IDC Agenda 06-18-1998• AGENDA _ MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMIVIITTEE Thursday, June 18, 1998 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair an Allen, Vice Ch~Lindquist, Secretary.~Ollig, Du~r- S,pxifl~, helly Johnson Ken Maus, Kev~oty, Bill per, Bob Mosford, and Bob~ecbinski. CITY LIAISON: ayor Bill Fair STAFF: 'ck Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch nd O11ie~I .~opchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 21, 1998 IDC MINUTES. ~ S ~~ 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW CITY OF MONTICELLO MARKETING PLAN (draft) FOR APPROVAL. Don Smith. a) Follow-up discussions of the Marketing Subcommittee meetin~. ~! b) HRA approval and recommendation -Ollie ~~~ ~~ ~`'~ `M`J`~ vK~ c) HRA/Site Locater Tour Summary -Ollie ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ '~ 4. CONSIDERATION OF COM~IITT' E REPORTS: a) Prospects -Ollie ~.~~; `:-` '~'"`~' 1^ ~ ~%~ b) Chamber U dates -Bob Grabinski ~„ C~.~_ ~a~Q' 5. OTHER BUSINESS: a) IDC Meeting -July 16, Southwest Corridor Utility Feasibility Study, Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. 6, ADJOtTRNMENT. • Minutes May 21, 1998 IDC Meeting • Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Ken Maus Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Bob Grabinski. City Staf£ Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak Members Absent: Tom Lindquist Chairman Van Allen called the meeting to order. 2. Motion by Ollig second by Mosford to approve the April 16~' minutes. Committee Reports: BRE Visits -None this month. Prospects -Ollie, DiversiFoam, no TIF available, storage issues, dead lead. Midwest Graphics, 64,000 square foot bldg. Start August ls` done December 31 S`. B&B Metal Stamping, looking for 10,000 sq. Ft. Bldg. To lease or build new. Marketing -Don Smith, Committee has met three times needs one more meeting to put together a final report. Put on June agenda need dialog with the City, Chamber and MCP on how we can work together to market Monticello. • Chamber Update -Bob Grabinski, Future events include Pathway on 30`h, Golf outing, Art in the Park, and an update on the Community Center at the May Chamber meeting. 4. Evaluation of BRE Breakfast: Subject matter plays a large role in the number attending. About 50% of current industry had representation there. Discussion on changing to a lunchon although survey showes breakfast to be best time. Contact from City Hall, Chamber, IDC important throughout the year. General feeling was to continue BRE Breakfast as it is a positive event. 5. Update on the Approved Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the South and West Corridor. The Planning Commission and Council adopted the concept plan to expand the Industrial Area more to the west. Remmele property proposed for Commercial use. Feasability study due June 8"', best way to get facilities to the property. Invite City Engineer to June meeting to review feasability study recomendations. 6, Consideration to discuss the development of a strategic plan to maintain a balanced • industrial land use ration and establishment of a subcommittee. IDC feels we need an expansion of industrial development because of the future . NSP tax subsity loss. IDC needs to develop a long range strategic assesment, or visionary outlook. However the City has demonstrated in the past by development of the South and West corridor an ability of maintaining a balance between industrial and residential property. We need to have an ongoing effert to achieve this balance. Possibly a City - Staff person should be added such as a full time Planner. Overall IDC felt the City had a balance between industrial and residential in mind when planning expansion. 7. Other Business: Allied Company's is building the Midwest Graphics building, follow up as to what their experiance is in dealing with the City. Dick Van Allen with make an informational call on this subject. 8. Adjourn, motioned by Ken Maus, seconded by Bill Tapper to adjourn, approved. • • • • MARKETING 1998 Allocation for Industrial Development $30,000 Expenditures: City Web Site Bus Tour/Golf $7,000 $2,000 Update/development of brochure for industrial development ~''^'" V' Hire -development of concept Print - ~~ ~~~ Volunteers - Develop list of prospect as targeted industries: northwest corridor, local indust~businesses, suppliers. ~ W b S't INDUSTRIAL -Location -Trans ortation & metro ~ aY+~' Develop direct mail program - e ie- p Available Site (Map) (Conttacts)(Utilities) Workforce a) Proposed Housing b} Population Growth c) Training Development Costs Financial Assistance Quality of Life: Schools Health Care Recreation Low crime Personnel -Follow-up on targeted calls, develop trade show booth, update information ~o ~ ~ K~~QA Vl~-~ S~ 'C~ "~ ~~~~ ~.~' ~~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~,~..J~ . hoc "Sac~w,-a S `~~~ ~ c a ~'1 S ~1 • ave.~,~ S fi ~-~~~' `^ ~ ~. ~,~ ~-~- _..._ ~ _ v~-J c~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ c ~~ I ~~r ~ ~ ~~ o ~ O ~.~ ~-- c,~. ~~-~ d..o ~L~ timetables, maps, etc.). As part of the city's site, develop for Monticello . industries a job openings website. • Complete a-mail development for city staff (individualized). • Schedule in August or September (post brochure) an IDC speaker at Chamber-again with requests for industrial prospects. • Put our "ready-for-business" house in order so we can react quickly with materials...plus the IDC welcoming/visiting committee. • Analyze the trade show schedule in the Twin Cities...and perhaps neighboring states, and develop a booth promoting Monticello as an ideal place for industrial expansion. • Utilize the city's newsletter at least once a year for this city /IDC / HRA industrial effort. • Develop a Monticello public relations campaign-news releases to the Twin Cities' papers, trade journals, Minnesota Real Estate Journal, etc., which tells our story (also announces new happenings). Chamber has begun this on promotions; we could tie into that. ~ ~~`''"'~~ • City may want to revisit relationships th pr.de~cts (Lenny Kirscht, etc.). ~~^'~~ ~~ °'~~~ • Numerous developers own Monticello industrially Zoned land (Pfeffer, Chadwick Group). Any marketing plan could benefit from their input and perhaps financial commitment. • IDC banquet in the fall-how do we maximize for the promotional arm of what IDC and HRA are developing? • Sign along the freeway here-industrial sites available. • Cable TV-could it play aloes-cost role here? • Print advertising potential from the local Community Guide (sent to industrial prospects) to trade journals, economic development publications, etc. • Take our message to industrial site locaters. Timeline: Plan to be completed and ready for endorsernent of councll and others by June 1. Clear timeline, budget and person/organization responsible needed for each action item by June 1, also as part of plan. Materials development in June and July. Implementation of many facets by Aug. 1 (including Chamber meeting • presentation iri August or September). Revised, 5/21/95 Monticello City Marketing Plan (draft Goals: To take Monticello's potential for new and eldsting industries to key decision- makers who are planning relocations and expansions. To coordinate efforts for promoting Monticello with organizations responsible-IDC, HRA, city council/administration, Chamber of Commerce, Monticello Community Partners. To update and expand current promotional materials which address industrial expansion, and also commercial, professional and residential development. Preliminary: HRA, City, IDC marketing committee has met three times. Preliminary draft has been written and presented to IDC. Significantly more input will come from administrative staff, city council, HRA and IDC. Either joint or individual. meetings will be scheduled with governmental and service organizations which have as their mission promotion of Monticello. A bud et will be developed, utilizing dollars now earmarked for promotion, plus the $30,000 allocation for 1998 approved by the HRA. Goal: Plan, budget recommended by sub-committee by June 1. 1998. Action items for industrial development: • Updated brochure (tri-fold) promoting Monticello as an izdustrial location. Brochure to include "ready for business" story: transportation, utilities, location, quality of life, labor force/work force, development packages, financial incentives (TIF, low-interest loans). education, improved land, lower taxes, progressive community, etc. Key to brochure: Can be changed quickly. • Direct mail program for tar¢eted industries-firms which have expressed. an interest; companies located in the northwest suburbs; firms to our north. and west along I-94/Hwy. 10; businesses with a Monticello attachment; small- to medium-sized companies which are expanding. • Ftelatedly, create a prospect list of businesses which are suppliers or affiliates with local industries (i.e., meeting or survey with firrris now here for leads). • Build the city's industrial website (now part of the city's site)-making it a • repository for Monticello information (permit applications, statistics, costs, AGENDA . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 18, 1998 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, and Bob Grabinski. CITY LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 21, 1998 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW CITY OF MONTICELLO MARKETING PLAN (draft) FOR APPROVAL. Don Smith. a) Follow-up discussions of the Marketing Subcommittee meeting. b) HRA approval and recommendation -Ollie c) HRA/Site Locater Tour Summary -Ollie 4. CONSIDERATION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Prospects -Ollie b) Chamber Updates -Bob Grabinski 5. OTI~R BUSINESS: a) IDC Meeting -July 16, Southwest Corridor Utility Feasibility Study, Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. 6, ADJOi:TRNMENT. U ~ Monticello City Marketing Plan (draf Goals: To take Monticello's potential for new and gdsting industries to key decision- makers who are planning relocations and expansions. To coordinate efforts for promoting Monticello with organizations responsible-IDC, HRA, city council/administration, Chamber of Commerce, Monticello Community Partners. To update and expand current promotional materials which address industrial expansion, and also commercial, professional and residential development. Preliminary: HRA, City, IDC marketing committee has met three times. Preliminary draft has been written and presented to IDC. Significantly more input will come from administrative staff, city councll, HRA and IDC. Either joint or individual meetings will be scheduled with governmental and service organizations which have as their mission promotion of Monticello. • A budget will be developed, utilizing dollars now earmarked for promotion, plus the $30,000 allocation for 1998 approved by the HRA. Goal: Plan, budget recommended by sub-committee by June 1, 1998. Action items for industrial development: • Updated brochure (tri-fold) promoting Monticello as an industrial location. Brochure to include "ready for business" story: transportation, utilities, location, quality of life, labor force/work force, development packages, financial incentives (TIF, low-interest loans), education, improved land, lower taxes, progressive community, etc. Key to brochure: Can be changed quickly. • Direct mail program for ~ar~eted industries-firms which have expressed an interest; companies located in the northwest suburbs; firms to our north and west along I-94/Hwy. 10; businesses with a Monticello attachment; small- to medium-sized companies which are expanding. • Relatedly, create a prospect list of businesses which are suppliers or affiliates with local industries (i.e., meeting or survey with firms now here for leads). • Build the city's industrial website (now part of the city's site making it a repository for Monticello information (permit applications, statistics, costs, timetables, maps, etc.). As part of the city's site, develop for Monticello industries a job openings website. • • Complete a-mall development for city staff (individualized). • Schedule in August or September (post brochure) an IDC speaker at Chamber-again with requests for industrial prospects. • Put our "ready-for-business" house in order so we can react quickly with materials...plus the IDC welcoming/visiting committee. • Analyze the trade show schedule in the Twin Cities...and perhaps neighboring states, and develop a booth promoting Monticello as an ideal place for industrial expansion. • Utilize the city's newsletter at least once a year for this city /IDC / HRA industrial effort. • Develop a Monticello public relations campaign-news releases to the Twin Cities' papers, trade journals, Minnesota Real Estate Journal, etc., which tells our story (also announces new happenings). Chamber has begun this on promotions; we could tie into that. • City may want to revisit relationships with prospect developers (Lenny Kirscht, etc.). • Numerous developers own Monticello industrially zoned land (Pfeffer, • Chadwick Group). Any marketing plan could benefit from their input and perhaps financial commitment. • IDC banquet iri the fall-how do we maximize for the promotional arm of what IDC and HRA are developing? • Sign along the freeway here-industrial sites avallable. • Cable TV-could it play aloes-cost role here? • Print advertising potential-from the local Community Guide (sent to industrial prospects) to trade journals, economic development publications, etc. • Take our message to industrial site locaters. Timeline: Plan to be completed and ready for endorsement of councll and others by June 1. Clear timeline, budget and person /organization responsible needed for each action item by June 1, also as part of plan. Materials development in June and July. Implementation of many facets by Aug. 1 (including Chamber meeting presentation in August or September). • Revised, 5/21 /98