IDC Agenda 03-02-2004AGENDA
Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street
MEMBERS: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts,
Mike Benedetto, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, Kelli Huxford, Tom Feaski, Lynne Dahl, Don
Tomann, and Paul Kleinwachter.
COUNCIL L[AISON: Mayor Bruce Thielen.
STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of
Monticello, Minnesota.
7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
A. Welcome new IDC members Don Tomann and Paul Kleinwachter.
B. Request for volunteer to record IDC minutes.
7:05 2. Vote to approve the December 2, 2003, January 6, 2004, and February 3, 2004 IDC
minutes. ~-~~~
7:08 3 Election of 2004 IDC Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
A. City Council Liaison discussion.
7:20 4. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement
for acquisition of industrial land.
A. Feedback of Council action February 9, 2004.
B. Status of the preparation of the Purchase Agreement between the City and
C. Feedback from the meeting of February 26 between the Small Industrial Group
and Shawn Weinand/Charlie Pfeffer.
D. Proposed date for Council action to approve and authorize execution of the
Purchase Agreement between the City and Chadwick..
E. For supporting data to the Council agenda to approve the Purchase Agreement,
please answer this question: "Why does the IDC believe the City of Monticello
will be successful at development of an industrial park?"
7:50 5. City Updates:
A. Annexation.
B. Meeting of city officials to set 2004 Council's Community Vision & Governing
C. Proposed I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange and I-94 realignment
8:05 6. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report -Koropchak.
B. Marketing Subcommittee -February 1 1, 2004 -Tom Lindquist and Lynne Dahl.
8:10 7. Review the draft copy of the March 1, 2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial
related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
(Not applicable as Planning Commission meeting held March 1 due to caucus.)
8:20 8. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates -Feaski
B. Next IDC meeting, Tuesday, April 6, 2004, 7:00 a.m.
8:30 9. Adjournment.
Tuesday, December 2, 2003 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Dick
Van Allen, Mike Benedetto, Dan Olson, and Tom Feaski.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, Kelli Huxford, and
Lynne Dahl.
STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
Chair Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:03 a.m.
2. Vote to approve the November 4, 2003 IDC minutes.
Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement
for acquisition of industrial land.
A. Results of meeting between Industrial Group and Chadwick.
Chair Barger reported that the City Council tabled any action on the acquisition of
industrial land until February 9, 2004, in order to first review costs associated with the
proposed I-94/County Rd 18 interchange. They also noted to continue negotiations with
Chadwick. Barger continued stating the Small Group met with the Council prior to the
regular Council meeting. We were looking for more support from the Council and felt
their decision was already made. Since Council action, the Small Group met with John
Chadwick and he agreed to extend his Letter of Intent through February 10, 2004, with
the right to continue marketing the property. Administrator Wolfsteller prepared a non-
binding Letter of Intent (counter-offer) and this was submitted to Chadwick the
Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving. The following assessment was made: 1. Council
overwhelmed and confused, not against purchase. 2. Need to simply presentation. 3.
Purchase Agreement to progressive and binding for Council. 4. Council not convinced
government should own and develop land. 5. Financing method unclear.
B. Where to go from here.
The IDC agreed to lobby the Council Members individually and to request Council
representation on the Small Group. Members further agreed for the need to first sell the
• IDC MINUTES - 12/02/03
Council on the concept and to develop bullet points for lobbying:
• Why city-owned industrial park is good for the community?
• How to finance the acquisition and improvements? An investment for the future.
• High cost of infrastructure discourages privately-owned parks.
• Along-term vision.
• Research competition.
Tapper noted with the American industries going to China, we need to look to the future
and what's next? Large buildings may not be the need. Feaski sees a successful and
desired industrial market at 10,000 to 25,000 sq ft, outside dumpsters, and asteam-line
Planning/Council process. Shawn Weinard still appears interested in swapping the
Monticello Commerce Center for the City/Remmele parcel. The undeveloped land of the
Monticello Commerce Center is proposed to be assessed for the interchange. Mike
Benedetto and Tom Feaski volunteered to lobby Council members. It was suggested to
start with Mayor Thielen and Council member Brian Stumpf and to involve Rick
Wolfsteller. Van Allen volunteered to lobby Carlson.
4. Updates by Mayor Thielen:
A. Progress of annexation agreement and future township/city council meetings.
With the absence of Wolfsteller and Thielen, Koropchak noted the meeting between the
City, Township, and representatives from St. Michael and Frankfort was held as
scheduled. The visiting representatives shared their annexation experiences and
suggested the use of the word "merger" rather than annexation. Koropchak assumed
Wolfsteller was at the Wright County Board meeting this morning as the Board will
consider a resolution opposing Monticello's annexation.
B. Meeting of city officials to set 2003 Colulcil's Community Vision & Governing
Not scheduled.
C. Update and promo ress on the proposed I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange and I-94
reali ng ment.
Traffic Study, estimated interchange costs, and sources of funds under study.
5. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report.
The IDC accepted the report as written. Additionally, Koropchak noted the January IDC
meeting is the annual meeting. Those individuals whose terms expire December 31 are
Maly Barger, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, and Barb Schwientek. Chamber
representative is either Chamber President or Chair. Election of officers are also held at
the annual meeting.
Van Allen reported he toured Cargill Kitchens in Big Lake and noted the review process
time by the City to accommodate the developer's desired shipment date. Additionally,
Van Allen reviewed the Performance Measure of the Big Lake Industrial Park.
B. Marketing Subcommittee.
Tom Lindquist reported the Marketing Committee partnered with the Chamber for
design and placement of a billboard along I-94 near Albertville. The billboard will
promote the Trumpeter Swans.
! IDC MINUTES - 12/02/03
6. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the
goal of the IDC• To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with
infrastructure potential.
A. Review the draft copy of the December 2 2003 Planning Commission Agenda for
industrial related items Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if
With no industrial items on the Planning Commission Agenda of December 2, 2003, no
discussion or action was required.
7. Other Business.
Chamber Updates -Chamber Chair Feaski gave the following update: Home for the
Holidays is December 5; billboard promoting the trumpeter swans expected to be up
within a week; Chamber Banquet scheduled for January 24 includes silent auction and
casino night. This the Chamber's biggest fund-raiser.
8. Adjournment.
to 9 ~~
Ollie Koropchak, Recorder
Tuesday, January 6, 2004 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Mike Benedetto, Barb
Schwientek, Kelli Huxford, and Lynne Dahl.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Mary Barger, Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Dan
Olson, and Tom Feaski.
STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
In the absence of the IDC Chair, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist called the IDC meeting to order at
7:00 a.m.
2. Vote to approve the December 2, 2003 IDC minutes.
No action taken due to a lack of quorum.
Schwientek and Tapper indicated they would not be present at the February IDC meeting.
Feaski will also be absent.
Annual Meeting:
A. Review and take action to amend or re-affirm the IDC 2003 Action Statement and
Organizational and Membership Guidelines.
B. Acceptance of IDC membership, three year term - Barer, Van Allen, Olson, and
B. Acceptance of Standing Committee Members: President or Chair of Chamber and
Mayor of Monticello.
C. Election of 2004 IDC Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
Tapper asked if he was off the IDC due to poor attendance and if Ollig is still on a leave of
No action was taken on A., B., or C. due to a lack of quorum. The Membership Committee
of Barger, Lindquist, and Olson will meet sometime before the February IDC meeting.
IDC Minutes - 01/06/04
4. Follow-up and discussion of the Citv Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for
acquisition of industrial land
A. Follow-up of second meeting between Industrial Group and Chadwick.
Koropchak reported the Small Group including Mayor Thielen met with Chadwick and Billouta
on December 19, 2003. Chadwick presented acounter-offer. Major points within
Chadwick's counter-offer included: increased per sq ft acquisition cost, changed infrastructure
costs and assessment ratios, advanced closing date, and extended time for mining and hauling.
The Small Industrial Group set January 8, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. to review the City's prepared
response prior to submission to Chadwick.
B. List of bullet points for lobbying.
Chair Barger preparing the bullet points.
C. Lobby efforts and next scheduled Small Group meeting and Council workshop
At the December 19 meeting, Mayor Thielen suggested a closed workshop with Council
members at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Council meeting of January 26, 2004. Mayor Thielen felt
Council members would be more at ease to ask questions in a closed session. Wolfsteller to
check with the City Attorney on legality of a closed meeting. According to the Attorney, a
closed meeting of the full Council for this purpose is illegal. Closed workshop only for purpose
of litigation. Given this information and without list of bullet points, Benedetto, Feaski, and Frie
will be notified of plans for lobbying individual Council members after the January 8 Small
Group meeting. Koropchak distributed a report from the Economic Development Partnership
of Wright County listing Wright County cities who owned industrial land and the acreage.
5. Updates by Mayor Thielen:
A. Update on annexation.
In the absence of Mayor Thielen, Deputy Administrator O'Neill reported that the City is
preparing a pamphlet of questions and answers most frequently asked about annexation. The
pamphlet will be mailed to residents within the proposed 11,000 acre annexation area. As part
of the mediation process and beginning in late January, three to four meetings will be scheduled
between the city and township to negotiate an agreement.
B. Meeting of city officials to set 2003 Council's Community Vision & Governing Policies.
C. Update on the proposed I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange and I 94 realignment
O'Neill reported on January 12, 2004, the Council will be asked to authorize completion of a
benefit analysis for the proposed interchange which is anticipated to take about four to six
months. Because MDOT has not determined if the realignment of I-94 will go over or under the
railroad tracks nor has the proposed folded interchange at County 18 been approved and the
City not received the completed appraisal for ready mix facility; interchange development costs
remain a moving target and are difficult to estimate. Initially, the City was hopeful to begin
construction of the interchange in 2004, but realistically it now appears 2005.
IDC Minutes - 01/06/04
6. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report.
Koropchak reviewed the written report which was acceptable to those present.
7. Review the draft co..~y of the Tanuary 6 2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial
related items Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
In a housing mix study completed, the City of Monticello had a little higher than average of
attached homes except for St. Michael which has 12.5% attached homes and 87.3%
detached single family homes.
Given the Planning Commission will discuss an acceptable mix of single family and attached
housing in low density residential districts, O'Neill distributed tables showing the development
project housing mix for low density areas as of January 5, 2004 and the proposed phasing
inventory for 2004. The January 5, 2004 table identified 9 residential developments for a total
of 1,425 units (detached single family 875 and town homes 550) fora ratio of 1.59:1. The
proposed phased 2004 table identified the same 9 residential developments for a total of 710
units (detached single family 411 and town homes 299) for a ratio of 1.37:1. The City defines
low density residential development as three units per gross acre and/or four units per net acre.
A guide ratio of 2:1. Through the use of a PUD and a large area development, the definition
has been construed differently by some developers resulting in higher density. The question is:
What is the proper mix? Lindquist said he would not invest in an expensive home with town
home development around the fringes but instead would select a lot with direct access to a
detached single family development. Developers are looking for a fast turn-around of their
investment, complete the project, and leave the community. The City needs to plan for
development which benefits the community long-term. Benedetto noted that if not for open
enrollment, the Monticello School District would have a declining enrollment while neighboring
school districts are growing. Town home developments attract retirees and low-incomes. The
Planning Commission will discuss this issue of an acceptable mix of housing at their regular
meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. Additionally, O'Neill informed the IDC that a contractor is
submitting a revised village concept (commercial, housing, recreational mix) for the Schluender
property. This village concept defined in the Guide Plan is a mixed commercial, high density
neighborhood use with some detached single-family housing on the fringe.
8. Other Business.
O'Neill reported that the Parks Commission is introducing a park dedication fee for
commercial development but not for industrial development.
IDC Minutes - 01/06/04
Chamber Updates - Koropchak reminded IDC members to sign-up and support for the
upcoming Chamber Banquet on January 24 at Silver Springs Golf Course. Casino Night and
Silent Auction.
With no further discussion, the IDC meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~
Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Dick Van Allen, Mike
Benedetto, Dan Olson, and Lynne Dahl.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, Kelli Huxford,
and Tom Feaski.
STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
Chair Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. Vote to approve the December 2, 200, and January 6, 2004 IDC minutes.
No action taken due to a lack of quorum.
3. Annual Meeting:
A. Review and take action to amend or re-affirm the IDC 2003 Action Statement and
Organizational and Membership Guidelines.
Those in attendance re-affirmed the use of the 2003 Action Statement and
Organizational and Membership Guidelines for 2004.
B. Acceptance of IDC membership, three-year term - Barer, Van Allen, Olson, and
The four existing IDC members agreed to another three-year term which was accepted
by the membership.
Approve recommendation of the Membership Committee for replacement of lender's
The IDC members agreed to move forward with recruiting Paul Kleinwachter, First
Minnesota Bank, to replace Kevin Doty's position and to recruit an additional
manufacturing representative from UMC. Both recommendations of the Membership
Committee. Koropchak to make contact.
C. Acceptance of Standing Committee Members: President or Chair of Chamber and
Mayor of Monticello.
Feaski as past-chair of the Chamber still resides on the Chamber Board and retains his
position on the IDC. This the recommendation of the Membership Committee.
IDC Minutes - 02/03/04
D. Election of 2004 IDC Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
No action taken.
4. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for
acquisition of industrial land.
A. Feedback on lobbying the council on benefits to city-owned industrial land.
Barger, Van Allen, Benedetto, Feaski, and Frie, each, lobbied one council members on the
benefits of a city-owned industrial park.
B. Feedback on Council and Small Group workshop (January for explanation of latest
City offer (non-binding letter of intent) and financing options.
Barger reported that the Small Group met with Smith and Carlson, first, and Stumpf and
Posusta, second. Council members had good questions and appeared supportive. Stumpf
suggested the HRA and City continue to budget an annual contribution for industrial
development. Barger felt the support of the council resulted from the informational meetings
held. Van Allen complemented Wolfsteller on his positive attitude and involvement in the small
group meetings. Lindquist said due to the associated high cost, he thought the concern of the
Council was one of "financing."
C. Response from Chadwick to City January offer (Option 1 and 2~
The Small Group is scheduled to meet with Chadwick to hear his response to the City January
offer which included two options: 1. Outright purchase of land only. 2. Purchase of land
including improvements and assessments.
D. Input from Tapper and Roberts to JOBZ Tax-Free Zones.
Members received a copy of the brochure marketing the JOBZ Tax-Free Zones which became
effective January 1, 2004, and excludes the 11 metro-county area (Wright County).
Koropchak noted she asked Tapper, Genereux Fine Wood Products, and Roberts, Sunny
Fresh Foods, for input as business owners as to how they felt the program might affect
Monticello's success in development of an industrial park. Tapper reported because he was
not in the position to consider the program, it was hard to say. However, if he were looking to
expand, the saving examples were impressive and he'd explore the program for eligibility and
projected savings to compare against increased transportation and other costs. Availability of
a skilled labor force in out-state Minnesota may be an issue for some businesses. He would not
relocate his business because of his investment in Monticello. Roberts basically concurred with
Tapper and added "It was time the State of Minnesota developed a program to compete with
other States." Because Monticello is Sunny Fresh's headquarter, he didn't foresee the
headquarter's relocating. However, those saving numbers could be impressive for Sunny
Fresh. Even with the JOBZ program, Roberts' felt the purchase of land for industrial
development by the City was a good investment long term.
E. Preparation for Council meeting of February 9. 2004.
Barger encouraged members to call or attend the Council meeting of February 9 to show
• IDC Minutes - 02/03/04
5. City Updates.
A. Update on annexation.
In the absence of city administration and the Mayor, Koropchak reported the first mediation
meeting of the city and township was held February 2 at the Community Center. City
Administration and Council representation are at the State Capitol, today, to visit with
Legislators relative to annexation.
B. Meetin of city officials to set 2004 Council's Community Vision & Governing Policies.
No update.
C. Update on the proposed I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange and I-94 realignment.
No update.
6. Re orts:
A. Economic Development Report.
In addition to the written report, Koropchak noted the Monticello Marketing Committee will
meet on February 11, 2004, 7:30 a.m. at the City Hall. Report accepted.
B. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee of Barger, Lindquist, and Olson met on January 22, 2004. In
addition to the recommendation under 3B. and 3C. of the Minutes, the committee discussed the
attendance of Tapper and Ollig and agreed the value of their input or viewpoints out-weighed
their attendance record. Lastly, a brief discussion was held relative to the importance of
Council representation at the IDC meetings
7. Review the draft copy of the February 3, 2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial
related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary
No discussion or action necessary.
8. Other Business.
Chamber Updates - In the absence of Feaski, no Chamber update was given.
Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, March 2, 2004, 7:00 a.m., Koropchak will not be present.
9. Adjournment.
The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.
~, ~ dl
• IDC Agenda - 03/02/04
6A. Executive Director's Report -
1) MN DEED Commissioner Matt Kramer - As Chair of the Economic Development
Partnership of Wright County, I joined the Commissioner and others on a tour of Wright
County industrial businesses: UMC (Monticello), Production Technologies (Maple Lake), and
Von Ruden Manufacturing (Buffalo). See attached.
2) JOBZ -I've talked to Commissioner Kramer; Mark Loftus, marketing director for the MN
DEED; and Senator Mark Ourada about the State sharing business leaders with both the JOBZ
and non-JOBZ areas. This would at least give us an opportunity to market Monticello.
Remember, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Rochester are designated as Bio-Science Areas.
3) Boston Scientific -Did you read or hear where BS announced their plans to build their
manufacturing plant at their current site in Maple Grove. Will employee 600 people. About a
month ago, my contact at BS had disclosed that information to me.
4) Marketing Committee met February 11 - 1. Reviewed their current fund balance and talked
about upcoming events as it relates to the potential marketing of land for sale. However, the
group thought any such marketing efforts were premature (putting the cart before the horse.) 2.
Heard a presentation from Perry Sloneker, Monticello Visitors Association. The committee
decided not to participate as they felt this was "a Chamber function" but if a specific project
came along they would consider participating. 3. Will not participate in a $4,000 sponsorship
(full-page profile or full-page ad) in Upsize Minnesota Magazine, April issue spotlighting Wright
County. May consider later if we have something tangible to market or sell. Monticello will be
featured in the magazine. 18,000 circulation to Minnesota business managers. Instead, the
committee will survey the local industries for the top five journals read by owners and
management for future considerations to advertise.
5) Vacation -I'll be on vacation February 29 through March 14 and will be back in the office
on March 15.
6) Business Retention and Expansion -Meeting set for March 17 with local industrial business
looking to expand in 2004.
H-Window building -Talked with agent this week, appears his potential tenant has lost interest.
Remmele building -Agent states activity slow. In Metro, seeing increased activity.
Olson General Contractors received a 2004 NAIOP Awards of Excellence nomination for the
UMC building.
7) Leads - 17,000 sq ft building for industrial cleaner of clothing. Construct or lease.
United Properties -Will have second meeting with agents later in March as follow-up. Will tour
land in the northwest corridor for possible acquisition (future development.) Looking along I-94
corridor, Monticello farthest out.
8). Attended Ehlers & Associates "Public Finance Seminar" February 5 and 6. Was excellent
Sessions: Refundings: Simplifying this financing tool; Empowering communications in challenging
times; How to be an effective negotiator; How DEED can assist you in financing development;
New design trends and concepts in retail and mixed-use development, and How to deal with
more needs than resources: alternative revenue sources and financial planning.
9) Have drafted a preliminary schedule for development of an industrial park (things to do) and a
• IDC Agenda - 03/02/04
list of strengths and weaknesses to define how Monticello is different from other communities
competing for industrial development.
10) Small Industrial Group meeting at 7:00 a.m., February 26, prior to 8:00 a.m. meeting with
Shawn Weinand and Charlie Pfeffer to respond to questions from Weinand relating to city
owned-industrial park.
Ollie Koropchak
From: Matt Kramer []
ent: Friday, February 13, 2004 3:50 PM ~~
o: Ollie Koropchak i
Subject: Hello U~
Hi Ollie,
Thank you very much for the card. I really enjoyed the day and I would have loved to
explore Monticello a bit more. You can count on me making it back up your way again.
(UMC was unbelievable!)
With best regards,
Matt Kramer
Department of Employment and Economic Development 390 North Robert Street St. Paul,
Minnesota 55101
February 12, 2004
Ollie Koropchak
Industrial Development Committee
505 Walnut Street, Suite 1
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Ollie,
t would like to take this opportunity to thank you and industrial Development
Committee for your continued support of the Economic Development Partnership
of Wright County.
We are glad you are going to partner with us in 2004 when we make this a year
of progress and success for the Partnership and its members. Several efforts we
expect to realize success in include:
• Making loans to support Wright County businesses through the Minnesota
Community Capital Fund (up to $250,000 in gap financing).
• Arranging technical support to business start-ups, and we will do Business
Retention & Expansion visits to existing companies identifying areas
where they would accept assistance.
• Creating connections to Angel Investors & Venture Capitalists, who are
interested in supplying capital to promising industry in exchange for a
percentage of ownership.
• Hosting a business growth seminar, and quarterly City luncheons that will
contribute to the development of business in Wright County.
• Networking with Developers and Realtors that will build bridges to places
for new commercial and industry development in Wright County.
• Hosting another successful Golf Tournament that wiA give Wright County
communities opportunities to market their commercial and industrial
potential to contractors, developers, and realtors.
If you have any questions about these initiatives, the Partnership or the role we
might play in a business development project, please call me at (763} 477-3086.
Best wishes,
N 1 L Bine
• xecutive Director
PO Box 525, 6800 ELECTRIC DRIVE, ROCKFORD MN 55373 763-477-3086; Fax 763-477-3054
www. wri ghtpartnershi
Monday -March 1st, 2004
6:00 P.M.
Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and David
Council Liaison: Glen Posusta
Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela
Call to order.
2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held February 3rd
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
4. Citizen comments.
5. Public Hearin -Consideration f
g o a request for a condrtlonal use permit allowing for an
ice arena expansion to an existing educational institution in a PZM District.
Applicant: Independent School District
6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing the
establishment of a joint parking facility, as allowed by the General Provisions of the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance.
Applicant: Monticello Independent School District #882 and the Monticello-Big Lake
Hospital District
7. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for development stage PUD and preliminary
plat of a 28-unit town home development in an R-2 Zoning District.
Applicant: Mike Schneider
8. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for the expansion
of a religious institution in the P-S/Public-Semi-Public District.
Applicant: Resurrection Lutheran Church
9. Public hearing -Consideration of a comprehensive plan amendment establishing a 3:1
ratio of single family homes to attached townhomes.
Applicant: Monticello Planning Commission
10. Adjourn
L ~
December 2004
Tom Lindquist
Tom Ollig
Don Roberts
Lynne Dahl
Service, Lender
Service, Utility
Industrial, Manufacturer
Service, Print/Marketing
December 2005
December 2006
Bill Tapper
Mike Benedetto
Kelli Huxford
Paul Kleinwachter
Don Tomann
Mary Barger
Dick Van Allen
Dan Olson
Barb Schwientek
Standing Member Tom Feaski
City Council Liaison Bruce Thielen
Executive Director Ollie Koropchak
Support Staff Rick Wolfsteller
Jeff O'Neill
Fred Patch
John Simola
Industrial, Manufacturer
Service, Utility
Service, Lender
Industrial, Manufacturer
Industrial, Manufacturer
Industrial, Manufacturer
Service, Insurance
Health Care
Chamber Past Chair
Mission Statement
To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
Pur ose
To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial
development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall
industrial development and developers.
Goals and Direction
1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential.
2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in
conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello.
• 3. To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan.
4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial
Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00
a.m. in the Monticello City Hall, Academy Room. Special meetings may be called by the
Chairperson and Executive Director.
II. Objective: As written and adopted by the Annual Industrial Development Committee Action
III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood
that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members.
IV. Make-up the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of
greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides
services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may
also serve as members of the committee.
Standing Committee Members:
• President or Chair of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor of the City of Monticello. Non-voting.
City Staff Members: Non-voting.
Administrator of the City of Monticello.
Assistant Administrator of the City of Monticello.
Economic Development Director of the City of Monticello.
Chief Building Official of the City of Monticello.
V. Officers: The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be elected annually at
the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years.
Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence
are the responsibility of the Economic Development Director.
VI. Length of Membershi Term: Members shall serve for three year terms on a three year
rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals
wishing to continue serving on the committee may so indicate prior to the expiration of their
term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the Industrial Development
Committee may do so by submitting a letter of resignation.
VII. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive
Director. The Industrial Development Committee must confirm all new members by a majority
VIII. Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each
member is expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined
as beginning on the 1st of January and ending the 31 th of December.