IDC Agenda 11-20-1997~-~ AGENDA ' MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, November 20,1997 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Ken Maus, Vice Chairperson Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, and Grace Pederson. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 16, 1997 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW A DRAFT COPY OF A RESOLUTION FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A FINANCIAL REPORT FROM THE CHAMBER OF ~` COMMERCE RELATING TO THE IDC BANQUET. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A 1998 BUDGET REQUEST FROM THE IDC TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 6. CONSIDERATION OF BRE UPDATE: a) Mayor's visits - Lintex and Bondhus Reception -Lake Tool, November 25, 3:30 p.m. b) Prospects -Midwest Graphics, Inc. Machine Shop Metal Stamp Proto-types 7. CONSIDERATION OF DISCUSSION TO HIRE FOR PROSPECTING. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Monticello Industrial Development Committee: Minutes of October 16, 1997 Meeting Members Present: Ken Maus, Don Smith, Tom Ollig, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Bob Mosford, Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Ollie Koropchak and guest Dan Goeman of Goeman Realty. . Members Absent: Tom Lindquist, Shelly Johnson, Kevin Doty, Grace Pederson, Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch. 1. Chairman Maus, called the meeting to order. 2. Motioned by Mr. Van Allen, seconded by Mr. Ollig to approve the July 17"' and September 18~' minutes as written. Unanimously approved. 3. Chairman Maus welcomed Mr. Bob Mosford as a new member of the IDC. 4. Bill Tapper updated the IDC on the joint meeting that was held between the IDC, City Council, Planning Commission, and HRA. Although the meeting prompted many positive comments from all sides it was noted that the City Council at their mtg. following the joint meeting totally ignored all the recommendations made by the IDC and did not even discuss our recommendations. Mayor Fair commented that it was reviewed by the Council that IlA zoning basically was the same as I1 and that the Green Space/Green Acres has been removed. Both Mr. Tapper and Mayor Fair did agree that this was a move in the right direction. Mr. Smith commented that we need to plan a strategy for follow through in regard to the IDC recommendations presented at the joint meeting. Mayor Fair reported that $150,000.00 will be budgeted to either purchase land or options for industrial development. Mayor Fair hoped that the HRA would identify land and will purchase options on it. Bill Tapper was commended by the IDC for carrying the IDC message to all in attendance at the joint meeting. Everyone felt that overall the goal of the IDC was achieved in making all groups in attendance at the joint meeting aware of our issues and position. The IDC asked Mayor Fair to visit with City Staff as to what happened to the IDC recommendations at the joint meeting. Did Staff not yet have a chance to review , Mayor Fair was also asked to visit with City Staff on how they would like to interface with the IDC. 5. Motioned by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ollig that Mr. Tapper and Mr. Van Allen develop a resolution from the IDC to the Council concerning the IDC's position. It was believed that a formal resolution was in order and the proper procedure to follow at this time. Unanimously approved. 6. Mr. Dan Goeman represented a group of investors who have purchased land located southwest of Monticello with a half mile of freeway frontage. He noted that the 1996 Comprehensive Plan the City has shows this property for future residential growth. His group feels the land is more suited for industrial development. Mayor Fair told Mr. Goeman that his group should start with the Planning Commission in regard to annexation of the property and future zoning. Recommended a letter of intent be written to the Council talking about the property. 7. Ollie passed out the City of Monticello Community Vision & Governing Policies for the members review. Ollie will send Mr. Mosford a list of all current IDC members and their place of employment along with their title. 8. Motioned by Mr. Van Allen, seconded by Mr. Ollig to adjourn meeting. Unanimously approved. • \ IDC Banquet Attendees Tuesday, October 28, 1997 ~ndhus Corp -Dick and Sally Van Allen (2) arlson, Roger and Sonja (2) Carlson Wagonlit Travel -Dave and Grace Pederson (1, 1 gratis) City of Monticello -Bill Fair, Ollie Koropchak, Rick Welfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Brett Weiss (5) Electro Industries -Bill and Merrlyn Seefeldt (2) Employer Benefits -Tom and Mary Beth St Hilaire (2) Esse Technologies -Bob and Barb Esse (2) FabCon -Jeff and Barb Nadeau (2) First National Bank of Elk River -Bill and Sue Endres (2) First National Bank of Monticello -Tom Lindquist and Carol Vogl (4) Genereux Fine Wood Products -Bill and Barb Tapper, Todd and Kim Murrey, John ~~nd Lisa Gammel(6) Goeman Realty -Dan and Jan Goeman (2) Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Assoc -Rick and Sue Borden (2) HDR -Bob Peplin and Rick Wagner (2) . Hoglund Agency -Ron Hoglund (1) James & Gruber -Mary Carlson, AI and Kim Garber, Joel and Donna Winkelman (5) Jones Manufacturing -John and Janet Jones (2) Joyner Lanes/Silver Springs -Tom Erlandson (2) Kennedy & Graven -Dan Greensweig (1) Little Mountain Flowers -Linda Smith and Lynne Dahl (2) Loch Jewelers -Alan Loch (1) rquette Bank -Dan and Linda Mielke (7) us Foods -Ellen Bjornlie and Diane Cates (2) Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District -Ollie Krahl and Laurie Brennan (4) Monticello Clinic - Dr Mark and Sue Houghland (2) Monticello Ford -Steve and Candy Johnson (2) Monticello Times -Don Smith (1) Mosford Barthel -Bob and Judy Mosford (2) NSP/Monticello -Holly Palmer, Mike and Ann Hammer, Dave Wisted, Harvey Kendall (5) NSP/St Cloud - Darrin Lahr (4) Pfeffer Company -Charlie Sr and Charlie Jr Pfeffer (2) PSG -Chuck and Shelly Keyes (4) Remmele Engineering -Joel Abraham (1) Residential Development Inc -Bob and Jo Murray (2) Shingobee -Bill Fahrney and Brad Forbrook (2) Silver Fox Inn -Marianna and Onn Khauv, Mandy Moren (4) Suburban Manufacturing -Brad Barger (1) Southside Dental - Dr John Erlandson (2) Sunny Fresh Foods -Laura Huston and Gordy Gingras (2) Superior Services -Rose and Todd Tharaldson (4) Vector Tool- Jim Harwood (1) Viet -Don and Julie Rachel, John Pippert, Lori Kiepler, Ken and Cathy Barthel (6) ~dititional Gratis: Kitty Baltos and Bob Grabinski (#) denotes how many tickets actually purchased IDC BANQUET -Reservations and Payment made: Did Not Attend ECM Publishers (1) Gould Bros Chevrolet (2) • Hoglund Bus Co (2) Kjellberg's Inc (2) . Carson's ACE Hardware (2) Moon Motors (1) Value Plus Homes (2) Wright Hennepin Coop Electric (2) WSB & Assoc (2) (16) RSVP - no payment/no attendees AME Group (2) Tire Service Equipment (2) (4) ATTENDANCE COUNT: 129 Tickets/Reservations Purchased (includes 3 gratis tickets) 94 In Attendance (97 Dinners Paid For) • Product Display Businesses: Bondhus Corp Electro Industries NSP Remmele Engineering Suburban Manufacturing /Vector Tools Sunny Fresh Foods Westlund Distributing U IDC BANQUET -Financial Information October 28, 1997 • INCOME: Ticket /Donation -received to date (11 /18/97) 6350.00 Billed /Outstanding 475.00 TOTAL INCOME 6,825.00 EXPENSES: Speaker -Jill Spiegel 1250.00 Appetizer and Dinner 1366.88 127 Hor D'oeuvres @1/50/person 97 Dinners @ 12.00/person Includes tax and tip Centerpieces 128.01 Ticket Printing 77.75 Table Mints 45.69 Placemats 24.11. Misc. Supplies /Mailings 9.48 TOTAL EXPENSES: 2,901.92 ~ANQUET PROFIT 3,923.08 • 1996 IDC BANQUET FINANCIAL REPORT • October 30, 1995 OCTOBER 29, 1996 REVENUE: BANQUET TICKETS $9,225 $6,525 6 GRATIS TICKETS 5 BILLED 1 000 TOTAL EXPECTED REVENUE $9,225 $7,525 EXPENDITURES: MONTE CLUB 72 PRIME RIB @ $13.95 $1,004.40 55 $ 767.25 26 DF SHRIMP @ $13.95 $ 362.70 14 $ 195.30 29 CHICKEN AMERRETO @ $8.95 $ 259.55 23 $ 205.85 TAX $ 105.73 $ 87.61 127 HORS D'QUERVRES @ $1.00 $ 127.00 92@ $1.95 $ 179.40 GRATUITY S 250.00 S 180.00 SUBTOTAL MONTE CLUB $2,109.38 LESS BANQUET TICKET S 75.00 TOTAL MONTE CLUB $2,034.38 $1,615.41 SPEAKER $1,000.00 MONTICELLO PRINTING $ 43.67 $ 45.80 MONTICELLO OFFICE PRODUCTS $ 8.96 Hallmark $ 3.05 VIDEO PLUS PRINTING S 15.98 S 15.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,102.99 $2,679.26 BANQUET PROFIT $7,122.01 EXPECTED $4,845.74 BUDGETED PROFIT $6,500.00 $5,500.00 1996 PROPOSED IDC BUDGET BANQUET REVENUE BANQUET EXPENDITURE BANQUET PROFIT $9, 000 3 500 $5, 500 • • Draft of City Council Resolution relating to Industry Where as Monticello has been spoiled by NSP tax revenues. Where as NSP revenues will decline as a percentage of the Monticello's total budget. Where as the city council has expressed a desire to decrease it's reliance on NSP revenue. Where as Industrial growth is critical to replacing NSP's tax base. Where as industrial growth is critical to maintaining community balance during this time of rapid residential growth. Where as the Monticello has over the past few years developed a reputation as industry unfriendly. Where as the least expense thing Monticello can do to • attract industry is to adopt and practice a industry friendly attitude. Where as it is critical that the city council go on record as supporting industrial growth and providing direction to their staff on to deal with industrial growth opportunities. Be it resolved that all city staff and employees act in a manor that encourages industrial growth in the community and that they find creative ways to help locate and expand industry in Monticello. This includes being friendly, flexible, creative, and helpful in solving the problems and road blocks that industry will face when locating or expanding in Monticello. In general doing everything in their power to make move to or expansion in Monticello a very positive experience. • 1 i • The Council and the staff of the City of Monticello; in recognition of the importance of balanced residential and industrial tax levy development to the fulfillment of its duty to the City of Monticello and the maintenance of its taxpayers economic well being resolve to: • replace the current "industrial unfriendly" reputation with an atmosphere considered industrially friendly to new tenants and builders alike. • create and maintain an industrial friendly" notification, clarification and expeditious review process of events, plans leading up to issuance of building permits and completion of projects for occupancy. • replace the significant reduction in taxable revenue from NSP due to imminent changes in tax structure and operating mode with increased industrial development • achievement of a specific tax levy balance between industrial and other types of • development through the study, long range planning, funding and development by the city of an industrial park. •