IDC Minutes 06-18-1998Monticello Industrial Development Committee
• Minutes from June 18, 1998 meeting
Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Kevin Doty,
Bill Tapper, Bob Grabinski. City Staff, Ollig Koropchak.
Members Absent: Shelly Johnson, Ken Maus, Bob Mosford.
1. Meeting was called to order by chariman Van Allen.
2. Motioned by Smith seconded by Grabinski to approve the Apri121~ minutes. Motion
3. Don Smith handed out and gave a short review of the Marketing Plan that a
sub-committee of the IDC is working on. After some discussion it was motioned by
Smith seconded by Lindquist to adopt the marketing concept draft presented to the
IDC from the sub-committee. Motion approved.
After further discussion it was motioned by Smith seconded by Tapper to have the
IDC sub-committee review implementation and budgeting for the marketing plan.
Motion approved.
Van Allen motioned Tapper seconded that the City needs to devote 20 hours per
week of staff time to implement and carry out the marketing plan. Motion approved.
• 4. The original draft of the marketing plan was presented to the Monticello HRA. At
their meeting they approved the draft and recommended that the City look outside
of City staff for the development of the marketing brochure.
5. Ollie talked about the success of the HRA/Site Locater Tour. Some 30 people were
on the tour and 27 played golf at the Chamber outing. Ollie felt the tour was a
6. Ollie reviewed her prospects list.
Midwest Graphics is to do a ground breaking for their new addition soon. A
possible IDC reception was talked about after the ground breaking however no
action was taken. The TIF meeting with the contractors has been completed.
B&B Metal Stamping is going to Albertville.
Reviewing a lead from the Department of Trade and Economic Development.
7. Bob Grabinski talked about the various events that the Chamber has going on such
as Art in the Park, Riverfest, Crazy Days, Industrial visits in conjunction with Rogers
and the School to Work Program.
• Motioned by Smith, seconded by Ollig to adjourn. Motion approved.