HRA Agenda 10-01-2003 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5_ . 6. . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RRDEVEI,OPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 1,2003 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Strect - Bridge Room Comm issioners: Chair Steve Andrews, Vice Chair Bill Fair, Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie, and Brad Barger. Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Lori Kraemer. Guests: Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services Call to Order. Consideration to approve the September 3, 2003,IIRA minutes. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Consent Agenda. Consideration to discuss funding gap of Landmark Square Phase II project, establish public purpose, and detenn ine level of TI F assistance. Continued - Consideration to hear updates: A. Redeveloprnent of a portion of Block 51. B. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 52. C. Other request for financial assistance. 7. C(,:lsideration to authorize payment of lIRA bills. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. 9. Comm ittee Reports. A. Marketing Subcommittee - Barger. B. Industrial Land Options - Frie. 10. Other Business. 11. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY \Vednesday, September 3,2003 - 6:30 p.m. 505 \Valnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Bill Fair. Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie, and Brad Barger, and Council Liaison Roger Carlson. Chair Steve Andrews Rick W olfsteller. Ollie Koropchak, and Lori Kraemer. Absent: Staff: 1. Call to Order. Vice Chair Fair called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm. 2. Consideration to approve the August 6. 2003 HRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 6. 2003 lIRA MEETING. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. None 4. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration to approve Certificate of Completion for UMC. Recommendation: Approve the certificate of completion for UMC. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS WRITTEN. BRAD BARGER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANHvlOUSL Y. 5. Consideration to review revised concept design. requested TIF assistance. and TIF cash flow proiections for Phase II of Landmark Square and to authorize BRA Attorney to bc!!.in dranin!,!. the Redevelopment A~reement. Ollie Koropchak. Executive Director. advised that Barry Fluth and Brad Johnson were present and would be giving the liRA members an update on their proposed project. as well as their request for TIF assistance. She provided cash tlO\\i numbers provided by Ehlers & Associates. as well as numbers run by Brad Johnson and herself. Koropchak advised that city staff had reviewed the concept plan and given their input. The BRA should now review the concept and discuss the amount of assistance they are \villing to provide. Rrad Johnson a(hised that they revised the plan. to meet the TIF time frame. from 12 units (() 11. incn.:ased the unit Sill'S. suhtr~Kted ..J. carriage houses in the hack. and re- designed the parking lot making it more useable hy the restaurant and tenants. He felt this was dose to what the planning staff had directed. Johnson referred to the agreement the lIRA had with H~lO'S Hagen and that they \vcre using it as a guide for their project. I-IRA Minutes - 09/03/03 . He also advised that they had acquired one property, working on 2 others. as well as working on installation of utilities, noting there were added costs. Johnson advised their costs increased to $687.000 for site acquisitions, which increased the unit prices as well. The gap they estimate is at $234.000, after TIF. They are looking for city staff and the HRA to provide input on possible solutions to make the project work, and asking for the HRA's support. Johnson stated that they felt a benefit to the city \vould be a new parking lot. Johnson advised that they did not feel rental units or offices would work for this project. They did go forward and stub in all 3 services before paving, \vhich saved approx. $60.000, which Fluth agreed to pay for. Bill Fair asked Koropchak if staff had reviewed thc numbers from Johnson. but she \vas not sure if they were the same numbers that she had previously seen. Dan Frie felt that if the city wanted the project to move forward they would have to expect to pay up to possihly 50% of the costs. . Fair stated the HRA would need to decide at what cost they would agree to do downtown redevelopment adding that he felt the project fit with the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. They further discussed if they felt the investment was \vorthwhile and it was noted that they would be replacing two substandard and one ne\ver home, which will increase the tax capacity, hut it wi II also take a longer period of time to recoup at that high of a gap. Fair askcd if they could take 30 days to work on the numbers and asked the board to decide whether to reduce thc gap, sharc the gap, or to proceed with the project and to come back with a recommendation. A MOTION WAS fvlADE BY DAN FRIE TO CONTINUE THE ITEM FOR 30 DAYS FOR STAFF AND DEVELOPER TO DEFINE THE NUMBERS. BRAD BARGER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. The \-IRA asked Council Liaison Carlson if the city council was supportive of redeveloping the dO\vntown and he felt they \vere. 6. Continued - Consideration to hcar updates: I. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 51. Pat Sav.;atzke gave a brief summary s~ating things were progressing slowly and he should have acquisition of the property by October. He did not expect to have any rcal news for the next sC\'eralmonths. The schematic that hc previously presented is still being considered. 2. Phase I. II. and III desi!!n conccpt for a portion of Block 52. . Fred Kaner prO\ided sketch plans tt)l' 3 proposals. the one that they are most illll'rl.:::;lI:d ill \\ uulJ require lhal lhl.: ~il: gram a \arialll.:l' lu Llll.: zero lut lilll' re4uirement. They are working with both a regional retailer and a national retailer: approx. $10.2 million dollar program; both tenants are visiting Monticello .., . . . I-IRA Minutes - 09/03/03 and Katter would like to be able to tell them which direction the HRA w-ould like to proceed, Katter advised that they would like to work with the regional tenant as they feel it would be a better fit for Monticello. although either tenant would bring and keep traffic downtown. The 48 units of apartments would require 1.5 parking spaces per unit 48 underground. and would require 25 additional spaces on the surface. This adds residential housing dmvntown facing the river. Katter asked for direction from the HRA members prior to them approaching the current business ovmers regarding acquisitions, and assured the HRA that they could meet the deadline of July I, 2004, It was the consensus of the HRA members that they preferred the Plan A sketch plans: aesthetics vvill be a major factor. Frie also asked Katter about the possibility of breaking down the north half of the block from the south so they could get a number for both sides, Koropchak also stated that the concept could be revie\ved at the next staff site revievv meeting, and the planner could review the parking and offer feedback, ..., --" Estimated balance of Temporarv TIF District No. 1-22 Bond, Bill Fair noted that they toured this area before the start of the meeting and advised of the recommendations made by Ehlers & Associates. Koropchak stated that the HRA would have about $1,235.000, if no new projects are started. and Ehlers suggested the money could be used for public improvements, property acquisition, etc.. and that the money would need to be spent by July of2004. 7, Consideration to authorize pavment of liRA bills, A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE TO AUTHORIZE PA YMENT OF THE HRA BILLS. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED 'fHE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOUSL Y. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Executive Director Koropchak provided the report ancl added the following: · The ~Iarketing Committee's idea for the Wright County Economic Devclopment go I f tournament. · Sent a letter to anothcr mcdical company and is working \vith Ed Sorgatz. · She provided a copy of a letter from Sunny Fresh looking to be more involved in cpmmtll1ity projects. She ad\i~\.'d that they \\ill be hl)lding a meeting and asked the HRA tt)r ideas. Some idcas wcre flJr downtown redc\elopment. possible ice arena, and parking. F~lir stated he \\ould like to atkncL 9. CUllllllitlce RepUtb. I O. ~larketing Subcommittee - Barger. None 3 I-IRA Minutes - 09/03/03 . 10. Other Business. None 11. Adiournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:20 P.M. DAN FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. ~r~) HR..\ Chair . . 4 . . . 11 RA Agenda - 1 % I 103 5. Consideration to discuss fundin!! gap of Landmark Square Phase II proiect. establish public purpose, and determine level of TIF assistance. A. Reference and backe:round: At the September lIRA, Brad Johnson presented a sources and uses statement which showed a financial gap of $234,872 in addition to the $18R, 128 NPV of generated '1'1 F assistance. TTF cashtlows run by Ehlers using an interest rate of 6S};> over 15 years was $157,SR2 NPV (Ehlers' recommendation) and using a 4.5% over 15 years was $18R, 128 NPV. The commissioners said they liked the redevelopment plan and directed staff to meet with the redevelopers and financial consultant to discuss the gap. On September 9, Johnson, Fluth, Wolfsteller and Koropchak met to discuss options to close the financial gap. Options discussed: Potential of a redevcloplnent grant, less admin retained by HRA, reduce redeveloper's fees, increase lot value, add inllation Llctor to cashl10w numbers, City forgive water/sewer fees per the city share of increased tax rate, additional TIF assistance for relocation of power pole and utilities. On September 16, Mark Rufl Ehlers & Associates; Wolfsteller; and Koropchak met to further discuss the options. Mark suggested we not debate the sources and uses statement but for the llRA to answer the following questions and then decide whether to determ i ne an offer: 1. What is the value of the redevelopment project (three homes for nine row houses and duplex)? At what cost is the lIRA willing to spend to redevelop the three homes? Is the project a targeted redevelopment (blighted) area? Is the redevelopment project economically feasible? 2. In the Landmark Squarc Phase I project, the HRA agreed to spend an additional $75,000 from the District 22 Funds to assist with costs associated with construction of the off-site non-restrictive parking area (public purpose). What is the public purpose of the Landmark Square Phase II project? * Ruff, Wolfsteller, and Koropchak recommend the BRA offer $157,500 NPV ofTTF assistance using the 6.5% interest rate. Pcr the Contract for Phasc r, the developer is reimbursed at an interest rate of8% on $185,000 NPV. * Ruff does not recommend using an inflation f~letor on TTF projections. Not a general practice and only when a developer gives a personal guarantee and retains ownership. * Although the City does receive a portion of the taxes collected from the difference of . HRA Agenda - 1 % 1/03 the frozen tax rate of 1.12(% and the current rate of 1.37%, the Administrator does not recommend use of taxpayers money to tlnanee or forgive the water/sewer funds assoeiated with private development. Also, there is no guarantee future tax rates will remain constant, remember this is up-front dollars. * With State budget cuts, no monies have been allocated f(Jr redevelopment grants. * l'he redeveloper did mention there is some flexibility to their numbers both expenditures and increased value to the] ] parccls. * Over the years, the HRA has been consistent with thcir policy of 10% of the tax increment for administrative costs. The project was initially presented as a two stagc redevelopment project with the Amoco site being a targetcd rcdevelopment project. A temporary curb and a narrow ingress was constructed along the southcrly edge of the parking area and carriage house in anticipation of Phase II. The revised concept sketch for Phase II has not been submitted for staff/consultant review. . Again, the recommendation is to otTer $157,500 N PV for acquisition costs, the amount of tax increment generated by the 9 row homes and duplex. The second part is more diHicult and applies to the questions outlined abovc. ffthe HRA determines there is a public purpose to assist with dollars from the District 22 Fund, then the next step is to dcfinc cligible cxpenditures and to dctenninc a not-to-exceed amount of assistance. n. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to offer TIF assistance in an amount not-to-exceed $ at % interest rate over the life of thc district for costs associated with acquisition of substandard hOlnes. NPV 2. A motion to offer an amount of not- to-exceed $__" 5% Admin. ~ J. If a public purposc is established, a motion to oiler TIf assistance in an amount not-to-exceed $ for costs associated with and cxpended hom the TIF District 1-22 Fund. 4. A motion to oiler no TIf assistancc. 5. A motion to tablc any action. . 2 . HRA Agenda - 10/01103 c. Recommendation: The City Adrninistrator and Executive Director recommend Alternative No.1. Based on the attached sources and uses statement and assuming the HRA approval for $157,500 NPY ofTIF assistance, the gap is $261,500. Or irthe HRA approval is $188,000 NPY and $11,000 5% Admin of TIF assistance, the gap is $220,000. Next, is there a public purpose? If the proposal includes a common area in the rear for non-resident parking perhaps this is a public purpose. Suggested eligible costs pcr Ruff are demo, electric pole relocation, utility distribution, and stub services. Ifthereis a public purpose, theHRA could consider a not-to-exceed offer consistent with the value per parking stall in Phase I (value $2,083 per parking stall.) Thcn, the lIRA should aslc Is your total assistance worth the removal of three homes? The offer by the HRA will leave the fate of the redevelopment proj ect up to the redeveloper and certain I y there is room for adj ustments in the value of the 11 lots and transaction, architectural/engineering, and other cost expenditurcs. The developer is still in non-compliance of the Contract for the Phase I (non-restrietive parking and landscaping). D. SUP{lorting Data: . Sources and Uses Statement and TIF cash flows. The site plan (not approved) will be available at the meeting. . ~ _J '-~' '~~1f-' . ~v" rei' V lI'b V ~ ~ ~":/ , , '" t)I .tl I 1",000 ~\I)' Sf . Land Develo en ON y i I : PERSONAL ANO- CONF/OENTIALJII SOURcEs AND USES------;---. . .- . --f . SOURCES: . - I 11 Lois @ $2'4,OOO~~------: $ 264,000'.00 ! -...---,--..-'--" i I I ~ TIF=='==_,"-~~--188,900~00 I , $ i --'3,4,P:~=:~=-==-~OTAl\ ~, .- 23fooo.00_~__._~_~. _.__'-'- i 683,OOO.~._ ~\ .';. - II USES: -.. - I tAfJD.:---~-.. .=r . i- ~ ~{'":1;'O b-- ______Moores . : $ 14~,OOO.00 I ..- ------ =-~=-.:;~::,-i~ ~~::gr'...'.q 'l-':--- _=.==-:-=~.;- ~-ap~~~~~T~~-I.~ . =-. 4;~~~~g:g~. _~-==-- ~_._ I ._--=--==--~.- ________Iand-net to~.L__. 45~!.90O'.OO CONSTRUCTION ; ------sTUB SE-RVICES'-~ t$-~5,OOO.00 -- _' MOVE ELK POLES . I. $~"26,o06.00 :=-" Ut.IPTY-bISTRIBUTION~$.'--~O,OOci.oo -.---....-.--. ====:== ,$ ---------stTEWORK,SOILS CONDo TT~ PARKING LOT, CURB TT CONSTRUCTION INSUR. ---n _____n------- 1$--- _~ TOJAl CONSTRUcnON11. . ~06,oOO:'!O -===- f. . . T~-nS~diO~.~~!=..:=--~-.--L--==.:==~ --=-------- "=----p~ ~ . f~~G~~~TAX .~ --1r~~--=----- --:---'-TITLE"c6FEE_S "'~_=U=~-l,OO().OO- .=:==___n ._____~~~~y;~:EEs.....--.-tl--..~~:ggg:gg -----.-... ----TAXES- DURING CONSTR. '1$--2,000.00 .--------~---- ~..-.~hltect~~~~~-~n~:in~~J..J-=-. ~,O()6.00~+-.__=..-=. $'.' _--- -~-==- ._.-SOI~TESI- _ I $ .__2,qQO_0~--+----..-.----~- ____._Q!!:.QlGI~EERING...--~.-.-~goo..:qQ+--..-..-...~.-. .--"- __...Q!y"~QNM~NT~__g--.-~.?oO.~~-.-. ----- ---- ~~~ING-"----'--K-_.-l~:~g6:gg \----.---.\.- . . ... .... = ....___=-- -_ .. f-~ ~-_?1==---l===- I I .. _____________ ____._____,___..___~..______+_. - ..__.'''_-----+--._ I - TOTAL ADDITIONAL COSTS:; S 89,000.00 : I .____,____..___ .__..____._._____,_._.t-...._.______________----r-_.__._.__"._--r--..--.--"--. .----~. , I 9Ti.{~R-~9~t~-~_-..~~-_~=-:==:~_.=-=::==~~-=r=====1=-----..------..-. -C6-NTINGEt-KY -.' . $ 25,000.00 · __._'.._"_'. ___ _._..,'___,____"_~~---t-"'._~~.~ ..-- --,-~-~~~..~-~-...,....+--..."----------""~,....----------~ CONSTRUCTION INTEREST ' $ 5.000.00 ' ! -__~~T~AL OTHER COSTSf= -... - 30'~'-Oll.I_ ....-. -~1=-~. ._~...... ~ . :TAl.::rs ~ \ 0;. S .0 Cl ~ ' $ 683.000.00 , , J. \..r t'G~ 0 0 0 ~ ('\.c; ~ ~ . 0 0 0 -......--------".....-------.' 20,000.00 30,000.00 . 1 ,000.00 .-.-~.^-~.....-------- ......-----.....-------.....~.~~ V'OO~ ~o 0 .. () f ~"-0 ~O' ~ 0 \) i) · b ,... V. lJ 1> t S' 9, 'J 'l:,L~ c,. Pi fq\ ~,~ \. ",\ t"...~,:fo r"? u~ ~ , ~ \.' :~<\ \ . . 1f)4"\ \' 'tl/c, V):'c \ ,0 \ . . . AUG.29,200311:41AM MC100..01 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES Citr of Monlkdlo L>IIIcm.rk Square Phue n TIr DUtrict l-U T.U. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTtoNS lMIllon Ralel (on IIIOrUl'4lua only -1IIIl11lte ,ncruSH aN not ~r.cl In..... Ra.. T~Fl.+TIf' T.u ~_ - CUIfWII La.... Ra. Tell Rm + hie PNIJl~ T. M.ut \lilu. Tn Rile PIO 155.(110.036010 1!S~10.0~eol I 1S$.Ql0-4311030 SllblDal BASE VALUE INFORMATION MllrkIt \lelu. 78.800 e..too I oz.~oo 273,100 273. BOO TIl~1 OrVn~ MiiU: \lllul ClaU Rate: Hon'lllilMd :>S78.ooo Homt....d 410'.000 Aptl1menl A,jIInll""I.(d) Co.......rc~1 ~150.000 Comrntrclll <$ 1 SO,Ooo 0'91'<11 Tn CaplCity (whan lie. i. ""....9"d): fRomer VALUE JNFORMA TI0N . "-NO. 0547-P. 2 0.00001' 5 SD0"4 1.121110 "raun Itall 1~1"'7I ell. 0'-71 iU. 0.000U1 eft Tn Clo~o;ily 766 '4e url3 ~738 2.7.38 A"" co,we"ion 1.0000% PayO. 1.0000"'" Pay 04 1.2500% pay O. I 2500"'" Pay 04 2.0000% PaV O. I 5000"4 P.V O. :0.73 e PIV Z004 s, PIV 2004 MV Pay 2004 MV PIIV 200. MV l!ilIn'1llla OnIV l'Yll' " Tu I__nt 0i8lril:t yp. or Pro'eel Dupr.ll gu,l1U redl Row HCII'IIes otaIM.r1l01 Valu. '",2Iii0 1412.so0 '''''',080 TolillTu c. .i ....J ',71' ,1,2U Tolal ''''7.750 22" MI/1lal..altlll' netclllllle ""nftrmea IIV lI\oI ualMCt. SUMMARY TOIII AMUII T;p: Incl8lTWlm Anr Admin. P...,... by en__ Esllnl11i onlY 18.168 R.d....IOpll'tOWl~ TOla' Yell' --!!ir C4/'lSlN....d J.M7 2004 Uti 100. 37,20' 200~ J 017 YNr Po "bla lloe. 2001 200. llIPIlnll2O' AUG. 29,2003 11:41AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES NO. 0547 P. 3 s t . Qty or Montkello ........rk Sq1lan ..... D TIJ' Dhtlkt 1-2.1 - TAX INCREMENT CASH FLOW Origlnll Seml-AnnuII S_ AUOilQr HAA ~v 5"",oA"n~1 CUmullllYI ""uIo1I!NT OAi!l PERIOD BEGINNING Tu Grou TU olIt It Mo""std NetTa NP'I P!RIOO ENDING MI/I. Yr, Coli Inc rflen ~.J7~ -10.00~ C,adfl InCl'IlllInl 8,~'4 y,., MIll, y, 01.0' 2003 02-<1' 200. 02.(11 2004 2.738 2.m 0 0 0 0 0 0 08.0' 200. Q&.Ql 2004 2.738 i.72i 0 0 D 0 D 0 0200\ 2005 02.01 2~ 2.n6 2.738 0 0 0 0 0 0 01.01 2005 08.Q1 200S 2,736 2. 738 0 0 0 0 Q 0 02-01 2006 02.0' 2006 2,73a 22.&11 19,""3 ",2~ (~21 (1.111) (lllI51 9.OS4 1,1.2 0.5 01.0' 2006 08-01 2006 2,736 22.0" 19,9<1S 11.230 (~2) (1.1191 ('988) 9.0U 16.2311 1,00'2-0' 2007 02-01 2007 2,718 22,'" 1',143 11j:'>> (.&Zl (1,118) (MO) ,.0&. 22,601 1,5 0800' 2007 0&-01 2007 2,13' 22,681 lB.84~ 11,0J (.2) ('.118) (9861 9.08. 29,S3. 20 02.(1' 2008 02001 2008 2,738 22.5&1 11,843 1'.2; .' (4.21 (1,1191 (986) 11,08. 18.3.6 2..6 08-01 2001 Oi.Ql 2008 2.738 22.6'1 '9,9<13 1',2!>O (<l21 (1,119) (910) 9.0e~ .2,9.... ;',00:0001 2009 02-01 2009 2,738 22.6al 1I,li43 11.230 (421 (1.1191 (986) D,0&4 4S,I*' 3 5 08-01 200 0$001 2008 2.731 22.1111 1U43 11~0 ('2) (1,11li) (VIS) 9,08' 55,52:a .,0 02.01 2010 0~1 2010 2.738 22,11' 1 '.9<13 11.230 (4<ill (1.1191 (986) 9,014 111.5'0 H. 09-01 :0010 05-01 2010 2.733 22.68' 18.,..3 '1,230 (A2) (1.1191 (986) 9,0841 87.321 6.0 02-(Jl 2011 02.01 201' 1,138 22,681 11,!U3 l' ,210 (112) (1.11i) (916) 9.084 '72.943 5 5 0$001 2011 01~1 20" 2.'738 22.611 IS.942 1'.230 (42) (',119) (98lil 1.08<1 78.389 6.00:z-ll1 2012 02001 2012 2.7~ 22,511 19.943 11,230 (42) (1."9) (91161 9,014 83.663 6.5 oa~1 2012 08-ll1 2012 2,731 22.88' 1',lW3 11,:all (421 (1,111) (9181 9.0&4 81,71' 7,0 02..0' 2013 02-01 2013 2.738 22.611 18~ " ,230 (.2) (1.1111) (9661 9.084 i;',718 7.5 08-01 2013 06-Ql 20UI 27'38 22.1111 , 9,943 11,230 (.21 (1,1111 (180) 9.0&4 &6,510 8,0 02..01 2014 02.(11 2014 2,738 22.881 lU43 11,~0 (.2) (1.111) (HI) 9,084 'OJ.!!il 1.6 OioOl 201. 08-01 2014 2,738 22.881 19,t~ 11~0 (~2) (1.1111 (tllll 9,08. 107,545 a.o 02..01 20'5 02.0' 2015 2,738 22.6Bl Ill,'" 11,2!0 (42) (1.1181 (B811) 9.llSI 111,1198 9,5 OB..o1 2015 0804' 2015 2,nG 22.&8' II,a.! ",2~ (421 (1,1181 (1lll8) 9.OS. 116.214 10.0 02.0' 1016 02-ll1 2018 2,138 22,.81 19.9<13 1',2S0 (421 (1.1191 (981) 9,08. 120,298 10,6 0S-0, 20'6 08.cl 2018 2,7.38 22.&81 1',143 11:~~0 (42) (' llal (9861 9,OS4 12....253 11002-ll1 20'7 0:2.01 2017 2,738 22.881 11,843 11.230 (.21 ( 1191 (986) 1,084 128,083 11.5 0&-(l1 2017 08-01 2017 2,7'J8 22.1181 1 9.943 11,~0 (.21 (1,119) (9861 9.084 131,793 12,0 02.cl 2018 02-41 2018 2.73& 22,e81 le,843 11.2'0 (421 (I, '19) (illS) 8.0&.4 1~5.318 12.5 08-0' 2018 05-01 2018 2.738 22.681 lU43 111'':'': (42) ('.11B) (88e) 9.0801 13&,886 1M 02.01 2019 02-01 2019 2,738 2~1Ia1 19.943 11.~: '. (421 (1.119) (98&1 1,084 142,238 13.5 0&-01 :018 Oe.OI 2019 2.738 22,681 19,943 11.2~"; (.42) (1,1 '9) ('l66) 9,08. 11lHOl 101.0 02-01 2020 02+01 2020 2.738 22.&81 18,943 11.2:.0 (421 (1.11Bl C:~80) 9.0&' 148.etl2 14,5 a~o' 2020 08.01 2020 2,1!8 22,811 19,943 ",230 (421 (1.1191 (98ll') 9.0&4 151.724 15002.01 202' 02-01 2021 2,7l11 22,681 18.943 11 ,230 ("2) (1.119) (988) 9.084 1501,690 1 $.5 08..,1 2021 08"" 1 2738 22,88' la,I43 11 0 42 , 111 llll8 9.084 '57.682 16.0 ..01 2022 ,.=...1& 358.35 1,330 5803 153 280,687 Pre' n' "';1 sfN 1 1\ 'i4.783 1 19.40 18.42 157,58 ,..~.......... tlC&J' t1...............~ ..~oWiIl..~ 'I"IIM~J~ -411".,- ..........u.-~ ....~NI(..,~_ _I~..- ~"I~ . EHLERS 4 ,,&1. OCIAT~S. ';I C . MQl00.0' ,,,,...d I1'f ellll' b\iI1oles On" IilnInDaOl . . . SEP. 3, 2003 MC;100001 10: 18AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES Cty of Montialo Landmuk Squu, Plwe II nr Diltrict I.u T.I,F. CASII FLOW ASSUMPTIONS IIIlleaoll RllIt (0lI rTlIrQI: VlIJue ~IIIV -\;Ill 10118 1tl<;N'1_ I,.. not c:lIPlurId) III_b. T... IQoo - TIP TI)( Fl.-. . CIIIIWIt LOcal Rallt TIIIl FbI. . Stoll Ptop~ Tmr ~Iriool VMIl_ Tn R_ PIO 1SS~I~36010 155-01~36011 155oll10.031030 $\IbtllW BASE VALUE INFORMATION Iol... Value 11,800 $4,800 102,300 27i.aoo NO. 0645 0.0000% ~ 500% 1.1211" Fl'lIZeII Rite Ur",g Ell g~7g E.t 0.0.."2 l!iU. Tn eal"lc:J!y 786 ~ 1.023 2.733 TQtIJ onllin~ u.nc.t Valu4 273.800 2, 738 A~ .....""1'!I10Il Clul fit.- Home_d>S76,ooO l10meSlMd c'78,ooO ...""",*" A,.._t 4(ll) Col'lml/l:ial "" 50,000 COtMlltCIal c$t$O,Ooo ~al Tu c.pacit)' (>otlln 11M IS cnlnl1OIl): PRO-JEer VALUE INFORMA nOlll 1.0000% Pay ~ 1.0000% PlY 04 ',25oo~ Pa~ CJ4. 1.2500% Pa~ 04 2.0000% pav 04 UOoo% pay 04 2,738 pay 2004 R.dil\llllopment TVpeofT_ln~t~ P. 5 0( Ptv 2004 YV Pay 200' WlV Pay 200~ MV e.tur.. Only Typa Of Units Of ~V Plr Tom! Uarbt To1il Tax ElfllCtiv" Total V.ar YHI' Proiect r.d UM/d. Value Call1cilY Till R"te TllXlI - Ell C~n"llc:ted PIV1lbll DupId 1 111,210.00 1.,210 1,.a 1.62% 2,S17 20811 2011' ChIph. rentel 1 '142.600.00 142,10' '.1'1 1.7'1'llo 2,61' Zto4 2001 "- HeIlIg I 111._'" 1........ ",aU 1.17% 27,a01 2164 2001 T~\aI 1.141.150 22.1.' ~2.001 ~....1IIeI nMd 10 M conGllMd by..... -- SUMMARY TOWIAnnual TlIllln_. AlIIr Ad""". 11,'U Prepa/ll!~.Y Ihlll'l- btnalft OIly Il/I'un02O' SEP. 3. 2003 10: 18AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES NO. 0645 P. 6 . c; r Olf lit Moaliadlo ~rk 51(..... PIIue n m DIstrict 1-12 TAX INCREMENT CASH FLOW ItrllI~uat ... AlIdllof HRA MV aami-Annllal C~l\'lu'aQv' llAYM;NT OATil Pl:RIOO BEGINNING a_Till lit at 11"""51:1 Nel Till NPV I"ERIOO ENOINQ MtlI r Incremlnt -G 37% -1000~ c..di Ine.."..nl 4.50V. YI'.\.. Mth Yr. 0&-01 2003 02-01 200' 02-01 200' 2.738 2.738 0 0 0 0 0 01>-01 200A 06-01 200. 2.738 2.738 0 0 0 0 0 02~1 2005 02-01 2005 2,738 2.738 0 0 0 0 0 Olkll 2005 Ot-OI 2005 2.7Sa 2.738 0 0 0 0 0 02.01 2008 02~1 200e 2.7211 22,6&1 1I.1iWS 1'.230 (.12) (988) 1i,084 8.128 0.5 0&-0 I 200<1 05..(11 2008 2.738 22.68' 1l1,~ 1'.230 (.12) (988) 11.08' 16.078 1.002-01 2007 02-0' 2007 2,7'31 22,68' 19,IUS 11.230 ('2) (9418) ',0&4 23.850 1 S 08-01 2007 08-Dl 2007 2,731 22.6&1 , 8,843 , '.230 (.12) (911l) ll,~ 3'.'53 2.0 02~1 2008 02-01 20011 2.rn 22,5111 19,~ 11.230 ('2) (!lie) 1,06<1 38.868 2.5 08.01 2008 Oe.o1 200s 2.73& nUl 19,9'3 ",23C ('2) (ta6) '.01' 411.160 3.0 02-01 2009 02-01 2COl1 2.731 22.681 1 II,"! ",230 (.12) (988) 11.0&' 53.272 3.5 Olt-01 2008 0&-01 2009 2,7M 22.11' , 8,943 '1.230 ('2) (1I8&) 9.01A 60,227 .. 0 02.01 2010 02-01 20'0 2.738 22,681 19.943 11.230 (~2) (986) i,084 67.029 4.5 1)8.{l, 2010 0~01 2010 2,738 22,88' 11i."3 11.230 (.12) (1lI11) lI.au 7UI2 5.0 02-0 I 2011 02.01 20,t 2,~B 22.SI' ,U43 11.m (42) (ta6) 9.CliW 80,188 5.5 01-01 20'1 Oa-ol 2011 2.738 22.681 lU~' 1 ,.230 ['2) (586) 9.04' 36.551 8.0 02-01 2012 ~~ 20'2 2.738 :l2,881 19.943 11,230 (~) (968) 9.084 92.774 6.5 08-01 2012 2012 2,7'38 22,181 1t.Ii43 11.23C (..) (9S8) 9.08' 98,860 7.0 02-01 2013 02-01 2013 2.738 22.681 1ll,Q43 1 1.230 ('2) (186) 9,OU 104.812 7.5 08.01 2013 08-01 2013 2.738 n1l8' 19,9d , , ,:ZSO (Q) (15$) 9.ca. 110,s:.3 8.0 02-01 20U 02-01 201. 2.738 22.881 19.94] 11.230 ('2) ($till ll.08A 111.328 8.S 06-<l1 2014 08-01 201. 2.rn 22,1111 19,94 11.230 (~) (H8) i.Q8.4 121,all' 1.0 02-01 2015 02-0' 2015 2.rn 22.881 19.94 1',~ (~) (llflll) 9,08' 127.339 8.5 0&-01 ,01$ 0~01 2015 2.738 22,841 ".s.u 11,230 (.12) (8111) '.OS4 '32.685 10.0 02-01 20UI 02-01 2018 2.718 22,a81 1i,1l4~ lU:SO (.03) (966) !l.0&' 1:J7.'7~ la.&a~' 20UI 08.01 2018 2.731 22,551 15I,a.e 11.230 (42) (886) 9.0&4 l.ol2,li1l7 11.0 02-01 2017 02-01 2017 2.738 22,88' 19.9'3 11,230 ("1 (llll$) 9.O&A IA7.~8 I 1.5 03-01 2017 0&-01 2017 2. 738 22,1111 19.9'3 11.230 ('.2) (986) 1l.O&A 152.820 '2002-01 2018 02-01 201.. 2.n' 22,881 IIi.IO 11.230 ('2) (988) 9,084 1 57.585 12.5 05-01 2018 08.01 20'8 ;l,738 22,581 19.943 11.'30 (4.2) (illS) 1.08' '82.245 13.002.{l1 2019 0,-0' 20'8 2,rn 22,881 19,943 '1.:30 ('2) (9416) 3.C8' , 66.302 13.5 01.01 20'8 011-01 2018 2.738 22, sa, 19.843 l1.~U (42) (968) 1i.06' 171.259 14.002-01 2020 02-01 2020 2.131 22.6&1 Ill,s.) 11.230 (d) (965) 11.08.4 175.8'8 1450Q.{l1 2020 01-01 2020 2.736 22.611 19.9'3 11.230 ('2) (986) 9.Dll' 179,U1 150 02.{l1 2021 02-0' 2021 2.738 2168' \1.943 '1.230 (42) (988) 3.084 184.051 15.5 05-01 2021 05-0' , 2.73 268' .3 11230 . 6 9014 188.129 18.0 0 .01 2022 359 35~ , ~30 ".53 290 667 ~"Ul'll V.lu.1 from 211104 232- 9 ~JlIII-"''''''''' ooI,_ul"*_ Il_tw__ n.o,..,-... ...., . EHLERS . A'.OC'''T~. 'Me . I,\Cl0~1 ,.,..,..... Oy !~I...-!HuIes Of\" ItN"0201 . . . H RA Agenda - 1010 I /03 6. Continued - Considcration to hear updates: A. Redevelopmcnt of a portion of Block 51. I doubt that Mr. Sawatzke has an update to his report of September: Plans to take ownership of the Gustafson parcel in September and plans fix a spring 2005 redevelopment project. B. Redeveloomcnt of a portion of Block 52. After support by the HRA in September for Concept A. over Concept B. and C. with heavy emphasis on aesthetics, particularly, the northeast corner; the three concepts were reviewed at the weekly site review and these comments were given: Concurred with the HRA decision and given the residential units covered the entire northerly side of the block (east to west), the city planner suggested first floor retail/office to emphasize or identify the entrance into Monticello's commercial area from the north. Secondly, the city planner suggested zero lot-line development along Broadway consistent with the Comp Plan. No comments were made relative to parking as this concept was not per scale. These comments were passed on to Fred Katter and Steve Johnson, Larry Olson, Metro Plains, called on September 22 for marketing information on rental property. At this point, we have not connected. Deadlinc date of .July 2004. I took the opportunity to ask Mark RuJT about the process and time schedule for sale of the TIF District No. 1-22 Temporary 110nds. At the latest on the May 2004 HRA meeting, the commissioners will adopt a resolution authorizing sale of the $2,150,000 Temporary Bond. T'he process is 60 days. Prior to this time, the HRA will need to make some decisions: I. Spend net $1,050,000 bond proceeds. 2. Payoff bond. 3. I srYo pooling remains about $350.000 NPV. Assumes full refinance. Attached is a schedule with Mark Ruffs input for redevelopment of Hlock 52. The HRA may want to give the dcvelopers a deadline date so the liRA can move on. C. Other reQuest for financial assistance. I. Jarnes & Gruber - Attached is the memo bxed to Dick Gruber. Please note reference to the !-IRA policy for approving assistance. Mr. Gruber lnay appear before the lIRA. This appears to be an expansion. Or does the existing building require substantial renovation? Appears doubtful irthe building has been occupied. JI Bruce l-lamond - Mr. Hamond has also inquired about financial assistance through BRA Agcnda - 10/01/03 . '1'1 F or the lElcade improvement grant which no longer exists. He plans to construct a building on the vacant lot located at 220 West Hroadway and improve the adjoining building, tying the two facade improvements together as one building according to a plan prepared by an architect from Stillwater for the MCP. !-Ie is dropping off plans. I responded in the same matter as to Mr. Gruber. Mr. Hamond would like some discussion by the HRA. Plans presented at HRA meeting. . . 2 \g. ~. SCHEDlJLE FOR BLOCK 52 . REDEVI':LOPMEN'1' ASSIS]'ANCE December 3 HRA - Finance Plan submitted. January 7 liRA - Site Plan submitted. Site control. March 3 HRA - Financial Commitments. April 7 HRA - Contract for Private Redevelopment between the developer and HRA executed. May 5 lIRA - HRA authorizes issuance of Temporary Bonds. . . , " . .i . . I ~ ~ !tj . Q- -o--~l i!o. ... . . . ls2c. To: Dick Gruber From: Ollie Koropchak. HRA Executive Director ~ Date: September 18.2003 Subject: Use ofTIF Thanks for your call and for inquiring into the TIF projections of September 12. The initial TIF projections \vere based on demolition of the existing building. a redevelopment project. I did recalculate the TIF projections and the proposed expansion would generate approximately $92.000 of available tax increment over the life of the district. The front elevation sketch of your proposed project appears to meet the Revitalization Comp Plan zero lot-line requirement. The HRA' s role is not to approve site and building plans but to review proposed TIF applications for compliance ofTIF requirements and policies. The said parcel is located within TIF District No. 1-22. a Redevelopment District. established in 1997. FollO\ving discussions with Ehlers & Associates, HRA tinancial consultants. and the City Administrator: we fully support the concept of the project. However, we can not recommend the HRA support the use of TIF for this project. What is the public purpose? 1. No buildings are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. 2. At least 90% of the increment must be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow designation of redevelopment districts. We do not disagree that the use of TIF could reduce rental rates and could enhance the project by additional landscaping: hO\\iever. other projects with no demolition and no TIF assistance could claim the same. Such as: Locust/W7 St. Town Center. First Minnesota Bank. Funeral ChapeL and TDS Telecom. These are examples of previous HRA. decisions consistent with local TIF policy. The HRA previously has approved Tlf assistance where demolition has occurred such as Old MalL Amoco gas station. and Front Street project. Again. \ve certainly agree this proposed project enhances the dO\vntown and the economics of the community. and hope James and Gruber proceeds with its proposed expansion. Attached is a copy of the Preliminary Development Agreement as requested. Again. the next meeting of the HRA is Wednesday. October L 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. (1' you \vould like to be on the HRA agenda for the Commissioners to discuss and determine the use of TIF assistance. ( would be happy to do so. Please call me at 763-271-3208 by September 24. 09/16/2083 22:34 3282528982 JAMES&GRUBER . ~ ~ ~ c~ rc,~ 1;) . v?i /f rv >- .. , 57 . : " . , .;' . I . . "t ,::,., -'.' ,'..: ....~._... ........-.... -"'-',- -~~...... I ~ .".... PAGE 02 L,. C- p .. s= " .' ';io ,;..< ~~ .. .:-' P"" 'l:.--L.,. ....~,...--J :. ,'. 1 ">.'1 . ..' ," ". " . ,. "j , I " J.' . :: :'. I '..:: , " , , , . '. , . : . :' " ", I' :'-., .. .,', I ':.'" , I , " , , . '. ,. . " , . . . " - '" t, , .: ; ..!", ... ~~::? '/- {)_3 . . /{edlL )(~~ Y/ltJ7)!/r!d!tD/ /hIl'j 55-30~ ;{Jd(VL ){ut-I- / :t1t2~~ r ~ ~ ~">>-.L" ani ~..~ CU' ~.-r;1.L<- fl!:CU .~~~ ?~. ~ ~ cL;.~ w/d tuL CU<. ~ ~ ~ /'~ . cttuu ~JJ-e,J ~'t. ?U~J/X-J.. ~u/ ~&- -tAL. ~ ~&2 ~/7?~ ~d( .. . t-h... ~ tue.. .."~ k". /7Z.ff 6 ~ a . . ~ IU-L dv ..~ /QCbn f 6 ".~ M.?C ~ J/~~ ~~~ .. ~.~ fI -t;h,. ~ .. icJ ~ry- V t24-A- Uo ~ ~~ ~/cn- ~ ~UJL- ~ ~J~' .;;tl?th1 /:<5 ~ ~ jIH~1.- ~. 9a&; em ~ ~.~ tot7P~ . - -- - ----...--- . J Monticello HRA 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice # 21267 . September 10, 2003 MC100-01 General Professional Services 8/26/2003 MTR Discussions Ollie - 1-22 8/29/2003 MTR Landmark sq 1\ runs MTR District 1-22 update ").\'? L.\~'Oo~ .~\.<::tct ~\"'?.. \..tt.q S Cl~. ""?\<\9 "). \ ~. '-\ ~ S ~ ':l. "'!o\ t{ ~ Total Due This Month: Status of Account: Hours Amount - 0.25 1.00 2.00 31.25 125.00 250.00 3.25 $406.25 Current $406.25 30 Days $0.00 60 Days $0.00 90 Days 120+ Days $0.00 $0.00 Total $406.25 ....,.. j f,'" "or, f"J 'I,) l" '\Y? __0 III e. \J l'~'i '~ Ii ,,'" i - - ~ ~, It"~ ~ .~ (..: : 1\,-",;. ~...... ~,}l ". ______ . ."," '.~":\ ~ 9.-=-~:-O ~ ~) ,\ J...\ I ..-.----.-.-..--- PLEASE KEEP WHITE COpy FOR YOUR FILE AND REMIT PINK copy WITH PA YMENT TO: . . 3060 Centre Pointe Drive RoseviII e, MN 55113-1105 651.697.8500 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ \VJ ~~"... I i I SEP 1 1 2003 i CITY OF MONTICELLO . City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 August 25. 2003 Statement No, 57837 Through July 31,2003 MN190-00100 TIF District 1-31 - UMC Project MN190-00103 Wurm Partnership Project- TIF 1-32 . Total Current Billing: I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been id. ru~ ru \VJ IE ~ SEP - 3 2003 lUdJ C\TY OF MONTICELLO (j ~ ( 1 t) Pl\Y? 0 \\\~ / ~ lei. " ,\ II". .'). \".\, \, -2', . \ \ .l , i\. C, .. () I ,"I. .: .... ~ . ,I.Ltl r::J ~ \. It. €-..J 35.00 43,75 78.75 \\ ~O::? "'.. . Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41.1225694 August25,2003 Invoice # 57837 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 ? \ ...-::, " ~l C, S ~ \ . ~ d Lf D MN190-00100 TIF District 1-31 - UMC Project Through July 31,2003 For All Legal Services As Follows: 7/9/2003 SJB Phone call with Koropchack re; Auditor's Certificate, Total Services: Hours 0.20 $ Amount 35,00 35.00 . Total Services and Disbursements: $ 35.00 . . Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello -, ? ~ ,\ 0 <,,_~A. L\ ~ "7 July 31, 2003 "":7 . ,..,.\ MN190-00103 Wurm Partnership Project- TIF 1-32 Through July 31, 2003 For All Legal Services-As Follows: 7/9/2003 SJB Review Certified documents; phone call with Ehlers, Koropchak re: same. Hours 0.25 Amount 43.75 Total Services: $ 43.75 . Total Services and Disbursements: $ 43.75 . . . . HRA Agenda. JO/Ot/03 s. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. a) Marketing. 250 brochures were mailed last week to state medical related companies with similar SIC (Standard Industrial Codes) as UMC. Monticello Promotional Card. This promotion started at the Golf Event of the Wright County Economic Dcvelopment Partnership on Scptember 25. The Marketing Committee is a Tournament Sponsor. Will give out towels, tees, brochures, and promotion card. Thc HRA and EDA application forms and process information sheets are bcing redone for consistency among the Development Services Department forms. The Monticello Site Location Guide modeled after Elk River is in draft stage and needs attention. The Marketing Committce needs to check out membership ($300 annual) to this sales lcads.l1fowse leads of which a portion was faxed to me hom Olson General Contractors. b) Industrial Banquet hosted by the Chamber is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14 at the Silver Springs Golf Course. Invitations being mailed. c) UMC . News release by Olson General Contractors and received check for balance of BRA administrative costs. '['he City will give a large green plant at the open house since my budget and fi.w consistency didn't allow fi.w the professional photo. I know they are planning a ceremony at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 6. You should receive an invitation for the week.long open house. (ret this, UMC called last week asking lor ideas to entertain out.of....town guests. I thought two people but turns out to be 20 from Stryker Howmedica Osteonics. Docs that help the local economy or what? My son works for Stryker, he's district manager for 5 eastern stales in lhe knee and hip replacement division not the machining division. Slnall world. d) Industrial leads. H.Window Building... CIS is looking at the building. The executive vice president golfed at the Rotary Golf outing last week. 1 was doing registrations and he asked to talk to me. lt is my understanding via the real estate agent, the building will be on auction. October 22, if not sold. Will accept a minimum bid of $2.2 million. Remmelc Building. Being looked at by a manuLlcturer (wanted water bills) and Dahlheimer Distribution. Boston Scientific. Attached is a follow.up letter to Boston Scientific after receiving a response from initial letter and marketing information. Wolfsteller and Andrews OK with "the carrot" within the letter. I will call Mr. Linder prior to the HRA meeting, I hope to schedule a visit of their Maple Grove facility to plant a seed for future development. I did notice the Kaus Anderson construction trailer on site. I'm still excited that the cold call1ctter resulted in a response. Monteris Medical - ^ttached is a similar letter (initial) mailed to this medical related company. This lead came from Olson General Contractors. They wrote the Dir. Engineering and I wrote the CEO. I talked with Mr. McGoldrick on September 19, and . HRA Agenda -10/01/03 . because of his btlsy schedule I'm to email him in mid October to set a time to lneet in the cities. He said they were looking in the southwestern metro, Chanhassen area. They are a developer of MlR.-guided laser technology who plan to establish a nl<-mul~lcturing 1::1cility in the Twin Cities area. Olson hasn't heard from the Engineer. Company is customer ofUMC. Ed Sorgatz, Olson General Contractors, told me their company has established a relationship with another potential customer. Need to follow-up on another couple of leads lrom State and other. e) TIP Management - When I completed the July 30 Audit Reports for the State, a red /lag came up stating the need to modify the budgets for a couple of old districts because the actual expenditures exceeded the budgeted expenditures; although, actual revenues exceeded actual expenditures. Mark Ruff said they were OK not to worry. Close-out decertified Economic TlF Districts - Mark suggested this was a good time to close these decertified districts which can be a bonus to the City/HRA The HRA will reimburse the County fi)r exccss tax increment, the County will reimburse the City for their portion which can be designated for future industrial development. I'm in the process of comparing by district the actual amount of administrative cost expended to the 10% allowance. We have two pre-l 990 economic districts with no pooling restrictions. f) The industrial land group will meet September 26 including Dan ['rie. I received a copy of the Contract being prepared for use by Big Lake as an option to acquiring land. The group wi I( weigh the pros and cons. Their has been somc interest by John Chadwick to deal with the City. The Gold Nugget people appear interested to work with the city as well. g) ['or your information Lori Kraemer's last day of employment at the City of Monticello is October J. She's moving on to a part-time position. Lori made sufficient contributions to the community as well as having served as Secretary to the Devclopnlent Scrvices Department. I'I( miss her. Please wish hcr well at her last meeting of the I IRA on October 1 . . 2 . . . Olson /UMC News Page I of I l[;e- Ollie Koropchak From: Susan Diamond [sdiamond@jigsawunlimitedcom] Sent: Tuesday, September 23,200310:08 AM To: press - real estate Subject: Olson fUMe News FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For information contact: Craig Hegdahl Olson General Contractors 763-535-1481 OLSON COMPLETES HQ FOR ULTRA MACHINING COMPANY New Hope, Minnesota, September 23, 2003 Olson General Contractors, Inc. (Olson) announced that they have completed construction of a state-of-the-art, 73,000 square foot corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility for Ultra Machining Company (UMC) in Monticello, Minnesota. Situated on a 10-acre site, the facility features a pre-cast concrete exterior envelope with liberal use of glass in both the office and production areas. Large glass expanses are also used internally to minimize a sense of separation between the two spaces. The large, central atrium is topped with a 20' skylight. The majority of electrical, phone, data wiring and process piping is fed to plant equipment via underground conduit. Utilizing a new terrazzo-like floor finish, the entire production area creates a clean, sleek atmosphere. UMC has imported 60 large diameter trees to transform the flat sand plain into an attractive outdoor environment, as well as completed extensive grading to help create an interesting terrain on an otherwise flat site. They have added an on- site walking trail overlooking an adjoining pond. Olson was selected at the project's design/build contractor early in the process. The firm then assisted in all facets of its development process, including: site selection; pursuit of financial assistance from the City; assembly of the team partners, including architects, engineers and subcontractors; facilitating the competitive bid process; and directing the construction process through completion to achieve UMC's goals for form, function and budget. Established in 1968, with over 90 employees, UMC provides precision-machined parts and assemblies for the medical, aviation and commercial industries. UMC is an ISO 9002 certified company with capabilities that include turning, milling, wire EDM and Swiss turning. The company excels in difficult~to-machine materials such as stainless steel, titanium, hastelloy, waspaloy, stellite and other~ high temperature alloys. For more information, visit www.ultralnc.com. Founded in 1909, Olson General Contractors specializes in non-residential construction and renovation. For more information regarding Olson General Contractors, please contact Craig Hegdahl at 763-535-1481. 9/23/2003 ~c:- ; ... 'j .,~ September 5,2003 MONTICELLO Terrance & Mary cromann Family Limited Partnership Ultra Machining eompany 500 ehelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: eontract for Private Development dated August 26, 2002. Dear Mr. Tomann: Attached is an executed copy of the Certincate of Completion associated with the Contract for Private Development between the Limited Partnership, the Housing and Redevelopment A utho ri ty (H RA) 0 f the City of Mont i cell 0, and the City of Monti cello. The II RA approved the eertificate of Certificate at their regular meeting of September 3, 2003. Secondly and pcr the Contract, the Developer agreed to pay uut-of-pocket costs associated with establishment of the TIF District and Contract as incurred by the Authority. Attached are invoices totaling $5,882.50. Subtracting your $5,000 deposit, the balance due the Authority is $882.50. Please remit the balance due to the Monticello HRA, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362. Should you have any questions relative to the Certi!icate of Completion or the amount due, please call me at 763 -271- 3 208. As always, it's a pleasure doing business wi th UMC. . Sincerely, HOUSING AND IZEDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT ^ CJ~ \~OIO~-S)~ Ollie Koropchak ExccLlti vc Di rector Altachments . c: TIF District No. 1-31 File Monticello City Hnlt. 505 Wnln", s""r, Soito l, Mo,ti,el]o, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295.271 l . Cn" (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax.: (763) 271-3272 UMC, INC. :22510 HIGHWAY 55 HAMEL, MN 55340 PH: 763-478-6609 FAX: 763-478.6483 . Invoice ~ <::J 059729 CONTRACT Description CERT.OF COMPLETION Amount 882.50 Discount 0.00 Net Amount 882.50 . No: 59729 9/18/2003 MONTICELLO ECON. DEVELOP. AUTH Amount: 882.50 . . ... ~- . ..': . - . . ,? . ','if/' UMC, INC. 22510 HIGHWAY 55 HAMEL, MN 55340 PH: 763-478-6609 FAX: 763-478-6483 TCF NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55402 17-7000 ~ 059729 ".)'..'.. ... .. ~ ' '\ 14 ..: UlHiI'A MACHINING COMPANY ..;;.;',".' ~'..-;;;;=<>iHii'i. Date: 9/1812003 No: 59729 Amount: ************882.50 Eight Hun<hod Eighty-Two IDld 501100 DOII=.............................................A...... ____...---- . to tho MONTICELLO ECDN. DEVELOP. AUTHORITY 11ft . / '--1 Order of 505 WALNUT ST - SUITE 1 .._~"_ ;r;,=-L t!.If/!tt/~\:~~o~--- .l..rZ/J1:fI-{?'<I?w A TTN: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1110 5 g 7 2 g III I: 2 g ~ 0 700 0 ~ I: 7 B b ~ ~ b ~ 7 B gill J J~ - , W'-- . ~ - ~ - '~--.-.-.- ,-,",",", (, . ' , ~ ! !: ~! I ! '1. 5".0 () 0 \.P - 6 ~-"--""" \ ~d. ~ - $ d~ ~ Specializi~ Limited Assortment Wholesale Groc~ ?is . yt,.t.f ~ Stepbe.o ToneI executive Vice president lItePhenoctswh~I__. '""""",e.com September 15. 2003 MONTICELLO Mr. Stephen Torrel Executive Vice President C. 1. S. 4900 North Hwy 169. Suite 108 Minneapolis, tvIN 55428 Comprehfllsive Inventory SoIutl~_- llC 4900 North Hwy ........ Mi . 169, SuIte 108 fUleapolls, Minnesota 55428 phone 763.971.2929 fax 763.971.2930 WWW.cfswholesaJe.com Dear Steve: Thanks for introducing yourself at the Rotary Golf Outing today. 1 hope you had fun and maybe even came m'lay with a few prizes. . I \-'lork as the Economic Development Director for the City of Monticello promoting industrial business growth and retention including job and wage level creation. The H- Window building was constructed in about 1987 by the Winkelman Building Corporation, St. Cloud, MN and some years later was doubled in size. Should c.I.S. purchase the building and wish to lease-out a portion of the building, this lease information can be added to the City Web Site (w\V\v.ci.rnonticello.mn.lls). From time to time, I receive calls from businesses or individuals looking for lease space. I'd be happy to market your space and refer the interested parties to your contact person. Attached is a marketing brochure ancl other journals promoting the City of Monticello. Should you have further questions about Monticello or if I can assist in any other \-vay, please call me at 763-271-3208. 1 look fonvard to hearing from you. Sincerely. CITY OF MONTICELLO ~~\~Q!~~ ()lli..: Kowpchak Economic Development Director . Attachments Monticello City Hull. 505 Wulnut Street. Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-~~31 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works. 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello. MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fux: (763) 271-3272 d~ ~ ~', ~ ' ~ , tI:J..... - >....... . -."" ~,-,',', . . I !: l I ! !. . . September 9. 2003 MONTICELW Me Wyck Linder SciMecl Life Systems. Inc. Division of Boston Scientific Corporation One SCIMED Place Maple Grove, l'vfN 55311 Dear Wyck: Thank you for the telephone call of yesterday and for responcling to the marketing information from the City of Monticello. I congratulate Boston Scientific on their proposed construction of a 260.000 square foot manufacturing facility in Maple Grove. Should some unforeseeable event cause Boston Scientific to re-consider their site location decision, the City of Monticello is prepared to offer Boston Scientific the following TIF package based on some assumptions and subject to job and \vage level goals. Assumptions: Commence construction in 2004. first tax increment in 2006. Construction of a 260.000 square foot manufacturing facility. Acquisition of at least 15 acres of Light Industrial/Business Campus Zoned Land. Site Location - Monticello Commerce Center (south side of East Chelsea Road). Land Price: $65340 per acre. Offer valid through December 31. 2003. Subject to: Job and wage level goals. City Codes and Zoning Ordinances. T[F requirements. TIF Offer: The City of Monticello offers to \'lrite-down 15.30 acres of industrial land to $1.00 (a $1,000.000 value) through the pay-as-you-go finance method owr nine years at 6.5% interest rate. If you are interested in pursuing this otTer or have questions. please call me at 763-271-3208. Additionally. the City of Montieello has sllccessfully secured two grants of $500.000 and $290.000 from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. The City then lent the c10llars to Twin City Die Castings Company and Ultra Machining Company Monticello City Hall. 50S Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . <\.) Mr. Linder Page :2 (UMC) respcctivcly at a 10\';' interest rate of2.75%. Additionally, the City has its own revolving loan fund program w-hich offers an interest rate of up to 2% below prime, Loan amounts are based on job and wage level creation and fund balance. Real estate development and machinery and equipment are eligible costs. Upon meeting with Boston Scientific to obtain estimated project costs and job/wage level information, I would be happy to prepare a financial proposal from the City of Monticello. Wyck, I plan to call you to set up a date to visit SciMed in Maple Grove to see tirst-hand your operation and product lines. This to establish a relationship between the City of Monticello and Boston Scientific in hopes of exploring future expansion projects. As you can see, the City of Monticello has many amenities to offer the employees of SciMed and offers a pro-active financial package to quality manufacturing businesses such as Boston Scientific. As always, I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director c: Bruce Thielen, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller. Administrator File .1 . . '0 i .. .. en a:: w ...J :I: w ~ 2;: 1i .. .~ .ti c~ 0,2 ::E :3 CD . to '" ~ ~ 0. ~r--~~~.e.c1~~~cr~~~ ... c:t~, aZoo22o Q C Q 10 CIlI'- N N N N Q 10 :=J 11\ 1,1 0'" d'.... >- .~ Qui:' ~ ~ ~!: 0..- 00 - ~ '"'" I!H ijlz l~ ;<< ,;: 19 ,u. 'r "" ,<< <> ;u.; :j: i i ~ ~ <0 ~ Q ~ ~> :i ~o~ a 1l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~~; -:c E ~"E ,~ ~:cg~uE~~E ~ I::;; ~,g~ ~~ ~ o'2~ ~~f~~~~~~:~~ Jjo~ ';:;~;g~~~ ~~CJ~~~~~;"E-;~ I" 1ii5-g::t:~rJli:g~l.LfQ...I _ll::;.-~.""bl"/~~",I-~ .~,~~.1:;~~~~~~~;~ --~:l-.~:"IUIGL>lIIG>IIIo~1/lI Udd~/!:.~.3~::.(:o:::':( 'IO[..r ~..l! ~ zZ$S! a~Q ! 'I ~ .... ll:: ~~ ~ 2,.2 ~ *i: ~-';1 o e ~ >11 III : ~ 8 ~~ ; ~ ~ ~s 'EEliO:", ~ ~a: -8 ~ 66~,!::;: ~~~~~ LLLL...Jiii:E ~~ "'''' ~~ ~~ ~ ~ 0.0. ~ ~ 0. g""-r.;:;;< ~~~~~: t; . ~~g .00 III d o. ~of)"" 0-.... " .. 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"Q 0 E c c ! !!! .g ~ ~ " ." ... t E :s i! ;:: .. !!o .. .. .; .. oft d~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ;;. :: " ~.i r.; ~ ~ ~I:;"~ ~1('1"'1 :r. ~!~ ;1 i .. , ,- . c ~.. ~ . ~-~~~~ ': .. ~ :it;:: ~llm ~,.. -" .. ~., ...... J; " tzr::j_.__u _____._ . . .. . .- . , , , , r. , . . " (, 'I!' . . August 29. 2003 MONTICELW Mr. Tom McGoldrick. CEO rvlonteris Medical. Inc. 351 Tache Avenue Winnipeg, ON R2H-2A6 Canada RE: Site Search for manufacturing plant in Minnesota. Dear Mr. McGoldrick: Congratulations to Monteris Medical, Inc. for its decision to establish a manufacturing plant in l'vlinnesota within the next year. Before Monteris Medical makes a decision on a Minnesota site. read what Monticello has to offer i'vlonteris Medical and its employees? The City of Monticello is located along 1-94, one of the fastest growing corridors in the State of Minnesota, just 30-35 minutes northwest of Minneapolis. It's 100 square-mile school district has a population of 18,000 and the city has population of nearly 10,000. Our housing permit trend has an annual average of 250 permits. Seven housing sub-divisions recently received approval which \-vill add another 1,135 units. This demonstrates housing options for Monteris Medical employees. The Monticello Community Center. the Mississippi River. 19 city parks. pathways, numerous soccer and softball/baseball fields. and golf courses provide residents with many recreational opportunities. The Monticello/Big Lake Hospital is currently in its second expansion in three years and a new state- of-the-art high school was completed in 1999. Two market-rate independent senior housing facilities, one assisted-living facility \-\lith memory~loss units, and a nursing home provide alternative living choices for loved ones of your employees. The City continues to w'ork with developers on c!mvntown redevelopment and big box retail developments. Currently. the city, a developer. and the Min11t:sota Department of Transportation are reviewing plans and funding for a new 1-94 interchange at County Road 18. This is being driven hy a planned retail development. This proposed interchange will add a second exit point between 1~94 and the ~Ionticello COl1llllcn.:e Center. an industrial parle Either the [-94/Trllnk I ligl1\vay 25 Interchange or the proposed 1-94/County Road I H Inlt:rchange \vollld provide direct access to yOllr customer and supply base in Minnesota. the lJ.S.. and Canada. Montic;ello City Hall, 505 W"lnut Street, Suite I, Montic;cllo, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fux: (763) 295-4404 Oftlce of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Montic;ello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . d.) \Ir. \kCiolJrick August .29. 2003 Page .2 Utra \Iachining Company (U~IC). which manufacturers medical instruments and devices. moved into their new 70.000 square foot office/manufacturing facility located in the \Ionticello Commerce Center this week. At least ..W acres of industriallbusiness campus land remains in the Monticello Commence Center. an ideal site for your manufacturing facility. Why not otTer your employees a place to call home without traffic congestion and the friendliness and pride of a small-to\\n community? Just give me a call at 763-271-3208 for a tour of Monticello and its industrial sites. Lastly. the City of Monticello has been successful at securing grants from the State of Minnesota for industrial use. Additionally. we offer Tax Increment Financing and a below-prime interest rate loan program for real estate development or machinery/equipment purchase to qualifying businesses. A tinancial proposal will be prepared upon receiving information on project size and job/wage goals. I look forward to hearing from Monteris Medical. Inc. Again. please call me at (763) .271-3208 or e-mail meatollie.koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us. With warm regards. CITY OF MONTICELLO ct)~ ~CI\O~S)~ Ollie Koropchak Economic De\'elopment Director Enclosures c: Bruce Thielen. Mayor Rick Wolfsteller. Administrator Ed Sorgatz. Olson General Contractors. Inc. . . ts cO C o (.) ~ 10 E (t 01 @ l:Ol L 01 c: 'iij 01 10 c: ti 'a. ::; ]- ~I UJI L L -:+Il ...J a: 01 c.J ,5 - Q Q l.lJ :::l Vl Z 0 - ::II: 0 a: .... Vl - I.I.l OJ - ::::l LL ~ E a: ...J Q :z: ~ (I) I.I.l I.I.l c.J (I) Q I.I.l 0 l- e! It c.. t) :z: a:: - :::l e ...J L -c ! (j .... [ Ji .a I - ...J iri ~ Q) 01 S: a:l ~ E (I) (I) ,~ Qj iri 'S 10 Q) Q) ~ L E ~ i:: Q) ~I z -0 U "0 0 'S ~ ~ 0 c 0 CO c: "ii3 u t) z 0 ~ :::l c: -&. '0 "ii3 0 :::l :::l L.LJ a. U U LL Q) E t) a. UJ 0 &. c u ll. 0 Lt OJ 0 Ci5 . ~ LL ~~ :E: p.. N o ['- r-l M Q) E .~ E-I M o , '<:f' o , ~J Q) :~ !J ~V l-l Q) Ul P