Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - 10/03/2023 (Joint Workshop)MINUTES JOINT MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 3, 2023 — 4:30 p.m. Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Chair Paul Konsor, Vice Chair Andrew Tapper, Teri Lehner Commissioners Absent: Eric Hagen, Melissa Robeck Councilmembers Present: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart, Charlotte Gabler, Tracy Hinz Councilmembers Absent: Sam Murdoff, Lee Martie Staff Present: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Steve Grittman, Ron Hackenmueller, Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order Planning Commission Chair Paul Konsor joint workshop of the Monticello Planning Commission and City Council to order at 4:30 p.m. A quorum of both the Planning Commission and City Council were present. 2. Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Proposal for a New Municipal Public Works Facility. PIDs: 213-100-151400, 213-100-153100 Applicant: City of Monticello Community Development Director Angela Schumann mentioned that this was a concept Planned Unit Development review meeting aimed at providing helpful and constructive feedback to the development team that presents the concept. Notices were sent out for this meeting to the surrounding area, where the development is proposed. Ms. Schumann noted that the meeting did not involve a public hearing, but if time allows, residents present may address the group. City Planner Steve Grittman provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission, City Council and the public. The proposed Public Works facility is to be located along School Boulevard on about 12 acres, west of the Jefferson Commons commercial area. The site plans reviewed with this concept meeting included a roughly 91,000 square foot building layout, with about 67,000 square feet for maintenance, storage, and vehicle parking area and 24,000 square feet of office space and things alike. The site has split land use designations as described within the City's Comprehensive Plan guidance, which are Mixed Neighborhood and Mixed - Density Residential. The two parcels do not currently have a City zoning district, as part of the land use process will require annexing the parcels within to the City. The goals set forth in this concept PUD review of the proposed new public works facility and location are to provide the following: provide preliminary feedback on the concept plan in collaboration between the applicant, general public, Planning Commission, and City Council; provide a forum for public comment on the PUD prior to a requirement for extensive engineering and other plans; provide a forum to identify potential issues and benefits of the proposal which can be addressed at succeeding stages of PUD design and review. Mayor Hilgart asked for clarification on the extension of Redford Lane to the southwest. Ms. Schumann clarified that the westerly entrance to the public works site is from a southerly extension of Redford Lane. This will be a public street which is intended to be extended further from the proposed site into the remaining vacant area with development. The proposed southerly Redford Lane extension is offset from where Redford Lane currently meets School Boulevard to the north. Mr. Konsor asked if there was a way to see what the proposed outlot would look like. Public Works Director/City Engineer Matt Leonard displayed an aerial image of the overall site and noted that the remaining area that can be further developed is roughly 50 acres. Ms. Schumann also noted that the vacant land to the north of School Boulevard that is included within the easterly parcel, will need to remain vacant due to the retention pond and the overhead powerline easements. Mayor Hilgart asked if there was any stormwater that would be created with this concept that can flow north to that existing pond. Madeline Peters, of Oertel Architects, said that there is roughly 6 acres within the proposed project area that could be diverted north to that existing pond. Anrew Tapper pointed out that to the south of the proposed location is a manufactured home park, but that there is opportunity for expansion to the southwest once that time comes. Mr. Leonard clarified that it is not intended for expansion to be in that area either, as the outlot created with platting the property would be available for private development. Mayor Hilgart asked if there would be any portion of the facility that would be located on the City -owned property to the east of the area of discussion. Andrew Cooper, of Oertel Architects, clarified that no portion of the current site plan proposed would be on that property to the east, and further stated that there is a large grove of trees located on that property line that would be utilized as a buffer. Though there is the possibility that when needed, the public works site could expand easterly towards the water tower along School Boulevard. Mayor Hilgart asked what the reasoning is for starting on the west side and expanding east, rather than the other way around. Mr. Cooper stated that the large grove of trees to the east would require a substantial amount of investment to replace, in order to maintain compliance with the City's zoning ordinance. Additionally, utilizing the existing vegetation there for a buffer will help the City save money on the initial landscape and screening requirements. Mr. Grittman added that starting the development more towards the west adds value to that outlot parcel for development, as it would then have access to street frontage. Mayor Hilgart also added that it will be beneficial to set that east land aside for expansion, in case the outlot is developed into housing and there is no room to grow west, that land to the east will be available for expansion purposes. Mayor Hilgart asked if there will be significant buffering to the south for the residential neighborhood that abuts the proposed site. Mr. Cooper confirmed, and further stated that there is a required 50-foot minimum setback for yards adjacent to residential zoning districts. On the architecture and design of the building, Mr. Cooper pointed out that the walls of the building are likely to be a pre -cast concrete style, and the office area of the facility will be designed in two stories. Mayor Hilgart asked if a finish on the exterior concrete walls like what is at the Monticello Fire Station could be utilized for this facility. Mr. Cooper confirmed and said there are a number of options and styles that could be used to enhance the concrete exterior walls. Mayor Hilgart further stated that he would be interested in design and color scheme cohesiveness between the City's building around town, and would be interested in seeing this building look similar to the exterior of the Monticello Fire Station. Councilmember Charlotte Gabler asked what the base zoning district would be for the Planned Unit Development. Ms. Schumann clarified that the land use designation for this site would be amended to Public and Institutional (PI), and the zoning district would likely reflect that of the R-3, or R-4 residential districts. City Administrator Rachel Leonard clarified that the purpose of the color scheme in this concept is to complement the Monticello Community Center. Councilmember Gabler agreed, but also said that accents of colors found on the fire station would also be of interest to her. Mr. Leonard said that the details being discussed at this meeting will be further clarified and resolved on a construction manager is hired to review specifics. Councilmember Gabler asked whether they could add windows to the top portion of the vehicle storage area to break up the wall, visually, and allow for some natural lighting in those areas. Mr. Cooper said that is certainly something they can incorporate into the design. Councilmember Gabler asked if it is intended to have a "green" roof, that supports energy efficiency, in other areas of the site. Mr. Cooper said that skylights will be planned to be incorporated into the project, particularly in the office space. A green roof has not been discussed, but the roof is planned to be as energy efficient as possible, related to controlling heating and cooling of the building. Mr. Leonard also mentioned that the architects are looking at capabilities of utilizing solar energy on the proposed facilities buildings. Councilmember Tracy Hinz said that it will be important to have enough information provided to City officials and staff to provide those answers to why do we need to build this facility, when the community asks. Mr. Tapper agreed, and said that understanding what we have currently, and why we need this added space in the future, will be important for that conversation. No action was taken on the item. 3. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 5:44 p.m. Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard Date Approved: November 6, 2023 ATTEST: { Angela Scl unity Development Director