IDC Agenda 10-19-1995• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMIVIITTEE Thursday, October 19, 1995 - 7:00 A.M. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Kevin Doty, Vice Chairperson Ken Maus, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Shelley Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, Councilmember Tom Perrault, Dick Van Allen, and Tom Ollig. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1995, IDC MINUTES. (Not completed for mailing) 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. OLD BUSINESS: a) Follow-up on the consideration to purchase the Fuller Property. • b) Update on the meeting for discussion to consolidate the EDA and the HRA with the Prospect Team as a subcommittee. c) Status of the Monticello Industrial Survey conducted by the IDC. d) Summary of Oakdale Financing Program. e) Update of the Wright County Industrial Networking Group meeting attended by local industries. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a) Quad County Networking Report of October 18. b) Wright County Economic Partnership Report of October 18. c) Update of the availability of industrial land. d) Public Information Meeting (MNDOT Mississippi River Crossing Study) 6. CONSIDERATION TO FINALIZE BANQUET DETAILS AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF BANQUET TICKET SALES. a) KRWC-AM Radio, October 26, 10:06 a.m. air-time. 7. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES. (Not completed for mailing) a) Prospect Team scheduled to visit two companies on October 20. • (continued next page) 8. CONSIDERATION OF BRE REPORTS: • September -Micro Tech -Kevin Doty Fay-Mar Fabricators, Ken Maus October - Electro Industries/Mega Products, Merrlyn Seefeldt Lintex Corporation - Merrlyn Seefeldt Custom Canopy, Inc. -Harvey Kendall 9. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Regular meeting of the Chamber, 12:00 Noon, today, American Legion. 10. ADJOURNMENT. • C7 MINUTES • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 20, 1995 - 7 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Kevin Doty, Vice Chairperson Ken Maus, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Shelley Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, Dick Van Allen, and Tom Ollig. MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Merrlyn Seefeldt, and CCouncilmember Tom Perrault. EXCUTIVE DIRECTOR: Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Doty called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 17. 1995. IDC NIINUTES. Tom Lindquist requested a correction to the minutes on page 2, paragraph 1: . Confirm acceptance by the Chamber "to launder the IDC monies" corrected to "to utilize the Chamber tax exempt status and to deposit and disburse iDC banquet ticket checks on behalf of the IDC." Thereafter, Tom Lindquist made a motion to approve the August 17, 1995, IDC minutes as corrected. Arve Grimsmo seconded the motion and with no further corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as corrected. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported a September balance of $3,950.51 at First Bank and a balance of $7,179.79 at Marquette Bank for a total balance of $11,130.30. Bill Tapper made a motion to accept the September IDC financial report as given. Jim Fleming seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the financial report was accepted and filed. 4. OLD BUSINESS: a) Follow-up on the utilization of the Chamber's tax exempt status. Prior to printing of the banquet tickets, the Chamber Board granted the IDC the use of the Chamber's tax exempt status and agreed to depposit and disburse banquet contributions for the IDC . "Donation" was deleted from the • Page 1 • banquet ticket and "sponsored by the Monticello Chamber" added. Additionally, the general purpose of the Area Chamber of Commerce Bylaws were read which includes "to continually represent, serve, and enhance all business sectors in the Monticello area. " IDC members suggested promoting the IDC Banquet via the Chamber Newsletter. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a) Subcommittee Activities -Upon the request of the IDC, the City Council called a special joint meeting to discuss the potential of consolidating the HRA and EDA with the possibility of the IDC Prospect Team as a subcommittee or branch of either governmental entity. Meeting date is September 27, 1995, 7:00 p.m., City Hall. Councilmembers, City Administration, HRA Attorny Steve Bubul, and officers of the IDC, EDA, and HRA were mailed invitations. Chairperson Doty felt consolidation of the HRA and EDA would make it easier for businesses coming to Monticello. With the addition of comments received from Dick Van Allen and Bill Demeules, the survey is targeted for mailing the first week of October. The IDC authorized mailing of the survey without their final review and approval. One member reported with the high employment rate comes the difficulty of finding and hiring good people at an entry wage level. A high employment rate may force wages upward. Wages of entry level are lower in St. Cloud • and led to the decision by Jack Peach to expand in St. Cloud. Dick Van Allen reported he and representatives from two other Monticello industries are scheduled to attend the Wright County Networking Group on September 27. They will leave Monticello at 6:30 a.m. for Buffalo. Chairperson Doty reported the Executive Subcommittee met in August and Doty was directed to speak with Steve Lemme relating to his interest of remaining on the IDC. Doty spoke with Mr. Lemme and his plans are to write a letter of resignation to the IDC. It was a further decision of the Executive Subcommittee for the IDC, at present, to remain as a 15-member committee. b) Quad County Networking Update - Koropchak summarized the September 12 speech by Bob Farley, PHH Fantus Consulting. The event was attended by approximately 50 individuals. The presentation highlighted the trends affecting economic development strategies in the 1990s. Koropchak felt the trends were similiar to those read in publications. Additionally she felt the speaker was unaware of his audience (Quad Counties) as the speaker referred more to St. Cloud rather then touching on the cooperation of regional development. n U Page 2 IDC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 c) Star City Conference -Information relating to the conference scheduled for October 24-26 was provided to IDC members and members were encouraged to participate at random sessions. d) Oakdale Financing Program -Enclosed in the agenda was an article relating to a fmancing program similiar to TIF which is utilized by the City of Oakdale. The alternative option prevents LGA-RAGA Penalty to cities. Koropchak will secure more information of the alternative option. 6. CONSIDERATION OF DISTRIBUTION OF THE 1995 BANQUET TICKETS Banquet tickets were distributed to IDC members present. In order to avoid numerous telephone calls, an account of ticket sales will be made at the October meeting. Tickets are not limited to those on the banquet list. 7. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT PDATES The written update on prospects was accepted without questions. • 8. CONSIDERATION OF BRE REPORTS• No BRE reports were given. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: a) The Chamber meeting is scheduled for tomorrow noon at the American Legion Club. City Planner Steve Grittman will give a presentation on the Monticello Comprehensive Plan Update. b) Other -Ken Maus felt the IDC should take a leadership role in the exploration of industrial land for purchase. To coincide with the Comprehensive Plan, IDC members recommended Chairperson Doty pursue the availability of the Fuller/Agric-American property in the township along I-94 and to the southwest of West County Road 39. And additionally, to contact the HRA and EDA relating the IDC's concern of land availability for future development with the recommendation to consider purchase. The 80- 120 acre Fuller Property may have interested multi-buyers. c) Koropchak informed members of a call from Curt at KRWC-AM Radio in Buffalo to conduct a live interview promoting the IDC banquet and the • Page 3 IDC MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 Monticello manufacturers as a tie-in with Minnesota's Manufacturers Week of October 16-20. Some members indicated having previously worked with the radio station and suggested perhaps live interviews at the banquet would be more appealing. Recommendation was to proceed arrangments with KRWC for an interview of some type. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:10 a.m. o~ ~~o~~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Director • Page 4 SEP-18-95 MON 10:22 Monticello Area C. of C. 6122952700 Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce ARTICLE I GENERAL Section 1 NAME This organisation is incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota and shall be known as the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce Incorporated. Section 2 PURPOSE The mission of the Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce is to continually represent, serve and enhance all business sectors in the Monticello area. The Monticello Area Chamber of commerce strives to strengthen communication among business, industry, school, government, service organisations and area residents. Section 3 AREA The Monticello Area shall mean to include the boundaries • of the Monticello/Big Lake Hospital District, except those communities that have their own Chamber of Commerce. Section 4 LIMITATION OF METHODS The Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce shall observe all local, state, and E'ederal laws which apply to a non- profit organization as defined in Section 501 (C) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1 ELIGIBILITY Any person, association, corporation, partnership or estate having an interest in the objectives of the organisation shall be eligible to apply for membership. Section 2 ELECTION Applications for membership shall be in writing, on forms provided for that purpose, and signed by the applicant. • Election of members shall be by the Board of Directors at any meeting thereof, based upon the policy set forth in the policy manual. Any applicant so elected shall become a member upon payment of the regularly scheduled investment as provided in Section 3 of Article II. P.02 October 13, 1995 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Dear Monticello Industrial CEO: Enclosed you will find a survey which was initiated and prepared by two subcommittees of the Monticello industrial Development Committee (IDC). The IDC would appreciate completion and return of the survey by October • 31, 1995. A stamped, addressed envelope is provided for your convenience. The three-part survey begins with an introduction and requests general economic data. In Part I of the survey, the objective of the Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Subcommittee is to determine the level of interest among industrial leaders for the establishment of a local industrial network group. The network group composed of industrial leaders would meet to discuss similiar needs and solutions and would not include members of the IDC or city government. In Parts II and III, the objectives of the Education Subcommittee are to identify what types or skill-levels of workers are needed by Monticello industries and to identify job training programs currently established and operational among the Monticello industries and the educational institutions. The purpose is to create a greater awareness among the students, parents, and educators of the alternative job opportunities provided by the industrial businesses of Monticello. If you have additional comments for the 1DC, please do not hesitate to note your comments on the survey. Remember, one of the two objectives of the • MONTICELLO Monticello Industrial CEO October 13, 1995 Page 2 IDC is to endorse and support the existing industrial businesses of Monticello. If you should have any questions, please call me at 295-2711. Thank you for taking time to complete the survey. Sincerely, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDC File • • • LJ CURRENT INDUSTRIAL LANDS OCTOBER 9, 1995 MAR 1994 I-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL) OIP 16.39 ACRES UNPLATTED 15 0 ACRES TOTAL 31.39 ACRES OCTOBER 1995 3.26 ACRES 15.0 ACRES 18.26 ACRES PURPOSE: The purpose of the "I-2", Heavy Industrial District is to provide for the establishment of heavy industrial and manufacturing development and use which because of the nature of the product or character of activity requires isolation from residential or commerical use. ******* I-I (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) THOMAS PARK 8.48 ACRES EAST 7 STREET 18.62 ACRES COMMERCE CENTER 11.50 ACRES HOGLUND 72 50 ACRES TOTAL 111.10 ACRES 1.33 ACRES 18.62 ACRES 5.5 ACRES 25.45 ACRES PURPOSE: The purpose of the I-1", Light Industrial District is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. ******** BC (BUSINESS CAMPUS) BUSINESS CENTER 30.0 ACRES COMMERCE CENTER 83.1 ACRES 77.1 ACRES TOTAL 83.1 ACRES 107.1 ACRES PURPOSE: The purpose of the "BC", Business Campus District is to provide for the establishment of limited light industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms and related uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, perservation of natural features, architectural controls, and other features. TOTALS 225.59 ACRES 150.81 ACRES r 1 U ~~~-"t, C~~ll~/~~~ll ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP October 9, 1995 TO: AEDP Board of Directors Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Quad County Group Transportation Coaiition FROM: Bill Fahrney RE: Publia Information Meeting MNDOT Mississippi River Crossing study LOCATION: $t. Cloud City Hall 40o south 2nd Street DATE: November 2, 1995 TIME: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (612) 252-2177 Fax (612)251-0081 P.O. Box 1091 St. Cloud Minnesota 56302 The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) has retained Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch (SRF) Consulting Group, Inc., to complete a comprehensive study of the future Mississippi River crossing needs between the cities of St. Cloud and Elk River. This study, among • other activities, involves origin-destination surveys, traffic counts, accident analysis, and traffic projections. SRF has completed the initial data collection for the study and is now processing the data. Because additional river crossing capacity could affect your concerns, we are inviting you to attend the above referenced meeting. The purpose of this meeting wild. be to inform you about the river crossing study and to solicit input regarding your concerns. and/or desires. We request that you be prepared to discuss or provide comments on the following: •Existing transportationJtraffic problems in the corridor •Current and future development patterns in the corridor •Goals with respect to traffic patterns/river crossing The meeting will consist of a short presentation and then a question/answer session. If you are unable to attend you may address your written comments to: Mr. David K. Montebello, PE SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Suite 105 One Carlson Parkway North Minneapolis, MN 55447-0443 • IDC AGENDA OCTOBER 19, 1995 7. Consideration of Prospect Updates• a) Vector Tool & Manufacturing, Inc. -The City and Bank await building plans for review and appraisal respectively. The land purchase agreement is signed and earnest money applied. Upon acceptance of the building plans by the Building Official, the HRA will convey the property to the owners and the bank has approved beginning construction prior to closing. A bank appraisal takes between 2 to 4 weeks. b) Gary Singer -Pipeline Supply, Inc. -The Prospect Team is scheduled to visit their main location in Hopkins on October 20. The wholesale distributor of plumbing, heating, well & septic supplies has a purchase agreement with Mr. Pfeffer and may close around November 1. The company is considering a winter construction for the 20,000 sq ft facility. c) Manufacturer of Circuit Boards -Follow-up with the company officials, indicate continued interest in Monticello. Will contract upon finalization of buyout. d) Existing industrial business -Construction 1996. 10,000 sq ft office and warehouse. Distributes small hand-tools to the industrial and electronic markets. 10 jobs within first year. Company desires to lease. Shingobee, Inc. • is an interested builder. The City Council reduced the land price by i l approx mate y $2,915 far Lot 5, Block 1, OIP Second Addition. The presentation was to reduce the land price by approximately $1, 631 per job created or $16,312. Estimated annual payroll $300,000. The asking price is $32,915 for the 1.8 acres. No TIF District would have been created. Shingobee, Inc. was interested in a ground lease with the City: however, Attorney Bubul recommends the land write-down option. Company needs space within 8 months. e) Talon Engineering Corporation -The Prospect Team will visit this company on October 20. Highly specialized machinist. Produce semi-conductors for micro-chips. Wages $12 to $20 per hour with benefits. Current employment of 12, anticipates hiring 1 to 5 people every two months. Currently leases 4,000 sq ft. Consideration to rent from M&P Transport initially, with thoughts to build 10,000 sq ft. Image important and air-quality important for production. ~ Dently Haugesag, MTED -Production of truck bodies. Lease space of 12,000 to 20,000 sq ft, 20-24 ft ceiling height. 50 jobs in 2 years. Welding and outdoor storage necessary. g) Kevin Westholter -Sold 8-year old business, Maple Grove Meats. Looking to lease space for production of meat sticks and jerky. h) See attached - n PROSPECT PROFILE RESPONSE CITY OF MONTICELLO October 11, 1995 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Initial 50,000 sq ft building (20,000 office/r&d and 30,000 sq ft industrial space). EMV $1,500,000, estimated property tax $89,000. Capability to expand to a total of 70,000 sq ft. Initial 50-55 jobs estimated payroll $1, 650,000. Additional 150-250 jobs within two years, estimated payroll $6,000,000. Wage range $8 to $ l 7 with average at $12. Water use, 100 gallons per minute. Dry process. High tech power generation. PROJECT TWO DESCRIPTION Initial 20,000 sq ft warehouse, expandable to 50,000 sq ft in three years. Relates to existing hazardous cleanup operation. Central office with off-site operations. Currently five employees, additional 50-100. Wet industry. PROJECT THREE DESCRIPTION: 30,000-40,000 sq ft, 60-65 jobs. Manufacturers • edible oils and food extenders from plant material. Self-contained process with. no odors. Wet industry. POTENTIAL OF A FOURTH PROJECT: No description. ****** BUILD[NG COSTS: Costs will vary depending upon building design, use, and materials. A list of builders/contractors who have built in Monticello is available upon request. LAND SITES: Enclosed you will find maps identifying two site areas which would best accommodate projects one, two, and three at maximum building size and within one parcel. Assumption is a minimum of 15 acres is requested. The two sites identified are the Monticello Commerce Center and the Monticello Business Center. Both sites are unplatted which is ideal for your proposal. Both have easy access to I-94 via 10- ton design roads. School Boulevard constructed in 1995 will be completed with necessary overlays for 10-ton designation early spring of 1996. Maps outlining the local transportation system are enclosed. r~ U Page 1