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IDC Agenda 03-21-2002
AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 21, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Mary Barger, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist. Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, and Dan Olson. COUNCIL: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O"Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Darrin Lahl, Xcel Energy. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:02 2. Vote to approve the February 21, 2002 IDC minutes. 7:04 3. Updates by Wolfsteller. a) Open House/Workshop Date for amending Comp Plan, April l7.4-7 p.m. b) Public Hearing Date for amending Comp Plan, May 7, 7:00 p.m. c) Next mediation date for Gold Nugget parcel. d) Otter Creek PUD Approval. 7:14 4. Followup on concern raised by some industries as to increased power outages in Oakwood h~dustrial Park by Darrin Lahr. 7:30 5. Review IDC questions for Planning Commission. Discuss elements of presentation lobbying the Planning Commission. Discuss changing the IDC focus to economic development (both industrial and commercial.) 8:00 6. Reports: BRE Visit Followup -Koropchak. Economic Development Report -Koropchak. Mayor -Belsaas. Followup on drug testing -Van Allen. Chamber decision on Industrial Banquet -Wojchouski. 8:20 7. Other Business. 8:25 8. Adjournment. MINUTES . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Mary Barger, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Tom Ollig, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, and Mike Benedetto. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC M[SSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Vice Chair Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:06 a..m. 2. Vote to approve the January 17, 2002 IDC minutes. • Tom Ollig made a motion to approve the January 17, 2002 IDC minutes. Seconded by Kevin Doty and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. Updates by O'Neill. a) With the Planning Commission's first priority to finish the residential standards, no date has been established for the Open House/Workshop for the Comp Plan amendment. A March date is anticipated. b) The Public Hearing Date for Comp Plan amendment is set for the April 2, 2002 Planning Commission. c) O'Neill informed members that State Statutes for annexation by ordinance do apply to the City of Monticello according to the MN Municipal Board. Groveland and City/Remmele were annexed by ordinance. A developer can petition the city to annex 60 acres of land contiguous to city limits. O"Neill stated an annexation policy is being drafted for Council to approve. The intent of the policy is to encourage good planning and to assure the township and county of the city's intent. d) O'Neill informed members that drawings and plans were being prepared for the Gold Nugget parcel. The idea of the City to purchase 70 acres was introduced during mediation with no response. • IDC Minutes - 2/21/02 • WORKSHOP DEVELOP A LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION OPEN HOUSE/WORKSHOP AND PUBLIC HEARING. Tom Lindquist informed members of the discussions held by the Membership Subcommittee. As the group of Lindquist, Van Allen, and Barger began to address IDC membership; the same question repeated itself: If no industrial land is available for sale or market, is there a need for IDC members and why meet? Are we marketing or spending money to market the City of Monticello with no industrial land available? The group viewed the marketing piece for the Chadwick piece: Flexible commercial, industrial and residential use. Should the IDC invite Shawn Weinand and John Chadwick to hear of their plans? Perhaps, a clearer understanding of the process to gain control of land would be helpful to IDC members. The conclusion of the group, the IDC needs to develop a list of questions for the Planning Commission. Koropchak gave [DC members a long range map of Monticello with an attached color code. The map indicated existing zoning within the city limits and proposed land use within the comp plan. It was noted of the 285 acres of zoned I I and I1 a land existi~ S within the city limits, about l 00 acres is marketed through Pfeffer. "hhe remaining acres are either developed or not on the market. Of the 100 acres, the acreage along the freeway is not for sale. Of the remaining 75 acres, it is Pfeffer's preference to sell to one or two large users. Next, utilizing the three parcels of Gold Nugget, City/Remmele, and Otter Creek Crossing, Koropchak attempted to show the process from its existing state to zoning. Each parcel begins outside the city limits and its current land use is agricultural. The Comp Plan is a guide for future land use planning. The Comp Plan identifies Gold Nugget (residential and industrial), City/Remmele (commercial), and Otter Creek Crossing (industrial). A developer can petition the city for annexation by ordinance (60 acre increments), council adopts resolution. Feasibility study ordered and petition filed at municipal board. Municipal board rules, a public hearing is held at local level and parcel comes into city as agricultural. Upon submission of a preliminary plat, a public hearing is held to adopt the zoning by 4/5 vote. IDC members then received a summary of the zoning ordinance. The conclusion was that the zoning requirements between industrial and commercial is very gray. Zoning designation appears to be driven by the developer and development. Industrial development is not allowed in commercial zones; however, commercial is doable within industrial zones. Does this create small pockets of land for industrial development? IDC members agreed the best use of land along the freeway, Highway 25, and proposed interchanges was commercial. Given times change and after 40 years, perhaps its time for the IDC to change its focus. A future IDC topic for discussion: Should the IDC focus of job and tax base creation expand to include commercial as well as industrial? Keeping in mind the IDC's motion recommending the control of a site for industrial development and completion of infrastructure by Fall 2002 at either the Gold Nugget or 2 IDC Minutes - 2/21102 City/Remmele sites, the following questions were prepared for the P1amling Commission: 1. Looking at Monticello as the hub, why does the Planning Commission not look to annex property across the Mississippi River? 2. With the increased interest to develop commercial type businesses along the freeway, where is the Planning Commission's focus for industrial? 3. Assuming no progress has been made to acquire the Gold Nugget property by Fall 2002, will the Planning Commission consider zoning the City/Remmele property industrial? If not, then where? 4. Within the marketing piece of the Chadwick parcel, it states `'flexible zoning allows for commercial, industrial, and residential uses." Does the Planning Commission support this mix of uses? 5. Does the Plamling Commission suggest the City again approach Chadwick for the purpose to acquire the land for industrial development? 5. Discuss 2002 Industrial Banquet date. Chamber Director Wojchouski requested input fiom IDC members relative to change of date of Industrial Banquet and whether to solicit Norm Coleman as guest speaker. As the banquet is a find-raiser for the Chamber and not the IDC, IDC members agreed the change of date was up to the Chamber. Members agreed Coleman is a draw and noted to be political correct, other political candidates should be invited. 6. Reports: BRE Visit -Koropchak reported on her BRE Visit to Remmele Engineering. See attachment. Remmele Engineering is receptive to hosting the IDC in April or May. Koropchak suggested the IDC invite Darrin Lahr, Xcel Energy, to an IDC meeting to address the concern raised of increased power outages in the industrial park. Membership Subcommittee -Barger reported the subcommittee agreed to defer the recruitment of new members for the IDC. Barger requested input from members as to the interest to invite Shawn Weinand and John Chadwick to an IDC meeting. Members were more interested in knowing what parcels of land are controlled by Weinand and felt things haven't changed since their last appearance. Economic Development Report -Accepted written report by Koropchak. Additionally, Koropchak noted an open house will be held early March for EDMA Company, Patrick Jensen. Mayor's Report -None. Members questioned the Mayor's absence from IDC meetings. He has not attended a meeting in over 6 to 8 months. Follow-up on drub testing -Continue to March meeting -Van Allen. IDC Minutes - 2/21/02 . 6. Other Business. Tapper thanked Koropchak for her thorough follow-through of the BRE visits. 7. Adioi~rnment. Bill Tapper made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Kevin Doty seconded the motion and with no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • • 4 5 QUESTIONS DEVELOPED BY THE IDC FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION (COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT) 1. LOOKING AT MONTICELLO AS THE HUB, WHY DOES THE PLANNING COMMISSION NOT LOOK TO ANNEX PROPERTY ACROSS THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER? 2.. WITH THE INCREASED INTEREST TO DEVE1/OP COMMERCIAL TYPE BUSINESSES ALONG THE FREEWAY, WHERE IS THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S FOCUS FOR INDUSTRIAL? 3. ASSUMING NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE TO ACQUIRE THE GOLD NUGGET PROPERTY BY FALL 2002, WILL THE PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDER ZONING THE CITY/REMMELF, PROPERTY INDUSTRIAL? IF NOT, THEN WHERE? 4. WITHIN THE MARKETING PIECE OF THE CHADWICK PARCEL, IT STATES "FLEXIBLE ZONING ALLOWS FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND RESIllENTIAL USES". DOES THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUPPORT THIS MIX OF USES? 5. DOES THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUGGEST THE CITY AGAIN APPROACH CHADWICK FOR THE PURPOSE TO ACQUIRE THE LAND FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT? r1 LJ INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF NIONTICELLO 2001 ACTION STATEMENT Mission Statement To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Pur o~se To operate as an independent lobbying organization stnictured to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. In the broadest context focus on overall industrial development and developers. Goals and Direction 1. To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. 2. To review and assess the implementation of the industrial marketing plan developed in conjunction with the HR.A for the City of Monticello. 3. To rate the effectiveness of the use of the industrial marketing plan. 4. To assign time and effort when and where it is deemed necessary to accomplish industrial development. • • BRE PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP March 11.2002 hl~ Ollie ha~o/~chak. Ecos~r~mic Derelo/~mc~nt Director ~.0 a' In 2001, the IDC revised and initiated a new Industrial Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Program. The purpose is "retain industrial business.'" The BRE Plan. as written, is as follows: Members of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC) working in cooperation with the Director of Economic Development will meet with the industrial business leaders of Monticello. The meetin~~ known as Business Retention and Expansion Visits must instill a sense of value to the business. As a public relations visit, it is an opportunity for an exchan~~e of information bet~-een the industrial business and the community. The business will be briefed on current community activities, be provided a package of resource information. and be asked to suggest ways the community and the cit}~ can better serve the needs of their business and employees. The goal is to visit at least two industries per month. The suggested length of time for visit is approximately one-half hour. Information gathered will be reported at the following mrn~thly IDC meeting and forwarded to the City Council. I made the second BRE visit on Febniary 19. 2002, to Remmele Engineerin~~, Inc.. Attached is a summary of the visit and a letter dated March 7. 2002, to Remmele outlining the follow-through to their duestions or concerns. No Council direction is necessary following the visit to Remmele Engineering. Has the Cite Engineer Consultant looked into the safety/hazard concern identified at the intersection of East Chelsea/Cedar and Highway 2~ and responded to Rainbow Enterprises? Has Cite Engineer Consultant Bret Weiss advised Rainbow of building expansion options given the on-site drainage pond located to the north of their building? Thank you. City Council, for your assistance. • r •~ ~~ r ~n~ IDC MEMBER Name Koropchak Phone FAX E-Mail Mailing Address _ INDUSTRY Name Remmele En~~ineerin<`. Inc. Primary Contact Gre<~ Pickert. Plant Mana<~er Phone 763-29~-OL8 E-Mail ~=re~.pickert ~l~remmele.com Location 213 Chelsea Road. Monticello. MN »362 FAX 763-29~-4228 Date of Visit Tuesday. February 19. 2002 Time of Visit 3:00 p.-n. Summary of Visit: The BRE visit went very well Greg felt the visit expressed the community's interest in local businesses and was most appreciative of the information provided: manufacturer's directory, financial resources. suppliers list, services available to industrial, and local activity map. Also provided was the state resources. community Uuide. and marketing brochure. 1. Gre~~ had no questions or comments. 2. When asked about power outage. he recalled the company's concern of increased electrical power outage and noted their operational mana``er's called Twin City Die Casting. He would check on any feedback. 3. Mr. Pickert will ~~et back to me relative to Remmele's interest to have website linka<~e between the citv~s web site and Remmele Engineerin~~ website. 4. The Monticello site reduced emplo}~ment by 10 during the recent recession. ~. As the product line `~ro~ys. the company still plans for an expansion at the Monticello site. BRE VISIT SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORivI Remmele En`~ineerin~_ is a leader in training partnership pro~~rams with hi~~h schools. vo-tech, and technical colleges. March 7, ?00? Mr. Gre~~ Pickert. Plant Mana`_er Remmele En~~ineering, Inc. 13 Chelsea Road Monticello. MN »36? Re: BRE Visit Follo~~--up. Dear Gre<~: Thank you for taking the time to visit ~yith me on February 19, ?00?. The purpose of the visit is simply "to retain the local industrial business~~ through the exchange of information between the industrial business and the community. Attached is a ~yritten summary of the visit with Remmele En~~ineeruig. The summary «~as .... reviewed b} the IDC on February ? 1 and the following suggestions instituted. The summary and suggested follow-up will be forwarded to the City Council on )March 1 1, ?00?. Follo~ti~-up: A t~LO-~yay ~~eb site linka~.;e bet~yeen Remmele (manufacturers) and the City web sites can be implemented. This to provide potential ne~y emplo}-meat ~yith a resource for information about the City. The City~s ~yeb-site is ~y~~,y.ci.monticello.mn.us Remmele En~~ineerin~~ ~yill inform me as to their interest in the t~tio-~yav web site linkage. 2. Remmele Engineering expressed an interest in hostin~~ and providing the IDC with a tour of their facilih~ in late spring. Does Thursday. April 18 or Tlutrsday. Mav 16. at 7:00 a.m. work for you'? 3. Xcel Energy has been contacted relative to duestions of increased power outage. Xcel Energy Representative Darrin Lahr has been im~ited to the Ylarch IDC meeting and will provide evidence which tracks electrical power outages in the indusu-ial park over a • Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Sveet, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295-3170 • Fax: (763) 271-3272 MONTICELLO Mr. Picket March 7. 2002 certain period of time. If the tracka~~e shoes an increase. Lahr will discuss issues which may relate to the outa<~es and solutions. Information provided to the IDC will be forwarded to Remmele En~~ineering. A follow-through plan is in-place is to assure Remmele En~~ineerin~ receives a response or follow-throu~~h to your questions. Again, thank you for your time. Should you have further questions or comments: please contact me at 763-271-3208 or ollie.koropchak, zci.monticello.mn.us Sincerely. CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Director of Economic Development Enclosures c: City Council File • ~• Economic Development Update March 2002 a) Wright County 2001 Labor Force Assessment - If you're interested in a copy, please let me know. 271-3208. b) Right Choice building - No longer marketed by Landcor. Now marketed by Steve Heimbuch, Allied Properties & Management, LLC. Two interested parties. Appears Right Choice is out of the picture. c) 60,000 sq ft mfg -still looking at Right Choice building or to construct. d) Otter Creek Crossing Business Park concept PUD was approved by Planning Commission on March 12. I have a meeting scheduled with C B Richards who markets the property on March 20. e) Phase I (40,000 sq ft) of rental Business Condominium proposed by Allied Company planned for this year. Phase I will be located closest to East 7 Street. Total sq ft of project 187,000 sq ft. f) Fingerhut. Monticello still open. Hoping for buyout. g) Local industry looking for expansion 20,000 sq ft. Lease up in 1.5 years. Call in fall. h) The May 16 IDC meeting will be held at Remmele Engineering. We'll go on tour. i) Met with Charlie Pfeffer and Shawn Weinand on March 14, relative to land needs or easements for unproved County 18 and I-94 interchange. j) Open House March 8 for EDMA Company. Thanks for attending. Much appreciated by company. Next I need to call Paul Allen. for us to visit and see their expansion (Wiha Tools). k) Frauenshuh Companies -Again looking for property. No idea of user. 1) Streeter Company -Continues to look for commercial property. m) McComb Group - At the Board meeting for Wright County Partnership in St. Michael, I received a s~ of the retail study from the City Administrator as completed by McComb. Description of their plan told at meeting. n) Amoco site -Contamination on site, applied for Petro Funds. Perhaps station down in April. o) Hans I Iagen project -Putting final design and site plans together. p) Scattered housing project -CMHP slowing acquiring properties. Still hoping fora 2002 project. Sunny Fresh willing to partner with CMHP, the City and HRA. q) City web site - ~4wtiv.ci.manticello.mn.us Planner Tech John informed me the economic development portion was lost. Now he needs to redo. I had a couple calls relative to land available when it was up and ready. • 02'11/2002 16:44 • Obiechves• 9522490?90 BIRCHLAND DEV. CO. OTTER CREEK CROSSINGS BUSINESS PARK PROJECT NARRATIVE PAGE 02 The Otter Creek Crossings Business Park is a large project (185 acres) and is intended to fulfill the following objectives: • Create an attractive extension and transition of uses in the high visibility I-94 corridor. • Provide the City of Monticello with a development plan that is flexible enough to locate large industrial uses or smaller ones depending on changes in market demand. • Extend the Chelsea Road frontage road concept to improve traffic movement between Highway 25 and CR 39. • Buffer existing residential azeas (particularly Bondhus Addition). • Locate infrastructure that will open up large areas for development beyond our project. • Protect and enhance existing wetland areas to serve as an amenity to the business park and community. Sub-areas• There are three areas of the proposed business pazk that have unique characteristics and we are proposing a Planned Unit Development to provide the flexibility to take advantage of those unique characteristics. Area A: This area has superior visibility from I-94 and is immediately adjacent to the existing commercial businesses on Chelsea Road. Our goal in this area is to provide development that has uses and aesthetic standards that aze compatible with the adjacent commercial businesses and provide a good image of the City to travelers on I-94. Although it is anticipated that the underlying zoning in this whole project will be based on the I-lA standards, we are proposing that building types in this area be held to a more stringent design standard. Specifically, we would like to see the PUD eliminate the use of exposed metal or fiberglass finishes in Area A rather than allow its use on up to 50% of the wall surfaces. This will make the building design much more consistent with the commercial azeas to the east. In addition, we would propose that the setbacks in this area be the same as in the commercial areas to the east so that there is a consistent "feel" and massing along the frontage road and I-94. ©2/11f2©©2 16: a4 9522x9©790 BIRCHLAND DEV. CO. PAGE 03 • Finally, in order to provide a softer transition of uses, provide conveniently located services to future employees of the business pazk and to allow for expansion of the rapidly diminishing undeveloped areas in the city that have highway visibility, we are proposing that the following uses be added to Area A. • Enclosed boat and marine sales • Books, office supplies, stationery stores and copy services • Furniture, carpet, rug, tile, glass, paint, wallpaper, hardwaze, and electrical appliance stores • Motor fuel station, auto repair, car wash, auto body shop, tire and battery stores and service • Machinery sales • New and used automobile/light truck sales and display • Motels, motor motels, hotels and conference centers • res • ,~3€f-sel~-l~uo~-stares • .1. • ery • ter. `~? •,.,~ e a.a. cs~~ 4 ,r• • Area B: This area has limited highway visibility and most of this area is buffered from the developments to the east by a large. wetland and the existing cemetery property. Our goal in this area is to provide a flexible development plan that would enable the City to develop a large industrial use or smaller users in response to changing market trends. In addition, since much of this area is more remote with low visibility, it may provide an opportunity for locating or relocating uses that the city might not want in a high visibility area. One of the goals in this azea was to develop a plan that quickly got truck traffic onto Chelsea Rd. and highways rather than diverting it towards residential azeas. Since this area is not a continuation of existing developed areas, we aze proposing that the setbacks remain according to the I-lA standards. The uses that we would propose in this area in addition to what is already provided for in the I-1 A are the following: • Trucking and trucking service • Concrete/asphalt plant and manufacture of concrete products Automobile assembly and major repair 02/11/2002 16:44 9522490790 BIRCHLAND DEV. CO. PAGE 04 Area C: The development in this area will need to be sensitive to the adjacent residential uses. Given that the overall Otter Creek Crossings Business Park development is quite large and will likely take many yeazs to develop, we are proposing that this azea remain an area for future study to ensure that the interests of the adjacent residents are preserved. Depending on the market conditions and development patterns at the time this area is studied, we could see this area potentially ending up as an industrial development with special concern for buffering and uses or even a mixed use development area that provides some housing for the workers in the business park in addition to industrial oppominities. We believe both the property owners and the City will be in a better position to create the best standards for this area when we all have had an opportunity to see the results of some of the earlier phases of this project. • .rwn e~' ~ e !.T 1 4 • ~~ li (e~ u I '• ~ 9 - ---- a ~ n .w, , ova . F i ~ ; ~ ; + I . ~ ,.1,, ~I C N i M ~ N ~ ~~•e.... .. -... (.... - fuel I wmtlv..A ~ r"7 .rulr.y ~K"~ I to '- • ~ i " ,~ _ ^ I J I. .: w .e ! V I// f..VWfx ff~ • r = j+ • , W J ~ el'q ny!'"z ~~ • ~ ~ x ' f f Lar.flfz - - -. r ., w Q/ O • . ! •~ ~ w A WVI Atle „ • 1 • ~ S Vfl flepnrv, ~ ~ ` ro VV +•nl t. b PVrfl .`s ~_.e . a Y I z ~ ~ •L ` ~, 71nVlufX .'~i ' ~ ~" N I \ v 1 e `-•iw^ ~ Ilsorw~ awntp ~ ~--r 1 __ ~ - I '-_._ - Vv ~ srw .,.~ 1 # ..., ~ ~ r.. ~.. bM , ~ M //. ....~ gM17H • ~~ ..- - It ' ~ . 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