IDC Agenda 10-05-2004AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS: Chair To mdquist, Vice Chair~at~°Olson, Mar~B~er, Biller, Dic1~n Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Barb Sc~l'entek, Ke~Pfxford, Tom~aski, Lyn~ahl, on To ann nd Paul J~inwachter. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bruc hielen. STAFF: Rick W teller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie opchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. a 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) ~ ~~~~ 7:05 2. Vote to approve the September 7, 2004 IDC minutes. ~~ ~a 7:08 3. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land. ~ ~ A. Development Agreement and Assessment Agreement executed by City and Chadwick. Rask parcel purchased by City on September 30. B. Joint resolution for annexation of 120+ acres Chadwick parcel accepted by State Planning Board (includes city parcel) Rask annexation resolution accepted by State Board mid-October. • C. Platting, proposed for November 1 Planning Commission. D. Marketing and Performance Measure E. Proposed Zoning for City property. 7:28 4 City Update: ~00, ~ S A. Visioning/Strategic Planning Process, Council request proposal f om +c"''`"Springsted ' '^.ti,,.~"'~ "v~-'°^,~.~.,:-a ' G""`'~ ''~ ~"~ ~ d c~ _ f1 ~ ~~ .~~~~~ B. I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange, Council auth~o~iz~ s plans and spec. r~-~" ~~ ~^" C. Comm rcial/residential developments ~~Yo ~ Q ' ~-E-1~ ti 7:48 5. Reports: y~~ eu~ ~~1 ~ ~~ A. Economic Develop nt~port - oropchak. 8:00 6. Review the draft copy of the October 5, 2004 Plvlning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. o ~~ `'~,,9-,Y' ` Ccw 8:15 7. Other Business. cam' ~'C ,~ A. Chamber Updates - Feaski ~.~~ B. Discuss date of next IDC meeting, ~u~esday, November 2, 2004 (election) ~~ ~~ C. IDC meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 2004, WSI Industries 8:30 8. Adjournment. ~°°~ ~ C~ ~ 9 ~~ ryd MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 7, 2004 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Lindquist, Vice Chair Dan Olson, Mary Barger, Dick Van Allen, Mike Benedetto, Tom Feaski, and Lynne Dahl. MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, Kelli Huxford, and Paul Kleinwachter. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Don Tomann. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Lindquist called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the August 3, 2004 IDC minutes. Mary Barger made a motion to approve the August 3, 20041DC minutes. Seconded by Dan Olson and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land. A. Scheduled closing date, September 8 for Otter Creek and September 15 for Rask ap rcel. Koropchak informed the IDC that it was doubtful the closing would take place tomorrow, September 8. The Chelsea Road alignment, the 35 acres for immediate purchase at closing, and the finished grading elevation of the mining area were yet to be determined and described by the City Engineer Consultant. Additionally, the final draft of the Development Agreement and Assessment Agreement were not prepared by the City Attorney. In August, Dan Frie, staff, and Chadwick met to review items yet to be completed. Chadwick distributed a check list and tasks were assigned. Since the Purchase Agreement was approved by the Council on May 24 and the closing has yet to take place, the IDC asked "why does the city not want to close on the Otter Creek property?" Does the Administrator not want to spend the money or does staff/council want to first determine dollars and authorize plans for construction of the I- 94/County Road 18 interchange? The IDC members saw the interchange project and the Chadwick purchase as two separate projects. The IDC understood funding for the first-35 acres (about a million dollars) had been committed by the HRA and Council over the years and IDC Minutes - 09/07/04 with recent sales of the City/Remmele parcels to Muller Theater and Culver's, available funds shouldn't be an issue. Koropchak noted Chadwick's frustration as well as her own for delay of the closing. Koropchak also acknowledged the deal was complicated and recognized the continuous changes in the deal; however, she did not understand why the closing was not a top priority. Feaski stated because of the proposed design of the interchange he felt the proposed dollars for the I-94/County Road 18 interchange would be better spent on the Orchard Road interchange and that the Orchard Road interchange would better serve the community. Koropchak also noted her concern with Chadwick's request to plat the Moon Motor and the commercial zoned parcel without including the Rask parcel and particularly without the Assessment and Development Agreements executed. It is important to have the Rask parcel as apart of the plat to ensure the construction of Chelsea Road. Without the construction of Chelsea Road, the City's 120 acres has no access. With the increase in land values since negotiations began with Chadwick, the IDC members were concerned the City might loose the deal. Additionally, with the City having already re-zoned approximately 150 acres of industrial land to commercial, this leaves little or no industrial land sites to market. The IDC agreed and recommended Chair Lindquist follow-up with a call to the Mayor, Council, or Administrator as to why the delay in the closing of Otter Creek Crossing and to close SAP. Members were reminded the next step is to ask Council to authorize a study for construction of the infrastructure: lift station, utilities, and Chelsea Road in order for construction to begin spring 2005. B. Joint resolution for annexation approved by Council August 23. Includes 120 acres. Resolution was forwarded to state for review and comment on the annexation and is expected to be on their September agenda. C. End Use Plan for Grading. Koropchak noted that Bret Weiss and she drove the site after the August meeting. There was no evidence of seeding as was indicated by the sellers and Koropchak was surprised at the elevations. According to the End Use Plan from the County, the elevation drop at the southerly and westerly boundaries is about 30 feet. The City Engineer is working with the seller to minimize the City's expense for future grading. 4. City Updates: A. Annexation. With no administration present, no update. B. Meeting of city officials to set 2004 Council's Community Vision & Governing Policies. With no administration present, no update. C. Proposed I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange and I-94 re-ali ng ment With no administration present, no update. D. Commercial/residential developments With no administration present, no update. 5. Reports: A. Economic Development Report Koropchak noted the frustration with the inability to actively market Monticello for industrial development as the Otter Creek Crossing property has not closed. Given the years the property has been under negotiations, she can not market the property without an availability 2 IDC Minutes - 09/07/04 date and infrastructure completion date. She has talked to Dahlheimer Distribution about their proposed building plans, the county assessor and has a Monticello package ready; however, the City can not offer land they do not own. Koropchak is aware that Big Lake has presented Dahlheimer with an offer and their market area is Anoka and Elk River. With Dahlheimer's being along-time Monticello business, it's very disappointing not to present a package encouraging them to stay in Monticello. It was also noted, independent of the City or IDC, Van Allen is exploring which Monticello manufacturers might be interested in hosting a tour and going on a tour. Of the 15 letters mailed, six were returned. Four manufacturer's were interested and two said no. 6. Review the draft co~y of the September 7, 2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. A. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Simple Subdivision to create two industrial lots in an I-2 district. Applicant: Standard Iron & Wire Works. Koropchak explained that Standard Iron is requesting a simple subdivision. When the original 52,000 sq ft building was constructed part of the building lies within the second lot to the east. It is Koropchak's understanding that Standard Iron has a purchase agreement on the building. The subdivision would allow them to sell the building and lot to the west and retain the subdivided approximate 3-acre parcel to the east. Koropchak has spoke with the potential buyer, a company currently located in Fridley. She believes Standard Iron will lease back the 10,000 sq ft office space as Monticello is their headquarters. The IDC speculated on Standard Iron's long-term presence in Monticello. 7. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates Feaski reported that 175 people responded to the Chamber Industrial Business Luncheon featuring Governor Pawlenty as guest speaker on September 9, 11:30 a.m., Silver Springs. The Candidates Forum will be held September 28 at the Community Center, time to be announced. B. Next IDC meeting, Tuesday, October 5, 2004 In the future, the IDC will tour WSI, have breakfast at Sunny Fresh and tour their new offices under construction, and meet with Xcel representatives for an update of "dry cask storage" in Monticello. Adjournment. Dick Van Allen made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Seconded by Mary Barger and with no further business, the IDC meeting adjourned at 8:00 a. m. .'~~~---~ ~, c~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder E~ IDC Agenda -10/05/04 • 5. Executive Director's Report: a) Landmark Square II update -Barry Fluth did sign the Preliminary Development Agreement and deposit a check for $7,500; however, he asked that I not deposit the check until they have more firm commitments. Brad requested I run some TIF cashflow projections for the proposed 10,900 sq ft commercial building. I called the County Assessor to see what value they used for Town Center, Locust Street, and Landmark Square I commercial. Using $60 a square foot the project generated about $150,000 NPV over 25 years. The Planning/Building Department has not received any applications or plans. I left a message for Barry about the October agenda but no word. If they appear for an update, it will be an add-on item. b) 725 W 3 Street -The real estate agent picked up the August 17 Purchase Agreement on September 24. She was notified after the September HRA meeting of the commissioner's motion. b.5) Tom Holthaus is exploring sources of funds to fill a gap of about $40,000 to redevelop the Westside Market site on West County Road 75. c) Front Porch -The HRA has not received the balance of the Administrative Over-run Costs billed to Mike Cyr, August 14, in the amount of $2,045.50. The Finance Department will bill Cyr with a 30-day notice until late charges start to accrue. d) Market Committee needs to meet to discuss and implement marketing strategies for Otter Creek. At the meeting a draft copy of the "How to Site and Develop Your Business in the City of Monticello, Minnesota" and a Customer Requirement Worksheet prepared at the request of the Marketing Committee will be distributed. e) Minnesota Development Conference -October 6 and 7, at The Depot. f) Industrial Real Estate & Logistics Conference, November 3, Golden Valley Country Club g) Economic Development Partnership of Wright County held a retreat to define goals and objectives for the next upcoming years. About 30+ people attended the morning session held at Wright-Hennepin Electric. h) Industrial leads - - Dahlheimer Distributing - A proposal was prepared and presented to the Dahlheimer's on September 28. The proposal was an offer from the City of Monticello for acquisition of land in Otter Creek Crossing. The proposal was based on a performance measure. - 28,000 sq ft manufacturing facility - A proposal was prepared for this request and sent September 15. The company plans to narrow their site selection by October 10 and will proceed to visit sites thereafter. - 30+ acres - A proposal was prepared and mailed to a Chicago firm researching for commercial/industrial property of greater than 30 acres. Mailed September 22. - 51,000 sq ft industrial/condominium facility -Monticello and Chaska two identified areas. Waiting for final numbers and approved performance measure before continued follow-up - In conversation with a local individual looking for a small one to two acre site. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October Sty, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and William Spartz Council Liaison: Glen Posusta Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann Call to order. Approval ofthe minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held Tuesday, Septe-nber 7th, 2004. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Variance to the front yard setback for an attached accessory structure in an R-2 (Single and 2 Family Residential) District. Applicant: AI and Janet Maus 6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Variance for a temporary wall in an I l -A (Light Industrial) District. Applicant: Suburban Manufacturing Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for retail commercial sales in a PZM (Performance Zone - Mixed) District and a request for an Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance to allow limited production as an accessory use in a PZM (Performance Zone -Mixed) District. Applicant: Structural Buildings/AST Sports Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Rezone from a PZM (Performance Zone - Mixed) District to a PS (Public -Semi-Public) District. Applicant: City of Monticello Public Works 9. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a l 0-unit residential Concept Stage Planned Unit Development and a request for Rezone from PZM (Performance Zone -Mixed) to R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential). Applicant: Jen-Tor Construction 10. Public Hearing -Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance allowing Open and Outdoor Storage. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission 1. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for Open and Outdoor Storage for a drywall supply facility in an I-2 District. Applicant: Wallboard, Inc. Planning Commission Agenda 08/03/04 12. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit fora 41-unit residential Concept Stage Planned Unit Development in a PZM (Performance Zone -Mixed) District. Applicant: UP Development ] 3. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a residential Concept Stage Planned Unit Development in an A-0 (Agriculture -Open Space) District. Applicant: Insignia Development 14. Adjourn. • .. -`l-