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IDC Agenda 02-16-1995
AGENDA • IYiGNTICELLG INDUSTRIAL DEVELGPhiENT CGP+IMITTEE Thursday, February 16, 1~~5 - 7:GG a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Haglund, Arve Gr•imsmo, Shelley Johnson, Don Stt~ith, Jay Morrell, Ken Maus, Harvey Kendall, Mayor $rad Pyle, Tom Lindquist, tYier•rlyn Seefeldt, Steve Leconte, Bill Tapper, Jim Fleming, Cyndie Johnson, acid Bill Endres. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller•, Jiff G`Neill, ar~d Gliie Koropchak. GUEST: Dan Frie, Wriyt~it-Sherburne Realty. 1. CALL TG GRDER. 2. CGNSIDERATIGi~i TG AFFRG'v'E THE DECEMBER 15, 134 IDC MINUTES, ~. CGNSIDERATIGN TG HEAR AND ACGEFT THE iViGNTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REFGRT. f . CGNSIDERATIGN TG REVIEW FGP. CGNIIYiENT A FRELIIYIINARY PRGFGSAL FGR DEVELGFMENT GF AN INDUSTRIAL SITE AND A RESIDENTIAL SITE. (Dan Frie} • 5. CGNSIDERATION TG ELECT 1~~5 IDC GFFICERS. G . CGi3SIDERATIGi3 OF PRGSPECT UPDATE d ) Fay--Mar , I zzc . b} Quality Welding, Inc. c} 15G,GG0 sq ft distribution centers d} Steinwall, Inc. e} 15,GGG sq ft building to lease BRE REPGRTS: a) Gthers 7. CONSIDERATIGN GF Ai~7 UPDATE ON THE PRGCESS FGR UFDATINu THE CITY CGMFREHENSiVE FLAN. tJt.tl G`Neiii} o . CGNSIDERATIGI3 GF A SUIYIMARY GF THE IDC BRAINWGRK WGRF~SHGF . 9. GTHER BUSINESS: a} Chamber meeting at 11 :5G a.-n. , today, AmE}rican Legion. Fr~grum: NSF and Legislative Issues, That Affect Ail of Us. b} C~-~amber Business Day at the Capitol, IYiarch c2, leaving City Hall at E:15 a.tn. C } GtherS - ~udc~ 1 G . ADJGURi3MENT . • SUT~;MAR~' GF FLATvT3ING/BP.AITvSTOr.M SESSION • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Jatiuax°y 1 ~ , 1035 - 7:00 p . m . NSP Training Center TvSET~1BERS PRESENT: John McVay, Kevin Doty, Ran Haglund, Harvey Kendall, Jim Fleming, Cyndie Johnson, hlerrlyn Seefeldt, BiII Tapper, Jay Morrell, Dan Smit~i, Arve Grinisma, Ken Maus, Shelley Johnson, Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, J`ff O'P1eil1, Beii Smith, Bill Endres, and Ollie Koropchak. FACILITATOR: Doug Uhr•hammer. i~iARF:ET SUBCOMMITTEE 1. Not enaugti call far video (non-effective). 2. Brochure outdat~:d. 3. Direct mail, time and money ir~valved. W ~; :~: W ;~; w ~: 4 . Fccus o?i 3X10 inserts , update . 5. Success of Prospect Teatti. EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE: 1. Schaal - Industrial Technical Conitnittee, Dave Crummy. • 2. Satire progress toward fostering a postive image of technical degr~;es. 3. Working with State Pragrani on Youth Appx=enticeship Flan. 4. Some effort with Alexander and Anoka Tectiticsl Schoals. 8: W- :!: 4= ~ y: 5. Encourage ari Industrial Developrner:t Schlorsiiip. 6. IDC develop a linkage between tfie school and industrial businesses. 7. Encourage and be examples of good wark ethics, cotnmittment, and attitude. BRE SUBCOMMITTEE: 1. BRE MISSION STATEMENT: Propane, develop, and sponsor activities that encourage industrial retention and expansion, and that enhancers TVlotiticello's competitive portion as it relates to itid~izstr•ial x°ete.itioii ui'~e:i expansion." Example: FSI - Proactive, came up with solution. Probably bus in labor farce. A visit gives early vaarning signs. 2. BRE visit participation unproved, interaction unproved at ~- !~ fJx'SdkluSt, C~i.Lality al ti~i:~.' ~i.3ciTlC~ll:_-'.t Speak 'r 11ILpri.3`J~:d, • industrial i-resident's Club and Tours explored. i %{~ ~ y %~ O 3. Improve iiidustridl environment (Commitment of Monticello • to industrial develapj. 4. Irlitate President's Club arld continue BRE visits. 5. Can~ider lowering price of banquet ticket. LEGISTLATIVE SUFCGMMITTEE: 1. To Support and lobby making MN Worker's Compensation System equitable with surrounding state. 2. To promote the preservation of TIF for Economic Di:~tricts and elitnir-iatian of the LGA/RAGA Penalty. 3. To co-operate with the ERE SubGamrnittee in planning a ineet:ing between S ricitC:r Gurada, Representat Ve G1:~ari, aiid the SP.E industries. ~. Tu labby support for• avoiding unnecessary premature shut clown of ttie Monticello electric generating plant , at the eXperlSe of C].t1ZC-ri:~, CUnSUJIIE:Y`:~, a'ut-8tate C:COriOiilCy, chid thy: EJnviY'antnerlt . 5. Framote active industrial involvement in the Iegi~lative pY°aC8S3 by dli'eCt 1eg151atar CUiitaCt to diJliliJ.i individual issues. Ii3FRASTF.uCTuRE SUBCGfV1tY1ITTEE 1 . Ta maintain a corlne~tiorl with c:i ty staff to Y~eview nfrastr•uctur•e development plans as it relater to industries prior to City Council approval, • c . City staff to update tfie IDC on r•ecammended amendJnei:t:~ to the City Ordinance or Zoning, waterisewer rates ar any otF-ier services of interest to ir~dustr•ies . 3. IDC tia~ limited authority, inay request for a review of an ordinance cr zor~irlg a;nelidment ar encourage an amendment c~lange, may lobby far facts ~surveyj. _. (Develop a flaw c~Iart far ~-iaw tc~ track or for feedback) . 5. Labor and infrastructure - two important issues for industries. • MONTiCELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELvrtyiEi3T %vF~1TwTITTEE 1994 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPv.°,T Marquette Bunk, N.A. January 31, 1995 BALANCE, December 16, 1693 REVEi3UE City of F~?oriticello 1-2v-94 F~'~ar qll E.'tte Baiik -~-94 Banquet '94 10-25-94 Banquet '94 i i-IO-94 Banque. t ' :~ 4 11-17-94 Banquet '94 1-19-95 SUBTOTAL REVENUE INTEREST: December , 1393 $ 20.56 Jarlua.ry, 1994 $ 13.37 • February, 1994 $ 2.17 Mar•cY~, 1994 $ 2.41 April, 1994 $ 2.33 May, 1994 $ 2.4G June, 1994 $ 2.31 July, 1334 $ 2.33 August, 1594 $ 2.2'3 SeptembLr, 1994 $ 3.51 vctober, 19y4 $ 6.33 Ncvetllber•, 1994 $ 15.45 Decineber , 1594 $ 13.39 Jdnuax.~ 1395 ~! ~ ^ '" iz.J~ SUBTOTAL ii3TEREST $ 103.81 TOTAL REVENUE « IidTEF~EST E}s'FENDiTURE 1:~i1allt~iC.r Cif CU1IiIIlE'rCe $ 20 . Uv I1-19-93, X580 EDAiYi = U i25.G0 12-16-93, #582 Jo11n McVdy $ 19.50 12-16-93, #583 Ollie Rcropc.~iak $ 25.86 12-16-93, #584 City c~f Mo nt i cello $15 ,582.03 ~93j pp --,, µ ^ ,650.00 l~~) :, 1 , OOO . 00 $ 8,025.00 575.00 2130.00 675.GG $17,125.Ov $17,228.81 $10,326.19 $27,55~.Ov" V Ui~iui`11.E: ,}iiE:i x'IlialiT~l TYionte Club i1-9-94, #587 vllie c~oro~~c~~ak 12--15-94, #~88 John McVay 1 -19 35, #JEJ SUETuTAL EnPENBITURE $ i r~l~U. VCJ $ 2,~93.GG +J 4G . V~J $ ~ .~i ~i 2 $19, 2:J1 .54 SERVICE CHARGE: _ C TOTAL EYFENDITURE & SER CHG EALANCE, January 31, 1995 • r1 $19,291.64 S „ a ,~~3.3~ MGNT%CELLG INDU.:~TRIAL DEVELGPMENT CGM~~1I T TEE . 1994 YEAR END i IidAivCiAL REPvr.T i~Tetro~ioliturr Federal January 31, 1335 BALANCE, Dece;nber 16, 1333 RE'v'ENJE ha~tquet ' 33 $ 35G . GG 12-17-93 Eanquet '93 $ 3GO.GG 12-18-93 Chamber a { Co;ntnerce $ 2 , Svv . GG ~ 33 j 1 -3-34 SvBTGTAL RE4ENJE $ _ 3,45G.Gv INTEREST: Dece;nber, 1333 $ 3.28 January, 1334 $ 5.42 February, 1334 $ 7.53 March, 1394 $ 7.6u !~ .1 A ~'7 May. 199=1 $ 6.63 June, 1994 $ 8.22 July, 1994 $ 6.69 Auyust, 1334 $ 6.7G September, 1994 $ 8.38 • Gctober, 1994 $ 6.66 NoVeltlbE`, 1994 $ 6.67 Dece;nber , 1994 $ 8.36 January, 193; $ 6.7G SUBTGTAL IP3TEREST $ 97.87 TGTAL REVE:;iliE ~ Ii3TEREST $ 3 , 547.87 EXPENDITURE: ED Partnershsp C7i $ SGGGG 4Jr:ight County J-1o-:,4, #1G37 RZV:~rvJOOd 5uJ Center :; 37L . ~~ 5'-3-34 , #1G38 Monticello Fr.inting $ 39.94 9- 9-~'4 , #1G33 SUBTGTAL EXPE;~TDITCJRE $ 912 . Gv TGTAL EXPENDITURE $ 912,vv BALANCE, January 31, 2335 • $ 1,243.11 4,736.98 $ 3, 884 . X38 tY]0i3TICELLG IivDUSTRIAL DE'v'ELGFME;vT CGMP~]ITTEE YEAR END FINANCIAL CGMf'ARISGN MARCT~-'c i:~$7 MARCH 1688 WRIGHT CGUNTY STATE SANK CHECKING ACCGUNT ~ 159.8G $ 284.88 WRIGHT CGE.TNT~ STATE BANK MGNEY MARF~ET ; 3,56G.2G ~ 5,702.36 SECURITY FINANCIAL MGNEY MARKET ~ 3,366.95 $ 3,534.60 YEARS TGTAL BALANCE 7 . t~f3~ _ X35 fi :~ _ ~~~ _ as wvRIGHT CGUi3T':i STATE BAtvK CHECKING ACCGUNT WRIGHT CGL'NTi' STATE BAP7K MONEY MAP.~:ET SECURITY FIt3ANICAL MGNEY MARKET EARS TGTAL BALANCE WRIGHT CGUNTY STATE BANK MGNEY tY]AP.KET t~4ARQUETTE BAt3K - MGNTiCELLG hYETRGFGLITAN FEDERAL MGNEY t~]ARr~ET YEARS TGTAL BALANCE • JANUARY 198y Y 3i'-~GS $16,296.97 ~ 3,693.$6 DECEtY]BER 1989 DECEMBER 1030 NGVEt~]BER 1691 24.03 $ 86.15 CLGSEB $ 7,957.53 a 6,1G4.95 ~ 6,237.4G $ 3,922.24 $ 4,G82.51 y 3,G3G.IG 11,9G3.8u $1u,273.61 v 9,267.5G DECEMBER 15'02 BECEt~]BER 1993 JANUARY 1305 ~ 5,413.87 1G,326.19 Y 8,263.36 ~ 5,236.40 ,~, 1,249.11 ~ 3,884.38 ~10,65G.27 $11,575.3G yi2,14L'i34 1995 MGNTICELLv IN DUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CGMt~1ITTEE • FRGFGSED BUDGET January 31, 1995 1993 ACTUAL 1994 PRGPOSED 1994 ACTUAL BALANCE $ 10,650.27 $11,575.30 $11,5'15.30 REiv ENUE Banquet 7,950.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 9,475.00 650.00{93j 650.00 Marquette Bank 0 1,000.00 City Cantx°ib 12,750.00 6,650.00 6,650.00 Chatn}~ex° Cantri 2 , 800.00 2 , 800.00 { 93 } 2 , 800.00 Intex°est 227.75 _____ 250.00 201.68 TGTAL REVENUE PLUS BALANCE $34,378.02 $30,425.30 $32,351.98 EXPENDITURE: Sal;'Benefits $15,634.14{92} $15,582.03{93j $15,582.03 Larlquet G , 355.87 ~ , 75v . ~v^ G , 430 . ~4 Banquet Speake r 1,000.00 Travel Exp 25.25 200.00 0 Prospects 95.05 500.00 87.99 Meink~~:rsY.ips 110. G0 625.00 625 . 0G seminars 60.00 100.00 83.62 • Market/Adv 4,051.80 4,000.00 G BRE 295.00 560.00 372.06 u^rbk Recept 77.60 200.00 0 Miscellaneaus 87.76 1,000.00 26.00 Service Chg 10.25 _ 25.00 0 _ TGTAL EXPEND $22,802.72 $25,482.03 $20,203.64 BALANCE $11,575.30 $ 4,943.27 $12,148.34 • ~'J 1995 PRGFOSED $12,148.34 $ 9,000.00 i,GG0.00 G $ 2,800.00{94j L2:JGG $25,173.34 $ 2,000.00 (14,938.38]{94j 2,500.00 1,000.00 200.00 500.00 625.00 100.00 4,0GG.0C 500.00 200.00 1,000.00 G $12,625.00 {25,563.38]{94} $12,548.34 { -390.04}{94j