IDC Agenda 09-20-1995AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 20, 1995 - 7 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Kevin Doty, Vice Chairperson Ken Maus, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Shelley Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, Councilmember Tom Perrault, Dick Van Allen, and Tom Ollig. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Ollie Koropchak 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 17, 1995, IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. OLD BUSINESS: a) Follow-up on the utilization of the Chamber's tax exempt status. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a) Subcommittee Activities: Joint meeting of September 27, 1995; survey progress update, Executive report. b) Quad County Networking Update. c) Star City Conference - October 24-26, 1995. d) Oakdale Financing Program. 6. CONSIDERATION OF DISTRIBUTION OF THE 1995 BANQUET TICKETS. 7. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES. 8. CONSIDERATION OF BRE REPORTS: July - Aroplax Corporation, Harvey Kendall. August - Rainbow Enterprises, Steve Lemme>Ollie Koropchak. September - H-Window Company, John McVay>Ollie Koropchak. Micro-Tech, Kevin Doty. Fay-Mar Metal Fabricators, Ken Maus. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Chamber meeting, tommorrow noon, September 21, American Legion Club. Program: Monticello Comprehensive Plan Update, City Planner Steve Grittman and Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill. b) Other. 10. ADJOURNMENT. • ~"Tid'.1TF::i • rri~;NTICEL, LD INDCISTRIAL DEy'ELOPMENT COMP•"ITTEE" T~'it~.r:~Clay; Alzgt.st 17, 295 - ~:Cn a,7it. City Hall MEMBEP.S PR.E-ENT: Vic:>r> ChaiL'yi[~rst~.i Fen Maus, Treas;a.r~=r Rcn Ht]t~ lt.liii~ r Ai'Vc ~r1i71c~7i`ii, DiJT-i S7ri1 ~i3 , Hai'Vc'y' K~radall, TUtn Lintic~t~ist, Bill Ta~,per, ?i.;i'! t'I~777iiii,; ~:C3Unt:11111C:'.JTi};c=r Tt377'i FLri'c714~t l a7i.:} T:37ii C11i;;, et- 1 Yy ?C3iiLi;-;37i, a`y' t•",EME~'',4S ABSENT : C};a i r'I3~ ;.'ti-:a~i F,~V i r-; D~3ty , ~ai~: l •- - ,. - _ - T . Mt]ri't-?li ~ f~tUi'riyn SE.-'2ft?lt~!t :~tt='Vir LUItIIYtU, ~aii( I;i~:r. Varl A11en. EXECUTIVE DIR.ECT7R.: CIIis E~ar;il~c:?^aak. 1, CALL TC CRDER. _._ _. :!'1;:t? C}1ci.Irt.)F'r8t]n Mat.1:~ cal],i-=.:.~! ~i1e IDG iC!Bt~tlii~ tt_) UrCaiF'7:' cit ~i <:)r3 ~a . 7~t 2 , CCJN^ iDEPATION TO AFPR.O ~ E THE .?iJLt~ 20 , 1~t~35 , IDC "~IINt]TE,-; , Rr]71 Ht.i~ii.tntA Itiat~t_' a 7Ytt]tiUra tU ai3lrt]VF- ':=}1f] .7'(lljt tt?. ~~~rJ, IDv 7ii;illti:::~ . Tc:rr; L 17-iCiC3'C%i;=~ t :_~. `:C3Iid:'-d t}Z~'- 77113 t iC:71 aiid Wi t}-i i7Li Ct]1`i ~ ;tlCiiiCi t]2' at~t~Itii77"tom, t. }ltd IeliYil3,ti-.~ WF;T'c a~)}JrC]Vt=C~ a:~ • Lv i' i t t U i-i . 3 , CC}tt:,IDERATICPd TJ HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MtjNTHLi' IDC FINANCIAL, R.EF(JR.T . _ _.._ __ Treast_~rer Ltc3cJlttrii? rt~L;~rte~ a k~alan~;e of u7, 16~]. 1~ at Mar ;.,F.t B..z;-ik and a k:alari~:~. <:f $:?, n41 . °1 at First Ba;-ik fcir a total i7lt}1111-ily hai~ri.:F± Uf ji1,107.35. ArV~ r%'iiitSitlO iRaC~E? ~ t71t]tIt_+Yl tt] ~i-i.=c'iit :"}i C:- All U~`i:a ;3t Iari ~'i flliolli C.:iia1 rir l3 C3r t ~~ i,:,iiVLll F111 Ta;'~C~lc: i' SUtwtanC~F:3t3 ±}1C? 17tt]t]Cn anti with nt] t:i,rrE~ctio.ts."~Y' atJilitiOn: t}-it= firia7-lt::ial rsl:ciY't vaas• act.;{.Lit:=d and films-d. 4 , CLD BtJSI1'dESS : evi3r r t p- --ems ~' t o r' r_ t r a ~' J .aat.;k. >ra t}'tU r Ut., _ :3 a Jr }1 ID ~ U C7 3 n 1 it a iIC3i"i- _ _ r `i i'i;f .lt C3 i'~anilat lC3il ,~tatU: - Iii t}it.: la:at .i i_'. t.'~ iTi=~='S t}iS t:~tl.~:]tIt]r~ ar[]S2 ; If t}%F IDC ].~ IIC3t a 7-it]it-~irOf 1 t_ i3rC,:~7ii1%~it1U7-I Wlt}.l a tax ~:ni::771~it ;atatil+r c^ari: 7il~lli}:3ii.r:~ i;r i}it-_'. :}=".J~iT-tl~~~t=it]Tt lla}:31iv ft]T' Itii=1T'}:.Ut].iit~ }3i]ntyi.I.ijfi: t"3tr}ZE`.d' i~~i :~ C, i_3jia .1C.;7i o ;%.lt}7 ~.aa~ v}7aYi,ir;i; 3f t=:i3ei i'1 ~ t l 11'c~ ti3c v _ i7 .iit IDC i=1ii(;} t}'ii? City i]f E+t[7iitiC:E_11t] t'alatltii~i tt] i}i+` EC:C]i1:377t1t:: I: ~ V t?. 1 i 3 is tYi t..'- 71 ~. D 1 r C.: L: t <3 r ~ d SN a ~; t., i' ti C:. i-i t] I 1 t: t } i ~.= i.+ 1. t y A t i_ t= '":1 i c: y detUrltilTlt]iA ~?: =;1c~;iLlflt~ctnr ~ii1i~.:tC~t }~7tYf~6dF'i~=.n ~}it] ID~ ~Iit v1t-~ iii; ~t=7iC,%%c-'r .'3i1St:~ it:3 SFtc,rralit tilt IDu t}!iJ i,lSt_' U1 tilt/ Uit }an. cii~liltJt `.]r~itt.~ T}iE:i't.:~ftY_`, IDS 1~Fii?il'l4~iF,1':~ i't=t~tli_~".:=,i.UC~ r _ ,_ ~ ,- 17~1i i"3i'771at1i;7i C3t_= ~3k1ta171ad ri~.latla`iCi tU tiic= ~3rt3i~~:+;? 7'ic'i=t3:~aai'~ ~ ~t~iF 1 InC MI~.L?TE . nUi^,-[JET 17 - 1~3~JC F Y T - i~ t i~ X - i~ ii t-'- I4li~l t ' [_ ~ t ~f).'.~" •i 1 fit F i. i~ lYi i C~i C~~ ,_C~x' tsiFw ~}~{~ tt3 C3 }3t33iii - C'~,iClx''fCCi t}1C-lt i_}ic' ~aC:tiV1t1L=':=+ t:3~F t.}iE' Tr%r V1 C:i1~i Cl3:i1¢`y' t}~iC~ x' ID^ ~S ~ JlJ1 t.iC~} IiCiri"-~x'C3 1} (ice}li=1i'It~a}3ii`~ Ci'C~.~i~i~ll~c',<tlLiii. fii't.%C:1i:. C-3 ;f iiiGiJx'~.3C3x"~t1C3fi <ii]U Fy-I~«W:~ S:viilalC{ I•i:=t=C: t13 :`: 8St3~t~11S}'iE?t~ ~illi.~i c[ ~~c~.:~ ~.ty3C3iIL:;~t 1•')T'i i~i~.Z~iT[I tt:cJC~ ~`t:lx' rr7n .ni.?"(17;~ .'t<.iil'e:~. ~C3_=3t:~+ ~Cli` C±T'33liii~iC} 1C::Cic11 cii~ii~ ~-it:C=L/iliitlilCi Cif}[; i7,Iile ii i,S `J3i~S ~~~ IIi[i-1tE:; Ca Wit. c~r3 Y3 x'r3 ?n..i m~.tF, ~`~ j } 5r}~ Iri ~. irilrlrlti.i:i'c_;~ i~C:x'1'C-Ci r~lrit:{ .j17C7Cj~.:~ i.L='C~ t}li.' I~~% ~i' ex' ~tJI11Ill~x':::~' `3x'iJf It a?t~t11S :_'+¢ t}[F= h'~i3tlt l::elit~ AL'E_'. cl r%si~rllf[t3 t.i i_ ti+1 ii [:~: :_}ii' ii3~ i:lx'i(:1l'i~~t~-C3 iiS i~l L%x'i:ii1C%}1 C3~ t}] 1,}-initYitii'T'. Hi;C~, i'1la.YiC~ ~ii•.i ~'itYl?tiCFl~ t~~x'C~ t: t"3 T'E`(Tl~~W t}i8 ola~[~a1vStlCit Stilf=}i t}iE ~.}1Ca iri l: tai' ~Ciri x'C3 C3 .i iJi i'C:-(: Cf_3 i':. ~i ~'1 Cl x' tC.i C.Sa t1Ul?.ct t1i:}~t't f;x'lt"it".IYi.~ ~L7x' csCC:t~~irc~Yic,~,Cr tt'} 23~1iTltaai=:Y' r}1'? ILIr t:lc[T~iL~U1~ 1??i-_~7C:'~. p,i:~i.i, ~i1~ii'iri ~t}left t}i::' ~il~iieti3ci' F9171cxiV3S 13it.11'aC.~}C. i`?'I'it~i~.C~E:: ~'E--'f?x'~iICiT1~ L?[:t}t-itilrllC C~F'(r'ti~Q~7ir[F~t'tt i}x' 1,%I'~i3.:~: i'I~i i3C-t1~7it1C . . ~.3 i i_; y3 E;I-i fC3Y' '~i~.[~3.t1i3'ii;~1 t~l:~i~i-Z»1C3ti, ,711.iic: ~~ 1ettE:x' Fx'Ulis ,~i lltl F1z,rii?its] - Mx'. ~'1elr~_-i~; ~~:31u~iued ft;x' k3~=rit: ati~:~~sit a~: t_ie •Jla1 j ir[eet1T1~ ~T'iC~ lii~C3x'i?1C~C~ iri'r~'Ir71i;F:t'S t}~ = IIitC=!r'it ~•~ }"i1S ]•TUrie i .:7 1Ytt:'x' v+ci ti~ tC3-_it it??1~1c[tC:. L. J.1:C.: 17 :=i :_,1C%il iii'. C3 `]:i_i ii ~'.ti ~. }iL.- i[lriiiCiF'x' i3 x' illFi;}ii~illC~i C:rx'C}CC:t~I;Y't~ ~C3x' Iiltx'tjt~lA::tlt32'i t3~ TiUI'[-- a:-;;::rit:~i l t~:)j1:=i ~IiCi 'J~~a iiL3~ i'c"-~E i i'iili~; tC3 t}li/ C~~C:.lti -- -!i tl~ tact= IDC_: i%i •i[.3.TlF' x'F;~~t1iLC,j. t(3 ~:}iC"l mil.*~Fvt;t [Ct~tt(-_'x' ~t3C_3t=.jit1~1 • G~;Jc'-1v~%I?l:'i]t CSf :=ari Ii_)t1t:`t irl:~i1 .^',c'C:C3iitiiy r ~1c';rl ~iiC~ Vv'3~y t,:JiiSlt~t~i lTiCJ7 tlic it7tx'tic~li.t`..t1C322 v~ n lllt}t 7.t3Ti i'E_t71+.1x'l.il .~~;~;T'C3V~?1 C%£ ca x'2 ~ut:'.:~t ~-=Ciiit:~ltllT7i7 clt 1C~~l:~t 1C~ Ci:~j7:~ 1-iC3::l.t:i= ti,"--;F Ci i'2 the-' iiltx'O(~11.C t: lti l`i i3{ ie~3 Tl-dt~, G'iit~Ci itE~Ill~ }1(1 C-:it: (,j :mot<";.{ a - ,.: C3i t%t}-it?-i I-i[3T-i-I~~% ti}~Ijj}_3t3x'S i~7-IC~ :~ T't:=C~li.t?ftt t}iizt' C.at3,.-iliii:==l-1t~:it].C%3-i t3,i slit-}~~ telrs be irit.,lu.t~ec~ -n the ~~errt:~a i~tiiJ ~31:t;1 i~}-ii=:c3 i~~t 1t=-~st i_3t1~= w~~k- ~3;';%x' tc_; t}ie Irizt~ti:i;j, Alt}it_:13cih I~(`, lr[:?IrthE:x'i :aF=x'~ x'~:~pet,ti~:e trs c; L-1ti:~tr;~.t:tiv~ ~;x'itic:i~Ir~: t}'?~~Y fF=it t}ii:. II:C }1~:=, t}-1~ C3~3~:1C3Ti ~C3 ti=zL11C.: i:3ii~ ~t7C_liicf t.3i' jil3?-1-- dtJ7Hj"iC~d 11E.,•Ir[. ~Ullltj IDS, Iilt~iYi}3cx'~ i~~.t tC}V ir[i,].C:h ciC'L~[-~x' i_i`t.' C - - tiix'l]C:tllx':= i.i1:=, C:t=311i'Cli~~cti i}i= i_;iC-'riiiC::=,c. Cal 't.}iL~ Cli't.ll]~). j'j~t')i7.~rx,. Wix'F' x'f~Ir[1•IiCai~l.i~1 t}~i~t t}lt<' Ii?C }i~a %[i% ~3(j4bY_.}` <-itlt~ lt~ x'C3iE? I:3 ti"; ~3x'i )7?lOt ' -+iii~l7:t i'77l ril i.~v~:1C3pIr:t=~?it v 1C.: ~'. ~:}l~lx't%c'7'~~t.; j7 "9ai,2:.., t~s1t the Tlc3Ci`~t~e?iCi~ I~:~1.?E' SLVCiL ~ t1111ii1CJ 1:aSU.E=- [N'~f"}1 tf3F 1, C;t]i1C:11 I?i~t='t1I]L7:± }i::'i:.i t}i2 L3iC3 ~7ri~Ciy st}i ~~C3IlUC-i~:=, Cif C=~C=}i y 1-. 7 (' il[t~ctiYiC,j' t}IY x'C 1Ell)i~i ca[j i~x E~i~C:}[ ieli3iit}i. Illtj tit!i ~.1Ti\.t `-SSF: Llf 1 ~~ •S ' t ii 7 ::~ t? Ci C' :? T-i t} t cl ~ V.~ y :3 is 1 1 C31Ai tii '+,l f f Z i-: l t= T i ~ .1 ?ri c? f Cl r' cy t ~ fi .~ i. t ~.?[tx'C 7(i.[7. t.. F? ~L1 ~i t~i_:jiCA~ ltty 111 1tJ t~~(I=i T7 x'iC3 x' 3~iiii tt3 i3 x'il y.3 =d x'~ CaU~.17J1?L_'Tit~ ~ 1 C:;ri C3ii~ Whir--}~- `;x'1 Cix' tt.% in('. 3=3C,Ic:;lC~c3 ~;i)t;1 1 [:ci t iz;r1 . At tlt;le:=;. ~t;~~F 1c3:~k.~ tC; the ITJC ~L:lx' 1:i~ut i:3 x' dux' 3 t e C `i l+ ri ~: i 1 rri ~~ t~: ~ C=- - `-• •-= ice'-C'C;1111?1 C='-tl[~~i_1C7i 'Jri x's. iic ~C31i.~t1C31] ]rills}]t t•~- i-:; }ic31i'. ;-}'iF~ Ii3C ineF=.tiTtci t}'it~ 4t}; T}ii;x':~ra~,Y r3f t}-i~; rlr_:s[i_r[, :~C:iiic`? i11£'1tiC:E,'i':. fC_ 1t ri€iL:'n1k3111tI%it ~t111 i'2irFCii~i:=% ~_~~t' ^-e :~L71 i].t i. C.iii., r:f}i1.ii C;li. iil F;'{Y1 :~~E'i' ~E_x'x'~'a. ~.t :~ll:`1 [. F_:~tC: C~ l]_~1T1C~i t}'Le - ;c=i~ii~ iC:T'1r1F[t- =: C:-~ 1]1i11i•t~Ci [.%Z t}]~- i_,_ . ~+C%1liiC:11 }Ix`C:1.]C1}; • r'~i~e Z IFC ~'lI~7i1TE~ A[TGtT=aT 27 - 1~~5 ti-iE' ~;,c3C~ 1 t 1 [3 ti C,3 ~ ~ i'3E'.I',Tti-3rlF'ri ~_ ~?t-, riC~c3. i l[lil : ~%[7r1~7 ic'~ic't'.~ ~ is}rt [.3:ia=,C~iii~Ti(~ itii;~ic_ ti_3 t}~ieci1j'1is-ridcl. T}iii lt:~E3rit.3.1L.a rlrici{3i:i-_:ri -~, reef i~ eriCla 1 ~:E"'T,~ ~ t t~ety .JE'LX lr'tlililC,~` U ate. tii~ it_ lleC- ~.t-tii ci i li3w~ ~i_l i"- ~ C~t'C.:i~ 3t+ri ~:lil tiic'. ~.. i~i.:ili' LJ i' 1t;. lTleJflk.3 E'~-l wl,e t}iei' til [-:[,rtsic?er ttie ~ilc1-r}ri itettt, Tlie cs~riF•1:'~I ~g;:'eetttertt ~,:ic7t-i: t IFG trietr,r3C?;'7 wri ti=; :,lli_3fa rii_)ri-c, C:cri(~e~ itir'i3i7~ ~t t;ic: i T'~%rit- ctii.7 il~ tEic: t,~E'E/tiii[~, ti. *1Fw SUSIVESS: ~. t }~y t; i ty ^i,,itii:: i 1 ti; L;C)titl' it-rJ to %[]ti.~1~E'.t'~-lt1[3i', ["3~ t'E}ty,,.E=.~ '. CGt}i^3 ti_1;:..ar'[3 ,7123;,k~~.2'S}iiy: .'.~iU>~'S .`t-;7' t}7~' EG~377i7J1•i?[" reLJ~:l<;~:),lerit F~1"triE?Y';'~77.i'7 ["}~ wr i~~it [JLLtitJ - Tti~~ City ~i~~L7.ti[::ii aii3i_3L'UjTF3[.~i ' d,.ieti~ :3f .~,~.i; ~7~%~l-3- ti3 ti"1 :.: Gi.:C7r~iiii,i.tl: ti-ie ti;e;ni:3t~'~;1i~3 i ~~ wr'icstit Ci3~,,rtty s;li.t-7 ~[.:tt[s tYte ~i zrttiers t nE:jlE~l[3t-,i,;E3tit F~ v (n ~ ~ - Tl3 [.: Sil1!731 ~-C IDC C:C;r)tr•liiutlri~ CG\.\j [_)~ t2ii: ti}l.lt1 :~1 - itJ i-1 "i': c.;[~c7i-7~t'~tiVe E~'ti[:A[~Y'aettterit r}f tY`te ~~t'trt~ t'~tiiii. T[}tt~. ^lli ;r7ac3~= a trt3ti~.r1 au t;ic)r'iziTi:,,: ~ $5GU c:~;ritrik:~tttitsri it siry_)Y33;'t i;f tt-te amity c')f M:~rlti[-:E;lle3'~ rtt~tnt:,et's~iip t[~ tti~' EE_:[sr,c~tnic; Dtrvelopt,~ert F~~'tri~:r~}ii~; `;f E~r•ic~}it rt%arrity. Fi:;i ~rnit}'; aeC:GriC~eC-,i t~if= tnt, ~_i[,ti aT~i~ vaith tt:~ t,a.t'tr~er [ii5cu.ss i[;ti; ti-ie i7iC;t1<)ri t;iz8~ei:3 t7r-i~3ii,riC;U~ 1y. bt F,lrLc~r~ieer B~ngta.E,t - Tc3 ~V~}id rU1,t~ietitiC3rt t-3E~t,GiF:.`C;ri tLle t1c::t_;~le:' ~0 IDC ~~;ii,t3tat ar-iz3 t~"li' te1~.-~~isei:3 Be~r'Sf`Viniri~~ • ~ci,ttiFv'. titF,i7t-3i~i'S ~~t'eEa -r[~ Y,egiti tree .~art[.~,a.Ft ~[;c:i~l rtU;t.~ ~t wel[aC}iYiF' RF'i,;F't)t~[Sr: - ~iC~C.3Ci tI,]1'rtii,a.t ~3y ti.3~i tilE"'ti~A3Ei'c Ftt~[]ycCA tr1E' t%y::~)c;rt,.,ri t t[_7 att~r.:;i ~ f~[."=~ with a c:e;rip~riy ra~rn::-. A;; Y `.It1tLi:.~al1 W~iCiit„fv 1"E:i;rvyitlt3tt ~~i3F~t':? 1Ct[31'E=: e{f[Ct1V~=, Sri.u~y - Frepar'ati~:ti <:.f t;ie fix':>t c?;•'a.ft t3.` a c~„":;ey ;t ti_; E~:;ti~t,liahtrierit ;f a tietwUt'~:iriy ~t'[;,~.~i r?.ti:~ relntirtr ~ i[~;:=r-;t~ft-:ati311 ~3f +c)c- ski11:~ uric, t;••aini;ii~; ;i[,~[.[_=c: t%`r' 1~4[}r~tic:E_11c, inr3,a~ti'ies i<~ c:c,;r~filete. C[~y-liF:=: wi sl tie r'aviewec. Dii::}: ~'~;r, A11::r; at-;t dill D:,;;;~,,:1i3~ ~:3;'[:r t[_3 IFC tY [ri)~i j. tip i,T~ai1 t~'ie :a,3T'Ci~tV iy ~G`t[~..:cY' 1. t'eV1E3w. Tt- ::~ 77 lii V:;~:1 ,-~r1C# L,eri [:iF-?i` CS~ t}j[.:'. + C1r 47 C:~37`ii3,1 .1 C. t>''. i•' _ T~-i [.' $[~1:f:ci ~ 1 t_3ri ~( . C~i'(i,l.i3 ttlet CJII Al,.cyi,~:~t 1J with Cat'1 ~C3rtt t~~~.: Ljit:'L~C: ti3x' [:3~ ' talk•~•~ -~ wr' i„it Tc:~:~-i;i.i;:~,l ~,~~ri er' . C~ar'1 ~,. ~ }z3tt.t tale : =r;t[==~'' :~ c-acae[.ity t[~ ~_~'~=Lirt: ~iil[}t e.i7prE=~ti:iz.F::atii~7 i3r'[~~;~~,tt„ ~rt[:1 ~ilace,.ierit ~)f .~t,7i,i=rit;' vita-lir; ini3ust;'.i~:s. Ruri ~'zf~=r-'s'i=c-3 ti:; tlcJla~l'Ai.7[~t' ~i'tii::le ~.+tc~tttil~, t~t~: i'Fr`C,:t',a.ItttiEvtlt' CJ~ J(1~7:a r`4[:w k3`a~ir~is :~:~ ea~'ly ~:~ .iri kiri:3t~r'ts~x'~eri. :3) X~~lE?i'~ ~ii'C:- I~~ tiicl, ~ [3t't8 - y Pi~T'trtE'1^8ti 1~J t:f~ C1,7i?.ti ~r,C~ ~..C7l7.itt rr++ l t a liiVltE3C3 13y ~13`,C.i 1.3~7.tity NYt,A)t31,1~, l~i'U17`3 tC3 i3'[..''~i' ~iClc3 ~~i'~Yy . Tc3tiiC,s iri;:1,~.~3E~ :pit[:; .ele[~ti[:irt T[~i~.:;.y; Fr'..3r,E.:~ _ ~ TL'E_=ri:~;. Re~ii~r~al ~.r3tl~jc~j'~tiC:Ii: Gdsi~t Ma;;:~e Tt ~:UT'l:; ~ric3 A~%c;ic?iri~i Fitfa.ll:=.. GElttirlcj :,t~t'tf."`'.. T,)E~stzi~y: ~ertetttkiF--;' 12. 1_",;E ti riC:ar-i at B~SU. Additi~:r-1~11y : Firi.e Co11e4,e i;_ i:oti:3~aC;tiri[ ?_aY;i;z' pt's:fil[=: [,3f we?[:lE:t'~, -,ra.~;Yiirtist. ~;r~~ tiur'sit, Fai,;,rL. ,? TDz MINCITES -.. ~i.=3t:~.Ct(-:ems. E1~ti;1t~;7f=E?: Wlt}"ti.~t ~i2: ti_3 f?}(jilt ~:(~tn~:3~2-iit~S y;~t' i'~==,,,iic;;-; will ~_;e illtex'~;iY~.e(3 t;.l assesti~ the ai:i1l: ,)~=~:::?s:~s~ar•y tts fill thc;~e y:3t3:~ i t i,tJtl:i . ~ lty (;t C):=;t~:~si3 7:3 ~ atY'f::L~_; is:lt:i i~11(3L-i' fC;I' rrii:•rJ7}::li: r'=,}il~; 111 t}ie l.L3t7tit ~"i'tiiF'7':=~f] i i:i. r I ~ ~ -_ IDC ! nE, (.: t)t iZi F' EE;~T'[~ Mef~t jirttY E; ttt E?et jttt~ t~~te tj~ Wec311es(:3riy: ~ttiitxst 2`:; 1 ~~-~5: .~:3.^. Il,tri. , i.1ty H~11 va~~a i . i, , c;t;*I IDER.ATION OF PRO:~PECT tIPDATEE ___ TYie IDC.: ac; E: E:~~tei3 t}I~' ir~;t'lttfvtl Ut;t3F~te, n~l(?itl(;tlally Gt'ittt:~tncj ttitrlltli)TiL.t3 t}1:1t -Fi'lE' ~i'C3S~3~'t.`.t Tc~'.~iiJ1 fi~3"CZ=?t3 ,r1-~ ~`~t=3i3 (. J (=f.'.11i3 ~rii:F=ti; w}Ie~i visiti.tltx (~E;c-:t(~r' T(~E~l & Mtr~. It1 , it~c Made Grc,ve. T}-iF=ij' 1Jtc3 ~C:Y' Cl7:~tC3Tr:(=7' is Weiiill?i, rt:37"F/t::7'a`l1Z)t) . Kt7t'ta`;C:k-i~a~: i2'tt~jL7.lt'F,t3. t~ t}-iz ii~TnF' O2' wraE3T'Ei ~kic37~t"S c)f ~ h1t]t1t;.i;F:lZc3 C:C3J11Y;:~I:ty il'IVC31Vc'(a~,, W1t}1 t}I(~. t31'vC3tli:tiC;11 Cit L•li'Gl7 i t k;C;ciY'C3s x=,11(:3 i-3E?i'~'i~.L):- QiiE'. Oti tt)E? y)~t'ttt~T'S l~ I~F:i ~YtY't~tt(",3, T}tY ID(; }I~?.iw il(-) i 1-. f C3 i JIi :~ t l C; I-i . 7. CONSIDER~,TION OF BRE REPORTS: a j JtattE~ - T i4TE: .et ., ~E~e E~i7a ji;tnetit ; E j 11 Tapt;ei' ,. NE.; t'et-)t.;rt . ?tasle - ;It_)rsl7.inc3 TT'a11a`~)i-)i tatiui,; JiJ,~ ~'1et,7i11t~i: Nc) ~'e~)~;~'# .-;1 3u ly -- fit'E}t-)lan CUt'~;E;t'at it~t1 : Ha~'vey k;F_ n-i3_~311 ; Nr) j'ey)E,;i't . • t-:l ~UE;s7st - Lake Tt:)C)1 - l~;'17;1s;t7{) i'f_?~3C37"tf-?E;3 t=; 11 }-iis V1;=;11: wi"r?i Er7. Et}j'tE:~}"t77S. C)tlF_? Eif t~-if-? t(317t' t3L'(3t}~let:'S att(~ y;~:~t'tt"iei C.f i,ak~ Tz3~;1. T}-:e ~c)nt~)<=3r)y :~~:)et:iali~a i1; tt=)c)1i11t~ c3~~;ii,1 a1-, t-3 it: E-:7_a::.tt3tnet' k~aeF, - _ ~ .. T t8 E.st]tait-tf't.~ t7 v' V,7i; :~-i; -iiit}ili_}I, }lF Bc-31-ic3}Iris .f~a;ni ly zl.f t}-i i s'tee11 r:}Ii 1c,r•e.1i va2r•e ox'i(~rir;al ly fr'c-)Jn 8ic~i La.l:.e aricl wf=t'E.; c~iftt~c3 wit}~t mit~Y(;.:. t-3f (-:t'e~~:i`v'E:i~if.:-i5 at-tr3. E:3Ysiciii. Lake Ti)C)1 ~tcl3"tE'C3 iii ~ s°F 111 ~i~ bake ~1;t? -f }I;t'e~: ilE=vi-lt'S o.~`it3 y17,7T'C;iirl~F:t~ ti1F: i")i'F_=Vjt317:S LTf=`:}:.I21 El~CtT.'jt-: t7731_~.C~l.ii~i 1 trtili~lr~3 t}I:? laws r°- ~ j al(,II~i East Oak-wr)r) 3 Dr'1vE3. Lak(= Tc~( i iT 1- , [ ' 1.F?Vf?1 ltii.( L'Ft-t~a tifF' 7}±y~lE?'e'-~E?:iF?1 tCi V;?iiia.E: Pitac~ RUt~ttF~:i, TEiFy' (n:~)Tfi)olliy }i~ti; T"it) ~1~~7"i:~ ~t }}"1]:=. ~1TJIF' ~C) fr'-n~)clf3(i t=.Jii~31t_)yriitv'.71i t7E y Elt"iiI t}Ie ft37a.i' r)t'tJt}lf?t'S' }:EjwF~VEsj' . IIi t ).4"rte T{ti=;.y E_'.ny)~-j"E(a t}Ic?ii' fa.:ility. T Ra 17ir3E7w ?;~itej'y)i' j:7~Si - ~t~:j E:: Lif~Tn tTZf' ~t7 j'E:'y)C3 t't . Ca i ~ T'iJYisttlt3 1"i_1.~it_;r't'i~ ,~~+-~~Vi=? I~YlYiIt1 1'1r `? i ~ric'C3 ~Y'C)1Yi t}1 t' }i-vJi 11:3t:)w ati(+ t~it7i. tT' 1ak.k. wj 11 ~=i:=.S7a.TnFT jt[FVF' t :=. i):Z:~ j. -t 1tJt~t ! (:it' t}iEd t l.fiiF' t}c'. 7 IICi . el T}Ie IBC aGe;f:y)teE~ .he w~'itt:t1 ERE t'f::I~);.'t, 8 . C7THFR FCTSINESS : ~1 Ht=;E.,sltatiEl ~rin~}ut-ir:ec~ tt"ie C}-tat~s(k~f-~t' tnt;~:tit-icy Eat tr_l.~ay rlc3ot-t. at ~.}3f~ r~li7eY'iG~1i L~=t~i[;~3 0117;:3, T7)t= n:~iE? l+aY'iiir~l:? st'.E~i3t'E~~F'i~F1~F.cltlVaF W,.11 t~ijvE~ ~ tnlitj-VF~i'~1E~Ct ~3t t"}te C,:(}i:.j'~E= C~3 c'13i:7 i/l .l i=i'c.:(7 r~} ~1`v':'. i'4~1 (,)C )(3 yY^'S 7.~:~11-j c?F.-; r~ Gc'Ii ti~i'. Pa(~iE-^ ~ Illi, n~IritT~+c~e t':i l.._313['t::).ZIr1F`ir1t3F~i' LF'F'i'~-illit i~titEtll.',tii:~ti lE:a:-; t1c`~ti f"_{Y`ti.31:3:TrnEitt 4~stl-i C;c*l;~tcri' ~3 ;~1VJ:- C11"i [;i N~~.it37i~ii j~3r7(_i_3 C:.~t~it:'~': l:.it-::_3t:~l~ ]r"i ~~iCt' ~; f; lUl}~ . Et l:. lcft;at 1t7r1 ~:; FL' i;31~'y ~r;c~ tt-t~ -:rzrn.y3a_rty i. f 1 e;; i t-3] ~ t=_3 }} l :. i:i-3lli-it-:I ~ C:c3ri7iFli t1~1._'•ri i. :: . A~?.TC3tTP.P9FNT . 'j'.-3iFt Lit-E:~cir).l:~t 1T~~~~~ ~ tRt3t7t~3C! i•c3 ~C~~CJ1~.'s'~t '~iF~' I~l/ it1F'F't1t1C;. Tl.rit F~~Jrllt7ri :=;rC:U,i;~:t:~ t};z ;31:=3~IC3I~i dl7ta ;n;lt}~ 7~iC3 .f1.7.~'i}:1~'Y' k%F7:~;lr:a=:=;:~ }t-~;.= IBC Jtt~eti~t~,~ a.:~~~3ra.rrtea ~~_ 8;2~ ~3,-n, f ~ ~_ 7111Q jti,:3Y'c3~3[;ttal:--; [~`n'Ei ., .t 1Ci F' ii lt''F; t,: I. C}`L' • P~iif~ 5 ~c+ ~ u C N ~. ai Q O C 3 ~'G b y ~~ c[d ~ bA u .v C N v ~ Q ~, u L: V N •v -b 4"' N y C C C. y '~ ~ ~ v ~ -c E f7 N VJ OA ~ ~ .-r+ p •~ c. ~ E o v u ~~ [~•~ E[ yg~ °' E `~ ~ 3 °: C~" U o ca., ° °~' •~ y 'v C •N ~ o " C '3c N •bA Q cd v a~"+~ p w U ~ •~ -b ~ n, u Q •~ o., C. ~ ~ .~ n•, v ~ ~ 'N ~ o N ~ ~a .o•, •, E v [ °~ ~ ..r r~ v ~ N ~ [ ~ 4 ~ U ^N ~ .~ .ri ty .. '~ ~ ~ ~ v -d ~ I~ /~~ ~ h ~ v_ vii -a -o ..~ q q v a td [ ~ ' . p o ,t •-, iii C. N a b C _y Q ."~ cd ~ ~ '17 C .~' p L 7! ~ to .b ~G ~ ~ .. >~ p i~r ~4+ ~C E H ~ ' u ~ ~ ' v v , v `" -b 0/ u u [ E ~ e. ~ ~ ^ /-• ~ ~ C ~ a ~ Os a ' M E ~ ~ E :c ° .5 ~ .~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ a ~ S v ~ O ~' .~' y v C ~ -tl ~:•1], O w .~ a0. u ~.~°- O. v is .b .+ ~ on v v VC u > > O 'd v . 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'a' °~' .~ o -d ~ ~i ~ -v `~ ~ `y. u 'y `" c x '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o °~' ° v 8 n. ° : ~ ~ ob ~ " ~ ° ~ v H h U '> ~ ~ " '> '~ c o h [ •° o ~ 1a' '~ ~ S z '~ u ~' iz. ~ q g ,~` ~ a ~' G ~i ~ ~ ~ °' ~ 6 0 •.~ . o 'b ~ o ~ ~ • c `" n. -°~ o ~ ^ c x :: -b > o -5 ~ ~ n, c c ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ v o .~ N cL v o ~ 3 •>~ ° Q ~ ~ b 'v ~ u c w b ~ ~ ~ °' a ~ '`" ~ ,~ • [ ~ • [ E° or ~ o [ ° A Ca ~ ~ b '~ G v ~ 0 3 c c ~ v ~ o o ~ .~ •,. a ° ..° :y< ° "~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .v ~" H 'u' OA '.: "O ~ u w O w v.:. 00 ~ ~ O v w b0 ~ rd h v bA W ~ C ~ •~ ~n rd L ~ u~ o o y ~; y r W ~~ •b C ti ~. ~ z v ~ Q W b n, 3ac"G x~'~.[.~ S¢.[ 8. 6qE~ oon"~ xaa ~°:~•-5 ~v, a~,~.~;~ ~~a-~ ~Q ~ °" v - _ __ ___ _... o_ ~..__ [ ~..~ .... ... ,.G O E [ •-' v ~ {L '~' u v G O C ro ~ ~ .r v .~ c ~ ~ ~ u o O y~ v ~ ~ ~ o ~ v .. u '. ~ ~ v -b y v' >; u o v ro U U .. .Yi ~ ~ y ~ fd r7. 4 >. N ~ G 'b 7? .. ly ~+•. td u O ~ .~ v u C O[ -ct v u ~ .~ y ~ v $ '~ u' '~Ip U ~ ~ W v. ~ 'v • [ v N ;; v ~ -d ca o ,, ~ 3 ~ [ o. 0 C .+ ar.. '~ ~ v ° a V Z ~ O ¢' U cn c'~. t~ ^ v •5 F? ~ 3 ° .~ ~ ~ [ ~ o a., ;~ ~ a o ~ ~ •- q q,. H ~ U [ ~ ~ fd .° N °~° ~ ~ ~ C ~ n. ~ o ~~ 3 u ~ v a Q . O y . [ O u ~ [ ~ .b ~ O .-.. o ~ a 3 [ en ~ ~ ~ v W ~ ~ ~ V~ v -d u H .•. a. v u Q ovn o Q x~ H o ~ [-~ o v °' Q~ G~ ~$ c W u v ~ v ~ ..o ~ 'o4yn o ti • • • M~.~, ~ M~.~,... Plrn.ce znrlroznc tbeto/lowing nrzr znczuLcr:~: Wayne A. Borg, Regional Manager industrial Development Union Pacific Railroad 1200 brie I31vd., #310 Oak Brook, IL 60521 312-573-6420 Bchvin Hodder, Jr., Graduate Student Hubert H. I-Iumphrey Institute 1400 So. 2nd St., 8515 l~lpls., MN 55454 612-332-0965 Mike Humpal, Community Develop- ment Director, City of Fairmont P.O. Box 751 Fairmont, MN 56031 507-238-9461; fax 238-9469 llave Anderson, Economic Develop- ment Coordinator, City of St. Louis Park 5005 Minnetonka Blvd. St. Louis Park, MN 5541(>-2290 612-924-2197; fax 924-2663 Connie M. Hills, Executive Director Central Minnesota Development Co. 1308 Coon Rapids Blvd., Suite 202 Coon Rapids, MN 55433 612-755-2304; fax 757-4955 New Position and Address: Donald G. Dunshee (Past EDAM/MIDA President) President tit CEO, Broomfield Ecvnomic Development Corp. 740 Burbank St., P.O. Box 421 Broomfield, CO 80038-0421 303-469-7645; fax 469-9183 4 c .~.. Jim Trucker, President (Past EDAM/ MiDA President) has started his own company: Development Representation Assoc 5300 Hyland Greens Drive Bloomington, MN 55437-3933 612-897-1455; fax 897-1487 Bruce Maus, President (Past EDAM President) has a new address: Corporate Real Estate, Inc. 750 South Plaza Drive, Suite 201 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 612-452-2786; fax 452-4374 Gerhart Toiler has a new address: Stearns Cty. Administration Ctr., # 705 Court House Square St. Cloud, MN 56303-4781 612-656-3601; fax 656-6393 Directory Address Correction: Susan Vergin Darren Lahr Ecvnomic Development Partners of Wright County 2807 W. Cry. Rd. 75 Monticello, MN 55362 612-295-5156 Harry Rosefelt, Spatial Solutions, correct zip code is SS101 Lta. I, 1 • Craig Waldron, City of Oakdale, pro- vided the following update: C.S.M. To Build in Oakdale "l~he Oakdale Council recently approved a project for a C.S.M. development within the City. C.S.M. will be developing 100,000 s.f. of office-warehouse space. It is expected that the development will pro- duce 150-200 jobs as well as adding ap- ~~C~~ ~C~C'~'d~ ,~ ~~ ~~~~~ For your development needs call: C1-aig Waldron City Administrator ' a~ ~ ~ Rich McNamara OAKDALE Assistant City Administrator MINNESOTA City of Oakdale 1584 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone: (612) 730-2809 Fax: (612) 730-2818 Internet Home Page: http:/lwww .protocom.com/protomall/oakdale E-mail: oakdale@protocom.com ~1n rte. ems,-=_a ~ 'C~ e ~ a (v , ~, ~ proximately $200,000 to the tax base. "Phis was the first project to utilize the City's new L.E.A.F. Program, which uses the in- creased City taxes to Facilitate the project. C.S.M. is a Saint Pavl developer that owns and manages 3,000,000 s.f. of indus- trial property and 1,000,000 s. f. of ret 'I space. Oakdale Develops New ~ ~ Financing Program "1'he City of Oakdale has developed a new financing program known as L.F,.A.E. (Lo- cal Economic Assistance Fund). The fund is designed to facilitate high quality jobs and tax base development with the City of Oakdale. The program focuses on what would essentially have been the City's share of a "possible" tax increment financ- ing district. 1'he program would basically ~ duplicate an economic development dis- trict, however, a formal district is not cre- ated and the county and school district continue to obtain their share of the new taxes. `Through the utilization of this type of program, the City can still encourage development without jumping through all of the various Hoops in forming a tax in- crement district. Also, Oakdale will not have to deal with the L.G.A. and H.A.C.A. difficulties or address the matching re- quirements of the new economic develop- ment districts. Oakdale "Tees Off" Construction for Oak Marsh Golf Course The City of Oakdale hosted a construc- tion "tee ofP' for the new Oak Marsh Golf Course. Oak Marsh is an I8-hole course, comprised of 183 acres. The course will be surrowided by 260 units of housing on the eastern side of Oakdale. "I~he course development represents the ultimate in a public/private parnler- ship. The City of Oakdale has teamed up with Wendell Pittenger, from W.P. Golf Operators, to develop the course. While the City owns the land, Mr. Pittenger is responsible for the development and op- eration of the course. "Fhrough a long- term lease with Mr. Pittenger, the City will receive annual cash flow from the course. "The course is expected to be ready for play in the Fall of 1996. • PCL Associates of Minnesota has been awarded a $3.5 million contract from Cargill, Inc. to provide complete design and construction manageu~ent services for a 2-story, 45,000 s.f. office building in Fargo, North Dakota. The facility is scheduled for completion in December. M to M cnn~. purge S cl o .`,.°~ EDAM News 3 IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 7. Consideration of Prospect Updates: a) High-tech manufacturing company -The Purchase and Development Contract between the HRA and the developer has been approved and ready for execution. The EDA approved the $50,000 GMEF loan and the Central Minnesota Initative Board approved the $SO,000CMIF loan. Marquette Bank Monticello is the lender and closing is anticipated for or about October 15, 1995. Fifteen thousand sq ft, 30 new jobs, HRA Lot 5, Block 3, OIP. b) Gary Singer -Construction 1996, 20,000 sq ft facility, wholesale dealer of plumbing, wells and septic systems. Consideration of a subdivision, applicant Charlie Pfeffer, Planning Commission October 3 . Lot 1, Block 1, (4.06 acres) and Lot 1, Block 2, (2.0 acres), Monticello Commerce Center Third Addition. c) Manufacturer of Circuit Boards -Construction 1996, max 40,000 sq ft facility, 40 jobs in two years/80 in five years. High-tech company. Looking at surrounding areas: Becker, Big Lake, Elk River. Confidentiality most important. (Somewhat premature to gage interest-level.) d) Existing industrial business -Construction 1996. 10,000 sq ft office and warehouse. 10 jobs within first year. Contacted two builders for construction to lease. (Good BRE project for Monticello.) e) David Menke, agent - 225,000-250,000 sq ft distribution center for metro • manufacturer of small products. 100 jobs starting at $7.00, 20 acres. (Monticello out of running, too close to metro, looking out farther.) f) Stephen Bray, agent - 250, 000 sq ft warehouse facility for metro paper product company. 20-25 acres. (Monticello, Rogers, and Maple Grove to far out, now looking at inner city.) g) Jay Morrell - 7,200 sq ft for lease, I-2, 295-3122. On building tracking system at the Department of Trade and Economic Development. • CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTHI. Y BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPP°T N, JTH OF AUGUST 1995 PERMITS & USES This Same Month Last Year This Year PERMITS ISSUED Month Au ust Last Year To Date To Date RESIDENTIAL ber 34 27 149 168 uation $1,915,300.00 $1,211,000.00 $5,053,100.00 $6,869,300.00 Fees $18,484.32 $8,903.02 $37,017.22 $69,216.72 Surcharges $956.40 $603.75 $2,508.29 $3,429.87 COMMERCIAL Number 4 4 24 31 Valuation $30,500.00 $86,600.00 $709,600.00 $1,665,300.00 Fees $302.00 $828.95 $7,346.03 $30,591.65 Surcharges $14.75 $43.30 $363.30 $820.65 INDUSTRIAL Number 1 1 12 6 Valuation $20,500.00 $28,000.00 $1,659,600.00 $737,500.00 Fees $211.50 $460.35 $11,771.99 $5,626.80 Surcharges $10.25 $14.00 $829.55 $368.75 PLUMBING Number 18 20 76 83 Fees $870.00 $496.00 $1,973.00 $4,055.00 Surcharges $9.00 $10.00 $38.00 $41.50 MECHANICAL Number 18 g7 Fees $696.00 $3,505.50 Surchage $9.00 $43.50 OTHERS Number 0 2 5 3 Valuation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fees $0.00 $20.00 $50.00 $210.00 char es 0.00 1.00 2.50 0.50 AL# PERMITS 75 54 266 378 TOTAL VALUATION 1 966 300.00 1 325 600.00 7 422 300.00 9197 000.00 TOTAL FEES 20 563.82 10 708.32 58158.24 114 660.48 TOTAL SURCHARGES 999.40 672.05 3 741.64 4 704.77 CURRENT MONTH FEES NUMBER TO DATE PERMIT NATURE Numbe Permi Surchar Valuatio This Yea Last Yea Single Family 18 $14,798.02 $717.20 $1,434,400.00 71 62 Duplex 0 0 0 Multi-Family 1 $2,643.30 $187.50 $375,000.00 1 1 Commercial 0 $0.00 $0.00 4 1 Industrial 0 1 3 Res. Garage 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 5 Signs 0 0 Public Bldgs. 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 ALTERATIOWREPAIR Dwellings 15 $1,043.00 $51.70 $105,900.00 74 62 Commercial 4 $302.00 $14.75 $30,500.00 27 23 Industrial 1 $211.50 $10.25 $20,500.00 5 9 PLUMBING All Types 18 $870.00 $9.00 83 76 MECHANICAL 0 All Types 18 $696.00 $9.00 87 n/ ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Swimming Pools 0 0 Decks 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 19 MOVING PERMIT 2 0 TEMPORARY PERMIT 0 0 OLITION 0 0.00 0.00 1 5 LS 75 20 563.82 999.40 1 966 300.00 378 266 AUGMON.WK4 rom: BCDIMktg To: Ms. Olile Koropdislt Dete: 9115/96 Time: 08:43:92 • .- o„omtc~ ~. a~ P.P •- ~' "' "' ~ NEWS FROM DTED ~~ a ~~ .~ ~ :~ ~ . rt " ~ ,i+ G ~ ~/~ ~• a J -....~ Mim~esota Business Assistance Foam September 15, 1995 Page 1 of 1 1Vlinnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development Contact: Becky Hall, 1-800-657-3858 or 612-297-1678, Fax 612-296-1290 Legislation passed during the 1995 session requires all state and local government agencies administering financial business assistance to annually report to DTED the wage and job goals for each business assistance project and the progress toward each goal. "Business assistance" means a grant or loan in excess of $25,000 or tax increment financing. To simplify data collection, DTED will send a Minnesota Business Assistance Form to all Minnesota government agencies that administer financial assistance to businesses. If you do not receive a Minnesota Business Assistance ~by September 20, please call us and 11 send you a copy of the form, 612- 297-1291 or 800-657-3858. Twin Cities Industry Cluster Study The Metropolitan Council and the University of Minnesota recently completed their joint project, Twin Cities Industry Cluster Study, which takes a look at how economic vitality is a direct product of the competitiveness of local industries. The study was based on four key determinants of competitiveness which are discussed in the book, The Competitive Advantage ojNations, written by Michael Porter; 1) factor conditions, such as specialized labor pool, specialized infrastructure and sometimes selective disadvantages that drive innovation; 2) home demand, or local customers who push companies to innovate, especially if their tastes or needs anticipate global demand; 3) related and supporting irxlu4tries, internationally competitive local s ier industries, creating a high quality, s ive business infrastructure, and sp g innovation and spin-off industries; and 4) industry strategy/rivalry, intense local rivalry among local industries that is more motivating than foreign competition and local "culture" which influences individual industries' attitudes toward innovation and competition. Using Michael Porter's approach as a framework to identify the characteristics of Twin Cities industries which help make them competitive, the study focused on four industry clusters: printing and publishing; computers and software; medical devices; and machinery and metalworking. For more information on the study or a copy of the report, contact the Metropolitan Council at 612-291-635.9 Minnesota Rural Partners Cfather in St. Cloud for Strategy Worizshop September 17 and 18 representatives from federal, state, local and tribal governments, along with private and non-profit groups will come together in St. Cloud for their first strategy workshop. The workshop will focus on pressing issues facing rural Minnesota ranging from housing and health care to value added industries and telecommunications. Minnesota Rural Partners was created to promote partnerships and cooperation, to remove barriers to development and to provide a fonun in which effective joint action can occur between federal and state government, as well as local governments, educational institutions, Indian tribes, and the private sector. For more information about the partnership or the workshop, contact Marcie McLaughlin, Executive Director of Minnesota Rural Partners, at 612-255-3834. Speaking of Collaboration... Wesley Ehrecke, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Minnesota Bankers Association (1vIBA), will be the guest speaker for the EDAM breakfast at the Star Program Conference on October 25. His talk will focus on strengthening the bonds between the banking and economic development communities by encouraging collaboration among the various organizations. Ehrecke comes to the MBA from Iowa where he served as the executive vice president and CEO of the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives. In this position, he was instrumental in developing the "Practice Positive, Proactive Politics" program to strengthen the association's communications with legislators. Just a Reminder... The Star Program -Minnesota Development Conference is fast approaching. Don't forget to mark your calendars, October 24 - 26. The conference will be held at the Sheraton Park Place Hotel in St. Louis Park. You should receive a brochure which includes registration materials by September 15. If you do not receive the brochure, please contact Bill Coleman, Conference Coordinator, at 612-297-1169. Mark Your Calertdms September 19 - 21: Minnesota House ojRepresentatives Headwaters Mini .S'ession You are welcome to attend committee hearings which cover topics ranging from education to economic development. Most hearings will be held in Bemidji, although there are a few scheduled in Park Rapids, Walker and Bagley. For more information on the mini-session, contact Isabelle Schmidt at the Minnesota House of Representatives: 800-657-3559. F.Y.L "For Your Interest" Top 5 States from Which People Migrated to the Twin Cities: Wisconsin, Illinois, California, Iowa and North Dakota.