IDC Agenda 02-01-2005AGENDA ~ ~ ~~~ MONTLCELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE s.+''~ Q cN /y Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 7:00 a.m. C rd ~~ v Academy Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN MEMBERS: Chair D~dlson, Vic~ir Paul Kleinwachter, To,~L,in • ~ arger, Bjd-1' ~er, Dick Van Allen Do oberts, Mike Benedett arb c wientek, elli ~~ x o Lyr~Dahl, Don omann, and Sue~truckness. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie opchak. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor C~,i~t Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meetin~, 7:05 2. Vote to approve the January 4, 2005~IDC minutes. ~ ~ ~~ 7:08 ~'`~ 3. Follow-up and disc ssion o the development of Otter Creek Business ~ Campus. ~s-~a'" ~ _,~p°~~~"'i.~ ~ ~~, ~o„~~r~°~s C,~ ~^Status of the rehocati"on of AVR and suggested site options. ' B. Status of prepara ' of G e for Council approval and recording. Wkc~~ ~r~ Review schedule~f ro es~s a d construction of infr ~~ p astructure/ ~ t preliminary plat design. - ~ ~ ~.. ~ .p.~~ ~~ _q ~'C o . ~e4""''~ o0 i ~, 'C'~ Status of the YMCA property.. ~,b-~*~. ,~,,~.....~o- l ~ G` ~'~ !. 6V ^ © E. Marketing Co mi ee meeting February 10, 7:30 a.m. ~w~-}'~~~'^_ ° a ~-^^' v ~ ~~ 7:40 City Update: ~~ A. Proposed I-94~,n_d County Road 18 Interchange P oject. B. Others. ~ "~r,~r'~ ~,,.,,S~tv~? ~~9''''__~""'''1'r~~ ~` ~ cwtll l~R a / :42 5. Reports: '~'^_ ~~/J~`'", A. Economic Development Report - Koropchak. ~" _ ~ ~ /` ro' ( ~ 7:45 6. Review the draft copy of the February 1, 2005 Planning Commission Agenda ~/ for mdustrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if 8:00 8:20 • 8.~ ~i necessary. A) Summary of the January 19 committee meeting relative to proposed ordinance amendment for outdoor storage. ~, 7. Consideration of a replacement for IDC me ber Service -Utility. ~ ~ ~~ Other Business. ~° ~ ~~ a~ A. Chamber Updates -Chair Sue Struckness. B. Next IDC meeting -March 1, 2005. 9. Adjournment. ,,,9~ ~ ~ d ~` ~ `~ ~ Vim' ~~"M' `F~"'tN fir`' ~ g.`r,,,,,t~~ v~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ C~..~. MINUTES -ANNUAL MEETING • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 7:00 a.m. Community Center, 515 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Lindquist, Vice Chair Dan Olson, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Tom Feaski, and Paul Kleinwachter. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Ollig, Barb Schwientek, Kelli Huxford, Lynne Dahl, and Don Tomann. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, and Council member Glenn Posusta. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Lindquist called the IDC meeting to order at 7:02 a.m. declaring a quorum. Members introduced themselves and welcomed the guests. 2. Vote to approve the December 7, 2004 and December 13, 2004 IDC minutes. Mary Barger made a motion to approve the December 7, 2004 and December 13, 2004 IDC minutes. Seconded by Bill Tapper and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Follow-up and discussion of the City Council action to authorize a purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land. A. Minutes of the December 7 Planning Commission and December 13 City Council meetings relative to approval of I-lA zoning and proposed covenants for 120 acres of Otter Creek Crossing. The IDC members received a copy of the minutes of the City Council meeting of December 13, 2004, approving a I-lA zoning for 120 acres of Otter Creek Crossing (Business Campus) with the possibility of re-zoning a portion to I-2 for relocation of the AVR. The Council also approved directing the City Attorney to prepare restrictive covenants for recording of the 120 acres of Otter Creek Crossing relating to: A) prohibition and definition of outdoor storage, with allowances for vehicle parking, trash handling and trucking activities per IDC recommendations; B) requirement for irrigation of landscaping areas between the building • line and the street per IDC recommendation; C) Prohibition of metal exterior building materials • with exceptions for architectural treatments on roofs, doors, windows, or similar elements. B. Koropchak reported the plat was recorded, closing on 120-acres of Otter Creek Crossing, and acquisition of 35-acres took place December 22, 2004. C. Update on December 9 Marketin meeting -Dan Olson reported the Marketing Committee of Lynne Dahl, Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger, Koropchak and himself met on December 9 and defined a marketing strategy supported by a $36,000 budget. They agreed to request $15,000 from Xcel Energy of which $7,500 has been received and the remaining balance forthcoming in 2005. The next meeting will start the design of marketing materials which is depended upon the outcome of the AVR relocation. D. IDC discussion on the benefits of I-lA zone and,pro~osed covenants and its relationship to the Preferred Measures. Based on the AVR project including jobs and wage levels and desired 12 acres as noted by the AVR Attorney, Koropchak reported on the economic impact of the AVR if located in Otter Creek Business Campus using the preferred measures. Estimated annual loss of wages, $1,946,880 and estimated annual loss of taxes, $96,000. Cost of land, construction of infrastructure, and trunk fees for 12 acres, $1,259,820. Relocation of the AVR will also impact the types of businesses the City can attract to the park; thereby, reducing the tax base and the related trucking to a Readi-Mix plant will affect the neighboring residential and commercial areas. This noted in a memo from Ed Sorgatz, contractor of UMC and TCDC, based on discussions with Shawn Weinand. E. Summary discussions and follow-up. Discussion among the IDC members and guests • centered around the potential congestion within the area of the proposed I-94 and County Rd 18 interchange, optional interchange designs and locations, what is the value of the existing AVR, and if other site options have been explored for the AVR. It appears the project is being driven by developers who have not committed or delivered and the approach by the City was to converse with the AVR at the last hour. IDC members noted the City has worked long and hard to acquire land for industrial development and the Council needs to slow down and evaluate the trade offs. What appears cheaper today may not be the best for tomorrow. The success of the industrial business park, is to do it right. All agreed other site options for AVR should be explored. 4. Cit~Update: The Heritage Development was briefly mentioned as to when the proposed interchange at Orchard Road would be developed and the need to replace the 160 acres of land earmarked for industrial use per the Land Use Map. The IDC was encouraged by the 800-acre planned residential/golf course development and proposed business park by United Properties located to the west. It was noted that the YMCA property is of value for upper-end housing. 5. Re orts: A. Economic Development Report. In addition to the written report, Koropchak noted she was trying to set up a time to visit the • 2 rubber products and rubber coated roller manufacturing facility. Secondly, the contractor proposed to construct at the corner of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue is Heart of the Lakes, the initial building will be 13, 785 sq ft with two planned additions of 5,612 sq ft each. Brad Barger gave a lead fora 10,000-20,000 sq ft job shop. After a telephone conversation, a customer worksheet has been mailed. The local business looking at the option to relocate to the new business campus has decided to add-on to his existing building. Mary Barger reported their expansion is near completion and Don Roberts reported Sunny Fresh has moved into their new office space. The IDC may meet at Sunny Fresh in March or April. IDC members requested Koropchak note where the industrial leads are obtained. 6. Review the draft copy of the January 4, 2005 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. No industrial items appeared on the January 2005 Planning Commission Agenda; therefore, no action required. Koropchak noted the follow-up by Planning Commission in December as to the request by the City for an ordinance amendment on open and outdoor storage. The commissioners recommended the city council form a committee to establish a recommendation for an ordinance amendment on open and outdoor storage, to be heard at the February meeting of the Planning Commission. The committee should consist of Monticello business owners and volunteers as identified, Planning Commissioner Spartz, two staff representatives, a recommended member of the IDC and HRA, and representative city council members as determined by the city council. Mary Barger had previously volunteered to be the IDC representative. 7. Annual Meeting: A. Acceptance of IDC membership, three-year term -Lindquist, Ollie, Roberts, and Dahl. Koropchak reported Dahl and Roberts had previously indicated their willingness to serve another 3-year term. Lindquist also agreed to serve. A month ago, Ollig contacted Koropchak about resigning from the Marketing Committee. Koropchak recalled about a year or two ago, Ollig had written a letter of resignation resigning from the IDC. At that time, the IDC elected to retain his membership and encouraged him to attend when convenient. The IDC asked Koropchak to contact Ollig relative to his current plans or intentions. B. Request for Standing Committee Members: President or Chair of Chamber and Maw of Monticello. Clint Herbst agreed to be the Council liaison and Wayne Mayer asked if he could also receive the agenda. Tom Feaski noted he did not think Susan Struckness, Chamber Chair for 2005, was interested in attending the IDC meetings and he was willing to serve another year. The intent of the Chamber position is a linkage between the IDC and Chamber Board. C. Vote to elect 2005 IDC Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. Tom Lindquist made a motion to elect Dan Olson as 2005 Chair of the IDC. Seconded by Mary Barger and with no other nominations, the motion carried. Mary Barger made a motion to elect Paul Kleinwachter as 2005 Vice Chair of the IDC. Seconded by Tom Lindquist and with no other nominations, the motion carried. Tom -, IDC Minutes - 01/04/05 Lindquist made a motion to appoint Koro chak as recorder or the IDC. Seconded b p f y Mary Barger and with no other nominations, the motion carried. D. Review and vote to amend or re-affirm the IDC 2004 Action Statement and Organizational and Membership Guidelines for 2005 The IDC membership agreed to re-affirm the IDC 2004 Action Statement and Organization and Membership Guidelines for 2005. Other Business. A. Chamber U dates. Feaski promoted the Chamber Annual Fund-raiser (Theater and Silent Auction), Friday, January 21, 2005, at the Community Center. Tickets are $50 per person. At the regular Chamber meeting on February 17, the guest speaker will be Mary Kiffineyer, Secretary of State. B. Next IDC meeting -February 1, 2005. 9. Adjournment. Bill Tapper made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Seconded by Mary Barger, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 a. m. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 4 o b `~ I ~ A nda 02/01/05 • • ry ~ ~ ~~ ~~0~ ~-T 5. Economic Development Director's Report. o: ~°~ ~~_ ,~/~ ~ a'~ ~ ~ A. Business Retention and Expansion - -Bill and Barb Tapper - 25,000 sq ft warehouse addition to existing 60,000 sq ft industrial building. Proposed tenant, Strategic Equipment and Supply Corporation, will commit to 40 new jobs for Monticello at an average hourly wage of $17.90 w/o benefits and average median wage of $19.00 w/o benefits. This will be their regional and control center. In reality, they plan to have 50-55 people at this facility. -Dahlheimer still interested in relocating to Otter Creek Business Campus. -Local business has decided to add on in 2005 rather than relocate to Otter Creek. -Other two local companies reported last month looking to expand in 2005 and at long range plans. - 12,000 sq ft addition, Tire Service Equipment Mfg (unaware of EDA program) Industrial leads: -28,000 sq ft manufacturing facility -rubber products and rubber coated facility. Mail worksheet and trying to set up visit. (Lead from general contractor) - 5,000 sq ft office/warehouse, 1-2 acres, 7 full-time (owner call) - 40,000 to 60,000 sq ft manufacturing, 4-6 acres. (Metro realtor broker) Mailed worksheet. - 8,000 to 12,000 sq ft condo for lease or sale, 3 buildings, Dundas Road, Oakwood Industrial Park, spring construction (Builder and Architect) - 10,000 sq ft manufacturing . 2-4 acres, 8 people, metal fabricator, returned worksheet. (Brad Barger) - 30,000 to 50,000 sq ft manufacturer, 10 existing, 10 new, 3-5 acres (realtor, commercial specialist) - 20,000 sq ft with room to expand, 7+ acres, manufacturing (owner) - 30,000 sq ft light assembly, distribution. 3-3.5 acres 12 full time, (owner) - 15,000-20,000 sq ft, 3-5 acres, heavy construction equipment, 90 at peak, 12 in office (owner) Other: Transformation Home Loan Program -Breakfast held January 26, about 10 in attendance. Info mailed to 375 home owners with 2004 assessed market value of less than $150,000. ~> AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2005 6:00 P.M Commissioners: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and William Spartz Council Liaison: Glen Posusta Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held Monday, January 4th, 2005. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a health clinic, ambulance garage and parking area expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District 6. Consideration of a request to review a commercial site plan for conformance to a previously approved Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat for the Monticello Travel Center. C~ti~~.1 7. Consideration of a request to review building elevations and landscape plans for conformance to a previously ap roved Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat for the Monticello Retail Center. ~'~~~- I `~~~~~ Public Hearing -Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regarding the replacement of billboard signage. Applicant: City of Monticello 9. Consideration to approve a resolution finding the proposed Modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-~3, consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan. ~`~ e-Q ~~ 10. Discussion Item -Area Planning Effort and Alternative Urban Area Review 11. Adjourn. I~~ u IDC MEMBERSHIP 2005 VOTING MEMBERS TERM MEMBERS December 2005 Bill Tapper Mike Benedetto Kelli Huxford Paul Kleinwachter Don Tomann December 2006 Mary Barger Dick Van Allen Dan Olson Barb Schwientek December 2007 Tom Lindquist "t-ovv~ Co-~-- Don Roberts Lynne Dahl-Fleming Standing Member NON-VOTING MEMBERS Sue Struckness City Council Liaison Executive Director Support Staff Clint Herbst Wayne Mayer Ollie Koropchak Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill Fred Patch John Simola OCCUPATION Industrial, Manufacturer Education Service, Utility Service, Lender Industrial, Manufacturer Industrial, Manufacturer Industrial, Manufacturer Service, Insurance Health Care Service, Lender Service, T~j~ C a..~ o v"t a'~f Industrial, Manufacturer Service, Print/Marketing Chamber Chair Mayor Council Member ~~ INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO . 2005 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Purpose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello. 3. To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development.