IDC Agenda 10-03-2006MEMBERS:
Tuesday, October 3, 2006 - 7:00 a.m.
Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center
Chair Paul KJ,~wachter, Vice Chair Mik~nedetto, Mary~er, Bill T er, Dick Val enll ,
Don Roberts, Dar~Oi'son, BarbrS~Cliwientek, Lynne D~~'leming, Do~ann, To~aski, Kelli
Huxford, Jim~Tarh'nson, Zon~~zwiller, and Michele Hertwig.
Ollie Ko~hak.
COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Crbst and Council Membe e Mayer.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-
levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial )
environment in the City of Monticello. , O Q '~JYY"'
7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
7: O1
2. Vote to approve the September 5, 2006 IDC minutes. ~ Q ~~
7:25 ~
PRESENTATION: City Permit P o°~`~y J~'$°'#eill, Be~~y~dministrator.
Follow-up Business:
/ ~~ Discuss recommended Ordinance Amen en for Open and ~~or St~.~ a
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. (Barger) and call for vote if necessary. ~' e r~-,~„~ ~~~~^^
eT~ ~' B. Town Hall Concerns & Issues and BRE -Van Allen_ ~tg~~
1.:40 ` t~
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Review the draft copy of the October 3, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial
related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
8:00 6. New Business:
8:01 7. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report by Koropchak.
8:15 8. Other Business. ~ ` ~; n ~ ~~
A. Chamber Updates -Chair Hertwig. ~-- \~-'~'
B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, November 7, 2006.
8:17 9. Adjournment. ~ ,~ (~`
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4r' C. Paul Klemwachter and Chamber - Industnal Luncheon, October 4. ~~~~ ~ '~ ~ ~~
D. Reports from and goals of Subcommitte s: eting, Industrial La d, and
~' ~~ Transportation. °« ~ocn W`
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5. Mayor's City Update: ~ ~" L---
A. AVR Closing. ~~C ~a,~~ ~~ ~ ~~;
B. YMCA property 6~~, 3.. ~~~` ~~-~ dv'~ g<,
E ~ Fiber Optics Task Ford (Mayer) w~'~tic~llo i ~
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006 - 7:00 a.m.
Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper,
Dick Van Allen, Barb Schwientek, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Tom Feaski, and
Michele Hertwig.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Don Tomann, Kelli Huxford, Jim Johnson, and Zona
STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak and Jeff O'Neill.
COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable
wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial
environment in the City of Monticello.
1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 7:06 a.m. declaring a quorum.
2. Vote to approve the August 1, 2006 IDC minutes.
3. Follow-up Business:
A. Discuss recommended Ordinance Amendment for Onen and Outdoor Storage (Barger) and call
for vote if necessarv. Barger reported a meeting has been scheduled for September 20, 2006 at
City Hall.
B. Town Hall Concerns & Issues -What is the role of the IDC? Van Allen sorted the identified
Manufacturers Roundtable Issues and Concerns into three categories: qualified workers, cost
issues -personnel, and cost issues -business. Benedetto noted the lack of interest in technical
careers is also a perception of parents and kids. After 30 years of existence, the Technical
School in Buffalo struggles and may close within two years. The school to work program was
previously cut. Some students earn post-secondary education credits through Anoka Technical
College and transfer to a four-year college/university. Tapper expressed his observation: A
comparison of his experience as a youth working in a bike shop, others working on farms.
Government regulations and drug issues have affected hands-off mechanical learning for young
people. Members agreed to encourage school counselors and students to attend the Chamber
IDC Minutes - 09/05/06
Showcase of industrial businesses on October 4th. Tapper also inquired as to why the inability
do drug testing in Monticello rather than sending employees to Elk River.
C. Discuss time, 2-hour length, and date of IDC meeting and vote if necessary.
After noting the IDC meeting date of the first Tuesday of the month was selected in order to
review and give input into industrial related items on the Planning Commission Agenda, the IDC
agreed to keep the current date and time. Noting the importance of the discussion and feedback
from subcommittees, Kleinwachter indicated his attempt to keep the agenda moving.
D. Meeting between Paul Kleinwachter and Chamber Board relative to Industrial Luncheon.
Kleinwachter reported he and Koropchak attended the Chamber Board meeting to assist with
planning the Industrial Luncheon as the two organizations share a common interest to increase
communication between students and industrial businesses. Chamber President Hertwig
distributed an update on the details of the October 4 luncheon.
E. Reports from and goals of Subcommittees:
Marketing -Dahl-Fleming reported the marketing committee requested $33,000 from the 2007
city budget, flyers mailed to 55 precision machining companies, billboard up September 1, and
Koropchak exploring ways and means of the St. Cloud Industrial Insert in the Business Journal.
Koropchak noted at this point, the budget request has not been cut; however, the Council has
not set the levy or final budget.
BRE -Van Allen reported on the conclusions and recommendations by the BRE related to
building permit issues. See attached.
Industrial Land -This topic to be a part of the Comp Plan Task Force reported Barger. She and
Don Tomann are IDC representatives.
Transportation - No report from committee. Schwientek noted the upgrade of I-94 to 61anes
from Rogers to Monticello is 20-years out. O'Neill stated the Hwy 101 interchange and Hwy
610 interchange would come first.
4. Mayor's Cit~Undate:
A. Final agreement with AVR. Mayor Herbst reported the agreement with AVR is signed with the
closing yet to take place (mid October). He felt pretty good about the $3 million dollar budget
and felt the land exchange was a fair price. He felt the finished product would be attractive and
noted Koropchak does not agree. Koropchak foresees the I-2 zoning as a long-term negative
effect on the city.
B. Business Community Neighborhood meeting -Herbst reported on the Comp Plan Update stating
the business neighborhood meeting was well attended by downtown and industrial business
people. He expects the public hearing on the comp plan to be in the spring/summer.
C. Fiber Optics Task Force. Council Member Mayer informed
members that he and Herbst met with Tom Ollig, TDS Telecom. Mayer gave a presentation to
the Chamber and Lynn Dahl-Fleming to the Rotary. The topic will come to a head by the next
IDC meeting, as the feasibility report and the task force recommendation come before the
Council on September 25. Fiber optics is served to every home much the same as cable TV.
Mayer said: O'Neill's hot list includes right-of--way use and agreement. The objective is not to
put the telephone or cable companies out-of-business but to provide a competitive choice of co~
and speed. Feaski reported his phone bill doubled from Rogers to Monticello. Monticello is
IDC Minutes - 09/05/06
looking at two scenarios: own the switch or partner.
D. Questions/answer period. The City and the Bowling Alley owners exchanged property, the
Monti Club and alley for city property north of the Theater along School Blvd. The city has a
lease-back to the bowling alley through 2007. Tapper asked about a stop sign at Chelsea East
and Fallon and the process for adjusting the speed limit. It appears Chelsea is 35 mph, School
45 mph, and County 117 55 mph. Herbst reported Chelsea Road would be upgraded and the
Fallon Avenue bridge completed soon. Lastly, Herbst reported not all the YMCA property lies
within the MOAA and work continues on the appraisal.
5. Review the draft conv of the September 5. 2006 Plannins Commission Agenda for industrial_related
items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
One industrial item appeared on the September 5, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda: Consideration of
a request for conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage in an I-2 District, the applicant AME
(AVR). A copy of the agenda supplement was distributed to IDC members. Mayor Herbst said the five
stalls are for use as overflow to store aggregate. Tapper asked if this would be setting a precedence or
set a standard? Members were encouraged to attend the Planning Commission meeting as a quorum no
longer existed.
Feaski encouraged IDC members to look at the screening behind the Blue Chip building which consists
of plantings and fencing and also to note the architectural panels used on the exterior of the building..
6. New Business:
7. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report.
Schwientek elaborated on the medical treatment facility stating it was a blanketed inquiry from a national
company looking through-out Minnesota for a site for an out-patient facility. The proposed facility has
no Doctors and could put others out-of-business. Koropchak said responding to the request is a long-
shot for Monticello as the requested community quality of life criteria is greater than exist in Monticello
today; however, Koropchak sees responding as a way of marketing and the opportunity to expose the
name of the City of Monticello for future development. Members accepted the written economic
development report.
8. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates -Chair Hertwig reported on the plans for the Industrial Luncheon of October
4. Also encouraged people to attend the 150`'' Anniversary of the City of Monticello on
September 14 at Ellison Park; Chamber September 19th luncheon, program- proposed school
referendum; and Candidates Forum, October ~.`.~~ `~
B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday. October 3, 2006.
IDC Minutes - 09/05/06
9. Adjournment.
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Ollie Koropchak, Recorder
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It is a goal of the City of Monticello to provide excellent service to citizen customers and the development
Within the last two years, the City's Community Department, including Planning, Economic
Development, Building, and Engineering, have worked to develop programs and strategies to better meet
the needs of the development community and citizens. These strategies have been developed under the
premise that the City, the development community and citizens have a vested interest in working together
to achieve mutually beneficial goals.
In determining where to focus program efforts and improvements, the City conducted a 2004 survey of
the development community and those who had worked through the City's planning process within the
last 5 years. The survey concentrated on evaluating the status of development services at City Hall.
The Results:
• 75% overall satisfaction rating
• Opportunities for improvements identified in the survey:
o Consistency in application of process and ordinances
o Availability of staff
• o Review and processing time
The City has implemented the following measures in response to concerns:
• Established a goal of 90% overall satisfaction with City development services.
• Instituted pre-design meetings for all new projects, allowing a up-front discussion of relevant
design, land-use and buildings issues, as well as timeline and City review process.
• Implemented neighborhood meetings for large-scale or area-sensitive development projects
• Created and/or updated all planning forms and checklists.
• Created a Development Guidebook, providing development process information from "a to z".
• Made significant improvements to the City website to allow for real-time project updates and
better access to City staff.
• Hired a City Engineer to enable the City to respond more quickly to general engineering
questions and concerns and to manage engineering projects and workloads.
• Hired an additional full-time building inspector.
• Re-structured staffing to create a Building Technician and Community Development Coordinator
to assist customers throughout their planning and development process.
• Implemented a cost accounting and recovery system.
• Instituted a second Planning Commission meeting every other month to handle pure "planning"
issues related to long-range planning and ordinance issues.
• Developed a feedback form for gathering ongoing input on customer satisfaction.
Each of the above strategies is aimed at achieving a higher satisfaction percentage from customers.
Realizing that this is an ongoing process, the City's Community Development department welcomes your
comments and questions. We also appreciate your support within the community.
We are all working toward building a better Monticello!
~-~-~ ~ .
June 7, 2006: Monticello
~~._~ C~_
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Qualified Workers ~-
2. Finding qualified workers
~- ~~
~ ~~
4. Lack of young people interested in manufacturing careers
7. No promotion of manufacturing careers in middle and high schools
~0. Soft skills rofessionalism and leaders~i in the work lace
~p P p
15. Training needs in project and quality management
6. Technical schools lacking trainii~g/capacity
9. Technical colleges need more support from the State
Cost Issues -personnel --
1. Healthcare costs for employees (tlou~Ie digit in~red~~s)
3. Workers compensation costs/increases
13. Drug testing
Cost Issues -Business ~-"
14. Property zoning issues buffer zones
5. Prime interest rates (up and down/fed reserve issues)
1 1. Minnesota Jobs Skills Partnership Grant: Cumbersome process for small
business (too much paperwork and time required)
16. Small businesses "get lost" in the web of business assistance/resources
18. Emergency assistance (natural disaster, etc) for business .
8. Foreign markets and competition drive down profits
12. Global manufacturing issues: shipping/receiving, documentation, how to
get started, training from the State on global competition
17. Global competition for resources
BRE/IDC Small group Meeting -14 August 2006 -7.~30am
Members attending: Don Tomann, Michele Hertwig, Dick Van Allen
Discussed: Building permit issues, Small group meetings, and Data Base.
Conclusions and recommendations:
A) Building permits:
1. After hearing Jeffs presentation of the goals for improvement of the building permit
issuance and process it was concluded that further interviews with dissatisfied
customers is not useful at this time.
2. Recommendation to city -Permits and permit procedures should be handled as three
separate and specifac areas. Industrial, Commercial Residential
3. Committee Conclusion / recommendation to the city -When permits are issued by the
city it has been determined that previous recommendations have been included,
building plans have been reviewed and approved, fees have been disclosed, and that
building may continue to completion, including the required infrastructure without
further changes.
4. Recommendation to IDC -BRE/IDC should follow city progress on this issue as a
watchdog, providing feedback when necessary, without becoming involved in the
. determination of the actual permit process.
S. BRE Committee recommends that Jeff O'Neil be invited to give a short positive
presentation at the October IDC meeting that includes:
• An overview of what the city does right
• Good parts of the permit process
• Permit process being worked on, the improvements implemented in August,
September and what's planed for implementation by year end 2006.
B) BRE smaUgroup meetings -Conclusion
• are scheduled as first and third Monday after the IDC monthly meeting to be
held at UMC at 7:30am.
• The committee will decide at the first monthly meeting whether the second is
necessary and if necessary whether another Location is desirable.
C) Data Base - Commlttiee will continue to pursue establishment of data base defining
use at the next committee meeting.
Dick Van Allen
~~°F~ C5~
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006
6:00 PM
Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Sandy Suchy
Council Liaison: Glen Posusta
Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Ollie Koropchak,
Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of September 5th, 2006.
Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
Citizen comments.
• Planning Commission Candidate Interviews
Public Hearng -Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Development
Stage Planned Unit Development for a restaurant use in a B-3 (Highway Business) District.
Applicant: Brendsel Properties, Inc.
Continued Public Hearing -Consideration to review for discussion an amendment to the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 6A (R-lA Single Family Residential District) and 7A
(Single Family Residential District).
Applicant: City of Monticello
Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to amend Chapter 3 of the Monticello
Zoning Ordinance regulating the height and area of signs in a freeway overlay zone within
commercial districts.
Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission
Consideration to review for discussion a draft framework for an amendment to the Monticello
Zoning Ordinance for Planned Unit Developments.
10. Adjourn.
IDC Agenda -10/03/2006
7. Economic Development Director's Report•
a) Out-of--state aluminum and glass company - 65,000 sq ft building, 50 jobs initially up to 80
jobs. Upon receiving and analyzing their preliminary application for the discount price of $1.00
per sq. ft., the company wage levels did not meet the wage criteria of - at least an average of
$16.00 per hour, exclusive of benefit. After review with the HRA, they were offered 8 acres at
$3.00 per sq ft plus trunk fees. Based on a map with proposed boundary lines the company
has indicated a site within the business center. The attached building was recently constructed
in Utah. They are looking at five other communities in MN. Back in MN in October.
b) Albertville company -With the Otter Creek 3rd Addition Plat -Lot 2, Block 1, was offered
this company fora $1.00 per square foot. Looking at 2007 project. Small project 10,000 sq
c) Washburn Computer Group -Building permit issued September 7 for renovation of the
Clow Stamping building. Plans call for eliminating front dock doors and reducing the size of the
overhead doors along Fallon Avenue. Inside renovations include office and c~onst~uctio~f ap,_ „ c~ ,
~ `
area for repair stations. Q
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d) Precision Technologies -Started moving process from Rogers.
e) Karlsburger Foods, Inc. - EDA loan of $200,000 approved for machinery & equipment.
Construction moving along. Reported kids on the construction area. See attached.
f) Medical treatment facility -According to state, Monticello still on the list.
g) Custom manufacturer of die cut and thermoformed components. Message 9/22/06
OTTER CREEK 3rd ADDITION: The plat for the 53 acres of additional land purchased by the
city from Chadwick is on the Council agenda for September 25 to approve the modifications.
Fourteen acres are for AVR. General grading of the entire area has commenced including
preparation of the AVR site in anticipation of their fall construction. Council will also award
the bid for the construction of the utilities and extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court, and
portion of Dalton Way on September 25. ~'-' ~ ~`^- `~'^~ ~ dam{ `t - 1'.''~a
RECONSTRUCTION OF CHELSEA ROAD: At September 25 Council meeting, Council
members will consider authorizing preliminary survey and feasibility study for reconstruction of
~ Chelsea Road between Fallon Avenue and County Road 18.
CHELSEA ROAD WEST LIGHTING project in city business center was deleted by the
' Council. As the developer of the industrial park, to enhance security and safety, and to set an
example, I was surprised. The companies have been advised that lighting is part of the no
FIBER OPTICS -The Council will hear the findings of the Feasibility Study and consider the
recommendation of the Task Force at the September 25 meeting.
* Out-door Storage - I attended the meeting with Jeff, Angela, Bill, and Mary on September
IDC Agenda - 10/03/2006
* Gave Steve Sussman, Positively Minnesota, on September 11 a tour of the Business Center
and other developed areas. Working with him on proposed aluminum and glass company and
medical facility projects.
* Worked atee-box at the Wright County Economic Development Partnership Golf Outing in
Buffalo on September 7. Marketed the Business Center. WSB Team of Bret, Jeff, Rick and
Steve Grittman took first place.
* Meeting with real estate firm who's client are industrial and technical firm.
* Continue to visit with existing industries on future plans.
* Follow-up meeting for HRA between Frie, Conroy, and myself.
TAX ABATEMENT -Continue to draft policies for HRA and Council to consider.
HOUSEKEEPING - Followup on recorded mortgage for Transformation Home Loan and
EDA Loan. GMEF Loan No. 019 balloon payment plus accrued interest paid on September
27. Three inquiries on Transformation Home Loan Program.
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Page 1 of 2
Ollie Koropchak ~ ~
From: Mike Maher []
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 7:57 AM
To: Ollie Koropchak
Subject: Re: HRA Meeting
Hi Ollie,
Yes, We have been having kids on 4 wheelers and dirt bikes riding around and inside our building. They have
also been riding on the mound of Dirt behind our property on the cities property.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ollie Koropchak
To: Mike Maher
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:42 PM
Subject: RE: HRA Meeting
The HRA meeting is Wednesday, October 4, 2006, 6:00 p.m. in the Boom Room, in the Community Center. For
your information, I should be getting the revised Loan Agreement this afternoon and I'll forward it to you. I've
written the council agenda item for the 25th of September, they just ratify that the EDA approved your loan
accordance to the Guidelines. No need to be there as on the consent agenda. Secondly, regarding the HRA or
EDA, the commissioners are appointed by the Council each January, those whose term expires. There's also
the IDC (Industrial Development Committee). Thirdly, I mailed you a gratis invitation to the Industrial
Luncheon. Do I have a taker? I've enjoyed working with Karlsburger Foods and look forward to completion of
your facility and involvement in the community. Mike, did you say last night that people are driving within your
property along Chelsea? I need to keep the appropriate people aware of any potential security or safety
issues. Ollie
From: Mike Maher []
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:55 PM
To: Ollie Koropchak
Subject: HRA Meeting
Hi Ollie,
Can you confirm date and time of the HRA meeting so I can put it on my schedule.
Also wanted to let you know that I enjoy working with you and both of your committees. After I am established
as a Monticello Community member I would be interested in becoming involved with the community and
possibly the Economic Development Association.
Maybe at a later point you can let me know what is involved with participating with these projects.
Michael H. Maher
President & CEO
Karlsburger Foods, Inc.
Page 1 of 1
Ollie Koropchak
From: Michele Hertwig []
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:54 PM
To: Ollie Koropchak; Paul Kleinwachter
Subject: IDC meeting on Tuesday
Hi Ollie & Paul,
I won't be able to make it to the IDS meeting on Tuesday. My son is getting married on the 7th and I've
got some last minute things to take care of that day so I can be at the Banquet on Wednesday.
Upcoming Chamber notes:
Tues., Oct. 17th Chamber Lunch: Dr. Mahoney from Monticello Clinic will be speaking about how to
stay well in the flu season
Candidate Forum: Wed., Oct 18, 6:30 pm in the Mississippi Room
Senator Coleman is coming Friday, Oct. 20u for morning continental breakfast -between 8-10 (he will call and confirm time).
We have confirmed Silver Springs, and are sending a group email for people to save date. Cost will be $10 for continental
breakfast. Mark your calendars and please spread the word.
Michele Hertwig
MAJIRS! Advertising & Design
p: 763.295.4393
f: 763.295.8858
PO Box 681
Monticello, MN 55362