EDA Minutes 07-29-2003 (Special Meeting)MINUTES -SPECIAL MEETING . ~IONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 7:00 p.m. Mississippi Room IVlembers Present: Chair Bill Demeules. Roger Carlson and Assistant Treasurer Ron Hoglund Absent: Robbie Smith. Clint Herbst. Barb Schwientek. and Darrin Lahr Staff Present: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller. Public Works Director Juhn Simola, City Planner Steve Grittman and Recorder Lori Kraemer Guests: Alan Loch, Susie S~yiecichowski. Larry Nordmann. Dar Flatten. Jim Agosto. Dou<~ Schneider, Pam Campbell, and Susie Wojchouski Chair Demeules welcomed everyone to the EDA's presentation for Block 3~ and advised of the purpose of the presentation. He stated that approximately two years ago the EDA be~zan discussions on possible improvements to Block 3~ and the focus at that time had been on trash enclosures in the rear of the buildings with discussions expanding ti-om there. Demeules encouray~ed those present to ask questions and give their input throughout the presentation.. • Steve Grittman, City Planner, presented several concept plans, including before and after drawings. and explained that the EDA's first objective was to address the back entrances and public parking area by trying to organize the site. He further advised that if owners and tenants could agree on a pattern. they could consolidate the area and dress it up to make it more positive and customer based. Grittman then explained concepts for alley access, trash enclosures, plaza design. and cosmetic fa4ade improvements. Grittman stated that after hearin~~ comments from several property owners and tenants, their idea .vas to move the trash receptacles a~vav from the back entrances and create a plaza with parking on the north side of the parking lot. He further noted the need for alley access for trucks. adyisin~~ that the parking lot vas not constructed to accommodate heavy truck traffic. The second area of concern was the desire to make the parking space appear to be the parking for each indi~ ideal building and nu~vin~~ trash receptacles in line with existing planters and accessible from the alley. This ~yotlld redefine the parkin~z, but would reduce the parking spaces b~• approximately -1 or ~ stalls. Grittman advised that the City Engineer had also reviewed this cunc~pt plan and included his input regarding stormwater and draina~~e. Grittman summarized by statirn~ that this would hr: an opportunity to take the Dl1lIdlIly,S and create a more or`: anized luck, along with architectural enhancements, drainage off the buildin~~s, and possibly add a unified strip of costumer si;~nage for parkin~~ with entr} emphasis on door«ays. There ~ti~as discussion re~~ardin~~ improved access, replacing existin~~ trees ~yith shrubbery or other low maintenance plant materials, as the trees in that location in the parking lot block visibility to the buildings. There .vas some concern on the number of trash receptacles and the tact that some huildim~s have a much hi~~her volume of trash than others. It was noted that there was ample space ter receptacles and that each owner ~yould be responsible for their own. The contractor for Special EDA Meetim~-Block 3~ Presentation - 07,'39/03 trash pick up would bill individually. based on volume. • :Angled versus head-in parkiny~ was also discussed and Grittman advised that head-in is more efficient and would ~~iye them a Ureater amount of parkin~~. He further added that head-in parkin` `ivies the ability to back out in either direction and maximizes the number of spaces. There was titrther discussion on the parking and the desire by some of the owners/tenants to keep parking closer to the buildings. It vvas suggested that they could si`_n the parking lot for customer parking and Al Loch indicated that 80°'° of his customers access his building from the back versus Broadvvav. Public Works Director John Simola then informed them of possible parking lot improvements including patching, ~~rinding and overlay, with an estimated cost of X30.000. He stated that the lot vvas not initially constructed for the weight of trash vehicles and the need to strip the lot and add asphalt if they wanted truck access. He added that the city wants the parking lot to be free flowing for pedestrians, as well as for city snow removal. Simola stated that the city is in the process of deepening the storm sewer, from 3 ft. to 7 ft. or 8 ft.. and they could further extend the lines to the buildings. stating that the current lines are shallow and tend to freeze. He further advised of possibly extending plastic lines to individual buildings for drainage. He advised that they would not need to replace the parking lot with concrete, however replacin~~ with another material would ~~iye it a shorter life span. Simola advised the cost to replace concrete and extend pipes would be approximately $0,000. Doug Schneider commended the city on their snow removal process and timeliness. Executive Director Koropchak provided uses and sources for a tlnancial package offered by the EDA. The information included estimates of costs for facade improvements for the individual businesses, based on a contractor's estimates, and advised of the EDA's matching, ;rant funds and low interest loans available to the business owners. There was discussion on how the EDA arrived at the costs and if the business owners would be allowed to use another contractor. Grittman advised that the project would most likely go out for bids and if the costs came in higher. the EDA would not move forward without coming back to the business owners for their approval. Koropchak advised that the EDA would need commitments from the businesses of their willin~~ness to participate, and the need for 100% of owner participation for the proposed project to move forward. There vvas further discussion regarding facade improvements being extended on corner buildings to match the back: unrestricted parking and the need for one business uw~ner to have a space desigam~ted fur her catering truck for loading~!unloading~ purposes: maintenance agreements among the business owners and agreements with the EDA: and a possible nwnument si``n advertising the individual businesses. It was noted that out of the 7 b~isiness owners, ~ vyere present and 1 advised that he was unable to attend. but vyould like the information mailed to him. City :administrator Rick ~~~olfsteller advised of Broadway road and utility costs to the business ovyners, above the cost of the proposed improvements, stating assessment rolls will ~~o out this tall which will affect all business and home owners on Broadwa~~. He advised that the city council would like a police in place for assessing so that it is a fair process for eyer}~one affected. Special EDA MeetinJBlock 3~ Presentation - 07/29/03 Wolfsteller estimated the cost per unit for commercial businesses to be approx. $70.00 per foot, • assessed over a 10 year period, at approx. ~/8 percent interest. He advised that this was the cost of street replacement only and did not include utility work, which would be covered by a trunk fund. 1-le further advised that the city is required to assess at least ?0% of the entire cost. He stated there would be additional information from the city council over the next several months. It was the consensus that the building owners/tenants would meet on their own to further discuss the proposed project and Koropchak would provide the information on the estimated costs she had received. They would come back to the EDA in October with their decision. Grittman advised that the drawings would be available to them for further review. Koropchak encouraged them to contact her with any further questions, advised of a January 1, 200 deadline For the business o~~ners to decide whether or not to proceed, and thanked them for attending the presentation. The presentation concluded at 9:~0 p.m. Lori Kraemer, Recorder •