IDC Agenda 01-17-2002r AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS: ~ Dicl Vai A ice Chair Tom Lind ui 'n Dot ill_Tapper~To~~Ollig on Roberts Mike nedetto ary Barge , Susie ~G6jchouski, Barb~CC~wientek, Ellen er~,xdlt, ai an O son COUNCIL: Mayor der Belsaas. STAFF: RickW/olfsteller eff O'Neill John Simola, Fred Patch, an Ollie Koro ch IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:02 2. Vote to approve the December 20, 2001 IDC minutes. 7:04 3. Update on the process for amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and outcome of the mediation date of January 1 1, 2002. O'Neill. 7:14 4. Follow-up on the 1DC recommendation and IDC plans to present IDC recommendation at the public hearing of the Planning Commission, March 5, 2002. 7:30 5. Review the IDC 2001 Action Statement and Organizational and Membership Guidelines for potential amending or reaffirming. 7:40 6. Vote to elect 2002 IDC officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. 7:50 7. Vote to accept the letter of resignation from IDC Member Don Smith. ~ ~"'~ ~ o S ~ ~ 7:55 8. Continued -Address the concern raised about the difficulty to receive local service for drug testing of newly hired employees. Does the IDC want to authorize drafting of letter? 8:05 9. Reports: ~ ,,,,~ Marketing -First BRE Visit report - VanAllen/Koropchak. d~r~,~ '3'•0o Q Economic Development- Koropchak. ~a'~~' °Q'~'~`~`~ ~CCaa..Ilbb ~~ Mayor -Belsaas. Membership -Set meeting date. 8:20 10. Other business. Chamber "Las Vagas Night", Thursday, January 3l, 2002, Silver Springs Golf Course, 5:30 p.m., $45 per person. 8:25 11. Adjournment. MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 20, 2001 -'7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, and Ellen Perrault. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Mike Benedetto, Dan Olson, and Bob Mosford. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: .Leff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Van Allen informed members of a resignation letter from IDC Member Don Smith. Smith noted he felt the "time" was right to leave having been a member for some 24 years and the last of the charter members. • 2. Vote to approve the October 18, 2001 IDC minutes. DON SMITH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 18, 2001 IDC MINUTES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. No November IDC minutes were prepared as the November meeting was not called to order due to a lack of quorum. Progress and status report on updating/amending the Comprehensive Plan of the Cit~f Monticello including Otter Creek Crossing. O'Neill reported on the status of the Comprehensive Plan update and amendment stating the update covers a period of five to twenty to thirty years. The preliminary concept of the land use map has been approved by the Planning Commission and City Council and was a consensus of city staff. Prior to the Public Hearing to amend the Comprehensive Plan in late February, the Planning Commission and City Council will meet with the County to discuss the preliminary concept in order to gain county support. O'Neill proceeded by giving a detailed summary of the land use plan. Additionally, he noted reasons why the Remmele site has been identified as an important parcel for future commercial development and noted that the mediation session for the Gold Nugget parcel is scheduled for January 10, 2002. One is uncertain as to the cost due the devaluation of land from residential to commercial/industrial. The parcel consists of 225 acres, 70 acres commercial/industrial and 155 residential. He noted city acquisition of the industrial/commercial portion of the Gold Nugget site, either by purchase or via swap (City/Remmele), remains a possibility. Lastly, he informed members of the proposed four-lane upgrade to Highway 25 between Monticello and Buffalo planned for 2006. IDC Minutes - 12/20/01 The [DC asked of the number of commercial acres, as some voiced concerns that the City has not preserved sufficient large tracks of commercial land for big box users. O'Neill was uncertain. IDC members asked, what is the projected revenues over-time based on development of the land use map? Given the industrial land use designation to the west, cost to develop and accessibility to the parcels; what is the projected timing for interchange development and infrastructure development? IDC members were informed of the annexation request approved by Council for 60 acres of Otter Creek Crossing (Chadwick) and the hired developer's inquire for retail/warehousing, etc. use which is permitted in the l l A zone. Additionally, they were informed that Chadwick has hired C.B. Richard Ellis to market the property. In conversation with the Richard Ellis, there is an interested buyer for 30 acres of the 60 acres. The interested buyer appears to be a commercial use. Tapper asked if there is a model to follow such as Maple Grove, Edina, etc. illustrating number of acres for housing, commercial, and industrial? 4. Approve Marketing Subcommittee recommendation to rezone and to develop the Citv ~Renunele) parcel from Commercial to Industrial forwardingthe recommendation to the Plannin~~ Commission. Koropchak reiterated data used by the Marketing Subcommittee (HRA/IDC) in forming their recommendation such as increased land price, decreased tax increment. industrial development competition, and no plans for City/HRA money per Council. Additionally, she noted the recommendation is to rezone property owned by the City and to develop the City (Remmele) parcel as an industrial park immediately after the model used by Big Lake. Smith noted the Subcommittee's considered the availability of the three industrial buildings and the current recession; however, the subcommittee also could not justify spending $20,000 for marketing non-competitive land prices. This leaves the subcommittee out of the ball game and with a big challenge. Based on the update on the preliminary land use plan including the City parcel as commercial and the Gold Nugget mediation date of January 10, 2002, Smith suggested the IDC table any action for a couple of months as it appears premature in lieu of a possible land trade. Van Allen disagreed with Smith's suggestion stating "! think we need to move forward now, not wait another two months." Van Allen continued informing members of his conversation with UMC relative to a relocation decision based on the total package. At a meeting of Wright County industrial leaders, UMC was suggested to check out the deal in Big Lake and inquired as to why industries are leaving Monticello. O'Neill suggested adding to the -°ecommendation the Gold Nugget parcel, as the City parcel is the gate keeper to commercial and future residential development. Van Allen asked for a show of hands whether to table or move forward with a motion. Members agreed to move forward with a motion. It was also suggested the motion include preparing a time frame to control a site and for completion of infrastructure development. BARB SCHWIENTEK MADE A MOTION RECOMMENDING THE CONTROL OF A SITE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND TO COMMIT TO CONSTRUCTION COMPLF,TION OF THE UTILITY AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BY FALL 2002 FOR EITHER THE CITY (REMMELE) OR GOLD NUGGET PARCELS. AND TO PREPARE A 2 IDC Minutes - 12/20/01 TIME FRAME FOR THE CITY (REMMELE) AND GOLD NUGGET PARCELS, BEGINNING WITH THE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT COMPLETION DATE AND WORKING BACKWARDS IDENTIFYING THE APPLICABLE STEPS AND TIME FRAME TO ACCOMPLISH CONTROL OF SITE AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMPLETION. THIS RECOMMENDAT]ON TO BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Continued -Approve changes to the Business Retention and Expansion Visit Program as su~~~ested by the subcommittee. A) Revised BRE Visit Outline. B) Starting date, Januar 2Y 002• No action, meeting adjourned. 6. Continued -Address the concern raised about the difficulty to receive local service for drug testing of newly hired employees. Does the IDC want to authorize drafting of letter No discussion or action, meeting adjourned. 7. Reports: No reports, meeting adjourned. Marketin~~ -Smith. Economic Development-Koropchak. Mayor - Belsaas. 8. Other business. None. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned by consensus at 8:30 a.m. ~~ ~ ~y~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder 0 Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/02 • Update -IDC and HRA Recommendations No action is required of the Planning Commission at their January 8, 2002 meeting. The IDC and HRA submit and request the Planning Commission and City Council consider and incorporate their respective recommendations into the Comprehensive Plan update and amendment process and to take the applicable action to accomplish the recommendations. Reference and Background: On December 7, 2001, the Marketing Subcommittee (HRA Commissioners Darren Lahr and Brad Barger and IDC Members Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, and Don Smith) reviewed data including current local industrial land prices ($65,340 per acre), the decrease of tax increment revenues collected due to class rate reductions, and the Big Lake Industrial Development Plan. The group recognized the availability of three local industrial buildings and the current recession; however, they also could not justify spending $20,000 for marketing non-competitive industrial land prices. They agreed Monticello is out-of--the ball game. Additionally, the group considered the $565,000 Industrial Development Fund set aside by the HRA and the Council for industrial land acquisition and/or infrastructure development and the additional pool of non-restrictive TIF fiends pledged for industrial land acquisition or infrastructure development. The Marketing Subcommittee made a motion "asking the HRA and the IDC to approve the Marketing Subcommittee's recommendation to rezone City (Remmele) parcel from commercial to industrial and to develop an industrial park forwarding the recommendation to the Planning Commission." At the IDC meeting of December 20, 2001, Jeff O'Neill gave an update to the IDC members on the status of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. He gave a detailed summary of the preliminary land use plan and noted reasons why the City (Remmele) site has been identified as an important parcel for future commercial development and noted that the mediation session for the Gold Nugget parcel was scheduled for January 10, 2002. Additionally, he noted city acquisition of the industrial/commercial portion of the Gold Nugget site, either by purchase or via swap (City/Remmele), remains a possibility. IDC Chair Van Allen informed members of his recent conversation with UMC, an industrial prospect, relative to the relocation considerations and economic benefits to a community. After discussing the Marketing Subcommittee's recommendation and hearing O'Neill's report, the IDC was ready to make a motion which included preparation of a time frame. C Recommendation "IDC Member Barb Schwientek made a motion recommending the control of a site for • Planning Commission Agenda - 1/8/02 inr~arsb°ial development and to commit to construction completion of utility and road improvements by Fall of 2002 for either the City (Remmele) or Gold Nugget parcels, and to prepare a time frame for the City (Remmele) and Gold Nugget parcels, beginning with the infrastructure improvement completion date and working backwards identifying the applicable steps and time.frame to accomplish control of site and infrastructure completion. This recommendation to he forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council. IDC Member Bill Tapper seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. " At the HRA meeting of January 2, 2002, O'Neill gave an update to the Commissioners on the stat~is of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and stated he agreed that City ownership of industrial land is critical to getting industrial development going, but thought that use of the City (Remmele) site should be considered after other viable options are exhausted. After discussing the Marketing Subcommittee's recommendation and hearing O'Neill's report, the following motion was made. HRA Recommendation "A motion ~~~as made by Commissioner Brad Barger to recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council to have a completed industrial park owned by the HRA or City with lots ready to sell in April of 2003. Commissioner Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. " Again, the IDC and HRA request the Planning Commission and City Council consider and incorporate their respective recommendations into the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update and Amendment and to take the applicable action to accomplish the recommendations. Supporting Data -Copy of Big Lake Industrial Development Plan and copy of Van Allen's discussion with UMC. • Wednesday, December 19, 2001 To: Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello, Mayor Roger Belsaas, City Council members, Bruce Theilen, Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf and Keni Herbst and City Planning Commission From Dick Van Allen - IDC SUBJECT.• UMC !n formal interview with director /manager Rand y Hatcher concerning plant expansion. DECISION - No final decision yet -current location is negotiating with three different municipalities concerning provision of utilities and sewer access. DEC15-ON LOGIC - WiN be based on the availability of utilities and the total package offered. DEVELOPMENT NEED -need 60,000 sq, ft, options EXPAND - at current site on 47 acres owned by the family of the owner of the company. BUILD -Land need not determined -. Dick VA Opinion is that some adjacent land will need to be available for expansion and may not need to be part of the package. OCCUPANCY -need 60,000 sq, ft Monticello existing locations - H-Windows deemed to expensive io renovate to their use. Fay-Mar has not seen specifications- later deemed too small First Choice - Ollie K wil send information. WHY ARE COMPANIES LEAVING MONTICELLO ? 1 discussed the buyout consolidation of H-Windows, Fay-Mar and Right Choice. 1 still saw a quizzical expression on Randys' face. NEGOT1AT10NS - • Edina -has need services across the highway and is not willing to cross the highway. Two municipalities are interested and have not agreed to provide services. Best estimates are that the municipalities will not be able to deliver service for between two to five years. Persons at the meeting anticipated !t will take take five years to deliver needed services to this sire.. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS - Monticello -principal impressed with the presentation and pro-industrial development attitude exhibited during site visit. Rockford and Buffalo are preparing information for consideration. Big Lake -was suggested by a member of the committee. (Note that Big Lake has an impressive 7 year record for converting undeveloped land into tax base. Details can be made available.) WORKFORCE CONSIDERATIONS 0 % OF Vietnamese descent drive from St. Paul and not expected to drive or move further outstare Employees who currently commute from St. Cloud would Wellcome plant movement further westward. Randy Hatcher, Manger- now drives 2 miles to current plant accepts the possibility of driving to Monticello Workforce commutes largely from Western Hennepin and Eastern Wright counties The drive west on 94 in the morning would be not be tough because the commuter traffic pattern (inbound to the city) Any thruway quickly becomes a large parking lot if there is an accident. P,A~YROLL -Est. 100 jobs @ 520./hour = $4,000,000. annually O INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 2001 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Purpose To operate as an independent lobbying organization structured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction I . To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HRA for the City of Monticello. 3. To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development. ;~ ~J ORGANIZATIONAL RESTRUCTURE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated as of OCTOBER 1 , 1996 is between the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (the "IDC"), and the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce, a Minnesota nonprofit organization (the "CoC"). In consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The IDC shall remain an independent organization with the right to appoint its own committee members. IDC members shall not be required to~be due-paying members of the CoC or any other organization. 2. The IDC shall have no funds or fund-raising activities. The IDC shall donate the July 18, 1996 fund balance of approximately $9,640 to the CoC. • 4. The CoC shall agree to host the annual gratis BRE Breakfast and the former IDC Fundraiser Banquet in cooperation with the IDC. The expenses are the sole responsibility of the CoC and the proceeds are the sole benefit of the CoC. 5. The IDC shall have the right to request funds from the CoC for special industrial development acrtivities. However, the CoC shall have no obligation to honor those requests. 6. The CoC shall account for the IDC funds independently of other CoC funds and shall voluntarily submit an accounting of the funds to the IDC annually. Adopted by the Monticello Industrial Development Committee and the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce, and in witness whereof, the IDC and CoC have executed this Agreement as of the date first above-mentioned. MONTICELLO AREA CHAMB R OF COMMERCE By j /~ ~~6 ~- ,~ It sident By w Its ice-Presi cc: City Hall MONTICELLO IlVDUSTRI~L MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the tlii~~~y of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello City Hall, Academy Room. Special meetings maybe called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. II. Objective: As written and adopted by the Annual Industrial Development Committee Action Statement. III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 1b-18 members. IV. Make-up the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members: President of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce. Mayor of the City of Monticello. Non-voting. City Staff Members: Non-voting. Administrator of the City of Monticello. Assistant Administrator of the City of Monticello. Economic Development Director of the City of Monticello. Chief Building Official of the City of Monticello. V. Officers: The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be elected annually at the January meeting. Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence are the responsibility of the Economic Development Director. VI. Length of Membership Term: Members shall serve for three year terms on a three year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee many so indicate prior to the expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the Industrial Development Committee may do so by submitting a letter of resignation. VII. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The Industrial Development Committee must confirm all new members by a majority vote. IDC ORGANIZATIONAL/MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES. PAGE 2 VIII. Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the 1st of January and ending the 31th of December. • MINUTES • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Benedetto, Susie Wojchouski, and Barb Schwientek. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Koropchak announced the IDC will host an Open House for and at IRTI on Friday, February 1, 2002, 3:00 p.m. Invitation will be mailed. 2. Vote to approve the December 20, 2001 TDC minutes. MARY BARGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 20, 2001 IDC MINUTES. KEVIN DOTY SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Update on the process for amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and outcome of the mediation date of .ianuary 11.2002. O'Neill reported the Planning Commission and Council are addressing two issues. First, to update or establish residential standards by districts for adoption into City Ordinance and secondly, to update and amend the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission is holding an Open House on January 23 for input on the proposed residential standards. Plans are to upgrade the current R I standard of 960 sq ft finished floor space to 1,200 sd ft finished floor space with 800 sq ft for expansion. In order to accommodate affordable housing and limit the number of smaller homes, another district could inchlde smaller lot sizes with R1 standards. Lastly, is the establishment of a new residential standard, R1 A. This district would consists of high standards to enhance the natural amenities of the area. The public hearing date for amending the Comprehensive Plan has been called for the March 5, 2002 Planning Commission meeting. However, O'Neill reported the Planning Commission will be discussing the recommendations of the HRA and IDC at their IDC MEMBERSHIP 2001 • VOTING MEMBERS TERM MEMBERS OCCUPATION D b 20 ~ ` ~ ecem er 01 Don Smith -- Service, Publisher Tom Lindquist Service, Lender Tom Ollig Service, Utility Don Roberts Industrial, Manufacturer December 2002 Bill Tapper " Industrial, Manufacturer ~~ ,~ ~ °'~ Bob Mosford Service, CPA ~`°"' ' Mike Benedetto Ell P l --- Education S i ili ~ °' '"`~'`~ en errau t erv ce, Ut ty ~ ~ December 2003 Kevin Doty Service, Lender Mary Barger Industrial, Manufacturer Dick Van Allen Industrial, Manufacturer Dan Olson Service, Insurance Barb Schwientek Health Care Standing Member Susie Wojchouski Chamber Director NON-VOTING MEMBERS City Cowlcil Liaison Roger Belsaas Mayor Executive Director Ollie Koropchak Support Staff Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill Fred Patch John Simola • Ollig O Smith X Van Allen X Doty X Lindquist O Tapper X Mosford O Roberts X ~enedetto O Carlson O Barger X Schwientek Perrault Olson Chamber X COUllell Liaison X X denotes present O denotes absent 2001 IDC Monthly Attendance Phis is printed only as an informative r eport relative to the IDC Guidelines knowing individuals participate in other functi ons of the IDC . No No ~an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul fug ~ Oct Nov Dec Mtn uorum O X O O O O O X O O X X X X O X O X O X O X X O X X X X O X X O O X X O X O X X X X X O O X X X O O X X X X O X X X O X LOA - - - - - - - O O X O X X O X X O X X O X X X X O X O X O Resig nation X X X X X X X O X X X X O O O O X X X O X X O X X X X O X X O O X X X X X O X X X O O X O X O O O O O r ~ LJ ~• ~ ~ THE MONTICELLO TIMES & SHOPPER Monticello Times, Inc. • Publisher of the Monticello Times and Shopper • Donald Q. Smith, Editor and Publisher 116 East River Street -Box 420 • Monticello MN 55362-0420 • E-mail -monticellotimes@monticellotimes.com Phone 763-295-3131 • Fax 763-295-3080 • Home Page - http://www.monticellotimes.com To: Dick Van Allen Re: IDC membership From: Donald Q. Smith Date: 12/18/01 Dick: The time has come: I will leave the Monticello Industrial Development Committee when my term expires Dec. 31, 2001. I am the last of the original charter members still serving-dating back to the late `70s when people like Shelly Johnson, Ron Hoglund and Arve Grimsmo started the committee. I've been fortunate to serve with dozens of people over the years-from the business, service, professional and manufacturing communities. I have gratitude, too, for Ollie Koropchak, as economic development director, who perseveres, sometimes against the odds, but is always working to keep the issue of industrial development before city and community policy-makers. With some research in our newspaper columns, I could date the inception of the IDC. I'm estimating that my tenure has lasted nearly a quarter century. I leave for no other reason than "It's time": Time for new faces. Time for others to pick up this initiative for industry. Time needed for other volunteerism. We have accomplished much over the years. The industrial park was mostly bare land when the promotion of Monticello for new and expanding industries began in earnest. We're on the beginnings of a new stage that will surpass all that's been accomplished. And I'm particularly proud of the marketing effort, our brochures, and that the IDC and HRA have worked so well together in that mission. I wish the committee, Monticello City and our industrial businesses, managers and owners the best in the future. The effort is so important and has my support. Oh, yes, and send me a 2002 IDC banquet ticket! 'ncerely, Wald Q. Smit , blisher • cc: Ollie Koropchak, economic development director Mayor Roger Belsaas 305 CEDAR STREET -SUITE 201 __~_ OFFICES IN: MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 .--. Mosford, Barthel & Co., Pt.~i. COKATO (320) 286-5325 (763) 295-4800 • FAX (763) 295-4804 ELK RIVER (763) 441-1384 • CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS www.mbcocpa.com January 3, 2002 Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Re: IDC Committee Dear Ollie: Pursuant to my phone call to you today, this is my notice to remove my name from the committee for my term ending December 2002. Because of other commitments, it will be difficult to remain on the committee, and meet the attendance expectations. • I have enjoyed my time on the committee, and hope that 2002 will be a productive year for industrial development. Sincerely, MOSFORD, BARTHEL & CO., PLC d/" Robert W. Mosford, CPA/PFS and • .. The CPA. Never Underestimate The Value.s° • Monticeltc~l~ttclearC~enerat%zfgF~nt ~-- ~SU7-West County Load7~ Ivlonticello, MN ~~62 763-295-1282 3anuary 2~, 202 QIIie I~oropchak Economic Development Director City o€Montie~Ilo 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 5562 Dear-E?~Iie, I am resigning tyre Monticello industrial Bevelopment Committee ~~~ because I am leaving the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant for a position with the DFL Caucus in the Minnesota Ser~te. Thank yon for tl~e oppty to serve ors tie IDC. ~ enjoyed m€eting t~ co~rnmitte~ members and learning more about the city. Because the IDC plays an important role' for the-city, lhope-~c~~r~icello-NueTear-Eie~rn~ratiir~~rarrt e~mp~iayee-ts asked-to-~~in the IDC. Sincerely, l ~t ~"-~i4oS Ellen M. I'errauit C, ~~ ~'' D ~T.._~__.o_.___.~ ~~ ~ ~A N z s 2ooz ~, Q• w. BRE VISIT • SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORM IDC MEMBER INDUSTRY Name Van Allen/Koropchak Name Rainbow Enterprises, Inc. Phone FAX E-Mail Mailing Address Primary Contact Bill Harris and Keith Dullinger, Owners Phone 763-295-1110 E-Mail billh(a,rainbowmachining.com Location 108 Chelsea Road Web site www.rainbowmachining com FAX 763-295-5700 Date of Visit January 9, 2002 Time of Visit Scheduled 2:00 p.m. Commenced 2:15 p.m. Ended 3:05 p.m. Summary of Visit: 1. Suggested two-way web site linkage between Rainbow and City web-sites for purpose of hiring. This would provide potential new employment with a resource for information about the city. 2. Suggested identifying right-hand turn lane on Chelsea Road at Highway 25. Safety factor during high traffic volumes. 3. Suggested and would like to share resources with local like-size companies for the following: A. Health care co-op in order to offer alternate health care plans to employees. , B. Administrate 401 K Plan. f C. Payroll Service. D. Computer Networking. E. Human Resource. 4. Power olrt-age. Whether an electric pole is hit on Highway 25 or east end of town, Rainbow experiences a power out-age unlike Remmele which may have two-way power into building. Is two-way power service available through Xcel Energy? 5. Company plans to expand internally through the purchase of high tech machinery within the • year. For future expansion, what options does Rainbow have to expand building with the on-site drainage pond to the front? Things to do -Drop off copies of Community Guides and new industrial marketing brochures. Things to add on community development map -Highway 25 upgrade to 4 lanes between Monti and Buffalo (2007) and vacant industrial buildings (status and why vacated.) As a first time BRE visit, the exchange of information went very well. The company owners had good questions, excellent suggestions, and expressed gratitude for coming. The company did not experience a slow down during the recent recession. Submitted by Koropchak. r1 • 12 January, 2002 To: From /Concerning IDC / BRE visit at Rainbow Enterprises Wednesday 9 January, 2001 present William Harris - _________, Ollie Koropchak Economic Development for City of Monticello and Dick Van Allen, IDC Items of comment or action requested during meeting ~ Actions /~p_ nePdprl ~ Need a hot link between City of Monticello web site and Rainbow enterprises to allow potential hires, vendors or interested parties to first review City of Monticello amenities, quality of life offerings and then go to the company being considered. Suggestion ~ City provide a list of hot link for Monti Ilo Ind ,ctrial com ani c Intersection of Chelsea and 25 headed West ~ Intersection does not designate right lane as left turn to keep traffic moving from the industrial park onto 94 or on into Monticello. One car in the right lane stops a great deal of traffic. Suggestion -remark the right hand Ian ac, OLeft TLrn ~nly~ Pond location ~ Site use for expansion is limited by the pond between the front of the Rainbow Enterprises building and the road. What are the options to move the pond? Toning~partment to advise Rainbo~~~ Power outage ~ Currently single accidents involving transformers or utility poles • cause complete service interruptions of unpredictable duration. What can be done to provide dual service such as Remmele~s? Determine and advic requirem ntc for Remm I tynP carvira 5- Cost of Employee health coverage ~ high for everyone ~ are there companies that would be willing consider forming a group for negotiating co-operative health coverage. Announce at IDC meeting looking for interest or suggestions. Payroll services and 401 Kadministration -Currently use outside source ~ are there opportunities to share services? Ar th r err nt m~yerc ~~~ho have al rnativ c~ Suggested additions to presentation: Communicate consolidation / downsizing reasons for H Window, Fay-Mar and Right Choice and activity connected with new occupants. Leave acopy /copies of the Monticello Community Guide for office and reception area use. Dick Van Allen ~ IDC 12 January 2001 • q.b Economic Development Report January 9, 2002 by Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development DiYector ~ ,~~~ L'' a'' Fay-Mar Building - It is my understanding Ron Musich has a new industrial business to occupy the Fay-Mar building. I've left a voice mail for Ron to confirm and learn more of the company. Kitty has been renting space for community center equipment in the Fay-Mar building and was informed the entire facility would be utilized. H-Window building -the real estate agent informs me, he has a potential buyer. A company from Plymouth. About 25 jobs. Also, some interest by local businesses. Right Choice building -Agent, Van Allen, and myself showed this building to UMC on January 7, 2002. May be interested in leasing. Agent has another interested party -Production Stamping. Also, some interest by local businesses. Kaltec of MN -Provides engineering, manufacturing, and software solutions to technology driven businesses. 15-20 employees. Plymouth. Was looking at H-Window building. Wait and see approach. Owner Monticello address. UMC -Showed Right Choice building on January 7. Needs at a minimum 6 inch floors in manufacturing area and wants windows in the production area. Has ruled out H-Window building. Infrastructure feasibility study ordered by home conununity completed January 10. Will be meeting with city. Appeared interest in leasing. Looking at Buffalo, Monticello, and Anoka. 250,000-400,000 sq ft manufacturer/warehousing -Ohio company, competition Stearns or Sherburne County. Lead from Wright Partnership -info in hands of committee. Kevin Maas -Talked with Kevin, Amcom, relative to marketing 4.~ acres of commercial west of K-Mart last week. Additionally, we talked about industrial development. Where is Monticello at? Spoke of Otter Creek Crossing and annexation request. He mentioned a 250,000-400,000 sq ft warehouse user, out-state. Looking at Big Lake and Becker, didn't include Monticello. Monticello Business Condominiums -Talked with Heidi Van Heel, Property Management, will remove 13 acre site along East 7 Street as available as an industrial site and change to marketing for space to lease or own. Planned construction 2002. Marketing -All maps through WSB are now ready for printing. Inserts for the new marketing brochure are ordered and will be delivered for Chamber event of Jamlary 31. Web site development -Economic Development, Jon Glomski and I are working on it. • BRE Visit -Dick Van Allen and myself are scheduled to visit ot~r first industry, Rainbow Enterprises, on January 9. A report will be submitted to the Council and IDC following the BRE visit. The purpose of the visit is to retain industrial business. The company will receive resource information, update of local development, and advised of the IDC role of lobbying and promotion. 218 Front Street -Following the hearings held ~~ 20 and 2l, the appointed commissioners awarded a price of $143,000. The award was filed on December 27, 2001, with the County Administrative Court. The HRA and property owner have 40 days from date of f ling to appeal the award. Hans Hagen Homes -The HRA and Hans Hagen have received a draft copy of the Redevelopment Contract as prepared by Kennedy & Graven. The HRA will prepare the site as a finished pad-site, conveying property to developer in April for construction commencement in June/July. Amoco site redevelopment -Planning Commission accepted joint parking plan for the site on ,ianuary 8. Demolition 10 to 20 days. Wright County Economic Development Partnership Annual meeting -Friday, .Tanuary 11, 7:45 a.m. at Monticello Country Club. HRA Commissioner position available -Volunteer position. must be city resident, regular meeting date first Wednesday of each month. Purpose: Industrial, redevelopment and affordable housing. Downtown redevelopment -The HRA has submitted non-binding letters of intent to all the property owners of Block 52. The letters of intent will assist in defining the boundary Imes and feasibility of a redevelopment project. The up-front TIF dollars must be spend by August 2003. TIF February I, 2002, pay-as-you-go payments have been determined and authorized. Otter Creek Crossing -The feasibility study for this area is due for completion, January 31, 2002. :~ r ~ ~~ 6a VO ~q~~~ a.~~ • ~ v\~~\~~~ ~~~ ~ ~,~, S ~. ~ ~ c,~`° ~ n ~ ~~`7 ~~ ~ " ' t- ,," L~ ~ ~~ o ~' U.o°L