IDC Agenda 12-05-2006AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, December 5, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS: Chair Pau~mwachter, Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mrger, Bpper, Difl~an Allen, Don Roberts, Dan~"1son, Barb~,,S~tlfwientek, Lynyr~Dahl-Fleming, Dor~mann, Tor~easki, Kelli Hy~f`ord, Jim Johnson, Zona G~tz~EGiller, and Mic~ei'e Hertwig. STAFF: Olli~opchak. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Cl' erbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage- levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. R`.o~ 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:01 2. Vote to approve the November 7, 2006 IDC minutes. ~~sv,~`~ G ,~ r~ 7:05 3. Follow-up Business: (Subcommittees give year-end summary)~`''`~~! A. Discuss recommended Ordinance Amendment fo~ Open and Out oor Stora_~e,, ~ ~5 (Barger) and call for vote if necessary. U+~„6,~' _,,,.?t~~~ ~~~~,~,,,, • B. Town Hall Concerns & Issues and BRE -Van Allen ~' ~ `- :~"'~,,. ~_ - ~v~~`_~''- ~ '~ C. Marketing Committee - Kleinwachter and Dahl-Fleming '~ a~ ~C"' _ ~ D. Reports from and goals of Subcommittees: Industrial Land, and Tra~sp ion. 7:30 4 ~' .~ ~ ~~ 7:40,~~~ ~ 5. /~ 7:50 ~ 6. 7:55 7. 8:10 8. • 8:17 Mayor s City Update: ~9.~'~,s~''~'. o ~-~D \~`-- A. AVR Closing/Constrµcti n. `C~~'~ G"r~ ~' ~~ B. YMCA property-- ~ ~ ~ Q~ , C. Comp Plan Update N- ~' ~~~ • .~' . `~ ~ ~~~y'" D. Fiber Optics Task Force -Mayer .,~'~ E. Questions/answer period ~~- Review the draft copy of the December 5, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for ~° s industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. New Business: - ~-,'''"~~L,9~ Reports: ~ ~~,~d~ q,,~• A. Economic Development Report by K xc~o ch,~, •' .,~,.i~ , ~ Other Business. F"^'~ e;~~~ A. Chamber Updates -Chair Hertwig. B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, January 2, 2006 (Annual meeting.) 9. Adjournment: ~~ ~~~ G c~ ~~ fig' ~~~` °~ • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 7, 2006 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room -Monticello Community Center MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Barb Schwientek, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Tom Feaski, and Zona Gutzwiller. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Don Roberts, Don Tomann, Kelli Huxford, Jim Johnson, and Michele Hertwig. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISONS PRESENT: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Kleinwachter called the IDC meeting to order at 7:35 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the October 3, 2006 IDC minutes. BILL TAPPER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 3, 2006 IDC MINUTES. SECONDED BY DAN OLSON AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. 3. VIDEO: Cedar Falls Iowa -Economic Impact of Fiber Optics. Followed b~pdate from Fiber Optic Task Force and discussion. www.monticellofiber.com A video highlighting the economic impact of fiber optics on the city of Cedar Falls, Iowa, was viewed by the IDC. Cedar Falls has acity-owned 750-acre industrial and technology park The technology park was developed in 1996 and between. 1990-2004 the industrial/technology park grew from 27 companies to 147 companies. Currently, the Fiber Optic Task Force is conducting an education and information campaign which includes scheduled informal meetings and mailings via utility bills and newsletter. The mailings include a return card of interest to receive fiber. In addition to the telephone survey conducted within the Feasibility Study and to ensure the comfort level of the Council prior to • it's next decision to move forward with acity-wide fiber optic system, the Task Force authorized a IDC Minutes -11/07/06 firm to conduct a telephone survey of interest in receiving phone, Internet and/or cable TV service. The Task Force recognizes the complexity to disburse accurate fiber optics information and noted numerous inaccuracies printed by the local media. Tapper who attended one of the information meetings informed the IDC, once he was able to explain the objectives of fiber optics to his employees they understood the benefits. It clearly is an educational process. The question remains: At what point can the IDC or a business write a letter to the editor? 4. Follow-up Business: Chair Kleinwachter suggested subcommittees begin to prepare plans for 2007. A. Discuss recommended Ordinance Amendment for Open and Outdoor Storage (Barger call for vote if necessarv. Barger reported a meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. to review the history of the topic in order to ensure everyone is up-to-date and to focus on a future strategy. B. Town Hall Concerns & Issues and BRE -Van Allen reported the subcommittee had not met in a couple of months. However, the subcommittee's plan remains the same to develop a data base as a means for industrial leaders to communicate using MN Technology articles and to share in confidentiality. Van Allen noted the article in the West Sherburne Tribune where a group interested persons "leadership team" visit existing businesses to encourage community business retention and expansion (BRE) recognizing the importance of local manufacturing. C. Marketing Committee - Kleinwachter reported three of the four committee members met and • compared 2006 budget/line items against expenditures/accomplishments. The group discussed various journal marketing options to maximize dollars and to reach targeted businesses. Koropchak to contact local manufacturers for list of trade journals they read. Council has not approved 2007 budget including the $33,000 requested by the Marketing Committee.. D. Reports from and goals of Subcommittees: Industrial Land. and Transportation. Tapper reported the Transportation Committee had not met and inquired as to the status of the round-about. The round-able is scheduled to open Tuesday/WednesdayprIor to Thanksgiving. The Highway 25 traffic study will occur after 2006 to ensure settlement of traffic patterns following the opening of the interchange and round-about. 5. Mayor's City Update: A. AVR Closing/Construction. AVR/City Agreement executed. Footing permit issued. Land conveyance from Chadwick to City completed. Yet to be conveyed to AVR. B. YMCA propertX City/County continue to work out details of the Memorandum of Understanding. City/County agree in concept and purchase price offer. Offer to soon be presented to YMCA. C. Comp Plan Update. Final neighborhood meeting scheduled for November 15, 7:00 p.m. It is anticipated Task Force meetings will begin sometime in December. D. Questions/answer period None. • 2 . IDC Minutes -11/07/06 6. Review the draft copy of the November 6, 2006 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessar~(Meeting held on Monday November 6, 2006, due to Election Day) Asked about the ordinance amendment for PUD's, Mayor Herbst noted the joint meeting between Council and Planning Commission began discussions to establish a framework for residential PUDs. This framework would be based on what the city wants to see and would give direction to residential developers. 7. New Business: None. 8. Reports: A. Economic Development Report. In addition to the written report, Koropchak reported on a lead fora 25,000 sq ft retail/warehouse facility, she met with the Tegra Group who specializes in real estate project management and does some brokerage, and met with Don Tomann, UMC, about future plans. Tapper noted from his prospective after viewing the Arch Aluminum & Glass Company web site, the company appeared sound and as a national distributor with it's first and only facility in MN, he questioned the overall scope or logic of the criteria given a proposed 72,000 sq ft building. Koropchak noted the combined average wage levels did not meet the $16.00 per hour w/o benefits i for the discount price of $1.00 per sq ft.; however, the company was offered a site at the market rate of $3.00 per sq ft plus trunk fees. Lastly, it was pointed out in an email from Brian Walker, his comment about their potential investment being impacted negatively in a location adjacent to a readi- mix concrete facility. 9. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates - No report. B. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, December 5, 2006. 10. Adjournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM FEASKI TO ADJOURN. WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS, DICK VAN ALLEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING OF THE IDC ADJOURNED AT 8:50 A.M. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 3 S. • .AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 6th, 2006 6:00 PM Commissioners: Council Liaison: Staff: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Glen Posusta Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Ollie Koropchak, Kimberly Holien and Steve Grittman - NAC Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of November 6th, 2006. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. • 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for the Carver Plat, a proposed 3-unit single family replat. Applicant: Thomas Parker 6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for extension of an Interim Use Permit for an existing facility for open and outdoor sales in a B-3 District. Applicant: Jacob Holdings, Inc. 7. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development for the proposed expansion of the St. Benedict's Senior Community. Applicant: CentraCare/St. Benedict's Senior Community 8. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 3-3 [F] regulating front yard setback averaging. Applicant: City of Monticello 9. Adjourn. IDC Agenda -12/05/06 7. Reports A. Economic Development Report by Koro~chak. Leads: * Arch Aluminum & Glass -Attached is the most recent email from Mike Rapp. It appears the company is concentrating on retrofitting a lease able facility. My understanding is the facility is in Rogers. Internally, the company has determined it maybe difficult to buy and own due to the investment size in relation to their size of market share they can obtain. * 10,000 sq ft building -The company's architect, I believe is working on design elevations for the designated site, as the architect has called for setback, etc information. At this point, the company has not given the OK to move forward for HRA's preliminary approval in December. * 25,000 sq ft retail/office/call center/warehouse -I've requested to visit this company in Albertville. In an industrial zone, a CUP is required for retail space and limited to 15% of the floor space. The company meets the $1.00 per sq ft criteria and covenants; however, a clearer definition of the call center is necessary as an economic TIF District does not allow for telemarketing which in turns means our offer would be $3.00 plus trunk fees. Graduated from Monticello High School. (An example where Tax Abatement could be used.) * Billboard -Received voice-mail requesting more information about $1.00 offer seen on billboard. Mailed info to Plymouth address 11-14-06, I not heard a response or follow-up. Left no phone and can't find name in phone book. . * Local contractor/developer -Inquired about criteria for $1.00 on behalf of their client on November 28. Reliable source. * Mpls contractor/builder -Inquired about criteria for $1.00 on behalf of client. November 22. * Heavy construction firm -See attached email and response. 7-10 acres * Ecological Restoration Contractor -Initial inquiry August 2006. Follow-up November 27. Request low-key. According to planner consultant, the required zoning is I-2. Outdoor storage required. Left message November 29 -list of private owners of I-21and. Approximately 3 acres. Under construction: * Karlsburger Foods -The floors are poured and the windows installed so internal work will continue over the winter. Completion expected by March. The curb and hard surface is in and they planted some of the trees. I talked with Mike and noted the number of evergreens along the ponding area. Looks great, he said their contractor went over and beyond. * AVR -The land was conveyed from the city to AVR on November 10. Building permit issued and construction underway. *Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition -The plat was recorded prior to conveyance and the utilities are in along Dalton Avenue to southerly property line, Dalton Court, and about 400 ft of Dalton Way. Curb and hard surface (1St layer) completed along Dalton Court. General grading and seeding of the entire remaining available 64 acres less roadway will soon be • 1 • IDC Agenda -12/05/06 completed. The improvemen,~s and graded area is great for marketing. Like the gentlemen from Arch said "Your job is~ery easy, if you don't have a finished product to market." Drive by and see the improvements, it no longer looks like a gravel or mined pit. * Completed * Precision Technologies - I'm working with Jim Harwood for a date to tour their new facility along Dundas Road. They completed their relocation from Dayton about a month ago. * Washburn Computer Group -Permit for retrofit issued. Company plans to start moving first part of December. HRA- *Transformation Home Loan Application for 501 West Broadway approved by HRA, did not meet the MN Statutes definition of "substandard" per the inspection by the Chief Building Official on November 9"'. The applicant was informed that the HRA was unable to assist. * Transformation Home Loan for 511 Elm Street. On November 17, the building inspection made a final inspection and about five items remain incomplete. I explained to the owner that I'll authorize the title company to disburse the remaining $6,000 of the approved $20,000 loan upon completion of the items. As of November 29, per the building inspector the items remain incomplete. The HRA has a recorded mortgage. * Fiber Optics Task Force -The task force continues in a positive direction, looking forward to Council direction on December 11. The telephone survey presented positive numbers of interest and yesterday, we were enlightened with a presentation on a new technology for installation of fiber in trunk lines. * Cedar Falls, Iowa - I called my counter-part in Iowa after going to their web site and seeing their video. I received a list of the businesses including building size and number of jobs attracted by Cedar Falls. I have a map of their 750-acre city-owned industrial and technology park and inquired as to their incentives offered in addition to the availability of fiber optics. Their council just approved acquisition of another 200 acres. I've also obtained a map of the Brooklyn Park business park. This is useful information as the city (assuming) moves forward with fiber optics and the need to identify an area for digital technology businesses. Many times technology businesses are service in nature (smaller in building size and higher in wages) and do not fit the MN Statutes for establishment economic TIF District: manufacturing, warehouse or distribution. * Rep. Bruce Anderson - At a presentation of State of the Cities for southerly and westerly Wright County cities, I asked Rep. Anderson if he was aware of how the application for Bioscience Zone designation by DEED was marketed. He, too, was unaware that it expanded beyond Mpls/St. Paul, and Rochester. He said he'd check and get back to me. According to the article 42 cities applied. * Comprehensive Plan Update -The last neighborhood meeting was held on November 15 and was well attended. One of the two focuses was industrial development. I'm looking forward to reading the industrial summary of comments as prepared by Hoisington. The verbal comments made supported the current goals of the HRA criteria: Job creation with higher 2 • IDC Agenda -12/05/06 paying wages and greater value of building density to land. Hoisington is preparing a letter for task force members and I believe they plan to begin meeting in mid-December. * Marketing Committee -They are meeting December 1. Report at IDC meeting. The Monticello Business Center concept map photo in now on the MNPRO site listing. The concept map and manufacturer's directory was also updated on our web site: www.monticelloland. com * HRA will be requested to decertify two TIF Districts at their December meeting and they continue negotiations on two downtown properties. They will review a spreadsheet for Otter Creek Crossing comparing original estimated land and improvement costs, current land acquisition and improvement expenditures, and revenues on land sales and projected TIF revenues. Lastly, the HRA will need to review the discount price of $1.00 as our expenditures will be increasing with the proposed increase in trunk fees. The $1.00 price includes no assessment and no trunk fees. * EDA GMEF Loan No. 023 - I need to follow-up with the title company again to see if the EDA mortgage has been recorded. The EDA approved a machinery & equipment loan for Karlsburger. We have not closed on the loan nor disbursed the dollars as waiting for serial numbers for the M&E. * For your information -Angela Schumann and her husband are proud parents of a baby girl, Tara, born November 29, weighing in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces. Angela was here unti12:30 and • delivered at 5:00 p.m. Congratulations to the family. All is doing well. Angela returns to work February 28. ~o~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ • Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak From: Mike Rapp [mrapp@archaluminum.net] Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:22 AM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: RE: Greetings from Monticello Sorry, for not getting back to you sooner. I've been in Wisconsin most of the last 3 weeks trying to get our new plant up and running, but should have replied sooner. At this point, we are concentrating on an existing building to lease in Rogers. If we can work out a lease arrangement with them, we will probably go that direction, but at this time nothing has been finalized. We have determined internally that it may be difficult for us to buy and own due to the investment size in relation to the size of market share we can obtain. I appreciate you staying in contact and I will keep in touch with you if things change. Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving. Thanks, Mike Rapp Arch Aluminum & Glass Co., Inc mrapp~a archaluminum.net 888-491-4290 From: Ollie Koropchak [mailto:Ollie.Koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 2:24 PM To: mrapp@archaluminum.net Subject: Greetings from Monticello Mike -Just to let you know, I just came back from your targeted site here in Monticello. The utilities and Dalton Court road is in. The site looks a lot different now that it is level and the berm along the power line easement to the west will be completed by the end of next week. You'd be proud to have your business facility located there. When are you planning to visit MN again? The proposed property taxes for Monticello did decease for 2007. I received my proposed home property taxes which included an increase in market value and my proposed taxes went down $120. Looking forward to hearing from you and a blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family. Ollie • 11/22/2006 Page 1 of 2 • Ollie Koropchak From: Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:47 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: RE: Industrial Land Thank You for the return of my e-mail. We are very interested in working with your community. Jim Rentz -----Original Message----- From: Ollie Koropchak [mailto:Ollie.Koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 12:14 PM To: Jim Rentz Cc: Steve Grittman; Jeff O'Neill Subject: RE: Industrial Land • Mr. Jim Rentz -Thank you for your email of November 27. I'm forwarding your email to the city planner consultant, Steve Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants, to identify the correct zoning, I-1, I-1A, or I-2, for Nodland Construction Company The billboard along I-94 markets the city-owned business center land (I-1A zone) fora $1.00 per sq ft to qualified businesses or is offered for $3.00 per sq. ft plus trunk fees to non-qualified businesses. The $1 per sq ft criteria is based on number of full-time jobs per acre, wage-levels, market value of proposed building, and a 25% building size ratio per one acre. However, the city-owned business center has recorded covenants which do not allow for outdoor storage of materials and equipment. For other industrial zoned land within the City of Monticello, a conditional use permit for outdoor storage is required. Once, the city consultant responses to the correct zoning, I'd be happy to provide you with contact names for the appropriate land use. Please call me at anytime, 763- 271-3208. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director. From: Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 11:13 AM To: Ollie.koropchak@monticelloland.com Subject: Industrial Land Mr. Ollie Koropchak: My name is Jim Rentz, I am the Vice President /General Manager of the Nodland Construction Company. • Our firm has been in operation since the late 1930's, we have office locations in Alexandria and Saint Michael Minnesota. We are a heavy construction firm specializing in utility, sewer, water and road construction activities. We work primarily in Minnesota but have working in other states. We employ approximately 80 union construction professionals, with an annual payroll of over $ 3 million dollars, and our yearly sales revenue in excess of 30 million dollars. We are looking for a central location to consolidate our Field Construction, Equipment Maintenance, and Office Operations. 11 /28/2006 Page 2 of 2 I am looking for a location that is from 7 to 10 Acres in size, I could get 6y with less but not less than 5 acres, that would be industrial in nature and would allow the out side storage of heavy construction equipment, and some inventory of construction materials. I noticed your billboard while in the twin cities. I have long been interested in the Monticello area but I have been repeatedly told that our type of business was not welcomed in the Monticello Area. I am hoping this is not true, that is why I decided to act. You will find that the Nodland Construction Co. is a good community partner, and would be a good business for the city of Monticello. I look forward to your response. Sincerely C 11 /28/2006 ~1 0 g uo Z W C~ W J ab ~~ ~Q. ~y `2a ~~Y yqP ~~ `a~ /^' 1 ' 1 , I 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 II ~ _J ~a~~ - ~NEV` 1 I '~I ~„ I~~ ~I ~I ' ~ u ~ ~ m G0 ~ ~ `.z ~u /GS ~g ~ ~oX 3 ~~ 8 i/ ~ tt ~ a.0 __~.r--~~ r{L\ __/ / <~ `~ ; i ` ag ~ °~ ~ ~W ~ -- ~N W ;W;i W m 8 \Yl~ J~ ~\ 'i 2 = \1 D ~ %, ~. ~ , r ~ / F e ~~k 0o @ N c ' F \ E "~` j ~ ~\ ~I ~OrI Q m 4 1~ ~ i £ ~ ` ~o ~~ X ~ ~ ~// Q . m Q A ~, ' ~i µ ~:. ... 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