IDC Agenda 06-20-2002AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room -City Hall - 505 Walnut Street • MEMBERS: Chair Dick Va~~len, ice ra Kevyr~'Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tappet°, Tom Ollig, Doi~berts, Mike Benedetto, Susie~chouski, Barb S ientek, and Da~lson. COUNCIL: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, ,leff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie ~chak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) 7:02 2. Vote to approve the May 16, 2002 IDC minutes. '~ ~- ~` ~ ' ' C••~,r ~ C7 ~ l.• ~ ~ b...,,, ;Q~,.so mil, ~.a~ ~•3kj,~. , 7:04 3. Updates by O'Neill. a) Annexation issues. b) Next step by Planning Commission for amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Guide. 7:14 4. Summary of Planning Commission Workshop amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Guide by Van Allen. b) Results. c) Next step. 7:34 5. Continued discussion to change the IDC focus to economic development (both industrial and commercial). 7:54 6. Reports: BRE Visit Report and Follow-up - Electro Industries and Standard (ron Economic Development Report - Koropchak. Mayor -Belsaas. 8:10 7. Other Business. a) Feedback on Industrial Banquet. b) Reminder: No July meeting. c) Request for Chamber to purchase PC Program -Van Allen. 8:20 8. Adjourmnent. ~a MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Remmele Engineering - 213 Chelsea Road MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Mary Barger, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom OlliQ, Susie Wojchouski, and Barb Schwientek. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF: Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Greg Pickert, Plant General Manager, Remmele Engineering. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. i I Vote to approve the April 18, 2002 IDC minutes. KEVIN DOTY MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE APRIL 18, 2002 IDC MINUTES. TOM L[NDQUIST SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Updates by O'Neill. a) Gold Nugget parcel. In the absence of O'Neill, Koropchak reported that an appraisal has not been ordered by the City as the owners of the Gold Nugget parcel has not agreed to order an independent appraisal, a stipulation of the Council Item needs to go back to the Council. b) Otter Creek Crossine annexation. Koropchak reported the Council on May 13, 2002, approved the concept stage Planned Unit Development for Otter Creek Crossings Business Park. The 185-acre parcel is identified as three potential subdivisions: Area A along I-94 zoned I-lA would add a range of commercial uses, Area B follows the I-1 A uses, and Area C to be held out by the developers due to its proximity to residential uses to the south and would be platted as an out-lot. Report of Planning Commission Public Hearing and consideration of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Guide Plan. a) Feedback of the Planning Commission Meeting, Van Allen reported he had attended the May 7, 2002 Planning Commission public hearing to amend the comprehensive plan land use guide plan. Van Allen provided written feedback of the public hearing. Because the points presented at the hearing were representative of Van Allen and not the IDC, he requested direction and authorization from the membership. Koropchak reminded members of their approved December 20, 2001, recommendation to Planning Commission and City Council: Recommending the control of a site for industrial development and to conm~it to construction completion of utility and road improvements by full of 2002 for either the City (Rernmele~ or Gold Nugget parcels, and to prepare a time frame for the City IDC Minutes - 5/16/02 (Renmrele) and Gold Nugget parcels, beginning ti-~ith the ir~fr~ast~°uclure imps°overnei~~t con~pletiorv date and ti-~orking baclnvards identifying the applicable steps and time frame to accomplish co~7tro! of site and infi°astructure completion. Does this recommendation still stand? b) Results of the Planning Commission Meeting. Van Allen reported the Planning Commission requested a 30-day moratorium before adoption of the amendment to the comprehensive plan allowing time for a workshop for input from the IDC and other commissions. Koropchak read the Planning Commission motion: To table, pending rnput fi°om the Monticello To~~nship, commissioners of the IDC, EDA, HRA, Pluming Commission, and Council Liaison Clint Herbst, ~~ith the understanding that this is the opportzmity to finalize and make recommendations to the City Council based on the results of the meeting. Further discussion stated the various commissions should be prepared to show their rationale when presenting at the meeting. O'Neill to schedule the workshop within 30 days. No date has been set according to Koropchak. c) Next steps by the IDC. Members supported the views of the Chair Van Allen with the following comments: The industrial land issue has been around a long time and will not go away, not much opportunity for industrial development, and existing plan shows small pockets of industrial land uses. One member was unclear to the question: Are you asking for what's a good use for the land or are you asking for industrial land? IDC members agreed that the IDC wanted to make a presentation at the workshop. Van Allen suggested a subcommittee to develop a plan for industrial development and requested volunteers. Barger volunteered and Benedetto, Tapper, and Roberts volunteered to attend the workshop; however, their schedules did not allow time to assist with drafting a plan. Van Allen felt city staff and the consultant's priority was to develop or redevelop Monticello with an image of small town America. He informed members that Council views the City's budget as the a-nount of the levy and does not view the revenues collected from city fees for operational purposes. Members agreed that the IDC Plan should include a time frame to acquire 200 acres to the south. The first draft to be an outline including the amount of existing industrial land. Koropchak reminded members to separate the existing industrial land by categories of developed, non-developed, and for sale acres; to use visual aids; and to include the applicable rational listed in the 1998-99 resolution approved by Council. The plan to define the short, medium, and long term industrial land use needs. TOMLINDQUIST MADE A MOTION TO AMEND THE DECEMBER 2001 MOTION TO INCLUDE: THE IDC RECOMMENDS THE CITYSELL THE CITY (REMMELE) PARCEL WITH THE INTENT TO USE THE MONEY (CASH) FROM THE SALE TO P URCHASE LAND FOR FUTURE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. DONROBERTSSECONDED THE MOTION. WITH NO FURTHER D[SCUSSION, THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Continued discussion to change the IDC focus to economic development (both industrial and commercial). No discussion, ran out of time. 6. Reports: BRE Visit Report and Follow-up - Polycast Specialties No comments, ran out of time. Economic Development Report -Koropchak. Koropchak only reported that UMC is 95% committed to Monticello. Haven't heard from Production Stamping. Mayor's Report. In the absence of the Mayor, no report was given. 2 Other Business. iDC Minutes - 5/16/02 a) Mayor's Brunch and Chamber's Golf Outing -Today, 10:30, Silver Sprints. b) Industrial Banquet hosted by the Chamber, Tuesday, June 1 1, Monte Club, Guest Speaker. Norm Coleman. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. and the members joined Gret Picke--t on a tour of the Monticello Remmele Plant. • ~ 9.~., ~-~ ~ ~ ~Q ~-.~_ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder. Ollie Koropchak From: Richard Van Allen [111356jm@uslink.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:49 AM ~o: Ollie Koropchak Subject: Fw: IDC _Tom Ollig Ollie, this is the e-mail I received from Tom Ollig -I will most certainly address this at the next meeting and my only question is what to do between now and then. Since this is an especially sensitive subject with Tom I have just decided I will respond by e-mail letting him know that they are in our prayers and that I will add him to a prayer chain at the church . ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ollig, Tom J." <thomas.ollig@tdstelecom.com> To: "'Richard Van Allen "' <111356jm@uslink.net> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 3:12 PM Subject: RE: IDC _Planning Commisiion Meeting and suggestions Dear Dick; I owe you an explanation as to my lack of attendance for the past 6 months at our IDC meetings. My 19 year old daughter has a form of leukemia and on this past Thursday she needed a treatment and wanted me to go with her, which I did, she tends to get very ill ~af ter the treatments. She has been battling this since June of last year. I like you have most of my life been in a position where I can have some control over what happens in this case I have no control and it has been difficult. I have found myself less active in activities outside my family and my work, and focused more on my daughter and the rest of my family. Not that the IDC or for that matter Rotary are not important it's just that at this time I have other priorities and really don't feel like being in social settings unless I have too. I hope you can understand and that you will share my situation with the rest of the IDC and Ollie. I do wish to remain a member at this time and if over the course of the summer things turn around for my daughter I will again be active in the organization. On the other hand I also realize you need IDC members that are contributors and should you feel that it would be better to replace me I truly understand. Thank you Dick. Tom Ollig 1 BRE VISIT • SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORM IDC MEMBER INDUSTRY Name Dick Van Allen/Ollie Koropchak Name Electro Industries, Inc. Phone FAX E-Mail Mailing Address Primary Contact Bill and Merrlyn Seefeldt Phone 763-295-4138 E-Mail wjs!u electromn.con~ Location 2150 West River Street Monticello, MN 55362 FAX 763-295-4434 Web site w~t~~-.electromm~.corn Date of Visit May 3, 2002 Time of Visit 1:30 p.m. Summary of Visit: 1. Agreed to a two-way web site linkage with the city. 2. Noted to change the description of Electro in the manufacturer directory to read: established in 1974 rather than a 26 year old company as this becomes outdated annually. 3. City lacking in family restaurants such as Applebee's or Chilli. 4. Sold remaining I-2 5 acres to Craig Schberer. 5. In the future the IDC may be contacted to lobbyi~, on behalf of Electro Industries. Confidential at this time. • Ollie Koropchak From: Richard Van Allen [111356jm@mail.uslink.net] Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 5:35 PM • To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: BRE visit to Electro Industries Ollie, In this case I have no reprt to file. Dick Van Allen u BRE VISIT SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORM IDC MEMBER INDUSTRY Name Dick Van Allen/Koropchak Phone FAX E-Mail Mailing Address Name Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. Primary Contact Rich Demeules/Bill Demeules Phone 763-295-8700 E-Mail rich.demeules(a~std-iron.com Location 207 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 FAX 763-295-8701 • Web Site tivww.std-iron.co~m Date of Visit Tuesday, June 11, 2002 Time of Visit 8:30 a.m. Concluded 9:30 a.m. Summary of Visit: 1. When a plan is adopted, follow the plan.. Example: Need for step-up housing for professionals -city continues to create starter housing. Business/property owners do not live in Monticello - no step-up housing. Local commitment and involvement decreases with absentee ownership. 2. City budget growing faster than city growth (tax base). Rich Demeules, a resident of Buffalo, saw a property tax reduction of 40%. 3. When will Dundas Road from Cty 1 I7 to Highway 25 be hard surfaced? 4. Rich and Bill talked about the attitude of the City of Monticello toward existing business. In the last few years, Standard Iron expanded their Alexandria facility three times and their Sauk Centre facility twice. Their property taxes in both communities were reduced as intended with the classification rate reduction enacted by the Legislators. The local officials didn't play games with the proposed tax reduction which creates or enhances a relationship of trust between the businesses and the city. The same is true about assessments and assessment policies. The attitude in Alexandria and Sauk Centre is "They want business". They see the City of Monticello doing nothing for existing businesses. Wage levels are consistent within Monticello, Alexandria. and Sauk Centre. Wage levels was not a factor in their decision where to expand. An expansion in Monticello will trigger the storm sewer trunk fee and Standard Iron has the option to expand and grow elsewhere. 5. Standard Iron agreed to a two-way web site linkage with the city. • • C .~I~CY;~iw... M S~ I' THE MONTICELLO TIMES & SHOPPER Monticello Times, Inc. • Publisher of the Monticello Times and Shopper • Donald Q. Smith, Editor and Publisher 116 East River Street -Box 420 • Monticello MN 55362-0420 • E-mail -monticellotimes@monticellotimes.com Phone 763-295-3131 • Fax 763-295-3080 • Home Page - http://www.monticellotimes.com From the desk of DQS- To: Ollie, Susie/Marie, Dick V. Re: IDC award Date: June 12, 2002 Friends...and colleagues in industrial development: I'm grateful for the gift...and slightly embarrassed for not being there last night! But I want all of you to know how much I appreciate the framed picture of the original Times' office, upstairs, on main street Monticello. It will hang on my wall with pride. i I had one of those life's decisions to make-go to the IDC banquet (where we had three others from the Times attending) or spend the evening with Andrea and Randy (here from Portland for Megan's graduation). Tuesday proved to be the only night to be one on one with them-they're off to Wisconsin for areunion/time with Randy's family today. The weekend had all been planned around large gatherings, including Megan's grad parry. So I felt we had the IDC event covered and I opted out. That doesn't change my appreciation for being remembered. I'm heartened too to see the good work of the IDC continue (i.e., landing UMC). Congrats to all! AI the best! n Smith Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak • From: Richard Van Alten [111356jm@uslink.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 6:56 PM To: Susie Wojchouski Cc: Ollie Koropchak Subject: IDC request $150 for PC program market analysis funds. Deur Susie, Thanks so much for the infornrution, /Dave reviewed the sample that Steve sent and it would appear there is rr lot of information rnurilable within this program. On behalf ofthe /DC members 1 request Nre sum of $150. from the Chamber of Conm-erce to purchase the PCprogranr ESR/. / will of course ask the members/rip to second the purchase at the Wert regular meeting. Ollie, Susie, Jeff O'Neill looking of 12 June for the input meeting. Thanks, Dick Van Allen Clrrrir !DC i • 5/29/2002 EXISTING INDUSTRIAL LAND "WHAT ACTUALLY AVAILABLE FOR SALE?" JUNE 2002 -Economic Development Director TE DEVELOPED UNDEVELOPED FOR SALE ZONING Generating Plant 496 acres I-2 Oakwood Industrial Park 100 acres IO acres I-2 OIP -Second Addition 7 acres 3 acres I-2 Lundsten I S acres I-2 (Proposed B-3) Electro Industries 20 acres I-2 TOTAL 623 acres 28 acres I-2 Monticello Commence 11 acres 2 acres 2 acres I-1 Center Thomas Park 46 acres 6 acres I-1 Lat~ring Hills 13 acres (proposed) I-I (Proposed I-IA) Construction 5 3. I9 acres 3.19 acres I-1 (Proposed I-1 A) ~ dh I 1 P d l us 25 acres - ( ropose B-3) Dahlheimer 25 acres I-I (Proposed B-3) TOTAL 95 acres 36.19 acres 5.1.9 acres I-1 Monticello Commerce 27.50 acres I-lA Center (north of Chelsea Rd) Remmele, Barger, Fay-Mar 17.5 acres I- I A Monticello Commerce 7 acres 35.60 acres 35.60 acre I-lA Center (south of Chelsea Rd) 17 acres (pending sales) Monticello Market 30 acres 30 acres I-IA Place TOTAL 41.5 acres 93.1 acres 65.60 acres I-lA FOR SALE 70.79 acres OTALS 759.5 acres 157.29 acres 70.79 acres = 987.58 acres T " M ~ MARY: OF THE NEARLY 1,000 INDUSTRIAL ACRES EXIS TING IN THE CITY LIMITS APPROXIMATELY 70 ACRES ARE MARKETABLE WITH SOME LIMITATIONS.