IDC Minutes 11-19-1998:~ • Monticello Industrial Development Committee Minutes from November 19, 1998 Meeting Members Present: Dick Van Allen, Tom Lindquist, Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Kevin Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Bob Gabinski. City Staff: Mayor Bill Fair, Ollie Koropchak Members Absent: Shelly 7ohnson 1, Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dick Van Allen. 2. Minutes from the September 17~' meeting were approved. 3. Consideration of activity reports; Prospects -Ollie reported on some activity and interest from several business. • Robner and Assoc. Looking at Monticello. Looking for 12,000 square feet about 12 employees. • D & L Custom Design, Inc., out of St. Cloud took a tour of Monticello looking for centralized location does custom design cabinets for the US Post Office about 45 employees. Looking for 100,000 square foot building. • Caterpillar, Inc. Trouble contacting them may be a little premature 25 to 100 employees looking for freeway exposure. • Lead from the State of MN on a business looking fora 50,000 square foot building, distributor of building products and supplies for the building industry. 4. Consideration to review summary comments and ideas for establishment of IDC goals and adjectives. Discussion centered on proposal from Fred Patch of the City with regard to how trucks should enter businesses and where those entrances should be located. The two biggest issues are safety and ascetics the plan would limit loading docks to the side or/and rear of buildings. This issue was discussed at length considering, cost, safety, existing buildings structure and feasibility. Motioned by Tapper seconded by Gabinski: The committee recommended that the City focus on safety as the main issue and that the IDC does not believe the overall problem warrants an ordnance at the present time. Unanimously approved. 5. Note from Chairman Dick Van Allen that the IDC needs to appoint a new Chairman at the January meeting for 1999. 6. Ollie discussed the IDC Banquet: Turnout was the same as 1997, compliments were received the Chamber did a great job. Many compliments on the industrial brochure everything went well, the committee thanked Ollie for her efforts. 7. A question was raised about the $10,000.00 that was transferred from the IDC to • the Chamber and what should be done with it. It was noted that the Chamber supports the IDC during the year to the tune of about $2,500.00. It was decided that the Chamber should use the money as they see fit to promote Monticello and that the original terms of the transfer (letter of 1996) be reinforced. 8. Consideration of recommendation on an ordinance amendment providing off-street loading berths, to prohibit berths from facing a public street. Property near Co. Rd. 39. The committee asked that John Chadwick be invited to our next meeting to discuss. 9. Consideration to review summary comments and ideas for establishment of IDC goals and objectives. • A group of concerned citizens interested in promoting industrial growth in Monticello. • Lobbying organization. • Dick Van Allen will craft a sentence or two on purpose for our next meeting. • What is our affiliation • What is our direction. 10 Motion by Tapper seconded by Doty to adjourn, unanimously approved. •