IDC Agenda 04-01-2003AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • Tuesday, April 1, 2003 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, Kelli Huxford, Tom Feaski, and Lynne Dahl. COUNCIL L[AISON: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:02 2. Vote to approve the March 4, 2003 IDC minutes. . 7:05 3. Reports: A. Kaltec Tour - BRE scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 9:00 a.m. B. Economic Development Report -Koropchak. 7:15 4. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. . A. Review the draft copy of the April 1, 2003 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. B. Update and status of the Gold Nugget concept stage PUD following Planning Commission action of March 4 and Council. Revised plan 3/12/03. C. Clarify the intent of the list of recommended actions as prepared by Van Allen to assist in accomplishing the IDC Mission Statement. Does the 2003 IDC Mission Statement need amending? D. Discuss industrial development ideas as suggestions for goals/projects within the Community Vision & Governing Policies. Vote if applicable. 7:35 6. Updates by Mayor Thielen. A. Progress on annexation and development of new agreement. B. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan. 7:~5 7. Other Business. A. Discuss proposed river/bridge crossing. B. Xcel Re-license Update -Huxford. C. Chamber Updates -Feaski. 8:10 8. Adjournment. MINUTES • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 4 , 2003 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mary Barger, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, Kelli Huxford, Tom Feaski, and Lynne Dahl. MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Tapper and Tom Ollig. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Bruce Thielen. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the February 4, 2003, IDC minutes. Tom Lindquist made a motion to approve the February =~, 2003 IDC minutes. Mike Benedetto second the motion and with no correciions or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Welcome Mayor Thielen and Chamber Chair Tom Feaski. On behalf of the IDC, Chair Barger welcomed the Mayor and Chamber Chair as members of the committee. 4. Reports: A. BRE Visit -Twin City Die Castings ~- Benedetto/Koropchak. Benedetto and Koropchak reported a good visit with TCDC and the positive experience with city staff. Greatest die castings production competition is China. Follow-up Barger/B&B Metal and Olson/Bondhus. Barger reported she had talked with B&B Metal Stamping relative to the EDA's decision to not amend their Guidelines to include job retention. He was o.k. with that and said he still plans to expand in Monticello. Olson reported he had followed up with John Bondhus and encouraged John to call the local postmaster as the postmaster has an open door policy. B. Economic Development Report - In addition to the written report, Koropchak informed members that she and Don Tomann, UMC, had lunch and toured their `" Monticello facility on Friday. Don is so excited about moving to Monticello and the whole family felt they'd made the right decision. IDC Minutes - 3/4/03 C. Membership Committee -Lindquist reported that he, Olson, and Koropchak met as recommended by the IDC to discuss township representation on the IDC. In conclusion and given the efforts by Benedetto, the committee agreed that to have a non-political individual as a member was to have anon-active representative and the IDC is not short of members. Recommended to not recruit a township representative at this time. IDC agreed. 5. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. A. Review the draft copy of the March 4, 2003 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. O'Neill. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. The IDC reviewed the entire Planning Commission Agenda for items relating to industrial development. Koropchak submitted a copy of the full written agenda item: Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a concept stage planned unit development approval for a mixed use development including residential, commercial, and industrial. Applicant, Gold Nugget Development, Inc. Upon seeing the concept plan, the following discussion took place: The amount of industrial land (60 acres) is less and commercial land (10 acres) is more than first thought. This due to the intersection access. The ponding approaches into the industrial area. Industrial zoning I-lA is like Monticello Commerce Center, light industrial with at least 50% exterior other than metal/sheet. The original Gold Nugget plan had single family homes only, this plan shows 200 quads/row homes and 170 single family homes. The density is an over-all question - 3 units per acre meets low density reported O'Neill. The Comp Plan does not require a certain ratio of town homes to single-family or maximum number of town homes. Perhaps, the comp plan should address this. The Parks Commission will review the parks/trail design and have identified the need for a play area in this area. Cedar Street is proposed as a through frontage road, 40-ft wide from Chelsea south to 85 Avenue, parallel to Highway 25. O'Neill anticipates between 40-80 homes constructed per year, given the economy and completion of improvements. Entry-level market rate homes are planned. We keep hearing about up-scale housing but it's the same thing noted one IDC member. This due to the power lines, etc. The Maplewood development is zoned K-lA with starting sales price at $250,000 and 2,000 sq ft of finished space. Feaski suggested as in Rogers an eight foot berm with plantings and walkway/pathway creating a park like setting which serves as a buffer between the c/i and residential area. Upon development of the industrial parcels, there is no need to amend the PUD. Barger made a motion suggesting to preserve as mz~ch land for industrial through a reduction in commercial and recommending 6~ acres for industrial use (II-A) and .5 acres for commercial use. Van Allen seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed !~ unanimously. Noting the first motion did not address Feaski or Benedetto's comments, Barger then made a second motion recommendin~~~ to scale buck the m.~mber of town homes (quads and/or row homes) and to buffer the residential 2 IDC Minutes - 3/4/03 neighborhood_from the C/1 by creating an 8 foot berm and park/walkway setting on the residential neighborhood side. Seconded by Lindquist and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. B. Review the list of recommended actions as prepared by Van Allen to assist in accomplishing the IDC Mission Statement. Discuss and vote. At the February IDC meeting, Van Allen requested the list of recommended additional actions for the IDC be mailed with the March IDC agenda. Van Allen noted items one and two were a means to improve communication and give extra input on hot points or items. O'Neill felt the mailed IDC minutes and BRE summaries were one-sided. Members added both the minutes and summaries were approved prior to mailing. Another recommended action was use of funds for industrial land or interchange. O'Neill noted possible negotiations for the Gold Nugget industrial property: Long-range plans for Osowski property: options on land such as 25 years out -seller 25% of revenues, authorizing quick appraisal, need for maps, access, usefiilness of land from perception of the end user (industrial business). No action was taken by the IDC on the recommended actions. 6. Updates by Mayor Thielen. A. Progress on annexation and development of new agreement. Mayor Thielen reported that further annexation and development of the new agreement is on a holding pattern until the appeal date has passed. Having met with the attorney, the city hopes to negotiate a new agreement from a position of power. The township - "Tell us what was wrong with the original agreement?" The city - "Where we want to be 20 years out?" Was suggested perhaps a 5 to 7 member council with township. No way, if they continue to disagree and for the next twenty years not be productive. Or the city could request the state to annex entire area. Currently, 350 acres being annexed. B. Status of the Council recommendation to establish a task force for implementation of the Comp Plan. O'Neill reported nothing new on the proposed northwest corridor interchange. The east-side interchange of highest priority. Interchange funding and preliminary design to the council in 2-3 weeks. Developer wants committed plan and funding for the 3-phase project. C. Report on Council establishment of~;oals/projects for 2003-2008 (Community Vision & Governing Policies). Mayor Thielen reported Community Vision & Governing Policies were started several years ago and is currently being reviewed for update. He continued stating it is an open process and although the IDC is an independent group, he will accept ideas from the IDC for the next meeting set for May. Working with O'Neill, a meeting of the elected bodies: city, school, county, hospital, state legislators is being planned for April 26, 9:00 a.m., Mississippi Room. City looking at potential budget cuts of $300,000. Council Member Robbie Smith may be assigned to the IDC because of "time difficulty" for the Mayor. IDC Minutes - 3/4/03 7. Other Business. Chamber Golf Outing, May 15, Monticello Country Club. Adjournment. Van Allen made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Seconded by Roberts, the IDC meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. o.~. ~~~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder 4 IDC Agenda - 4/1/03 3B. Executive Director's Report: a) On March 25, introduced a speciallegislation bill to extend the 5-year activity rule for Downtown TIF District No. I-22. Met with Senator Ourada and Representative Anderson. Chamber Director also was present to support bill. b) C.H. Holt Company, Inc - As Kohler's discontinued orders for engine housings, Craig Holt has closed his doors. 5,000 sq ft industrial space for lease at 208 Dundas Road. c) Production Stamping -Talking with Les Wurm last week, he was pretty close to signing a purchase agreement on the Fallon Avenue building. It is a swap of buildings plus dollars. His intent is to move in by the end of April if the deal goes through. d) Was a presenter at the Second Development Issues and Solutions Series hosted by the Wright County Partnership on March 19. Next session is May 7. e) BRE Visit scheduled for Kaltec, Inc. on Thursday, April 3, 9:00 a.m. Need a volunteer or two to go along. f) Vector Tool, Inc. and Aroplax -Called several times for BRE appointment. g) Very quiet on industrial leads -working on downtown redevelopment, marketing material updates, annual finance and job reports. h) UMC - EDA disbursed $200,000 GMEF funds. Requested first disbursement from State for $92,000 of the granted $290,000. Anticipates move-in in July. i) The HRA requested a summary of the economic activities accomplished in . Monticello. This summary was compiled as a part of the application for the Women of Today -Outstanding Woman in Government. The request by the HRA is for the purpose to use the information for marketing by publishing success stories. The accomplishments are due in large to the cooperative efforts of many commissions, council, and individuals. * Recruited 25 industrial businesses to the City of Monticello. * Created over 800 new industrial jobs for an annual payroll of greater than $25,000,000. * Increased the assessed market value of the City of Monticello by approximately $70,000,000 through economic development, redevelopment, and affordable housing projects. * Currently working with developers to add an additional $10,800,000 of assessment market vahie to the City of Monticello. * Secured $1,210,000 in grants from the Minnesota Department of Trade & Economic Development. * Assisted developers and businesses with over $7,000,000 of tax increment financing. * Issued 18 City loans to businesses for a total amount of $1,400,000. • • C7 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday -April 1, 2003 6:00 P.M. Members: Council Liaison Staff: L Call to order. 4.i~ Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and David Rietveld Brian Stumpf Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Steve Grittman 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held March 4, 2003. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for concept stage planned unit development to construct office/retail building and parking. Applicant: Mike Cyr/MLC Building & Remodeling and Liberty Savings Bank 6. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of amendments to the district boundary map identified in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Applicant: City of Monticello. 7. Consideration of a request of Home Depot to allow a pylon sign in excess of the zoning requirements. 8. Discuss residential design requirements for planned unit developments in the Original Plat of the City of Monticello. 9. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on a Comprehensive Plan amendment that establishes a ratio of single family to two family development in developing areas. 10. Adjourn Ir • O ° O O OoM O N ~ ~'° O O O O Dim O O~ O° O 0' p° „N6 m~ 0 X ~ y a ~~ a aw m a~ ~ NQ n O K N •- N I Q~ ~ r X75 U NF ~ J p ~ • ' a <~~ Q ~ ~ ~nw Fa z = ~U p~ rn V Td< Z In ! QQ d] N ~~N W U rN QZ N vpp M^ Z N ~ ~ Q OaDi Q O ~ ~"' Q ~ W~ Wa 3 J W 1%) ~ W ~ ~ Q 1 ~. Q a v~ O J aW ~'"~`~ 7 ~ W ~U Wm = ~ W Q= J Q ~ Q '~S U ~K f11~ Op ~ 7 Z fAOK ~ ~ d ZV dd W l,' /,' /,'%Y ;; :. .•:. ., i .. ., ,. ;; .; .i _ -- -- - -_ ,^ v N ~ Z ~ SZ ~ ~pN M ~~ ~ y~~H ° W ~'~• U QQ ~ ^ A m i v N K ~J ~m_ U ~ x --~ -- ~.~ x a q d ~ ~- 9 Z w a ~ o e ~ a N N \ N ~ w 5 '~~ l~~ I I I l ll ~~ I ~3\y~s ~ I ,. ~, "~.. ~''9~ ~ ~ L... 1 I i i i i l I l l I I I I I I I l I I I l V,l I ~1 I ~I a:l loll ICI i<w INS 1-~ ~I Ij l IN i IW II I~ IZ Il ll II I -~ ~ I~ II it -l I~ i !~ O Z ~.1J W W !W V z 0 J O iZ r Q z Q F-- w U z ~o w U w F-- W w U_ ~--- wz a O z w Z a PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA March 4, 2003 RECOMMENDATION FROM THE IDC FOR ITEM NO. 8 At the IDC meeting the morning of March 4, 2003, the IDC reviewed the Planning Commission Agenda for related industrial items. The IDC approved the following motions relative to Item No. 8 -Public Hearing: Consideration of a request for a concept stage planned unit development approval for a mixed use development including residential, commercial, and industrial. (Applicant: Gold Nugget Development, Inc.) First Motion -Recommendation to preserve as much land for industrial use through a reduction in commercial use. Recommended 65 acres for industrial use (ll-A) and 5 acres for commercial use. Second Motion -Recommendation to scale back number of town homes (quads and/or row homes) and to buffer the residential neighborhood from the C/I by creating an 8-foot berm and a park/walkway setting on the residential neighborhood side. • • 4C INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 2003 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Purpose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello. 3. To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development. C ~. 4,C Recommended additional actions for the Industrial Development Committee. Respectfully submitted - Richard Van Allen- 3 February 2003 Objective: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota ~,, 1. Develop"good working liaison, including direct communication, appearances ~ - and presentations before and to: • City Council • City Staff • Planning Commission 2. Be willing to share our views on: • Use of the funds already set aside for purchase of Industrial Property • Industrial Planning • Willingness to provide participants for implementation of the Comp plan implementation 3. Continue independent evaluation of usefulness of property designated "Industrial" on the current Comp Plan 4. Monitor and evaluate changes made through PUD use and changes to property designated "Industrial" on the Comp Plan . 5- Through BRE visits continue collection of information relevant to industrial development and retention needs. .t . • ose Da er action at Thursday's directors: of a new medication dis- ystem being planned for tal. Terry Pearson of the <a-based Mendota Health- theboard apresentation on ds," a machine that uses credit card to dispense s, pain killers and other ~n drugs. The Monticello- ; Hospital's emergency ~eviewing the InstyMeds hich takes doctor prescrip- ugh ahand-held computer inates them with both hos- i~sions and the dispensing The hospital district would machine for $3,000 to r month and receive apay- bout $7.50 per prescription vote was made Thursday ther to proceed with s. gat finances for fiscal 2003 to ~ losses. In January :ra ivision for the dis- ~ed a loss, which Hospital Hance Administrator Nancy ;aid totaled a net loss of ~. "That didn't help our ate," she said, adding that rst four months of fiscal district is posting a loss of ir~ers $439,000. Early reports on February project a gain for that month, and Friesen said the district is working on a revised budget that shows the impact of closing of the counseling center March 1. Hamond said that while in past years a strong third and fourth quarter helped make up for the district's early losses, he does not expect that to be the case for fiscal 2003. „ • Approved easements through the hospital campus which need to be in place before the City of Monticello will grant permits for construction of a new west wing for the hospital. The easements involve a city path- way to the west of the hospital and also use of parking stal]s currently owned by Dr. David Bauer's Monti- cello Dental Center: Bauer has pro- posed that the district pay him $10,000 for the eight stalls, with the option to buy the entire dental center property in three years when Bauer plans to retire. Steve Munstenteiger, the district's legal counsel, called the proposal "a deal that's beneficial to both sides." • Heard that the hospital's mammog- raphy department recently received high marks in the annual inspection by the Minnesota Department of Health. ant Sati d itself afternoon, taking solitary advantage of temperatures that reached nearly sixty crossing hearings set The Minnesota Department of Transportation will hold two open houses starting 'Iliesday to present information on four possible align- ments for a new bridge over the Mississippi River. The bridge will provide a new connection between I-94 and.Hwy. 10 through either St. Cloud, Clear- water or Enfield. In the map below, "A" repre- sents the St. Cloud crossing alterna- tive, `B," an expanded Clearwater option, "C," another Clearwater crossing possibility and "D" out- lines an Ent`ield-to-Becker alterna- tive. The open houses will be held ~esday, 4:30-7:30 p.m., at the St. Marcus Church in Clear Lake, and Wednesday, March 26, 5:30- 8:30 p.m., at the Becker City Hall.. No formal presentation will be made at the open houses, and the same information will be available at both sessions. Corridor layouts and other technical data for each of the four alternative crossings will be displayed and available for review. Homeowners, property owners, public and government officials and other interested parties who will live near or use the corridor are encouraged to attend. Actual construction is not expected until 2015, but Mn/DOT wants to identify a corridor now and preserve it for the new con- nection. The last public review of !the project was in March 2002. Since then, layouts for the four alterna- tives have been upgraded to show more detailed highway design and location information, including construction limits and right-of- way boundaries. The four alternatives, along with a no-build alternative, will be presented in a Draft Environmen- tal Impact Statement, which should be complete in the summer. This will be followed by another round of public review. For questions, comments or to request special accommodations for the open house, contact Mn/DOT in St. Cloud at 1-800- 657-3961 or email .the department at: chad.casey@dot.state.mn.us. . 3 ~c _ ~ _~_..I- l._ I _ ~ ~ ~ ` '~ ~~ ~ 4 ~ ~~ -~ r r '~ 1: [ ., r .r ~ . '``~ ~ ~ E I ~;. _~ {~ J i ~ ,~~ „ r ~, ~ e~r ate~t ~. ~ ` ~ ,,~ ~~~, ` ~ - _~ ~, 'f ~ '~ C t -'~,.~ l c, ~~ ~ s __ _ . _. __ j 1 ~^~ ~ ' .~f ~ ~~ ~ fr Y' ~ A y ei~r ~ j ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ % ~ rT - - ~/i I r' I 2 i ~ i 1 I __ ~~ ~ L ~` ~- ~ } 1 4 i v ;e a lamb...