City Council Minutes 05-26-1998MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. ApptQval of minutes of the sp ci .,meeting held Ma,~. 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMFF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 6, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson. Abstaining: Bruce Thielen. Motion carried. B. Appr val of minutes of the regular mee#.j~g ~-,~ld May 11. 1998. A MOT10N WAS MADE BY GLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMFF TO AFFROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 1 I, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. C. A royal f min of the s ecial meetin held Ma 14 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY GLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 14, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Voting in favor: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Bill Fair. Abstaining: Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 3. Consi eration of adding items to the agenda. A. Council discussed helping to sponsor a second Sentence to Serve crew in Wright County by splitting the $26,000 cost with the City of Buffalo. The City's commitment would be for one year at a cost of $13,000 and would guarantee access to the crew one day per week. After discussion, the majority of Council members agreed to proceed with sponsoring a second Sentence to Serve crew for one year at a cost of $13,000. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, ~r d, complaints. A. Mr. Todd Swanson, owner of the Life Fitness Centers in Monticello, read a letter stating his concerns regarding the community center and how it will negatively impact the local health club. He requested that the Council amend the final concept design so as not to include any services already provided by other local businesses. Page 1 Council Minutes - 5/26/98 B. Ms. Wanda Kraemer made a presentation on activities that will take place during the annual Walk & Roll pathway celebration an Saturday, May 30, 1998. C. Mr. Scott Douglas of the Monticello Fire Department urged the City Council to consider adapting to the County's addressing grid system to make it easier for emergency personnel to locate homes in the city. Mayor Fair suggested that the Police Commission review this request at its next meeting. 5. Consent agenda. A. ideration of a rovin r v' e r anizational structure and Buildin Inspection Clerk position. Recommendation: Approve the organizational structure as recommended by the City Administrator, along with the creation of a Building Inspection Clerk position. B. n ideration of resolution r i Wri ht Count redesi nation of nt Road 11 a Count State Aid Hi hw .Recommendation: Adopt a resolution supporting the County's action to designate County Road 118 within the boundaries of the city of Monticello as a Caunty State Aid Highway. SEE RESOLUTION 98-19. C. ,Consideration of ant~roval of the final stag~UD anti„f nal plat of the Front Porch Townh me v nt. A licant Mike r dba Fr nt P r h fates Ltd. Recommendation: Approve the final plat and final stage PUD contingent on completion of a development and disbursement agreement. D. Consideration of approving m 'fic~pn,. ~f the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Guidelines. Recommendation: Approve the modification to the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Guidelines as recommended. E. Consideration far io authorizin re aration of laps ands ecific i n for extension of sanitary sewer to the ~,Q,~te Club site. Recommendation: Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for extension of sanitary sewer service to the Monte Club site contingent upon the developer providing $3,800, which is the estimated cost for the plans and specificatians. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIEL1tiN TO ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. C~c~er~l~Qn of items removed from the consent agen~~, fq~~~,~ussion. None. Page 2 Council Minutes - 5/26/98 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of resolution a roving~nlans and speci~ations and authorizing advertisement for bids - Hghwa~.25 Project. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that the Trunk Highway 25 improvement project is a federal aid project commissioned by the Department of Transportation to improve Highway 25 to a four-lane, divided highway from I-94 to just south of Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park. The project also includes upgrading and installing a cul-de-sac for Oakwood Drive; extension of Chelsea Road with development of a new intersection; development of Dundas Road as athree-quarter access; development of School Boulevard to just beyond the proposed Park-N-Ride lot; and utility, lateral storm sewer, and pathway improvements. The City's portion of the project was estimated at $1,725,700, and it was proposed that the properties adjacent to the new street construction be assessed in the amount consistent with the benefit provided to the properties. Potential assessments were estimated at $73 per franc fact based an a 40-ft wide street. The City Engineer also noted that Council should open the public hearing for public comment but continue the public hearing until all details have been finalized with MN/DOT. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. Mr. Larry Martin, representing McDonalds and SuperAmerica, noted his concern regarding the installation of a median on Oakwood Drive in front of McDonalds and SuperAmerica and requested an opportunity to present information from their traffic engineer. He asked if Oakwood Drive would became a cul-de-sac and if development of a roadway between the bus garage and SuperAmerica was still a part of the project. The City Engineers responded that Oakwood Drive will become a cul-de-sac because the area has now been petitioned for development and additional traffic is anticipated; the roadway between the bus garage and SuperAmerica was deleted from the project since the median was shortened to allow access to SuperAmerica. After discussion, Councilmember Bruce Thielen suggested that the City consider including construction of a roadway between the bus garage and SuperAmerica in conjunction with the Highway 25 project. Mr. Kurt Kjellberg, representing Plaza Partners and Kjellbergs, Inc., requested that Council consider extending Chelsea Raad all the way to Marvin Road and installing traffic lights on Highway 25 at Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians. Mr. Dan Mielke, owner of Ultra Lube, requested that Council consider removal of the median proposed for Chelsea Road so that the customers of Ultra Lube and Subway do not have to access their businesses from the rear. Page 3 Council Minutes - S/26/98 Mr. Ron Chihos of General Rental stated that he didn't feel the median was necessary on Oakwood Drive, as it was his view that most of the congestion was during the early morning rush hour. There being no further public comment, the Mayor closed the public hearing. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT A LATER DATE FOR THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 IMPROVEMENT. Motion carried unanimously. 8. P 1'c Hearin --Con id r i n a rovin a resoluti n i the modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment ProjecLNo,,._liand e t 'shin within Pro'ect N . 1 TIF ' trict No. 1-23 and ad in r ted TIF Plan therefor. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that the proposal is for an economic development district to facilitate the construction of a 60,000 sq ft manufacturing and distribution facility for Midwest Graphics, which will create 37 new jobs with wages between $8.24 to $12 per hour. Rusty Fifield of Ehlers and Associates noted that TIF would be used as reimbursement for land acquisition, site improvements, public improvements, and utilities, and increment would be collected over a period of not longer than 11 years. In addition, the City and the HRA will make a qualifying local contribution, thereby not subjecting the City to a HACA penalty. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, the Mayor closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-23 AND ADOPTING THE RELATED TIF PLAN THEREFOR. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 98-21. 9. Consideration of a request for a zoning text am,~rldment and a conditional use permit within the I-1 li ht industrial z nin ' t 'ct to allow a o-cart track. A licant R and Paula Adam i Monticello Roller Rink. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that Russ and Paula Adamski requested a zoning ordinance text amendment to allow outdoor go-cart tracks as a conditional use within the I-1 district in order to accamrnodate an expansion of the existing roller rink amusement area to include an outdoor go-cart track. The Planning Commission voted to recommend denial of the proposed use based on a finding that any amendment of the Page 4 Council Minutes - 5/26/98 zoning ordinance to accommodate this use would be incompatible with the surrounding current and future land uses; however, the applicant requested that the City Council refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for further review since they were not able to attend the meeting and felt they could provide additional information. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO REFER THE ZONING AMENDMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TAKE A 5-MINUTE RECESS. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of reviewin brid e roadwa and utilit I' m n i n n ass fated pr~ect finance plan - St. Henry's Church. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that at the last meeting, the City Council determined that the straight alignment with the bulb was the least expensive option to the City, which was set as the base from which additional costs to St. Henry's Church would be calculated for alternative alignments. Bret Weiss explained that after further negotiations with representatives of St. Henry's Church, the angled bridge option with a curved approach to 7th Street was chosen. The revised cost analysis utilized the assumption of a 44-ft street width, with the Church paying 73% of the cost and the City paying 27%, which consists of the oversizing from 32 ft to 44 ft, and it was the City Engineer's recommendation that the City split the fill cost with the Church, which wauld amount to a Church contribution of approximately $130,000. In addition, he recommended that the Church pay for up to $200,000 in excess bridge casts, donate land to the City far the placement of the park being removed as part of the project, dedicate 80 ft ofright-of--way for 7th Street along with the necessary sloping easement north of 7th Street, and provide the storm sewer ponding onsite for the pond lacated in the southeast corner of their site with construction of the pond completed at the Church's cast. In addition, it was suggested that some of the grading work be completed by the Church's contractor so that the onsite fill can be maximized and lower the overall grading costs. In regard to water main, the analysis assumed that the City would pay for the difference between an 8-inch and 12-inch water main. Father Marc of St. Henry's Church noted that the option selected was nat considered a good option but was the least objectianable to the Church. He asked that the Council explain how the Church would beneftt from assessments as noted on page 43 of the Transportation Plan, and he stated that the lawyers representing the Church questioned the legality of the City putting conditions on the building permit. Page 5 Council Minutes - S/26/98 Patrick O'Donnell, parishioner of St. Henry's, stated that St. Henry's is a Church and should not be considered a developer. He asked why the costs for the road must be assessed now since the road isn't going through at this time. City Engineer Bret Weiss responded that there are strict rules and standards that the City must adhere to when developing a state aid road. He explained that the term "developer" has been used by both the Church and the City because they are developing property. In regard to the question of legality of the conditions attached to the building permit, a memo was received from the City Planner addressing issues brought up by the Church's attorney; however, a response had not yet been received from the City Attorney. It was also noted that with the road shifted to one side of the property, St. Henry's bears the brunt of assessments for both sides. Jim Ridgeway of St. Henry's stated that a plan for the church was presented to the Council at the time the property was rezoned to I-I. He noted that they were aware of the 7th Street project, but the bridge was not an issue at that time, and he questioned why the Church should pay the brunt of the cost because the bridge location was changed. Public Works Director John Simola responded that he met with Church representatives regarding bridge location before the property was surveyed, and that of the four alternatives prepared, the original location was the only option that worked. John Olson, Business Administrator for St. Henry's Church, reported that if the Council approves the proposal as presented by the City Engineer, it will be presented to the Church committee for a decision of whether to continue. If they vote to continue, he noted that it would be with HRA participation. After discussion, Council was in agreement with the oversizing costs as presented by the City Engineer. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE ANGLED BRIDGE WITH A CURVED APPROACH TO 7TH STREET AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY CONTINGENT ON THE FOLLOWING: THE CHURCH OF ST. HENRY CONTRIBUTES $130,000 TOWARD THE FILL COST FOR 7TH STREET. 2. AN AGREEMENT TO FAY FOR UP TO $200,000 IN EXCESS BRIDGE COSTS BE COMMITTED TO BY ST. HENRY'S CHURCH IN A DOCUMENT THAT IS PREPARED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND REVIEWED BY ST. HENRY'S ATTORNEY IN A MANNER THAT MAKES IT UNDERSTOOD THAT THE CHURCH IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS AT SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE WHEN THE BRIDGE IS CONSTRUCTED. Page 6 Council Minutes - 5/26/98 3. THE CHURCH SHOULD DONATE LAND TO THE CITY FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE PARK THAT IS BEING REMOVED AS A PART OF THIS PROJECT. THE CITY WILL ASSUME COSTS OF RELOCATING THE PARK STRUCTURES AND GRADING THE SITE. 4. THE CITY WILL PURCHASE EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM THE CHURCH ASSOCIATED WITH THE BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, BETWEEN THE I-94 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE SOUTH EDGE OF PROPOSED 7TH STREET, AT A COST TO BE AGREED UPON BY THE CHURCH AND CITY. THE CITY WILL NOT PURCHASE EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 7TH STREET, AND THE CHURCH WILL DEDICATE 80 FT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR 7TH STREET CONSTRUCTION, ALONG WITH THE NECESSARY SLOPING EASEMENT NORTH OF 7TH STREET. THE CHURCH WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE STORM SEWER PONDING ONSITE FOR THE POND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THEIR SITE AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE POND WILL BE COMPLETED AT THE CHURCH'S CO5T. 6. THE CHURCH'S CONTRACTOR WILL COMPLETE SOME OF THE GRADING WORK IN AN EFFORT TO MAXIMIZE THE ONSITE FILL AND LOWER THE OVERALL GRADING COSTS. 7. THE CITY WILL PAY THE DIFFERENCE FOR OVERSIZING FROM A 32-FT STREET WIDTH TO 44 FT. THE CITY WILL PAY THE DIFFERENCE FOR OVERSIZING FROM AN 8-INCH TO A 12-[NCH WATER MAIN. Motion is contingent on St. Henry's Church accepting the plan and conditions and subsequent assessment agreement that would support the future project. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Considerati n e tin feasibilit s d 1 ' a ublic hearin on the Marvin R rovement ro'ect. Staff reported that the Marvin Road improvement has been identified as part of the planning process for providing adequate access to the land area located west of Highway 25 and south of I-94. Business owners along Oakwood Drive identified Marvin Road as being needed at the time that Oakwood Drive is disconnected from Highway 25. The improvement will also include extending Chelsea Road approximately S00 ft westerly from Sandberg Road in order to provide access to the new Marvin Road. C Page 7 Council Minutes - 5/26/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CL1NT HERBST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDh,RING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 8, 1998, ON THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OF MARVIN ROAD AND THE CHELSEA ROAD EXTENSION. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 98-23. 12. Consideration f a r v 1 mal conce t desi nand h r' r aration of lans and s ecifi i s for the Monticello Communi ter ro'ect• Consideration of acce tin t n 't sewer relocation feasi ili r ort and authorize re ation of lan n ecifications for the communi site• Consideration of initiati n f min nt main rocedures for ac ui i ~ c mmunit center ite• and n i r 'o of fire h~l.~ driveway improvements. FINAL CONCEPT DESIGN -COMMUNITY CENTER Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell Architects reviewed the final concept design of the community center and noted that changes occurring from the user group meetings resulted in a slight increase in the size of the facility, the largest increase being made in meeting space; however, in an effort to stay within budget, resulting additional costs were off-set by removal of certain quality items. The current cost of the project was estimated at $9,605,026, and the average annual debt service was estimated at $582,844, a $31,716 difference from the $551,128 amount previously approved by Council. Rusty Fifield of Ehlers & Associates stated that he felt the $31,000 amount could be further reduced. Mr. Wentzell added that there were three areas of the budget from which reductions could be made: the contingency amount; furniture, fixtures, and equipment; and the alternate list such as using concrete rather than the around the pool. Councilmember Clint Herbst voiced his apposition to development of a community center without a vote and stated that he agreed with the health club owner that portions of it would be a duplication of school and health club facilities. Public Works Director John Simola suggested that Council consider removing items from the project that would compete with local businesses and instead move the motor vehicle office into the community center. SANITARY SEWER RELOCATION City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that relocation of the existing 18-inch sanitary sewer interceptor located along 5 %Z Street from Locust Street to Walnut Street is necessary to allow construction of the community center. He reviewed four alternatives ranging in cost from $53,518 to $269,963. It was noted that Alternative C would involve removal of two spurs; however, approval had not yet been received from the railroad. Page 8 Council Minutes - 5/26/98 EMINENT DOMAIN PROCESS FOR COMMUNITY CENTER SITE Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that Dan Wilson has been negotiating with Arve Grimsmo, owner of the parcel planned for construction of the community center. Although negotiations have been going well, it was recommended that the City Council initiate its powers of eminent domain to acquire the land so that, in the event negotiations are not fruitful, the land can be legally acquired. FIRE HALL DRIVEWAY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS City Engineer Bret Weiss reviewed the proposed access improvements for the fire hall and noted that the fire department has requested additional electronic warning equipment to address the increased pedestrian and vehicle traffic associated with the proposed community center. In addition, they also requested that the parking lot be moved to the west in order to create parking on both sides of the drive aisle, allowing enough space for trucks to drive through. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOT10N WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE APPROVAL OF THE FIRE HALL DRIVEWAY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS TO ALLOW THE CITY ENGINEER TIME TO ADDRESS THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'S REQUESTS. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE COMMUNITY CENTER CONCEPT DESIGN AS RECOMMENDED AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, KEEPING IN MIND THE ALTERNATES IN ORDER TO KEEP THE COST MANAGEABLE; AUTHORIZE INITIATION OF THE EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEDURE FOR ACQUISITION OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER SITE; AND ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE RELOCATION USING OPTIONS C & D COMBINED AS THE FIRST CHOICE AND OPTION A AS THE SECOND CHOICE. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf Motion carried. SEE RESOLUTION 98-22. 13. Consideration of lan for sta in rid e Park/Walnut Street im r vemen . Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the Parks Commission prepared a concept plan for improvements to East/West Bridge Park, which included the reconnection of Walnut Street to River Street and replacement and relocation of a lift station. In addition, the plan calls far building a terraced wall on each side of Highway 25 to set the framework for future development of the park itself The Parks Commission elected to delete the observation deck from the first phase. The estimated cast afthe entire project, including improvements to Walnut Street and the lift station, is $734,900; total cost of the proposed first phase is $281,000 after removal of the observation deck from the project. Page 9 Council Minutes - 5/2b/98 Mr. Scott Douglas noted that Walnut Street was connected to River Street in the past and created problems for some of the businesses along Walnut. Public Works Director John Simola added that the City should hold a meeting with property owners regarding the extension of Walnut Street to discuss the effects of the project. Mr. Pat Sawatzke, one of the property owners along Walnut Street, agreed that improvements were needed to the park but noted his concern about the impact to his property if Walnut Street is extended. He noted that properties were assessed for filling in the area when Walnut Street was disconnected from River Street and felt that property values would suffer if the grade was returned to its original status. Mr. Sawatzke requested that City staff meet with property owners to review the impacts the project will have on parcels along Walnut Street prior to approval of the feasibility study. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE LIFT STATION/SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND TERRACED WALLS; DELAY THE OBSERVATION DECK AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS COMMISSION; AUTHORIZE REMOVAL OF THE CONCESSION STAND IN BRIDGE PARK A5 REQUESTED BY THE PARKS COMMISSION; TABLE IMPROVEMENTS TO WALNUT STREET PENDING FURTHER RESEARCH. Motion carried unanimously. 14. n i eration of bills for 1 t half of M 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF MAY 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Fh~~ - l ~~ ~~/ ~ Karen oty Deputy City Clerk Page 10