HRA Agenda 11-05-2003 . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 5, 2003 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Brid~e Room Commissioners: Chair Steve Andrews, Vice Chair Uill Fair, Dan-in Lahr, Dan Frie, and Urad Barger. Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. Guests: Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services Steve Johnson, Block 52 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the October 1,2003 BRA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. 5. . 6. Consideration to review revised uses/sources statement after receiving bids and TI F assistance for redevelopment of Landmark Square Phase 11. Continued - Consideration to hear updates: A. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 52. B. Other request for financial assistance. 7. Consideration to approve a recommendation for City Council consideration to authorize preparation of a purchase agreement for acquisition of said property for industrial development. A. Initia] sites considered. 13. Land price offers, estimated infrastructure costs, build-out cost analysis, and proposed financing. C. Recommendation and rational of the Industrial Land Subcommittee. D. City Council Workshop, Monday, November 10,2003,6:00 p.m. City Council Meeting, Monday, November ]0,2003,7:00 p.m. 8. 9. 10. II. . 12. 13. Consideration to hear follow-up ofO'Connor's request for status of business relocation claim. Consideration to authorize payment of HRA bills. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Committee Reports. Other Business. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 1,2003 - 6:00 p.m. 505 \Valnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners Present: Chair Steve Andrews. Vice Chair Bill Fair. and Dan Frie. Commissioners Absent: Brad Barger and Darrin Lahr. Council Liaison Present: Roger Carlson. Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak. Guests: Brad Johnson. Lotus Realty Services Scott Douglas. Downto\vn Property Ow'ner. Mike O'Connor. TO\vnship resident. Al Garber. James & Gruber 1. Call to Order. Chair Andrews called the HRA meeting to order at 6: 10 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the September 3. 2003 HRA minutes. 81LL FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 3.2003 HRA MINUTES. SECONDED BY DAN FRIE AND WITH NO CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS. THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the ag.enda. A. Scott Douglas. submission of a letter from Keith Kjellberg. Under Item No.6. B. AI Garber. request for TIF assistance. Under Item No.6. C. Mike O'Connor. status of reimbursement for business relocation costs. Under Item No.6. 4. Consent A!!enda. None. 5. Consideration to discuss funding tWP of landmark Square Phase II proiect. establish public purpose. and determine le\'C1 ofTlF assistance. Koropchak informed the commissioners that since the September HRA meeting Wolfstdler and hersdfhad met with Fluth and Johnson and identified options to narrow the $234.872 gap. Then:atkr. Wolfsteller. Mark Ruff. and herself met to further discuss . . . HRA Minutes - 10/01/03 the options. Ruff suggested the HRA not debate the sources and uses statement numbers but to answer the following questions: What is the value of the redevelopment project (three homes for nine row houses and duplex'?) Secondly. Koropchak reiterated the pros and cons of the options discussed to close the gap. Brad Johnson noted on the developers side there is some room for cost adjustments bet\veen $60.000 to $100.000. Bids are expected in next week reported Johnson. The developer' s revised uses and sources statement indicated TIF at $188.000 and a gap of $231.000. HRA commissioners noted the cost for redevelopment of two substandard homes at $295.000. this a high cost for higher density. In order for the project to proceed. the need is $188.000 plus $125.000 gap tinancing according to Johnson. Commissioner Andrews liked the project but not that kind of money. Frie felt the neighborhood concept was a viable project and felt there was TIF dollars. Frie suggested $135.000 gap and Fair suggested $75.000 gap. Fair noted his disappointment in moving forward without input from the two commissioners absent. Andrews said he liked the project and it \vas consistent with the downtown revitalization plan. DAN FRIE MADE A MOTION TO OFFER TIF ASSISTANCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $157.500 NPV AT 6.5% INTEREST RATE COMMENCING PA Y ABLE 2006 AND OVER THE LIFE OF THE DISTRICT FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ACQUISITION OF SUBSTANDARD HOMES. BILL FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSl Y. DAN FRIE MADE A MOTION TO OFFER TIF ASSISTANCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $125.000 FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH DEMO. ELECTRIC POLE RELOCATION. UTILITY AND PARKING lOT CONSTRUCTION EXPENDED FROM THE TIF DISTRICT 1-22 FUND. STEVE ANDREWS SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSl Y. 6. Continued - Consideration to hear updates: A. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 51. No update. B. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 52. Concept C was reviewed at site review hy staff and consultants. Planner Grittman suggested retai \loflice on tirst noor of proposed housing. Particularly. the northeast corner. as this is the northerly entrance to the commercial Jistrict of Monticello. Secondly. he suggested zero lot-line along Broadway consistent with the Comp Plan. These suggestions or recommendations forwarded to the developer. Update from Steve Johnson via Koropchak: Still working with developers on design concept. Plan to be at the November HRA meeting. Scott Douglas on behalf of Keith Kjellberg submitted a letter from a potential lessee. Kjellberg wants to improve the looks of his building reported Douglas but is reluctant to ') . . . HRA Minutes - 10101103 make the investment because of the lack of decision by the HRA. The I-IRA was encouraged to not drag their feet about the future of Block 52. The commissioners responded that redevelopment projects are driven by developers and noted that eligible TIF District No. 1-22 expenditures must be expended by developers no later than June 30. 2004. C. Other request for financial assistance. a) Koropchak noted the request for TIF assistance from James & Gruber. Although the proposed project is consistent \'lith the Revitalization Plan and a great project. the project appears to be an expansion not a redevelopment project (no demolition). If the existing building qualities as "substantially substandard". perhaps the proposed project would qualify for TIF. Al Garber asked for written infi)fmation as to "how they could qualitY for lIF assistance?"' The commissioners asked Koropchak to provide copies of the Minnesota Statutes and local criteria for the "but for" test. b) At the request of Bruce ~Iamond. Koropchak reported on the proposed plans to construct a new office/retail building on lot 9. Block 36 and to refurbish the existing building on Lot 8. Block 36 constructing an exterior facade as a single building. ~Ir. I-Iamond requested TIF assistance and requested the f-lRA have some discussion. Once again. a great project similar to the James & Gruber project. Mr. Hamond plans to attend the EDA meeting to request matching funds; although. the program has been discontinued. The I-IRA suggested demolition of the existing building due to its age and being held together \vith a cable. The commissioners asked Koropchak to provide copies of the Minnesota Statutes and local criteria for the "but for" test to Hamond. the same as to James & Gruher. c) Mike O'Connor. prcvious owner of property along Front Street. appeared before the HRA. He inquired as to the status of his business relocation cost stating he had receivcd about $3.000 and has heard nothing more. The commissioners noted the HRA paid a fair price for acquisition of the home and paid the residential rdocation costs. If a business existed. the business \vas illegal or in non-compliance of the City Zoning and Ordinance. Thc commissioners advised city staff not to research further and suggested O'Connor check with his attorney. 7. Consickration to authorize pavment of HRA hills. DAN FRIE \L\DE A ivlOTION TO AUTHORIZE PA yrvlENT OF THE OCTOBER liRA BILLS. SECONDED BY BILL FAIR AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. THE MOTION PASSED C:NANIMOL;SLY. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. With no questions to the written report. Koropchak encouraged the commissioners to attend the UMC Open 1.louse. 3 . . . HRA Minutes - 1 % 1/03 9. Committee Reports. A. Marketing Subcommittee - No report. B. Industrial land Options - Frie representing the HRA reported on the progress of the group gathering information for the purpose of recommending an industrial site for acquisition. The group is considering three sites: Chadwick. Weinard. and Graser sites. The small group will present their recommendation to the HRA and IDC in November requesting action to forward to the City Council on November 10. 10. Other Business. Bill Fair suggested the City Council. HRA, and Planning Commission members hold a joint meeting and asked Council member Roger Carlson to forward the suggestion. 11. Adiournment. BILL FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE HRA MEETING. SECONDED BY DAN FRIE AND WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS. THE BRA MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:55 P.M. C9~ \< 0\" Zi)t>-J~ Recorder - HRA Chair 4 . . . II RA Agenda - 11/05/03 5. Consideration to review revised uses/sources statement after receiving bids and TIF assistance for redevelooment of Landmark SQuare Phase It. A. Reference and backeround: At the HRA meeting last month, the commissioners approved TIF assistance for Phase II of Landmark Square. Up-front assistance in the amount of not- to-exceed $157,500 at 6.5% interest rate for acquisition of substandard homes and not-to-exceed $125,000 for costs associated with demo, electric pole relocation, utility and parking lot construction expended from TIF District No. 1-22 Funds. (Please review minutes). Fluth, Johnson, Wolfsteller, and Koropehak have met since the October HRA meeting and after the developer received construction bids. The developers again talked about options to narrow the gap via the City or HRA. Mr. Johnson requested to be on the November I-IRA agenda. Staff suggested that the uses/sources statement he updated prior to addressing the Councilor HRA. Fluth requested meeting with Kennedy & Graven to begin drafting on the Contract for Redevelopment. Unable to arrange a meeting time prior to Fluth leaving for AZ, we will converse by conference calls and e-mail. A variance for first-floor residential use in the CCD is anticipated to he on the December Planning Commission meeting. City staff and consultants have not accepted a conceptual site plan for this project. Since Mr. Johnson is out-or-town til November 3, no further information is provided. . . . BRA Agenda - 11/05/03 6. Continued - Consideration to hear updates: A. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 52. Since the Octobcr HRA mceting and at the request of the developcr, the city staff, Planncr Steve Grittman, and Enginecr Bret Wciss met with the Steve Johnson; Bill Gorton, McComb Group; Larry Olson, Metro Plains; and Laverne llanson, Metro Plains, in a pre-dcsign meeting. Mr. Gorton, represcnting the national retailcr (Walgreens), indicated the rctailer's desire of a free standing building (14,300 sq ft) with parking surrounding thc facility (a typical suburban style.) Of the threc design conccpts reviewed by thc HRA in September, this was not the concept supported by thc HRA. At thc pre- dcsign meeting, Planncr Grittman pointed-out the conccpt did not comply with the Downtown Revitalization Plan (Comp Plan). The Comp Plan calls for a traditional downtown style with zero lot-line, two/three story buildings with a connection to the river. Grittman talkcd about communitics now building a traditional downtown and wanting what Monticello has. TraHic along Highway 25 and Broadway was discussed. Grittman notcd to construct the Walgrcen dcsign, thc Comp Plan would need to be amcnded and suggested the preliminary design conccpt be on the Planning Commission Agcnda for discussion. This item appears on the Planning agenda of Monday, Novcmber 3 at 6:00 p.m. Thc Metro Plains individuals are interested in doing a housing project in Monticello. They had concerns about rear trash containment and rear building acsthctics as it could cnhance or distract the ability to market a housing project. Metro Plains is working with Elk River in a downtown housing project. Fred Kattcr, Pineapple Company, did inform me that he was proceeding to contact all the property owners on Block 52 to inquire of their interest to sell. Attached is the conccpt design presented at the pre-design meeting on October 15. Copy of traffic report by WSB, Inc. copics of Walgreen facade designs. Revised TIF District No. 1-22 schedule. If possiblc, a copy of Grittman' s report to the Planning Commission. B. Other reQuest for financial assistance. James & Gruber expansion - At the request of the lIRA, the attached information rclativc to Minn. Statutory rcquircments for redcvelopmcnt districts was submitted to AI Garber, .James & Gruber, thc day following the October HRA meeting. They are requesting a conditional use permit and parking variance at the Planning Commission in November. Bruce Hamond, West Broadway expansion - Thc same information has been forwardcd to Mr. Hamond. I did talk to him about the possibility of demolishing the cxisting building. . HRA Agenda - 11/05/03 The building with thc cable for re-enforcement, as discussed by the I I RA, was the building further to the west which received an EDA loan and grant to renovate both the interior and exterior. For your information, the EOA membcrs re-affirmed their earlier decision (2002) which discontinued the DMRF program. Unrelated to TIF assistance, John Kamarck is renovating his commercial property at 6th and Walnut Street adding a second floor and new exterior facade. . . 2 . WA(,N4r~ t&5 'fM(c;1~ ~IV.EP I 1 ~ L'i sr ~ ~ i . ~$ I. r" ... WSB ociates. Inc. . 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 eapolis Minnesota 55422 763,541-4800 763,541,1700 FAX Memorandum To: Bret Weiss, P.R, City Engineer, City of Monticello Chuck Rickart, P.E., P. T.O.E, Traffic Engineer +""'" September 30,2003 From: Date: Re: Block 52 Redevelopment Traffic Review Monticello, MN WSB Project No. 1488-10 I have prepared a review of the traffic issues related to the Block 52 redevelopment, dated Febmary 26,2003. Based on that site plan, I offer the following comments: 1. The Walnut Street parking area shows two mid-block access points. The access point on the west side appears to not be an access to a street or adjacent parking lot. If this is an access to an adjacent parking lot, it should line up with the access to the Block 52 development access, if possible. If it is not an access point, the islands could be removed. 2. Access to River Street is only shown at the parking ramp access. Ifthe access to TH 25 (Pine Street) and CSAH 75 (Broadway Street) is restricted to right-in/right-out, site circulation may become an issue. Consideration should be given to providing a full- movement access to River Street from Walnut Street. 3. The turnaround in the 42-stall parking lot just south of the 3-story condominium (Phase 3) appears to be too small and would require a car to actually back out of the parking aisle. 4. The turnaround in the parking lot just north of the Phase 2, 3-story office building appears to be too short, and would require a vehicle to back out of the parking aisle. 5. The access between the existing parking and the new 42-stall parking lot should line up with the existing drive aisles in the existing parking lot. The plan does not show if this is occurring. 6. A signing and striping plan showing the signs and pavement markings on River Street, Pine Street, and Broadway Street should be provided. 7. If cut-through traffic would occur between Pine Street and Walnut Street, it will be forced to travel in front of the condominium's main door or the office building main door. This could cause pedestrian and vehicle conflicts. MI'rlrl('.'."f)()II'C. St CI dEl 0 t 't E IF:IWPWINlI488-IOI0930OJ.memo-bw,doc Q '., _ au ' qlld ppor .1.1111 y mp oyer \ \ . . ---- e '--;fd II /. A~ ... y<}V ~ >4 o ......."" .,' Site Plan - Office, Condomin,ium and,Parking Main level ':",' " :~U !::,:':llR Block 52 Development, Monticello. Minnesota . :~H ," j 26 Februaty 2003 '~m . J , . 11 t 1he Redmond Company 1 Markets - Commercial Page 1 of 1 . . . COMPANY i~' . Retail II Financial SERVICES (lHi'IP!!H1<I Ii,,,,,'" "'!t' ~t ""',,,..A " " ,.~.< ~ :', : ,':.11,':; ,'", oN ..' ~!'; , ,:~ L " ' '""",' ".;"""" "_.:" " ., \1,.' s ~',-',:,.' ~ l!i&IIlI < BACK TO COMMERCIRL O<,JER<,JIEW . @ 2003 The Redmond Company .Commercial II Service COMMERCIAL Redmond Headquarters Waukesha, Wisconsin http://www.theredmondco.com/markets/com Jcdmond.html 10/13/2003 Redmond Commercial Development . . . Page 1 of 1 GALLERY ~~Yo':~~:~~nSW Shoes 45,480 square feet I @ 2003 The Redmond Company http://www.rcdmondconunercia1.com/G.ht111l .~' \,c . . ,-, .)~;'.., ",'. ,\.," .. ~..~'" .:!" -, I,~.. , , ' .f ,.~~,. ',~:, .,....,. ~"-~>... C il":,;,.'"' ".. '" ,~Jf~ ,~'" ...~'It ~~.".'.k."~. -~~ RI!.,.,'i,~.. . ~. SACK TO OIJERVIE:W ~, - 10113/2003 Redmond Commercial Development . . GALLERY Walgreens Moorland/Greenfield - Brookfield I @ 2003 The Redmond Company . http://www.rcdmondcommercial.comll O.html Page 1 of 1 .~'. ' , ,_ "..':,:',',,:~:' ",' ~~" ,,~, r "':'~;. 'w~"_'ol',,,.:,~\r. I '..''',~<'. ~....~ ~..U ~.- ~/' C ~~tti: ~. .,"'~ . . .~.. ..,:<......~ .... ."'ii''''''[a :',t)!~," ',,'~, :,'WIil!fl,,, ,'~>": '"''''" ",' '"" ....."..""..i.,". . ~ .. BACK TO OVlE:F1VIEUJ > - 10/13/2003 Redmond Commercial Development . . GALLERY Walgreens Mukwonago I @ 2003 The Redmond Company . http://www.redmondconunercial.comll3 .html Page 1 of 1 II E;.............~..... .',.. ',1,.: ,,- "'<". , ,-' ,..""," w'.,~~."..../.J::" ','~:> ~.Ii - .,='" ' ,'~;: :' ~;;.;~.. '" ~...--- ~/. . C He.,....,. ._ .. . .... . ';;..;~'::~ ~.'.' ~ ~ .. BACK TO OVERVIEW> - 10/1312003 . . . SCHEDULE BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE December 3 J-IRA meeting - Finance Plan submitted. January 7 HRA mccting - March 3 liRA meeting - April 7 HRA meeting- May 5 HRA meeting - June 30, 2004 - Site Plan submitted. Site control. Developer demonstratcs financing commitments. Contract for Private Redevelopment between developer(s) and HRA executed. I IRA authorizes issuance of Permanent Bonds. All eligible TIF expenditures must be spent. ~o G <:>-Jv~ ~ <YVY1 ~ cL c~ 'Q. l'.e- S ~ . Subsection 23-4. Redevelopment Plan Overview 1. Property to be Acquired - Selected property located within District No. 1-22 may be acquired by the City or HRA and is further described this Plan. 2. Relocation ~ Complete relocation services are available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of the developer's plan relating to the project and completion of the necessary legal requirements, the City or HRA may sell to the developer selected properties that they may acquire within District No. 1-22 or may lease land or facilities to the developer. 4. The City or HRA may perfonn or provide for some or all necessary acqulS\tlOn, construction, relocation, demolition, and required utilities and public streets work within District No. 1-22. Subsection 23.5. Leesl Description of Property in Tax Increment Financin2 District No. 1-22 District No. 1-22 encompasses all property and adjacent rights-of~way identified by the parcels as illustrated on the map in Appendix A and listed in Appendix B. Subsection 23.6. Classification of Tax Increment Financine District No. 1.22 . The City and HRA, in detennining the need to create a tax increment financing district in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, as amended, inclusive, find that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-22, to be established, is a redevelopment district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174, Subdivision 1 O(a)(1) as defined below: f- (a) *(bJ . * City of Monlic~lIo "Redevelopment district" means a type of tax increment financing district consisting of a project. or portions of a project. within which the authority finds by resollttion that one of the following conditions. reasonably distributed throughout the district. exists: ( I ) parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area in the district are occupied by buildings. streets. utilities. or other improvements and more than 50 percent of the bui/dings. not including outbuildings. are structllra/ly substandard to a degree requiring subswlltial renovation or clearance; or (2) The properry consists of vacant, unused, underused. inappropriately used. or infrequentl.v lIsed railyards. rail storage facilities or excessive or vacated railroad rights-of-way. For purposes of this subdivision. "~uctllrallv substandard" shall mean containing defects in struCll/ral elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities. light and ventilation. fire protection including adequate egress. layout and condition of interior partitions. or similar factors. which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify Sllbstantial reno\'ation or clearance. A bllilding is not strtlclllrally substandard if it is in compliance \..:ith the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than J 5 T:u Increm~nt Financing Plan for T:u Increment Financing District No. 1-22 23.2 . percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard ullder the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably avai/able evidence. such as the size. type. and age of the building. the average cost of plumbing, electrical. or structural repairs or other similar reliable evidence. If the evidence supporrs a reasonable conclusion that the building is not disqualified as structurally substandard, the municipality may make such a determination .....ithout an interior inspection or an independent. expert appraisal of the cost of repair and rehabilitation of the building... (c) For purposes of this subdivision. a parcel is not occupied by buildings. streets. utilities or other improvements until 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains improvements. In meeting the statutory criteria described above. the City and HRA rely on the following facts and findings: . An inventory of the parcels shows that at least 70 percent of the parcels in District No. 1-22 are occupied as defined in the TIF Act. An inspection of the buildings located within District No. 1-22 finds that more than 50 percent of the buildings are structurally substandard as defined in the TIF Act (See Appendix E for detailed findings). Subsection 23.7. Orhdnal Tax Capacity and Tax Rate . pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174, Subdivision 7 and Sections 469.177, Subdivision 1. the Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTC) as certified for District No. 1-22 is based on the market values placed on the property by the assessor in 1996 for taxes payable 1997. Pursuant to Sections 469.177. Subds. 1 and 2. of the TIF Act, the County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning in the payment year 1999) the amount by which the original value has increased or decreased as a result of a change in tax-exempt property within District No. 1-22. reduction or enlargement of District No. 1-22 or changes in connection with previously issued building pennits. In any year in which the current Net Tax. Capacity value of District No. 1-22 declines below the ONTC, no value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the City or HRA. The County Auditor shall certify in each year after the date the ONTC was certified (beginning in payment year 1999), the amount the ONTC has increased or decreased as a result of: 1. change in tax exempt status of property; 2. reduction or enlargement of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3. change due to adjustments. negotiated or court-ordered abatements; 4. change in the use of the property and classification; or 5. change in state law governing class rates. The original local tax rate for District No. 1-22 will be the local tax rate for taxes payable 1997. The Original Tax Capacity and the Original Local Tax Rate for District ~o. 1-22 appear in the table below. Original Tax Capacity Value Percent Retained by Authority Original Tax Rate $1,293,033 (estimate) 100 % 1.10581 (estimate) . Cily of :l.lonlicdlo T:u Increm~nl Financing Plan for T:u Incr~m~nt Financing District No. to:!:! 2).) . ProjecT Area PROJECTS AND DISTR ICTS Projects. Tax increment financing is used in conjunction with underlying development and redevelopment powers. Tax increments must be spent within particular geographic areas created under the development statutes. The basic planning area is often referred to as a "Project Area," "Development District" or "Redevelopment Project" which also has other names according to the authorizing statute of the authority under which it was created. Typically, the following types of authorities can administer tax increment districts: City Council.' City or County BRA: EDA: Port Authorities or County EDA: Development District Act HRA. Act EDA Act Special Legislation M'-II Projects require a general development or redevelopment plan, approved after a public hearing held by the City CouncL ~e boundaries tend to be large areas within which the authority intends to promote development or redevelopment. Tlf Districts. llF Districts are the specific parcels within a Project area from which tax increment will be captured. Following is a description of the general types of TlF districts: Redevelopment Districts 1<' Qualific:ltions: "Redevelopment district" means a type of tax increment financing district consisting of a project, or portions of a project, within which the authority finds by resolution that one or more of the following conditions, reasonably distributed throughout the district, exists: I. parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or other improvements and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance; or 2. the property consists of vacant, unused, underused, inappropri3tely used. or infrequently used railyards, rail storage facililies. or excessive or vacated railroad rights-of-way; or . 3. tank facilities, or property whose immediately previous use was for tank facilities, as defined in section 1 15c.02, subdivision 15, if the tank facilities: (i) have or had a capac it)' of more than 1,000,000 ga lions; (ii) are located adjacent to rail facilities; and (iii) have been removed or are unused, underused. inappropriately used. or infrequently used. Ehlers & Associates - TIF Basics 2 Term and restrictions. Redevelopment districts may collect increment for twenty~five years after the date of receipt of the first increment. May designate commencement in the year when the market value reaches an agreed. upon minimum (no more than four years after date of certification), in which case the district duration is 20 years after such commencement date. : At least 90% of the increment must be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow designation of redevelopment districts. Renovation and Renewal Districts Qualifications. The same parcel and area requirements apply as for a redevelopment district. but only 20% of the buildings need be structurally substandard; another 30% of the buildings must require renovation or clearance to remove conditions such as inadequate street layout. incompatible land uses, or obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or conversion to other uses (that is, a lesser standard of blight). Term. Restrictions. May collect increment for fifteen years after the date of receipt of the first increment. At least 90% of the increment must be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow designation of renovation and renewal districts. Housing Districts Qualifications. Must be a facility intended for occupancy in part by persons or families of low and moderate income. Up to 20% of the fair market value of the improvements may be for uses other than low and moderate income housing. Term and Restrictions. May collect increment for hventy five years after the date of receipt of the first increment, subject to the same exception as for redevelopment districts. To maintain qualification as a housing district, residents' income must he limited. The rental income requirements apply for the life of the district. If the income requirements are violated, the district duration is reduced to that Of:1O economic development district. . Qualified Housine District: Additional restrictions apply for a "qualified housing district" that is exempt from state aid penalties. Given the elimination of stale aid penalties, the status of this type of district is uncertain. Economic Development Districts Qualifications. The district does not meet the qualifications for any other type of district, and the municipality must find that the district will (1) discourage business from moving to another state or municipality; (2) increase employment in the state; or (3) preserve and enhance the tax base of the state. Term and Restrictions. May collect increment for eight years after the date of receipt of the first increment. Increment may not be used to assist developments ifmore than 15% of the buildings and facilities (on a square footage basis) are used for a purpose other than: (a) manufacturing; (b) warehousing, storage and distribution of tangible personal property (excluding retail sales): (c) research and development related to the aforementioned activities; (d) telemarketing if that activity is the exclusive use of the property: (c) "tourism facilities;" . (t) qualified border retail facilities; or (g) space necessary for and related to the above. Ehlers & Associates - TIF Basics 3 ~ , '" , ( , . ~,-,~,J ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I'hon..:: /:a:\: Llllail: (7(':; I .::C' 1-.,21)1\ (-:-63 I 21!:;i--J.j()-J olli..:kllropdlak {/ Ci.1ll0Illiccllo.llln,us Econolll ie D<.:\<.:loplll<':llt Dir<.:ctor MONTICELW HOLSINC Aj\lD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF ;\,IONTICELLO. MINNESOTA T:\X INCREiVIENT FINANCE PROCESS E!igih!1.! T/F t!x!h'l1c1irllrl.!s: [UI1c1 uC(fllisiriol1. il1\(u!luriol/ ufj)/(hlic UI1c1 o/I-\'ile illlprol"e/llt!l1rs, clemoliliol1. i"t!!o('(/riol1. fJui"killg j(xililil.'s. Ul/cI SIi"l.'ets UI1c1 sicll!lra!ks. Timl.'.' Six /() eight Iredsj(Ji" ufJProl"U! T: p.: oi" proj..:ct: E.:onomi.: (fix Illnnul;lcturing and distribution) R":lh:\clopm.:nt ___ (i"or hlighlc'd prop..:rty I Ilousing ~,._ I alTlJrdabl.: housing) Soil CIlIlditiol1 R..:nOlation and r..:n.:\\al D..:\.:lopcr: D.:scriptiOI1 Ill' proj':cl 1"01' ,,:ol1stnll:tion. ':slinHll..:d pmj..:ct costs. nlllllb..:r oi" n":l\ ,jobs II ithinlllO y..:ars and hourly Ilag..:, . ,\mount oi" llF r..:qll<.:stcd: LlIld and or ,;il<.: impnl\..:m<.:nlS and ..:stilllatcd ,'O,;ts. Financing \ktlllld: 1',IY-<l';-YOU-gll or IIp-(ronl. L\:C':lltcd 1'1''':- rI F .-\gr..:..:m":111 and 55.000 cash i..:r ch<.:ck.. rlF I'/an: IIR.\ alltlwriz<.:s pr..:paralionll,'llF Pl,m, Building and sit..: plans submitl<.:d III Chid Building Omcia!. ConlruCI: Findings lilr --buI (or" IC,;{: .-\ proforma and Ietl..:r (rom Iend..:r. '"But 1"01''' m..:ans that th..: pro.l<.:ct II ollld nOI d":I..:IIlp sokly lln pril at..: inl ..:stl11<.:nI in th..: r<.:asonabk I"lltllr..:. .lob cr..:ation: '\llmb..:r o( n":ll i"ull-I i In..: j,'b,; to h..: cr..:at..:d II ithin tllO:- ..:ars, J lourl: II ag<.:' - \ t I..:asl lJII"" or lh<.: Johs cr":~II<.:d mlht pa: a II al,''': oi" lh<.: hlgh..:r oi" S9 I H) p..:r hour. llr al ka,;t 1611""oi"lh..: Ii:d..:ralminiml1m lIag..: r..:ql1ir<.:lll..:nl. ,\l1nllal Ilritl..:n r<.:port is r..:quir<.:d llnlil 1":l"Inil1ation dal<.:. Ifj"h and Ilag..: goals ,II''': l1\lt mc'1. lh..: d<.:\<.:lop..:r mUSI r<.:pa\ lh..: III' as,ist.lIlcc. 1...:\ cl oi" ill' assistanc<.: 1'llihIrllClIPn "I\lllIllc'nccm.:nl and cpmpletion ,I~II":S, Cop: 01" purch~b": ~Igr..:..:m..:nl il" a,;,;i,lanc..: is 1",,1' land .1I:qllisitlon, ('IIP: oi" kas..: ~lgrc''':Ill..:nl II hc'n :lpproprial":. ('cnilk"ti"ll o( ,It..: impr"l ..:mClllS inCllI"l"cd alld p.lid, h id":llc,,: Pi" ,'''Il,lrll,'IIPn Ilnan,'illg. 1'1'",,( "I' 1''': IllCll1 Pi' IIl,ur:lIlC": l'r,'IllIUllh l'<.:rtilicalil,n "I' inc'''Ill'': kl":"- . Illlddlll~ 1'..: 1"1 n it: Illlildil1:; p":J'lnil i"ll..:d .It'kr lh.: III' Ili,trICI" apprlllcd b: ('il\ ('''ulled :lIhl Cl\I1I1-.lcl ("I' I'rl\dk Rc'd<:1 c:1"rlll":llt ,:\:<.:cul,'d h: lh..: d":l ,'I"p..:r ;llld thl' lilt \ 11l'I'Rl'l'l.SS Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. Suite J, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . ARA Agenda - 11/05/03 7. Consideration to aporove a recommendation for City Council consideration to authorize re aration of a urehase a reement of said ro er for industrial develooment. A. Reference and background: , IDC GOAL: TO PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS STREAM OF A V AILABLE INDtJSTRIAL LAND WITH INFRASTRUCTtJRE POTENTIAL. The suhcommittee consisting of HRA Commissioner Dan Frie, I DC members Mary Barher and Dick Van Allen, Administrator Rick Wolfsteller, and Economic Development Director Koropchak request the HRA support their recommendation for the City Council to consider authorizing preparation of a purchase agreement of said property for industrial development. Per the suggestion of the City Attorney, a special meeting of the City Council has been scheduled for Monday, November 10, at 6:00 p.m. to negotiate and discuss terms and conditions of a purchase agreement. Over the past number of years, the I IRA and City Council budgeted funds for future industrial development or acquisition. Including the approved 2004 budget, the accumulated amount of the fund is $931,000. Over the past months, the subcommittee toured the sites identified as the Osowski, Pauman, Otter Creek, Gold Nugget, and Monticello Commercc Ccnter. Following a potential wetland location study of the Osowski property by WSB, Inc. and the potential to re-zone approximately 100 acres of industrial land to commercial near the proposcd 1- 94 and County Rd 18 interchange, the subcommittee narrowed their research to the Otter Creek, Gold Nugget, and Monticello Commerce Center parcels. If re-zoned. this would leave approximately 70 acres of industrial land within the city limits. Restricted by the owner's preference to sell the remaining Monticello Commerce Center (35-40 acres) as one piece and the Monticello Market Place (30 acres) to two users because of the power line, the subcommittee foresaw a more immediate need for industrial land. A typical buyer of industrial land requests between 5 to 10 acres. After the subcommittee received offers from the three property owners and WSB, Inc. prepared estimated street and utility costs, the subcommittee narrowed the options to the Otter Creek Crossing (oiler expires mid-Novemher) and Monticello Commerce Center properties. Ehlers & Associates are currently preparing a cost analysis for the two properties. At what price per acre will the City need to market and sale the land? Does it make economical sense? What are the benefits to the City owning land for industrial development and marketing? This information will be provided at the BRA meeting along with the recommendation ofthe subcommittee. Wolfsteller will provide suggested sources of funds for acquisition and the infrastructure development.. HRA Agenda - 11/05/03 . It Alternative Actions: 1. A motion to approve recommending the City Council consider authorizing the preparation of a Purchase Agreement fl)f acquisition of the _____._ property for industrial development subject to terms and conditions of the City Council. 2. A motion to deny reeommending the City Couneil consider authorizing the preparation of a Purchase Agreement for acquisition of land for industrial development. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Since the subcommittee will meeting Friday morning to review the cost analysis as prepared by Ehlers, staff recommendation will be presented at the lIRA meeting. D. Supporting Data: None. . . 2 . . . HRA Agcnda - 11/05/03 8. Consideration to hcar follow-up of O'Connor's request for status of business rclocation claim. A. Refcrence and backeround: At the October HRA meeting, the commissioners suggested Mr. O'Connor check with his attorney relative to the status of the business reloeation claim for 218 Front Street. Attached is the October] 7 letter to the II RA and Koropchak from Attorney Lindall advising the lIRA and a copy of the letter received from Attorney Peterson. Additionally, Attorney Lindall submitted a draft letter of response dated October 17. I suggested Attorney LindaU re-word the sentence "the lIRA refused to pay" in the second paragraph as the lIRA authorized payment of the residential relocation claim stating this concluded their obligation. The draft letter was revised and mailed as dated October 21,2003. I left Attorney LindaU a message to inform him of the HRA meeting scheduled for November 5,2003, should new information come forth for action. C H ART ERE 0 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Sueet Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) .337-9310 fax http://www.kcnnedy-graven.com . Kennedy &-- Graven ROBERT J. LINDALL Attomey at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9219 Real Property Law Specialist. Certified by Minnesota State Bar Assn. CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRNILEGED COMMUNICATION October 17, 2003 VIA FACSIMILE 763-2954404 Al"'iD U.S. MAIL Ms. Olive Koropchak City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Re: Housin~ Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello v. Michael I. O'Connor. et al.; Wright County District Court File No. C2-01-1924 218 Front Street, Monticello, MN . Dear Ollie: Enclosed herewith is a letter dated October 14, 2003, from John T. Peterson, attorney for Michael I. O'Connor. I have also prepared a possible response to Peterson's letter which is also enclosed. You should be aware that, if the matter is litigated, an independent party may not agree that the HRA's interpretation of the enterprise as being "unlawful" was in accordance with the regulations. For example. Section 24.2(g)(2) "Persons not displaced" provides: The following is non-exclusive listing of persons who do not qualify as displaced persons under this part:... (xi) "A person who is deternlined to be an unlawful occupancy prior to the initiation of negotiations. (See paragraph (y) of this Secdon), or a person who has been evicted for cause, under applicable law, as provided for in Section 24.206." So far as I know, Mr. O'Connor had not been determined to be a "person not displaced" within the meaning of Section 24.2(g)(2)(xi). However, arguably, the HRA had the discretion to determine that Michael O'Connor's enterprise was not a lawful activity even though it did not meet the definition of "unlawful occupancy" pursuant to Section 24.2(g)(2)(xi). . As we have previously discussed, I believe that the HRA's notice of denial of claim arguably did not meet the requirements of Section 24.207(g). That section provides: Notice of denial of claim. If the agency disapproves all or part of a payment claimed or refuses to consider the claim on its merits because of untimely filing or other grounds, it shall promptly notify the claimant in writing of RJL-238993vl MN 190-89 . . . Olive Koropchak Ltr October 17, ~003 Page 2 its determination, the basis for its determination, and the procedures for appealing that determination." However, this arguably will not be an issue unless the HRA refuses to hear an appeal from Mr. O'Connor on the grounds that it is not timely. I would recommend that I send the proposed letter which I have enclosed for your review (unless you think. it should be modified in some respect). Please let me know whether you would like me to send the letter. RJL:peb Enclosure cc: Steve Bubul RJL-238993vl MNI90-89 . . . fZt Il/fro-?t! ~_:~~~:-~-;---:::- '" - -. ... - . -. JOHNSON, LARSON, PETERSON & MATT, P.A. ATfOR:lriEYS AT LAW ~ . 908 CO~l~IERCIAL DRIVE Bl:FFAlO. Ml:"l:"OESOTA 55313 (763) 6824550 FAX: (763) 682-4465 WE8: ~..:1IJ!.mlaw.com . '~,- ~ "" .:. ~.",j :; _OJ , ---' , JA.:.'IJ C. LARSONt JOIL'IJ T. PETERSONt CI~DI S. ~lA IT MICHAEL G. HALVORSON LUTSEN OFFICE CLEARVIEW MALL #2, P.O. BOX 263 LUTSEN, MINNESOTA 55612 (118) 663-0006 OF COt::"iSEL THO~lAS W. RICHARDS THOMAS W. SPENCE WAVERLY OFFICE By Appointment Only t R :,al Pm.Derry Ln... Sp"r./alift C"rtifi"d by Jtilflf,,:Jota Stat" Bar A.S:JOdlltiolf "" ,\1. TER S. JOHNSON I? 12-2001 October 14, 2003 Robert J. Lindall Attorney at Law 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Housing Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello v. Michael I. O'Connor Dear Bob: As you know, the final payment due from the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to Michael O'Connor has been sitting in my file, as this matter has remained stagnant for 4uite some time. I enclose hcr~with a copy of a previous summary provided by Conworth, Inc., the HRA's appraiser, wiL;. respect to their assessment of the fixed moving expenses, closing costs and fixed payment in lieu of actual moving related expenses recommended for payment to my client. As you can see, their estimate totaled $21,292.02. However, the HRA only authorized payment of residential fixed moving expenses in the sum of $1,400.00 and residential incidental closing costs of $1 ,931.52, for a total award of $3,031.52. I understand the HRA denied the payment for business fixed payment in lieu of actual moving costs smce they claimed his business was an unauthorized business operated in or at his property. However, I also know we had several conversations concerning this business and the fact that although the City was aware he was operating this auto repair business, that nothing had been done at any time to terminate this business. Although I could provide additional information concerning his auto repair business I would rather focus on attempting to resolve this matter with you so a final resolution can be had. . . . October 14,2003 Page 2 I have advised Mr. O'Connor of the costs to litigate his claim for $17,960.50 (the arrived at fixed payment for business moving costs Conworth, Inc recommended the HRA to make payment to Mr. O'Connor). However, I am wondering if we can't resolve this matter with a compromised settlement amount, or other informal dispute resolution process. Would you please be so kind as to contact me in order that we can discuss this matter in greater detail. Hopefully, we can arrive at a resolution which will avoid further litigation, expenses as well as time for all parties involved. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. May I remain, JTP/jal enclosure cc: Mike O'Connor (w/enclosure) . . . SillvfMAR y OccuDant (Business) Name: Michael O'Connor and Michael O'Connor Auto Repair Proiect Site Address: 218 Front Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Occupant: Michael O'Connor and Michael O'Connor Auto Repair Business Description: Auto Repair Type of Payment Claimed Herein: Fixed Moving Expenses, Closing Costs, and Fixed Payment in Lieu of Actual Moving-Related Expenses Summary of Relocation Benefits: Residential Fixed Moving Expenses Residential Incidental Closing Costs Business Fixed Payment In Lieu of Actual Moving Costs $ 1,400.00 $ 1,931.52 $17,960.50 Amount of This Claim: $21,292.02 Amount of Previous Claims: -0- Total Claims to Date: $21,292.02 Total Due Final Relocation Payment: $21,292.02 Make Payment To: Michael O'Connor Comments: Please notify Ken Helvey at Conworth, Inc. when the check is ready. We will then hand-deliver the check in order to obtain the proper receipt. CONWORTH, INC. Kennedy Graven 470 Pillsbury Center ZOO South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax http://www.kennedy-graven.com - . ROBERT J. LlNDALL Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612)337-9219 Real Property Law Specialist. Certitied by Minnesota State l3ar AsSn. October 17,2003 VIA FACSIMILE 763-682-4465 Ai~D U.S. l\'WL John T. Peterson, Esq. Johnson, Larson, Peterson & Matt, P.A. 908 Commercial Drive Buffalo, MN 55313 Re: Housino- Redevelo ment Authont in and for the Cit of Monticello v. Michael 1. O'Connor. et at.; Wright County District Court File No. C2-01-1924 218 Front Street, Monticello, MN . Dear Mr. Peterson: 1 received your letter of October 14, 2003, concerning the denial of $17,960.50 of relocation benefits claimed by Michael O'Connor due to displacement of a husiness from his former residence at 218 Front Street in Monticello. The obligation of the BRA is to provide relocation benefits in accordance with 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 24. Section 24.2(c) of the Regulations defines a business as follows: The term business means arlV lawful activity, except a farm operation, that is conducted: (etc.). (emphasis added) The BRA Board of Commissioners refused to pay the relocation claim of Me. 0' Connor which was justilied as a "business tixed payment in lieu of actual moving costs" because the enterprise which he purported to be operating at his residence did not conform with the City zoning ordinance and therefore was not "lawful". Section 24.306 of the Regulations is entitled "Fixed Payment for Moving Expenses - Non- Residential Moves" and states in part: ( a) Business. A displaced business mav be e Ii gib Ie to choose a fixed payment in lieu of the payments for actual moving and related expenses, and actual reasonable reestablishment expenses provided by Sections 24.303 and 24.304. (emphasis added) . RJL-238992vl MN1<)O-~9 . . . John Peterson Ltr October 17, 2003 Page 2 To qualify for a payment under Section 24.306, the enterprise must be a "business". The HRA contends that O'Connor's enterprise was not a "business" because it wasn't "lawful." Even if it were lawful, Section 24.306(a) provides that a "business may be eligible" rather than "shall be eligible" . Under Section 24.10 of the regulations the agency shall promptly review appeals in accordance with the requirements of applicable law and the regulations. Please advise me or the HRA of whether Mr. O'Connor wishes to appeal the denial of his business claim or whether you wish to have your letter of October 14, 2003, construed to be an appeal. If you appeal, under Section 24.10(h), the agency may have the appeal heard by either "the head of the agency or his or her authorized designee. However, the official shall not have been directly involved in the action appealed." The HRA may also appoint an"independent hearing officer. Very truly yours, Robert J. LindaU RJL:peb cc: Olive Koropchak Steve Bubul RJL-238992vl MNI9(H9 Kennedy Graven 470 Pillsbury Center 200 Sourh Sixth Sneet Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax http://www.kennedy-graven.com ROBERT J. LU~DALL Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337.9219 Real PropertY Law Specialist, Certified by Minnesota State Bar AsSn. October 21, 2003 VIA FACSIMILE 763-682-4465 Al~D U.S.l\'WL John T, Peterson, Esq, Johnson, Larson. Peterson & Matt, P .A, 908 Commercial Drive Buffalo, MN 55313 Re: Housin Redevelo ment Authont in and for the Cit of Monticello v, Michael L O'Connor- et al.; Wright County District Court File No. C2-01-1924 218 Front Street, Monticello, MN . Dear ~1r. Peterson: I received your letter of October 14, 2003, cottcemittg the Monticello BRA's failure to pay $17 ,960 .50 of relocation benefits claimed by Michael 0' Connor due to displacement of a business from his former residence at 218 Front Street in Monticello. The BRA Board of Corrunissioners approved payment of only the residential portion of Mr. O'Connor's claim and therefore did not authorize payment of the business portion of his relocation claim. The obligation of the BRA is to provide relocation benefits in accordance with 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 24. Section 24.2(c) of the Regulations defines a business as follows: The term business means anv lawful activity, except a farm operation, that is conducted: (etc.), (emphasis added) Mr. O'Connor's business claim had been justified as a "husiness fixed paymenr in lieu of actual moving costs" but the enterprise which he purported to be operating at his residence did not conform with the City zoning ordinance arid therefore was not "lawful". Section 24.306 of the Regulations is entitled "Fixed Payment for Moving Expenses - Non- Residential Moves" and states in part: ( a) Business. A displaced business ma v be eli gib Ie to choose a fixed payment in lieu of the payments for actual moving and related expenses, and actual reasonable reestablishment expenses provided by Sections 24.303 and 24,304. (emphasis added) . RJL-238992vl MN I 90-89 . . . John Peterson Ltr October 21, 2003 Page 2 To qualify for a payment under Section 24.306, the enterprise must be a "business", The HRA contends that O'Connor's enterprise was not a "business" because it wasn't "lawful." Even if it were lawful, Section 24.306(a) provides that a "business may be eligible" rather than "shall be eligible" . Under Section 24.10 of the regulations the agency shall promptly review appeals in accordance with the requirements of applicable law and the regulations. Please advise me whether N1r. O'Connor wishes to appeal the failure of the HRA to pay his business claim or whether you wish to have your letter of October l4, 2003, construed to be an appeal. If you appeal, under Section 24.l0(h), the agency may have the appeal heard by either "the head of the agency or his or her authorized designee. However, the official shall not have been directly involved in the action appealed." The HR.1\ may also appoint an independent hearing officer. RJL:peb cc: Olive Koropchak Steve Bubul RJL.2)8992vl MN 190-89 ., ,. . ~ June 17.2002 w.----.--- . .. -.. . . , . . . . . . . ,. . I . . MONTICaLO Kc:n Hel\ey. Relocation Consultant Conwonh. Inc. 4725 Excelsior Boulevard. Suite 200 Minneapolis. !YfN 554! 6 Subject: Relocation Claims for Michael O'Connor. 218 Front Street. Monticello. l'vfN 55362. Dear !'vir, Helvey: . A[(ached is the check payable to \tlichael O'C0nnor as authorized by the commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota. on June 5. 2002. This concludes the HRA's obligation to Michael O'Connor. Sincerely. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF ivlONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Exc:cutive Director Attachment c: HRA File Roger Belsaas. ~Iayor . ,,~ Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362.8831 · (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Offil;C of Publil; Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Montjl;cllo, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 .- CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WAlNUT STREET. SUrre 1 MONTICEUO, MN 55362 763-295-2711 CATE 75-1ll(W 9iO NO, 69323 . ~--'-.auo.f'.O."r ~......,._.~....., AMOUNT 06/13/2002 69323 ~REE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE AND 52/100 DOLLARS CHECK NO. $3,331,52 ~AY TO THE JFlOEA OF MICHAEL O'CONNOR n-ObQ32311- I:OQ~o~bbl.?l: ?bO 00 ~ 711- JOR .00617 MICHAEL O'CONNOR ) & ACCOUNT 06 13 2002 46583.4399 46583.4399 P.O. D 218 FRONT STR RES. FIXED MOVING E 1,400.00 218 FRONT STR RES, INCID CLOSING 1,931.52 TOTAI, 3,331.52 . . V"l 0--) CITY OF MONTICEUO. MONTICELLO. MN 55362 . Monticello H RA 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 October 10,2003 MC1 OO~01 Invoice # 21370 Professional Services Hours Amount 9/3/2003 MTR Redo run and discuss with Ollie,1,-22 .:! t 3. .;t\lJ n~ ~ -:l. . "1:. \ "1 '\ 9/8/2003 MTR TIF run for Boston sci 'do \ ~. '-\ "" ~ c \ · ~ ..." .. 9/11/2003 MTR Run excess TIF 1-22 'l \ "?I . 4. \.0 c;. '?- -::l . "? \ q q 9/16/2003 MTR Mtg Ollie and Rick 1-22 ?- \ ~ . 4 v OS -:l.- ~ · ? \ <t q 0.75 1.00 0.50 2.00 93.75 125.00 62.50 250.00 Total Due This Month: 4.25 $531.25 Status of Account: Current $531.25 30 Days $0.00 60 Days $0.00 90 Days 120+ Days $0.00 $0.00 Total $531.25 . ~q..~ \ 'J~ \ ~ ,,""! ! "",. ; ';" i i",.\V'? ~~/ R,~ ;' \ ,;'" ~ ~\o~ " ~ ~.".....,-~._.,,_.....------~------ ~---- ~,.~'~ ",". '.. .._--.,,~ ~-" - . ; '.'. PLEASE KEEP WHITE COpy FOR YOUR FILE AND REMIT PINK COpy WITH PA YMENT TO: rF\\. ~~\E~\{J~~ \[)) .. . u-u\ OCT 1 4 2003 \0 Cny OF MONTICELLO . . EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-1105 651.697.8500 Oct 22 03 02:45p Centr MN Housing Ptnsp 320 259-9590 p.2 (l-~::IJlAi.. ~. .Ja;m~ · . . . . . . Larry A. Unger... Wright County Recorder Barb Gabrelcik, Chief Deputy 10 Second St. NW Rm. 210 Buffalo, MN. 55313-1196 Direct Dial #763~682-73S7 www.co.wrieht.mn.us/services/land title information Date /o-"j//.03 REJECTIO~TICE ~ ABSTRACT DIVISION Reply Attn: ./Yld.~ J PLEASE RETURN REJECT NOTICE WITH YOUR DOCUMENTS! Documents are being returned for reason(s) checked below: _Rejected by Auditor-Treasurer (see attached) _Date(s) on document is missing. (MSS07.24) _Grantors marital status must be indicated. (MSS07.02) _Notary stamp is illegible. (MSS07.24) _Notary acknowledgment is not complete (MS507.24); NEEDS: _County ~ate _Marital status _Grantor/grantee names _Notary expiration _Notary signature _Notary stamp/seal _Needs corp./partner. acknowledgment _Needs drafting statement - include name &address (MS507.091) _Needs name and address of taxpayer (MSS07.C92) _Needs well certificate (and $30 fee) or statement "Seller certifies that the seller does not know of any wells on described property."{MSI031.235) _Needs certificate of real estate value _ Check(s) unsigned _Check out-dated (past six months old) _No check enclosed ~equire separate checks for Abstract and Tohens fees _Require recording fees payable to Wright County Recorder _Require Deed stamp/ M.g. reg. taxlAg fees payable to Wright County AuditorlTreasurer _Recording fee is insufficient; resubmit with additional fees: $ _$5.00 Ag fee due on deeds/wtgs. _additional pages $ _ Mortgage registration tax due _Deed tax due $30.00 Well Certificate fee Reference fee $ .rK-Non-standard document; need additional $10;00 (MSS07.093) .b.J-V ~~. _Additional fee required for document citing multiple assignme*\s, partial releases or satisfactions (MS357 .18) _Original signatures or certified copies are required (MSS07.25) _Not recordable in \Vright County; record in County (MS507.24) _Document number of mortgage referenced is. incorrect. Other TO EXPEDITE THE RETURN OF YOUR RECORDED DOCUMENTS, PLEASE SUBMIT A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE WJTH ALL FUTUP,E DOCUMENTS. ~oct 22 03 02:4Sp . . . . c Centr MN Housing Ptnsp 320 259-9590 p. 1 D ... .m. Central Minnesota Housin Partnership, Inc. 810 West SI. Germain Street Suite 303 . 51. Cloud _ Minnesota _ 56301-4092 TRANSMITTAL LETTER CHERYL SIEVERDING FUCHS CENTRAL MINNESOTA HOUSING PARTNERSHIP 810 West St. Germain #303 ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 Office - (320) 259-0393 Fax - (320) 259-9590 DATE: 1D- 22-~ ~ TO: d\L~ Number of Pages: '2-. Fax: 'l C9?:, - ,:)'\ ~ - L~4oY ATTN: WE TRANSMIT: ~ herewith _ in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: _ approval _ distribution to parties review and comment information -A- use THE FOLLOWING: ~&\l-t;c\/\& \20. 00 f\"C:~6 d~-to 1\0<\' Q CV\tr""v'\'\'( (\C'J doC'. (...^-. \1\"e.-.V\ \-'S, SIGNATURE: PH 320-259-0393 MN TOO 711 FAX 320-259-9590 ..-1i';+'~;o:. ~, , - A MINNESOTA NON.PROfiT CORPORATION- !cOAL~1\ OPfIOATUN,..... Equal Opportunity Employer Reasonable accommodations are available E.MAI L cmhp81 0 @cloudnet.com WEB PAGE cmhp.net ~ WSB _dates. Inc. City of Monticello Attn: Rick Wolfsteller 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362-8831 H- e * - ?vo ~-c: ~l Block 52 Redevelopment Professional Services from May 1, 2003 to May 31. 2003 Professional Personnel Hours Plan Review Rickart, Charles Totals Total Labor 4.00 4.00 Billings to Date . labor Totals Current 424.00 424.00 Comments: June 18, 2003 Project No: Invoice No: 01488.101 2 ~.,"t' b'- Q ~ L-e'T' . Rate Amount 106.00 424.00 424.00 Total this Invoice Prior 113.00 113.00 Total 537.00 537.00 ~,..l-A.lJ~ Approved by: Reviewed by: Project Manager: Bret Weiss Bret Weiss - ~ ~~o'V \ \) ~\ ~ // // 424.00 $424.00 ~o~E) s<:f;fJ, \.-\ lo '}\ 'b . (') ~ '?;ItJ ~O~ o ..- I Minnesota 55422 763.5414800 763.541.1700 rAX IVIlnneapolls . ~t. (-loud. equal upponurllty tmployer . . HRA Agenda - 11/05103 10. Executive llirector's Report. a) TCDC _ TCDC pre-paid their GMEF loan on May 31,2003; therefore, eliminating the need to amend the 6.25% interest rate loan. Remaining balance paid - $71,623.47. The Council approved the amendments (reduction in job and wage goals and one year extension) to the City/TCDC Loan. Waiting on preparation of second amendment from Kennedy & Graven as requested by the State. According to September 30, 2003 report to State, TCDC currently has 35 full-time permanent people employed (42 goal) and 20 (22 goal) LMl. Average hourly wage $21.21. Copy of check reimbursing the HRA for cost associated with amending TIF Contract and public hearing notice. b) Federal revolving loan fund _ Carol Pressley-Olson at the State mailed to me and encouraged the EDA and City to adopt a resolution thereafter the EDA would be the LDO (Local Development Organization) of the $500,000 Federal TCDC payback. The LDO would manage the use ofthe Federal payback and only the first re-use ofthe payback has to comply with federal regulations. Will take to Council after job creation fulfilled. c) IRTI _ The lender has notified me that IRTI plans to pre-pay the GMEF Loan on October 22. Steve Budd bought-out his two partners and with the GMEF loan at 6.5% interest rate, he is refinancing. Previously, the EDA authorized execution ofthe Satisfaction of Mortgage. Pre-paid Oct 22, 2003. d) Revised EDA 2003 Cash Flow Projection with TCDC pre-payment. I did check with Wolfsteller as a reminder to apply the $70,000 (Liquor Fund reimbursement) reduction to the tax levy for payable 2004. Revised cash halance - $748,695. Not included is the EDA commitment of$145,000 to Block 35. In year 2004, three balloon payments arc due. Aroplax and Mainline Distrihution have not made October payment. e) UMC Open House _ I hope you were able to attend the UMC Open House. Another great asset to the City of Monticello. Thanks to those who attended. f) Genereux Fine Wood Products hosted an Open House, Thursday, October 23, 3-7 pm, to showcase their most recently purchased high tech equipment and reformatted production stations. Some of the new equipment purchased was partly funded hy the EDA. Bill and Barb did an outstanding job organizing the open house. It was one of the most creative, fun and educational business open house I've attended. 1) Remmcle Engineering Building - I'm aware of three companies looking at this facility. I did make a good EDA loan offer to a manufacturing company with average hourly wages of $18.50 with 40 employees as an incentive. I visited the company located in Dayton a couple weeks ago. No sales yet per agent. g) Received notice from Standard Iron & Wire Works that they consolidated their Monticello manufacturing facility to Alexandria and Sauk Center. Up for lease is 36,000 sq ft, 24 foot clear ceiling of manufacturing space with a 5-ton crane. Monticello will remain their headquarters which employs about 50 people. h) H- Window auction held October 22. One bid received for $500,000. Had minimum of $2.2 million. . 1 HRA Agenda - 11/05/03 . . i) High-tech medical company continues to look at Monticello. UMC customer. j) 20,000 sq ft _ manufacturer of granite counter-tops looking to construct hetween Albertville and Clearwater. k) After initial contact with this high-tech medical company from Canada, I'm still trying to connect with CEO via e-mail for follow-up meeting. Attachcd article in the latest Twin Cities Business Monthly about the company. Customcr of UMC. I) Distribution center for grocer looking at Monticello. m) Attended the Minnesota Development Conference Oct 8-10. Conference buzz was "biosciences". Exciting times we live in and nicc fit with the Banquet message on "nano-technology" . n) The Industrial Land Group made up ofHRA Commissioner Dan Frie, IDC membcrs Mary Barger and Dick Van Allen, Wolfsteller and Koropchak are meeting weckly to compare industrial sites for acquisition. The group has narrowed it to two sites. Bret Weiss prepared estimated infrastructure costs for each site, reccived one written purchase offer so far, and will thcn havc Mark Ruff run cost analysis. The group plans to submit a recommendation to the HRA and IDC in Novemher for support and suhmission to the City Council on November 10. The one offer expires mid November. 0) Received form letter to all applicable agencies from Officc of State Auditor requesting copies of all active TIF Plans. Copies submitted October 24 when Dan Greensweig and I had lunch. p) Wright County Economic Development Board will mcet November 21 at UMC. q) Interviewed candidates last week to fill the position of Community Development Assistant. r) Company looking to lease or purchase 5,000 sq ft manufacturing space - Via Wright County Partncrship. Forwarded to Mary Barger. s) Meeting with Don Tomann, UMC, ncxt weck per his request. . 2 tv ~) . CHECK NO. 228891 TOTAL 1070 s.e. 33rd avenue, minneapolis, minnesota 55414 TCF National Bank 801 Marquette Minneapolis, MN 55402 17-7000 2910 -I: Twin City Die Castings Company 228891 CHECK NO. 228891 PAY ****269 DOLLARS AND 55 CENTS I PAY TomE ORDER OF Monticello 505 Walnut Suite 1 L Monticello HRA Street MN 55362 (? ~:::'L:::-- 111228811 1.111 I: 211 1.070001.1: 1;01.11000727111 . \. \ ( / . ?- 'j ID ~ . . 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'" u H~~~o"O'OOOOJ)~c5~;)Q) 2 0 I .;:: d 8 .'" ~ ~ ~ ~ >-, o::l Q) ............UIlJ>.1ii'o-,.-;:>:>:> u '" >'..<:1 u"",o;> 0 ;>'.... ;>,"--0 ~ ....... OJ) (5 ,c::; 0 '" ..... >. ~ 0 0 IlJ C;; Q) a 'C E-< Z g,.a::;s .';:j ,.-; 55 Z .8 'C \~ c~ PATRICIA AWADA STATE AUDITOR STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR SUITE 400 525 PARK STREET SAINT PAUL, MN 55103-2139 TIP Direct Dial: (651) 296-4716 TIP Fax: (651) 282-5298 (651) 296-2551 (Voice) (651) 296-4755 (Fax) stateauditor@osa.statc.nm.us (E-Mail) 1-800-627 - 3529 (Relay Service) October 6, 2003 Re: TlF Plans Dear TIP Authority Representative: The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) is conducting a review of all tax increment financing (TIP) plans in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469 and Sections 6.47 to 6.53. In order to complete this review, the OSA is requesting a copy of the TIP plan and all TIP plan modifications for all existing TIP districts created after August 1, 1979. .. At this time, we are requesting that you send to our office a copy of the TIP plan and all TIP plan modifications for each of your authority's TIP districts created after August 1, 1979. You do not need to provide us with these documents for TIP districts that have been decertified prior to the date of this letter. Please have the requested documents in our office no later than October 24, 2003. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please e-mail Marsha Pattison at mpattison@osa.state.mn.us or call her at 651-296-4716. Very truly yours, (. Daniel J. Greensweig Assistant State Auditor Director, TIP, Investments and Finance Division Gte:::. t.... ?C\t.D- .. '\~<'\~ . \)~ Q.;u~'~ \ C . J. ~ "-- 0.2:::. ~ Recycled paper with a minimum of f:J<:i ] 5% post-consumer waste An Equal Opportunity Employer