IDC Agenda 05-15-1997• AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 15,1997 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Ken Maus, Vice Chairperson Tom Lindquist, Secretary Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Jay Morrell, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, and Grace Pederson. COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Bill Fair STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. CALL TO ORDER. 2. SOLICIT A VOLUNTEER TO RECORD MINUTES. (In absence of the Secretary.) 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AND BRE VISITS. Ollie Koropchak and Mayor Fair. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE FROM THE MARKETING SUBCOMMITTEE. • Team Leader Bill Tapper. 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED DESIGN STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. 6. CONSIDERATION OF CHAMBER BUSINESS: President Grace Pederson a) IDC Fundraiser Banquet -date and speaker. b) Chamber application for apprenticeship grant. c) IDC/Chamber Breakfast Summary. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. 8. ADJOURNMENT. • • MONTICELLO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTIONS 250 EAST BROADWAY City Hall (612) 295-2711 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Building Inspections (612) 295-3060 Fax (612) 295-4404 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL & INSTITUTIONAL PERMITS Apply for permits at City Hall on weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Complete permit applications may be mailed. Commercial and industrial permitting time will depend on complexity of the work and completeness of the plans. Three (3) weeks may be required for permit processing for new buildings and major additions. Work must not begin until the permit and job copy of the plan are on the job site. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRMENTS: Completed Application Form 2. Three (3) complete sets of plans and specifications which may include: • ^ Land Survey (Boundary or topographic required) ^ Civil/Site Development Plans for Grading, Drainage, Storm Sewer, Paving, Lighting, Utilities 3. Two (2) complete sets of plans and specifications which may include: ^ Soils Analysis ^ Environmental Remediation ^ Site Plans ^ Landscape Plans ^ Building Plans ^ Energy Calculations ^ Structural Plans ^ Special Inspections ^ Mechanical Plans ^ Plumbing Plans ^ Fire Suppression ^ Fire Alarm System ^ Electrical Plans and Energy Calculations/Lighting Plans ^ Shop drawings, structural calculations and other documents as necessary ^ Food Establishment Kitchen Equipment Plans and Specifications (Minnesota Dept. of Health approval is required prior to building permit application.) • When required, land use permits, recording of land use documents, and on-site development sureties must be approved and in place prior to building permit issuance. • Deferral of permit submittals must be pre-approved by the Building Official. The Archi#ect or Engineer of record must coordinate submittal documents and must list deferred submittals on the plans submitted for building permit. • When required, plans and specifications must be prepared and certified by a Minnesota Architect, Engineer or tend Surveyor. . • When a Master Plumber or Master Electrician prepares plans and specifications for his own work, plans and specifications must be certified with the signature and license number of that individual. aLDC\PE~zT.xwv (2/20/90 Page 1 of 2 PLUMBING PERMITS 1. Completed Application Form • 2. Plumbing plans, specifications and riser diagrams when necessary (Signed by Minnesota Master Plumber or Professional Engineer as required.) HEATING/MECHANICAL PERMITS 1 . Completed Application Form 2. Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculations 3. Mechanical plans, shop drawings and specifications when necessary (Signed by Professional Engineer as required) SEWER PERMITS 1. Completed Application Form 2. Site utilities plan when necessary (Signed by Minnesota Master Plumber or Civil Engineer when required) WATER PERMITS 1. Completed Application Form 2. Site utilities plan, specifications and riser diagrams when necessary (Signed by Minnesota Master Plumber or Professional Engineer as required) FIRE SUPPRESSION/ALARM SYSTEM PERMITS Fire Suppression: • 1. Completed Application Form 2. Three 13) sets of Site Utilities Plans, Fire Suppression/Sprinkler Plans, Specifications, Risei Diagrams and Hydraulic Calculations when necessary (Signed by Fire Protection Engineer, Minnesota Master Plumber or Professional Engineer as required) Fire Alarm System: 1. Completed Application Form 2. Two (2) sets of plans and specifications including cut sheets of equipment and devices State or City license may be required for any work in the building trades • BLDG\PERMIT.HAN (2/20/97) Page 2 of 2 • MONTICELLO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTIONS 250 EAST BROADWAY, PO BOX 1147 City Hall (612) 295-2711 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Building Inspection (612) 295-3060 Fax (612) 295-4404 LOCATION, HEIGHT AND DESIGN STAN[3ARDS The land use standards listed below apply to all new, moved and remodeled buildings and structures: PERitITT Ell PIitl\CII '.4LUSFS 1 YH;R MiTTEDACC N:SSOKY USE S 1 ZOl~"IN G llISTRICT H}ont Yard Setback Side Yard Setback 2 Rear Yard Setback 2 Min. [ut Area Min. Lot Width Min. Building Width Area Max. Building Hei ht brunt Yard Setback Side Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback Max. Buildieg ht. AOS SO feet 30 feet 50 feet 2 acres 200 feet N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A R -1 30 feet (3,4) 10 feet (5) 30 feet 12,000 sf 80 feet 24 feet 1000 sf (9) 2 % stories (] 0) 10 feet S feet l5 feet K - 2 30 feet (3,4) ]0 feet (5) 30 feet 12,000 sf 80 feet 24 feet 1000 sf (9) 2 % stories (]0) 10 £eet 5 feet 15 feet R - 3 30 feet 20 feet 30 feet 10,000 sf 80 feet 24 feet 1000 sf (9) 2 stories (]0) 10 feet 5 feet 15 feet R - 4 20 feet (7) S feet (7) 10 feet (7) 4000 sf 40 feet (100 ft deep) N/A 1 story (10) N/A N/A N/A PZR 30 feet CUP (6) 30 feet 12,000 sf 80 feet 24 feet 1000 sf (9) 2'/z stories (10) 10 feet 5 feet N/A P71VI 30 feet CUP (6) 30 feet 12,000 sf 80 feet N/A 2 stories (10) ]0 feet 5 feet N/A B - 1 30 feet (3,4) 15 feet (5) 20 feet 8,000 sf 80 feet N/A 2 stories (10) 15 feet 20 feet N/A R - 2 30 feet (3,4) 10 feet (S) 20 feet N/A 100 feet N/A 2 stories (10) 10 feet 20 feet N/A B - 3 30 feet 10 feet 30 feet N/A 100 feet N/A ~ 2 stories (10) 10 feet 30 feet N/A B - 4 0 feat 0 feet 0 feet N/A N/A N/A 2 stories (10) 0 feet 0 feet N/A BC SO feet 30 feet 40 feet 3Q,000 sf 100 feet N/A 2 stories (10) 30 feet 40 feet N/A I - 1 40 feat 30 feet 40 feet 20,000 s£ 100 feet N/A 2 stories (10) 30 feet 40 feet N/A I - 2 50 feet 30 feet 50 feet 3Q,000 sf 100 feet N/A 2 stories (10) 30 feet 50 feet N/A P - S 40 feet CUP 8 30 feet N/A 150 feet N/A SO feet 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A shall mean Nof Applicable. (N Of all stanuaMS are shown. iteter to t,7ty vrarrtances Ior comptete mrormauon .~ N07'ES: (1) No building or structure may be erected on an easement. (2) Where incompatible uses are abutting, a buffer yard must be provided. (See Zoning Code, Section 3-3 [G]) (3) Where adjacent structures (excluding accessory buildings), within the same block are sdback differently from those required, the front yard minimum sdback shall be the average sdback ofthe adjacent structures. (See Zoning Code, Section 3-18 [C] 1.) (4) Where adjacent structures exceed minimum sdbacks, the minimum sdback shall be 30 fed plus 2/3 of the differatce bdween 30 fed and the sdback or average sdback of adjaarit structures within the same block. (See Zoning Code, Section 3-19 [F]) (5) If a comer lot ,the side yard sdback shall be not less than 20 fed from the lot line abutting street right of way. (See Zoning Code, Section 9-2 (A] 3.) (6) Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Required. (See Zoning Code, Section 10-5 [D] 1 (a).) • ('~ No building or off-sued parking space shall be located within 30 fed ofthe exterior boundary of a mobile home court. (See Zoning Code, Section 10-5 [D] 1 (a).) (8) Conditional Use Pernut [CUP] Required. (See Zoning Code, Section 19B-5 [C] 2. (a) and (b).) (9) One and two family dwellings constructed after 7-22-91 must provide for a garage of at least 400 square fed, with a garage door of at least 16 fed in width. (10) Accessory Uses must be located behind the furthest back rear wall line ofthe building. (See Zoning Code, Sections; 3-2 [D] 2., and 2-2 [YC]) BLDG\setback.HAN (3/15/97) MONTICELLO • 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello; MN 55362 - 9245 Telephone 295 - 2711 FAX 295 - 4404 Apri129, 1997 Developers/Contractors/Property Owners: On April 28; 1997 the Monticello City Council voted to increase the City Sewer Service Availability Charge (SAC) fee by 100 percent, from $1500.00 to $3000.00 per SAC unit effective June 1, 1997. The number of SAC units payable to the City at the time of building permit issuance or at the time of a change in building use will depend upon the proposed use of the building. For building permit applications that are complete and have been received by the City prior to June 1,1997, SAC fees will be charged at the rate of 51500.00 per unit. Applications received thereafter will be charged SAC fees at the new rate. Each SAC unit equates to an estimated average daily sewage flow of 274 gallons per unit. For the most common property uses, the number of SAC units to be charged by the City is determined from the attached chart. The following examples illustrates how the number of SAC units applicable to an office/ warehouse and a restaurant would be determined: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING -- 4,000 sq. ft. office and 12, 000 sq. ft. warehouse area Office Area 4000 sq. ft. / 2.400 = 1.67 SAC units Warehouse 12,000 sq. ft. / 7,000 = 1 70 SAC units • TOTAL SAC I)NITS PAYABLE 3.37 rounds down to 3 SAC units 3 SAC units a $3,000 = 59,000.00 Total SAC fees Payable to the City RESTAURANT TENANT -- 165 seats, using washable glassware and silverware Seats 165 seats / 8 = 20.63 SAC units TOTAL SAC UNITS PAYABLE 20.63 rounds up to 21 SAC units 21 SAC units a $3,000 = 563,000.00 Total SAC fees Payable to the City For industrial users. sewage flow is determined independent of the chart and is based on the quantity and type of discharge. If you have questions as to how to calculate SAC fees, please contact Fred Patch at 271-3214. Please direct comments regarding this increase directly to the City Council. Written comments maybe directed to the City of Monticello at the address provided above. Verbal comments may be made to the City Council at the next lwo regularly scheduled meetings held at 7:00 P.M. on May 12, 1997 and May 26, 1997 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Sincerely, ~. ~ - Fredrick H. Patch, Chief Building Official