Parks Commission Agenda Packet 05-22-2008AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION May 22, 2008 - 4:30 p.m. `To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" Call to Order. 2. Approve minutes of Apri124, 2008 Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Park Maintenance. 6. Meeting Dates: November and December 7. Updates, if any 8. Adjourn Park Commission Minutes: 4/24/08 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Apri124, 2008 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality." Members Present: Gene Emanuel, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver Members Absent: Mark Larson and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update to the Parks Commission on the YMCA property. Even though legislators seemed supportive of the project, there were several factors that kept the YMCA project out of the bonding bill. The House version of the bonding bill included funding for the YMCA but the Senate version did not. The project did not make it through the conference committee as the senate felt it was too much of a local project without sufficient state benefit. There is a remote possibility that if there is a second bonding bill this item could be included. The City met with the YMCA and they are still interested in working with the City on the sale of the property. The YMCA would possibly consider entering into an agreement wherein the land could be purchased over a period of 3-4 years. The City and County would match the $1,000,000 received from LCCR funds and purchase what land they could with those funds. They would likely focus on acquiring the ballfield area and some of the lake property but the area has not formally been defined. The YMCA would lock in the price of the land for the term of the agreement. This option would allow the City and County to go back to the legislature again for funding. Larry Nolan asked if there were any grants available. Jeff O'Neill stated he didn't know what, if any grants were available and at this point he didn't have time to research the grant programs for this type of project. 2. Approve minutes of March 27, 2008 regular Parks Commission meeting. Larry Nolan asked if the June 10, 2008 date for the tour of the parks worked out for the Park Commission members and that date seems to work out fine. The Parks Commission will leave from City Hall at 3 p.m. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 27, 2008 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Park Commission Minutes: 4/24/08 3. Consideration of addin items to the agenda The following items were added to the agenda: 1) East Bridge Park cleanup; 2) Larry Nolan noted that the financial report submitted by the Lions for the renewal of their charitable gambling license contained a number of substantial donations for various park improvements. Tom Pawelk added that the Lions are taking care of the plantings for the roundabout. The Parks Commission felt that some recognition in the form of a letter should be sent to them. Tom Pawelk stated it is his policy to send a letter to those organizations that donate time or money to various park improvements; and 3) The "Welcome to Monticello" sign for the east side of town. 4. Citizens comments and requests There was no one who spoke under citizens comments or requests. Tom Pawelk reported that he had received many positive comments on the tree planting. This past weekend a softball tournament was held at the ballfields and there were good comments from the umps and ball players about the fields. Larry Nolan indicated his grandchild enjoyed the equipment at Hillcrest Park but he questioned the safety of crossing CSAH 75. Tom Pawelk stated the County has jurisdiction over the road and the County did not approve the City's proposal for a crossing over CSAH 75. Gene Emanuel suggested that if the County didn't feel a pedestrian crossing was appropriate may be they would consider lowering the speed limit. 5. Park Maintenance. Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk submitted a list of the work completed. They have been doing a lot of work on getting the equipment ready and preparing the concession building at Xcel ballfields to meet the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health. They have also been working on getting the other park buildings ready for rentals. Materials have been ordered for the roundabout plantings. 410 trees came in and approximately 50 trees were planted by park staff at various park locations and along the boulevard. The remaining 360 trees will be picked up by residents this Saturday. Tom Pawelk added that the following Saturday, May 3rd is Junk Amnesty Day so they are also preparing for that. He reported vandalism at West Bridge Park where someone had stolen the aluminum rocker. Nancy McCaffrey stated that in observance of Earth Day she and her husband were doing some clean up at the park and were amazed how little debris was in the park. Tom Pawelk said Resurrection Lutheran Church had done some clean up as part of an Earth Day Project and the Boy Scouts were also scheduled to do some cleanup of the parks. 6. Sunset Pond Playstructure Installation Tom Pawelk reported the Council had approved the playstructure for the Sunset Ponds Park and the equipment was ordered. The Eagle Scouts will be working on the installation in July. 2 Park Commission Minutes: 4/24/08 7. Update on Park Tour: The tour will be on June 10, 2008 at 3 p.m. Larry Nolan suggested also inspecting the cemetery. 8. Update on Walk N Roll. Larry Nolan confirmed that the Parks Commission table will be in the same location as last year. The Parks Commission talked about doing a ring toss game where the participants try to land their toss on one of the parks identified on the map. Staff will get the map prepared and also get some handout items to be distributed to those who stop at the table. Added itemc~ East Bridge Park Cleanup: After discussion May 5th was selected as the cleanup date with May 12th being an alternate date. A rolloff will be located at the park so the debris from the clean up can be hauled away and a member of the Park Department staff will be there to work on cutting back the sage and assist with other clean up work. Tree Planting: Gene Emanuel asked about the lift station area at Sunset Ponds and whether there couldn't be some landscaping work done to make this feature blend in with the area. Tom Pawelk indicated they do have a landscaping plan prepared. He added that the developer of the project owes the City some trees for this area. Welcome to Monticello Sign: Nancy McCaffrey noted there has been some landscaping work done in the area of the Union Crossings development and asked if this would be an appropriate site for the "Welcome to Monticello" sign. If that site didn't work, could the sign be located somewhere by the exit ramp area. Rick Traver stated that at one time they had talked about locating the sign in the Liberty Bank area. Larry Nolan suggested looking at possible sites when the Parks Commission does their tour on June 10th. The Parks Commission acknowledged that setbacks and easements may restrict where the sign can be located. 9. Adiourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:20 P.M. GENE EMANUEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary