IDC Agenda 10-28-2004•
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2004, 7:00 a.m.
(The IDC changed the November meeting date to accommodate the
change of the Planning Commission meeting due to Election Day, November 2)
Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street
MEMBERS: Chair T indquist, V'ce ChairD,an Olso , ary Barger er D' , an
m Ollig, Don oberts ike Benedetto Barb.Schwientek, elli
Huxford om Feaski ynne Dahl, on Tomann, an Paul Kleinwac ter.
COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bruce Thielen.
STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, a Ollie Koropchak.
GUEST: eve Gri orthwest Planning Consultants, Inc.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Orderr,~ ,(elg~se read the minutes~an~d J formation prior to the
meeting.) ~
7:05 2. Vote to approve the October 5, 2004 IDC minutes. ~
7:08 3. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a
purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land.
A. Public Hearing -Preliminary and Final Plat for Otter Creek
Crossing, a proposed commercial and industrial subdivision in the
B-4 and A-O districts (Planning -November 1 and Council -
November 8)
Call for a public hearing date of December 7 for re-zone of 120
acres of Otter Creek Crossing. Steve Grittman will define zoning
and covenant options and Small Industrial Group will forward
their recommendation.
B. Rask annexation resolution accepted by State Board in November.
C. Council authorizes preliminary survey and preparation of plans and
specs for Chelsea Road West and School Blvd -October 25, 2004
D. Marketing and Performance Measure -Review with HRA Attorney
and Financial Consultant, October 25.
E. Closing and purchase of 35 acres and contract for deed (End of
F. Plat Rask property.
7:28 4. City Update:
A. Visioning/Strategic Planning Process, Council Special meeting of
October 25 to review proposal from Springsted, cancelled.
B. I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange, Council authorizes plans and
C. CommerciaUresidential developments
7:48 5. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report - Koropchak.
6. Review the draft copy of the November 1, 2004 Planning Commission
Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position ~ ~.-
or action if necessary. ~ ~~~,` S
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7. Other Business. y ,~,,.~'
A. Chamber Updates - Feaski
B. IDC meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 2004, WSI Industries ~
8. Adjournment.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Lindquist, Vice Chair Dan Olson, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper,
Dick Van Allen, Barb Schwientek, Kelli Huxford, Tom Feaski, Lynne
Dahl, and Paul Kleinwachter.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, and Mike Benedetto.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
Chair Lindquist called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum.
Vote to approve the September 7, 2004 IDC minutes.
Mary Barger made a motion to approve the September 7, 2004 IDC minutes. Seconded by
Dan Olson and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written.
Follow-up and discussion of the Citv Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for
acquisition of industrial land.
A. Development Agreement and Assessment Agreement executed by City and Chadwick.
Rask parcel purchased by Cit.. o~ptember 30. Wolfsteller explained the Assessment
Agreement which outlines the 2:1 ratio payment for Chelsea Road was signed as well as the
Development Agreement prior to the City purchasing the Rask property. This all took place on
September 30. The City has not actually closed on the 120 acres nor acquired the 35 acres, this
is expected to be done with or after platting which will allow for legal descriptions by out-lots
rather than metes and bounds. The preliminary plat will include the Rask, Moon Motor, Chadwick,
and city parcels.
B. Joint resolution for annexation of 120+ acres Chadwick parcel accepted by State Planning
Board (includes citesparcel) Rask annexation resolution accepted by State Board mid-October.
The 120 acre city parcel is now annexed and with the expected annexation of the Rask property
by the State Board in October, the submission of the plat is anticipated for the November
Planning Commission cycle.
C. Platting, proposed for November 1 Planning Commission. The preliminary plat will include all
of Otter Creek and the final plat detailing only the Moon Motor's lot.
D. Marketing and Performance Measure. Koropchak noted a preliminary draft of a
performance measure was completed. Koropchak suggested the Small Group meet with Bret
Weiss and Steve Grittman to finalize infrastructure numbers and proposed zoning and covenants.
Koropchak noted the cost per acre previously used was based on gross acres, not net developable
acres. Wolfsteller estimated our costs at about $70,000 per acres without grading. The HRA will
IDC Minutes -10/05/04
be asked to review the performance measure for input.
E. Proposed Zoning for Cit~property. The proposed zoning for the city property needs to be
discussed for a recommendation to the Planning Commission.. Options: I-2 Heavy Industrial, I-l
Light Industrial, or I-1 A Light Industrial/Business Campus.
4. City Update:
A. Visioning/Strategic Planning Process, Council re~c uest proposal from Sprin sg, ted
At a workshop prior to the October 25 regular Council meeting, the council members will review
a proposal from Springsted, Inc. Springsted, a financial consultant, recently expanded their
services to include Organizational Management and Human Resources. City Administration and
Mayor Thielen have held preliminary meetings with Bill Joyner, a former city manager, and
Sharon Klumpp, a former League of MN director and city administrator. Springsted would lead
the community through avisioning/strategic planning process to develop a guide for future
development as it relates to infrastructure needs and costs for housing, commercial, and industrial
within the five-finger areas identified in the new annexation area (the how and when). The
process would include a review of the current organizational structure at city hall and input would
be gathered from community residents and businesses as part of the process. The City Engineer
and Planner Consultants would be a part of the team. Some members questioned the cost to
develop this new plan using Springsted versus using the expertise of the city staff and city
consultants. Springsted would bring an outside prospective and a specialized. service.
B. I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange, Council authorizes plans and spec.
City Council has authorized WSB to begin plans and specs for the I-94/County Rd 18 interchange
subject to written commitments from Ryan/Streeter and Shawn Weinand. Commitments
associated with the assessments for the improvements. Given assessment negotiations are
successful, the plan is to construct the south frontage road between Eastwood Knoll Addition and
County Road 18 in early 2005. This to serve as a permanent road and as an alternative route
while the County Road 18 bridge is closed for 6 months in 2005.
C. Commercial/residential developments.
Feaski reported that Wal-mart went out for bids which were rejected and now are seeking
second bids. Wolfsteller reported Council authorized the sale of property to Applebee's. The
property is located to the immediate south of Culver's now under construction.
A. Economic Development Report -With no questions of the written report, the report was
6. Review the draft cony of the October 5, 2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related
items. Discuss and vote on an IDC~osition or action if necessary.
The IDC members reviewed the October 5 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related
items and supported staffs recommendation to approve the variance for the Suburban
Manufacturing's expansion in a IIA Zone and to approve a conditional use permit to allow open
and outdoor storage for Walbord, Inc. (proposed new owners of Standard Iron building) in an I2
Zone. Koropchak noted staff s recommendation is to table the public hearing for consideration to
amend the Monticello Zoning Ordinance allowing open and outdoor storage. This tabled to the
November meeting.
7. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates -Chamber Chair Feaski promoted the regular monthly Chamber
luncheon this Thursday at the Comfort Inn. Program by NMC and Xcel regarding plant
IDC Minutes -10/05/04
re-licensing and dry cask storage. About l 75 people attended and heard Governor
Pawlenty speak at the annual Industrial Banquet, the Chamber hosted the Candidate's
Forum which was well attended, and currently, the Chamber is coordinating a Tour Bus
B. Discuss date of next IDC meeting Tuesday November 2 2004 (election)
Koropchak noted with Election Day on Tuesday, November 2, the Planning Commission
rescheduled their meeting to Monday, November 1. With the pending Otter Creek
preliminary plat and discussion of outdoor/open storage on the Planning agenda, the IDC
agreed to re-schedule their November meeting to Thursday, October 28, 2004.
C. IDC meeting Tuesday December 7 2004 WSI Industries.
Koropchak informed members that the IDC will hold their meeting at and tour the WSI
facility in December. This the preliminary arrangement with Mike Pudil.
D. Bill Tapper noted he has 20,000 sq ft for lease in the H-Window building and 7,000 sq ft
in the Genereux building. Westlund Distributing will be moving into the H-Window
The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. by a consensus.
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Ollie Koropchak, Recorder
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Monticello Planning
Commission on November 1st, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the Monticello City Hall to consider the
following matter:
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Preliminary and Final Plat for Otter Creek
Crossing, a proposed commercial and industrial subdivision in
the B-4 and A-O districts.
LOCATION: West Quadrant of Interstate 94 and 90`" Street NE. (A
complete legal description may be viewed at Monticello
City Hall.)
APPLICANT: Otter Creek, LLC and the City of Monticello
Written and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons desiring to be
heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting.
Note: Decisions of the Planning Commission will be subject to the approval or denial of the
City Council and will be considered on Monday, November 8`', 2004 at 7 p.m., at the
Monticello City Hall.
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1 ~A- l : Purpose
l~A-2: I'ermittecl Uses
1 ~A-3: Permitted Accessory Uses
i 5A-4: ('onditirnlal t )ses
15A-5: "I-lA" Design and Site Plan Standards
15A-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the I-lA, Light Industrial District is to provide for the
of limited light industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms
and related uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including
landscaping, preservation of natural features, architectural controls, and other features.
(#298, 10/13/97)
1~A-2: PERMfI"I~ED USES: 'hhe following are permitted uses in a I-lA District:
(#298. 10/13/97)
[A] Radlo and telt'.V1slOI1
(B J Research laboratories
~ C ( Trade school
[D) Machine shops
(EJ Paint mixing
[1' ( BIIS lel'nllnaiS alld 111a111tenallce ~~arage
LG J warehouses
(I f( Laboratories
[I ~ Essential Services
[,I] Governmental and public utility buildin~~s
[K] Manufacturing, compounding, assembly, or treatment of articles or merchandise
[L] Manufacture of musical instruments, novelties, and molded rubber products
[MJ Manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, instruments, and devices
[N] Manufacture of pottery or other similar ceramic products using only previously
pulverised clay and kilns fired only by electricity or natural gas
[O] Manufacture and repair of electrical signs, advertising structure, light sheet metal
products. including heating and ventilation ec.Iuipmellt
[P] Blacksmith. welding, or other metal shop
[Q J Laundries, carpet, and rug cleaning
[R] Bottling establishments
[S] Building material sales and storage
("f] Broadcasting antennae, television, and radio
[UJ Camera and photographic supplies manufacttu•in~~
[V] Carta~~e and express facilities
[W] Stationery, bookbinding, and other types of manufacturing of paper and related
products but not processin~~ of raw materials for paper production
[X] Dry cleaning establishments and laundries
[Y] Electric light or power generating stations, electrical and electronic products
manufacture, electrical service shops
[7] Engravin~~, printing. and publishing
[AAJ Jewelry manufacturing
[BB] Medical, dental, and optical laboratories
[CC] Stora~~e or warehousing
[DD] Wholesale business and office establishments
[EE] Commercial/professional offices
[FF] Wholesale showrooms
[GG] Conference centers
[HH] Commercial printing establishments
1 SA-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a
"I-lA" District: (#?98, 10/13/97)
[A] Commercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessorv to the
principal use but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross floor
space of the principal use:
The parkin`` requirements of Chapter 3. Section ~. are complied with in
2. "l~he off=street loadin~~ requirements of Chapter 3. Section 6. are complied
with in full.
15A-4: CONDITIONAL L.1SES: The follovvin~~ are conditional uses in a "I-l .~~" District:
(Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by
Chapter ?? of this ordinance.) (#?9S. 10/13/97)
[A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that:
"I~he area is fenced and screened from view of neighborin~~ residential uses
or. if abutting a residential district. in compliance with Chapter 3. Section
2 [G]. of this ordinance.
2. Storage is screened from vie~ti from the public right-of-«~a~ in compliance
with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance.
~. Stora~,e area is <7rassed or surfaced to control dust.
d. All li<~htin~~ shall be hooded and so directed that the li~,ht source shall not
he visible from the public ri~~ht-of=way or from nei~~hboring residences and
shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section ? [H]. of this ordinance.
1 ~A/?
~. 'I11e provisions oCChaptcr 22 of this ordinance are considered and
satisfactorily met.
[B ~ Industrial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance.
[C~ Indoor limited retail sales accessory to office/manufacturing uses provided that:
(a) All sales are conducted in a clearly defined area of the principal
buildin~~ reserved exclusively for retail sales. Said sales area must
be physically segregated from other principal activities in the
(b) The retail sales area must be located on the ground floor of the
principal building.
2. Sales Area. The retail sales activity shall not occupy more than fifteen (1 ~)
percent of the ~~ross floor area of the building.
3. Access. The huilding where such use is located is one ha~~in~~ direct access
to a collector or arterial level street without the necessity of usin~~
residential streets.
~. Hours. Hours of operation are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The
provisions of-this section are considered and satisfactorily met.
1 ~f1-~: "I-lA" UESIGN AND SI"1'E ['L_AN STANDARDS: "hhe followin~~ 111 1 11 1 111 11 171
requirements shall be observed in the "1- I A" District subject to additional requirements,
exceptions. and modifications set forth in this chapter: (#298. 10;13/97)
[AJ Lot Coverage. There shall be no minimum or maximum lot coverage requirements
in this district. (#298, 10/13/97)
[B] Building Type and Construction and Roof Slope
1. Any exposed metal or tiber~~lass finish on all buildings shall be limited to nu
more than fifty (~0) percent of any one wall if it is coordinated into the
architectural desi~~n. Any metal finish utilized in the buildin`` shall be
aluminwn of twenty-six (26) gauge steel, the roof slope shall be limited to a
maximum of one (1) in twelve (12} slope.
1 >A/3
?. In the "I-I A" District. all buildings constructed of curtain wall panels of
finished steel, aluminum. or fiberglass shall be required to be faced with
brick. wood, stone. architectural concrete case in place or pre-case panels
on all wall surfaces. (#298. 10/13/97)
~C] Parkin~~. Detailed parking plans in compliance with Chapter 3, Section ~, shall be
submitted fol° City review and approved before a building permit may be obtained.
[D] I.oadin~~. A detailed off-street Ioadin~T plan. including berths. area. and access shall
be submitted to the City in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Section
6, for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit.
[E] Landscaping. A detailed landscaping plan in conformance with Chapter 3, Section
2 [G]. shall be submitted to the Council and approved before a buildin~~ permit
may be obtained.
In addition to the requirements of Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], all parcels developed
alone the boundary between the I-1 A zone and a residential zone shall include
planting of evergreens as a screen between I-I A and R-I uses. The ever~~reens
planted shall be planted every 1 ~ feet along the property boundary.
(#298. 10/13/97)
~ I~ ~ Usable Open Space. Everv effort shall he made to preserve natural ponding areas
and features ol~ tht land to create passive open space.
[G ~ Signage. A comprehensive sign plan must be submitted ill conformance with
Chapter ;. SeCtlon 9.
Lot RcgUICCI11e11tS
Lot Area - 30.000 sq ft
Lot Width - l 00 feet
Front Yard - 50 feet
Side Yard - 30 feet
Rear Yard - 40 feet
(#221, 2/24/92)
1 ~ A/4
IDC Agenda - 10/28/04
5. Economic Development Report:
a) Industrial Leads -
- Dahlheimer Distributing - A proposal was prepared and presented to the Dahlheimer's on
September 28. The proposal included a price for land located within the Otter Creek Business
Campus. The performance price is based on the preliminary draft of the Performance
Measure. Dahlheimer is interested in the Monticello proposal (offer). Hard core decisions will
be made upon final go-ahead for development of interchange and existing property.
- 28,000 sq ft manufacturing facility -Only four request for proposals were submitted.
Company owners out looking at sites, no selections at this time. Monticello furthest out of four
locations. Currently this rubber products and rubber coated rollers manufacturer is located in
Plymouth. The Monticello Prospect Team will visit their existing facility prior to any final offers.
- 2,000-5,000 sq ft for purchase or lease -This ND business was looking for space to
purchase or lease. Distribution of coffee and kitchen supplies.. Gave Tapper and Barger phone
numbers. Follow-up: found 5,000 sq ft existing building in Big Lake to purchase.
- No additional follow-up from Chicago firm or party looking to invest in 51,000 sq ft industrial
condominium facility.
- 50,000-60,000 sq ft for lease or build -warehouse plus office. About 50 jobs.
- Precision manufacturer, a client of a lender, looking for sites. Will give my name and number.
- Suburban and Sunny Fresh expansions continue.
- Met with Erik Fjerdingstad of Norway. Erik was plant manager of the H-Window and he
and his family lived in Monticello for some years.
- Industrial space available for lease: 20,000 sq ft H-Window building -call Bill Tapper, 7,000
sq ft in GenereLix building, call Bill Tapper. 5,000 sq ft in B&B Metal Stamping building, call
Brad Barger.
b) Remember the City of Monticello has not been marketing for industrial development as
existing ready-to-go land is limited to a few acres. Upon closing, establishment of zoning,
covenants, performance measure, and asking price, the Marketing Committee will develop
marketing materials and actively market Monticello and the Otter Creek Business Campus.
For the last year or so, the city has been in a re-acting mode rather than apro-active mode.
c) October 25 -Rick and myself will meet with HRA Attorney Steve Bubul and Ehlers
Consultant Mark Ruff to review performance measure and process for infrastructure
development and bonding to assure infrastructure costs qualify for TIF. Also will discuss,
one-stop shop process for site location, purchase, platting and closing.
d) Draft copy of Site Location and Development Guide completed.
e) The HRA has authorized development of a new program called "Transformation Home
Loan". A draft copy of the program criteria is complete and a second meeting is scheduled
with the local lenders. The program designed to encourage owner-occupancy in the core city
and encourage home buyers/owners to add value or expand (remodel). The program is
modeled after a program in Richfield. The HRA Attorney will review the critei°ia and
application forms.
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6:00 P.M
Connnissioners: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and William Spartz
Council Liaison: Glen Posusta
Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann
Call to order.
Approval of the minutes of the regular Plam~ing Commission meeting held Tuesday, October 6th,
Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
4. Citizen comments.
5. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Rezone for PZM (Performance Zone -
Mixed) to R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential).
Applicant: Jen-Tor Construction
6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Variance to the 30-foot rear yard setback for an
attached 4-unit townhome complex in an R-2 district.
Applicant: Homestead Multi-Family Development Corporation
Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow a
Rezone from a residential use to a mixed use, Rezone from R-2 (Single and Two-Family
Residential) to PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed), and a Conditional Use Permit to allow
commmercial retail activity in a PZM District.
Applicant: Don Hickman
8~. Public Hearing -Consideration of a Preliminary and Final Plat for Otter Creek Crossing, a
proposed commercial and industrial subdivision in a B-4 district.
Applicant: Otter Creek, LLC
U Consideration to call for a Public Hearing for Rezone of a 120 acre parcel of Otter Creek Crossing.
~, Public Hearing -Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance allowin~~
~--../ Open and Outdoor Storage. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission
11. Adjourn.