IDC Agenda 06-06-2006AGENDA
Tuesday, June 6, 2006 - 7:00 a.m.
Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center
MEMBERS: Chair Pain ]v' achter, Vice ~~r~~ Benedetto, M yger, Bil~er, Dicl~~llen,
Do~erts, D on, Barb S~ntek, Lynne D~'~ining, Dory'P6mann, To~ki, Kelli
H~ rd, Jim son, Zona ~iller, and Mich~rtwig.
STAFF: Ollie orop ak. ~ ~ ~~
~c~- .
COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor C ' t e st and Council Member~e Mayer.
GUESTS: Milda Hedblom, Dain International Services, and Craig Rapp, Springsted, Inc.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-
levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial
environment in the City of Monticello.
7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) '1, : ov ~p.~
7: O1 2. Vote to approve the March 7, 2006 and May 2, 2006 IDC minutes. ~'
''~ ~" .
7:05 g ~ ~~o Mayor's City Update: ~~~ ~`~~, ~~
4 a~.;~.~+ ~j° "A. Status of AVR litigation/negotiations ~
B. Status of the Comprehensive Plan Update. V'im'`" ~'~.,ru~~~~u~
• ~ ~ ~..~-~~' , C. Status of YMCA property. Rva v~~~C~u~^~
~,,,~ D. Fiber Optics Task Force (Mayer).
E. Question/answer p 'od. ~ v~`'~"""°" a-~'`--'~ ~~ ~~~
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7:15 _ .~ llow-up Business:
1 A. Discuss proposed language for the IDC Mission Statement Benedetto) _ n d,,,,
~,y`~` ~~~ for vote if necessary. 1~~ w.'~ ~ ~~-~~e-~~ ~~~ l \ t -v
~ ~ ~ Discuss recommended Ordinance Amendment for Open and Outdoor Storage
~`Tp 'y~ (Barger) and call for vote if necessary. ~~ ' ~'''°'"'+~ "'"`~~nOJ'9'' '
~ s~~•rK ~`,,,,,e~ C. Discuss follow-up by BRE group on Feaski's development experience as reported
in May.
Discuss follow-up by Transportation group relative to affic i ues a hool
c~-'°''~`~~Blvd/Fallon Avenue and Highway 25/River Stree ~ ° °~ ~~
a ~~"~~ O reports by Subc es. ~ ~~
7:45 5. New Business:
A. Vote to appoint IDC representative and alternate to the Comp Plan Task Force. ~ 6'
B. Discus need to change IDC meeting format. ~ ~ • L ~
8:00 6. Presentation followed by questions and answers: "Monticello Broadband" by Milda
Hedblom and Cry a~,app. "How can the IDC support the efforts of the Fiber Optics Task
• 8:25 7. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report by Koropchak.
• ~ ^-
8:30 8. Review the draft copy of the June 6, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial
related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
8:35 9. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates -Chair Hertwig.
B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, August 8, 2006. NO MEETING IlV JULY.
8:45 10.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room -Monticello Community Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen,
Dan Olson, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Don Tomann, Tom Feaski, Jim
Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Michele Hertwig.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, and Kelli
STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello.
1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.
Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum.
2. Vote to approve the February 7, 2006 IDC minutes.
3 . Mayor's City Update:
A. Status of AVR liti~ation/negotiations.
Nothing new on the I-94/County Rd 18 interchange construction. The city presented a final
offer of two options to AVR with a drop dead date otherwise to court reported Mayor Herbst.
Council trying to stay away from going-concern issue.
B. RFP for hiring consultant to update Comprehensive Plan.
The request for proposal is out to optional firms.
C. Status of YMCA property.
A walk-through of the YMCA property is scheduled for Thursday by some staff, Council,
County representatives, and consultants. Wright County interested to team up with city. The
existing property is under-utilized. A foreseeable use could be a passive recreational use in the
wooded and lake areas with regional ballfields in the open space. The total acreage is
approximately 1,200 acres, about 500 acres are developable.
D. Fiber Option Task Force.
Lynne reported 10 request for proposals were received with a couple from out-state. The
RFPs will be reviewed and reduced to 3 to 4 prior to the task force interviews. The task force
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IDC Minutes - 03/07/06
• will select one firm for recommendation to the Council to approve for hiring. The RFP is for
hiring a consultant to prepare a Feasibility Study which will include four options ranging from
city-owned triple-three play which requires a 66% referendum to various partnership
owner/lease options. The goal is fiber to every home. Why not wireless? Wireless becomes
outdated and is less secure. Tomann noted fiber is the way of the future particularly with rapid
changes in technology. He asked, how can the IDC help to promote fiber optics? It is
anticipated the Feasibility Study will be completed by August.
E. Ouestion/answer period.
5. Restate role of the IDC subcommittees.
A. Present and discuss sug;gested organizational structure for implementation of IDC goals
as,.prepared by the IDC Vice Chair.
Chair Kleinwachter reported that Benedetto, Koropchak, and he had met and reviewed the
results of the survey completed by IDC members noting of the four options for the Mission
Statement the following received the greatest number of votes: To increase the industrial tax
base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial
environment in the City of Monticello. Secondly, Benedetto, Koropchak, and Kleinwachter
reviewed the ranking of the goals and tasks which were attached to the agenda. Given the
results of the survey, the question now becomes: How does the IDC want to use this
information? Koropchak reported it was the suggestion of Benedetto (absent) that the ranked
goals serve to develop the organizational structure of the IDC which will aid in the facilitation of
the Mission Statement. The intent of each subcommittee would be to gather information and
knowledge and to serve as a voice. The intent is not be create more work but take
responsibility. Kleinwachter asked for input from members: Did they see breaking into four
small groups (subcommittees) monthly or quarterly during the regular IDC meeting as a viable
option? Questions asked: How will this information be used? Is it measurable and what's the
time frame? The IDC is a liaison to the Council; therefore, it is important that the work of the
subcommittees or IDC be communicated to Council members. TOM FEASKI MADE A
THE MOTION CARRIED. A sheet was distributed to members to sign up for one of four
subcommittees. At the April IDC meeting, there will be a break-up session for subcommittees
to discuss how they wish to proceed and to set a time table. Each subcommittees can work at
its own pace.
6. Follow-up Items:
A. Electrical outage call-in campaign letter to industrial businesses.
Attached to the agenda was a copy of the letter mailed to industrial businesses and the school
and hospital districts promoting acall-in campaign with the correct phone number to report
outages. Industrial members reported no electrical outages in the last month. They felt the
strategy had produced results. It was suggested perhaps a letter to the editor would be
appropriate. Koropchak noted a thank you note was mailed to Darrin Lahr.
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IDC Minutes - 03/07/06
B. Bondhus Tour.
Several IDC members toured the Bondhus Corporation on April 17. Koropchak noted a
booklet of photos from the tour and a thank you was mailed to Bondhus. Tapper saw the
Bondhus people as innovative with the ability to utilize 30-year old technology to produce a
state-of- the-art tool with a quick turn-around.
7. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report -Accepted written report as presented.
B. Marketing Committee -Lynne Dahl-Fleming reported that the committee agreed to
continue running the classified ad in the Star Tribune, design and install a large sign at
entrance of industrial park, design athree-fold flier for mailing, and design a'/z half ad
for the Membership Directory of the Wright County Economic Development
8. Review the draft conv of the Anri14.2006 Planning Commission Asenda for industrial related
items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
Tapper reported at the February meeting, the Planning Commission approved the amendment
to the Open and Outdoor Storage Ordinance with conditions for front yard storage in the I-2
area. However, the conditions were not identified at the February meeting therefore appears
on the agenda for this evening. Tapper is opposed to conditions as this gives free-reign. He
again noted the failure to define front yard. Tapper plans to attend the meeting this evening.
9. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates.
Chamber Chair Michele Hertwig noted the upcoming Chamber luncheon and its program on
dry-cask storage. The Board is reviewing the surveys completed by local businesses and it
appears there's a strong interest for the Chamber to have a voice in government.
B. Next IDC meeting - Apri14, 2006.
10. Adjournment.
AT 8:30 A.M.
~~ ~~ ~
. Tuesday, May 2, 2006 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room -Monticello Community Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger,
Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Barb
Schwientek, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Don Tomann, Tom Feaski, Jim
Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Michele Hertwig.
MEMBER ABSENT: Kelli Huxford.
STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak.
COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Council Member Wayne Mayer.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at
liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and
desirable industrial environment in the City of
Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.
• Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 6:56 a.m. declaring a quorum.
2. Vote to approve the March 7, 2006 (not submitted) and Apri14, 2006 IDC minutes.
Mike Benedetto made a motion to approve the April 4, 2006IDC minutes. Seconded by
Mary Barger and with no corrections and additions, the minutes were approved as
3. Add on items: Motion to accept IDC Mission Statement and hear report from Feaski.
Chair Kleinwachter noted the Mission Statement was previously and extensively discussed and
informally accepted as ranked. At the April meeting, Tapper requested a proposed
modification to the statement be placed on the May agenda. Koropchak reported that at the
March IDC meeting, the results of the survey by members included ranking of four suggested
options as the Mission Statement. The above Mission Statement ranked number one with five
votes. Kleinwachter requested a motion to accept the Mission Statement: To increase the
industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and
desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. Barb Schwientek made a motion to
accept the Mission Statement as ranked by the IDC members. Mary Barger seconded the
motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried. Yeas: 12 Nays: 1.
IDC Minutes - 05/02/06
• Kleinwachter then asked Tapper if he'd like to discuss his request now or later on the agenda.
Tapper stated he voted against the motion as he requested last month to bring forth language
which in his opinion is a better way to state the IDC Mission. It states the same thing in a
broader and nicer way. Proposed language: "To create and maintain an environment which
encourages top quality industries and commercial businesses to come to and stay in the
community." He questioned, "What does industry mean?" Should the IDC be interested in
industry and commercial? He stated: It's more than heavy industrial going over-sea, all
industry is going over-sea. The trend is away from manufacturing continued Tapper. So what
is the environment of Monticello? Does the IDC promote distribution companies such as
Dahlheimer's and Strategic Equipment and Supply Company? Tapper referred to Charlie
Pfeffer's comment at City Council referring to the Rogers Industrial Park. Comments were
made by IDC members: Tomann felt the statement made about "all manufacturing is going
over-sea" was a very broad statement. Tomann liked the current definition of "liveable wage-
levels". Industry means many things including distribution centers. Rogers is not entirely made
up of distribution centers which were targeted for the purpose of tax revenue. Tomann liked
the verbiage "top quality industries". Koropchak recalled a previous comment by council
representation endorsing the inclusion of tax base in the mission statement because of their
focus of tax levy and budget. Council Member Mayer noted his insight shared with the HRA,
that not only wage-levels be a criteria but measurable benefits especially retirement plans was
important to him. Koropchak reminded members that in the new industrial park the $1 per sq
• ft incentive is offered to businesses who meet a job and wage-level criteria, building value, and
building to land ratio. This does not exclude businesses who do not meet the criteria to
purchase land at the market price; however, the protective covenants apply to the first 35
acres. The zoning district identifies the use. Feaski liked Tapper's version as he felt the IDC
can not control wages and it was a brief political statement. Tapper reminded the membership
that the IDC is a lobbying organization, independent of the city, which only meets in city hall.
Benedetto liked the inclusion of commercial as commercial helps to bring roof-tops
(students/medical patients) and in certain cases, would it not be beneficial to lobby for
commercial? Kleinwachter liked the focus of industrial. Koropchak asked about the definition
of commercial: service, retail, office, etc. and noted it was important not to duplicate the focus
or role of the Chamber. Barger liked the mission statement as stands: jobs and liveable wage-
levels and tax base. Tomann was OK with the IDC promoting commercial as its good for the
whole of the community. Bill Tapper made a motion to table modification of the mission
statement. Dick Yan Allen seconded the motion. Discussion followed on how to proceed.
It was suggested for Mike Benedetto to draft a mission statement for the June IDC
meeting with the assistance of individuals with concerns. Tapper amended his motion to
include requesting Benedetto and others to prepare a draft of the mission statement for
the June meeting. Yan Allen accepted the amended motion and then seconded the
amended motion. Motion carried.
4. Mayor's Cit~pdate:
. A. Status of AVR litigation/negotiations. Council member Mayor noted the Council
received some bad information and the decision may come back to haunt them. AVR
IDC Minutes - 05/02/06
• has accepted the city's offer; however, site and building plans have not been submitted.
B. Status of RFP for hiring consultant to update Comprehensive Plan. Four consultant
firms were interviewed and the Council approved the hiring of Hoisington Koegler. At
the direction of the Council, a task force is being formed consisting of about 20
individuals representing local jurisdictions and members-at-large. The IDC is requested
to have one representative and an alternate, this to be on the June IDC agenda. The
Council is expected to approve the Contract with Hoisington at the May 8 Council
C. Status of YMCA property. The City is interested in partnering with the County for
purchase of the property as a regional park. The YMCA doesn't like designation of
park space as limits their availability to receive funding. It's back to the City Planning
and Zoning who may place a moratorium during comp plan update. Mayer said it was
bad timing to have increased the park fees to $3,500 per residential unit, given the
decrease in the housing market and the unknown availability of the YMCA property.
He continued stating the approved increase in January was the result of a survey
showing Monticello fees below the average of surrounding communities and was prior
to any discussion to purchase the YMCA property. Some developers now recognize
it's not the fee increase but the high price of land which has changed their minds to
move forward with development. Feaski stated he recalled the IDC recommended a
gradual increase on park fees rather than the one large increase.
• D. Fiber Option Task Force. Dahl-Fleming reported the Council approved the hiring of
CCG Consultants to prepare the Feasibility Study. Springsted, a MN public financing
firm, will partner with them because of their expertise in Minnesota financing. The study
is expected to be completed by August. One of the reasons the task force is pursuing
fiber optics is to force competition into the area.
E Ouestion/answer period. None.
Restate role of the IDC subcommittees.
A. Activity Revort from each of four subcommittees. Van Allen reported the BRE group
met and agreed to 1. the need to identify business issues: company future plans, why
did they leave Monticello such as Clow Stamping, etc. Retention of business is more
cost effective. 2. The need to create and maintain a data base of industries. 3. The
need to identify resources. 4. Agreed BRE will meet at times other than IDC meetings.
Dahl-Fleming reported the current marketing budget is $4,000. A budget request will
be submitted to Council for billboard along I-94, development of fliers and entrance
sign. She reported having attended the Wright County Partnership Seminar on
industrial development and noted C B Richard Ellis highlighted activity in Wright
County, stated they did not support cities in the business of land development;
however, praised Monticello's marketing strategy with the use of billboards and the
web site.
IDC Minutes - 05/02/06
• Barger expressed interest or volunteered to be the IDC representative on the Comp
Plan Task Force. Feaski reported on a recent project which began last fall. After
review of plans by staff and consultants, 52 items were listed as revision
recommendations. Having satisfied the 52 recommendations, the building permit fee
was $36,000. The developer decided to wait until spring to commence construction.
In the spring, they were notified of a 3% fee increase and the permit was ready to pick
up. Upon picking up the permit, eleven more items were circled as revision
recommendations, the permit fee increased to $40,000 from the previously stamped-
approvedplans, and they were asked to sign a $10,000 assessment agreement for
trunk fees. Now having commenced construction, last week the project was stopped
by a utility permit as the 6 inch and 8 inch collector water/sewer pipes were too small
adding another $4,600. Feaski said the city engineer plan review fee is $5,000 and in
his 16 years of business, he's only been stopped twice on a project and both times it
was in Monticello. Feaski's report was directed to the BRE group for further review.
Benedetto stated this is an example how the structure of subcommittees can be a voice
for industries. Mayer said the subcommittees add value to the IDC. Kleinwachter
requested the document "How to site and develop your business in Monticello" be
provided to Van Allen. It's time-line still needs to be addressed.
Tapper reported the transportation group had not met. He reported he and Barb were
• recently in Chicago and rode the light rail all day for $5.00 stating he felt the
forthcoming light rail would have a great impact. While the local bridge is under
construction, he noted the impact of traffic at the intersection of School Blvd and Fallon
Avenue. Mayer requested they also check the intersection of River Street and
Highway 25 and report traffic concerns to the Police Commission.
B. Discuss attached language for the IDC Mission Statement. Discussed earlier in the
6. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report. Report accepted as written. Tapper asked about the
Clow Stamping building and if the property had been sold? Koropchak was unsure.
Tapper has received a number of calls for his I-21ot and the real estate agent said
Monticello was hot. Koropchak agreed stating a number of companies are looking to
construct metal buildings with outdoor storage. There are four privately-owned vacant
lots in the Oakwood Industrial Park (I-2 Zone) which Koropchak provides owner's
name and phone numbers to interested parties.
B. Pro osp ed Open and Outdoor Storage Amendment b~Tapper.
Tapper reported the small group's objection to the proposed ordinance amendment for
open and outdoor storage is the CUP required for front-yard outdoor storage in an I-2
District and the lack of definition of front yard. At the April 24 Council meeting, the
council requested a workshop which at this time has not been scheduled. A resolution
• is real close. Tapper provided a background stating the ordinance amendment
proposed by the City started about 2 % years ago when Simonson Lumber, a retail
IDC Minutes - 05/02/06
• business in a I-2 District, wanted to expand their outdoor storage area. How far from
lot line and how can city enforce were questions to resolve when a small group of
business owners were asked to give their opinion. The industries were looking at an
ordinance which makes fundamental sense and staff didn't care. About a month ago,
staff made 100% turn-around and many changes were made. Tapper credited the
Council for a good job at challenging the proposed ordinance amendment. Tapper was
asked "What do you want?" A "yes" or "no" decision on the CUP for outdoor
storage in the front yard. The outdoor storage ordinance amendment issue was
deferred to the Mary Barger and the Available Industrial Land Subcommittee for a
recommendations to be submitted to Koropchak for inclusion in the June IDC agenda.
7. Review the draft copy of the May 2, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related
items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessarx
No industrial items on agenda.
8. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates -Chamber Chair Hertwig reported a membership of over 250. The
local government affairs committee will hold its first meeting on May 11, 7:30 a.m.,
anyone is welcome. The Golf Outing is May 18 at the Silver Springs Golf Course. A
Monticello Retail Trade Analysis Report by the University of Minnesota Extension
• Service will be presented on June 27, the Chamber is looking for sponsors.
B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, June 6, 2006, in the Bridge Room.
9. Adjournment.
Tom Feaski made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Seconded by Lynne Dahl-
Fleming and with no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 a.m.
Ollie Koropchak, Recorder
• IDC Agenda - 06/06/06
7A. Executive Director's report.
a) Karlsburger Foods, Inc. -The Purchase and Development Contract was executed on May
22, 2006, and the $10,000 earnest money submitted. The plat was taken to the County for
recording on May 24, this generally aone/two week turn around. Thereafter can the title work
commencement. The installation of water/sewer trunk lines began May 18, de-watering being
the first step. WSB estimates amid-June completion. No building or site plans have been
submitted nor the selection of the lender. They may apply for an EDA loan.
b) AVR -The Settlement Agreement between the City and AVR is being drafted by the City's
Attorney Tom Scott. The agreement is subject to approval of building and site plans. Staff has
met with the architect and contractor. Staff to work with a landscape architect on Tuesday
relative to landscaping and design of screen wall (8 to 12 feet ). On the 12-acre site a shop
(9,800 sq ft with six bays), plant (base floor 940 sq ft with silo 80 ft height), and conveyor will
be constructed. Green space, paved parking and trunk route areas, and the remaining Class 5.
Need stock piles -semi enclosed. Would like to start this summer or fall. Will enter site via
Haul Road and exit via Dalton Avenue.
c) Contract for Deed between the City/Chadwick -With the assumption the City and AVR
have reached an agreement, the Council on June 12 may consider purchase of additional land
from Chadwick. WBS recommends purchase of the entire remaining 85 acres allowing the
. city to grade the entire site at a lesser cost than grading each lot individually. I concur with that
recommendation or at a minimum to purchase the acreage to the west of proposed Dalton
Avenue. For Rick, it's a question of coming up with the cash. Additionally, is the need to
authorize feasibility study for construction of the road (remainder of Dalton Avenue to the south
and the Haul Road to the west) and utility improvements.
d) 511 Elm Street - We closed on the Antionette Breiwick Transformation Loan on May 18 at
the office of Quality Title in Albertville. The HRA disbursed $20,000 to the title company who
will disburse on behalf of the HRA. The HRA has a Transformation Home Loan Escrow
Agreement, Promissory Note, and Second Mortgage. The lender did not want to close
simultaneously with the HRA loan; therefore, the HRA mortgage will be recorded as soon as I
get the document number of the First Mortgage. The contractor has submitted a building permit
e) 1023 West Broadway - We have not closed with Keith and Jackie Petersen on their
Transformation Home Loan. I've talked to the closer several times and each appears to be
waiting on information. The construction project is complete; however, landscaping is on-
fj Sunny Fresh Foods -The City will host a breakfast recognition honoring Sunny Fresh Foods
as recipient of the 2005 Malcom Balridge National Quality Award. This will be held Friday,
June 16 at 7:30 a.m. in the Community Center. Invitation go out Thursday/Friday. Mark your
g) Dahlheimer's Distribution -I've contacted Greg about the City, IDC, HRA, and Planning
. Commission to tour their new facility. A date is forth coming. (Susie and Sandy too)
• IDC Agenda - 06/06/06
h) Marketing -The sign should be up at the entrance of Monticello Business Center; although I
have not confirmed this. The contract with the billboard sign company has been executed and
returned. Contributed $250 to the Wright County Partnership for a Metro Fringe Enterprise
Network Systems Analysis, a collaborate effort between Wright and Sherburne Counties.
Fliers in draft stage for review by HRA on June 7 prior to printing.
i) Monticello's community profile is being updated. Not updated since 2003. This profile is on
the state's website I'm waiting for some organizational information to
complete the task. Also, I've been assigned a password so I can update the city's web site
under economic development. That task yet to do.
j) Preparing an economic development department head presentation for the Council June 12.
k) Leads: New inquiries have been slow of late. '--- i-^~.a~ ~°~'`-~ - ~' ~
ALBERTVILLE COMPANY -Anticipating execution of the Preliminary Development
Agreement between the company and the HRA. 10,000 sq ft building, 8 full time jobs at an
average wage level of $17.39 per hour. Designs and assembles retail communication displays
and packaging.
company and a SMALL CABINET MAKER to see if we could complete the projects
• simultaneously in order to meet the criteria. After further checking, the producer of granite
counter tops and fireplaces is a permitted use in an I-2 district (Heavy Industrial). Therefore
does not meet the I-lA district by use.
PRECISION TECHNOLOGIES -Working with Jim Harwood for potential EDA loan for
either lease-hold improvements or machinery/equipment. Leasing in Barger's new building
under construction.
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Request for Information
fro m
IVtay 30, 2006
Proposed Project
Construction of a 60,000 sq ft steel building with some office space and land for future expansion.
Four to eight acre site with convenient highway access and readily available utilities. Forty to 50 jobs
to start and potential of 100 employees in a few years.
City of Monticello
All industrial sites are accessible to I-94 and Trunk Highway 25.
• 2. I-2 (Heavy Industrial District) -The above described use (manufacturer of fabricated glass
products) is a permitted use in an I-2 district.
The Oakwood Industrial Park is zoned I-2, there are four sites of approximately 4 to 5 acres
each privately-owned with utilities readily available.
Steel buildings are allowed in an I-2 district.
Electrical provider is Xcel Energy.
3, According to the Wright County Assessor's Office, the median sale price for existing homes in
2004 was $182,000.
4. Incentives: The City of Monticello will consider the use of tax increment financing based on job
creation, wage-levels, and benefits. The City of Monticello also offers a below prime rate (up
to 3% below prime) revolving loan program for real estate development and/or
5. Ollie Koropchak c9~`~-
City of Monticello
Economic Development Director
• 763-271-3208
Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax (763) 295-4404
Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295-3170 • Fax (763) 271-3272
Tuesday, June 6th, 2006
6:00 PM
Council Liaison:
1. Call to order.
Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, Craig Schibonski, William Spartz,
and Sandy Suchy
Glen Posusta
Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Ollie Koropchak,
and Steve Grittman - NAC
Mayor Clint Herbst, Former Planning Commission Chair Dick Frie
2. Recognition of the service of Former Planning Commission Chair Richard Frie.
Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, May 2nd,
4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
5. Citizen comments.
6. Public Hearing -Consideration of for an extension of an Interim Use Permit for the '3 ~ ~?
Alternative Learning Program, located in an I-1 (Light Industrial) District.
Applicant: Monticello School District
7. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and a Conditional Use
Permit for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Elm Street Villas, a 114-unit
residential plat in a PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed) District.
Applicant: UP Development
Consideration to adopt a resolution finding that a modification to the TIF Plans for TIF
District Nos. 1-2 (Metcalf/Larson) and 1-24 (St. Bens) conform to the general plans for the
development and redevelopment of the city.
Applicant: Monticello HRA
9. Consideration to review for discussion the standards for Planned Unit Developments.