IDC Agenda 06-15-1995AGEIv7DA *•~ONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOFMEriTT COl~4MITTEE Thursday, ,June 15, 1905 City Hall MEMBERS: Chairpersan John McVay, Vice Chairpersar~ evin Doty, Trc-asurer P.ar. Haglund, Ghelley J:~l~~r7scn, Arve Grim~~mo, Dare S;nith, Say Morrell, K4n Pilaus, Harvey F:er~dall, Mer•rlyn rJ"c'ef2ldt, Steve LeIT11TlG"J Tam Llndquy~~t, E31i Tappi', Ji3r~ Fiellllrag, and Catlilciltr~elnber Tam Perrault. STAFF : O1 l iC Karapc halt . 1. CALL TO ORDEP.. 2. GONSIDEP.ATION TO APPROVE THE MAtI 2°, 1~~5, IDC MIPIUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE I~90NTHL`~ IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Y. OLD EUSINESS: a} EDA year-erd financial reports. b) Feedback far ERE Breakfast evaluation. c} IDG Barrqu~:t Guest speaker (Donation}. d} Econarr~ic De-velopment Partnership of Wright County. 5. NEW EUSINESS: ~a) Discuss response from Attorney Paul Weingarder~. b} Executive Subcommittee Report - Jor~r~ P9cVay. c) Other 6. CONSIDERATION OF PP.OSPECT UPDATES: a} Manufacturer of packaging tnacYaines b} High-tech manufacturing campany c) Gapperwoad Investment, Inc. d) E1zCtraiiiC cantr•act inaii~.if aCttir t.r e } ~0Pd0 Machine , Inc . ERE P.EPORTS a} Standard Iran - Shelly Jahrason b } FS I - F~c-n Maus c) Boridhus Garparatior. - Arve Grimsmc d} Tire Service Equipm~rzt - Bill Tapper e) Hcglursd Transpartatian - Jim Fletnir~g f} P9icra Tech - Ollie Koropchak g } uunr~y Fr~:sh - Ollie aropchak Jtrly repar•ts : NSF - John McVay Araplax Corparatian - Harvey F;endall AME Grasp - Tom Perrault ~ CmLiED Ertc+rrr~oS a) Gilalr~ber Irieetlrag, nClara taday, AtricriCari Leg10r, G1'ub, AlrierCian Da1ry A~+JaI.• of Mrv afYi. Mi;~:~ P•",anticelia CandluateS. °. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE`JELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 18, 1995 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Rcrt Hoglund, Shelley Jchnscn, Arve G~~imsmo, Dan Smith, Jay Morrell, K4n Maus, Harvey Kendall, Merrlyn Se~feldt, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, and Councilmember Tom Perrault. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairperson John McVay and Steve Lemma. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill ar~d Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Vice Chairperson Dety called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. CON;,IDERATION TO APPP.OVE THE MARCH 1E 1995 IDC PAINUTES. Rcn Hoglund made a motion to approve the March 16, 1995 IDC minutes. Seconded by Jim Fleming and with ne corrections cr additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. COPJSIDERATIOP7 TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported a monthly balance at First Eank of $3,013.00 and a balance at Marquette Bank cf $7,198.41 far a total cf $11,111.50. Disbursements included $422.21 to P.iverwced Metre Business Coaster for tre BRE Br•cakfast and $1,500 and $2,000 to the City of Monticello. The $1,500 is the agreed upon arrang2mor~t tc retire the 1004 $7,500 wage/benefit debt to the City. This will be paid off over five years witr, r~o interest. The City forgave the remaining $7,500 wage,'benefit debt. The $2,000 is far 2995 wage,'bEnefit to the City. The IDC will no longer racaive ar. annual ccr.tributicr~ of $6,800 from the City. Harvey Kendall made a s;~oticn tc accept the May IDC firxaricial report. Tom Lindquist seconded th4 motion and vaith no ccrrecticr~s ar additicr~s, tre fir~ar~cial roport was accepted and filed. 4. COP.SIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: P"smbers accopt.^d th` industrial proar.ects and the BRE writton repots. Members were given a brochure of Midwest Graphics, Page 1 Inc., the ca-npany whc purchased Pfeffer's building alcrag Fallon Avenue. Me;nbers questioned tY:e break-down of communications bet4voen tile,. City arayd, quality ~.eldirlg,'Rcgera Corporation. KrrcpcY~aak respor.sed tale company was net disappointed with tY;e land price; however, they assn;r~ed the City was not arc interested seller because of tY;e tune lapse tc receive tale City's dscisian. L,Additicraally, Council's com;nents of rao guarantee cf TIF for the proposed structure which was similiar tc tY`ac? Pclycast building left a negative taste of ri4cnticellc. F~crcpchak agreed ccmmunicatiara within City Hall n4eds improvamsrat. BRE REFQRTS: STANDAP.D IP.ON AND FSI - Reports by Shelley Sohnscra and Y:cra Main will be given in Surae. DEC:JRATIVE SEP.VICES - Bill Tapper reported, in April, he toured Decorative Services and visited with Serry Aradruskc and his sera. Sorry purchased the company in 188 and bases approrii;natc-ly 7,5C0 sq ft fro;n Say Morrell. The custom drapery business provides labor only. Their customer base includes Carlsara Companies, Kohler Hotels and Dayton's Horn L'alue. Sales marketing is by word of mouth. The cc;npuray has grcwra by 45 0. Traey employ 34, mostly women. The ca;r~paray • w h1Cti is bux`stirag at tY'ie seams, lack Of space, art C;Onaiderirag cthzr cpticras. It's unfair, that individuals VvtiO art hard, confident workers appear tc receive a bad respcr.se fx`cm the community because cf previously owned-business relations. The ccsnpany has received a line-of-credit from Norwest, St. Claud arad an SBA loan far M&E, local banks are net interested, F.crcpchak indicated her disappointment for the inability to assist an ~riisting industrial company. PRG and hers~.lf wcr•ked to find a developer tc construct and lease to Decorative ~ierVlCeS YJith ari Opt].Ori to purchase In fi`v'e years. Tiles i:~ accessary to provide a rate of return which will attract a developer and provide a rental rate affordable tc the tenant. The HRA cvas not interested ira providing TIF and enccurag~:d the campany tc Iease another year. This project truly mat the "but far" test of TIF. Say Marrell reported the campany turned-down the contract to supply draperies for the Radisson-Mcscew project. Trae ability • n Page IDC r~IN'UTES • MAC' 18, 1~S'S tC pay iS the bOt tCTTi- llrie . Ti7cj CClripariy riAi1S Cri c.-Sh if t , a second-shift may be a short-term fix. TIP.E SERVICE EQUIPMENT - O'Neill reported a m~~tir~g betWeer~ Bret WelSS, Ray SChmildt, Gary Anderson, and iilmSelf T:'cSCl`v'cd the issues relating to Ray's planned expansion. A building permit is schzduled to be issued Friday for the loading garagr~ expansion tc the north side. M&F TRANSPOP.TS, INC. - Jay reported satisfaction v.ith his five-year outside storage use approval for Lot 2, Block. 3, OIP. H2 felt the City Ordinance adopted for outside storage and interim use in I-1 and I-2 zones provides authorized--- V ~JTlt rtjl. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS COMPREHENSIVE FLAN UPDATE MEETIr7C OF° MAY Z ~ . ._.._...__ IDC TricmberS 'mere provided carith results of the goal statements fro;r the Cotnpreher~Sive Plan Lpdate of May 15. Chairp~x~sor~ Boty asked Kerr Maus to report as the IDC representative:. John r~iCv7a`y' atteTlded a pCr t.iCn Cf tree m2etlTlg Arid iieri ar r 1.Vcd later . L1CYr1 reported the ITiajority of the economic development dlSCUaslons had concluded. F'io~deVer, he felt ti`]2 -_~S•SSivTi `vva:± frLiitfui b^cCc`1LLSC it prCl'J1ded dlffCrE.rat preCe.:ptloriS flo3ri group'- iliCJriberS C>tY12T' than tr12 ID~' . iie tixprc:~;3ed it Y~ca3 llrii 1~.G.i y ~i tCtai agre:eiTt E:nt 'r'vlth respects tC ca def].nitlCrs of "rii~i"i i17a.ality, r.igr~ inVeStm2rit" bu.:l1T1CSS28 WOLl.ld be Cbtalri:d. Jeff O'r1t'ill reported th~>. Oii"iJE=Ct1Ve; Cf file r:ay 1J lYic:c: tlrig YJcxB to establish g:~als for the Compreher~Sive Plan Ur,date ps~i::~~ tc ar~d as a lead-in to the tWO proposed projects. O'N~~:ill dL-?SCr lri.)cu the prL3pGS2C~ Cutlet iriall a.= a t~.c':~iyliatlvii Center,,/tCUr1St attraction, built ira u Village GCrsCCpt 'vdith relatively pleasant architect design, g~:rerates Week-eT.d daily v€~hicle traffic count of 4,000, construction of 250,000 sq ft - 1O0 Stores in Phase I , employment of 20C iriallagerlai j:~b _~ grid part-titre, intergrates a Chamber Information Center, ar~d markets to high-end brand name Stores. O'Neill expressed Monticello's point of distance v.as good arxd LitilltiCc3 aT'E'- in place a.'t the Monticello CC~iimerCe ~..crat8r- location. The company representatives vae;;•e dismay~:d by i?xi St]. Iig .later Crica Tiy eS being CVer-bLiiit MCTit 1Ct_:i lC IS Tile Morttlcello ~iCtri~i~CrCc: cc^.T1tGr site nc edS a full Inter Change tC trect the dcVeiCper'S Idtral Sits. Trio^. r~CTitiCiri1C Traffic • Page IDC MINLITES MAC' 18, 1905 Study earmarked the mare immediate need far a ,;4CC,CCO an,'off ramp at I-9~ arsd Cty Road 118 and earmarked the reed of a $3.5 million full irite'rCYiange- ira t3ie dlStariGe future. Karapchak r•Eparted the HRA earmarked TIF pooling dallars far the Fallon CvGrpass, Waste Water Treatment Plant, substandard parcels far redevelopment, and discussed the congested and unsafe Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive intersECtiar~. ThG HP.A did agree: and went ors re.card stating the hest and highest use of the "ronticello Commerce Center property was far t:le. utilizatiarivf lradli:~ti'ial bt1S7.ne8Se^a and quality jobs, Na funds are anticipated fratn MDCT, the county Inay assist with wider.ir~g the Cty Rd 118 bridge, creatiar~ of anew TIF District appears not tc b~: ar. option, however, a Gity sales tax is are optic}r~ to explore for financing the irtercrar~gE. M~am~bErs felt a city-wide sales tax would root fly. uay infarlned InemberS of the impact the regiar~al office at ~",DCT played ir: successfully abtair.ing the tanker ir~ter•sectian in Alexand2;.~ . Doty asked, "What about the shortage of lobar?" Melnbers fF_~lt ti12 31J1paCt ^vrt the shortage of labor would aCCUr cv2n if til'e' project were located 1C-15 miles dawn the road. Tam Lindquist felt the $3.5 million interchange exp:~~iture was a good exchange far the prrjected YSCC,CCO annual tax base. In addition, the dallars would be spend locally rath.^:r than outside the area. Members encouraged aggressive action be pursued •r:itr. MDCT and to explore other sites fc,r industrial land replacement. Doty attelnpted to bring the discussion to a clrsc, as sufficient tllne was spend relating to a t•remature C:v^iT'iiJ`ierCl.al development proposal. Koropchak felt t.le: IPC might b~. c,lrcerned with the thoughts of existing industrial busi.~esseS ir. CIP arsd alarlg Chelsea Road relating to the need to r~•~or~e. C'Neill requested a motiar~ giving direction to city :'toff relating to the outlet mall. Rar, He:glund InadE a matlari far city Staff to pug°SUe the outlet mail at the Monticello Calnmerce Ce^rater site arsd to explore atricr iaridS far iriduStr lai l.ISG''. Merrlyra ~cF_-`.fvldt S~4Vr1LiEd t~iE inatlari and W].th ria furtilC:r discussiarb, the iCiatiCri paSSc".'.d. Bill Tapper apposed. • Page: ~ IBC MINUTES • MAC' 18 . 1 ~ ~3 5 6. OTHEP. EUSINESS: Eill Tapper ~zef~~rred tc the wcr~.shop cf the IDC and to its G~~tity structure. If tre TDC is rct a governmental entity the City cf Monticello, doers the IBC have a tax-exempt status ar~d are IBC members (directarsj independently liable cr• are they covered under the City' Dcn Smith agreed that was a good gj.Z.eJ tl~3n. It Vdas suggested to ruTi the question by City AttcrnE~y Paul Weingarden. Dcn Smith added as the IBC me:~r~bers are not appeinted by the City Council, wl^,ere does thy: IDC stand witY~. regards tc respect and support from the Council? v~itli t hc'. lapse 4f t].me, the relria lrii Tlg IDC agenda items were. continued until tree June 15 mc:etir~g. ? . AB.?OURI~TrRE~1T . The IBC meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m. ~~~~~ ~ . Ollie F~orcpchak, Ex cutive Director Page 5 • EDA FUNDING SOURCES AVAILABLE FOR GfrEF s`,RESOLVING LOAN FLTf1D} CASH IN BAP1fi ;;200 . 534 . C4 10J5 LIQUOR FUND AFFROPRIATIO2v y100,000.00 UDAG - FSI $103,043.20 SCRG - AROPLA~ CORPORATION $ 64,404.27 TOTAL $477,C32.41 HOWEVER, THE ANNUAL APPP.OPRIATION fGUIDE} IS $200.000.00 IT IS ANTICIPATED THE FEDERAL GRANT TO THE CITY FOR LOAN TO THE H- WINDOW COMPANY WILL CLOSE IN JUNE OR JULY'. .°,250,000.00 HRA PRE-1000 TIF SURPLUS DOLLARS ESTIMATED .x,3.5 MILLION • FOR USE WITHIN THE CITE' LIMITS AND THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 BOUNDARIES. LAND ACQUISITION PUBLIC IMPP.OVEMEf1TS REDEVELOPMENT iBLIGHT OR SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY, DEMOLITION} • • A: APPOINT NEW MEMBER(S) TO THE IDC. IDC MEMLERSHIP -- Dicl: Van Allen - 5cr~dhus r•epr•esentaticr. - Lin~.age for Industrial Executive Dialogue Group (Wright Cty "••",N Mfg Tech nclogy) - Tcm Ollig - Linkage for Teleccmmur.icatior~s $ : IDC STP.UCTUP.E - OPTIONS - TAX-EXEMPT ~ LIABILIT;' P.ECOGNITIO*1 Chamber of Commerce Develop Ccrp. EDA HP.A • COP3CERPd: Purchase of site. for future industrial use. Explore capacity of utilities and improvement costs. Flan: 1. IDC AOTHORIZE EXECIITIVE SQBCOMMITTEE TO ERPLORE OPTIONS FOR RE~TISED STROCTURE. 2. Attend meeting an innovative options for EDA activities. 3. Schedule meeting betr.een the EDA, HRA, and IDC tc dct2rmir~e common objectives. 4. Dis~;uss options for replacement of Rcn Hoglund ;IDC repres~:ntative) cn the EDA. (Term expires December, 1~~~j C: ELECT CHAIRPERSON FOR THE BRE, EDQCATION, AND MAREETING SiTBCOMMITTEES . ESTABLISH MEETING DATES FOR SOBCOMMITTEES. • Economic DeVelapmierit Partr`iership cf :fright Cauraty, Inc. - Membership City Council preser~tatian Da+es IDC ~ar~t to oor~tribute $500 v~ith City? Office - NSP Admi.~istrative Cffice Next meeting - June 22, 1JJ5 Jim Thares - Benton Ccunty Break-dcwr~ cf turf k~oundar•ies. Resolution of ;,upport for the allcwance of dry-cant storage. P.LF - Banker's Association (narticipation leans} $5,CC0 - $IC,000} with CMIF'. Quad County Development Networking - Next meeting, Mcnticella, Wednesday, July 1G, 1~~5 • Naan . Lti'here :' . Quad County CEDE' - Wright Ccunty no participation. Invite Pat Sawatzke and Judy P.os~. County Beard Action - EDA eligiY~ility, 1C%~ mar°e dollars. MB~'I - MemNer•s hip, annual meeti:,g July 1~, 2C, 21, 135. Cr9IF - June 15, Cragan's • 6. Consideration of Praspec_t u~adates: ~• • a) Mar~ufacturcr of packaging machines - Contact has been made cn several occasions to schedule. hosting ar visiting this Maple Grove catnpariy. The campany has taken a "nc activity" pasiticL~until August-S~ptemb~r relating to the planned expar~sian. TYiis accardir~g to Richard Ba.tr, Executive Vice President . The campany shuts-dav.~~ for a couple .reeks in July. 100,000 sq ft facility, 125 jabs ire two years, and 20 acres cf land. {Excellent company - mediar. interest level). b} High-tech manufacturing company - TF~is high-tech company located in Rogers is looking to build an approximate 15,000 sq ft building similiar to Fclycast. Average wage is $12.00 per hour. Existing employment 20, projections include the addition of 10-20 jobs within two to three years. Have met witr~ owners regarding financial incentives. (Excellent company - higr. interest level). c) Copperwcod Investment , Inc . - This is a Mir~r~etar~ka investment firm lacking for a community to construct are approximate 40,000 sq ft facility for lease (tnulti- tenar~ts). Checking out financial incentive applicable to leasing. (Median interest level). d} Electronic contract manufacturer - This five year old company r~o~v leases in Fridley. The company is loek ir~g to l construct a 1Or000-15,000 sq ft facility. Existing etnplcytnent is 35, projections include the addition of 25 jobs ;.within two years. Average v~age $'..00 per hour • (above--average benefits). (Low ~r~terest level}. e} OMO Mact^~ine, Inc. - The HRA requested KarapcF+al;. vv'rit~ the president of this company a letter marketing and introducing tF:e City of Monticello as a sits far industrial development. The well managed, grocvir~g manufacturing campany is located in Sauk Rapids, t`•9IV. BPE REPORTS - f} Micro-Tech - Yoropchak has been in contact with Gardart Bye to schedule a luncheon with Grrdor~ ar~d Larry Hager., President, and the Prospect Subcommittee. g} Sunny Fresh - Looking for 2,000 -- 3,000 sq ft leasable office space. h} Jahn Holman - Same cf you may remember Jahn Holman. He awned the Fridley refrigeraticr~ storage ccmpar~y ar~d lockEd to Monticello far a passible expansicr~. Unable to provide a sites with rail, the dial r~ev~r materialised. It is my understanding, Mr. Holman's wife passed away cabaLl.t '~--~7 tnaTithS ago . C7 MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Faxr (612) 295-4404 Paul Weingarden Attorney At law Olson, Usset, Agan & Weingarden Suite 590 6600 France Avenue South Mirineapol is , A7N 55435 • Dear Mr. Weingarden: June 6, 1995 The Monticello Industrial Development Coanmittee {IDC), is a community volunteer organization which pratnotes industrial development. The main focus of the group is tv recruit new industrial businesses and encourage the retention and expansion of existing industrial businesses. Members are appointed Y}y the existing IDC rnernbers, riot by the City Council. TYie organizatian has no bylaws only guidelines grid is not registered or certified with the Secretary of State as a non-profit organization. The organizatian originated in the early 1970's as a branch of the Chamber of Commerce. The IDC operates from revenues received from an annual fundraiser banquet and annual donation of $2,800 from the Chamber of Commerce. Previously, the IDC paid the City approximately $14,000 to $15,000 annually for vrages/benefits of the Economic Development Director and at the same time, the City made an annual contribution of $6,800 to the IDC. Today, the IDC contributes $2,000 annually to the City far a portion of the Economic Developrner~t Director's wages/benefits and the City makes no annual contribution to the IDC. At the May IDC meeting and since tYie IDC periodically makes • recommendations to the City Council on various proposed ordinance or zoning amendments, the fifteen-member group asked the fallowing two questions and requested a legal opinion. First, can the IDC • Mr . Weitigarden June 6, 1995 Page 2 utilize the tax-exempt status of the City of Manticello under the current structure? Secondly, are IDC members liable ar are they covered by the City of Manticello's insurance policy, liability clause: Please advise and make appropriate recommendations. If you have further questions, please call me at 295-2711. The next IDC meeting is Thursday, June 15, 1995, at 7:00 a.m. Thank you for your consideration of this matte r•. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director . cc: File • JUN. -14' 95 (WED) 14 ~ 36 OLSON/USSET P, A, TEL ~ 612 925 5879 P. 002 OLSON, USSET, AGAN & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAUL A. WEWGARDEN• CHARLES i. AGAN DAVID J. USSET THOMAS H. OLSON"• DENN19 E. DALEN ~bLRBA Cstifiad C~nl Tei] Sp.ei.lia • MSBA GetiGed 1~ Pmpnny S~~ oUR PQ.P N0. 7 9 7 5 (8 3) 5U1TE 590 6600 PRANCE AVENUE SOUTH MIIJNEAPOLLS, MN 55435 TBi.EPNONE (612)925-3614 PAIL (612) 92S.S879 June 14, 1995 Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Industrial Development Committee Dear Ms. Koropchak: LEGAL wssts-rAxrs PEOGY 1. AGAN SHIItLEB I. ALLEN DEBRA L. BAKKE PATSY A. PORSLAND KHrt PORTBJ BONNiE 7RONNES ROCICPORD OFFICE TELEPHONE (612) a7)~o10 I am writing in response to your letter of June 6, 1995 concerning the Industrial Development Committee ("IDC"). My • comments are based upon the facts as outlined in your letter and in our discussion earlier this afternoon. Based on those factors, I believe that the IDC does not have a sufficient connection to the City to qualify for the City's tax exempt status or to be covered by the City of Monticello insurance policy. The IDC is a separate independent organization, and is not under the City's control. Although the IDC and the City have business dealings together on occasion, they deal with each other as independent entities. The city Council does not control the IDC nor appoint its members. If the IDC wishes to obtain tax exempt status so that contributors can deduct their contributions, it might be able to organize as a non-profit corporation and obtain its own independent tax exempt status from the Internal Revenuo service. Another alternative would be for the iDC to become a committee of the City. This might not, however, give the members of the IDC the independence they now have and might wish to retain. As far as insurance, 2 seriously question whether the IDC could even come under the City's policy if it were to be named on the coverage sheet. You might wish to check with the City's insurance agent. It is more likely they would have to obtain their oWn insurance policy if they wish coverage_ JUN, -14' 95 (WED) 14:37 OLSON/USSET P. A, TEL:612 925 5879 P, 003 June 14, 1995 Page 2 Please feel free to call if you have any further questions. Vsry truly . Dalen DED:lld ~o ~K ~y GOAL STATEMENTS ~ FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE G9~iJ,~, O,Q Established 5/15/95 at Joint Commission Meeting '~q~ oti ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL STATEMENTS VOTES I. What is the primary purpose for the City's economic development program? A. Monticello should pursue economic 16 development to broaden the City's tax base. B. Monticello should pursue economic 3 development for the purpose of expanding the City's job inventory. C. Monticello should pursue economic development 1 as a means toward achieving other community goals. . II. What quality of economic development should the City pursue? A. The City should focus its pursuit on high quality, 10 ' high investment businesses. B. Monticello should focus on mid-level businesses. 0 C. Monticello should focus its efforts on expanding 1 or entry-level businesses. D. Monticello should consider each potential ~ _ 9 business individually on a case-by-case basis. E. Monticello should support and work with existing 0 businesses. III. How should the City utilize its financial incentives? A. The City should utilize its financial strength to 9 attract business. • B. The City should utilize its financial strength to 3 improve and maintain the city's infrastructure. GOALSTMT.VOT: 5/17/95 Page 1 GOAL STATEMENTS VOTES C. Monticello should utilize its financial strength to 7 improve its "quality of life." D. Monticello should return the maximum amount p of its financial strength to the taxpayers without spending it. IV. On what land uses should the City focus its economic development incentives? A. The City should focus its spending on housing 1 and redevelopment efforts. B. The City should focus its spending on commercial 2 development efforts. C. The City should focus its spending on industrial 17 development efforts. HOUSING I. How does Monticello perceive the role of housing growth in the city? A. Is housing a support system for the City's 18 other uses? B. Is housing an economic development sector p in itself? II. What kind(s) of housing does the City wish to promote? - A. Monticello wishes to promote middle and - 4 higher-end housing only. _ , B. Monticello wishes to promote low to moderate 0 market housing only. C. Monticello wishes to promote a full range 4.5 of housing. D. Monticello should monitor rather than promote 12.5 housing activity [and promote where a void exists]. • GOALSTMT.VOT: 5/17/95 Page 2 III. What role does the City have in allocating housing development to different locations? A. Monticello needs to actively utilize its zoning 16 power. B. Monticello should consider the provision of 2 residential land base on specific requests, case-by-case. • GOALSTMT.VOT: 5/17/95 Page 3