IDC Minutes 07-16-1998Minutes from July, 1998 IDC Meeting 07/16/98 Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Bob Grabinski, Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff Jeff O'Neill, Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Tom Lindquist, Shelly Johnson, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty 1. Meeting was called to order by chairman Dick Van Allen. 2. Motion by Tapper, seconded by Grabinski to approve minutes from June IDC meeting. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ACTIVITY REPOSTS: a. 3M Visit - Mayro Fair and Ollie talked about their visit to 3M and what they as a company look for when selecting a site to build an office or plant. See attachment "A" b. Prospects -Ollie, Midwest Graphics will hold a ground breaking and reception some time in August all IDC members wilt be informed. B&B was thought to be going to Albertville and it looks as though they will be building in Monticello east of Vector Tool with a 12,000 sq., ft. Building employing 5 people. Paul Edder of Allied is interested in the property next to Fulfillment Systems, wilt meet with City Staff to discuss his concept. c. IDC Banquet is October 27"' at the Monti Club, tickets will be distributed to IDC members in September. 4. Bob Grabinski reported on various Chamber activities, IDC Banquet, School to Work program, Job Fair, Joint Industry Tour, and the new Monticello map. See attachment "B" 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW SCHEDULE AND PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING PLAN Don Smith and Tom Ollig reported on the progress to date the IDC sub committee has achieved in regard to this matter. Jeff O'Neill of City staff after reviewing the plan stated that he and Ollie will determine who will be responsible for the different areas as mentioned in the plan. At this point the Marketing Plan will be presented to the HRA for approval and then on to the city Council. Motion by Smith, seconded by Ollig that the proposed Marketing Plan move onto the HRA and City Council for discussion and approval. Unanimously approved. 6. Status of SW Corridor Utility Feasibility Study. Mayor Fair reported that there has been no action yet in regard to the study. There is still on-going discussion with the City and business owners as to the location of Chelsea Road. He also reported that the Hwy. 25 project will not start until the spring of 1999. 7. Motioned by Grabinski, seconded by Mosford to adjourn, unanimously approved.