IDC Agenda 03-19-1998• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, March 19, 1998 - 7:00 A.M. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, and Chamber Chair Bob Grabinski. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair. CITY STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 19, 1998 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) BRE Visits -Mayor Fair b) Prospects -Ollie Koropchak. c) Chamber Industrial Breakfast -Thursday, April 23, 1998, 7:30 a.m., Riverwood Conference Center. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE RELATING TO A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE SOUTH AND WEST CORRIDOR. a) IDC recommendation of March 12, 1998. Open for discussion. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS AND DETERMINE THE DIRECTION OF THE IDC. 6. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR REPORTS ON INFORMATION GATHERED AS REQUESTED AT THE FEBRUARY MEETING. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Next IDC meeting April 16, 1998. Land developer John Chadwick 8. ADJOURNMENT. \~ Minutes from February 19, 1998 • Monticello Industrial Development Committee Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper. Others Present: Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Ollie Koropchak, Chamber Kitty Baltos. Members Absent: Ken Maus, Bob Mosford, Bob Grabinski. 1. Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, Tom Lindquist. Johnson motioned Ollig seconded to approve the December 11, 1997 minutes, unanimously approved. 2. Report on the first meeting of the new Marketing Committee was given by Don Smith (see attached) Tom Lindquist, Kevin Doty and Bill Tapper were asked to gather information from industries in other communities as to what enticed them to go to those communities. IDC wants to see if their are any consistency's in their choices. 3. BRE Visits by Mayor Fair: Visited Bill Tappers business was very impressed and the visit was very positive. Asked the IDC for direction as he as now visited all the industries in our Industrial Park. To visit everyone took about a year, should he start over, or visit commercial businesses? After some discussion it was decided to have Ollie and Kitty develop a list of Retail and Commercial businesses to visit as well as start revisiting the industries. • 4. Kitty reported that the Chamber Industrial Breakfast will be held on April 23`d. 5. City Resolution of Support for development was adopted. The IDC will monitor developments to determine if the City will live up to the resolution standards it adopted. 6. Agreed to ask the Chamber to pay on behalf of the IDC it's dues for membership in the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County. 7. Ollie reported that Custom Filtration Inc., is looking at constructing a 15,000 sq., ft, building in Monticello. Also noted that an unnamed business is looking at Monticello to build a 100,000 sq., ft., building with 15 to 20 jobs. Ollie is providing information to them very preliminary. 8. Motioned by Tapper, seconded by Doty to adjourn, unanimously approved. Respectfully sumitted: Tom Ollig, IDC Secretary (Note, attached also is a copy of discussion at a special IDC meeting held on March 5`'' to review the IDC presentation that Mr. Van Allen will make before the Planning • Commission with regard to the Public Hearing on considerationof aComprehensive Plan Amendment for the south and west growth areas adjacent to the city of Monticello.) Marketing Subcommittee-Preliminary thoughts (Tom O., Ollie, Don, 2/19/98) • HRA, City, IDC direction-$30,000 allocation (HRA) • "Lay of the land" in marketing- Chamber-Monticello business as a whole (business, professional, residential, commercial, industrial) MCP, economic restructuring-revitalization, downtown core, Mississippi River to the Mall City, HRA, IDC-focus: industrial expansion • Two concurrent strategies- 1) Print-shotgun approach (rather than scatter gun...Ollie will explain effort) 2) Internet (concentrated development of the city site) • Initial consensus- 1) Advisory meeting of industrial leaders (who have given leads, can be helpful) • 2) Essential: E-mail development in city (i.e., olliekoropchakCmonticellocity.net) 3) Touch bases with Chamber and MCP (above) 4) Ditto-city staff 5) Clerical assistance needed for Ollie, city staff, for this marketing effort • Set committee meeting of HRA, IDC, city Darrin L., and Steve A.-HRA Tom, Don-IDC Dick V., Brad B.,-heads of IDC, HRA Bill, mayor (if time permits) Ollie, Jeff • MAR-05-98 THU 01 21 PM BONDHUS CORPORATION FAX N0. 6122954440 2~~Z Thursday, March 05,1998 IDC before the City Planning Commiss[bh First of all I want to make sure that when we think industrial we are not thinking smoke stack and rust belt. Last Saturday a 30 mimate tour of the Ramsey and Anoka Industrial Parks revealed this partial Iist of occnpar~ts, all added within the last two years. Dicks list 1- IDC recommends Planning consider a dog leg of industrial zoning beginning to the west along Y 94 as has been proposed; continuing to 23 and I 94 and then heading south along 25 to include the "old RemmeIe property". Along with that recommendation vve suggest that: a} Area set aside for the proposed 83 acre industrial site be e~paaded to encompass the power lines that xun along one side and enough land to provide a row of industrial sites to the south of the power line • b) That we need to be very sensitive to needs of co~onznercial property owners at the corner of I 94 and 25 providing reasonable access to their places of business. c) The ``Old Remmele Property" now owned riy the City should be zoned ljndnstttial, providing; 1) Easy Iand access 2) Immediate availability of Larger parcels for some industries 3) the potential to use land ander power lines on this property for Industrial Parking 4) a natural ranoff collector and drainage to the pond adjacent to paved industrial areas. 5) $eneE[cial use of this city owned parcel. d} 'We believe this is a beginning and brings the need for tote Planning Commission to consider the following questions 2~ QUESTIONS a) l:Tow much Industry do we want? b} flow much will it take? c) How soon? d) If property is zoned Industrial can you build commercial? P. O1 A:IDCping From: John Chadwick To: Ollie Koropchak Date: 3/18!98 Time: 11:59:58 AM Page 2 of 4 • 'THE CHADWICK GROUP, INC. Registet~ed Investment Advisor March 17, 1998 Mr. Richard Van Allen, Monticello Industrial Development Commission Ms. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator Mr. Steve Gritman, Northwest Associated Consultants Members of the Planning Commission and City Council Greetings: Flrstar Financial Center, Suite 640 1550 East 79th Street t3loomington, Minnesota 55425 Telephone (812) 853-2473 FAX (612) 854-9241 Wats (800) 727-2423 Mr. Jim Bowers and I have recently purchased approximately 85 acres located south of I- 94 and County Road 39. This property is within the Monticello orderly annexation area, which was presented to the planning commission at the Macch 5, 1998, meeting. The Southwest area concept plan envisions construction of a service road West of I-94, which would provide access to I-94 at trunk highway 25. This service road would run diagonally through our property and splits in three directions at County Road 39. The • portion of our site lying between Y-94 and the service road is planned for industrial development, with the balance planned for low density residential. The proposed service road is the buffer between the industrial and the residential land uses. We have carefully studied or property and the proposed plan and we respectfully request that our entire site be designated and planned for industrial development. We have a preliminany'roadway and Land use plan we will present to the IDC on March 19~', to support our request. We believe that an industrial designation for our entire site is appropriate for the following reasons: 1. Our property is heavily impacted by the service road extension. Service roads along major freeways usually provide access to industrial and commercial land uses and not low density residential. 2. Approximately 18 of our 85 acres are devoted to power line or gas pipeline easements. These easements tend to buffer the site from others and bisect the site creating isolated pockets. 3. The site is highly visible from I-94, as well as subject to the corresponding highway noise. Lirtsco/ Privato ledger Momt~er NASD SIPC From: John Chadwick To: Ollie Koropchak Date: 3/18!98 Time: 11:59:58 AM Page 3 of 4 • 4. The extensive power line easements along our Westerly lot line will serve to buffer our proposed industrial development from the YMCA property to the West. 5. Of the 83 acres shown on the Southwest area plan currently in the area, 22 acres. are wetlands. Our proposal only adds approximately 27 buildable acres to the industrial designation, resulting in 88 buildable acres, an increase of 5 acres. Power lines, pipelines, service roads, freeway exposure and noise are not conducive to desirable residential development but they can be an asset to industrial development. We believe that we can plan and create a very desirable industrial park with your support. We plan to provide ponding and pathway systems that should foster a good work environment for tenants within our industrial park. Moreover, we are willing to work with the City and adjacent owners to provide the right-of--way and construction of the service road to Co. Rd. 39, which we support. We thank you for your consideration of our request for an industrial land use designation. Respectfully, J E. Chadwick • Cc Jim Bowers v From: John Chadwick To: Ollie Koropchak Date: 3/18/98 Time: 11:59:58 AM Page 4 of 4 ': ,. ~ •f9°' .'ref. :e .:c , ,.. Gr ~. ~.. .. \ :p11NEP Of •p. i __._ _~. _ _ r :~ -- -- i Z- -~l .._. _ o.. ~ . -- - >• .. 1 . I _. T..., - _; 5 86'?2'03' c a3: 4a _• • .~_ j_,.~_'~_ IFS•~,t~388'ae'tS'~- ~- ~ .. a_ .--~- ~ .: _ 111 I S !'t6 ?0 ~ .e 0•!p•,33~ :~S a0'Se'!R• i 1 ~ `•. ~ ~~ , '`90, 0! ~ 96.51 i ~~~ I . 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