJ Z 5 i50 725 SD 950 I, 120 2 I �m N W 250'j . Z W - O O 25 0 C-1 R2-1 c O 24 X 30 C-102 @ }J% ltd ® C-101 p l� �5 �J n Ull NrL�r li o C-101 O rZw / 0 00 �G.K ZW o .s oo �� <1 LLZZ o a0 Q 7' Wed rr� 000 fi O c -T7 O Z � as R2 i G Qlt A. _ _`, c C,1 io1 24 X 30 Z o z pc �l lJ �z�r , Shat ' ata EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN 0 0 ° —A °o p 0U1o F SIGN (USE EXISTING POST)° -101 vC-101 o0 0°z ✓' A F & I POST AND SIGN o f SCHOOL BLVD © C-101 C-102 @ Zw ORCHARD LANE9 LLl J REMOVE SIGN C-103 @ �._� Q RELOCATE SIGN AS SHOWN MOVE SIGN WEST FROM EXISTING LOCATION C-104 © aC� ` "` �✓ �� Ra mzx C-$ �1 SCHOOL BOULEVARD WEST OF TH 25 C -s A Ri-1 a c d o1. �� A fc --- _ A PANEL LEGEND ,.- Z W SPEED LIMIT 35 F & I SIGN PANELS TYPE C (1) SIGN Np QUANTITY 1 (2) POSTS GHJ MOUNTING HEIGHT A a TOTAL PANEL PANEL SIGN LANE DESIGNATION T PE OUANTS (FT.) (`1) SIZE (IN.) AREA (SO. ET.) AREA (SO. CODE I C-2 3 IU 12'5 I 7 24 X 30 FT.} 1 5.00 20.00 1 # R2-1 bJ 12.5 7 30 X 30 j 1 I R3-7 C-4 I I IU' 7 24 X 24 1 4.00 1 4.00 1 A C-5 Y 12.5 1 30 X 30 j G.25 1 6.25 R3-7 C-2 I 1 2U MOVE SIGN WEST , 7 30 X 30 1.25 .25 I 1.25 FROM EXISTING LOCATION C 7 1 I MOVE SIGN WEST FROM EXISTING LOCATION C-104 © aC� ` "` �✓ �� Ra mzx C-$ �1 SCHOOL BOULEVARD WEST OF TH 25 C -s A Ri-1 a c d o1. �� A fc --- _ A PANEL LEGEND NOTE SPEED LIMIT 35 F & I SIGN PANELS TYPE C (1) SIGN Np QUANTITY 1 (2) POSTS LENGTH MOUNTING HEIGHT PANEL TOTAL PANEL PANEL SIGN LANE DESIGNATION T PE OUANTS (FT.) (`1) SIZE (IN.) AREA (SO. ET.) AREA (SO. CODE I C-2 3 IU 12'5 I 7 24 X 30 FT.} 1 5.00 20.00 1 # R2-1 C-3 I i 12.5 7 30 X 30 j 1 I R3-7 C-4 I I IU' 7 24 X 24 1 4.00 1 4.00 1 R3-4 1 C-5 1IU12'5 I 12.5 1 30 X 30 j G.25 1 6.25 R3-7 I C-6 I 1 2U 12.5 , 7 30 X 30 1.25 .25 I 1.25 R10ACA C 7 1 I 2U I 12.5 7 I 54 X 30 R3 { 54 X 30 I 11.25 11,25 1 R3-30ACA C-8 2 IU I I 15.0 ( 7 ( R3 -9b i I R8 -3o TOTAL I 14 I I I I ! 59.001 t1) PLACE SIGN ON EXISTING POST (2) SIGN TO BE RELOCATED MOVE SIGN WEST FROM EXISTING LOCATION C-104 © aC� ` "` �✓ �� Ra mzx C-$ �1 SCHOOL BOULEVARD WEST OF TH 25 C -s A Ri-1 a c d o1. �� A fc --- _ A PANEL LEGEND NOTE SPEED LIMIT 35 RT TURN LANE (1) NO U-TURN 1 (2) RT LANE MUST TURN RT i STOP LANE DESIGNATION iI I LANE DESIGNATION j CENTER LANE (1) i NO PARKING I 11) t I I C' aA @ C-3 R3-4 24 X 24 r� 3>=m Zxm ,- m Z --i a C) -� DCG') mz= (A/ EXTEND 4" SOLID WHITE LANE LINE EXTEND SOLID YELLOW LINE - AND SKIP LANE LINE ADD RIGHT TURN ARROW-EPDXY--., -4" SOLID WHITE EDGE LINE 4' DOUBLE SOLID RIGHT TURN ARROW-EPDXY C-7 @B c zc� YELLOW LANE LINE 4" DOUESLE SOL 10 YELLOW LANE LINE R3-30ACA REMOVE CONFLICTING LANE MARKINGS 7;7 /... -� C-4 R3-7 3Q X �d O �yF O'YFFO � 49 F'6p,*F `v \�S r EXISTING ARROWS VE ANDOCONFLICTING LANENMARKINGS APER,:: t r 4" SOLID WHITE REMOVE RIGHT TURN ARROW LANE LINE �'_ ((- F- �j " ""F' t AND EXISTING RIGHT TURN LANE REMOVE SIGN TYPE C REMOVE ONE LEFT TURN ARROW C -8 l / ADD LEFT TURN ARROW-EPDXY 1 ( ' �Gc t�e� a 2? SIGN N0. QUANT. PANEL LEGEND MOVE SIGN WEST C-104 FROM EXISTING LOCATION r --4" a REMOVE SIGN LEAVE POST C_101 9 KEEP RIGHT r S: L SOL I II 9 RA2.4R0 I mz� ANF L/ Ew`IIrE 4" SOLID WHITE EDGE LINE C -i 2 RT TURN/ i{ (� REMOVE LEFT TURN ARROWS C-103 O3 1 LT TURN/THRU HRU RT 1 `J C-104 2 RT TURN LANE I I TOTAL 231 i 90 4. Eo EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN Ba F & I SIGN (USE EXISTING POST) F & I POST AND SIGN Da REMOVE SIGN RELOCATE SIGN AS SHOWN ,OR -15-2008 09:17 WSB & ASSOCIATES 08:50 FAX 6125211488 HIGHWAY -TECH MPLS Date 411512008 Project # CITY #2005-02C Project Name SCHOOL BLVD EXTENSION MONTICELLO, MN ME=. Item # r ON Unit 7635411700 P.02/02 10002/002 4700 Lyndale Avenue North Wneapolls, MN 55430 612.521.4200 (main) 612.521.1488 (fax) www.hwv-terh.com WE Unit Price Bid Amount REMOVE 4" SOLID WHITE 185 LF $ 2.00 $ 370.00 REMOVE 40 BROKEN YELLOW 70 LF $ 2.00 $ 140.00 REMOVE 4" SOLID YELLOW 700 LF $ zoo $ 1,400.00 REMOVE RIGHTARROW 1 EA $ 150.00 $ 150.00 REMOVE LEFT ARROW 5 EA $ 150.00 $ 750.00 INSTALL 24'YELLOW STRIPE 150 LF $ 7.50 $ 1,125.00 INSTALL 4" SOLID WHITE 725 LF $ 1.25 $ 906.25 INSTALL 4" LOTTED WHITE so LF $ 1,25 $ 62.50 INSTALL 4" SOLID YELLOW 950 LF $ 1.25 $ 1,187.50 INSTALL 4" SKIP YELLOW 120 LF $ 1.25 $ 150.00 INSTALL RIGHT TURN ARROW 2 EA $ 250.00 $ 500.00 INSTALL LEFT TURN ARROW 2 EA $ 250.00 $ 500.00 REMOVE SIGN TYPE C 23 EA $ 20.00 $ 460.00 F&I SIGN PANEL TYPE C 59 SF $ 30.00 $ 1,770.00 RELOCATE SIGN TYPE C 4 EA $ 75.00 $ 300.00 TOTAL BID 9,771.25 The prices above include sales tax on furnished & installed items. Please acknowledge acceptance of this bid by signing & dating below. Lack of acknowledgment may result in billing of regular prices andlor delay installation. If you have any questions concerning this bid please contact Brian Luttman. Signature Date TOTAL P.02 - _ _ _ _ -_-t wbd & HSSOCIATES 05/07/2008 07:57 FAX 6125211488 HIGHWAY -TECH -14PLS Permanent Instaliations Division i Quotation �R Date 517/2008 Project # Project Name MONTICELLO CROSSWALKS (SCHOOL BLVD & CTY 18175) Letting Date Start Date ft—em# 2299de0a _o_tx iLn—i—t CROSSWALK STRIPE REMOVAL 200 LF ZEBRA CROSSWALK STRIPING ** 450 SF *. EPO)" NOTE: UNIT QUANTITIES ARE CLOSE ESTIMATES 7635411700 P.02/02 Q 002/002 4700 Lynciale Avenue North Minneapolis. MN 55430 6!2.521,4200 (main) 612.5221.1488 (fox) www.hwv-tech-ccm Unit PrIce, $ 3,65 $ 5.90 WJ Bid Amount $ 730-00 $ 2,655.00 The prices above include sales tax on furnished & installed items. Please acknowledge acceptance of this bid by signing & dating below. Lack of acknowledgment may result in billing of regular prices andlor delay installation. If you have any questions concerning this bid please contact Brian Luffman. Signature Date TOTAL P.02 w&eaKixk-.NT: Field Operations Division DATE January 22, 2007 TO Susan Groth (Attn: Dan Brannan) Assistant State Traffic Engineer FROM Tom Dumont -St Cloud District Traffic Engineer SUBJECT Speed Zoning School Boulevard - City of Monticello We have completed an engineering and traffic investigation to determine a reasonable and safe speed limit for School Boulevard between TH 25 and18. This study was conducted as Tguested by the City ofMonticello in a- 161 1— ff. . you agirte-`e- �vF Zt;E;=HR6&ff tfv6i�pfeaiise- fbid a' sj6ea-GiR li-6656i OrRy"OT moaticello Pil SPIN The recomminded 3 5 mph section ofthe roadway begins as a 4 -lane divided roadway at T.H. 25 and tapers to a two lane roadway near Edmonson Avenue. The surrounding environment consists of comif" Tcial/retail properties between T.R 25 and Edmonson Avenue, and apartments and single-family homes between Edmonson Avenue and Fallon Avenue. A speed check taken near Orchard Lane shows 85% speeds of 39 mph. With this data and test- drives results, we feel a 3 5 mph speed limit to be appropriate for existing conditions. present. On the north side of School Blvd, are the Monticello Elementary and k(igh School Campuses. The south housing with no direct access to School Blvd. A speed check taken west of Bider Avenue revealed 85% speeds of 45 and46 mphwitha 10 mphpa;e of 37-46 mph. Test drives confirm the 45 mph zone and the 30 mph schoolzone to be appropriate for current conditions. The above speed limits are recommended contingent upon curves and haza ds being signed with the appropriate warning signs, including appropriate advisory pla The roadway should be reviewed for t-affic control devices C, impacted by the recommended speed limit before posting the signs, AlIsigns shall be in confbrmanc-e with the a, NIMIJTCD. The above speed limits are based on roadway conditions on the date of the recommendation. A Council Agenda - 0511212008 511. Consideration of Chani!e Order Number I and Final Pavment for Demolit *ti I Project # 2007-20C, The Cedar Street Garden Cente . r and I the Farm House wil Two Out Buildinp-s at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE.. (J.S.) I This project consisted of demolition of the Cedar Street Garden Center for the EDA and the farmhouse and two outbuildings at the new Public Works Site at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE. The City Council awarded the joint project on January 28, 2008 to Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking out of Goodhue, NIN based upon their low bid of $24,900 and $600 for the contract performance bond for a total of $25,500. The cost split would be $12,700 for the Cedar Street Garden Center and $12,800 for the farmhouse and outbuildings. The demolition of the farmhouse and outbuildings began on March 20, 2008 and was completed on April 18, 2008. During the concrete slab removal one additional concrete slab for an old silo was found. We negotiated a price with Fitzgerald of $500 to bust up that deep slab and dispose of the concrete. Change Order No. I would be for the farmhouse and outbuilding demolition project in the amount of $500 for the silo slab removal, bringing the total cost of that project to $13,300. The demolition of the Cedar Street Garden Center began on the 14`h of April and was completed by April 17, 2008. There were no changes to the project. The total cost for the demolition was $12,700. This brings the total cost of Project #2007-20C to $26,000. a. Budget Impact: The original estimates for the project were $35,000 - $40,000. The demolition cost of $26,000 plus an additional $ 100 to discormect the power at the farm while leaving the existing pole building connected, bringing the total cost to $26,100. This is significantly less than the estimated costs. b. Staff Workload Impact: The workload on the demolition project itself was minimal and amounted to one project meeting and inspection time. I The first alternative would be to authorize payment of Change Order No. I in the amount of $500 for the additional silo slab at the farm site and the payment of $25,500 based upon the original award to Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking of Goodhue, MN. The total amount being $26,000. Final payment is contingent upon receipt of all lien waivers, state withholding certificates and material disposal documentation. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the change order or make final payment to Fitzgerald Excavating at this time. It is a Staff recommendation that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 and Final Council Meeting - 05/12/2008 Payment to Fitzgerald Excavating of Goodhue, MN in the amount of $26,000 as outlined in Alternative A. D'SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the drawings showing the demolition areas. Q K i 7 PRO p E.41 A W000 2 LSAB 000- N, TS:4 EmCLOSVRF- I -N W I CIO RN POSTS SCT liq Com. wl co co f 10' N %r 1 o. , 0 < CL x 91 Polos &D re r -q' 0 35' GFR IX 9.5 X Woo o FRA MTAY F-NT;ky ky J Wlk y j > 3 4'X9 I'Wooa FR AM j Sravf.TVAe og A Pp itox. cc ZSL7 Sal Yo. 01W AepAox 65 sy,' D.j,,sc*u)dr:t-r Ayl) CA C SLAG t3IT SUAFACE 'A' /4' - LAY Stwia 'o 22 Dtm Z* BRICK PLANTEks FVEL 016 TA -k& Vgkr Of6TANK Fl 6 L rll& B-VRIlD AhK 1.6,00 .GAL) RCTAININO WALL AA*vmo MhpLr,. TAF -E Sir Sf-t,-A(.e 4-2--Z DIA -r t iii. cwta 1817' SUItFAC-9 "C' A ipKox 294 Sa yo rG';( 2 COME SLA., ya j a4 Y Ca ei c E �j A R Mr. Jason Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc. 20865 — 390'4 Street Goodhue, MN 55027 Re: Change Order #1 Project # 2007-20C Dear Mr. Fitzgerald, DATA Please find enclosed Change Order #1 (in duplicate) on the above -referenced project for Your Signature. The change order reflects a net increase to the contract amount of $500.00 for a revised contract total of $26,000.00. Please sign the enclosed copies. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, City of Monticello Karen Ludvigson Engineering Assistant Enclosures Change Order No. 1 Edmonson Ave, Cedar St Garden Center Demolition of Buildings City of Monticello Project No. 2007-20C OWNER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 ADDED ITEMS Description Time and materials for silo slab 4/18/2008 CONTRACTOR: Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking, Inc 208 - 309th Street Goodhue, MN 55027 Qty 1. Unit Price lump sum $500.00 John E Simola Date Jason Fitzgerald Date Public Works Director Fitzgerald Excavating City of Monticello Goodhue, MIN City Council Agenda — 05/12/08 7. Consideration to adovt a resolution /1,', t+ the approval and adoution of tht Monticello. Minnesota 2008 Comnrehensiye Plan (AS/J,O) 1041 Public comment was limited during the hearing. However, two persons representing Monticello Township encouraged the City to deny adoption of the plan. The concerns expressed included lack of progressive planning in the plan and the township residents concerns over the use designation of the land identified by the plan (specifically Places Work). I In the Planning Commission's discussion, the Commissioners indicated their general consensus that the Plan accurately reflected the outcomes of the many meetings and workshops over the two year planning history. The Commissioners did express concern regarding progress on the Transportation Plan. The Commission specifically indicated in their motion to recommend adoption and approval that the completion of the Transportation Plan was critical to the completion of the Plan. Additionally, the Commission requested further verification of existing land uses near the Monticello Nuclear Generating Facility, and requested that the Plan include a minor revision to remove a notation that seemed to limit growth possibilities in the eastern portion of the community. The Planning Commission approved a resolution supporting the adoption and approval of the City of Monticello 2008 Comprehensive Plan on a 5-0 vote. For the yAw included as part of the approval and adoption by the City Council. Additionally, a topic that inadvertently missed direct review by the Planning Commission pertains to a request to revise the proposed land use plan to adjust an approximately 14 acre piece of property from "Places to Work" to "Places to Live". An illustration of that property has been included as supporting data. If the Council does determine this property to be more appropriate for "Places to LiveCouncil should make a finding on this specific use of property as part of their motion to adopt and approve. At this time the City Council is asked to adopt a resolution approving and adopting the City of Monticello, Minnesota 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Over the past two years, the City has worked to develop a comprehensive plan that will guide the City's immediate and future land use policy. In developing the plan, the City has held community meetings, neighborhood meetings, task force sessions, and joint City Council and Planning Commission workshops. City Council Agenda — 05/12/08 The feedback from these sessions provided the foundation for the proposed 2008 Comprehensive Plan. The plan has been available for public comment since January, 2008. The required h t �ired notification of this comprehensive plan bearing was published in the April 171 and 24t issues of the Monticello Times, and on the City's website. The Comprehensive Plan becomes the springboard for future goal -setting and follow-up projects to be undertaken over time. With regard to the Transportation Plan, a workshop has been scheduled for Monday,, June 9111 At that time, engineering staff will be focusing on the Highway 25 corridor. Staff will be seeking direction for future action. Additionally, the preliminary transportation plan affecting the balance of the city will also be reviewed. Should the Council select alternative I below, it will need to make a finding related t the property shown on Exhibit C as part of the motion. The Council may choose to make a fmiling that the "Places to Live" designation is appropriate and consistent wl the pattern for growth described by the Plan, or leave the property as currently designated within the plan. I 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving and adopting the City of Monticello, Minnesota 2008 Comprehensive Plan, subject to the notations of the Planning Commission as identified below and a finding to be made by the City Council related to the property shown on Exhibit C. • Completion and incorporation of the Transportation Plan Chapter as a critical component of the Plan. ® Verification of northwest area existing land uses on figures 2-2 and 3-2. • Elimination of wording on page 3-22 stating "Under current conditions, there is not sufficient housing demand to support further expansion to the east." 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution approving and adopting the City of Monticello, Minnesota 2008 Comprehensive Plan. 3. Motion of other. Staff has taken part in the public information sessions noted above and believes the document to be representative of the vision and framework for future growth discussed during those sessions. Staff has reviewed the proposed document thoroughly and recommends alternative I above. It is noted that this comprehensive plan requires the completion of the Transportation Plan as an additional chapter, and calls out specific next steps for supporting the goals of the plan. 2 City Council Agenda — 05/12/08 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan — available online at www.ci.monticello.mn.us B. Resolution of Support — City Council C. Property Illustration — Request for Consideration of Designation as "Places to Live" W o, yNe ba_n W .srr----•, / /t°"saa R'8 �/ ��'� i yb�� '�' � �azwJ .a.zz. caw IN co 99'969 LU bac` � �� 5 e�a..� � �z�\ �, ��� I� \ �� .� • i16�/'j \\�h� m,��'s� �"�� qnh kFl &�ti •� + u' `� qW" 6� Win/ < J �\� �'� � ���W ( \ L ✓P / P° — , 4 4\ rvY' ,moo �Wx .t�� s'a `j� / �' Seo 6� `,•ra`, � a 2° � ,- e6 -6J9 - 380 66005 " 8c zrrssr. ".ssµicN '� < =a \ �I zrrssr. ".ssµicN '� Council Agenda: 5112108 8. Consideration of,qp rL)3JLrtg Pla&s &ad 5,pepifications and authorizing advertisement. for. bids for the Fiber QDtic Neb or4. ity, :r jp�t.No. 2006-32C. Spectrum Engineering Corporation (SEC) has completed preparation of plans and specifications for construction of the first three phases of the outside plant for the fiber optic network and is prepared to bid the plans and specifications to prequalified contractors following Council approval. City staff were still reviewing the Plans and Specifications at the time this report was written and may provide additional comments to the Council during the meeting should any major changes to the plans and/or specifications be necessary. If the Council approves plans and specifications and authorizes advertisement for bids this evening, the contract could be awarded on June 9th. The project is being designed in 19 phases. As each phase is designed plans will be submitted to the contractor for construction. Construction will begin near the head - end building site (by the new water tower) and work its way out from there. The plans will likely require minor modifications in the field to account for unforeseen circumstances once the existing utilities are located. Ideally, existing utilities would be marked during the design phase of the project but private utilities are not willing to mark utilities for design purposes. However, the number of field changes should be minimal according to SEC. Scott Bowles with SEC will present the Plans and Specifications to the Council this evening and will expand on items discussed above as needed. He can also address any specific questions that the Council may have. 1. Motion to approve Plans and Specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the Fiber Optic Network, City Project No. 2006-32C. 2. Motion to deny approval of Plans and Specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Fiber Optic Network, City Project No. 2006-32C. City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. None. Council Agenda: 5112108 9. Consideration of authorizing Chan2e Order avvroval process for Fiber Optic Network, Citv Proiect No. 2006-32C. City staff is requesting that the City Council authorize a Change Order approval process to be used during the Fiber Optic Network project to prevent costly project delays. This approval process would simply consist of the City Council authorizing a preset dollar amount that if not exceeded would allow staff to approve additional work tasks without first seeking authorization from Council. The City Council would then be made aware of the work at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. However, if the preset dollar amount were to be exceeded staff would need to obtain authorization from Council before directing the contractor to complete the work. Council should be aware that there may be situations where staff may need to act quickly to authorize work in the interest of public safety without first seeking authorization from Council. In such a situation staff would direct the necessary work then inform the Council about the work at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. It should also be noted that Change Orders are not typically presented to the Council for action until all applicable cost information has been received by the City. This allows the Council to be as informed as possible when making their decision. 1. Motion to authorize a preset dollar amount that will be used for the Change Order approval process defined herein in the amount of $ 2. Motion to deny use of a preauthorized Change Order approval process. City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. I with a preset dollar amount in the range of $25,000 to $50,000, depending on Council's level of comfort with this process. None. 10. Consider Anprovine the Plans and SDecifications and Authorizing the Advertisement for Bids for Site. Grading, and,Utilitv Plans for the Fiber QRgEIIEiISl-End Building fCitv of Monticello Project No. 2006-32C) (WSB) The proposed project includes site, grading, and utility improvements for the future Head -End Building for the City's fiber optic network. The site is located south of the City's water tower within an approximate 150 -foot x 375 -foot area. The proposed improvements will include grading the site to allow for construction of the building and garage, as well as the proposed outside storage area where the antenna/satellites will be located. Sanitary sewer and water services will be extended both to the building and garage. Driveway and parking lot construction will also be included with the project. Drainage from the site will be directed north to the storm sewer within the water tower driveway and west to the adjacent pond. A 6 -foot chain link fence surrounding the site is also included with two access gates, one to the outside storage area and one to access the parking and building area. Landscaping improvements are not included with the project and will be bid separately by the Parks Department. The estimated construction cost is $120,000. The project is proposed to be funded through bond proceeds from the City's fiber optic project. The bid opening date is scheduled for Tuesday, June 3, 2008. The bids are anticipated to be presented at the June 9, 2008, Council meeting for consideration of awarding the project. We will present the bid results prior to the City council meeting. Completion of this project is necessary in order for the Head -End Building and garage to be constructed, which is anticipated to begin in July 2008. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for the Site, Grading, and Utility Plans for the Fiber Optic Head -End Building (City of Monticello Project No. 2006-32C). 2. Do not approve the plans and specifications at this time. [�Rvi RL Is Staff recommends Alternative No. 1. None City Council Agenda — 5/12/08 11. Consideration of a reauest for a Simple Subdivision and a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storaLre accessory to the Fiber "Head End" Buildine. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. (NAC) The Planning Commission considered the Conditional Use Permit item at its regular meeti on May 6, 2008. The Commission raised several questions clarifying the application, including the use of the outdoor storage area (for satellite dish equipment, and potential supplies and equipment on a limited, short-term basis). There were no objections to the request, and the application was recommended for approval unanimously. I The City is seeking approval of a Simple Subdivision and a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor storage area for the Fiber "Head End" building. This building will house the primary equipment and technical staff operating the City's fiber network system. As a part of that operation, the facility requires the placement of a large satellite dish receiver adjacent to the building. To accommodate the building, a separate lot is being split from the current water tower site. This parcel will house the "Head End" building, a storage garage, and an outdoor storage enclosure as described below. The site itself will accommodate the uses proposed on the site plan, but needs to be a separate parcel for purposed of operation and financing. The subdivision ordinance permits the simple subdivision of one platted lot into two parcels upon approval by the Zoning Administrator and the City Council, without the need for a public hearing and fon-nal plat. In this case, the subdivision would also require a variance since the Fiber parcel will not have street frontage. Access will be provided via the access drive which currently serves the watertower site. That variance is being processed by the Planning Commission at their June meeting. The City has reserved this land for public utility uses for the very reason that it has limited (if any) street frontage and exposure, and would not have much use as commercial property. By locating these uses in the remote portions of Jefferson Commons, the City has reserved the prime frontage for commercial activity. The proposed site plan shows the subject site to be south of the City's new water tower in Jefferson Commons, adjacent to the north boundary of the Kjellberg West Mobile Home community. The building will be accessed via a parking area, and the outdoor storage area will be to the west of the building. The plans illustrate the area being fenced, with a series of taller evergreen shrubs lining the north and west fence lines. To the south, a combination of existing deciduous and evergreen trees makes up the edge of the mobile home park property. The plans would augment this tree line with two groupings of evergreen trees (Black Hills Spruce) that will increase the screening, but stay short enough to avoid interference with the satellite dish reception. The requirements of the Conditional Use Permit section in the B-4 District (rolled over from the B-3 District) are as follows: [E] Open and outdoor storage as a principal or accessory use provided that: City Council Agenda — 5/12/08 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting an "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. Does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this ordinance. 6. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. The facility appears to meet each of these conditions. The surface of the storage area is proposed to be rock, and the landscaping noted above is intended to screen the area from the north, west, and south. The cast exposure is toward the proposed building. No lighting is shown for the storage area. The Planning Commission reviewed the conditional use permit and recommends alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage accessory to the Fiber Head End building in Jefferson Commons: 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage as submitted, based on a finding that the proposal meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage, based on a finding that the use can not be constructed in a way that will avoid negative impacts to the adjoining property. I I I 1� =111IM! I Decision 2: Consideration of a Simple Subdivision creating a separate parcel for the Fiber building and related uses: 1. Motion to approve the Simple Subdivision, based on a finding that the creation of this separate parcel is the most effective way to serve the public as a part of the FiberNet project. This motion should be contingent upon the subsequent grant of the lot frontage variance by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny the Simple Subdivision, based on a finding that the parcel will raise issues for public service and maintenance of the other public facilities currently on the property. Staff recommends approval of the CUP and Simple Subdivision under the finding listed above. The requirements of the zoning ordinance for this use are met with the site plan and landscaping plan as designed. City Council Agenda — 5/12/08 A. Title Sheet B. Removal Plan C. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan D. SWPPP Notes E. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan F. Landscape Plan G. Certificate of Survey H. Existing Conditions PLAN SYMBOLS STATE UNE --------- COUNTY UNE TITLESHEET TOWNSHIP OR RANGE UNE --- ^— SECTION UNE - — — QUARTER UNE — — — SIXTEENTH LINE — — — — RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE -^ --" SLOPE EASEMENT _SL_ PRESENT RIGHT-OF-WAY CONTROL OF ACCES UNE c PROPERTY LINES (EXCEPT LAND LINES) VACATED PLATTED PROPERTY ------ CORPORATE OR CITY LIMITS iaiv�.tiw�.�1, TRUNK HIGHWAY CENTER LINE RETAINING WALL RAILROAD -y -y -v -y RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY — - - — RIVER OR CREEK DRY RUN .. DRAINAGE DITCH -E DRAIN TILE --7--------. CULVERT �_--- DROP INLET GUARD RAIL BARBED WIRE WIRE FENCE _x—x- WOVEN WIRE FENCE x - CHAIN UNK FENCEx- RAILROAD SNOW FENCE STONE WALL OR FENCE HEDGE RAILROAD CROSSING SIGN RAILROAD CROSSING BELL ELECTRIC WARNING SIGN 8 CROSSING GATE MEANDER CORNER SPRINGS p.._. MARSH" pit' TIMBER ORCHARD BRUSH OBER) NURSERY CATCH BASIN a CB FIRE HYDRANT CATTLE GUARD �-- OVERPASS (HIGHWAY OYER) UNDERPASS (HIGHWAY UNDER) BRIDGE BUILDING (ONE STORY FRAME) y, F - FRAME C - CONCRETE S - STONE T - TILE 75 a - BRICK ST- STUCCO IRON ROD OR PIPE MONUMENT (STONE, CONCRETE, OR METAL) 6 MONU. WOODEN HUB i! GRAVEL PIT SAND PIT {}S BORROW PR ROCK QUARRY (S UTILITY SYMBOLS POWER POLE LINE -`,•—^-y- TE.£PHONE OR TELEGRAPH POLE LINE -m ------•a-• JOINT TELEPHONE AND POWER ON POWER POLE ON TELEPHONE POLES -(o}---�- ANCHOR {— STREET LIGHT xt PEDESTAL (TELEPHONE CABLE TERMINAL) 0PEA GAS MAIN —6— WATER MAIN -t--t— CONDUIT TELEPHONE CABLE IN CONDUIT T= ELECTRIC CABLE IN CONDUIT =-=-P-= TELEPHONE MANHOLE m ELECTRIC MANHOLE m BURIED TELEPHONE CABLE —T-BUR— BURIED ELECTRIC CABLE —P-BUR— AERIAL TELEPHONE CABLE —T-AE -m- SEWER (SANITARY OR STORM) SEWER MANHOLE >--� SCALES INDEX MAP 0 1000 2000 PLAN 0 30 60 PROFILE HORIZ. OR 0 30 60 VERT. 0 5 10 K:\01627-92\Cad\Pbn\01627.92-TS.dwg, Layoud, 4/30/2006 10;22:53 AM HEAD -END SITE, GRADING y UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR SITE, GRADING, UTILITIES & APPURTENANT IMPROVEMENTS THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS CONCERNING EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM TYPE AND LOCATION OF PRIVATE UTILITIES IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE ACCURATE OR ALL—INCLUSIVE. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (651-454-0002) DETERMINE THE TYPE AND LOCATION OF PRIVATE UTILITIES AS IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 46 HOURS PRIOR r0 PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. MAY BE NECESSARY TO AVOID DAMAGE THERETO. NOTE: WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS. GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS THE 2005 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA OEPARTh4ENT OF TRANSPORTATION "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION.' ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND SIGNING SHALL COMFORM TO THE MN MUTCD INCLUDING THE FIELD MANUAL FOR TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE LAYOUTS. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL HAVE RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING. SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 TITLESHEET 2 REMOVAL PLAN 3 SITE PLAN 4-5 GRADING, DRAINAGE, SWPPP & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 6 SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN 7 LANDSCAPE PLAN THIS PLAN SET CONTAINS 7 SHEETS ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES WILL BE COMPLIED WITH IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 SB Minneapolis, MN 55416 www.wsbeng.com & Associates, Inc. 763611.4600. Fox 763-541-1700 INFRASTRUCTURE a ENGINEERING a PLANNING it CONSTRUCTION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ENGR SHIBANI K. SISSON, P.E. DATE MAY 12, 2008 UC. NO. 41860 Prepared for: CITY OF MONTICIELLO 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 SHEET • 1 •'; 6'a i \ \4 LOT -E----e F 1 F \ 4 —966....E \ GqS S \ GQ =EWER \ / \, 16s� I 2 2. ) \ f� n \ 96? \ � GAS -96 .x. WATER TOWER - 1 65' 1/ ( _ 961-- -- - �j ' '-960--.-..-- \\fl 1\ (\\ /r°'68r � r/ � ! --959----------- --------......__957 I I "969-_ 1 t t \ 9es 1 / - — — — -'''" .-......- — _ / s / r •`„%1 a .ter d$ n,.' ; ..4G..<,d., '1 r r o6 r"`*'w. , v,^ w rc w m f — — y ATV ^x—✓' c Tv7, 1— •lL — — r � t r e / / r — — e- _. =�.r — — — -- r CATV �^ —SAT'," �A': CATV 7— — _. r. �aiV —CATV-- K:\01627-921CadVPtan\01627-92•rem.dwg, mmval pfan, 4/30(2008 10:23:34 AM t , CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C PROJECT NUMBER 01627-92 LEGEND: ao, REMOVE BITUMINOUS K11MREMOVE CONCRETE ml CLEAR & GRUB AREA XX SAW CUT LINE (FULL DEPTH) \ m Y t y X33 Muj� F-- N U) Lu f:1 m W d uj ujZ H9c gU 3g X REMOVAL PLAN HEAD—END BUILDING SHEET 2 OF 7 SHEETS \, qS \ \ G9S\ ' Gq G Gq I F,y 16\ »- _y�R=SEWER 2. 991 CEX.WATER TOWER ( /\ Z ar x �� --- \\ t � r x x \� x \ li S' DRAINAUE &I •-1«- I I U`ITWTY EASEMENTI I t t I I I' I� I 1 PROPERTY t Ipl I I I I I It I t/ t \ LINE 6' DRAINAGE & 1 UTILIIIY EASEMENT --- I I I I I t, 'l r \ j \\ t 6' CONCRETE /I If t I t� 't \ t SIDEWALK A Y,a t ItK Sb.-,V1GE \\ 20' ACCT GATE `\ OL, S1DIE\ \�,g ZOkAGE \\ "9EwER i(ROCK BY ERI $ URFACEOTH \/ ) �Q HEAD ENDi BLDG ' 72x48/` !r I FUTURE19-APANS ! r r' 24' F-Fgg m { fill 2 \�\ I 12.00' 12.00' 9 ro THRU LANE I THRU LANEg 8 Q� VARIES VARIES g mom" -GAS GAS-\. � •.R, == M ! 20' DROP CURB(' -6-6' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT s 26' ACCfS3 `0�—BY OTHERS t t t ,_PED RAMP -W/TRUNCATED ! DOMES -r rr "'! r'•"' ''r igfis�w ,.rr r" ..,rr ! 1 •Y i CATV Tf:�TO \-—...._ — CATV / CAtV��'-wr.= 1/1 — ( 1/ TREE _ '— — \ — Ary r— — — f — — — — EA3€\ME_W _.- — — — CA TN — — —f — \.. e \ — — \ --�— 7— �ATv— ____CATV---_ -cAT—�—y CAT" CAT\:- i \ \ .. _ _ \71 t L:y (1 - e� El\� -\ CATv CAT" '�� .. .. .. - !/ i \ \ CAT V---___- L12' DRAINAGE & I ^• I \ 6' Ht�H CHAIN \ UTILITY EASEMENT I LINK FENCE K:\01627.921Cad\Plan\01627-92-slte.dwg, SM plan, 4/30/2008 10:24:16 AM `B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER N NLu � coJ w 1.5" 2350 TYPE LV 4 WEARING COURSE, (LVWE45030B) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT Z ,®j 1.5" 2350 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE, (LVNWE35030B) LlLu 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 1.5" 2350 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE, (LVNWE35030B) p 8" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) TYPICAL SECTION CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C PROJECT NUMBER 01627-92 SITE PLAN HEAD—END BUILDING I SHEET 3 OF 7 SHEETS X✓ V� -F a 2^ ir a SITE y� 2" \ \\ " / \ GAs AAs GAS—\-' LOCATION \ r ``1865 6`\� EX. WATER TOWER r \ \ --964, 963— _ t -------------- __ — \ { {� \ �\ .964' ------------- —`\\ \ l I I `\ / \\ ,' I toy +00 968.00 25' ROCK ENTRANCETION �\ C9 y � ` �� Q x96$. 9x$36 i LEGEND r r I I II I { t ^ I \ 1 �6 ------EXISTING CONTOUR `~PRbPOSED t i y I I' I t ^{ \ ry 8'36 I PROPOSED CONTOUR SILTIFENCE t / I i I I ` \\ / i\ 10 f I' / rIII \ J{ % / t I y t,T I � +�' ---=s = '^�°=.� :�;�--= �«..-� �•''�-a =w,�� �«= � ' �_ Vi.µ,— t• IO rr�� \\ / fi / � ' '9 ' ^` ^^.-f-v- ;—.._..,..'i"."",m,"0� f.»...a.r.:i l^^•...,.i,.o«,.,...,»,t...«...m...g.,�..«.,a.p ��.. g, !/'ss� !r ^ t 96 \\\ aT i { — iw _ t _ .o.. � L�a T� _ ®%— — �� a cv i I i r f (2.0%�s� q�r C I POL to co9 /t�D IF iii\\�... ! rn { 4��, OLpTJIDE `? it 6g8 tt y , ; , 2.0%\ o HEAD END/ w00 ,so s BLDG -----; ,/'I > �\ 1 D'&x7o `'� 72x48 % --r EX. / I z)l Sj9Rff SEVIE A / J `°r \ / `� \\ \\\(T ,'> / // f /� i ,q6$-iL / / ~ FFE7 970.2 F X970 8_00. ag \\ 0 20 40 FU TUREPANSION 0966�� ism '"``'^'�•+'r tp NOTE: °0 ''2 / t. SPOT ELEVATIONS IN CURB LINE ARE GUTTER FLOW UNE ELEVATIONS ,r ��, /-- meg / –' � 015>I /j! RESTORED WITH TOPSOIL BORROW r o� 9 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE z til CAT" / CATV '—�CA7V , CATV AT., i' f / I AND SEED — � — — —4 — — — ,—� CRT_ — -CATV-- .__,._-_,._ f ,� I_...- 1 / L `i — -- — — — — — — CA{v._'." CATv— cATv— �i rJ TIP CURB OUT iJ — — — —2 _ —CATV — FA.SE� — —'Sc\ --- — —_. — — � _ — CATV--7^----_._CATV J — — — _. .— � — — — -- ..i —CATI�_CATV to t CAT'✓—} -----CAT" :\ CP.T�CATV , �- CATV .. _ __ \,\ ,CAT �V--CAT,' ---- —CAT,' f CA'�\C--------CATV CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C GRADING DRAINAGE do EROSION CONTROL PIAN END BUILDING K:\OT627-92\Cad\Plan\01627-92-GRAOING.dwg, 1627 -GRADING, 4/30J2008 10:24:34 AM PROJECT NUMBER 01627-92 HEAD - SHEET 4 OF 7 SHEETS IFAAOIFOA#�_�111&1 ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS INCLUDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS - ALL SILT MUST BE REMOVED FROM SILT FENCE WHEN IT REACHES A HEIGHT EQUAL TO ONE-THIRD OF THE HEIGHT OF THE SILT FENCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PLACE ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DEEMED NECESSARY BY MPCA WITHIN 24 HOURS NOTICE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PERFORM ANY CORRECTIVE MEASURES WITHIN 24 HOURS OF SUCH NOTICE. ORANGE POLY SNOW FENCING MUST BE PLACED AROUND ALL NATURAL FEATURES THAT ARE TO BE PRESERVED. THIS INCLUDES ALL TREES, WETLANDS, SLOPES. ETC., IN LOCATIONS WHERE PLACEMENT OF PROTECTION FENCING COINCIDES WITH THE PLACEMENT OF SILT FENCE. THE TOP PORTION OF THE SILT FENCE MAY BE PAINTED ORANGE AND CAUTION RIBBON MAY BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAIL PROVIDED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION. RIBBON MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES IF THIS ALTERNATIVE IS TO BE USED. ALL DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETER CONTROLS SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE ANY UP GRADIENT DISTURBANCE BEGINS, AND MAINTAINED UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION. TIMING AND INSTALLATION OF SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES CAN BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT-TERM ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEARING AND GRUBBING. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES OR EQUIVALENT SYSTEM MUST BE USED TO MINIMIZE TRACKING FROM SITE. DEWATERING ACTIVITIES THAT MAY HAVE SEDIMENT -LADEN DISCHARGE MUST DISCHARGE INTO A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASIN WHEN POSSIBLE. OTHERWISE IT MUST BE DISCHARGED THROUGH SOME FORM OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP). THE PERMITTEE MUST AMEND THE SWPPP AS NECESSARY TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, SUCH AS ADDITIONAL OR MODIFIED BMP'S, DESIGNED TO CORRECT PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED OR ADDRESS SITUATIONS WHENEVER: 1. THERE IS A CHANGE IN DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE. 2. WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS THAT HAVE SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON DISCHARGE. INSPECTION IS REQUIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN ONE-HALF INCH. 3. INSPECTION OR INVESTIGATION BY SITE OPERATORS, LOCAL. STATE, OR FEDERAL OFFICIALS INDICATE THE SWPPP IS NOT EFFECTIVE. 4. THE SWPPP IS NOT ACHIEVING THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF CONTROLLING POLLUTANTS OR THE SWPPP IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT. 5. THE MPCA DETERMINES THAT DISCHARGE MAY CAUSE OR CONTRIBUTE TO NON -ATTAINMENT OF ANY APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS OR THE SWPPP DOES NOT INCORPORATE THE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO AN APPROVED TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL). THE PERMITTEE MUST IMPLEMENT THE SWPPP AND INSTALL BMP'S IDENTIFIED IN THE SWPPP IN AN APPROPRIATE AND FUNCTIONAL MANNER, THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED MUST BE DELINEATED ON THE SITE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS, ALL EXPOSED AREAS WITH A CONTINUOUS POSITIVE SLOPE WITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER MUST HAVE TEMPORARY EROSION PROTECTION OR PERMANENT COVER FOR THE EXPOSED SOIL AREA, YEAR ROUND, WITH THE FOLLOWING MAXIMUM TIMES AN AREA CAN REMAIN OPEN WHEN THE AREAS NOT ACTIVELY BEING WORKED: 1. SLOPES STEEPER THAN 1:3 I7 DAYS). 2. SLOPES OF 1:10 TO 1:3 114 DAYS). 3. SLOPES OF 1:10 OR FLATTER (Z1 DAYS). THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH THAT DRAINS WATER FROM A CONSTRUCTION SITE OR DIVERTS WATER AROUND A SITE MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 200 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE. OR FROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE TO ANY SURFACE WATER WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING EXISTING PAVED SURFACES CLEAN OF SEDIMENT BY SWEEPING ROADWAYS WHEN A SIGNIFICANT ACCUMULATION OF SEDIMENT OCCURS ON THESE SURFACES. ANY SEDIMENT TRACKED OFF-SITE IS TO BE REMOVED WITHIN 24 HOURS. CQNTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTING THE FOLLOWING POLLUTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON THE SITE: 1. SOLID WASTE: COLLECTED SEDIMENT. ASPHALT & CONCRETE MILLINGS. FLOATING DEBRIS. PAPER, PLASTIC, FABRIC. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS AND OTHER WASTES MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND MUST COMPLY WITH MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: OIL, GASOLINE. PAINT. AND ANY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MUST BE STORED. INCLUDING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, TQ PREVENT SPILLS. LEAKS OR OTHER DISCHARGES. RESTRICTED ACCESS TO STORAGE AREAS MUST BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT VANDALISM. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE MUST COMPLY WITH MPCA REGULATIONS. 3. A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE MUST BE DESIGNATED FOR USE AS A WASH AREA FOR TRUCKS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT. NO ENGINE DEGREASING ALLOWED ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AT ALL CATCH BASIN INLETS IN THE ROADWAY. AND SILT FENCE PROTECTION AT ALL CATCH BASINS OUTSIDE OF THE ROADWAY. (SEE DETAILS) K:l0I627-421Cad}Plan102627-42•SWPPP- NOTES.dwg, LNOLAI, 4130/2408 20:25'09 AM Fl EA P 1142;VI01I�ijWiL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASINS MUST BE DRAINED AND SEDIMENT REMOVED ONCE THE SEDIMENT COLLECTED REACHES ONE-THIRD THE STORAGE VOLUME WITHIN 72 HOURS. AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW. ALL SEDIMENT DEPOSITS WITHIN SURFACE WATERS MUST BE REMOVED AND RESTABILIZEO WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCOVERY. THIS INCLUDES DELTAS AND STORM SEWER SEDIMENT DEPOSITS. DURING EXCAVATION. SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHOULD BE UTILIZED TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION AND THE AREA MUST BE STAKED OFF AND MARKED SO THAT HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL NOT COMPACT THE SOIL. TO PREVENT CLOGGING OF THE SYSTEM. A PRETREATMENT DEVICE MUST BE USED TO SETTLE PARTICULATES BEFORE RUNOFF DISCHARGES INTO THE INFILTRATION/FILTRATION SYSTEM. ALL INFILTRATION AREAS MUST BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT FROM ONGOING CONSTRUCTION IS REACHING THE INFILTRATION AREA. 1, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT ALL PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. 2. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, AND PROTECTIVE FENCING FOR TREES, DITCHES, AND EXISTING WATER BODIES AND AREAS TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED. 3. CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT STORM WATER ANO/OR TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS. 4. CONTRACTOR TO ROUGH GRADE SITE AND INSTALL UTILITIES. 5, CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TEMPORARY & PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL BMP'S AS SHOWN ON PLANS & IN CONFORMANCE W! NPDES PERMIT. 6. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO FILL TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINS, COMPACTING TO SPECIFIED DENSITIES. REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE SEDIMENT PER RECOMMENDATION OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, 7. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES PRIOR TO SUBMITTING NOTICE OF TERMINATION INOT), S. SUBMIT NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) TO MPCA WITHIN 30 DAYS OF FINAL STABILIZATION. THE SWPPP, ALL CHANGES TO IT. AND INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE KEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION BY THE PERMITTEE WHO HAS OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THE PORTION OF THE SITE. ALL OWNERS MUST KEEP THE SWPPP ON FILE FOR THREE YEARS AFTER THE SUBMITTAL OF THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION. INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. ANY OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. 2. RECORDS OF ALL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE CONDUCTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL PERMANENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED. INCLUDING ALL RIGHT -QF -WAY, CONTRACTS, COVENANTS, AND OTHER BINDING REQUIREMENTS REGARDING PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. 4. ALL REQUIRED CALCULATIONS FOR DESIGN OF THE TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. THE PERMITTEE MUST ROUTINELY INSPECT THE SITE ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN ONE-HALF INCH IN 24 HOURS. ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONDUCTED DURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE RECORDED IN WRITING AND RETAINED WITH THE SWPPP. MAINTENANCE MUST BE COMPLETED IN CONFORMANCE WITH NPDES PERMIT. RECORDS MUST INCLUDE.' 1. DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTIONS. 2. NAME OF PERSON CONDUCTING INSPECTION. 3. FINDING OF INSPECTION INCLUDING CORRECTIVE ACTION. DETAILS OF CORRECTIVE ACTION (RATE, TIME. PARTY COMPETING MAINTENANCE). 4. DATE AND AMOUNT OF RAINFALL GREATER THAN ONE-HALF INCH IN 24 HOURS. 5. DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGES TO SWPPP. IN AREAS OF PROJECT WHERE FINAL STABILIZATION IS COMPLETE, INSPECTIONS CAN BE REDUCED TO ONCE EACH MONTH. INSPECTIONS CAN BE SUSPENDED DUE TO FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS UNTIL FIRST RUNOFF OCCURS OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES RESUME. NOTICE OF TERMINATION PERMITTEES MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) WITHIN 30 DAYS IF ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET: 1. FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ON ALL PORTIONS OF THE SITE FOR WHICH PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE. INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY MEASURES SUCH AS SILT FENCE. 2. ANOTHER OWNER HAS ASSUMED CONTROL OVER ALL PORTIONS OF THE SITE THAT HAVE NOT ACHIEVED FINAL STABILIZATION. -----�---- PERMITTEE MUST ENSURE FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE AND SUBMIT THE OF FINAL STABILIZATION. 9 NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITHIN 30 DAYS FINAL STABILIZATION CAN BE ACHIEVED IN THE FOLLOWING WAY: o ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETE AND A UNIFORM PERENNIAL `2 g VEGETATIVE COVER WITH A DENSITY OF 70% OVER THE ENTIRE PERVIOUS S SURFACE HAS BEEN ACHIEVED, INCLUDING: 8 - STABILIZATION OF DITCHES AND SWALES.' - REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC AND STRUCTURAL SMPS. - REMOVAL OF SEDIMENTS FROM STORM WATER CONVEYANCES AND PERMANENT WATER QUALITY BASINS. gig I i" li I CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C SWPPP NOTES I PROJECT NUMBER 01627-92 HEAD -END BUILDING SHEET 5 OF 7 SHEETS ST' .5+51.00 r I 1 4 - STA.5+05.00 _ t/ ---\ 5.0'RT 5004 5.0'RT z I` - ( r 4"; 45' BEND _ _ - -*'_GATE VALUE fi ! 0 - Z { \ ijl �I 'rr ifol� A ! + STA.4+98.00 a- 1 - 9.0'RT I STA.4A 98.0 ` I I / 5.0;1�`i 4"GATE VAL STA.4+9tiE=958.2h _id' FFE=970.2 u` 20'-6" 26 0 1 oox a \ " i y 5/f tE=958.47 1 u j r 11 /tf c1 "_E` ✓EX STDRM MANHOLE / a. - W/RISER EX 7`0=966.36 _ xEX IEt=9575 W r X --M.3+78.00 t 8"x6' v % 8"x6" _ \ . 4 REDUCER n r i ! &° \ t t~ 0'6.2+95.00 .,- / CONN Ei TO EATING 5.0'!rf I SANITi Yi MANHOLE st k3 c`�' 4 45`pBEIND � a � \ �> � �•�. 1 STA.2+74.95 r500�1� r �O �- w STA.0-13. 1 ' ! l N 1 ! r _ _ _ �1 _ �` /s ADJ ST6X aTORM \ / 16"x4" TAPS 1 f, I r 8 WYE q < VALVE e ; r b+0 1 ° IE=957.73 __ ST EL m4mo > - I—UGe t- -- GE 2+00 r o ct t�E 1 G tr Nvc St+NITARY SEWER 63 RT ` T =X363'` \ 6--"_�C I "a ~ - _ 3 i' AD IUSTI TC 66.9 / 1 / _ _ - _=--5` BGND % IES 8.25 o so so -�- i K:\01627-92\Cad\Pfan\01627-92-SW.dwg, 1627-92-5W, 4(30(2008 10:25:57 AM 5005 r _ �� .1. 1.20 6" 2 X959 PVC R,\ 6I * j�.00% \ > FFE=970.$\'� STA.5+53.00 E= .11 W RISEt �`� p1 j! _ST4.5+55.00- ,r 6"x6 WYE 7.0'RT 4"-45` BEND t y \/ w ST' .5+51.00 r I 1 4 - STA.5+05.00 _ t/ ---\ 5.0'RT 5004 5.0'RT z I` - ( r 4"; 45' BEND _ _ - -*'_GATE VALUE fi ! 0 - Z { \ ijl �I 'rr ifol� A ! + STA.4+98.00 a- 1 - 9.0'RT I STA.4A 98.0 ` I I / 5.0;1�`i 4"GATE VAL STA.4+9tiE=958.2h _id' FFE=970.2 u` 20'-6" 26 0 1 oox a \ " i y 5/f tE=958.47 1 u j r 11 /tf c1 "_E` ✓EX STDRM MANHOLE / a. - W/RISER EX 7`0=966.36 _ xEX IEt=9575 W r X --M.3+78.00 t 8"x6' v % 8"x6" _ \ . 4 REDUCER n r i ! &° \ t t~ 0'6.2+95.00 .,- / CONN Ei TO EATING 5.0'!rf I SANITi Yi MANHOLE st k3 c`�' 4 45`pBEIND � a � \ �> � �•�. 1 STA.2+74.95 r500�1� r �O �- w STA.0-13. 1 ' ! l N 1 ! r _ _ _ �1 _ �` /s ADJ ST6X aTORM \ / 16"x4" TAPS 1 f, I r 8 WYE q < VALVE e ; r b+0 1 ° IE=957.73 __ ST EL m4mo > - I—UGe t- -- GE 2+00 r o ct t�E 1 G tr Nvc St+NITARY SEWER 63 RT ` T =X363'` \ 6--"_�C I "a ~ - _ 3 i' AD IUSTI TC 66.9 / 1 / _ _ - _=--5` BGND % IES 8.25 o so so -�- i K:\01627-92\Cad\Pfan\01627-92-SW.dwg, 1627-92-5W, 4(30(2008 10:25:57 AM 955 m g s 950 945 a 3 940 44 935 n -on t�.nn �+nn w+��s. CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN 1 PROJECT NUMBER 01627--92 HEAD—ENO BUILDING SHEET 6 OF 7 SHEETS LU p1 j! w 980 (D 975 CD z ly t 970 a u 965 960 955 m g s 950 945 a 3 940 44 935 n -on t�.nn �+nn w+��s. CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN 1 PROJECT NUMBER 01627--92 HEAD—ENO BUILDING SHEET 6 OF 7 SHEETS \ \ \ F F Cq F F f L 0-T I 21 "' .-Ij� mE 12; ,STORM SEWER / \ cqS f f 96 Gq'r T 2 2" r. I ^ / ` .....-968-.'_---/ \`♦ $\ I \`} \\\ `� '~-96`�.M./' f!/� i ( x \♦ / EX. WATER 70WEft 964, -. —"\ '960-- — `---959------------, _..- _—..._ —'—."`958-----__--•,`` �.'\ \ \\ \ \} tlri� LAR \ x x�_—X i .--------------957— AMES JUNIPER (JUNIPERUS I _ CHINEtISIS "AMES") 1 /d _ 1 1' Ste. _ I / HEIGH'rA 8' { SPACING'. 5' ON CENTER j \\\ ` J //'/'/ I ! f { / / `♦♦� t ' a�—«�r POG / ONISID'E\ \�\ r \ HEAD END/ —' .�' r' .' . ' 1 `9 ♦,9 '%�T/yOkXGE `\ ` BLDG ' �y g� J ' 72x48,'l �ARtal"'SEWERj,� // J �! ♦� r R , r CATV (Ifa7CATN 1 �i K:101627-92\CadlPian\01627.92-LANDSCAPE.dwg, 1627-tNDSCP, 4/30/2008 10:26:42 AM f / J / I FUTURE �- PANSION ,� �� F TREE .rQLu— aSEMETVT—i------- `.\ — — -'- — ¢ATV—CATV-- I T`, I ♦ \� `'�\ CATV--.-.. �RUCE ACITY TO PLANT BLACK HILLS (PICEAGLAUCA DENSATA) WITHIN EXING GAPS HEIGHT : 30'-50' CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2006-32C SPACING : 12'-15' ON CENTER PROJECT NUMBER 01627-92 LEGEND: PLANTING AREA CLEAR & GRUB AREA 1 0 30 60 9 m It LANDSCAPE PLAN HEAD—END BUILDING I SHEET 7 OF 7 SHEETS K;\01627-92\WPlan\01627-92.site (aedal)Awg, site plan, 4/30/2W8 10:18.48 AM _32C I PROJECT NUMBER 01627-92 SITE LOCATION 9 LEGEND: fla PLANTING AREA ORCLEAR & GRUB AREA Ml P, HEAD -END BUILDING I SHEET 2 OF 7 SHEETS A--242'18" \\ L=42.02 \ l 1 \ \ \ y \ Z \ t Nro c9 \ y t \ �W \ N f1% CP f \ � f sg" 7p \ 8 f9 W S6\ \ UjPARCEL 1 �t I Ch N i r r �PI, �C9 C) I! 6' DRAINAGE 8��: Mi ! UTILITY EASE Nl / N LY LINE OF Mi , O —� _—_ S'LY 150 FEET 0V O Z !�— —®-- -- --`� _ __ _moi 374.02 inn PARCEL 2 0 a '--EXISTING 6' DRAINAGE � ------------------------ — --- UTILITY EASEMENT _--------------- ---� EXISTING 20'--JN89-17'09"W TREE EASEMENT 374.02 EXISTING 12' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT — S'LY LINE OF LOT 1 PPEjD�3/L°Orb}!' wigs701 �asasw�•�tesaa+•�mo a a -01 -wmm • STEVEN V. ISCHE PARCEL 1: That Part Of • ••: 2. JEFFERSONCOMMONS ADDMON, according ri is recorded _ 7T.. Wright60 The southerly 150.00 feet of Lot 1, Slock Z JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat there&, County,r r: Together with easement for drainage and utility Du aw-r4h, :.,• # ,. DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT O DENOTES 1/2"x 14" IRON MONUMENT TO BE SET 0 50 100 Certificate ®f Survey for: WSBProJectNo. 1627--92 4/30/08 p i i? •a1�laailal*L*•�1 MONTiCELLO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT \ SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. \ \ \\ STEVEN V. ISCHE \\ \\\ `` , ^l ; • i \© DATE. 4/30/08 REG.NO.22703 \\ \ \ \ \\ F E °ac ~ \ 3 \\\ 559 "�, ~` � / \ OVERHEAD TOWERS Z I <t {+I It, ,• ♦ 2• j i �`) /� /..\ Lam. '\� BAR �.T` \ • r .!\ 96 le f.-- ♦A { �..�r..—+-ssa—e.�--- — � � {•..1�+� � 968 - \ ( SNI t \ ! \ 41- i PAR EL 2,J �T _ a /011 9 � EXIS_nNG 6' DRAINAGE— _ 'ice= ---c .� J ---r` (& UiiEiTY EAS�MEN'C CD Txlsn z �--� �1 / ! TREE E�S �El \ \ } EXISTING DRAINAGE I \ \\ ✓ - 7`T TY('AASEMENT �p�dvy. Existing Conditions for Proposed WSS4� Head -End uilding Site. 4 AeagcgEea, tnc. 1 c '. 781dlt�.Fa7SM{i-iTOD City of Monticello, Minnesota O LEGEW Lur SIA PC, CE) PARK B£NCH CA rCH BAS'N ® SrCRM AIANHIXE 305VISHRUBLCn�P IEZEANONE BOX COMFEROUB 'REE CON NOL POINT © DECIDUOUS TREE � 'RAMC CO"mm BOX S'EEL/UODD POSr S70R1W BASIN 'V- 9CN-TRAF'nC/01HER O TRAMC UGHr DUMPSTER GV CAT✓ALYE MAfL BOX CABLE J BOX � S'yo HYDRANT 4 TRANSFORMER NA'ER *ELL STREET UTE 'A�0 CURB STOP BOX GUY PARE —meq— CAS UNE POKER POLE EL ELECTRIC 60X — �— STORN SERER — � — WA IERMAlN — ELEC UNOERGRDUNO ELE EL£C'RIC MANHOLE — <-- SANITARY UNE OS SANITARY MANHOLE OVERHEAD ELEC C'aMET SWAX —r— FEVCE LIVE CURB & CUrIER DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT 0 DENOTES 1/2"x 14" IRON MONUMENT TO BE SET 0 50 100 WSB Project No. 1627-92 4/30/08 Page No. M NTIC11 City Council Agenda- 05/12/2008 EXHIBIT Z CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL River City Extreme CUP for Open & Outdoor Sales 1. The applicant shall consider netting in addition to vinyl coated chain link fence around the perimeter of the court area. 2. The hours of operation shall be limited to 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM Monday through Friday and 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Saturday. 3. Upon construction of Phase 11 of the principal building, the volleyball court use shall no longer be permitted. 4. Any additional lighting other than the proposed wall pack lighting to accommodate the volleyball use shall require an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. Wall pack lighting shall be shielded per ordinance. Alternative hours should be considered if the current/natural light proves to be inadequate. 5. A building permit shall be required for any fence in excess of six feet in height. The Planning Commission also raised the following potential conditions or adjustments to the above conditions if the permit were to be considered: 6. Limitation of the hours to 9:00 p.m. on weeknights. 7. Review of the current conditions of approval for River City Extreme to verify compliance with all terms, such as landscaping and other items. 8. Requirement that the permit be reviewed within three months to consider impacts of the outdoor use. I MIF -1 impacts on the neighborhood. 2. Consideration of authorizing extension of headlight screening fence at River Citv Extreme. (B.W.) On April 141h the property owner of lot 14, block 4 of the Groveland 4th Addition addressed the City Council and requested that they consider assisting him in preventing people from trespassing on his property. The property owner stated that people are walking around the end of the headlight screening fence between Groveland 4th Addition and River City Extreme to access the commercial businesses on School Boulevard. He stated that since the fence terminates partway along the rear of his property people are now cutting through his yard exclusively, causing damage to his lawn and potentially introducing future liability issues. In response to these concerns City staff and Council members Stumpf and Perrault met with the property owner in his back yard on the evening of Monday, May 5 During the meeting it was discussed that the fence should have initially been installed so that it terminated at his easterly property comer and not partway along his rear lot line. it was noted that the fence could not have been terminated at his westerly property comer since the parking lot extends past this point. It was also discussed that the purpose of the fence is to eliminate headlight glare for the properties along the River City Extreme's parking lot, and not for the purpose of preventing trespassing. The property owner mentioned that they would like to install privacy fencing on the side lot lines and that fencing would need to connect to the headlight screening fence. For this reason it would be best to have any new fencing installed on his property, which would require a 2 -foot jog to occur at the end of the existing fence since it is installed 1 -foot onto the River City Extreme property. This would then require approximately 76 linear feet of fence to be installed to the east lot line. It was also discussed that the existing fence is temporary in nature so at some point it will go away which would require the property owner to extend any fence installed on his property to the west from where the jog would be. It was then discussed that the property owner should potentially share in the cost of the fence to some degree since it would benefit him. It was noted that at previous Council meetings a contribution amount of $400 was discussed, although no specific dollar amount was discussed at this meeting. When talking to the property ownerth ver the phone following e 0 0 meeting in his yard he mentioned that he would not object to contributing, within reason, to the cost of the fence extension as long as it is placed on his property. However, he has concerns regarding the temporary nature of the existing fence ad his ability to find matching fencing once the fencing on River City Extreme's property is removed as he will then need to extend the fence on his property to his westerly lot line. The property owner does plan on attending this evening's Council meeting and can expand on his concerns in more detail. The existing fence was supplied and installed by Authority Fence and Decks of Clearwater, MN. In order to match the existing fence Authority was contacted and a quote for 78 linear feet of matching 6 -foot tall, white vinyl privacy fencing was requested. The price quoted to us was $3,495 (see attached quote). If approved, the fence could be installed this month yet. Council Agenda: 5112108 Council should note that as the property to the east develops they will be required to adhere to the City's recently revised buffer yard ordinance to provide immediate headlight screening. Staff contacted the owners of River City Center to see if they are now able and/or willing to contribute to the cost of the fence that was installed last fall. Their response was that they are not willing to make that decision quite yet. r Motion to authorize the purchase and installation of 78 linear -feet of 6 -foot tall white, vinyl privacy fencing from Authority Fence and Decks, Inc. along the rear property line of lot 14, block 4 of Groveland 4th Addition at a cost to the City of $3,495. 2. Motion to authorize the purchase and installation of 78 linear -feet of 6 -foot tall white, vinyl privacy fencing from Authority Fence and Decks, Inc. along the rear property line of lot 14, block 4 of Groveland 4th Addition at a cost to the City of $ , with the property owner to contribute $ 3. Motion to deny purchase and installation of additional privacy fencing at this time. Staff believes that the headlight screening fence should be extended to the east lot line of lot 14, block 4 of Groveland 4th Addition for just this purpose. If Council wants to be consistent with their previous decision it should be noted that the previous fence was installed without any contribution from any of the other Groveland residents, however that fence was installed on the River City Extreme's property. Quote from Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. of Clearwater, MN. Photo of existing rear property line of lot 14, block 4 of Groveland 4th Addition. Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. 1295 County Rd 75 Clearwater, MN 55320 Name / Address City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 IP.O. No. Item Description FK72-95-W Franklin 72H 95W section white FK72-95-W Franklin 72H 95W section white: TO BE SPLIT 5S108H-WR 5S 108 heavy wall profile white 5SDPCS-W S dame cap white Subtotal Discount Discount Concrete concrete to posts/gates Install Installation/Labor Bid Authority Fence & Decks will provide above project including materials, sales tax, and labor for $3,495.00 complete! Any changes from above stated project requiring extra materials will be billed at current retail price upon completion of project. E-MAIL TO: Bruce.westby@ci.monticello.mn.us MN Sales Tax Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! Thank you for the opportunity to bid your project. This estimate is void 30 days after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. Phone , Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 I Estimate Date ( Estimate # I 5/7/2008 I 6474 I TermsI Rep Due on receipt ( SJS Qty I Rate 9 1 11 11 33 1 -20.00% 0.00 0.00 3,495.00 6.50% Project 2008 ADDITION Total O.00T O.00T O.00T O.00T 0.00 0.00 O.00T 0.00 3,495.00 0.00 $3,495.00 City Council 05/12/2808 13. Consideration of a reauest for a Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor sales and service at River Citv Extreme. The subject vrovertv is located at Lot 1. Block I of Jefferson Commons and is zoned B-4. Hi2hwav Business. Applicant: River City Extreme. (NAQ I ME The Planning Commission considered this item at its regular meeting on May 6, 2008. Several neighbors were in attendance to voice concerns over current operations, and t have on their nei6hborhool� Among the issues raised by the neighborhood were: I • Noise (loud voices, profanity, car doors slamming, etc.) from patrons in the par lot at closing time. • Noise (breaking glass, metallic clanging, etc.) from refuse hauling in early morntlin • Traffic (including cut -through traffic exiting the facility, drag racing, etc.) generated by the bowling center and related facilities. • Pedestrian traffic cutting through neighboring residential property. • Whistles and cheering generated by officials and crowds in the volleyball area (the applicant indicated that they would not be having organized leagues, and as such, would not expect whistles). • Additional noise from outdoor alcoholic beverage consumption in the volleyball • Potential for patrons to use exit gates and depart from the volleyball area with alcoholic beverages and consume them in the parking lot. • Lighting impacts from the volleyball use that is not currently an issue. • Proposed hours of operation (to 11:00 p.m.), suggesting that 9:00 would be better if the use were to be allowed at all (the applicant indicated that he would be comfortable with a 9:00 or 9:30 closing time. The Planning Commission discussed the options for limiting hours and requiring screenin nets as conditions that would be necessary to mitigate the potential negatives created by outdoor use of the site. They further discussed the option of tabling action on the CUP at this time until a firm plan could be formulated by the applicants, or delaying consideratio of the use until the spring of 2009. In the end, the Planning Commission voted 3-2 to recommend denial of the CUP, based on findings that the outdoor use was not compatible with the neighboring residential area due to the probability that additional noise, lights, traffic and other negative impacts of the use would be added to the current problems encountered by the residents. Those voting to consider approval of the permit felt that a trial period would be justified to test whether the concerns would be realized. I City Council Agenda- 05/12/2008 River City Extreme is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor sales and service to allow the construction of an outdoor volleyball court on their site within the Jefferson Commons subdivision. A 70,120 square foot bowling alley and banquet facility was previously approved for the site. A variety of complimentary uses were also proposed within the principal structure, including a pro shop, arcade, bar, full kitchen, office and banquet hall. The site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The construction of the building was modified to a phased plan, with the construction of the banquet center to be part of phase 11. The applicant is now proposing the construction of an outdoor volleyball court in the southwest comer of the building, where the future banquet space is proposed. The volleyball court would remain in this area until such time as construction begins on phase 11 of the building. The proposed area will contain two volleyball courts in a space 7,315 square feet in area. The courts are designed to have four feet in between and are surrounded by a grass perimeter. The applicant has also mentioned an additional area within the fenced portion that would be available for various games on the existing lawn grass. The fenced area would be expanded to the south to within about 15 feet of the sidewalk to accommodate this use. The applicant is expected to provide additional site plan material to document this proposed use. Conditional Use Permit. Open or outdoor service is a permitted Conditional Use in the B-4 District, if the use is connected with the principal use and is limited to thirty percent 30 of the gross floor area of the principal use. The proposed courts will comprise an area equivalent to approximately 12 percent of the building. The Conditional Use Permit is also subject to the following conditions: Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of the neighboring residential uses or an abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. Comment: No sales area is proposed for• the site. The use is instead an outdoor• service use. ® All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2H of this ordinance Comment: No additional lighting is proposed for the use. A photometric plan was previously reviewed and approvedfor the site. The applicant has submitted an additional photometric plan of the subject area, and that plan is addressed below. M Sales area is gassed or surfaced to control dust Comment: As stated above, no sales area is proposed for the site. The use will be surfaced with sand appropriate for a volleyball court ® The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met Fencing. The applicant was originally proposing a chain link fence, ten feet in height, surrounding the perimeter of the court area. The Zoning Ordinance requires a building permit City Council Agenda- 05/12/2008 for fences in excess of 6 feet and as such, one shall be required in this case. While the proposed fence does appear as though it will effectively enclose the area, staff recommends that the applicant consider an alternate material. A chainlink fence may propose a safety hazard when surrounding a recreational facility such as a volleyball court. As a result, the applicant is considering a vinyl coated fencing, with netting around the perimeter of the courts. The net material will provide an effective barrier, while not posing as a significant safety risk. Such material has been used for other recreational facilities throughout the City. Parking. The minimum parking requirement for bowling alleys is five parking spaces for each lane, plus the required additional spaces for related uses contained within the principal structure, as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. A total of 473 stalls were approved with the original site plan. The total parking requirement included stalls for the future banquet space, which will be replaced by the volleyball courts in the interim. As such, no additional parking is required for the use. Landscaping. The approved landscaped plan from the previous application illustrates a row of shrubs and a row of deciduous trees screening the court area from the neighboring properties to the west. The existing building will screen the courts from the residential properties to the north. No additional landscaping is required as part of the application. Signage. The applicant has not proposed any additional signage as part of the application. Any additional signage requested for the court area must be approved by the City, and would require an amendment to the CUP. Lighting. The applicant is proposing to light the court area with wall pack lighting, currently mounted on the building, or to be added on the existing building walls. A photometric plan for the area has been submitted, indicating readings up to 5.9 footeandles at the perimeter of the court. Any additional lighting will require an amendment to the Conditional Use Pennit, and must be reviewed by the City. Staff notes that the hours of operation (see below) will extend to periods after dark, including 11:00 p.m. on weeknights. While some lighting is provided by the existing improvements, many facilities of this type augment lighting for safety and convenience of the participants. Because additional lighting would raise a separate concern, planning staff emphasizes that no additional lighting should be allowed as a part of this permit. If available light becomes an issue, the applicant should consider shortening the hours of operation where natural light will be adequate. Hours of Operation. The applicant has indicated that the hours of operation for the proposed use are 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM Monday through Friday, and 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Saturdays. These hours are identical to those of the principal use. Motion to approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit for open and outdoor sales and service, based on a finding that the subject use is consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the conditions of approval have been met, subject to the City Council Agenda- 05/12/2008 conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for open and outdoor sales and service, based on a finding that the subject use is not consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the conditions of approval have not been met. The Planning Commission recommended denial based on a 3-2 vote. However, their finding was not based on inconsistency with the B-4 district, but rather on the potential for increased light, traffic and noise. The applicant is proposing a volleyball court facility on the south side of the bowling alley building, facing School Boulevard. This area is where the future banquet facility will be constructed, and the volleyball courts will essentially be an interim use. The proposed use will be screened and buffered from neighboring residential properties. In summary, the specific conditions for approval defined by the Zoning Ordinance have been met. Staff believes that a recommendation for approval could be supported given conformance to the conditions indentified within the code. Should Council consider approval of the Conditional Use Pen -nit, staff believes that the Planning Commission's additional limitations on the volleyball court operation may be appropriate as they would mitigate the Planning Commission's concerns regarding the potential for increased light, traffic and noise issues. [��QWMIOMWV A. Site Map B. Applicant Narrative C. Site Plan D. Lighting Plan E. Landscape Plan F. Fence Detail Z. Conditions of Approval CL. and create a summer activity for those that play volleyball. 1. The court system would be located on the south side of our building facing School Blvd. with our building acting as a screen for the houses on north 2. We would like to light this court for some early evening games. 3. We would be able to meet our requests for league volleyball 4. On the west side and north sides of the courtwe would put up a 10" high Survey, site plan, existing conditions, grading, and utility plan are already on file from our existing building permit. I thank you for your time and review on this request. As always I will answer any and all of your questions as needed. On 4P CT- (4� E c I v MAR 1, 0 20OP Uc 88 Ft OD OD OD OD OD Cii 0 0 OD 0 -J 00 M co co p p Ch) 00 00 OD rt UI w t - a) o 0 (D Ln (Yi CJl 0) 1 l0 00 (t Ul Un --1 Co w Ul00 (3) L, 0 0 OD FP co 00 CA) 00 IQ Ul 0 uj to cn Ul bi co 0 EP l0 FP kJo LQ FP 13 (51 lD U) co lD E c I v MAR 1, 0 20OP a w af —jr �e Ir Q w C.) �w 0 to rr CL g CL w 0 CL w w w W LL rn rn Weight per foot Coating .90 ounces of zinc per ft 2 Shop By Department - Ideal uses Light -weight residential Residential fencing, Home > Chain Link Fence > Specifications fencing, Temporary Dog pens Create a New Account (it's FREE) CHAIN LINK FENCE Light CommE Forgot Your Password? Available in mill Available in r or 24' (others on request) length 21' or 24' length 21' or, Cut Posts 5'6" to 8'6" (other's on request) (others on re( Overview Specifications Warranty Photo Gallery Installation Instructions Freight Get a Quote Cut Posts 5'6 Swedged ends available 8'6" (others on (others on rel: on 1 3/8" & 1 5/8" rails request) Swedged enc Detail Specifications ir Galvanized Fabric Specifications available on 1 3/8" & 1 5/8" rails 121/2 Gauge 11 112 Gauge ctmin L417K ftvoa; APPLICATIONS I Economy Standard Residential MESH SIZE 23/8" 2 1/4", 23/8", 1 114" COATING Class III Galvanized before weaving Class III Galvanized after weaving, Class 111 1.2 ounces of zir Galvanized before weaving ft2 (ideal for kennels, no burrs) HEIGHTS 36"-144" SELVAGE Knuckle & Knuckle (36"-60"); Knuckle & Barbed (72" and higher) STANDARD ROLL 60 ft per roll rerardcrifencue ''- MEETS OR ASTM Spec. - A-392 Fed. Spec. - RR' EXCEEDS ASTM Spec. - A- AAS14TO Spec, IDEAL USES Light -weight residential fencing, Residential fencing, Kennel fencing, Light -weight cory �—T—Tj Temporary construction fencing Swimming Pool fencing (1 114" mesh size) fencing, Tennis tm—n—MITTLI FF F. N, M M Galvanized Framework Specifications Economy Residential Framework Standard Residential Heavy Residential Fr Framework Wall Thickness 18 Gauge -.047" 17 Gauge -.055" 16 Gauge, Diameters 1 3/8", 1 5/8", 2", 2 1/2" commonly available Weight per foot Coating .90 ounces of zinc per ft 2 Ideal uses Light -weight residential Residential fencing, Heavy Resid( fencing, Temporary Dog pens fencing construction fencing Light CommE Specifications Available in mill length 21' Available in mill Available in r or 24' (others on request) length 21' or 24' length 21' or, Cut Posts 5'6" to 8'6" (other's on request) (others on re( (others on request) Cut Posts 66" to Cut Posts 5'6 Swedged ends available 8'6" (others on (others on rel: on 1 3/8" & 1 5/8" rails request) Swedged enc Detail Specifications Swedged ends available on available on 1 3/8" & 1 5/8" rails 1 of 3 3/10/2008 3:54 PM City Council Agenda- 05/12/2008 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL River City Extreme CUP for Open & Outdoor Sales 1. The applicant shall consider netting in addition to vinyl coated chain link fence around the perimeter of the court area. 2. The hours of operation shall be limited to 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM Monday through Friday and 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Saturday. 3. Upon construction of Phase 11 of the principal building, the volleyball court use shall no longer be permitted. 4. Any additional lighting other than the proposed wall pack lighting to accommodate the volleyball use shall require an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. Wall pack lighting shall be shielded per ordinance. Alternative hours should be considered if the current/natural light proves to be inadequate. 5. A building permit shall be required for any fence in excess of six feet in height. The Planning Commission also raised the following potential conditions or adjustments the ove conditions if the permit were to be consideredIl 0-garp 7. Review of the current conditions of approval for River City Extreme to verify compliance with all terms, such as landscaping and other items. 8. Requirement that the permit be reviewed within three months to consider impacts of the outdoor use. ml1; L7.1—.C7nsYYe=ra i—on—UY—NITe'ring service veniell impacts on the neighborhood. City Council Agenda- 05/12/08 14. Consideration of a reauest for Preliminary and Final Plat for the proposed Amax Addition, a commercial Plat consistin2 of two lots in a B-3 MiLyhwav Business) District. Applicant: Amax Self-St1ra2e, LLC. (NAC) The City Council reviewed this item at its April 28 Ih meeting and requested that staff work with the applicant to prepare a development agreement outlining the terms of the approval. A draft development agreement has been prepared and is included for the Council's reference. The applicant has received and reviewed a copy of the agreement. a I f �Lc Af tpef tj WCI- wipfx as related to City improvements within the drainage and utility easement. There was also discussion regarding the relocation existing signage on the proposed Lot 1, Block 1. The Council should be aware that any alteration of th PUD, which currently covers both of the proposed lots, would required amendment and public hearing. The applicant has been advised that development of Lot 1, Block 1 could incorporate that relocation. The other conditions remain consistent with the previous report. Amax Self -Storage, LLC has applied for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Amax Addition, a commercial plat consisting of two lots. The site is located east of Highway 25 and south of Dundas Road. Cedar Street runs through the center of the site. The gross area of the plat is 3.12 acres. The site is zoned B-3, Highway Business and is part of an existing Planned Unit Development. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The site is zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the B-3 (Highway Business) district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The applicant is proposing a commercial plat consisting of 2 lots on a 3.12 acre site. The plat area currently consists of two parcels. The larger existing parcel (PID 155-500-142302) is 2.6 acres in area and is split through the center by the Cedar Street right-of-way. The second existing parcel (PID 155- 500-142315) is .52 acres in area and is located on the west side of the site, adjacent to Highway 25. As proposed, the existing small parcel and the west half of the larger existing parcel will be combined and platted as Lot 1, Block I of the Amax Addition. The applicant is proposing to plat the area on the east side of the Cedar Street right-of-way as Lot 1, Block 2 of the Amax Addition. Preliminary and Final Plat. The site is currently unplatted. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 of the Amax Addition. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The following chart demonstrates the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for properties in the B-3 District. The chart also illustrates the applicable setbacks for the District, and the proposed setbacks for Lot 1, Block 2, on which there are existing buildings. Lot Area N/A 1.79 acres 1.33 acres Lot Width 100 feet 185 feet 154 feet Front Yard Setback 30 feet N/A 35 feet Side Yard Setback 10 feet N/A 0 feet Rear Yard Setback 30 feet N/A 43 feet Four buildings are currently located on Lot 1, Block 2. As proposed, the existing buildings on this lot do not meet the required side yard setback. The plat proposes lot lines cutting through the center of each of the four buildings. However, this situation may be accommodated by the existing PUD. Any future buildings proposed for Lot 1, Block I shall be evaluated on their own merit at the time of development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space for required parking and landscaping. It appears as though the applicant is proposing to dedicate a portion of the north end of PID 155-500- 142302 as Dundas Road right-of-way. This must be clarified as a condition of any approval and clearly identified on the plat. An existing concrete wall with attached fencing is located along the perimeter of Lot 1, Block 2. A portion of this wall is located within the proposed Dundas Road right-of-way and drainage and utility easement. A portion of the wall is also located within the drainage and utility easement along Cedar Street. As a condition of approval, any disruption of this wall for improvements completed within the City right-of-way and drainage and utility easement shall be at the expense of the property owner. The property owner shall be responsible to remove or relocate any portion of the wall within these areas as needed to allow for the installation or maintenance of utilities, including the City's fiber optic lines. In reviewing the plat, the City Engineer has also recommended that the property comers in the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 1, and the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 be pulled back 20 -feet in each direction to allow for adequate sight distances at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. This arrangement would be similar to what was previously done in the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 1. In comparison to the size of the lot, this adjustment would not significantly affect the plat or the required setbacks, and would be offset by the right-of-way vacation on the north side of Lot 1, Block 1. Access. No changes to access are proposed as part of the plat. Both lots have access off of Cedar Street. Signage. The applicant has not proposed any signage as part of the Preliminary Plat. However, a freestanding sign is currently located in the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 1. This sign is proposed to remain, and was previously approved as part of the PUD. Any future relocation of the sign would not affect the proposed plat. Landscaping. The applicant has not submitted a landscape plan as part of the application package. Minimum landscaping requirements for commercial sites are based on total site perimeter or total building area. In that regard, a landscape plan may be premature at this point. Staff recommends that an individual landscape plan be provided for the vacant lot at the time that lot develops. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the City Engineer related to grading, drainage and utilities. Recording. If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. Regarding the request for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Amax Addition, a commercial plat resulting in 2 lots, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat, subject to a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-3, Highway Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. (The attached Exhibit Z has been revised to reflect changes to the conditions per Council direction). 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary and Final plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-3 District. Upon review of the proposed plat, staff finds that it is consistent with the performance requirements of the existing B-3 District. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. [13 1-09 111111WIVIIII, IN, Exhibit A: Existing Conditions Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat Exhibit D: Development Agreement Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval s in Q) O c� 2 b' O alt 00 O O N La Q J n Z 0 U _o C7 E'7 CO M co CO Cp v 0 n C m NE COR OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 SEC 14 T 121 R 25 r , 1 1 " /• '�i 7 R°Ee'r' t` { S89°00'47'W 1056° .00 \1 ?� J t/t ! j'h ` ?Jq wryti`q�' ( (' ✓ / { {3 1 31 (S8908'38'W Deed) i ' N 2 al N LINE OF THE S i a I` I�' §� _ %' •� 1 ••t `i It t„o i/2 OF THE NW i/4 - L IT N nor'Su ao� t I �• vs'1'os ,•�.., J•a" Z PID 155-500-142303 1 )1 M Sas Yt +e6xhtiawywg 1 JJ •• g0 L' j CITY O' MONTICELLO { n I / ! „', wv N+O its:tar! all J:gg d`,.• ^•.. /1'\ 2mrao 5:_W D ^ EXCEPTION `.\♦ Tp g SO" .`"@°'O •� ' K "^.,waAS aw viv wv - y) t '^ rim In rO "a�.I� rFxCE PoSi GA 954 ae lJ`"4 SSi se- a t" �y [O M+ 4d •A e+t•g ryV O rf J - _ F -w GJL ffi 3SE[t.......w.,..... .�,.... -`-7 +..,• 1• `^ '� 5$ {}j,+J_�.n y"�`_ <�.+. r �•^�„ 3 7 .�+�wrL Kt Ar v."L•YERU.Aw µ >Y n 4Y R1wY.0 �. uAe.Es ' 44 5 1 s+a yp�° ~ 'WAv "I's. _j ; / neww tic s"' », . 3' m x (SBae u9°o°?. 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P *gals STORAGE vi 3 ov \ �., % 3 \ , , ♦ PID 155-500-N2308 \ '` � . : j% t � /''� o ^ O Denotes //2 Inch x i4 Inch bon Pipe \ \ CIjz TY OF MON7tCEll� ��"`\03• #e+ } N t /��e'J / \.I m, } 'af j' ,...._ _ ..., ,._ _. _ _ _ ; r , ; , S : , ; , ; , :: e ; r t f n p JIII Set With A Plastic Co Marked R.L.S. ♦ "h '� /q za 2.P % ,• _ t PID 155-500-142302 - "..Y " ` "" "" "'" 4 ,.„, __ w a ° Number 21729, unless otherwise no \ `\•mel 3v.' last 22.¢¢42 sq. i). 4r J •t•,'• k" t o0 pt" `!` j ' /Ea s { GLEN R. & L015 A. POSUS IA M P /„r„/ 3 oN \ \ aA "IN " Q: 2 otr s( 11 .. _ � � t � � s Denotes fron Monument Found U3 r � PID 155-500-Ia2302 L�^r LV t '(r" \ �' ""`'nv 8' •` ./ J / �4,J L.: .'s\ / GLEN R. do LOIS A. POSUSTA ;q w ,,,,,,zi::i i,. '1; OFFICE 0 I wZ s #F W -t \ IALDN \ Pip Lc�Y r Section Monument ♦ / PID 155-500-14 2307 w e*, • 1 i 7 ® _tom 7 ' / AND � W Denotes a found Wright County O f \ STATE OF MINNESOTA f `� d m,� •'• i t fxlJ EXISTING 1 A 49s. Q ♦ ,�. p / +Yj .•. J.�- I �6 ¢$yy �M STORAGE W BWLOwG { i STORAGE ¢ t'i�-v 333 < t,po! jAavps5� t Ii A-1. BIALDING JJ off .CY• a', j/t NO BUILDINGS t\ � Ny�S ��Q _. ' .O ._, rvJ t.'_: M1! ,,,,...i„ f" Ar ✓ a ggT� 1 1 p i / n 1. J t 1 vA\ {) 41 KJ I < 58,144 sq. #t. M `r'♦,` - 8 PID 155-500-142305 N l w v ;: , W \ RMAAPROPERTTY, LLC S \ ` / gi'-y'�v rya / 1 1.34 alias - «,. LOIS A POStJSTA •" �,•„ a F \ 1 _ / L ll. F y � • ! f 1,."^'•.'wT!'S t} � - ,,,, {rte ,,,,,,., � , \ A 95r@a / �' e� aY J it •r• -LEGEND.... -' --- \ 7 ExISTiNG j 'Ex15Twc a Denotes Existing Storm Sewer Manhole ( 52,846 sq. It. Na 1 ipRaGE s STORAGE 12nv Denotes Existing Power Pole rA 45ay4 J t G ( BIALDING J tJ /f1 \ N'LY RIW�Fr{d S: T.H. NO. 251-`, . 1,21 acres t! ! 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ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED + G D ales Existing Sonitory Sewer j (f -oa- Denotes Existing Storm Sewer ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF yayyy SECTION 14. TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 HAVING A Denotes Existing Overhead Electric Line J J) (�(> BEARING OF NORTH 00°00'30" WEST, Denotes Existing Concrete Wall JJ// ftt , \\ wart• .-E 5 144 7j j ' t`a t "'c "�'"BENC.%�MAR�'i °'�'"`�""""'" " • ^ Denotes Existing Jnterrnediate Contour Line d f 1 pl , I r \\ t p ' ( \\ TOP NUT OF HYDRANT AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY DRAW2. INGSTDATED 3/24/03Y INFORMATION PAND ER W1/31/02SB 0AND ALSO M " Denotes Existing index Contour Line $ ! 1 / JJ \ \ / a` I 1 \ s• ° t \ QUADRANT OF CEDAR STREET AND DUNDAS ROAD PER OSM &ASSOCIATES INC -'--••--' w O Z a x v O m V W _ jjj N K D Q LC O V N Lu 00 �< oa V O J W \\ D rv\ M st O N V m C M I v 1 a rn Y M D O M O N1 O X Mt0 uO w LW.S r" m 1 4 m D M Y Z iW- O W LO X W a o O 03 � V D F to n � h c'I c n E >° o Y o ! our vo N � al N Y to N £ . 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". � _ _, a-•.,-�-,,-�. �Cna.1 PID NO. 155-500-142302 ALSO EXCEPT 'hot par( of sal' South Half Of the Northwest Gaulle, described as follows. the north line of said South Holl of the Northwest Ouorter, o distance of 37.57 feet to the � z enter line Of Said Old State Highway No. 2S; thence norlheosl<rly along said center line, AND g ortof Rhe South Hat/ of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 721, Range 25 Commencing at the northeast Comer of said South Holl; (hent[ olOng the north line OI said de Jetting to the right 778 degrees 33 mnutes en secontls, s distance O} id center feet to describetl a4 lollow4: Commencing of the Northeast lashes 1 said South Hall; thence obng the South Hail on an Ossumetl bearing of SODU 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds Wes; o distance intersect with the norm line of New Stale Trunk Hi se No. 25 shown that pori of the Southwest Ouari¢r at the Northwest Darter of Section 14 Township north line of said South Haft On on ossumed bearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 of 1056. DO feet; thence South DO degrees 07 minutes 17 Seconds west parallel 9 % as Station 537+75 on 25. Wright County, Minnesota, which res Easterly ontl N ^ship 721, Range f p with the east line Minnesota Department of Transportation highway plans; thence southeasterly along Station 531+75 25 alt Y Ortherly of New Stott Trunk highway Np. secontls West. 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 77 s<corWs west parallel with of sad South Hail 0 distance a( 924.00 feet; thane[ South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds deDec6ng to the right 80 degrees 59 minutes ib seconds ads on 1 right of Cedar Street (Ob Stole Truck highway andN . the east tint pP said South Hpl/, 924.00 feet; Mince South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 S-..dS West Parallel with the north line of said South Half o distance of 831.61 feet to the Centerline of 1 0 33.41 lett to the parallel We with ontl edor i AOA f o 25) and Southerly of a fine drawn J West, parallel to the north line Of Spial South Hat(, 379.14 feet to the actual 1 Of be eoManly right at way line of bold State iLghway No. 25'; thence Southwesterly along said -story 0 out Southerly of the following described line: Poi^ ginne o Old If to Highway No. 25 (0150 known o5 Ceder Street); thence North 27 degrees 42 right 4t way Gne, o tlislonce i b2.84 het to the po,i t of beginning, P M thence continue South 89 degrees OB minutes 38 seconds Wns^, 572.47 fret to the centtnine of minuit3 ID Se<Ontls East, along spirt centerline, o distance OF 386.16 flet to the point of Commencing at the Northeast corner of the South Hall of said Northwest Ouartar, thence South �A' Old Minnesota Highway No. 25: lnerice 1.2 North 27 degrees 42 :ales 10 seconds East obng Said Deginninq of the Parcel to be described thence North 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 Seconds East, 89 degrees GD minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the North line of said South po of MI o e none of Sof NO tett: thence North 89 etg thence a minutes 38 secontls East. PoroNel with the north i»< 01 sold South HDI(, 0 distance of I00.13 (get to o point On Me PID N0. 155-500-142315 Hall of the Nmthw4at Quarter, 0 distance of 7056.00 fret; thence South W degrees 00 minutes 07'sec t0 W north tine of Soid South Hall, 333.8} /eel; Thence South GO degrees 09 minutes wt5tady line of the ngein destrrbed 80 loot strip; thence Southerly 33.45 teat olpnq a 30 seconds Eosl, poroil@I wdh the East Ione of said South Hol( of the Northwest Ouorier, a 07 seconds West. 339.23 lees to the point o/ beginning. mintongenlial c eve an soitl westerly line, oncave to the west, having a radius of n10.00 feet. o That distance30seof 584.77 (eel l its th erEasti line with s hire tlrh ppralfei with rt fine drown paras EXCEPT chiral ,Is Of 01 degrees 43 minutes 35 secontls. and the chord of Said curve beors South 01 Part of the Southwest Guenter Of the Northwest Ouorhr of Section 14, Township 727, Range with and distant 584.59 leer South Of said North Lne: thence South $9 d ® O 25. Wright County, Minnesota tlascr;betl os #olows: seconds West, along said lost described agrees 00 mnutes a7 0. degrees 34 minutes ib seconds West: the westerly 107.50 tet! along o nonhng8ntiai curve pprOilel ine, a dislanGe of 428.09 feat to ihBi point f An 80 toot wide strip f land in the South Half of the Northwest Ouorter of Section ta, concave to the north. having a radius Oi 790.00 feet, O lrq Mgle Of 07 tlegrt<s 48 m hulas The westarly 33.00 (get of that beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly o di$IoncB o1 254.55 hat 15 seconds We si io a point n the cantenine of said fNtl Minnesota Highway No. 25: thence North part of Cedar Street (Did Stole Highway No. 25) being 65.00 along o tangential curve concave to the North having a rotlius of 750.00 feet and o central �,y Township 127, Range 26, Wright County, Mmne4oto. The tenteriirie of soitl 80 fool strip n 27 degrees 42 minutes 10 secontls East. along eald centerline, a distance of 14055 fee! t0 Iha teat in width, wniGh lies Northerly of New State Trunk Highway No. 25 and Southerly of o fine angle of 19 degrees 1b minuses 47 9e<Ontl9 to O point to DB hereinpthr retained fp os Pin Oi described as noilows: point of beginning. drown pprpllel with pial distant 40.00 teat Sautheny O( the following described fine: 'A ; ihente continuing Waste Point Commencingo Ion o northeast corn Of said South Hoff; the theme along the north lint of Said 9 g rly ontl Northwesterly p distance Of 63.89 feet, along said tangential South Holl n assumed Peering of South 89 degrees OB uses 38 seconds West p tlislonce ALSO EXCEPT Uol port o! Old Stott Highway No. 25. ok0 Old Cetlor Street. being that par! at Commenting of the Northeast Corner of the South Haif of Soid Northwest Guartor; thence South 52 mnume to the North, hoving a rodius of 750:00 feel and A central angle of 04 degrees Of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 a 07 minutes 17 Seconds West, parallel with the east the South Half at the Northwest Ouarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. Wright County, 89 degrees DO minutes 47 Seconds West, assumed bear minutes 50 seconds and sod tine there terminating degrees Half f the Northwest ing along the North fine of said South ],;me Of salWe tl South Molt O distance OI 924.00 leer; thence South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 Minnesota described os fp0owfi Ouprwhr, a distance of 7056.00 (eel: theme South 00 degrees OD mnutes Except that part Of Said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter wh' h h on Of begin ing of he cele north line of soitl d; Uv Mal(, o hely 34 of Sfeet /Cts to the 30 SeconOs EOSI. parallel th the East fine of soitl Smith Half of the Northwest Oiortar, a the following described line: es Northwesterly of ,a Point i beginning Cont ted'me to lot described: thtaKe northerly 345.84 tact long v CammMcinq Of the northeast linnet of said South Half of the Northwest QOarlm: thence tlialOntB 01 $54.77 !e@( f0 its inter38clion with o fine Brown parallel with and distant 584.69 het n lOngenSaT eve, ave to than west, having a radius of 1i50.W feet, control angle of 17 weSledy along the north fine Of Solo $pulp Hoff 01 (he NOrthw63l OVOYIM. o distonc¢ of 1056.00 South of Said North line; thMte South $9 degrees 00 minutes 47 setontl5 Well, along said lost Beginning at the oboe referenced menu es 73 n nes 50 Seto ads d on Chord ai Sob curve beers Marta 09 degrees ib /eat: ihente soulhMy porMiel with th! east fine pi said South Holf of the Norlhw<s! Oo.,ler, a deECribtd parolel line o tlrstpnte of -028.09 feet. io the pain) o/ D of Soid fine to be 9 "i^g e e ¢rented Poinl`A thence South bd degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds les O$ seconds East to he �'^^'"9 West a distance of 100.00 feet oral soitl hne there terminating. ;SHEET NO, point o line 5there feet sting riy 01 rid Parallel with soitl distance Of 924,00 fedi: thence westerly feet to with the north ht of Said a South d of the cur! !hence Westerly ole Northwesterly a tl{sip00 ee 378.daa feet, obng o north line of the South Holl and sO:d centtrGne there terminating. Northwest Ouprter. a Distance ai 794,04 feel to the easterly right of way line of ottl 51018 laagentiai concave to the North, having O dius f 750.00 feet Ind cen(rOi ..Qle of 24 _ Highway NO. 25, Said Point being the paint of beginning; thence continue westerly porolel with degrees i9 mienule4 37 wands. antl soitl line there terminoting. 161 N + i NE COR OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW /4 SEC 14 T 121R 25 SR - R , S89°0047'W 1056.00 \ z - i z T ,g 'r4z , ' ti l 1 { (S89°08'38"W Deed) J to i = Z V. " r'�� /! l N UNE OF THE S s=- >' U I/2 OF THE NW 1/4cc z { I - 0 Z o A eid { -DEVELOPER & OWNER o - / - - " " rn ssi.os •, �. JI / : h '. orb 155-500-142303 i { AMAX SELF STORAGE, LLC - aC eskss > luaxh nay- Y '\,` / ,1J ',• +,i0 " i pp' CITY MONTICELLO i { GLEN POSUSTA fEjl-+ s 33k -s i ttb++vvv -- 15p wv >xa �,-rw4449 d" d • .,%"^�=. @t also 37 w )j1.tr. aE J { 36 DUNDAS ROAD p 2 i { PO BOX 1288 0 ( E%CEPTi�4-. \ * g"" ,, A� / .,v axiau-"B' J - lot 1 _ � { MONTICELLO, MN 55362 a" 0 40 80 120 mi V� steccr f 4 \,.�+, r w _dam' w f P+ ) xsi .. • __ _� { PH. (763)295-3152 ut p wv sw7 L' m A es, „F ' .+., of Low $( .w=z•- a recc'rcx nasi _ SCALE IN FEET rn a3a.,s 1,5e A .A .T"^we3 �e+�,,e�p �}ry` • 1 i �v vss n-ei R szios "",•� ,' n L„> 4 A$ a . + i J, "` X : t ^i @iL,j v asp w- - en• rnassas g$ .- TOG +9J ^, 1 ....,,_.�,r-�.,-,,,.. -J, < 00 sl. a "YQY, x, _RliAia�w4o c x Rri EAST UNE OF THE NW I/4 OF SEC. id,..,,F - •- • - " TWP. 121, RNG. 25 HAVING A BEARING OF N' B r •4$)'�®l j '" 47'E'•i0cft3...""-�,„,,... •" _ w• u" w.,tv�'la' _fit . - i - .".,,a, .,..... ars °exrs g -SURVEYORS w f _4� n @ao F ::,; _ _ YORS ENGINES d ��n NORTH DO°00"30" WEST tN THE wRiGHT r1,¢ 'r'c J r d•, +' (fig. .'x„,_ °*few 53,8 ,.- y \ rn ss4so rWfw wwxtw �" : J@'a'•�O /, xiu g i u mw s�9.- 1 s ac s4s.ay ar u.� 9 D•A24 t T- \T�t'I 55330 CIA7E5. INC. o o \ COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM. ' s as �r i ,."8,r r -w.. pt�Tg�'l gs ® µ. ®,am ,: , JOHN RIVER, MNE r - w- a♦iS// e3 s o ELK = b Denotes 112 Inch x 14 Inch Iron P, a H' 1 68 �D. \ Lw33.45 A�tx, ,w au gar scwsa ^-... i^ '•"""mob" `y '" , PH. (763)441-2072-_..,_--_-- p rn s3a M f ; sroi sit` ,- ".', . 4ULo0 - vsyat t@ Set With A Plastic Cop Marked R.1 S J� x .," _^+^--^-++= , -^-•, �� k iw N . " 1' Jt p Number 21729, unless otherwise noted �% "•8')s$� �"' "` orf a3'3S x- sew oa+a ,�p .1 -- 59 M •' A , v - . . ..,. r "` i -""•-----•.•.•ry nr,„ Marr, ea o �K ¢° 44 sTOTA n c> m o w o Denotes flan Monument Found .1 r / If Concrela /wo�I r' Jf •y.,,� / - ' _Y ,2g', «..... - _� L PRDPERTYAREA - •' - = o a, g M s 0 AL in woos+ / / J / " 3'0/gwLDINC '-`\ v"' "' l ENCHMARIC: 102 .,. __ �....,..... _. .. ... ., alp. `. p an a SE1'BACx ,' a�' ste s TNH-PER-WS9'REL'0R6-DO AWINGS a 'I Concrete won µ r - "`-•w. 133,682 SO FT OR 3.07 ACRES zz °"tc.. N a O Q Denotes o found Wright County PIO 155- -14231 I / _\ j Section Monument i r 1� , µ W 8� t / AT Df eA GVO 291 ` rA ¢ss of GLe. R. OSUSTA d7 30 .. .." o o 4Yh X� ELEv ION -965.01 ( ' ! >/ \ BUI.bING sEr cH i c j ca .t ry% ` II�sr`r,� ' 1 i......... � CIS ""ZONING SUMMARY ,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, f FIC, m 0 .47V6 /\ry �' ' 1 J r 4?� f ; ••• B� EXISTING V + o' EXISTING ZONING OF THIS PROPERTY 15 8-3. ?2tl t� i ' g - , ! "' S�� GE eta IN 11 O h HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT PER CITY OF w p = \ \\� ,/ < / MONTICELLO ZONING MAP DATED NOVEMBER 2005 .. Z \ 00 154-5770-142308 ]oo \ y�,_ i ,..2 f P�' ` J Q ' �,}3/ '' / , zi € 1 „ „I,, , 1 n ON THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PAGE OF THE ' 4 w t7 \ p TY OF MIXt Titillb /1 i��y Z9 .."" don 7'11 J 0 !/A�(b',t f.:'';;•• "I' ,j , "7 i �O ~ w - ` Aa„'X•�s,: xi{ci i+' _ .. -. ... ._ . ,. - CITY OF MONTICELLO WEBSITE. _ d ` 1 ,s ° ^• W ! PIO 155 5Q00142302 .) _ .. ., i z m V C' ~ W \ o \ a y, ( V v i £5 &LOtSA PO t_ /,,,,,, ; (( _ =yam' II. ,..,; I g 1 susTA a T , , , 3 a ,-SETBACK SUMMARY 3 a, / O ..•.,��p ,,,,,,,,, L OFFICE w m \ ` r. 'Y s r 1 + W •1J� I, Exlsnac • c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a v o cu GLEN R PCD 155-500-142J07 •� p 'fl a+r os x r� J o �r / / YVV / Ji ' ANOBUILpNG Y THE BUILDING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PER THE o \ STATE OF MINNESOTA ., 4a .I.+, l,, / I 1 e, ci y SroRrkT ; STORAGE ( CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY CODE CHAPTER 3 "B-3"' T \ AA \'�!t'\ Jj(/Z r ( $r W i CCCY// !' ' 13: ^ BWLOING r HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT ARE AS FOLLOWS - BUILDING > m o oY CO y S '� / {r (/�� 52 { $ NO BUILDINGS + _ L11 �, ... .. .,,,,. ., _ REAR s - 1:5 I �, w FR 30 FT '=nENJ mZ SrYLiq / ' 1 1 .jryyit J..• 1; I x �� ! „11 ., B' t,> i $ s'6 i \ ' SIDE T 10 FT N a .� m ° '' u 1 z / n p o` PID 155-500-142305 C u 30 F7 PID 155-157-001020 (� g i. +1 ./ q' .. .. '2.,.._,. ,. = w N o ARMA PROPERTY. LLC a 1/ 1i 1 1 (J 'T �ry / / 'LOT 1 1 / 11 m' .... .. LOIS A POSUSTA ., a a m 3 \f \\ /J \I �' 1 :•: a 1 �• � f' •--„LEGEND \ J { air sa Jl�\ 1 •'! - / y )i < 1 n .... .. ... ......... ,..,, ,,.,.,,. .. /'..., .,. 17.77• jt ( 0"uw Denotes Existing Storm Sewer Manhole � 1 f oe /.' EX o i ' Ex15TiNg < 0e Denotes Existing Power Pots o >, o a o \ 'A .1t, 1' v ' ` ' H t #J� 9 cuc2{gc.,,,' m \ // AGE BL ... LDf, ^nc+- Denotes xis LY R/W vT4EW S.T.H. N0. 25 \ „ „ C char ( / \ i ..p ,• /, � TOR �4t �B �A D t Existing Guy so..y "'moo 1 ':• J /, 3 """,. �rna.c Denotes Existing flog Pole f% / GE f m/ I'LOT Denotes Existing Sanitary Clean Out f o.. ,t Q' o ,,, too n 0 Denotes Existing Buried Cos Marker \\ \ ra 43x 4sD 07 C \ jBr •1`�'rP"" �2$ g'T 3 Bhl \ ,� 1 l;n% io j d/ Y Pi Denotes Existing Water Hydrant ri � i e/iq at "a �If 37.57 �. P� ISSEGAN 4115 OEEOAN AVENUE NE. LLC IN / t // \ -LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS _...._._,.,..w_._.,... PID NO. 155-500-142302 Port of the South Hoff of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25 described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner f said South Half; theme along the north Gne of said South Haft on on assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West, 1056.06 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West parallel with the east line of sold South Hall, 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds Wes r I o IeI [o the north line a e said South N 8 econd$ lee( to the fuel point of beginning; OldMi Can South 89 degrees 08 minutes c seconds West. minutes 10 telt to the centenme of Did Minnesota Highway N3 .1 thence North o degrees 42 mi les tut seconds East Dont soil centerline o distance of .1 said feet: thence North 89 degrees a mutes d seconds East, parallel to the north tine of soitl She Haf. 333.83 feel: thence South 00 degrees 09 minutes 07 s@roods West. 339.13 feel to the pant 01 beginning. EXCEPT An 80 fact wide strip of ontl in the South Hoff of the Northwest Ouarler f Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. The centerline of said 80 fool strip is described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said South Haff; thence along the north line of said South Holt an an assumed bearing Of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West 0 distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West, "MilN with the east Ent Of sad South Half 0 distance of 924.00 feet: theme South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 "Mod, West, Parallel with the north line Of said South Half. a distance of 567.42 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence northerly 345.84 feet Wong W noun angen6ol curve, concave to the west. having o radius at 1150.00 feet, central ongIs of 17 degrees /3 minutes 5D seconds and the chord f said curve bears Norio 09 degrees i6 nutes 08 seconds East to o pant On o line 584.69 feet southerly a/ alit parallel with said north one of the South Holt and said centerline there terminating. 4 i �\` EXISTING STORAGE BULDING Denotes Existing / .. s alar Valve �. 7 \ we slz,o J4�t U// , STORAGE £ " ting W H °8k°1 1 " " " " " " , , , , tt , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , „ BLnLDING 0 Denotes Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole (8 y � - " _ 40g�tj4' v \oS ( a0 j > - 30' VU DING SETBACK - - " • - • - ''< ° Donates Existing Fiber Optic Marker N Z-7 p� Denotes Exiting Round Catch eosin c''1w, ,., - ... _ - ,,, Ji ®TEL PEO Denotes Existing Telephone Pedestal ani sWhfqq'3.os , yV Denotes Existing Traffic Sign 4? ... .N89e00'47'E484.37 \�.'» asw/ // - 567,41-- .. la; LT, POLE Denotes Existing Light Pole N89 DO 47 E 20�.i3 ®_ " i q E`9t2.47 ( R#j " j/ '� 194,04 J ' vINE Denotes Existing Conifer Tee 08 Q q W / (58g'OB•38-W ��� ale LINE PARALLEL WITH THE N LINE _ / !j/ OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 .talar u -&MARY E LLUNDSTEN `a L n - Denotes Existing Deciduous Tree r PID 155-5W-7424 �I \ J JON M & MARY E LU/DSTEN . / j % -NOTES .,. .. .. ,--- //. ��� � � "' - -BENCHMARK � '-� ��� --�- ���-�--�- -' � � Denotes Existing Wotermoin � � p� p 1.i s k- 9 y / Denotes Existing Sanitary Sewer ®' , 0 'o '., I. ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED O TOP NUT OF HYDRANT AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF -»- Denotes Existing Storm Sewer Cy SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 HAVING A QUADRANT OF CEDAR STREET AND DUNDAS ROAD / JJ BEARING OF NORTH 00°00'30" WEST. ELEVATION= 965.01 (NGVO 29). Denotes Existing Overheod Electric Line Denotes Existing Concrete Wali sc -ss N�(((/y Z. UTILITY INFORMATION PER WSB RECORD �„m� \\ Wv swax-w i w 'a 1 DRAWINGS DATED 3/24/03 AND 1/31/02 AND ALSO ''''"SITE SUMMARY -- - --. - Denotes Existing fnlermed'ote Contwr Line wv 9a..n-N-S t \ on, PER OSM & ASSOCIATES, INC AS -BUILT DRAWINGS I DATED MAY 1980. LOT 1. BLOCK I 74,587 sq,ft. OR 1.71 acres I LOT 1, BLOCK 2 51,693 sq.it. Denotes Existing Index Contour Line OR 1.19 acres � ...m _�_ Denotes Existino Bituminous Surface 3. ACCORDING TO THE SOIL SURVEY OF WRIGHT DUNDAS RIGHT-OF-WAY 7402 sq.ft. OR 0.17 acres \ std s \ COUNTY, THE SOIL WITHIN THE PROPOSED PLAT IS TOTAL AREA \ ' 406 _DORSET SANDY LOAM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES : 133,682 5 q.fi. OR 3.07 acres ALSO EXCEPT that pori of said South Half of the Northwest Quarte, described as follows Commencing at the mrlheast corner of said South Holf; thence Wong the north line of said South Half on on assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West a distanceof 105&00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes, 17 seconds West parallel with the east fine o said South Holl a distance of 924.00 feel Thence South 84 degrees mimeos seconds West parallel with the north Zine of said South Hall a distance of 837.1. t61 feet to the Centerline of Old Minnesota Hkhwoy No. 25 (also known of Cedor Street); thence North 27 degrees 42 minutes /0 seconds East, aong said centerline, o distance of 386.16 feel to the pant of beginning of the Parcel to its described, thence North 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 SPEOnds East. WOIW with ine north Inu of sod South Hatt, . distance of 100.13 feet to a P ain on the westerly Gne o! the herein described 80 toot strip; thence southerly 33.45 feet along o tongen(i01 curve on said ._lady fine, camels to the west. foxing a radars feet 1I/0.D0 feet, 0 Central Engle of Ol degrees 43 minutes 35 s -and., dad the chord of said Curve bears South 01 degrees 34 minutes 16 secords West; thence westerly 107.60 fest along o �le4g i.IminutesceConcave of the north, hpv,ng o radius of 790.00 fest, o centra angle of 07 degrees 15 s ands West to E point in the c 10790 of said Old control aMinnesota Highway 67 No. 25; thence North of degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East. Dong said comedos, a disco..¢ of 14.05 feat to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT that Part of Old Stale Highway No. 25, aka Old Cedar Street, being that part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County. Minnesota described as lonows: Commencing at the northeast toner of said South Half of the Northwest Guenter; then westerly 01019 the north fine of said South Holl of the Northwest Quarter, a distance Of 1056.00 feet; thence southerly parallel with the east tiro a said South Half of the Northwest OPH." a distance of 924.00 feet; theme westerly parallel with the north fine of said South Halt of the Northwest Ouorter, o dstance of 794.04 feet to the easterly right of way line of Old Stole Highway No. 25, said point being the point of beginning; thence continue westerly parallel with the north line of said South Half OI the NOrthwast Quarter, 0 distance of 37.57 feel t0 the center tine of said Old Stole Highway No. 25; thence northeasterly along said enter fine, deflecti ng it the fight 778 degrees minutes 35 seconds. o distance of 75.57 feet to of St intersect with the north line of New State Trunk Ffigh.0yt No, . shown as station Station 5 0 Minnesota flecti g to the entright OI Transportation highway plans; thence distance of Wong $lotion $31+75 deflecting to the right . degrees at minutes 16 s25: thence 0 d-uthe of 33.47 feat to me easterly01 right of way fine c of Slate feet to a 25; thence southwesterly Wlonq Said easterly right of way fine. o distance of 62.84 feet to the point of beginning. PID NO, 155-500-142315 That Port of the Southwest Ouorter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: The westerly33,00 feel of that Part of Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25) being 6600 feet in width, which hes Northerly of New State Trunk Highway No, 25 and Southerly Of a line drownroll i pa a with and distant 60.00 lees Southerly of the tOiipwi»g tlastiibed hoe Commenting of the Northeast corner of the South Hatt Oi said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 sttorids West, ass mad bearing along the North line of said South Halt of the Northwest Quarter, O distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East. parallelwith the East line of soitl South Hail of the Northwest Quarter, o distance of 584 _I .77 Ile( to its intersection with o fine drawn pandei -;In and distant 584,69 feet South of said Noah lire; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 Became, West, along said last described Parallel fine 0 distance of 428.09 favi, M (he paint of beginning of said line to be to,Mmafter described thence Wes My ontl Northxesterly o disionce of 318.44 feet, along a tangential ave comets, to the North. hoeing 0 radius of 750.00 feet and o central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. AND That port of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Gunner of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. Wright County, Minnesato, which lies Easterly and Northerly of New State Trunk Highway No. 2s, Westerly of Cedar street (Ola stoic Truck Highway No 25) and Southerly of a the drown parallel with and distant 4000 feel Southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner Of the South Hon 01 said Northwest Dustier; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the North fine of said South Half Of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 tett, that ence South 00 degrees 00 m nits nd 30 secos East, parallel with the East One of said South Hof the Northwest Ouorter, a distance of 584.77 feet to its intersection with o line drawn porollel with is line drawn po.110 with no distant 58469 feel South of said North line, thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, along smtl 10x1 described parallel ins, a distance f 428,09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; theme westerly a disionce of 254.55 feet along o I.rgIM6.J c me OPEOve to the North having a radius of 750,00 fast and a central Engle of 19 degrees u 26 minutes 47 s .ands to o point to be hereinafter referred to as Point �A' thence e cism Continuing the Westerly and Northwesterly o 00fe t o/ a c feet. ogle smd tangential drs e to the North, having o there a 75000 /tat and o control onto of 04 degrees 52 tmmalesa 50 xcontls ontl said hoe thane terminating. Except that Pori Of said Southwest Ouorler of the Northwest Ouarter which lies Northwesterly of the following Described fine: Beginning of the above referenced Point A'; thence South 64 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds West a dstance of 100.00 feet and void line there terminating. SHEET N0, / OF / If L3 4 t� �}L'i 14 v o z j KNOW ALL MEN B} -THESE PRESENTS: that Cileu R.}'asusta and Lais A. Pososta, hushandnndwifc.f,owners of the ! following described property simmed in the Shite I'Miumswa, County er Wright. m wit: Pan of the South Haff of the Nan}twest Quan,r oCScdian id, Townsbip 12f. Range 2$ dsch iixd as fotluws: Cmnmcncine et the Northeast corner of said South Half: thence along the north line of said South Half on an assumed hearing of South 89 degrees 09 minutes 38 scennds West. 1056.00 feet: thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West parallel with the cast line of to Sonill Ilaif 924.00 feet; thence South 84) degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West, lwuallel to the n oth line ofsaid South II.If 319.14 feet to the actual point of beginning: thencc ,onhrme South 89 deerces 08 minutcs 38 seconds West, 532.41 feet 0the ecnterlinc of Old Mimmsem I highway No 25; thence North 27 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East along said eentertme a distance of 386A6 feet: thence North 89 decrees 08 minutes 38 scennds East, p ... ]let to the earth bac of said South Half, 333,83 feet, there. South 00 degrees 09 mmutes 07 seconds West, 339.23 feet le the point of begirauag. EXCEL"1' An 8O fool wide strip of land in the South Huffer the Northwest Quare, of Section 14, Township 121, Rang, 25, Wright County, Minnesota. The centerline of said 80 foot strip is described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said South Hall: thence along the north lint of said.Snnth half on as assi.•nred hearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 1056.00 feet: thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West, parallel with the east It., of said South I Iaif a distance of 924.00 feet; thence Smith 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 sewed, West, parallel with the north fare of said South Half, . distance of 567.42 feel 10 the paint of beginning ofthe ccralulim, to be dcserdull; lienee northerly 345,84 feet along . nantnng.6.1 carve, concave to the west. having a radius of 1150.00 fca a crate t angle of 1? dcgrecs 13 minutcs 50 seconds and the chord of to curve bears Nord, 09 degrees 16 minutes 08 seconds East to a point on a lin, 584.69 feet southerly or and parallel with said north line of the South Martian] said cral,rline there temdnatng, ALSO EXCEPT that part of said South half of the Northwest Quarter described as follows: Commencing at the nartrcast corm, of said Saute I left thence along the north line of said South lfalf an an assumed tearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 1056.00 feet: thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West p ... fiel with the cast line of said South I Iaif. distance or -924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees OS minutes 38 seconds West parailet with the north It.. of said South half a distance of 831.61 feet to the CenterlineHighway No. of Old Minmsma HighwNo. 25 w(ale knon as Cedar Stmet); thcnee North 2? degrees 42 minutes IO seconds East along said eenterline, a distance of 386. t6 Fret m the point of bcgtiming of the p.recI to be described; thence North 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds Last, parallel with the north line of said South Ilalf, . distance of 100.13 feet to. point on the westerly line of the herein described 80 taut strip; thence southerly 33.45 feet along a nontnngential curve on said westerly line. eonrave to the west having a radius of 1110.00 trcel, a central angle of 01 degrees 43 minutes 35 seconds, and the chord of said cunv be.. South Ol degrees 34 minutcs 16 seconds West; thence westerly 107.60 feel along . nn alo gen rid curve cancan to the nunh. having a radius of 790.00 feet a cchiral angle of 07 degrees 48 minutes 15 seconds West to a point in the centerline ofsaid Old htimlesola Ilighw•ay N.25: dhenee North 27 degrees 42 mimes 10 seconds East,.tong said,rnlerlinr, a dis,ane, of 14.05 fern io the paint of heginnhsg. ALSO EXCEPT that part of Old State Highway No. 25, al. Old Cedar Stma being that pan of the South }half of the Nordovest Quarter of Srethm 14, Township 121, Range 25„ Wright County, Minnesota d-Rual as follows: Commtncing .1 the northeast eorna, of said South Ralf of the Northwest Quarter, thence westerly along the north iia, of said Saudi IJeff of the Nottinvem Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence southerly pamllri with the east tine of said South Ihalf or the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924,00 feet: thence wester}}, parallel with the north line of said South Half e f the Northwest Quarter. a distance of 794.04 feet to the easterlyright of way line of Old State highway No. 25, said From being the point of beginning; thence continue westerly parallel with the rums line of said South Hatf of tho Nsuthwrst Quarter, a distance of 37.57 feet to the center line of said Old State Highwily No. 25: thence northeasterly along said center line, denceling to the right 118 degrees 33 minutes 3.s seconds, a distance of 75.57 feet to intersect with the north line of New State Trunk Highway No. 25, shown as Station 531 +75 on Minncsma Departmcirt of Transportation highway plans; thence southeasterly along Station 531+75 deflecting to the right 80 degrees 59 mantes 16 seconds, a distance of 33:11 feel to the easterly right arway line of Old Sh to Highway No. 25; thence souttne.sterly along said easterly right of war line,. distance or62.84 feet to the per., or beginning AND That pan of the Southwest Quanta of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 2-1, Wr-fight County, Minnesota described as fail.-, The westerly 33 .00 fee, of that part of Cedar Street (Old State Highway N. 25) being 66.00 feet in width, which lies Nanherly al' New Sate Trunk Highway No. 25 and Southerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40-M feet Southerly ofihe following described line Commencing at the Northeast corner of rhe South H.lf of said No ffincst Quarter. thence South 89 dlaacc, M minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said South Haff of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees Oil minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with fire East line of said South Halfof the Northwest Quarter. a distance of 584,77 feet to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North lin,; thence South 89 degrees 00 mmutes 47 seconds West along said last described parallel line a distance of41_8.09 feet, to the point of beginning fsaid tine to be hereinafter described; thence Westerly lad Northwesterly. distance of 318.44 feel, along a tangential curve concave to the North, baving a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle .1724 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line there terminating. AND Thar part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14,1 owhip 121, Range 25. Wright County, Mmnesota, which has Fancily and Northerly of New Slaty Trunk Highway No. 25, Westerly of C'cd., Street (Old State Truck Highway No. 25) and Southerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.110 feel Southerly of die following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the South half of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 8o degrees OO minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the North line of said South 11.117o17the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 584,77 feet to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet South of said North line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, along said last described parailet ire, a distance of 428,09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence Wreacdc a distance of 254,55 feet along a tangential curve concave to the North having a radius of 750.00 feet and a c,tural angle of 19 degrees 26 minas 47 seconds to a point to be hereinafter referred to as Point "•A"; thence continuing Westerly and Northwesterly a distance of 63.89 feet, along sod tangental curvc concave to the North, having a radius of 750,00 feet and a er nual angle of O4 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds and said tine there terminating. Except that part of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter which lies Northwesterly of the following described line: Beginning at the above referenced Poim"A": thence South 64 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 100.00 feel mrd said line there terminating. AMAXADDITION }floc'mesad the same to be surrey ed and planed as AMAX ADDITION and du hereby donate and dedicate w the Public fir public use forever the public way, and the casements for drainage loll utility purposes only. shown oa on, plat. In witness whereof said filen R, Posushr and Lois A. Posusta have hereunto sct their hand this doy of ___--- -_ -_ ,200_. rifvn R. Posu:nu Lois A. POSkitilA STA'L'E OF MINNESOTA COUNTY O6 I'll' foregoing instrument was acknowledged before an, flus day of _ 200 by (filen R. Poxusta and Lois A. Posusta. husband and wife. (Signature) - -- -_ (Name printed} Notary Public. _ -. -1 , - _ -_ County. 4liall-aa My commission expires. 1 hereby ecnity that i hart surveyed and placed or dirmtly supervised the sun eyingaad platting or the land described oo this plat as AMAX ADDITION; this plat is a corzecl representation of the boards- survey: all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated: ail manumems depicted on tae plat have been or will be correctly set within ane year; all were, boundaries and wit land, as of this date, as defined in Minnesotn Statutes 505.01, Subil 3, nee shown and labcfd: and all pnblic ways err shown and labeled. Rick M. Bf.m. Land Surveyor Minnesota Liecuse No. 21729 S1ATIi OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyors Certificate w;u aclmmviedged before me this _ day of- , 200 by Rick M. Bio., Land Surveyor, 5linnelane License No 217'29. - (Signature) {Name Printed} Notary Pohhc. _...___ _. _ Ca auy, Minnesota My commission expircs:_ , _ _ CITY COUNCIL, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of AMAX ADDITION was approved and accepted by the Cdy Council ofthe C'ny urMradi,cfl., Mmucco a, ata regular meeting Ihercaf held this _ ,__ _ do) of_ 200 . UM Mayer By:, _ _ _. City Cicrk CITY PLANNING COMMISSION,' ONTICELLO, MI INNESOTA I his plat of AA•IAX ADDITION ---viewed by the Punning Commission of the Ch) of Momiecdlo this, _ day of 200 By: ... , Chairman By. . Se«rt ry COUNTY SURVEYOR, WRIMIT COUNTS•, MINNESOTA Examined and recmnmcnded for approval this day at _ , 200 fly: Wright Conray Surveyor C'OUN'TY AUDITOR, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Taxes paid for all years through year,,, --_ and ion sfcr entered this day of Wright County Auditor COUNTY I REASURER„ WRIGHT C",OUNTY, MINNEti01'A i hrretry cenifV that taxes payable in the year _ _ on Landes herein described arc paid this _ day of tot B:_ _ __ __..,__ _ Wright Count}•'lYrasunr COUNTY RECORDER. 1t'RIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in th, afffrc of the Count, Recorder for record on this - _ day of in Call-, ... _ .._ _ . --. Serve . .. ,. . , as Document Number By: -- C .. ly Co..ly Recorder. Wright County, Minnesota John Oliver & Associates, Inc. iAMAX ADDITION iNORTH LINE OF SEC 14 T 121 R 25--'r GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 SO 1 SCALE. i INCH = 40 FEET For the purposes of this plot, the East line of the N.W. 1/4, Sec 14, T 121, R.25, is assumed to beor South 00°00'30" East. 1 150 EXCEPTION - \ 4 o �QI 0 $`-"9 r, \ \ j \ a. V33 So / J, / J' / 1 1 n /PONT/A' ., /— I� jWNgA�-~-/Ra�/8.44 w aB�J ��%• /`%��p'24i da?30 p07: ....., 1 d �� O y'1/ "h J�?~ +ryl O 41`19•at6 %T (589'OS'39`w Deed) ,o%��y 1 Nas•(Jy�` 47'E Kq.13 - _"�'47'E 333.83 It /� j/ (�a 3E'v! Deed) _ 790.00 EXCEPTION 'a2s. \ L-33-45 / S w mS7g+ a -1 ae a. u1D.oD J I. A ,'-- /j / / / \�\ 4• `i to 40 i 143' 37.57 — N89+00'47®E 184.37 221.94 --- jj x89'00'47"£ 512.47 (Sa9'05'38-W Dedd1 fj \�\ 111/ \ J J 1 / I \ 1 \\ 13L1NDAS ROAD e+nn1A?+c IFN 99 ' J S89'OW47'W 102.42 :72g3�oo----------- e.l — NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF SEC 14 T 121 R 25--''r \ / / .. / l" I t mo. I 1 _ NW I/4 SEC 14 T 121 R 25AV 589'00'4TW 1056.00 ?� (S89.08'38'w Deed) J N LINE OF THE S i/2 --.' ! I 1 d a OF THE NW 1/4 1 r > 1 •- 1 I I i 1 i i 1 I I 1 I I I ic I I \\ N1T RIW NEW S.T.H. N0. 25-' I 1 40 40 I 1 �, Jnt t I -^ ----5b9'OO'41-W 12$.09 ! t / .,+'I v 1 37.57 — N89+00'47®E 184.37 221.94 --- jj x89'00'47"£ 512.47 (Sa9'05'38-W Dedd1 fj \�\ 111/ \ J J 1 / I \ 1 \\ 13L1NDAS ROAD e+nn1A?+c IFN 99 ' J S89'OW47'W 102.42 :72g3�oo----------- e.l — NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF SEC 14 T 121 R 25--''r N89+00'47+E 208.13 i s89°m'47"W 39.14 V -__ 567.11 ___ (S89.08'38'w Deed) LINE PARALLEL WITH THE x UNE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 , _. John Oliver & Associates, Inc. HE COR OF THE 5 I/2 OF THE '^-- 1 _ NW I/4 SEC 14 T 121 R 25AV 589'00'4TW 1056.00 ?� (S89.08'38'w Deed) I N LINE OF THE S i/2 --.' ! I 1 I OF THE NW 1/4 1 r > 1 •- 1 I I i 1 i i 1 I I 1 I I I I �I 1 �I 1 ( I I I 1 1 I 1 �, Jnt t I -^ ----5b9'OO'41-W 12$.09 ! t / .,+'I v 1 "'# Q Denotes Wright County cost 1 iron Monument Found t i R 0 Denotes o 1/2 inch x 14 inch iron monument 7i with a plostic plug stamped R.L.S. 21729. �i Denotes iron monument found. Denotes bmited access 6 I I Drainage and Utility Easements are shown n thus: 12 � 12 -{ �t+ 12L_ ---J ----LZ - ( i I Being 12 feet in width and adjoining I I right-of-woy lines, adjoining lot lines, unless otherwise indicated, as shown I 1 I I on plat. I I ILjI1 ------ N89+00'47+E 208.13 i s89°m'47"W 39.14 V -__ 567.11 ___ (S89.08'38'w Deed) LINE PARALLEL WITH THE x UNE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 , _. John Oliver & Associates, Inc. (reserved for recording information) AGREEMENT dated 1 2008, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and Amax Self -Storage, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. On May 121h, 2008 the City approved a Preliminary and Final Plat for AMAXADDITION (referred to in this Contract as the "Development"). The land on which the Development is located is situated in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described as AMAX ADDITION Wright County, Minnesota. 2. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. The City approved the preliminary and final plat based oil the conditions that: 1. The property lines in the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block I and the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 shall be pulled back 20 -feet to allow for sight distance at each of the property comers at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. 2. The preliminary and final plats shall be revised to show pending street vacation for Dundas Road. 3. Any action relating to the existing signs in the plat would require a separate amendment to the PUD. 4. Any new construction on the new Lot 1, Block I would require a separate set of zoning and AMAXADDITION.O.clean I development approvals once plans and details for that construction are available. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the Development, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk. The City will record this Agreement in the office of the Wright County Recorder as promptly as possible after it has been executed by the City and an original thereof delivered to Developer. 4. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Lot 1, Block I and Lot 1, Block 2 are included within a previous approval for Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development (PUD). Further development or substantive alteration on either lot requires an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development. It is the recommendation of City staff at the time of this agreement that the current sign on Lot 1, Block 1, be allowed to be replaced to Lot 1, Block 2 as part of the future amendment to PUD. All signage for Lot 1, Block I and Lot 1, Block 2 shall be reviewed with the amendment to PUD. 5. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the Development to perfonn all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with development. This license is subject to the rights of future tenants of the Development and terminates upon completion of the work and improvements described in this Agreement. The City's agents, employees, officers and contractors entering the Development subject to this license shall exercise and observe reasonable safety precautions in performing work and inspections pennitted by this license. 6. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the underground utility and drainage improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. AMAXADD [TION.vl. clean 7. PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTHLITY EASEMENTS, LOT 1, BLOCK 2. Any disruption of the portion of the existing concrete wall on Lot 1, Block 2 that lies within the City right-of- way or drainage and utility easement as a result of work related to City improvement projects, including fiber optics network, shall be at the expense of the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello will not indemnify or reimburse disruption of the existing concrete wall on Lot 1, Block 2 which results from private utility work. 8. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. The Developer has provided a deposit for the review of the Development. The Developer shall pay all actual documented costs in excess of the deposit incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development for City administration, legal, engineering and planning expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the development and preparation of this Contract. The Developer shall reimburse the City for all reasonable costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees All expenses will be billed at project completion. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from development, with the exception of any damages or costs resulting from the negligence or intentional acts of the City or its employees, agents or contractors. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses -which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations due under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per year. AMAXADDITIONM .clean 3 E. In addition to the charges referred to herein, upon development of Lot 1, Block 1, other customary fees may be imposed such as but not limited to trunk area charges, SAC and WAC fees and building pen -nit fees. 16. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as reasonably determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default and the opportunity to cure , not less than thirty (30 days in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 17. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that, to the best of Developer's knowledge, the development complies with all county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, after thirty (30) days notice and opportunity to cure to Developer refuse to allow construction or development work until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. Contract. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City or Developer under this C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer, after thirty (30) days notice and opportunity to cure, shall be grounds for denial of building permits and a certificate of occupancy. AMAXADD [TION.v 1. clean D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. The action or inaction of the City or Developer shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's or Developer's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. F. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the real property described in Paragraph I and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests such property with the exception of the Mortgage to be granted to U.S. Bank N.A.; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. G. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. H. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a part or parts of the Development. ANTAXADDITIONM clean 5 18. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. Notices shall be effective upon delivery, if hand delivered, or one (1) business day after the date of mailing, if mailed. Either party may change its address for notice purposes by notice to the other party given in the manner provided in this Paragraph. (SEAL) IN STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2008, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DEVELOPER: A*h1x--"-iUy1111 N -M Its: AMAXADDITION.vi.clean 6 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2008, by the of Amax Storage, LLC, a limited liability company under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the limited liability company. CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE I MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AMS AMAXADDITION.vl.clean Conditions of Approval AMAX ADDITIOV I - The property lines in the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block I and the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 shall be pulled back 20 -feet to allow for sight distance at each of the property comers at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. 2. The preliminary and final plats shall be revised to show pending street vacation for Dundas Road. 3. Any action relating to the existing signs in the plat would require a separate amendment to the PUD. 4. Any new construction on the new Lot 1, Block I would require a separate set of zoning approvals once plans and details for that construction is available. 5. The applicant enter into a development agreement outlining the terms of this approval. (reserved for recording information) 0041FAMMA 11111311[610.1 AGREEMENT dated ) 2008, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and Amax Self -Storage, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer") I. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. On May 12tH , 2008 the City approved a Preliminary and Final Plat for AMAXADDITION (referred to in this Contract as the "Development"). The land on which the Development is located is situated in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described as AMAX ADDITION Wright County, Minnesota. 2. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. The City approved the preliminary and final plat based on the conditions that: 1. The property lines in the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block I and the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 shall be pulled back 20 -feet to allow for sight distance at each of the property comers at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. 2. The preliminary and final plats shall be revised to show pending street vacation for Dundas Road. 3. Any action relating to the existing signs in the plat would require a separate amendment to the PUD. 4. Any new construction on the new Lot 1, Block I would require a separate set of zoning and AMAXADDITION.vLclean development approvals once plans and details for that construction are available. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the Development, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk. The City will record this Agreement in the office of the Wright County Recorder as promptly as possible after it has been executed by the City and an original thereof delivered to Developer. 4. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Lot 1, Block I and Lot 1, Block 2 are included within a previous approval for Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development (PUD). Further development or substantive alteration on either lot requires an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development. It is the recommendation of City staff at the time of this agreement that the current sign on Lot 1, Block 1, be allowed to be replaced to Lot 1, Block 2 as part of the future amendment to PUD. All signage for Lot 1, Block I and Lot 1, Block 2 shall be reviewed with the amendment to PUD. 5. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the Development to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with development. This license is subject to the rights of ftiture tenants of the Development and terminates upon completion of the work and improvements described in this Agreement. The City's agents, employees, officers and contractors entering the Development subject to this license shall exercise and observe reasonable safety precautions in performing work and inspections permitted by this license. 6. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the underground utility and drainage improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. AMAXADDITION.vI.clean 2 7. PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTHLITY EASEMENTS, LOT 1, BLOCK 2. Any disruption of the portion of the existing concrete wall on Lot 1, Block 2 that lies within the City right-of- way or drainage and utility easement as a result of work related to City improvement projects, including fiber optics network, shall be at the expense of the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello will not indemnify or reimburse disruption of the existing concrete wall on Lot 1, Block 2 which results from private utility work. 8. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. The Developer has provided a deposit for the review of the Development. The Developer shall pay all actual documented costs in excess of the deposit incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development for City administration, legal, engineering and planning expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the development and preparation of this Contract. The Developer shall reimburse the City for all reasonable costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees All expenses will be billed at project completion. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from development, with the exception of any damages or costs resulting from the negligence or intentional acts of the City or its employees, agents or contractors. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay in fall all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations due under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per year. AMAXADDITIONM clean 3 E. In addition to the charges referred to herein, upon development of Lot 1, Block 1, other customary fees may be imposed such as but not limited to trunk area charges, SAC and WAC fees and building permit fees. 16. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as reasonably determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default and the opportunity to cure , not less than thirty (30 days in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part A. The Developer represents to the City that, to the best of Developer's knowledge, the development complies with all county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, after thirty (30) days notice and opportunity to cure to Developer refuse to allow construction or development work until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. Contract. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City or Developer under this C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer, after thirty (30) days notice and opportunity to cure, shall be grounds for denial of building permits and a certificate of occupancy. AMAXADDITION.O.clean D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. The action or inaction of the City or Developer shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's or Developer's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. F. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the real property described in Paragraph I and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests such property with the exception of the Mortgage to be granted to U.S. Bank N.A.; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. G. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any throe thereafter any other right, power or remedy. H. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a. part or parts of the Development. AMAXADDITION.O.clean 5 18. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: . Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. Notices shall be effective upon delivery, if hand delivered, or one (1) business day after the date of mailing, if mailed. Either party may change its address for notice purposes by notice to the other party given in the manner provided in this Paragraph. 13 (SEAL) LND STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1 2008, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. I= Its: AMAXADDITIONM.clean 6 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2008, by the of Amax Storage, LLC, a limited liability company under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the limited liability company. CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE I MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AMS AMAXADDITION.v l .clean 7 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of r r 1 ,Re-'0Se,;- AMAX r is r r rr DDM\ 1. The property lines in the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 and the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 shall be pulled back 20 -feet to allow for sight distance at each of the property corners at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road. 2. The preliminary and final plats shall be revised to show pending street vacation for Dundas Road. 3. Any action relating to the existing signs in the plat would require a separate amendment to the PUD. 4. Any new construction on the new Lot 1, Block 1 would require a separate set of zoning approvals once plans and details for that construction is available. 5. The applicant enter into a development agreement outlining the terms of this approval. Council. Agenda: 05/12/08 15. Review 2008 Citv Council and Commission Compensation. (JO/TK) The City Council at the last meeting requested staff to review current compensation of City Council Members and Commission Members of other cities. Staff e-mailed a ListServ, requesting compensation rates and attached are the responses we received. The list is both in alphabetical order and in descending order by mayor compensation. The average compensation is $707.85 ($450 Monti) for mayor and $517.16 ($350 Monti) for council members, with a median of $688.90 and $503.58 respectively. Please note that the Cities that are on the list represent all Cities that responded to the request for information. This list is not the same list of Cities used in conjunction with establishing the pay scale recently adopted by Council. As you have noted above, the Monticello rates are significantly lower than average of the Cities survey. It is likely that focusing in on the Cities used in the pay equity study will yield the same general result. As you may know, the last time that Council rate increased was in 1994. This is probably why Monticello has fallen behind relative to the average. In the meantime, the number of meetings and number of subcommittee assignments have increased. For instance, in 1994, there were 27 City Council meetings versus projected 24 regular and 21 special meetings for 2008. In addition, there has been a significant increase in Committee assignments/workload. Please see the attached table for more information in this regard. It could be contended that the number of committees and the level of involvement by members of Council is a reflection of a hands-on style. However, a major share of the additional demand for time reflects the fact that Monticello has become a larger and more complex City /Organization and thus there is a corresponding need for additional commitment/time by members of the City Council. As noted above, it is projected that including special meetings to date there will be a total of 21 special meetings by year end. The subject matter at theses special meetings is driven by goals already in place and proceeding toward completion. Last week I provided a projected schedule (the "Big Sheet") that outlined important objectives for the summer and associated projected key dates and meetings. A summary of this sheet includes the following special meetings: ® Commercial Vehicles • Sale of Fiber Bonds (May 22) • Award of Contract — Fiber Head End Building — (June 16) • Facilities Planning (TBD) Transportation Study - likely to be more than one special meeting prior to adoption (June 9). Interviews - General Manager, FibernNet Monticello Interviews — Economic Dev Director (Full Council Interview - July) Interviews — Public Works Director (Full Council Interview - September) Interviews — Human Resource Manager (Could be handled by Personnel Committee — July YMCA (none currently planned but good possibility of joint meeting with Wright County will be needed). Council Agenda: 05/12/08 Budget Process — Revised process for budget year 2009 includes more Council input in Budget Process. Proposed workshops include: o Goal Setting (May 27) o Audit Report (June 23) o Budget (July 29) ® Capital Equipment Pavement Management Plan Storm Water Utility Finance Plan o Budget Workshop (Set Levy 9/8) o Budget Workshop (11/24) Al. Budget Impact: The 2008 budget did not include an increase in the compensation rate of the Mayor and Council Members. However since an increase could not be implemented until after the election the budget impact in 2008 would be minor and the increase could be included in the 2009 budget. ® Staff Workload Impact: This action has no staff workload impact. Approve an increase in the Mayor and Council compensation. 2. Do not approve an increase in the Mayor and Council compensation. 3. Table until a later date. Since the question involves both philosophical and political considerations important to each individual member of Council it does not see appropriate for staff to make a recommendation. However, one can make a pretty strong case that an increase is warranted based on the impact of inflation alone. During this time period (14 years) the Monticello net rate has fallen due to inflation and is also now significantly below average. Meanwhile, the workload and time commitment has increased. Finally, as you review the list of Commissions, Committees and Task Force Commitments, you may be struck by the number of groups and intuitively realize that we may not as organizations have the capacity to adequately support the activity of all the groups at one time. I am hoping that at the goal setting meeting in May that we review our organizational commitments and find ways to improve efficiency and or revise expectations etc. Listing of compensation of mayors and councils of other cities in alphabetical order. Council Agenda: 05/12/08 Listing of compensation of mayors and councils of other cities in descending order of mayor compensation. r- c- 5 m = m m o o: -n -n -n -n m m p o o oo o o ocu co coca m cow co > >1> > > > Q memo @ 3 9 (D 12. 01 m cD C: u = 0 r0 -<v CL CD C: 54 =1 - or 0 W m: m: m 3 0 r =3(D < < CD CD a 0 = a 0) V) < CD 0 CD (D (D G) CD 0 (D CD CD -0 C) 6 M(D O (D. a', (71 -4 M NCD CO CA -.4 w m Cil -j 0 m 01 (11 N) N Ll): CO -4 '71 08 0 0 m 0 D (D 0 4�- — m 080 8 K -4 CJI -4 w 0 01 0�cn 8 al cR 0 C� 'b�8 "om PPPP!-. . . 9. botniQgCl� .. P. P, b;Db*o,(3)'O'(D(b,C�'C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0> 60 000 00 O(DO C:)(=)C>C)(DO)0"000 C)abbo 6000000moo- 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0: -4 W " CO 0 W y -4 W M ;-. 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