IDC Agenda 09-05-2006AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 5, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS: Chair Paul Kl~ixro~achter, Vice Chair Mike edetto, Mary~ai'ger, Bill r, Dic Allen, Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Barb 5~1~16ntek, Lynne D,~-Fleming, Don Tomann, Toski, Kelli Huxford, Jim Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Mich~le~I-Iertwig. STAFF: Ollie K~chak. a~~~ COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Clin~rbst and Council Member ayne Mayer. ~ IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial taz base, to create jobs at liveable wage- levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)' «OCa ~~ 7: O1 2. Vote to approve the August 1, 2006 IDC minutes. ~ ~~'~'` ~ ' 7:05 Follow-up Business: rCY ~R,,~' ~~ A. Discuss recommended Ordinance Amendment for Open and Outdoor Storage ~~ C ~ (Barger) and call for vote if necessary. ~~ `Z" ~o'• o o ~p-rr~ • uw~,,..~ c~° ~ ~ B. Town Hall Concerns & Issues -What is the role of the IDC? ~~,~ a/'. i ~ Discuss time, 2-hour length, and date of IDC meeting and vote if necessary d ~'~~-~ ~~' D. Meeting between Paul Kleinwachter and Chamber B a`~ r~d~elative to ~d strial ~ ;~ ~ ~~ ~0 7:25 e- ~?~ G• ©~. 7:45 ~~ 5. ~a 8:00 ~ 6. s:o 1~ ~. Luncheon. e11~ ~ ? eew•w,`M~a~Q~.,,,aw^i ~,~,~ 9~ ~ 2-~Q~.t~"' w.v~0 E. Reports from and goals of Subcommittees: Marketing, BRE, Industrial Land, and ~' Mayor's City Update: ~ 0 0 ,~ A. Final agreement with AVR. ~~ 'b~ ~ ,~}~. °~ B. Business Community Neighborhood meeting -Comp Plan Upd ~ ~`~ C. Fiber Optics Task Force (Mayer) www.monticellofiber.com - D. Questions/answer period ~ ~ Vw n`om' Review the draft copy of the September 5, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related itel~s. Discuss and vote on an IDC position o,~ action if necessary. f'i`t - ~.:~~,- ~J 4 c ~sl o'~-.a- C-.~--~. A ~-- o-~+s ~~~ bv-1 S'tan~~' New Business: ~y ,,,,,,, . ~ .o e, d. . Reports: A. Economic Development Report by Koropchak. 8:15. 8. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates -Chair Hertwig. B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, October 3, 2006. 8:30 9. Adjournment. °~,~' „~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~°- ~y ~- ~_ sib U !/ ~~ ~ ~ 9' ~~`~ .~ ~_.~.~ ~~ i ~f ~~ ~'` s'" -k -F G • • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Barb Schwientek, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Don Tomann, Tom Feaski, Kelli Huxford, Zona Gutzwiller, and Michele Hertwig. MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Roberts and Jim Johnson. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak and Jeff O'Neill. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Vote to approve the June 6, 2006 IDC minutes. MARY BARGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE JUNE 6, 2006 IDC MINUTES. SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. 3. Mayor's City Update: A. Status of AVR litigation/negotiations. Mayor Herbst reported the city and AVR came to an agreement subject to final review of plans. Staff and a couple of council members will review plans at a 11:00 a.m. meeting today. Mayor Herbst felt once constructed no one will know the difference. B. Status of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The mayor reported that the first neighborhood meeting was held last week with about 30 people in attendance. He had hoped for a better attendance. Koropchak encouraged IDC members and industrial businesses to attend the upcoming neighborhood meeting for businesses scheduled for Wednesday, August 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. C. Status of Other: YMCA property, interchange, and housing. Mayor Herbst reported other developers looking at YMCA property; however, city has a pretty good hold on property based on annexation acceptance. City working on appraisal but not much negotiation. The larger housing development to the west is no longer viable. The east I-94 interchange is scheduled to open on August 29, ahead of schedule. Work on County Road 18 round-about will commence thereafter. D. Fiber Optics Task Force (Maven. www.monticellofiber.com Council Member Mayer reported the task force received. a preliminary report of the feasibility study which suggests how city should IDC Minutes - 08/01/06 participate based on the telephone survey. Why city? Triple-play meaning video, voice, and data and no home left behind, only if city can provide at lower cost. City already operates two utilities: water and sewer operations and operates a liquor store. Would require a referendum with 65% approval. Given the city's population and projections, aleasing-out model is not workable. Educating the public is key. Presentations to the Chamber and Rotary are scheduled prior to Council presentation in September. Mayor Herbst was encouraged by the telephone survey results. The task force continues to work with the consultants to finalize the feasibility report. E. Question/answer ep riod• None. 4. Follow-up Business: A. Discuss proposed language for the IDC Mission Statement (Benedetto) and call for vote if necessary. Mike Benedetto summarized the June meeting stating key points and facts brought-up relative to adding commercial as a focus point of the IDC Mission Statement. The subcommittee of Don Tomann, Bill Tapper, Benedetto, and Koropchak has not met and he suggested the subcommittee meet prior to the September meeting. Kleinwachter felt the focus should remain industrial and not duplicate the role with the Chamber. Tomann noted the relationship between industrial development, liveable wages, housing, and commercial development emphasizing liveable wages as a strong point. The question was posed: What is the city's definition of liveable wage? Koropchak noted the wage level criteria for the $1.00 per square foot discount price for land in the city industrial park is $16.00 per hour without benefits. Given the tone o~ the park has changed, the property can now be purchased at the market rate of $3.00 per square foot plus trunk fees if the criteria is not met. Covenants apply to the first 35-acres. LYNN DAHL-FLEMING MADE A MOTION TO RETAIN THE IDC MISSION STATEMENT AS IS. MICHELE HERTWIG SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. ELEVEN YEAS AND TWO NAYS. OPPOSED TAPPER AND VAN ALLEN. B. Discuss recommended Ordinance Amendment for Open and Outdoor Storage (Barg_erl and call for vote if necessary. The direction of the last subcommittee meeting was for Jeff O'Neill to schedule a meeting to finalize the outdoor/open storage ordinance. Barger reported she has attempted to contact O'Neill as to his plans to follow-up on scheduling a meeting. O'Neill is to pull a meeting together. C. Report by BRE group (Van Allen) on meeting with Community Development staff on site/building_process commitment. Van Allen reported that Tomann, Hertwig, Mayer, Van Allen, and Koropchak met with O'Neill and Angela Schuman at UMC. At the July meeting, O'Neill presented the new ordinance process developed by the city as a result of a survey mailed to 200+ developers with a return of 42. He also talked about the improved accounting for engineer fees. Tapper submitted annon- itemized invoice for construction engineer in the amount of $1,210 he received June 26, 2006, for work completed 2005. The problem being the loan closed and who remembers at this time what it was for. Schwientek concurred with the difficulty in receiving late non-itemized invo~ Mayor Herbst said the auditor had noted the same to the council. O'Neill, present at the IDC 2 IDC Minutes - 08/01/06 meeting, stated the new process is a commitment to customer service between developers/citizens and the city. The straight-line approach includes a free pre-design meeting for team building and distribution of a new handbook with break-down sections such as variance application. In other words, only certain sections apply to certain development projects. Tomann noted the responsibility of the private sector, stating atime-saving incentive for developers is to submit completed plans. Hertwig noted the new process is a good-faith effort by the city. D. Other reports by Subcommittees. Dahl-Fleming reported the marketing committee meets Thursday morning to develop a budget for 2007. A copy of the new flyer promoting the industrial park was distributed. Van Allen requested the marketing committee take a look at the March 2002 Monticello Times which lists the industrial businesses and an article of recognition. It was noted, Don Smith, a former IDC member and newspaper editor, was committed to promoting local industrial businesses. 5. New Business: A. Vote to appoint IDC alternate to the Comp Plan Task Force. At the June meeting, Mary Barger was appointed as the IDC representative to the Comp Plan Task Force. The task force will meet 3-4 times commencing after completion of the August neighborhood meetings. Anticipated starting time 5:00 p.m. Mayer said he suggested alternates in order to maintain continuity. Don Tomann volunteered to be the IDC alternate which was endorsed by the IDC membership. B. Discuss need to change IDC meeting format. Chair Kleinwachter noted he felt the change in the format of the IDC and its subcommittees was working and encouraged feedback from members. Discussions at the IDC meetings have merit; however, meetings are beginning to run beyond 8:30 a.m. It was suggestion that members contact Koropchak about a change in time or date of IDC meetings. C. Discuss role of the IDC at the Chamber Industrial or IDC Luncheon. Members discussed the history of the IDC Banquet and its evolution from auund-raiser for the IDC to a non fund-raiser for the Chamber. The Chamber anticipates the Luncheion to beheld in September/October and will be determined by the availability of Governor Pawlenty or Senator Coleman. A mini trade show is planned. The question: What role does the IDC want to play in the luncheon? Chair Kleinwachter volunteered to be the liaison from the IDC to the Chamber and will attend the next Chamber board meeting August 8 at 7:30 a.m. 6. Reports: A. Economic Development Report. Koropchak highlighted the infrastructure improvements authorized by the Council for the Monticello Business Center and again, encouraged IDC members to attend the upcoming Comp Plan meeting for businesses on August 16, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Lastly, Koropchak distributed a list of issues and concerns identified and attendees at a Town Hall Roundtable for Manufacturers & Food Processors on June 7. The event was sponsored by the Wright County Economic Development Partnership in collaboration with the Monticello Chamber. The IDC members found the information of value and requested this be an agenda item at their September meeting. Benedetto noted item no. 7 - No promotion of manufacturing careers in middle and high schools. He suggested inviting the school IDC Minutes - 08/01/06 career counselors to the Industrial luncheon as a means of exposure to the manufacturing businesses. Others noted Rotary Career Day and the participation by local manufacturers. 7. Review the draft copy of the August 1, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. No industrial related items. 8. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates -Chamber Chair Hertwig reported the Chamber formalized their name change to Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Government Affairs Committee addresses planning issues. At the August Chamber Luncheon, members will hear a presentation on Fiber Optics by Wayne Mayer and Lynn Dahl-Fleming. Upcoming events are the IDC Industrial Luncheon and Home for the Holidays. B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, September 5, 2006. 9. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. by a consensus of the members. 09a.a \~,~o Ci4~-9-~, Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 4 ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~` ~''~ nit ~,~ ~1~~ ~ ~~° .~,, .~Q °,~ g~ ~ Manufacturers Rout 1 ~~'~ dtab a ~~ June 7, 2006: Monticello ~~~ °~-~'~.~ ~~ a~ ~~~~~s~ ~~~- .~ ,~ ~e q,~ 1~''~ Y~,o`w~ ISS UES' AND CONCERNS' IDENTIFIED 1. Healthcare costs for employees (double digit increases) ~~. ~ a 2. Finding qualified workers ~ , ~ ~ ~~"~,,~r 3. Workers com ensation costs/increases o` , ~ ' 9 ~°~s P 4. Lack of young people interested in manufacturing careers ~,~~,,,~'' a~ 5. Prime interest rates (up and down/fed reserve issues) °~°y-~ 6. Technical schools lacking training/capacity ~'°'~~~~' ~~''' , 7. No promotion. of manufacturing careers in middle and high schools 'tr 8. Foreign markets and competition drive down profits ;~~'~'~ 9. Technical colleges need more support from the State lO.Soft skills, professionalism and leadership in the workplace 11.Minnesota Jobs Skills Partnership Grant: Cumbersome process for small business (too much paperwork and time required) ~~° 12.Global manufacturing issues: shipping/receiving, documentation, how to get started, training from the State on global competition; ~~ 13.Drug testing -- Q4..9.- oft, cou,~. -` 9.. `°s' ~ ~S,~.a,~: a ~,~,~., o ..~ 14.Property zoning issues user zones ~sy,. 15.Training needs in project and quality management ~~}~ 16.Sma11 businesses "get lost" in the web of business assistance/resources ti 17.Global competition for resources 18.Emergency assistance (natural disaster, etc) for business C~~ a.~-- p,~,, ~.. ~ ~~ ~, ~ ~o ~ ~ '~,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ a°~ ~ ~ ``¢ ~ ~ "~ d • SUMMARYREPORT Town Hall Roundtable for Manufacturers and Food Processors June 7, 2006 Monticello Community Center Businesses in Attendance 1. Cargill: Big Lake 2. EO Plastics: Elk River 3. Herald Journal: Buffalo 4. Klein Bank: Monticello 5. Liberty Paper: Becker 6. Midwest Precision Machining: Monticello 7. Polar Industries: Monticello 8. Quality Label: Minneapolis (moving to Elk River) 9. Scott Builders: Buffalo 10. Sil-Pro: Delano 11. Standard Iron: Monticello 12. Twin City Die Casting: Monticello 13. Wright-Hennepin Electric: Rockford 14. Wood Shop of Avon: Avon 15. Product Technologies:. Maple Lake 16. Ultra Machining Corporation: Monticello 17. Industrial Molded Rubber: Big Lake Exhibitors 1. Manufacturers Alliance 2. Institute of Food Technologists 3. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 4. Minnesota Technical Assistance Program 5. Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 6. Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association 7. Minnesota Technology 8. Wright County Economic Development Partnership 9. Monticello WorkForce Center /1j~. • Others in Attendance 1. Trish Taylor: WIB Chairperson 2. Barb Chaffee: CEO, CMJTS 3. Angie Theisen: Regional Mgr, CMJTS 4. Barb Klein: Job Developer, Functional Industries 5. Joan Danielson: Regional Mgr, DEED 6. Diane Knutson: Mfg Representative, DEED 7. Debra Bultnik: Mfg Representative, DEED 8. Ollie Koropchak: Economic Developer, City of Monticello 9. Susie Wochouski: Director, Monticello Chamber of Commerce 10. Noel LaBine: Director, Wright County Economic Development Partnership 11. Bob Hoenie: BSS, DEED 12. Tim Zipoy: BRR, CMJTS • • October 25th event Ollie Koropchak From: Noel LaBine, Econ Dev Partnership [nlabine@WHE.ORG] Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:53 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: October 25th event Ollie, Here is the information we have so far. October Business Development Workshop Date: October 25, 2006 Location: Monticello Community Center Topic: "A look to the future" Presented by: Dan McLaughlin, National Health Policy Institute & also 2 presenters on other topics Noel LaBine Executive Director Wright County Economic Development Partnership 6800 Electric Drive Rockford, MN 55373. 763-477-3086. www. wrightpartnership. org_ Page 1 of 1 33 i~ ~(f~ ~~`~~ CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: This message contains information that maybe confidential and privileged. Unless you are the addressee, you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or information contained in this message. If you received this message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message. 8/24/2006 ~~ b ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ N ~.~ o OO " >~ •~ o Q p ~ ~ -~ ~, a~ Q w? ~ F ,~ ~° ~ ~ o a~i ~ ~~ N o Z • 3 ~ ~ ~ " d ~ ~ ~ ~ . o a p O U ~ N U b O ~ ~ 3 ~. ~° v i ¢¢ o .~ a~ x U w z o •~° 3~ N ~ M ~ ~-+ ' ~ O p O w N ~ ~ . M W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '-' ~ w ~ C.7 N ~ ~ x ~ ~ M Q M U M O M ~ N ~ N ,~ N N ~ W ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~Q~ ~` ° N o ~i° ~ ~ Q E ~ O U ~ ~ ~ ~ o z o ev ,~~, Gz' o ~ vMi ~. n ~ A ,.., Qa j ~ Aai ~o N ~ M U N M N ~ M F-+ l~ .^., N W U ..a`~° Q `~° ~~ ~ o ~ o •~ b ~ ~ w ~ o ~ ~ O Q ',..~ U ~., U U b ~ 'N ~ ~ U b•~ O vi N O~ +•' O v~ .bp ~'' ~ ~ ~ CCj O. ~ U ~ U •~ ~ O ~ j ~ v~ ~ R~., O ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ti E_•' • O ~ F-' O '~ ' • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 z~. ~ " ~ ~~ ~ ~ •~ Q~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ aa ~ .~ ~° ~ ~~ IDC MISSION STATEMENT To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environtnerit it the City of Monticello. 2006 IDC GOALS AND TASKS GOALS: Provide support for recruitment efforts of additional industrial businesses to locate in Monticello (recruitment of industry). TASK: 1. Request Marketing Committee provide an annual report to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing efforts for the Monticello Business Center. 2. Monitor need for additional purchase of land currently under Contract for Deed in the Monticello Business Center and the need to authorize feasibility study for construction of Phase II infrastructure. 3. Continue participation in the industrial business prospect tours. 4. Recognize new industrial businesses via an open house when appropriate. 2. Continue business retention and expansion (BRE) programs for the industrial business sector (retention). TASK: 1. Encourage and provide process for mayor and council members to acknowledge industrial businesses. 2. Develop "yes/no or check box" survey to communicate between local industries and city/council regarding specific operational issues such as transportation traffic, fiber optics, skilled work force, utility (electrical/telephone) reliability, etc. 3. BRE visit by IDC member(s) and Economic Development Director to individual manufacturers. 3. Coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce the anmial Industrial Luncheon, recognize an industrial business, and develop criteria for recognition. 4. Encourage local newspaper to feature an industrial section or individual business articles. 5. Schedule tours of local manufacturers (outside normal IDC meetings.) C • 3. Provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential (land). 36 TASK: 1. Research sites for future industrial development (through comprehensive plan orderly annexation.) 1. Develop funding source(s) for future land purchase and encourage the HRA and Council to establish annual matching fitnd account. 2. Discuss trends of future industrial parks. 4. Research transportation and traffic issues (transportation). FOCUS: 1. I-94 to six lanes. 1. I-94/Orchard Road Interchange. 2. Intra-city traffic circulation including round-abouts. 3. Trunk Highway 25 upgrade to four-lanes between Monticello and Buffalo. 4. Light rail and/or expansion of commuter bus system from Rogers to Monticello. TASK: 1. Invite WSB Traffic Engineer or someone other for purpose to gather information on current and proposed transportation projects. ' 1. Form partnerships with Wright County, Mayor/council to lobby for joint transportation goals. 2. Develop lobbying network amongst IDC members, local industries, and legislators. 3. Research lobbying effort with local chamber(s). 2 +n,~ ~ ~~ Ollie Koropchak ~-~~~~~~ rom: Lynne Dahl-Fleming [Lynne@DesignforPrint.com] ~ent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:43 PM o: Ollie Koropchak; paulk@firstmnbank.com Subject: Re: IDC Marketing information I just got off the phone with the news editor at the Times: Kathline Ostroot. I discussed with her publicity/news articles for the industrial/manufacturing segment of our business community. I think I have her convinced of doing a special section once a year for industry like what Dick VanAllen showed us with that full page coverage. She also encouraged manufacturers to submit press releases when they have accomplishments for possible use in the weekly paper. I also encouraged her to phone Don Toman and ask for a tour of UMC. Lynne Dahl-Fleming DESIGN for PRINT [& Web!] Lynne@DesignforPrint.com Office: 763-295-8100 Toll Free: 888-275-9463 Fax: 763-271-6192 www.DesignforPrint.com • • 1 s, ~~ L_J AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 5th, 2006 6:00 PM Commissioners: Council Liaison: Staff: 1. Call to order. Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, Craig Schibonski, William Spartz, and Sandy Suchy Glen Posusta Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Ollie Koropchak, Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of August ls` and August 14th, 2006. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to amend Chapter 11 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission 6. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for rezoning from R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) to B-1 (Neighborhood Business).for 530~st Broadway. Applicant: David Thielman/Gateway Music Festivals 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to amend Chapter 3 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating the height and area of signs in a freeway overlay zone within commercial districts. Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Variance to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance section 3-9(E) regulating the height and area of pylon signage in a B-4 (Regional Business) district. Applicant: Mark ParnelURiverCity Lanes 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage in an I-2 District. Applicant: AME, Inc. 10. Adjourn. • IDC Agenda - 09/05/06 7. Economic Devel~ment Report: a. Leads: - Karlsburger Foods, Inc. -Closing and conveyance of the land took place on August 14, 2006 and groundbreaking was held on August 23 at the site. Anticipated completion date February 27, 2007. EDA will meet September 5 to consider machinery & equipment loan. - Custom manufacturer of die cut and thermo-formed components looking to expand -Lead from website. Verified zoning and business use are compatible with Grittman. Move-in 2007, will call week of August 25 on building size requirement, and I requested to visit existing site in NE Mpls. - Medical Treatment Facility - 160,000 sq ft (2-story) facility. Forwarded from NAHRO via ~~~,' State.. City responded and forwarded to Chadwick and Pfeffer. Chadwick also responded. ~ • Their criteria could assist in shaping goals to achieve the Monticellmp ~pdate ifnnv~, • _~ u~ ~,, consistent with citizen and council direction. ~ ~~ ~w , o,,t _ ~ail.,,:.~ '~- p+~ o~~'~"'~' '~`Y -Precision Technologies scheduled to move in September 7 and 8. '~a'`^"-''' - Washburn Computer Group installing new roof on Clow Stamping building. They hope to confirm architectural plans on August 23 for submission for renovation to the building department. Goal is to move in late October. - Out-state aluminum & glass company -was in Monticello August 23 and called from site signage. Original lead from County Partnership for glass company, I-2 Zone. 60,000 sq ft . building, 6-8 acres. 50-80 employees. National company expanding to MN. Verified zoning with Grittman, mailed application, covenants, and other info. They returned to CO the same day. b. BRE: - Talking with existing businesses about needs and future plans. Also called Charlie Pfeffer to talk about plans after interchange opens. - Attended Open House by TDS Telecom and I-94 Interchange/Cty Rd 18 Ribbon cutting. - Dahlheimer Tour -Thanks for attending. Photo booklet mailed to Greg along with a note of thanks. - Attended John Bondhus funeral on August 25. c. Marketing: Fliers mailed to about 50 precision manufacturers in metro area plus Graco Rogers and Minneapolis. Billboard up along I-94 starting September. Committee requested $33,000 for budget year 2007, first request since 2001. - Requested DEED to complete a Labor Market Profile for City of Monticello, Monticello and Big Lake Township comparing to Wright County and State. - Inquired into cost for pull-out section in Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal similar to St, Cloud. - Been invited to participate in a roundtable discussion on the topic of NW Corridor from Rogers, Albertville, and Monticello on industrial, office, and retail development. The results will be published in the September 29 Business Journal issue. Pending. • 1 IDC Agenda - 09/05/06 - In collaboration with WSB will market industrial park at Wright County Partnership Golf outing September 7, Wild Marsh, Buffalo. d. AVR: The closing on the 53 acres between the city and Chadwick took place on August 23. Council will award the bids for grading the 53 acres on August 28. The Council will also approve plans and specs and authorize for bids for extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court, and Dalton Way (option) on the 28th. AVR and city have executed the agreement with closing anticipated for mid October. Infrastructure for access to 14-acre site completed by end of November. I've requested the covenants be approved and recorded on the 53 acres less AVR site. Simola is working on lighting along Chelsea West and Dalton Avenue. Forestation also part of plan. • ~~~. ~ Manufacturers Roundtable June 7, 2006: Monticello ISSUES AND CONCERNS IDENTIFIED Qualified Workers 2. Finding qualified workers 4. Lack of young people interested in manufacturing careers 7. No promotion of manufacturing careers in middle and high schools 10. Soft skills, professionalism and leadership in the workplace 15. Training needs in project and quality management 6. Technical schools lacking trainif~g/capacity 9. Technical colleges need more support f~rbm the State Cost Issues -personnel 1. Healthcare costs for employees (double digit incre~~es) 3. Workers compensation costs/increases 13. Drug testing Cost Issues -Business 14. Property zoning issues/buffer zones • 5. Prime interest rates (up and down/fed reserve issues) 11. Minnesota Jobs Skills Partnership Grant: Cumbersome process for small 01/14/05 10:04 AM PS7 via VSI-FAX Paye 1 of 2 X233133 WESTERN TOOL & SUPPLY CO INC P.O. BOX 2420, LIVERMORE, CA 94551-2420 Phone: 925-443-8665 Fax: 925-443-8668 To: DIANE FALES Company; BONDHUS COR_ PORATION Fax: 17632954440 From: LAURA MOON Subject: ro6071092 Memo: • • Date: 01/14/05 Time: 09:58 AM PST Pages Sent: 2 business (too much paperwork and time required) 16. Small businesses "get lost" in the web of business assistance/resources 18. Emergency assistance (natural disaster, etc) for business . 8. Foreign markets and competition drive down profits 12. Global manufacturing issues: shipping/receiving, documentation, how to get started, training from the State on global competition 17. Global competition for resources C. • 01/14/05 11:12 AN EST v1a YSI-FAX INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION GROUP 3100 FARMTRAIL RD, YORK, PA 17402; r Y , Phone: 717-767-7575 Fax: 717-767-7571 w To: JOANN Company: BONDHUS TOdz ~~~ Page 1 of 2 a17345 ®. I _ -~~~ ~~ ~; Fax: 76329544® :, - j~ '+ .: ~_ [' . , ~° '~ ,. From: TRACY PICK ' 1, .. ~ ~i SUbJeCt: PO 4098911-0001 ~ ~Y '~ Memo: 4 ... ;~ 'Date: 01/14/05 Time: 11:09 AM EST Pages Sent: 2 • • • Sept. 19: Chamber lunch -School referendum ~C Luncheon: Wednesday Oct. 4th • Speaker: Wells Fargo economist • students from MHS & Wright Tech 10:30-11:30 • Live broadcast -each booth highlighted • Catered by A Catered Event Email sent Aug. 11 from Susie: -The IDC luncheon will be expanded to include a viewing time for students in 11th and 12th grade. If you remember, last year we had local industrial booths lining the perimeter of the Mississippi Room. Our industries are telling us that they need skilled labor and they need students to consider industry as a career. What better way to showcase what we have in Monticello then to invite the kids to come and see the booths and visit with some of the industries. The kids will be invited from 10:30-11:30, and then bussed back to school. That way they are out of the event when the big kids (you and I) show up. I am sending an advance letter to our local industries inviting them to participate by having a booth. Last year the booths were very well received. We again will do a live broadcast, and re-run on Channel 12. This also was well received by the community and by industry. Oct. 10 -Candidate Forum (1,Y r~ ~ 7 .~, , y"~ c: ~~- ~ BRE/IDC Small group Meeting -14 August 2006 -7:30am Members attending: Don Tomann, Michele Hertwig, Dick Van Allen Discussed: Building permit issues, Small group meetings, and Data Base. Conclusions and recommendations: A) Building permits: 1. After hearing Jeff s presentation of the goals for improvement of the building permit issuance and process it was concluded that further interviews with dissatisfied customers is not useful at this time. 2. Recommendation to city -Permits and permit procedures should be handled as three separate and specific areas Industrial, Commercial Residential 3. Committee Conclusion /recommendation to the city -When permits are issued by the city it has been determined that previous recommendations have been included, building plans have been reviewed and approved, fees have been disclosed, and that building may continue to completion, including the required infrastructure without further changes. 4. Recommendation to IDC - BRE/IDC should follow city progress on this issue as a watchdog, providing feedback when necessary, without becoming involved in the • determination of the actual permit process. S. BRE Committee recommends that Jeff O'Neil be invited to give a short positive presentation at the October IDC meeting that includes: • An overview of what the city does right. • Good parts of the permit process • Permit process being worked on, the improvements implemented in August, September and wharf's planed for implementation by year end 2006. B) BRE small group meetings -Conclusion • are scheduled as first and third Mondary after the IDC monthly meeting to be held at UMC at 7:30am. • The committee will decide at the first monthly meeting whether the second is necessary and if necessary whether another location is desirable. C) Data Base - Commlttiee will continue to pursue establishment of data base defining use at the next committee meeting. Respectfully, Dick Van Allen •