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IDC Agenda 12-07-2004
,~\ 11~ REMINDER MONTICELLO IDC MEETING WILL BE HELD AT WSI INDUSTRIES, INC. 213 CHELSEA ROAD, MONTICELLO, MN Mike Pudil, President and CEO on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2004, 7:00 A.M. the tour and reception follows at 8:00 a.m. (coffee and morning treats available) AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 7:00 a.m. • WSI INDUSTRIES' LUNCH ROOM - 213 CHELSEA ROAD MEMBERS: Chair Tom Lindquist, Vice Chairpa'n Olson, Mary~ger, Bill T~, Dirl~(%an Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Ij~erts, Mike B~c{etto, Barb Schwientek, Kelli Huxford, Torn~a ki, Lynne~dhl, Don Tomann, and Paul 1 inwachter. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Jay Morrell, JME of Monticello ~ ~'~"--'- ~~ Mike Pudil, President and CEO, WSI Industries, Inc. ~~~ ~~~ti ~ IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:05 2. Vote to approve the October 28, 2004 IDC minutes. ~J~ ~ ~'1 ~ . 7:08 3. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land. A. Preliminary and Final Plat for Otter Creek Crossing, a proposed commercial and industrial subdivision in the B-4 and A-O districts, was approved by the Council on November 22, 2004. B. Motion recommending zoning for 120 acres of Otter Creek Business Campus. (Attached recommendation from Small Industrial Group and HRA) Planning Commission December 7, 6:00 p.m. and City Council, December 13, 7:00 p.m. C. Motion recommending covenants for 120 acres of Otter Creek Business Campus. (Attached recommendation from Small Industrial Group and HIZA) City Council, December 13, 7:00 p.m. D. Preferred Measurements -Presentation to Council, December 13, 6:00 p'm' C~c~ 10 E. Closing and purchase of 35 acres scheduled for Dece~e„~7, 2004, 10:00 AM, Commercial Partner's Office. F. Marketing Committee meeting scheduled for December 9, 2004, 7:30 a.m. Appoint one new IDC representative. ~ ~. ©~ g ~~ 7:40 4. City Update: A. Mayor and Council-Elect have been going though orientation and tour of the city. B. Other updates tabled to January meeting. 7:42 5. Reports: A. Economic Development Report - Koropchak. 7:45 6. Review the draft copy of the December 7, 2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. A. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance allowing Open and Outdoor Storage. Applicant: City of Monticello. (See attached letter.) Jay Morrell will update IDC members. B. Motion appointing an IDC member to the Ad Hoc Subcommittee. C~..u~'~C~~ 7:55 7. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates - Feaski B. IDC Annual meeting, Tuesday, January 4, 2004 IDC members whose term expires December 2004: Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, and Lynne Dahl. Election of Officers for 2005. 8:00 8. Adjournment. THE TOUR AND RECEPTION FOR WSI INDUSTRIES, INC. BEGINS AT 8:00 A.M. THE COUNCIL, COUNCIL-ELECT, CHAMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND MONTICELLO TIMES HAVE BEEN INVITED TO JOIN THE IDC. • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 28, 2004 - '7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Dan Olson, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Mike Benedetto, Kelli Huxford, Tom Feaski, Lynne Dahl, and Paul Kleinwachter. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Tom Lindquist, Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, and Barb Schwientek. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Don Tomann. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Steve Grittman, Northwest Planning Consultants, Inc. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. I. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting_~ Vice Chair Olson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Vote to approve the October 5 2004 IDC minutes. Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the October .7, 200 IDC minutes. Tom Feaski seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land A. Public Hearing -Preliminary and Final Plat for Otter Creek Crossing_a proposed commercial and industrial subdivision in the B-4 and A-O districts (Planning -November 1 and Council November 81 The preliminary and final plat for Otter Creek Crossing (185 acres) is scheduled for the Planning and Council meetings as stated. The revised October 21 plat does not show the blanket easement for access to 90t" Street nor the two drainage easements as requested by staff and city consultants. Call for a public hearing date of December 7 for re-zone of 120 acres of Otter Creek Crossing. On the Planning Commission agenda for November, the commissioners will be calling for a public hearing date of December 7 for re-zone of the 120 acres of Otter Creek Crossing. Due to the fact, the IDC should make a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Steve Grittman, Northwest Consultants was invited to the IDC to define zoning and covenant options. IDC Minutes - 10/28.2004 ZONING OPTIONS: Mr. Grittman presented four zoning options for the IDC to consider stating: Option 1: I-l A Light Industrial District. This zone covers the area of UMC, TCDC, and Suburban. The uses are the same as in the I-1 district with the only difference being the I- IAhas ahigher standard ratio of exterior building materials. Both I-lA and I-1 allow outdoor storage by a conditional use. The attachment pro~~ided listed the uses. Option 2: I-IB creates a new Light Industrial District zone to include higher standards. Option 3: I-1 Light Industrial. This zone covers the area of IRTI, previous Fingerhut, and FSI. Option 4: I-2 Heavy Industrial. Thia zone covers the area of JME, Standard Iron, and Genereux Fine Wood Products. Outdoor storage is allowed. Mary Barger informed IDC members that the Small Group discussed creating a new zone, I- 1 B, to include some higher standards for landscaping, irrigation, exterior building materials, and outdoor/open storage. The other option discussed was I1-A with covenants. The Small Group recommended the Otter Creek Crossing of 120 acres be zoned I-IA with the creation of covenants. The Small Group felt the creation of a new type of zoning district may give the public perception that the city creates a new zone when they own land. Mr. Grittman noted an I-lA zone with covenants is more difficult to enforce and a new zone of I-1B is cleaner, but future Council can change. Barger reported the Small Grou only discussed covenant options but did not make any recommendation DEFINING COVENANTS: Mr. Grittman continued by defining some of the potential covenants: I) Outdoor/Open Storage means any permanent stored material such as finished products, raw materials, trailers un- hitched and parked vehicles not used for everyday operation. Trash containers are not considered outdoor/o t d b pen s orage an may e outside but enclosed and screened. Current ordinance allows outdoor/open storage by a conditional use in an I-1 and I-1 A zone and is allowed in an I-2 zone. All zones require outdoor/open storage to be screenedlbermed. According to Mr. Grittman, outdoor/open storage is the most difficult ordinance to enforce. Members asked how the competing communities handle outdoor storage? Big Lake, Becker, Buffalo, Rogers and the metro do not allow outdoor/open storage. Although, the City of Rogers still has a limited area which does allow outdoor/open storage. Members asked about the type of business targeted and if outdoor/open storage was not allowed, would it be a detriment? For businesses like the UMC, TCDC, Genereux, WSI, and Production Stamping, not allowing outdoor/storage doesn't appear to be an issue. What about warehousing/distribution like Dahlheimer? This more of a gray area. Dahlheimer's trailers appear to be used for daily operations. 2) Landscaping refers to minimum size of planting, species, and sodding & ground cover. 3) Irrigation -Potential covenant to cover front and side perimeters. This currently not in the City Ordinance but is covered in the Monticello Commerce Center through private covenants by Pfeffer or Weinard. One member thought it enhances afront-door image. 4) Exterior building material type -Under the current I-lA zone, the exterior building material is restricted to 50% something other than metal on all four sides. The potential covenant - to not allow metal or steel exterior building materials. One member did not support this. Things for the IDC to think about are competition, targeted business, the long-term good of the city, and what can the city expects in return for offering land for $1 per sq ft without assessments? Grittman reminded members of their mission to create tax base and job density and livable wages. 2 IDC Minutes - 10/28.2004 The IDC did not make any recommendations and requested the Small Industrial Group meet to make a recommendation on covenants to the I-lA zone. Koropchak noted the IDC would need to make their recommendation on December 7 as the Planning Commission meets that evening. The HRA, since they contributed funds for land acquisition, will be asked to make their recommendations at their November meeting. B. Rask annexation resolution will accepted by State Board in mid-November. C. Council authorized preliminary survey and preparation of plans and specs for Chelsea Road West and School Blvd on October 25, 2004. D. Marketingand Performance Measure -Koropchak reported Wolfsteller and she met with HRA Attorney Bubul and Mark Ruff to go over the proposed Performance Measures and to make sure our plans for financing and marketing were legal, to verify the proposed process and to ensure aone-stop shop deal. It was suggested by the HRA Attorney for Wolfsteller to check if the Purchase Agreement was assignable and request the Council assign the Purchase Agreement to the HRA. This would allow the marketing, negotiation, deal packaging, TIF District establishment, platting, and land transaction all in one area. The Council would still have final approval. Ruff was going to do another financing analysis based on assumptions after receiving revised infrastructure costs from the City Engineer. E. Closing and purchase of 35 acres and contract for deed. With the City having purchased the Rask property and the Assessment and Development Agreement signed by Chadwick, it is anticipated that the closing for purchase of the 35 acres and the contract for deed will take place the end of November following the platting of Otter Creek Crossing. Platting will allow for clearer legal descriptions such as lots, blocks, or outlots rather than by metes and bounds. F. Easterl~Rask property. The remaining easterly portion of the Rask property will be platted later for purpose of Chelsea Road extension and connnection. 4. City Update: A. Visionin /Strategic Planning Process. The Council Special meeting of October 25 to review proposal from Springsted was cancelled. B. I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange. Council authorized plans and spec. Grittman noted Ryan /Streeter want funding decisions for the interchange on the December 13 Council meeting. C. Commercial/residential developments. On behalf of city administration, Grittman reported that Walmart pulled their building permit, Applebee's was presented an offer from the City for the land next to Culver's, Caribou Coffee is remodeling the old Dairy Queen, and housing developments forthcoming are Insignia, a mixed use/residential of 700 units, Gold Nugget has requested their next annexation, Silver Springs plus other parcels 300-400 units, and Hunter's Crossing plat is done. The interest in development continues reported Grittman. 5. Reports: A. Economic Development Report - In addition to the written report, Koropchak added the Tire Service Equipment Mfg. Company is expanding by 12,000 sq. ft (Ray Schmidt). Standard Iron plans to sell their building and land to Walbord, Inc. of Fridley with a lease back of the office space. Walbord, Inc. with 3/4 of their inventory in shipping and receiving will screen the IDC Minutes - 10/28.2004 outdoor storage in this I-2 zone. Closing expected mid November. A call/collection company is looking to purchase the building previous occupied by Fingerhut. The written report was accepted. 6. Review the draft copy of the November 1.2004 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. Planning Commission items 8 and 9 were previously discussed by the IDC. Item 10 is a public hearing to amend the City Ordinance allowing outdoor and open storage. With no written narrative provided in the Planning Commission package, IDC did not discuss this item. Koropchak noted she will be attending the Planning Commission meeting and this item pertains to existing and developed industrial zones. It is her understanding, city staff is looking for direction and discussion from the Planning Commission on November 1. 7. Other Business. A. Chamber Updates - Feaski reported the Chamber will co-host the Halloween Parade and Party on Saturday from 10:00-12:00 at the Community Center; next regular Chamber meeting at the Hospital, November 18; Home for the Holidays set for December 3; Chamber Annual Banquet/Silent Auction set for Saturday, January 21; and the Chamber will endorse Xcel and NMC with a resolution of support for re-licensing and die cask storage. B. Next IDC meeting, Tuesday, December 7, 2004, WSI Industries 8. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:15 a.m. by a consensus of the group. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 4 • RECOMMENDATIONS Approved November 9, 2004 BY THE SMALL INDUSTRIAL GROUP for OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS 1. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION TO RE-ZONE THE 120 ACRES OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS FROMA-O TO I-IA (Light Industrial District) 2. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION TO ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS FOR OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS. ~~A. Require installation of an irrigation s s m rom the rout erim f f p eter of th e .~~~ building and public right-of-way. ~~ '~'U B. Outdoor/open storage allowed as defined C. No metal or steel exterior building materials al/owed. 3. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION TO NOT AMEND THE EXISTING LANDSCAPING ORDINANCEAS FOUND IT TO BE SUFFICIENTAND COMPATIBLE. Reasons for the above recommendations: 1. I-lA Zone is consistent with Monticello Commerce Center zone. (UMC, TCDC, Suburban area.) 2. Covenants will protect the investments made by both the business and the city. 3. Covenants are consistent with surrounding communities: Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo, and Rogers. 4. Covenants support and compliment the Preferred Measures and Land Price offered by the City to qualifying businesses. 5. Covenants support the image of a professional business campus. 6. Covenants and the desired requirements of the targeted businesses are parallel. ' NORTNIl~#EST ASSt~C1ATEL3 'C~-NS~,ILTAN75, INC, ,.~,__ ~-~C~C3 Qlson Me~Y~c~ri~! Nir~iw~ray, Suite ~C)2. ~t~ld~n 1,~a(ley. fi'~,'i(~} ~~42L Telephone; 7~.2~1.~5~5 F~csirt~i(e: 7~~.~31.~~~1 plar~ner~r~.'r~r~cplarrnin~.c©rrr MEMORANDUM TO: Ollie Koropchak FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: December 2, 2004 RE: Monticello -Otter Creek Crossing Covenants NAC FILE: 191.06 I have provided draft language for the covenants below. This language should be reviewed by the City Attorney's office and the appropriate documents would be • prepared by them for recording. Restrictive Covenants relating to the use of land in Otter Creek Crossing. These covenants shall apply to all land within the plat, with the exception of Lot 1, Block 1, and with the exception of Outlot D. The covenants shall run with the land, and shall apply to lots, outlots, and any subsequent subdivided or re-platted lots within the boundaries described above. The covenants are not intended to grant rights beyond those which are available to the property under any other applicable regulations, including local, state, or federal laws. Landscaping Irrigation Required. On all lots on which a building is proposed to be constructed, the owner shall, prior to occupancy of said building, install, or cause to be installed, in-ground landscaping irrigation between the front building line and the public street. This requirement shall also apply to the side lot areas of corner lots which face a different street. In the case of rear lot areas that front on a public street, the owner shall install, or cause to be install, landscaping irrigation for all landscaped areas within 50 feet of said public street. Irrigation required by this restrictive covenant shall provide adequate irrigation water to all landscaped areas, including lawns, shrubs, trees, flower beds, or other similar features. This requirement also applies to the "boulevard" portion of the public right of way between the owner's property line and the curb line of the public street. No Outdoor Storage Allowed. On all lots, no owner, tenant, or other occupant shall store materials, equipment, or items outside of any building. The following exceptions are not to be considered storage, and may be located outside in compliance with other applicable regulations: a. Parking of passenger vehicles and light trucks, parked in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning regulations. b. Parking of company vehicles, including trucks, vans, and other similar vehicles, with the exception of semi-truck rigs which are subject to separate regulations. ~'~ Qc Semi-truck ractors and -trailer rigs (.ra~6t ~ ~, n~ . when such r-trailer rigs are parking in ~ rear yard. Semi-truck trailers located in designated loading docks„or ire in the `Q , a ~ a in f rs. ~. Trash Handling equipment, provided ci it t is located within an v enclosure in com zoning regulations. ~~. ~~ aS>as~n'~ I have attempted to lay out the items discussed by the small group. Let me know if we need to refine any of this material. ~~ a~ ~~~, ~~~ c ~ a . ~--~ ;.~ ~~~ ~ t_____ • 2 • RECOMMENDATIONS Approved November 3, 2004 BY THE MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS 1. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION TO RE-ZONE THE 120 ACRES OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS FROMA-O TO I-IA (Light Industrial District) 2. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION TO ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS FOR OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS. A. Require installation of an irrigation system from the front perimeter of the building and public right-of-way. B. No outdoor/open storage allowed. C. No metal or steel exterior building materials allowed. 3. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION TO NOT AMEND THE EXISTING LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AS FOUND IT TO BE SUFFICIENT AND COMPATIBLE. Reasons for the above recommendations: 1. I-lA Zone is consistent with Monticello Commerce Center zone. (UMC, TCDC, Suburban area.) 2. Covenants will protect the investments made by both the businesses and the city. 3. Covenants are consistent with surrounding communities: Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo, and Rogers. 4. Covenants support and compliment the Preferred Measures and Land Price offered by the City to qualifying businesses. 5. Covenants support the image of a professional business campus. 6. Covenants and the desired requirements of the targeted businesses are parallel. 7. The HRA is promoting a quality park maximizing the building to land ratio and creating jobs at wages which support families, in return, for the preferred (discounted) land price. r~ L_J IDC Agenda - 12/07/04 5. Consideration of Executive Director's report a) Standard Iron -The closing of the Standard Iron property to Walbord, Inc., Fridley, was scheduled to take place on November 18, 2004. Their attorney drafted a Consent and Release relative to the Contract for Private Development for TIF District No. 1-13. This district has been decertified, closed, and excess tax increment returned to the County. Attorney Bubul did review prior to my execution. b) Certification of Decertified TIF Districts -The County Auditor confirmed and returned the certifications for the five TIF districts decertified in 2004 which were than forwarded to the State Auditor. c) Muller Theater - I have had two inquiries of interest in the vacated theater downtown. d) WSI Industries, Inc. -The IDC is hosting a tour and welcome of the WSI facility on Tuesday, December 7, at 8:00 a.m. All HRA commissioners are welcome. e) Production Stamping, Inc. - On November 12, I dropped on the welcome plaque from the City of Monticello which was dated April 2003. I've continuously attempted to schedule a welcome and tour of the facility with owner, Les Wurm, but have been unsuccessful. f) Otter Creek Crossing -The Council approved the preliminary and final plat for Otter Creek Crossing on November 22, 2004, with a closing date of December 7, 2004. The plat was approved without an access easement via the Haul Road. Staff thinks the city can get the easement upon development of Outlot F. The City Attorney added if the road was critical to the City and prior to development of Outlot F, the City could consider eminent domain. g) Otter Creek Business Campus -The city request for zoning of the 120 acres is on the Planning Commission agenda of December 7 and the City Council agenda of December 13. The proposed covenants will also be presented at the Council meeting. h) Marketing Committee - I need to schedule a meeting. I've done some research on the web for potential advertisement options. I've also asked Lynne Dahl and Michele Hartwig for ideas. Also have name of someone with experience in public relations field. At the meeting, the committee needs to decide on an advertising budget and plan for submission to Ken Stabler, Xcel, by the 15`~ of December. i) BRE -Sunny Fresh office building exterior looks great. The IDC hopes to hold a meeting there when completed. Suburban and Tire Service Equipment expansion moving along. j) Leads - - Dahlheimer Distribution pending County Road 18 Interchange. - 30,000-50,000 sq ft mfg/office facility -manufactures hi-tech pumps including medical pumps for Boston Scientific. Big Lake offer $1 per acre. Meeting with realtor on December 3. - 50,000 sq ft distribution with 6,000 sq ft office. National company looking to lease. From two different real estate agents. Gave Tapper's number and Ron/Dee Johnson address. - 28,000 sq ft manufacturing facility -Looking at Hanover. Monticello too far out: k) A special meeting of the City Council and Council-Elect has been called to review the HRA's new Transformation Loan Program designed to encourage remodeling of detached owner- , IDC Agenda - 12/07/04 occupied homes within the core city and to review the Preferred Measures and Preferred Price for Otter Creek Business Campus. The special meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular meeting of December 13. The purpose is to inform the Council of the preferred measures and preferred price and its relationship to the recommended zoning and covenants. 1) Copy of article in City News Letter (Winter 2004). • • 2 - .~ ~ _.,.. _ . _ x ~~If~IS~"f~1~~ I~~~LIC)a~`'t~ ~1-~SE1~~/A~1C~E ~ ~'le~~~ ~l~t~ itEy ~~I~li 1°I~~~r~: Since Christmas falls on a Saturday this year, the observance of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will tie n~ro~~ed bark. City Hall will be r.,losed at noon an Thursday, Dec 23 far Christras Eve and ors 1-=ridgy, C~tc;. 2:4. for Christmas Day. OCti~;e; of f;r:~,>uornic 1)evelol~rr~ii°nt 1>>~ t`/llre I~ornpc~huk, I>irector I~l;oPC~<al~l~ c~f..l_1-l~ c~r~>~~l~ r3tJslr~li~~~ ~',4I~1Pta ~Ira~~~~ ~,ti~n ~~ ritt,.u ~f~out tlr.~ i~It~r,trz~i~ll~~ h~du~tliai l~~vel~sl~rr~~ier7t i'~~rrin~itte~: ~ ll fit'}. r=E l~~~s~ I~iir~~~7.,~: is t« ~~~l~rer,~ic as an ir~d~l7c~ndeiit lobl~yir~rg „r~;a~~i~au~~n :;tru~tur.;,7 to ir~l7ricircc ar7d assist industrial :lcve;lol~rrrent in and for the C'ity% of I~lorrticeLlo. The [IBC, along with fire 1-Ionising and F~edevcloprnerrt At.rthorit}, (171ZR1, has 17e:en iustt~urriental at lobbyu~rg coiiucil nzen~ber~s to purchase land for ~, industrial developi~rent. '`heir ~~ision is to create; joins at ~~a~~ le~rel~ that s~_rphort ~~~ far~nilies, thereby encouraging families to live, work; shop, and play in Monti- cello ~~~hile helping to reduce traffic congestion on Interstate 94. It is anticipated that by the first of the year, t11e City will have closed on the pur- chase of 120 acres of land and will be ready to market its first 35 acres for indus- trial business development. The 1DC and HRH are currently developing Pre- ferred Measures, Zoning, and Covenants for recommendation to the City Coi~m- cil. The new industrial park known as Otter Creek Business Campus ~i~ill con- sist of 95 developable: acres located to the west of the auto dealerships on Chel- sea Road West. Infrastnicture construction, including the extension of Chelsea Road westerly to County Road 39 ~eSt, will begin in spring 2005 with comple- tion scheduled for fall. The recommended Preferred Itileasures, Zoning, and Covenants are designed to support an attractive Preferred Package offered to businesses who meet the wage level, job density, and tax base criteria. The Pre- ferred Package enhances the future of Monticello by creating employment op- ortunities for tomorrow's leaders. The iDC and HFl.~ have worked toward this ~oal for years, it's exciting to finally see the fruits of their labor. (continued Page ~7) Ir~~i.~~ ti~i~ iss;~J~: RE ,, , Plouvi}~g .~ ~ F FSSI Library >acparrsr4~-E~ ,_ Winter Safety Tips %~ ~~8' Mayor Letters 9 ~ Senior Canter 10 Motor Vehicle Hours 11 city Park News 11 Chamber Contest 11 City Phone Index 12 ysz~e .._. _ ,. ba.(Pffi Ti"` .~s,a~d: ,. .. ~.t_....vs~......y..-:~=a~rtr.~,-.a~ca,.,..o. ._~,:_~~ .. .._ _~; ~ i. swsa~v,;.w. AGENDA . REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7t", 2004 6:00 P.M Commissioners: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and William Spartz Council Liaison: Glen Posusta Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held Monday, November 1st, 2004. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request to rezone Outlot H, Outlot E, Outlot B, and Lotl, Block 2 of the Proposed Plat of Otter Creek Crossings, from A-O (Agricultural/Open Space) to I1-A (Light Industrial). Applicant: City of Monticello, Otter Creek, LLC 6. Public Hearing -Consideration of a Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development fora 47.65 acre commercial/retail development. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. 7. Continue Public Hearing -Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance allowing Open and Outdoor Storage. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission 8. Adjourn. U November 8, 2004 Monticello Zoning & Planning Commission Dick Frie William Spartz Richard Carlson Rod Dragsten Lloyd Hilgart, Jr. Glen Posusta I would like to thank all of you for serving on the Planning Commission. This is a non- electedposition that holds a great deal of responsibility and I'm sure on your part consternation and yet this position is extremely important to the growth of our community. After reviewing the process and appearing before the planning commission on Monday, November 1, 2004 regarding outdoor storage for industrial lots, I would like to suggest the following process: Because outdoor storage is so crucial to many industries, because "I believe" that the new land for industries the city is proposing will be all I-1, and because of the tone and wording that staff put forth~'during outdoor storage and regulating of outdoor storage, I would like to suggest that a coriimittee be formed or at least a workshop meeting between members of the planning commission, council representative Glen Posusta, members of Monticello's Industrial Park who are using outdoor storage, and city staff. This would allow an open dialog that might be used to create a workable ordinance regarding outdoor storage within Monticello's Industrial Park. I see no need to rush into a decision that might become overly restrictive and burdensome for current industries, so let's try to work together towards a coimnon goal and the betternlent of the City of Monticello. ' • SLeva Hadd ART ... !.~''" -- ~~~ Clncis~wpf~eT,sojn e Supply CC: 3cffO'Hcill 5nsvc C*r'ithoan