IDC Agenda 09-15-1994• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, September 15, 1994 - ?:30 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Arve Grimsmo, Shelley Johnson, Dom Smith, Jay Morrell, Ken Maus, Harvey Kendall, Mayor Brad Fyle, Tom Linquist, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Cyndie Johnson, Bill Tapper, and Jim Fleming. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 18 AND AUGUST 29, 1994 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. CON: a) b) c) d) BRE a) b) c) d) e) BRE a) b) G) >IDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: Fay-Mar Metal Fabricators, Inc. Micro-Tech Miley Gjertsen Quality Welding REPORTS: Ken Maus - Rainbow Enterprises Jay Morrell - Jones Manufacturing Arve Grimsmo - H-Window Tom Lindquist - Fingerhut Carparation Bill Tapper - Genereux Fine Wood Products UPDATES: Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. Polycast Specialties, Inc. Other 5. CONSIDERATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATES: a} 15-minute Comprehensive Plan Update by Jeff O'Neill. b} Pole Barn Ordinance. c) Buffer, screening, and landscrape requirements along residential and industrial boundaries. d} C/I Building Permit Fee Study Update. e} 30-acre request from I-1 to R-1 Update, St. Henry's Church. • Continued • 6. CONSIDERATION OF SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Finance - Enclosed. b) BRE - Distribution of banquet tickets and set meeting date to finalize banquet details and meet with St. Cloud representative. Tom Lindquist. c) Legislative - Enclosed. d) Planning - John McVay. e) Marketing - None. f) Education - Shelley Johnson. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Star City Conference, Panel Koropchak and Standard Iron. b) Minnesota Manufacturer's Week, October 17-21. Rotary Club plans. c) EAS switch-over date. d) Chamber meeting, noon today, American Legion, Program: Shoplifting Seminar presented by Wright County Sheriff's Department. e) Other. 8. ADJOURNMENT. • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE r Thursday, August 18, 1994 - 7:30 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Ho Harvey D Kendallh~ Tom Morrell, Ken Maus, Y Lindquist, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Bill Tapper, and Jim Fleming. MEMBERS ABSENT: Fyle, Steveno Lemme,land Cynd e Johnsonr Brad STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. GUEST: Chuck Rickert, O5M. * PRESENTATION BY OSM AND CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS THE TRANSPORTATION STUDY. Chuck Rickert reported that the completed Transportation Study was submitted to MNDOT, with no response at this time. Data used was 43 24-hour traffic counts conducted within the city, land use, city divided into 9 internal zones, potential development throuog of 75Streepl from Elm St ~e tBtoa o~ tygRoad 25, and complet 118. Three concentrated areas and options presented: Option 1. Completion of on/off ramps at Cty 118. This would not help Hwy 25 traffic but would relieve on/off ramp traffic. Option 2. Upgrade to four-lanes State/Cty 75 from Hart Blvd at school to E 39 & 118, maybe to 75 ramp. Widen and improve intersection of West 39 and 75. Option 3. Improvements along Highway 25 south of I-94. Extend Chelsea Road from Cty 117 to 25. Next, Mr. Rickert detailed and ranked the options for improvement for years 1994 to 2000. Rank 1. Cty 75 four-lanes between Hart Blvd and Cty 39. Of the projected one million cost, the city would be responsible for storm sewer, curb, and gutter. • Page 1 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1994 Rank 2. New Hart Blvd to Front Road. Total projected $300,000 would be incurred by the city. Rank 3. On/off ramps at Cty 118. Twenty-percent of the projected $400,000 would be incurred by the city. Applying to MDOT, potential '97-'98 construction. Rank 4. Signal improvements and timing between Oakwood Dr and Cty 75. State responsible for total projected cost of $100,000. Rank 5. Widen Cty 118 to four-lanes between Cty 75 and School Blvd. Of the projected one-million cost, the city would be responsible for storm sewer, curb, and gutter. Although Rank 6. (Fallon Avenue overpass) was projected beyond year 2000, Mr. Rickert would like to see this occur earlier. With the anticipated growth to the southeast, Fallon would serve as an alternate to Hwy 25 or Cty 118. Mr. Rickert responded that the completion of Hwy 101 between Rogers and Elk River would have no impact on the Monticello Transportation Study. The Wright County Study will consider potential future I-94 interchanges to the west of Monticello. With no concentration of the McDonald's Oakwood Dr and Hwy 25 intersection within the study, Mr. Rickert responded to Ken Maus' question. He foresees the potential to eliminate left- in and out Oakwood Dr. access from Hwy 25 with the extension of Chelsea Road to Hwy 25. Ken Maus felt that decision should be made now, not 5-10 years later. This to constitute good planning and to prevent unnecessary frustrations to commercial businesses. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson McVay called the IDC meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 21, 1994 IDC MINUTES. Kevin Doty made a motion to approve the July 21, 1994 IDC minutes. The motion was seconded by Tom Lindquist and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. Page 2 IDC MINUTES . AUGUST 18, 1994 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported a monthly balance at Metropolitan Federal of $3,881.45 and a monthly balance at Marquette Bank of $1,251.68 for a total of $5,133.13. Harvey Kendall made a motion to accept the monthly IDC financial report as given. Dr. Glenn Nemec second the motion and with no additions or corrections, the financial report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: With no additions to the prospect update, the update was accepted. It was suggested that the Prospect Team visit Quality Welding and Micro-Tech. BRE REPORTS: The written BRE update was accepted. Merrlyn Seefeldt informed IDC members of Electro Industries interest to market their existing 25,000 sq ft for future construction of a new facility on their adjoining lot. Ken Maus and Jay Morrell will give their BRE reports in September. Don Smith congratulated the city staff and the IDC on the recruitment of Standard Iron & Wire Works. Stating this one of the most impressive industrial headquarters to locate in Monticello. Merrlyn Seefeldt gave an example of industrial network-exchange as Standard Iron has contacted Electro for out-source services. Additionally, Don reported that he believes it is the intent of the H-Window to host an open house in late September. Koropchak informed IDC members of the Governor's proclamation of October 17-21 as Minnesota Manufactures Week. The BRE Subcommittee will consider incorporating this into the October 25 Banquet theme. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Finance - Treasurer Hoglund reported that Chairperson McVay and he met with City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller. The meeting centered around the IDC request for the City of Monticello to consider subsidizing a Page 3 IDC MINUTES /~ AUGUST 18, 1994 ~. greater portion of the Economic Development Director's salary therebye allowing more dollars for IDC activities. Wolfsteller will include the request into the proposed 1995 City Budget for Council consideration. b) Planning (Executive) - Vice Chairperson Doty reported on membership history and the logic used by the subcommittee for the following request. The subcommittee request the IDC membership elect Ken Maus to fill the position vacated by Linda Mielke and not to fill the position vacated by Dennis Taylor at this time. Upon Ken's resignation as Mayor, Mayor Fyle has been invited to fill the mayor's seat. Due to Mr. Fyle's seasonal business, he has elected not to join us during the construction season. Jim Fleming made a motion to elect Ken Maus to fill the seat vacated by Linda Mielke and at this time, not to replace the seat vacated by Dennis Taylor. The motion was seconded by Merrlyn Seefeldt and with no further discussion, passed unanimously. c) Infrastructure - Building Permit Fee Survey - Acting ® Chairperson Kendall summarized the subcommittee meeting !~ by stating that members reviewed the residential building permit survey (based on an EMV of $92,000) as prepared by Jeff O'Neill and found the City of Monticello to be on the low-end. Additionally, with contract services for a part-time building official to assist with the demands of increased development and the necessary funding for future storm sewer and the waste water treatment plant developments, the subcommittee made the following recommendations for IDC approval. 1. Recommends a general rate adjustment for Monticello to remain competitive with communities of equal size, OR 2. a) Recommends an increase of $200 for residential plan review or a $254 fee. Commercial/industrial is not impacted because fees are based on the 1985 State Uniform Building Code Standards. b) Recommends no increase for residential or c/i water hookup fees. 1 Page 4 ~~ IDC MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1994 c) Recommends an increase of $900 for the residential sewer hookup fee or a $1,200 fee. Has little or no impact on c/i development. d) Recommends a minimum charge of $100 for storm sewer access. The amount subject to the design of the housing subdivision or amount credit for on- site ponding. C/I impact not discussed, AND 3. Recommends the City Council consider setting a levy for the future upgrade of the waste water treatment plant. Koropchak added that the Public Works Director hopes the projected Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion cost to be less than five million and if a second plant is necessary the projected cost at eleven million or less. For the purpose of fee recommendations, the construction of 83 homes per year was used and it was stated that 330 residential lots are on the drawing board for 1995-96. Additionally, Koropchak noted that since the subcommittee meeting it has become apparent that the recommended residential sewer hookup fee and storm sewer access charge do impact c/i developments and the proposed increase of fees will not be on the August 22 Council agenda. First, City Administrator Wolfsteller informed IDC members that c/i sewer hookup fees are now charged on the current base rate of $300 per unit. One unit equals 250 gallons of water. Gallons determined by business size or number of employees. Generally, four times greater than the base rate or as recommended would be a projected c/i sewer hookup fee of $4,800. Secondly, City staff is suggesting a c/i storm sewer access charge of greater than $1,500 per acre and based on the amount of water discharged into the storm sewer system. Thirdly, Mr. Wolsteller stated that setting a tax levy would cost residents and businesses more than financing through a referendum or bonding. Mr. Simola felt a referendum to finance the waste water treatment expansion would not pass at this time. Page 5 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1994 IDC members suggested the consideration of a sliding scale for c/i fees and questioned the City's objectives: Promotion of c/i development, residential development or a mix. Harvey Kendall made a motion recommending the completion of a c/i building permit fee study with communities of equal size and recommended the City Council consider a general rate adjustment for building permit fees in order for Monticello to remain competitive. Additionally, they did not recommend a tax levy for future upgrade of the treatment plant. After asking if these fees applied to first-time construction and not for expansions or additions, Tom Lindquist seconded the motion. Wolfsteller replied one-time fee for residential; however, an industrial expansion with the addition of added employees may constitute an additonal hookup fee. or access charge. The motion was not approved, as a call for final approval was not made. Defining and establishing a pole barn ordinance - Koropchak clarified that metal buildings have always been allowed in I-1 and I-2 zones and only with the use of HRA-TIF is brick-facing encouraged. Industrial businesses have never been told they had to construct a non-metal facility within the I-1 or I-2 zones; however, businesses were told the City was encouraging precast,/v~o.n construction along Chelsea Road as a gateway to the BC Zone. In order not to discourage the metal construction industry, yet, to encourage higher quality or non-metal developments, the subcommittee recommended that the Planning Commission define and establish a sufficent fortified footing design standard for the I-1, I-2, and BC Zones. IDC members felt additional time was necessary to further discuss this issue and to cover the remaining August IDC agenda. Therefore, it was recommended to call a special IDC meeting prior to the September 6 Planning Commission meeting. Date to be announced. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. Members were reminded that banquet tickets would be distributed at the September IDC meeting. Koropchak informed members that the Klein housing sub-division plat and a rezoning request from St. Henri's Church may be on the September Planning Commission agenda. Page 6 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1994 Chairperson McVay reminded IDC members of today's Chamber meeting, noon, American Legion. 7. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. `-~ ~~ 0 ~, ~A. Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Director • Page 7 MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING Monday, August 29, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Shelley Johnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Ken Maus, Mayor Brad Fyle, Steve Lemme, and Jim Fleming. MEMBERS ABSENT: Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Arve Grimsmo, Harvey Kendall, Tom Lindquist, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Cyndie Johnson, and Bill Tapper. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT; Rick Wolfsteller. 1• CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson McVay called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 p,m, 2• CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 18 1994 IDC MINUTES. Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of a quorum. 3• CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE AUGUST 18 IDC MOTION REGARDING BUILDING PERMIT FEES. Chairperson McVay reviewed the August 18 mntion made by Harvey Kendall and seconded by Tom Lindquist regarding building permit fees. Motion was to recommend the completion of a c../i building permit fee study with communities of equal size and for Council to consider a general rate adjustment for building permit fees in order for Monticello to remain competitive, and did not recommend a tax levy for future upgrade of the treatment plant. However, a vote on the motion was not called. Additionally, McVay agreed that the permit fees need to be brought into line; however, questioned if there was a need for a cap? Jeff O'Neill expressed a fixed-prorated residential building permit fee would have a corresponding effect nn c/i, Various financing for upgrade of the treatment plant fee) and development of trunk storm sewer (access charge)owere discussed: user pays, new development pays, historical use pays: tax levy, bonding, and referendum. Some members felt the IDC should neither act in support of or in opposition of a tax levy because most members were not knowledgeable in the area of the tax levy process or of other feasible options available to finance the treatment plant. Page 1 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 29; 1994 Jay Morrell made a motion to recall to the table the August 18 motion for discussion and to call for a vote, The motion was seconded by Jim Fleming and passed unanimously. With the August 18 motion on the table, Chairperson McVay called for a vote. In-favor, none. Opposed, all. The motion was denied unanimously. Kevin Doty then made a motion recommending the completion of a c/i building permit fee study with communities of equal size and recommended the City Council consider a general rate adjustment for building permit fees in order for Monticello to remain competitive. The motion was seconded by Ken Maus and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Upon completion of the c/i building permit fee study, the IDC requested to review the study. It was suggested the City complete a fee study every other year. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE INFRASTRUCTURE SUBMCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DEFINING AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOOTING DESIGN STANDARD FOR I-1~ I-2s and BC. The subcommittee recommended the Planning Commission establish a pole barn ordinance defining a sufficient fortified footing design standard for the I-1, I-2, and BC zones. The recommendation was made to increase building standards and to eliminate low-end structures (no budget buildings). The ordinance would apply to principal use structures only and accessory structures would be allowed through a conditional use permit. Steve Lemme expressed the need to set limited standards which would encourage aesthetically-pleasing developments with consideration of a developer's cash-flow during expansion. Jeff O'Neill presented a copy of a pole barn study completed by Steve Grittman to IDC members. Jay Morrell expressed on a preliminary observation, it appeared to be well-defined. In order to allow IDC members to review the handout, the agenda item was tabled to the October IDC meeting. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A PROGRESS REPORT ON THE MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. Jeff O'Neill reported data collection is underway and the process for updating the comprehensive plan will be determined by or in January. Mr. O'Neill requested the need for direction. The IDC agreed to O'Neill's request and will allow 15-minutes at the October meeting. Page 2 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1994 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE CITY COUNCIL DENIAL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE WRIGHT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION STUDY. Unfortunately, the Council denied participation in the study of westerly freeway interchanges which would have assisted the City's selection or isolation of future industrial land. It was an opportune time at a lower cost, O'Neill reported. The city transportation study did not include the westerly interchanges nor was the expertise available. Mayor Fyle said he was unclear to the real benefit to Monticello and felt the Council denied participation because the study was outside the city limits and to the westerly extremes of the county. ?. CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATIONAL _I_T_EMS: a) Buffer zone between I-2 and R-3 zones, Klein Sub-Division - O'Neill reported that the public hearing and consideration of amendments to the official zoning map boundaries in conjunction with annexation was postponed due to the fact the notice was not properly submitted to the newspaper. Rezoning request: from AO to R-1, R-2, and R-3. However, the Planning Commission will review the preliminary plat of the Klein Farm's subdivision and the proposed standards relating to buffer, screen, landscaping requirements along residential and industrial boundaries as compiled by Northwest Associates. This Tuesday, September 6. Industrial IDC members noted the increase of foot-traffic and vandalism in the area. The mention of a 6-12 foot berm to distract density, noise, and safetylvandalism was presented to assist with the on- going problem as the area develops. Mr. Lemme mentioned of preliminary talks between Mr. Emmerich and the H- Window. Annexation depends upon rezoning. b) Request to rezone 35 acres of I-1, St. Henry's Church - O'Neill noted the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to rezone a portion (approximately 35-acres) of the Gladys Haglund property from I-1 to R-1. City Zoning ordinance allows churches as a permitted use in R-1. The church has received approval from the St. Paul diocese. A three-way deal between the church, Bondhus, and Dahlheimer constitutes purchase of the total 72-acre Hoglund parcel. IDC members cautioned that similiar buffer requirements apply to this proposed I-1 and R-1 development as the proposed Klein I-2 and R-3 development. Page 3 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1994 8. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Ken Maus made a motion to adjourn the special IDC meeting. Seconded by Jay Morrell and with no further business, the motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Director • Page 4 r~ IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15,1994 4. Consideration of prospect updates: a) Fay-Mar Metal Fabricators, Inc. - OSM has received the final site plans, although not reviewed. Final building plans not received nor approved. Bank financial approval complete, need for appraisal prior to SBA authorization. b) Micro-Tech - Since the last IDC meeting, Mr. Gordon Bye has contacted me for assistance in the recruitment of tele-sales personnel. Wondered if Monticello had a head- hunter to assist with recruitment. Kevin Doty has been working with Mr. Bye for possible lease of the upper- level office space of Marquette Bank - Pine Street. The St. Cloud tele-sales office would relocate 14 full-time positions; therebye, creating a closer proximity to their production facility now located in Eden Prairie. Kevin will report on his latest conversations with Micro-Tech. c) Miley Gjertsen - Mr. Gjertsen owner of Miley's Sprinkler System, Inc. presented Administrator Wolfsteller with a purchase agreement far Lot 4, Block 1, OIP Second Addition. The City Council will consider accepting the offer at their Monday, September 12 meeting. Thereafter, would the expired Right of First Refusal between the H- Window and the City be applied. The company plans to construct of 7,500 sq ft metal building on the 2.32 acres. Current full-time employment is 6-7, with projections of a total of 12-15 jobs within 2 years. Using $17.00 per square foot on the building the estimated annual tax would be approximately $6,400. No financial incentives are being requested or offered. The commercial/residential underground sprinkler installation and maintanence company would be a relocation from Rogers. d) Quality Welding - John McVay, Kevin Doty, Jim Fleming, and Koropchak visited this sheet-metal fabricator and welding operation in Rogers on September 9. Owner Ron Johnson, who lives on Locke Lake, plans a spring construction for an approximate 10,000 or 20,000 sq ft metal building. Under the 20,000 sq ft option, the company would utilize 10,000 sq ft and lease out 10,000 sq ft. Current employment is 6 full-time with projection of an additional 6-10 jobs within 2 years. The 15 year- old company purchased a second business in August. Wages range from $6.00 to $15.00 per hour for general office to welders. Mr. Johnson does welding far Brad Barger. Mr. Barger is unaware of his financials but states his work is both competitive and goad, and Brad sees the need far . this type of business in Monticello. Site selection and potential financial assistance are yet to be determined. Page 1 • IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15 1994 BRE UPDATES: a) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. - Upon an invitation by Dave Warntjes, I toured the newly constructed employee lunch/locker and production areas on August 23. According to Mr. Warntyes, Sunny Fresh employs 210 people. In addition, we discussed the company plans to construct a 14,000 sq ft blast and cold storage facility. The approximate 82 X 164 ft addition would employ an additional 4-5 people with wages at the higher-end the payscale. First, they would like an access across the BN railroad tracks an vacated Locust Street in order to re- route all truck traffic from Fourth Street except tanker trucks. Secondly, they would like approximately 20 feet of the City's Fifth Street BN Railroad easement or right- af-way. Construction tv the southwesterly corner of the existing facility. The fall project has budget approval (approximately one-half million dollars) from parent company, Cargill. The company has invested over 2 million dollars in the Monticello facility this year. As a BRE expansion, will the IDC endorse the project and • request staff and council to consider the above first and second likes? b} Polycast Specialties, Inc. - Construction is on target with the sprinkler system and electrical wiring being installed, floor is poured, grading for site improvements expected sawn. • Page 2 IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 5. Consideration of Infrastructure and Planning Commission Updates: a) 15-Minute Comprehensive Plan Update - Jeff O'Neill. b) Pole Barn Ordinance - The Planning Commission did not define a footing design standard and requested input from the IDC. It is my suggestion that city staff draft a definition for IDC consideration and recommendation. Recommendation taken from the information supplied by Northwest Associates and provided to the IDC at the special meeting. c) Buffer, screening, and landscape requirements along residential and industrial boundaries - The Planning Commission discussed various requirements such as berming width, height, inclusive of a drive-thru street access. The commission directed Northwest Associates to draft requirement options for consideration. The preliminary plat of Klein sub-division included 107 single-homes and 158 multi-homes for the northerly 80 acres. Other issues • of major discussion were the speed limit an proposed School Blvd and access to the proposed 15-acre park located in the southerly 80-acre development. The public hearing for consideration of amendments to the official zoning map boundaries in conjunction with annexation request was continued. Proposed change from AO to R-1, R-2. and R-3. d} C/I Building Permit Fee Study Update - It is my understanding that the request far c/i building permit fees from communities of equal size has not b?en mailed. e) 30-acre request from I-1 to R-1 Update, St. Henry's Church - The Planning Commission requested a new public hearing for consideration of a rezoning from I-1 to PUD or for consideration to establish an institution district. Additionally, the commission requested information regarding traffic impact to the area with the potential developments of the Fallon Avenue overpass, the proposed church project, and the non-designated completion of East 7 Street to County Road 118. In general, the current property owners and surrounding property owners were in favor of the proposed church use and three-way deal: 30 acres for church, 25 acres for Bondhus, and remaining for Dahlheimer. • IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 6. Consideration of Subcommittee Reports: a) Finance - Administrator Wolfsteller included in the City Council's 1995 Proposed Budget and Tax Levy Workshop on September 6, the elimination of the City's annual contribution to the IDC ($6,650 in 1994) and reduced the annual IDC contribution toward the Economic Development Director's salary from (approximately $14,000 in 1993) to $2,000. No comments were made by the Council; therebye, assuming no opposition. Remember, the IDC pays the contribution for 1994 salary, in January of 1995. b} BRE - In addition to the distribution of the banquet tickets, the subcommittee invites suggestions far the banquet. c) Legislative - The subcommittee is scheduled to meet Friday, September 16 at 10:00 a.m. at the Senior High to plan the Chamber's candidate debate and business social. The event will be co-hosted by the Chamber and the League of Women Voters. Connect-Four will observe our planning session and participate at the debate. The Monticello Chamber does not endorse any one candidate but encourages • businesses and their employees to get out and vote and the Chamber provides an opportunity for local businesses and residents to become acquainted with local, county, and state candidates. • IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 7. Other Business: a) Star c_:ity Conference - Congratulations and a tribute to you, the IDC. The City of Monticello is consistently recognized as a leader or one of the top "Kings" in the field of economic development. I hear this over and over again at state, regional, and county economic development meetings. I believe, it's a combination of people working together to provide a positive attitude and effective programs that keeps Monticello in this leadership role. I was contacted by Dr. Philip Burgess, a Star City Conference Banquet Speaker, to participate as a panelist is one of the afternoon conference sessions. Dr. Burgess is president of the Center for the New West. The center is an independent, nonprofit policy research institute in Denver. He also serves as a special assistant to the Chairman and CEO of US West, Inc. In addition to myself, I have contacted Rusty Demeules of Standard Iron, to join me to create a Monticello partnership for the panel comprised of four Minnesota • communities. Dr. Burgess' speech is titled "From the Ground Up in America's New Economy". b) Minnesota Manufacturer's Week, October 17-21 - Here's what's planned so far: Working with John Yngve, an associate of Bondhus Corporation and Chairman of Minnesota Technology, Inc., I presented to the Vocation Director and the Monticello Rotary Club Board our idea to invite the local manufacture executives to Rotary on Monday, October 17. The gratis lunch objective, courtesy of Mr. Yngve, is two-fold. First, a recognition and appreciation of local manufacturer's impact to the City of Monticello and secondly, an opportunity for fellowship and to market the Club's role, objective, and purpose. I will be drafting an invitation on behalf of Club President Kevin Boynton within the next week. I will ask City Council to proclaim the week of October 17-21 as Monticello's Manufacturer's Week. Hopes are to have a IDC Banquet theme tied into Manufacturer's Week. I already noted this to Charlie Herrmann. I might suggest that you as an IDC representative, assigned to an industry(s), write a quick note of appreciation or give them a call. c} EAS cut-over date - Enclosed you will find a copy of a • letter I received from Bob Rierson, Bridge Water Telephone Company. I contacted Mr. David Sharp of the Minnesota PUC for a clarification of the letter, mainly Page 1 • IDC AGENDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 the scheduled cut-aver date. Mr. Sharp explained all telephone utility companies must comply with the PUC orders. February 1 is a date suggested by Bridge Water. The PUC is suggesting a scheduled cut-over date of March ?, 1995 for economic reasons. Th? technical part of billing and wiring remains, this is both time consuming and expensive to US West. For this reason, the PUC is suggesting a combined Sherburne Telephone Company's Zimmerman exchange and Bridge Water's Monticello exchange cut-aver. All utility companies involved must send a customer billing notice prior to cut-over. dl I did mail to all 30 industrial businesses a survey including current employment. A majority of the surveys have been returned. I have completed a detailed report of GMEF and other local received grants. This serves as a monitoring device for jabs projected and created, principal and interest payback and remaining balances, UCC filings, and re-loaned or re-cycled dollars, etc. This will be presented to the IDC after the EDA reviews the report. Yet to be completed, is an accountability of all TIF Districts. • Page 2 r~ U August 31, 1994 Mr Burl H; Executive Minnesota 350 Metro 121 - 7th St. Paul, gar Secretary Public Utilities Commission Square Building Place East Minnesota 55101 RE: Petition for Extended Area Service between the Monticello Exchange and the Minneapolis,St. Paul Metropolitan Calling Area, Docket No. P-404, 4Z1, 430, 407, 405, 520/CP-89-1039 Dear Mr. Haar: In compliance with paragraph 4. of the Order dtd July 11, 1994 in the subject docket, we respectfully submit the following information: 1. We have received confirmation from US West, and have established a scheduled cut-over date for Metro EAS in the Monticello Exchange of February 1, 1995. 2. The customer notices required in ~?aragraph eight of the order will be filed with the commission staff in mid to late October, in compliance with the order. 3. The Tarriff sheets required b~ paragraph ten will be filed in the November-December time frame, in compliance with the order. 4. Our request for recovery of non-recurring costs will be filed prior to October 1st, 1994 in compliance with the order. Sincerely; R er P Rierson v. P. ~ Ganeral Manager Bridge Water Telephone Co. • August 25, 1994 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. John A. Yngve, Chairperson Minnesota Technology, Inc. 111 Third Avenue South Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401 • Dear John: Just a quick note to say 'thank you' for taking the time to speak to the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations to you and the agency, for both are assets to improving and serving our Minnesota manufacturers. Again, thanks. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO d~ ~~ ~~ .~~ ~.. Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: Chamber File U MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN ` 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Faxr ~ (612) 295-4404 Mr. Jim Eastwood, Director Cookstown Enterprise Centre LTD. Derryloran Industrial Estate Sandholes Road Cookstown, BT809LU August 25, 1994 • Dear Mr. Eastwood: On behalf of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee, I would like to thank you for your enlightening talk to the committee. We appreciate you taking time from your busy combined business/pleasure vacation and apologize for the inconvenience of such an early morning meeting. Your informational message on the objectives and functions of the Cookstown Enterprise Centre, Industrial Development Board, and the European Fund, again tells us of Europe's advanced industrial programs. We indeed can learn much from this Cookstown/Monticello exchange. It was a delight to have you and your family visit Monticello and our state. We look forward to future personal exchanges and perhaps, also, a few written lines along the way. We wish you continued success with MERATT and the Cookstown Enterprise Centre. Greetings to your family. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO a~~~~ ~ ~~ c • Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDC File Don Smith, Monticello Rotary Club MONTICELLO August 25, 1994 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Charlie Herrmann P.O. Box 463 Owatonna, MN 55060 • Dear Charlie: A word from your northerly neighbors and to let you know we are "electrified" by the thought of your appearance and speech at the Industrial Development Banquet. You're right, Monticello is plugged into the N8P Power Plant and its other industrial businesses. It is my thougYit to link together, in some fashion, our October 25 banquet and Minnesota's Manufacturers Week of October 17-21. That's it for now. Again, looking forward to your appearance and I will contact you prior to the banquet. Cordially, GITY OF MONTICELLO ~.~<~~ ~ G Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File MONTICELLO • ___.,_ _ _ CHARLIE HERRMANN Phone: (507) 455-6226 August 29, 1994 Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Dear Ollie: Thanks for your terrific August 25 letter. I will thoroughly enjoy the assignment on October 25 - -the occasion you describe is the kind with which I am familiar, and if there is anything I can do, in my remarks, to link October 25 to Minnesota Manufacturers Week, I'll do that. It's because of a Minnesota manufacturer by the name of Jostens that I had, and have, a highly satisfactory business life - - I'm indebted for that opportunity. I have some speaking assignments, in the next few weeks, in Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Maine - -can't believe that any of those destinations will be as exciting as Monticello. Cordially, Charlie Herrmann jm n U POST OFFICE BOX 463 OWATONNA, MN 55060 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 130 STATE CAPITOL SAINT PAUL 55155 ARNE H. CARLSON GOVERNOR August 29, 1994 Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ollie, It is indeed a pleasure for me to appoint you to Minnesota Business Finance, Inc.. Lieutenant Governor Joanell Dyrstad and I are pleased that you are bringing your knowledge, skill and experience to this important position. One of the highest callings we will have in our lives is to serve our fellow citizens. Together we have the opportunity to reshape Minnesota's government and lead our state into the 21st century. There are many things we must do. The challenges are enormous, yet with your determination and dedication we can make Minnesota a leader in our country. Over the next years we will have the opportunity to strengthen our environment, build an outstanding school system for our children, empower the poor and defenseless and improve the economic climate to provide jobs and greater opportunities for more Minnesotans. You will be part of that team and I am looking forward to working with you. Warmest regards, ARNE H. CARLSON GOVERNOR • (612) 296-3391 -Voice AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (612) 296-0075 -TDD (800) 657-3717 -Voice PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CONTAINING 15 % POST CONSUMER MATERIAL (800) 657-3598 -TDD s ~s