IDC Minutes 02-19-1998Minutes from February 19, 1998 • Monticello Industrial Development Committee Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper. Others Present: Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Ollie Koropchak, Chamber Kitty Baltos. Members Absent: Ken Maus, Bob Mosford, Bob Grabinski. 1. Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, Tom Lindquist. Johnson motioned Ollig seconded to approve the December 11, 1997 minutes, unanimously approved. 2. Report on the first meeting of the new Marketing Committee was given by Don Smith (see attached) Tom Lindquist, Kevin Doty and Bill Tapper were asked to gather information from industries in other communities as to what enticed them to go to those communities. IDC wants to see if their aze any consistency's in their choices. 3. BRE Visits by Mayor Fair: Visited Bill Tappers business was very impressed and the visit was very positive. Asked the IDC for direction as he as now visited all the industries in our Industrial Pazk. To visit everyone took about a yeaz, should he start over, or visit commercial businesses? After some discussion it was decided to have Ollie and Kitty develop a list of Retail and Commercial businesses to visit as well as start revisiting the industries. • 4. Kitty reported that the Chamber Industrial Breakfast will be held on April 23`d. 5. City Resolution of Support for development was adopted. The IDC will monitor developments to determine if the City will live up to the resolution standazds it adopted. 6. Agreed to ask the Chamber to pay on behalf of the IDC it's dues for membership in the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County. 7. Ollie reported that Custom Filtration Inc., is looking at constructing a 15,000 sq., ft, building in Monticello. Also noted that an unnamed business is looking at Monticello to build a 100,000 sq., ft., building with 15 to 20 jobs. Ollie is providing information to them very preliminary. 8. Motioned by Tapper, seconded by Doty to adjourn, unanimously approved. Respectfully sumitted: Tom Ollig, IDC Secretary (Note, attached also is a copy of discussion at a special IDC meeting held on Mazch 5`~ to review the IDC presentation that Mr. Van Allen will make before the Planning • Commission with regard to the Public Hearing on considerationof aComprehensive Plan Amendment for the south and west growth azeas adjacent to the city of Monticello.)