IDC Agenda 03-18-1999a. • AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 18, 1999 - 7:00 a.m. City Ha11 MEMBERS: Chair Shelley Johnson, Vice Chair Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Tom Lindquist, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, and Chamber Chair Marianna Khauv. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Roger Belsaas. CITY STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the February 18, 1999 IDC minutes. 3. Consideration of activity reports: • a) Mayor's report - MOAA update, other. b) Director's report -Prospects, marketing plan, EDA/HRA reports, bus tour, breakfast, City Newsletter. 4. Consideration of a report on the acquisition and development of publicly-owned industrial parks in Big Lake and Buffalo and the economic impact to the city (subsidy) and the developer (incentive). ~. Consideration to hear the trunk fee analysis for sanitary sewer and water and to determine a position of the IDC for recommendation to the City Council meeting of March 22. 6. Consideration to elect or appoint an individual to record and prepare the IDC minutes. (Tabled from February 18). 7. Other Business. 8. Adjournment. • MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 18, 1999 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Shelley Johnson, Vice Chair Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Bill Tapper, Tom Lindquist, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford and Chamber Chair Marianna Khauv. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ken Maus and Kevin Doty. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. OTHERS PRESENT: City Engineer Consultant Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. Monticello industrial land owners: Shawn Weinard, John Gries, Tony Emmrich, and John Chadwick. Call to Order. IDC Chair Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. • 2. Consideration to approve the January 21 1999 IDC minutes. Bob Mosford made a motion to approve the January 21, 1999 IDC minutes. Tom Lindquist seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Consideration to hear a~resentation and discuss a Study for Development of the Southwest Corridor Infrastructure by CityEn~ineer Consultant Bret Weiss. With no objection from IDC members, Chair Johnson deferred item 3 to later in the meeting and introduced City Engineer Consultant Bret Weiss. Bret gave an introduction to the area briefly identifying the NAC Original Plan, the OAA Latest Plan, and the Chelsea Road West Concept Plans. Bret noted a small portion of the southwest area is now served with sanitary sewer by gravity flow from a lift station off County Road 39 and could serve another 12 acres. Construction of improvements to the SW area are driven by the need for a road between West Oakwood Drive (90"') and West County Road 39 or completion of West 7 Street. U . IDC Minutes - 2/18/99 Water main improvements for the SW area include a new water tower. The tower controls the pressure for adequate pumping and storage. Construction of West Chelsea Road will be initiated by the developers and commercial development. Bret noted infrastructure upgrades will be needed to the Gold Nugget parcel in the future whether residential or industrial. Proposed trunk fee increases are scheduled for review and consideration by Council at the second meeting in March. Shawn Weinard, Tony Emmrich, and John Gries identified themselves as current owners of the Monticello Commerce Center and O'Cello Property, previous owners of the Gold Nugget Property, and more recent owners of the Kjellberg, Hoglund, and Wyman properties in the SW corridor. Tony Emmrich was involved in the residential development and development of School Blvd. Weinard informed IDC members that their plan is to make money. They have invested $5-10 million. They've invested in other cities all of which were planned communities and as dollars start to return, they proceed. They were anxious to develop West Chelsea Road until the MOAA land use plan proposed the Gold Nugget parcel as industrial rather than the original residential causing a potential stop to the land sale. Shawn requested support from the IDC for development of the Gold Nugget parcel for residential thereby encouraging development of West Chelsea Road, to help the existing businesses, provide accessibility for commercial development, and make the next westerly piece available for industrial development. Shawn noted property in the Rogers area in 50% sold. Land price at $.80 to $1.25 per square foot. He indicated they use TIF to finance as a joint sale and as a team exchange ideas. Looking at industrial land sales, it appears the immediate need is met. With the proposed industrial land use in the SW corridor, this would provide a 30-40 year bank of industrial property. Emmrich indicated if the IDC supported the Gold Nugget parcel as residential, they would construct West Chelsea Road thereby creating accessibility to the most valuable, rolling, freeway-exposure property. John Chadwick identified himself as owner of a 85-acre parcels of land abutting the YMCA in the SW corridor and developer of the residential "River Forest." He noted that approximately 25 acres of the Goeman property is wet lands. Chair Johnson noted other taxing jurisdictions plan according to the land use plan and the original land use for the Gold Nugget property was residential. Mayor Belsaas informed the IDC that the MOAA was considering an exchange of the land use of the Gold Nugget • 2 IDC Minutes - 2/18/99 parcel for the land use of the parcel to the east of Silver Springs and north of proposed Chelsea. The Council has made no decision and the issue is coming back for more discussion via the Planning Commission. Van Allen noted the importance of preserving industrial land for replacement of NSP value due to potential deregulation. Smith summarized: It appears residential is growing faster than industrial and the city now has more players in industrial development. He suggested the IDC think long-term for preservation of industrial land. Koropchak identified industrial business priorities: land costs and incentives, site accessibility to Interstate (easy and safe), infrastructure improvements of site, not next to residential development or planned residential development, and freeway exposure not a necessity for industrial development; however, not opposed to freeway exposure. Additionally, she informed members the City currently has 127 acres of industrial zoned land available for development. 4. Consideration to determine the position of the IDC relating to industrial land use within the MOAA. Following discussion, Bill Tapper made a motion recommending the John Chadwick and • Goeman Investors properties of approximately 185 acres for industrial use; the property lying east of Silver Springs Golf Course, north of the proposed Chelsea Road, and abutting I-94 for industrial use with a planned buffer to the easterly existing residential property; the property lying in the area of the Orchard Road and abutting I-94 for industrial use as proposed; and the Gold Nugget property of approximately 220 acres for residential use with an area running parallel to South Highway 25 for commercial use. Dick Van Allen seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Rational of the IDC recommendation: Long-term planning versus short-term planning for industrial land use, property abutting I-94 better suited for industrial use (exposure) versus residential use (noise), large-concentrated industrial land use areas more desirable to minimize industrial/residential land use conflicts, continuation of housing development in close proximity to the school campus, and long-term planning for commercial use along South Highway 25. 5. Consideration of activityreports: a) Mayor's report -completed under items 4 & 5. b) Marketing Subcommittee -Tom Ollig reported the subcommittee met and assessed the progress on implementation of the Marketing Plan. Brochure mailings and follow-up on target and communications with existing industries underway with • implementation of industrial newsletter and business spotlight feature in City IDC Minutes - 2/18/99 newsletter. Goals for 1999 -attend at least one trade show, Koropchak visit one, Ollig checking on freeway sign costs perhaps partner with Allied, and Koropchak canvas industrial bay facilities in northern suburbs. c) Director's report -Accepted as written. Reminded members of industrial tours tomorrow beginning at 3:00 p.m. Don Smith suggested an open house for the Midwest Graphics tour. 6. Consideration to elect or appoint an IDC Secretary. This item was tabled from the January IDC meeting. Koropchak reported she asked Wolfsteller if the City could provide a city staff person to take the IDC minutes. With no response, the group discussed their options and preference. First, request city staff person at a fee of $20 to $30 per meeting to take and prepare IDC minutes and then request $240 to $360 annually from the Chamber of Commerce paid to the City. If option one doesn't work, option two was to request the services of the Chamber President. The IDC recognized within the agreement between the IDC and the Chamber, the IDC has the right to request funds and the Chamber has the right to deny funds. The IDC preferred option one for flow and continuity with the Office of Economic Development. Any action on this item was tabled to the March meeting. 7. Other Business. None. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned by a consensus of the group. a ~ ~~~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • 4