IDC Agenda 05-17-2001AGENDA
Thursday, May 17, 2001 - 7:00 a.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street, Academy Room
MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van ~rl'I'en, Vice Chair ~ti(n Lindquist, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper,
To-n Ollig, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Susie Wojchouski, Barb
Schwientek, Ellen Perrault, and Dan Olson.
COUNCIL: Mayor Roge~lsaas.
STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to
create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota.
Call to Order.
2. Welcome and introduction of new IDC members.
3. Approve the April 19, 2001 IDC minutes.
4. A. Market Committee Update:
1) Review draft copy of ad for 2002 Community Guide and ratify the decision of the
• Marketing Committee to place an ad.
2) Approve IDC Letter to Chamber of Commerce (Attached).
B. Economic Development Report. (Attached)
C. Mayor's Report.
_5. Membership Committee:
A) Update or Acceptance of a Township Board Member as IDC member.
B) Letter to Mosford.
6. Industrial Land:
A) Short Term, Acquisition of Industrial Land -Update and discussion whether to recommend
proceeding with acquisition of Chadwick/Goeman or to look at other options.
B) Long Term, Cooperative Land Use Decisions -Update on meeting between Benedetto, Van
Allen, and O'Neill.
7. Feedback relative to "Is the objective of the Industrial Luncheon being met?"
8. Other business.
a) Chamber Lunch, Vintage Grill, May 17, 11:50 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
9. Adjournment.
Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 7:00 a.m.
Twin City Die Castings Company - 520 Chelsea Road
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Don Smith, Bill
Tapper, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, and Susie
MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Doty and Tom Ollig.
COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak.
GUESTS: Bruce Starook, Technical Director, Magnesium Division, Twin City Die Castings.
Shelly Johnson, previous IDC member.
Call to Order.
Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
Approve the February 15 and the March 15, 2001 [DC minutes.
. Mary Barger made a motion to approve the February 15, 2001 IDC minutes. Seconded by Bill
Tapper and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written.
Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the March 15, 2001 IDC minutes. Seconded by Don
Roberts and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written.
Recognition of Charter IDC member Shelly Johnson.
On behalf of the IDC members, Chair Van Allen expressed "thanks" to Shelly Johnson for his
years of service to the IDC and of his continued interest in the recruitment of industrial
4. Summarize the March IDC meeting and a report on the negotiations to acquire the
Chadwick/Goeman land for industrial development.
Chair Van Allen noted the March IDC minutes summarized the meeting. Wolfsteller reported on
the latest negotiations with the Chadwick Group. The initial negotiations (1999) included an
exchange of the City/Remmele 64 acres for 130 acres of the Chadwick property plus $100,000.
Chadwick retained the 45 acre mining site. The latest Chadwick offer to the City was $3.2
million or $2.5 million with exchange of the Remmele 58 acre property. Chadwick retains 38
acres along I-94 and the city acquires the 140 acres including wetlands/mining area. With the
estimated costs for improvements from WSB, Inc., Wolfsteller indicated a "maybe" as to
presenting the offer to the City Council. It appears the Chadwick Group has interested buyers for
IDC Minutes - 4/19/01
the 1-94 property for commercial use. The MOAA and the City agreed on the land use as
industrial. WBS, Inc. previously indicated the 27 acres along 1-94 and abutting West Chelsea
Road could be served by gravity flow. Bottom-line the negotiations are further apart.
The IDC asked "What's next?" Options: 1. Gold Nugget parcel. MOAA and City need to
resolve land use differences. 2. Bohanon parcel -Infrastructure more difficult and land use
difference. Asking the Mayor, if the City was ready for industrial development? He responded,
"Not at this time, not until a change of mind of Council." Smith recalled the differences
between the City and Township during the NSP annexation in 1973-1974 when Mayor Con
Johnson and Franklin Denn had one-on-one discussions which resulted in an agreement between
the city and township. The Mayor reported he and Denn have met several times and agree, the
Council is not in agreement. O'Neill again mentioned the Planning Commission on several
occasions have been asked to address a land use change on the Gold Nugget property but have
responded "no." As an outsider, Shelly Johnson suggested the need to talk to each Council and
Planning Commission member about the impact of industrial development to the community.
Smith sees the issue as more complex today than previously. Chair Van Allen suggested a
subcommittee of MOAA, township, and Council to brain storm for development of a working
agreement. O'Neill stressed the importance of including the Planning Commission. Suggestions
included a subcommittee consisting of Planning (Dick Frie), Township, Council (Bruce Thielen),
County (Pat Sawatzke), and IDC (Mike Benedetto and Dick Van Allen). The IDC summarized
the discussion: 1. For the IDC to proceed with the recruitment of a township representative as a
member of the IDC. 2. For the Mayor to continue addressing Council members on the
• importance of industrial development and the need to resolve land use issues. 3. Chair Van
Alle^ and Benedetto to meet to discuss strategies for the potential formation of a subcommittee
to address the need for cooperative land use decisions and its impact to the community (meaning
city, township, schools, hospitals, county, businesses and residents).
Approve the recommendation of the Membership Subcommittee.
Smith reported on the membership subcommittee meeting held between Lindquist, Van Allen,
Smith, and Koropchak. The subcommittee agreed and recommends the IDC accept the leave of
absence request of Bob Mosford with a review at annual appointments. Each member was to
contact an individual identified by profession for interest in IDC membership. Van Allen
reported Hospital Administrator Barb Schwientek said "yes" and Lindquist reported Dan Olson,
local insurance agent said "yes". Koropchak reported Darrin Lahr was over-committed at this
time; however, will help out via the HRA/EDA and suggested the name of Ellen Perrault,
Communications Coordinator, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, as the local utility
representative. Smith reported on positive conversation on the recruitment of a township
representative and will report more next month. Don Smith made a motion to accept the names
of Barb Schwientek, Dan Olson, and Ellen Perrault as IDC members, to accept the leave of
absence request from Bob Mosford with review year-end, and to accept moving forward on the
recruitment of a township representative. Motion was seconded by Bill Tapper and with no
further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
IDC Minutes - 4/19/01
6. How can the IDC improve on the Business Retention and Expansion BRE activity?
Koropchak asked: [s the IDC interested in participation of BRE activities? Or if they saw merit
in the program? Stating previous years when IDC members each visited industrial leaders as
community ambassadors. Low-key, how are you, what's new, what's going on in your business?
This was part of MN DTED's Star City Program. Van Allen described it as "outreach" to
encourage interaction. Perhaps this might to better served by retired IDC members? Hoglund,
Kendall, Johnson, Lungwitz, Grimsmo, etc? With the lack of a quorum further discussion was
deferred to Marketing Committee.
7. Report from the Chamber relative to the status of the transferred IDC funds.
Susie reported the 1DC funds were intermingled with the Chamber funds; however, the funds
were not withdrawn. The Chamber is looking for direction from the IDC. If for marketing:
Perhaps Chamber Website Link or Economic Development advertisement in the Com-nunity
Guide (maybe to late). This was deferred to Marketing Committee.
Report on the status of the April 26 Industrial Gratis Luncheon coordinated by the Chamber.
Susie reported very few had responded to the luncheon invitations, only 1 1 RSVPs. Will call.
9. Consideration of updates.
• ~ Marketing Committee No report.
b) Economic Development Report. See Attachment.
Mayor's Report. No report.
10. Other Business.
11. Adjournment.
[DC meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m.
~J ~ ~~ °1 u
April 19, 2001
Ryan Company -Industrial development tour with Intern. Setting up meeting with
company brokers. Interest in Chadwick and Gold Nugget parcels. Requested contact
names and was informed of land use conflict.
Frauenshuh Companies -Visit through Heidi by six company representatives. Looking to
do industrial development. Liked Monticello.
Chuck van Heel -Message still interested in development of industrial/commercial bay
concept for East 7 Street.
Integrated Recycling Technology, Inc. -Still lining up financing and land purchase
agreement from Charlie.
Red Wing Foods -Have purchase offer on H-Window building subject to leasing 20,000 -
30,000 sq ft of building.
• Suburban -Planned Unit Development before Planning Commission for construction of
two 14,000 sq ft building for lease. Mary reported the architect was requested to redesign
building to deferrer trunk docks away from residential area. Already has berm and
Fay Mar Building Up For Sale -Perhaps Production Stamping interested.
y r~ -~
• May 17, 2001
Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 192
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Chamber Board of Directors:
Back in 1996, the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) agreed to donate their fund balance of
approximately $9,640 to the Chamber of Commerce per the Organizational Restructure Agreement. As
of late, there appears to be some confusion as to the direction by the IDC to the Chamber for the use of
the donated funds. There is no record of direction or intended use of the funds. In order to clarify the
confusion, the IDC on May 17, 2001, approved a motion to re-affirm the following:
1. The IDC donated approximately $9,640 on July 18, 1996, to the Chamber.
2. The IDC shall have the right to request funds from the Chamber of Commerce for special
industrial development activities. However, the Chamber of Commerce shall have no obligation
• to honor those requests.
The Chamber of Commerce shall account for the funds independently of the Chamber of
Commerce funds and shall voluntarily submit an accounting of funds to the IDC annually.
Secondly, on May 17, 2001, the IDC also ratified the decision of the HRA/IDC Marketing Committee to
place afull-page advertisement (inside back cover) in the 2002 Community Guide at a cost of $1,250.
The purpose of the advertisement is to promote industrial development. It was suggested by the
Marketing Committee that the cost of the advertisement be equally divided between the HRA Marketing
Fund and the Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, the IDC is requesting the Chamber of Commerce
Board consider the request of the IDC for funds in the amount o 625~or tT~e purpose of an
advertisement in the 2002 Community Guide promoting industrial development.
The IDC appreciates the fine work of the Chamber of Commerce in hosting the Industrial Banquet and
Luncheon. Thank you, Susie and Marie.
Dick Van Allen
• DVA/ok
c: IDC Minute File
• May 14, 2001
Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. -Preliminary and final plat on the Planning
Commission agenda June 5. Has now made a decision on lender. Pe aps June/July
project. Have meeting with lender on May 10. C'°'"" `'^^' ~ r"~'''~ ~~~ S~d~~ '
Fay-Mar - In talking with Ron Musich, the real estate is up for sale. The business was sold
earlier in the year to a company from Ohio. The new company plans to down-size to a
15,000 sq ft building as some of the production has moved to Ohio. They are looking at
Monticello and Rogers. The existing Monticello building is 34,000 sq ft. Contacted Jim
Harwood to see if his company was interested in building. Asking price $1.71 million.
Red Wings Foods -Purchase Option on H-Window building subject to securing tenants for
approximately 30,000 sq ft of the 60,000 sq ft building. Also looked at Fay-Mar building.
Working with Tom Feaski and Wright Sherburn Realty. May consider building.
Wright County Economic Development Partnership - As a board member and member of
the Work Force Development Committee, we are working on the following: 1. Job Bank -
flyers to businesses to post job opening to match to Work Force job applications. Offer:
dislocation, rehabilitation, work force investment programs and employment opportunities
on Job Bank web site. 2. June 12 - 7:45 -Noon. "Money Breakfast" -For county wide
businesses -Financial and technical assistance available. The event may be held at
Monticello Community Center or in Buffalo. $50 per booth. Working with Chambers. 3.
Press releases advertising: time and cost of commuting. 4. County participating in a 14-
County Labor Survey.
Ryan Companies -Changes within the company. Maybe in a couple of years. Looking for
development opportunities.
Frauenshuh Companies -Speculative -looking for development opportunities.
In talking with local industries -they are seeing the economic downward trend causing a
wait and see approach.
Silver Creek Development -Talking again about the commercial/industrial lease-able bay
concept along East Seventh Street. Inquiring about TIF perhaps this project better suited
for tax abatement. Response Big Lake's offerings "They encourage business".
HRA authorized Housing Plan for Monticello in conjunction with the County and through
MHFA. Cost $500 based on 2000 census data. Will require community meetings.
Blue Chip Development -Concept stage PUD approved bu major changes needed to get
development stage PUD approved. (Re-design of building) ~,~,~-r~+ ~.-ea~+r-+n~N~
EDMA - 8,000 to 10,000 sq ft. Metal building - ~~e. Three full-time at wages of ~,,p..~'~":d
$20 per hour w/o benefits. Need small lot. Check with Carl and Eric Bondhus. Lead to'C~-~~y~'
Tom Feaski. Last conversation looking at Rockford -taxes lower and city-owned land. ~~'' l ~'~
Attended the visitation for Jerry Schoen, Aroplax Corporation, and sent a card and a $25
donation to the Cancer Society on behalf of the IDC and City.
Thank you notes sent to industries following our IDC tours.
Appointment with Production Stamping, Inc., May 16 -Relative to funding. ~~ `~~~ !r` ~~
y a ~,~,,,,, . .yoo '~'O
Secured a copy of a Contract for Initial Marketing, Sale, and Development, used by and
between the Elk River EDA and industrial land owner (Minnesota partnership). Having
legal counsel review.
One Monticello industry planning expansion in 2002.
~ V ~ r~ o c ~ w~. aS
S - C, ~C~Q-a~'
Coon Rapids., J
Elk River to get
park and rides
By Andrew Tellijohn
Staff reporter
The Minnesota Department of
Transportation (MnDOT) will spend $4 mil-
lion to $5 million constructing two park-and-
ride facilities so workers in Anoka County
can bus between Elk River and Minneapolis.
Eventually, planners hope, the park-and-
take-the-bus habit they form will translate to
the Northstaz Corridor commuter rail project
through the area, now still in development.
The lots and bus service will offer an alter-
nate mode of transport for drivers and will'
ease congestion as those suburbs develop,
said Pete Turok, president of the Anoka
County Area Chamber of Commerce.
"Our attitude is `anything and every-
thing, we need that,' " he said. "The future
- is going to be here in the blink of an eye,
and where will we be then?"
The two spots already approved will be in
Elk River and,in the Riverdale area of Coon
Rapids, said Mary McFarland, MnDOT
spokeswoman. Two additional sites -
Ramsey and Big Lake -are under consid-
eration for park-and-ride lots, she added.
Funding assistance for the lots will come
from the U.S. Department of Transportation,
which has provided an $8.8 million grant to
fund pazk-and-ride lots along the Northstaz
Comdor. Construction on the approved lots
will begin in the next couple weeks. They
will open in October.
There has been bus service within some of
the cities served by the new routes and lots,
but workers have never had the option of bus-
ing from Elk River to downtown. The park-
and-ride there will hold 454 cars, with seven
bus parking spaces and two shelters.
There are 150 to 200-pazk-and-rides in the
Twin Cities, many under agreements between
Metro Transit and local churches and busi-
nesses to use pazking lots. They are primarily
aimed at easing the commute of suburban
workers and most are in high demand, said
Bob Gibbons, marketing director for Metro
Transit. "They're an integral part of the infra-
structure for transit," he said. Laidlaw Transit
Services Inc. will operate the bus service.
The Riverdale azea stop will benefit not
only those commuting to the Twin Cities to
work, but also those commuting from other
areas to Coon Rapids, said Lee Starr, com-
munity development director for the city.
Transit also could entice new business
into town. Stan• cited an undeveloped sector
of land near the Riverdale lot that has been
earmarked for commercial development. ^
Andrew Tellijohn can be reached at (612)
288-2102 or
May 7, 2001
Mr. Bob Mosford
Mosford, Barthel & Company
305 Cedar Street, Suite 201
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Bob:
This letter is to inform you of the action taken by the Monticello Industrial Development
• Committee relative to your request for a Leave of Absence. The Membership Committee made a
recommendation to the IDC and at the April IDC meeting a motion passed including accepting
the request for a Leave of Absence from Bob Mosford with a review at annual membership
appointments at year-end.
Sony for the delay in getting back to you. Please call me at 763-271-3208 when things improve.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Ollie Koropchak
Economic Development Director
c: IDC File
Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax: (763) 295-4404
Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295-3170 • Fax: {763) 271-3272
'~ ~ ~MRY-16-2001 WED 1127 Rf1 WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC FRX N0, P, 01/02
...___ ~~ MEMORANDUM ~~ ~ -
DATE: Ma 15 2 1 t ~ `~
y 001 ~~ ~ 1
~ ~.
TO: Wright County Members ~f ~~
FROM: Neidi Peper, Executive Director
RE: Resource Breakfast
The Economic Development Partnership of Wright County and Minnesota Business Finance
Corporation are hosting a seminar, "Business Growth 2001, on Tuesday, June 12, from 7:45 am -
noon at the Monticello Communi YCenter (505 walnut Street) Invitations will be mailed in the next
week. The goal of the seminar is to provide to industrial and commercial businesses information on
technical and financial resources that are available to them. We will do this through panel
presentations. In addition, we hope that vendors will seize the opportunity of business to business
marketing through exhibiting_
.Exhibit space will be available at a cost of $30. Tables will be set up so that interested businesses
may promote their resources to attendees. The Wright County chambers of commerce will be sending
invitations to their members and the Partnership will send to its business database - so we expect a
great turn out. We are providing three different opportunities for attendees to visit with exhibitors. If
you are interested in reserving a table, please complete and return the 2"d page of this memorandum.
As always, call me with any questions at 763.477.3086. Thanks again for your participation.
Agenda: 7:45 - 8:15 RegistratioNContinental Breakfast/Exhibits
~ C~
~' 8:15 -- 8:30 Welcome/Introductions/Overview
,~ 8:30 - 10 Financial Resources -Panel Format -Need Facilitator
Minnesota DTED
Initiative Foundation
EDP of Wright County
Wright County Bankers Association
10 --10:30 BreaklExhibits
10:30 -11:30 Technical Resources
MN Department of Commerce -Export Division
MN Technology
Monticello WorkForce Center
11:30 -noon Exhibits
PO Box 525, 6800 Fa.ECinrc Dncve, Ra;xfoxo, MN 55373 (612) 477-3086; Fnx (612) 477-3054
P, 02/02
^ Yes, we'd like to reserve a booth for $30 at the Business Growth 2001 seminar. The
space includes a standard &foot table and two chairs.
^ Enclosed is a check for $30 made payable to the Economic Development Partnership of
Wright County.
^ Please bill us.
C~ Yes, we need electricity.
Company Name
Contact Name
City State, Zip
hone Number
Please return by Thursday, May 31 to Heidi Peper
Economic Development Partnership of Wright County
PO Box 525
Rockford, MN 55373
763.477.3054 (fax)
You, your staff and city officials are invited:
Quarterly Administrators' Luncheon
- Data for Developers -
Commercial and Industrial Developers need a plethora of information
on a community when making location decisions.
The Partnership wants to make this process as easy as possible
for them in Wright County. That's the purpose of this meeting --
to share and gather much needed information on your community.
The Partnership will then make sure it gets into the proper hands.
Come and find out how.
• Arne Hendrickson, Reliant Energy Minnegasco, Partnership Chair
Mike Melton & Greg Hayes, Shingobee Builders
Sarah Smrth, City of Wayzata, Partnership Marketing Committee Chair
Join other Wright County city professionals on:
• Tuesday, May 2~
• ii:30am-1:OOpm
• Bayrischer Hof Restaurant
Highway 12, Montrose
(west end of town on north side of Highway 12)
• $10 fee
Enjoy lunch, learn and
network with your counterparts!
P, 02/02
Please complete and return via fax or mail by Friday, May 18.
Fax#: 763.477.3054 address: PO Box 525, Rockford, MN 5537
Name(s)~~c.~ ~ o`er S~ e.~~,2, r City ~ ~•~ ~ ~- ~~fl
_ '~ O ~.~. e, ~ cn o ~ t~v.~9z.
Check one:
• Check enclosed for $30/person Will pay at door Bill me
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Wage Comparison:
1999 Average Weekly Wages
for Manufacturing Positions
~-'~ Hennepin County $945.63
~~~ Sherburne County $707.63
,~ Wright County $607.88
This is what we are competing against for our workforce.
Source: Minnesota Department of Economic Security, ES202 Labor Information, 1999.
MAY-14-01 MON 1:45 PM Ii~iEX T T FAX N0. 61Z4U1UZUZ r. 1
OT'T'ER CREEK? JL/l+v FicstacFinancialCenter.SuiCeG40
1550 $uc 79th Stctcc
• Sloomiagcea, M•iunesoco 55425
Oftiu (932) 853-2473
FAX (9S2) 834-9241
May 14, 2001
Mayor and City Council
City of Monticello
p.0 Box 1147
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Mayor. and City Council:
We (rave been involved in negotiations for a possib!s City purchase or land trade of our 180+ acre parcels
and gravel operation. We submitted the attached offer to the City stair that included a deadline of Mice a,
2001. We understand that ~~ ~ bcen 1°able to add the item to the City Council's agenda oc prep.
stalF tnetno.
We would like to sec this issue addressed adequately so that we can plan for the future o~oh`d~~ for May
therefore, we have agreed to extend our deadline until the City Council's next meeting,
29, 2001.
Janus Ik. Bowers
~ ~'~
m E. Chadwick
Cc Paul Biloua
Attachment: Offer tenet to Ciry of Monticello
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'~e•p~c~zantai~ fivntsg~ on 90 5ta~s, I•Q4,•CR`3.9 apd_t~tter. C~~ 3tbas.e~caa~teat' .,..
. • • - • -wisib~i#Y andiA ideally gtutod fur ~a ~usiacss 4arnp~• fesatr~ag'oPfice, officc.~+ar~ouse,
~•~' ~ ; ~ ~~itsstriai` or ai~or u~cs; A. mater plaa>~d~ deYdvptuc~ as tho. CitX ~ is pto~asm~; w~uab. • _
• ~ the ~wwGtlartd and naittrsl . rauld:~ a hit gvalFtY d~vtl that ~ . ,
. '~ ~a~c tEtc ~, .'~potte~a of.shhs pst~ with k~4, v~si3z pmviides a
.. • . , . ~ . ~ ~ceat locstiat4 fnr bumnases~ ~:at ~+ed tl>sr ztueaala't~postt~- . :: , , ~ - . ~' .
y • .. I. • ~ .. .. 1'.. • ~ r. .. , Y ,ate 1
~ t 1. rt .
~~' ! ~~.
MAY-14-U1 MUL1 ~ -c .. .... .. `. ;; ~ r. 4
DYe:411^eR~t Tune:2t6:30P1d '
- From. SoFd+ CAadvAcX 952~8~•oA42 To: Sm ,crown - . - : • •t - • S •
i ~ ••
• •' ~ . Tba.~ity.of Moc~criceila ~~~ ad t~wdth:a bnrledstctrm~`:vv~r.avecflavv~. ~• ~~ .. .. .
. ~ .atttlet oa ibis pex~~ t}~atiers+~ s~ •Chei'~ea.Raid. pooled atyd ~e~ tvelat~ Ad,di~ioo: ~ •'• .. • • • " • ~ -
• ' ~ • - T'h~ ouilet-vg,~ioa wasrhosra•to rsddce the c~1s• i~fbaa,dtiag ~mwa~s foc t#~cso two .
' ~ .. ~~-; ~'ch~n~at:~sad sg~te=fietltto reetive.•ovaQo~u water-ivas p~ bg~ps•tQ• • •
. .• tote Cit' ate na'cbst siwce we were iti~ ncga~ti~tiow Q Ztar o'r~ershfp ;af the g~tpe~ •~ .
;. , • : , . • •tbe City a~ i5entfit fraits the r°adwaY.~° .v~' _ _• . .
~. .• ., • . ~• ~ ~•~ nuning•F~iiit~as'bcez#19sued-for.:P~e1 B; th~~~o~ha~ bear lmr~stiga~reed• :, • .
is a~subetaatzal gtavel•dc~witti~sta~vId~~•ised:focrgt~dtagP~mir~ ar ..
. . util~•el~sewIlere. Sinarno.min~'pet~aitbas bit oc~c~ot enreredic~~with•': .
' • ~ . • a mineo~csator, wee ~idn't•~~ thax~ ifwas ~PproP+riat~ to try•~ad pric= test resouice ~ . ;' •
~~- Pa~cd $; tI>$t g~e~ aso~rc~ is~a~rai~ai~e _
• : ' . ~ • .eegacateiy: Sfiavid the.~itX rhoo P ' a "SPika
• • ~•na a~d}tiona7 cost. Beth Parma A •aad~ B are P~?'kY- _ which'li`ts .
. ~ • • ~ - - fiot~.Aa Souxh and RTOSt of our land: •~e'.Spike..j•has n6 &~gc pri ~ ao~ty ~s~pi ar _ :.
•'. : ~. • '. ' . tlyeliitrrstate'I38hw'aY. ~~ has no:a~ss ta~Cit~'se7vxixs at thia;ime..'Fh~e xtxiceg • •
• '. • • . ~ ccmge• through ha Schii~drz•gxavel•pit m from our Puce!& As.disculec3.with a ~~ ~ ,- .
. ~ . •, ~ member of City'staff a~ Agrit ~~ •24U1, "ft i~~pi~ced~,S2tX4a0 per'acre:" , -- .. •. ; ..,.. • _ .
:.'. • ~ :.Paa~,cl.C (as.weit:as the nortbera potiiona of Parcel B)~are some ofthe.-iast piec.s of- ~ - :- - , • .• •.
. ptinrta frer~sX visibility ~°~Y ~as-ailabie ih this area. •'Ii~ sits afi the "berg" a€ i=94••wliich•.. • • '
•• • . ~rovi'des as e~cd~ie~t-4ppo~tY for.{~si~esses tlasi`valuo sc~eriQr highway }ci'sibiIity: -.. w' •. . .
. .. • ..'~g' pecsei sets to, provide• as opp. ~ tty for a tivdl piariaetx; FUD~ ar.•othzr mixr~d ' ;, •.
. . ~~vel,opaaaactbat s~ild:psavida-a s+b le tr~it;cn 1~ttv~eea tba•rets~ y~es,ta ttxe:eagt _ .
' •aud.the gotmtialty~trge-scaie ~c~ Ikavier ~vat!el~usitsg or tuaaufa+c:iirmgbusutes~s,t~at:• . •' ..
~ City'~•tra~tiel ~'Tbeliastte3 - .. _ .
. ix •lacatsd is the saiieaeTa partio~ a ~ -~`Y' .
• ~ aveiiabi~ity of property witii• these-visiblkty, Iecational ch,ataefev;istics ~ pushit~ up _ .
. ~ ~ :dtm~u!d si$n~~y a~ evidosced b'S! thc,rcteni: pr~xtxY s~~~ the east-~+tiich vwc' • . • .~ ~ : ',:
• • .. • • • .y~id~ad~iag sold: in~~ccesa of 5~04~per sf.`(s~ss }die=•sfiwTd. be r~eri~d with the . - .
. • • . .' ''Ihq diif!~ ch'Z1stic3 pf three areas of ~o~ Pt+op~erty.; the ~xistensa of sa . :, , -
. .. :a~ve•miaitigop~rion. ' .. ems opt~oas. su~exat~on .. _ •
~~• ~ - ~ ~ ~a~e~msid~#his~a•yeYy complex •, ~ • ... ....
- ~_• ~rt~q'teis and iss~es•w;h prapac~r...
. ~ :. ... :• 3regodation ~tictss.; .V~k greatl~r apgi+eciau' ali'~ efforts: t#mi• yaur'~ty'hes ~ad+'a•t4 • . i
~it:tl~ere .w~rall• tl~ issues whe¢:~ :..•
. .. ~ .' w~ork.througis~tlls: •I•don'fthi ~c~aay v~.~8~•
-.;~ • • • •~• wre ~arjcd~ the. riegotia2ians. ~ _ ~ .- .. .. • ;`I.., .
. ..:.. ~ ~ - oithe ~g,~~wt,~ ~e `matting aa.affer ~i~ alfes'aati~rra•for~~+oUr••.:' ~ : ; ••
' •,petsuse•of tttc camQt~~ .
• - . • '-p~~~~ r~~es Pena ,~.~~. o.
•• ..
lLLll 1 1 T V 1 rav as a a v ~ --
.~ OaN:4118ft001 Tmr.276.30PM i~a5015
Fron+: JoM Usclhkk 962-8860482 Ta •Am eow~es _ _ -
.: ..: "~otitract~fcir: dCtdbs,' p~~:'.~~ ~'~e~` ~:~:Bf:a~r _ - •.
..g::.:g..rj~e~~2~?r~riih-it~ieie.Stc~g:2,~'~(i~ .. ~'. _• '• ~ •:. '~ ~ .•:~ _ •.~ ~:: . .
•y • • .,`~los~rtg~te••. •• _f1 _ .1,. • •j,(~~'~i~r~~•~!~~acsa~~'9a.1~at~a•i~.• ~~...,•_ .~• ~~w.• •
.• . , .'So~tlet''~~adtasca~R•~s.~~~`b~~`.'id~~e~.iloc~~"~ss~edix~tc+ds;~ie~purc~ts~.; ' • .•~-• •'
• • • • . • ..pricabi~tiu~Ci~a~o~:5~ea~rC; • ' •. ., ... ;' .
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