IDC Agenda 02-19-1998AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 7:00 A.M. City Hall MEMBERS: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, and Chamber Chair Bob Grabinski. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 11, 1997 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Market Committee -Don Smith and Tom Ollig b) BRE Visits -Mayor Fair c) Chamber Industrial Breakfast -Bob Grabinski d) Prospects -Ollie Koropchak • e) City Resolution of Support -Dick Van Allen f) Economic Development Partnership of Wright County Annual Dues 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN OVERVIEW OF THE JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE IDC AND THE HRA. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS, DETERMINE, AND ADOPT AN ACTION PLAN FOR THE IDC. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. 7. ADJOURNMENT. Minutes of IDC Meeting from December 11~, 1997 Members Present: Ken Maus, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Fred Patch and Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Grace Pederson 1. Approval of November 20''' meeting. Motioned by Johnson seconded by Van Allen, to approve minutes, unanimously approved. 2. Draft resolution to the City Council was not yet completed. Ken Maus and Don Smith reported they had not had a an opportunity to develop said resolution. The resolution draft will be completed for review by our January 22°d meeting and then presented to the City Council at their January 26`'' meeting. 3. Much discussion centered on the proposed Southwest Area Study, concern ranged from the realignment of Chelsea Road to planning for short and long term industrial development and the residential development next to Kjellberg's Trailor Park. Many different ideas were discussed as to how the plan could/should be modified. Motioned by Dick Van Allen seconded by Tom Lindquist to have Fred Patch invite City Planner Steve Grittman to our January meeting to discuss the Southwest Area Study and allow the IDC to impress upon Steve some of it's concerns. Unanimously approved. Motioned by Dick Van Allen seconded by Bill Tapper to have Fred Patch of City Staff lay out a process for the IDC to address short and long term industrial land needs and have imput in the Comprehensive Plan discussions. Unanimously approved. 4. The letter from the IDC to the Chamber in regard to 1998 funding was reviewed and concenses was given to have the IDC Chairman mail said letter. 5. The HRA was very receptive to holding a joint meeting between them and the IDC. The two major areas of discussion will center around formulating an Industrial Marketing Plan and aquisition of land for industrial use as well as future land use. It was decided that at the January IDC meeting an agenda would be developed for a joint meeting and the HRA would be invited to the February IDC meeting. 6. Business Prospects, Ollie reported on Midwest Graphics and their expansion plans for next spring, still looking at 35,000 sq. Ft and 22 jobs. Also is continuing to stay in contact with a Metal Stamping Co who will be ready to make some decisions about their relocation this spring. Still no return contact from a company called Lintex who was looking to relocate. Fred Patch handed out a Development Services guidline showing how to estimate fees for industrial office, warehouse manufacturing building/expansion. Meeting adjouned.