IDC Agenda 12-15-1994AGEI3DA • MGNT ICELLG IT3DUSTRIAL DEVELGFMENT CGtYItdITTEE Thursday, Deue~ttber 15, 194 - 7: GG a,Itt. City Hall T~IENIBERS: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Ciiairper5on Kevin Doty, Tx'easux'er Ron Haglizrid, Arve Gr:imstno, Shelley Johnson, Don Suiit~t, Jay Morrell, Ken Maus, Hax'vey Kendall, IYiayor Brad Fyle, Tom Lindquist, Merrlyri Seefeldt, Steve LEtr~me, Dr. Glenn Netnec, Cyndie Jot~irtson, bill T<appex', and Jttt Fleming. STAFF: Ric;~_ Wolfs~teller, Jeff o'N~ill, acid Gllie Kox'opchak. GUEST: Tcjln Gllig, General Manager, Bridge Water Telepriarie CUltipctily . 1. CALL TG GRDER. 2. CGNSIDERATIGN TO APPRGVE THE NGVEtY1BER 17, T~94 t~1INUTES. 3, CGNSIDERATIGN TG HEAR AND ACCEPT THE I~IGNTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPGRT. 4. CGTSIDERATIGN GF PRGSPECT UPDATES: a) Fay-Mar• Fabricators, ir~c. • b) Micro-Tech c) Retail Services Cor•poratian d) 150,GGG Sq ft distribution center e) SG,GGG sq ft manufacturing%distributiol-i f) Coltittiercial buy--out BRE REFGRTS Septe~tib~:r - Tom Lindquist, Fingerhut Corporation. November' - Jiin Fleming, SI~7M December - Dr. Neirtec - Aroplax Corporation Cyndie Johnson - Bridge Writer Teleph~r~e Co Gtt-~ers 5. CGNSIDERATIGN TG DEFINE GBJECTIVE AND FGRIylAT GF THE IDC BRAiTvSTGRM WGRKSHGF. a) Thursday, Jariaary 19, 19y5, 7:GG p.tn. , NSP Tx'ai~ir~g Centex' . o. CGNSIDERATIGN TG REVIEW LIST GF IDC MEMBERSHIP TERt~TS. 7. GTHER BUSINESS: a) Quad County Update. b) ECUr1Ulrli~ Developttient Partr~er~Yiip of 4JrigP~it County, Iris. update. c) Chamber Banquet - Monday, January 3G, T~95, 6:3G p.Itz,, Riverwoad Business Resort. 8. ADJGURNMENT. • 6. CUnsideration to review list of IDC membershi terms. A. Refex'ence and Background: IDC rnember•5 whose terra expix'es ire D~:cettiber 1994 are F:eviri Daty, Steven Letnrne, Jay Morrell, and Shelley Johnson. FUl lowing is tii~ guidelines for tt-e IDC Length of Metnber~hip Tertn: Members shall sex've for three year terms on a throe year x'otdting basis so that approximately arie-t~iir•d cif tiie inelIibex'sh:ip expires each year. Indiv iduals wishing to Contirl~lle serVirlg Un trle cUrnmittee May SU 1r1d1C:atC pY' iUr to the expiration o f their term. Ariy merttber wishing to relinquish hisjtier position on ttie IDC ttiay dU so by subrnittirig a latter of resignation. TERM MEMBERS December 1994 Kevin Doty Steven Lemme Jay Morrell Shelley Jotinsori Vac::aiit Seat • Decerttber 1995 Torn Lindquist John Mc'v'dy Harvey Kendall Jim Fleming Dori Smith DECEMBER 1996 Merrlyri Seefeldt Bill Tapper Arve Grimsrno Ron Hogiand Keri Maus Mayor /Councilmeniber STANDIIJG MEIY~BERS Cfiariiber• Chairperson Ctiarnber Vice Chairperson Chambar Director STAFF - NON VOTINu City Adinistrator Assistant City Administrator Econatnic Development Director • "Iri ar~der to ,Hake a pasitve contribution to thU cUlnPnittes, ati aruTUai attendance of 75°b is expected. " Say Mar•r•e.ll, John McVay, and Don Stn.itti were absent far arse IDC meeting during 1DD4. Kevin Doty 3 L~;nding Institution Steven Lemme 6 MaiiufaCtiur•e Jay Morrell 1 Industry Shelley JoPir~son c Education Vacant Seat Mayan i.OUriC111TlUtliber Tain Lindquist 3 Lending Institution Jaiin Mc,;Vay 1 Utility Harvey Kendall 2 Retired Ji,ii Fleming 2 Legal DGI1 Srnitti 1 Media Merriyn Seefeldt 3 Manufacture Bill Tapper 3 Manufacture arve uurimsmo 2 Service Ran Haglund 3 Service Fen Maus 3 Retai 1 i Conirtierc,ial • Dr. Nemec 4 Cyndie Jahnson 4 Chatnbex~/Medical Ckiatiibe r U • • INFORb1E1TI0NAL ITEM from Ollie Koropchdk Tlie Industrial Development Committee (IDOL both request and invite City Councilmembers to earmark acid to attend a bi°air~storm workshop scheduled for Thursday, January 19, 1995, T_f5~ gs.~. at tie NSF Training Csnter. The workshop is intended to aasist tt-ie IDC wit~~i evaluating of the economic developii~ent strengt~~~s and weaknesses of the community to lead air'ectiori and consistency for the establishment of orie and five--year goals. An outside facilitator has keen obtained for the workshop and details of tYie worksY~op format are still being formulated. More later, please mark your calendar.