EDA Minutes 10-28-2003MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Bill Demeules, Vice Chair Barb Schwientek, Roger Carlson, Robbie Smith, Ron Hoglund, and Darrin Lahr. MEMBERS ABSENT: Clint Herbst. STAFF PRESENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Al Loch, Block 35 Property Owner. Call to Order. Chair Demeules called the EDA meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the May 27, 2003 EDA minutes and July 29 2003 EDA presentation summary BARB SCHWIENTEK MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MAY 27, 2003 EDA MINUTES. SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. WITHOUT A QUORUM AT THE JULY 29, 2003 EDA BLOCK 35 PRESENTATION, ROGER CARLSON ACCEPTED THE SUMMARY AS WRITTEN, SECONDED BY RON HOGLUND. 3. Consideration of adding or removing agenda items. None. 4. Consideration to hear response from Block 35 property owners relative to the EDA design concept and financial package offer of July 29 and then deten~line next stems Al Loch representing the property owners of Block 35 updated the EDA on the progress made by the property owners since the offer presented by the EDA on July 29, 2003. The owners met on August I and September 3. On October l 0, all the land owners appeared to be coming around. They agreed to scale back in order to maintain participation at 100%. The • • EDA Minutes - 10/28/03 trick to keep 100% land owner participation while balancing an acceptable rear facade improvement with an acceptable price. Loch said EDA/City numbers won't work. Trying to answer how can it work, the property owners had Tom Feaski talk about optional products to reduce maintenance and costs. Materials tolerant to water run-off is key. Jay at Flicker's and Thickpenny estimated their improvements at a cost of less than $10,000 each. The owners are gathering more information from Craig Simonson, Advanced Awning Design, and plan to meet again in November. Art work is estimated at $125 per lineal foot or about $3,000. Color and cloth or vinyl choices available. If feasible and everyone is on board, Jim Agosto would draft a document. They questioned if the product will meet DAT criteria? Hoglund said he thought DAT criteria does not allow for back lite awnings but suggested the group check with Susie, Chamber Office, before they go to far. He thought that was why Jay was asked to remove his. Mike Cyr had completed soiree cost estimates which came back to costly. Brad Larson has been a real support and the added extra energy needed for the group said Loch. Larson stating the offer by the EDA/City very good and noting Block 35 is the most deteriorated block in downtown. Block 52 will change the design of downtown if Steve Johnson's project goes through. Loch saw this improvement as a 10-15 year band-aide fix. He has a vision of switching the parking and buildings in the future based on the success of Block 52. Loch questioned the flexibility of the ratio of public investment to private investment. The commissioners inquired about discussions relative to hook-ups to the catch basin or down spouts to the storm sewer? Loch asked what happens if there's a cost over-run for the utility improvements? Carlson stated. the City would know when the City goes out for bids. They can accept or reject. Can work on private property be assessed such as cost for down spout to catch basin? If the facade costs are decreased, will the EDA commitment still stand? Commissioners agreed this would be subject to EDA approval. The property owners plan to be back to the EDA in January 2004. The EDA commended Loch on his progress knowing this was not an easy task. 5. Consideration to hear proposed renovation and expansion plan for Block 36. Bruce Hamond requested to be on the EDA agenda and later called stating he would be out- of-town. He requested the EDA call for a special meeting on November 18 to hear of his concept, construction drawings, and funding for renovation of the building on Lot 8, Block 36 and construction of new building on Lot 9. He requested matching facade dollars. Koropchak informed him that the DMRF program was discontinued almost two years ago and that others have inquired about the matching funds. The EDA commissioners agreed the DMRF program remains discontinued. Since Hamond has not been the first individual to request matching dollars, the program must remain discontinued. If he'd been first to request maybe the commissioners would have considered rescinding their motion. They encouraged Mr. Hamond to move forward with his project but saw no need for a November 18 meeting. Chair • 2 EDA Minutes - 10/28/03 Demeules volunteered to contact Mr. Hamond about the EDA's decisions. 6. Executive Director's Report. Koropchak reported that no sealed bids were received at the H-Window auction. One verbal bid of $500,000 was shouted at the end. Koropchak asked for comments from the commissioners relative to Carol Pressley-Olson's suggestion the EDA become the Local Development Organization for the $500,000 Federal grant to the City, loan to TCDC. The LDO would manage the use of the Federal payback and only the first re-use of the payback has to comply with federal regulations. The Council actually adopts a resolution followed by an agreement, etc. With little reaction or no opposition from the EDA, Koropchak will bring this forward to the Council after TCDC satisfies its wage/job goals and LMI requirements. Other Business. None. Adjournment. The EDA meeting adjourned at x:15 p.m. by a consensus of its members present. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder -~