IDC Minutes 08-19-1993MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, August 19, 1993 - 7:00 a.m. City I3a11 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Jahn McVay, Shelley Johnson, Ron Hoglund, Merrilyn Seefeldt, Ken Maus, Cyndie Johnson, Tom Lindquist, Steve Lemme, Mary Micke, Don Smith, and Harvey Kendall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Doty, Lowell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Dennis Taylor, Dave Peterson, Linda Mielke, and Dr. Glenn Nemec. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Walfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson John McVay called the IDC; meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JUNE 17 1993 IDC MINUTES. Chairperson McVay requested the June 17 minutes, page 2, item 4, section D, be amended to read that the Standard Iron will not combine the three facilities as written. The Alexandria and Sauk Centre manufacturing facilities will remain as is and the Monticello facility will house its headquarters and additional manufacturing space. Ron Hoglund made a motion to approve the June 17, 1993 IDC min~ztes with the requested amendment. Merrilyn Seefeldt seconded the motion and without further corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as amended. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR___AND ACCEPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Hoglund reported beginning monthly balances at Metropolitan Federal of $1,247.34 and at Marquette of $4,174.66. After payment of monthly bills, the combined net balance is $5,334.24. The August IDC financial report was accepted by a consensus of the IDC membership. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: a) Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. - Koropchak reported that the HRA has authorized BDS, Inc. to establish TIF District No. 1-13 for land write-down and site improvement pay-as-you-ga assistance. A Letter of Intent, company check, and copy of the purchase agreement for Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, OIP, riave been received from IDC MINiJTES AUGtJST 19, 1993 the company. Standard Tron's New Hope office was visited in late Jane by Jahn McVay, Ron Hoglund, Jeff O'Neill, and Kevin Doty. All agreed this quality company is compatible with the City's economic development standards. The company is a fabricator of metal. The three million dollar plus project will consist of an approximate 50,000 sq ft manufacturing/office structure with an employment of 115. Real estate and equipment will be financed through the bank, SBA, TIF, equity, State, CMIF, and the GMEF. A fall construction is anticipated. This lead came from Jerry Schoen, Aroplax Corporation. b) Custom molder of industrial and medical products - This company located in Annandale is looking at the Monticello area because of freeway accessibility, and labor force and land availability (land served with adequate utilities). Construction plans are far a 16,800 sq ft metal office/manufacturing facility with an employment of 20 within two years. The company has been in business for 10 years and produces flexible foam products which are attached to metal equipment. Since our policy is not to encourage business relocation within Wright County or the immediate surrounding area, the $400,000 plus real estate would be financed through TIF, bank, and SBA. BDS, the company, and Koropchak met on August 18. The Prospect Committee will be called to visit the Annandale location soon. This lead came through the Chamber office. c) Steinwall, Inc. - Koropchak was contacted by Northco, a builder, who at the request of his client was looking for available sites to construct a 40-50,000 sq ft office/manufacturing facility. The client turned out to be Steinwall, Inc. Koropchak having reached Mr. Brotherton, stated the company plans to move in December of 1994. Steinwall appears to be most interested iri sites in the Louring Hillside Addition by FSI. d) Wilson Tool International, Inc. - Koropchak reported she has made contact with Wilson's newly hired plant manager. Mr. Tom Snuggerud said the company has re-focused their priorities: First, assessment of engineering process, and secondly, building/site selection. The 1994 plan is far a 8-10 month building/site selection process for the proposed 30-40,000 sq ft facility. This company designs and builds replacement tooling for the steel metal fabricators. The largest turret tool manufacturer in the world has a product line that includes standard and special punches and dies for various press manufacturers. Monticello remains on the site selection list. • Page 2 IDC MINUTES . AUGUST 19, 1993 e) Weinhold Company - This small company manufactures quick change (insty-bit) bits for power drills. The growing company employs 6 full-time peaple and is looking for lease/purchase option on a 5,000 sq ft facility. Mr. Weinhold is attending a National Hardware Trade Show tr~is week and requested Koropchak to call in a couple of weeks. This lead from Bill Tapper. f) Medical Transcription - MK and Company, a California business, is looking to relocate its business to the Minnesota. They employ 14 people. Through the use of high technology and tele-communications the company markets to hospitals, clinics, etc. The lead came through the Chamber office in June and Monticello marketing information was mailed. Mrs. Miroslav (Pam) Konvicka moved from Monticello at the age of two, family name was Spenner. They plan to visit Minnesota in August. g) Right-Choice Services - The company has extended its current lease in Maple Urove for another three years . In three years, the company will look to build a 30,000 sq ft building with an employment of 45. The company similiar to FSI, is a coupon/redemption marketing facilitator. Andy Robinson lives locally and the lead • came from Jim Fleming. tl h) y Fluidyne, Inc. - This technical service firm recen sold the aero-space system division to a St . Paul company and the energy-related system division is looking for 7- 8,000 sq ft of leaseable space. Current employment is 7- 8 people and the company expects to double the employment in two to three years. The company employs professional people with an annual average wage of $40,000. The office/laboratory requires a professional image as 509 of their service is exported to Japan. The company is looking for the right bank and working capital. This lead came from Brad and Mary Barger via Robert Schanlon. Koropchak is to call back after Labor Day and speak to Len Frame, President. i) Knights Color & Chemicals - This Montrose/Waverly company manufactures dye-ink. Currently, the company operates from two locations and is looking for about two acres to construct a metal facility in 1994. The average wage range is $8.00 to $10.00 for its 20 employees. Building size has not been determined. j) Irresistible Ink - This start-up service business would employ a part-time staff of tele-marketers ($10 wph) and clerical ($4.50 wph). The company inquired about the availability of an existing 3,500 sq ft building with a lease/purchase option and available financing options. • Page 3 IDC MINiJTES AUGUST 19, 1993 John Petters is scheduled to meet with Ken Holker and is arranging a meeting with Dr. Brion. The company would like to be operational this fall or January. Mr. Petters started a successful business in St. Cloud whictz he recently sold. The lead came from Bab Rierson. k) Precision Opticals -This family-operated Silver Creek business who markets to industrial businesses is looking for a 8-10,000 sq ft building. The company anticipates an employment of 10 part-time people within two years. Owner is Richard Vizenor (Visner). BRE UPDATES: a) H-Window - Koropchak outlined in detail the financial packaging process proposed for the H-Window expansion. On May 25, 1993 Pat Pelstring, Lenny Kirscht, and Koropchak met with representatives of the Norwegian Board and Steven Lemme. Fallowing this meeting, BDS, Inc. suggested de-certification of the existing TIF District and establishment of a new district to collect the eight years of tax increment generated by the expansion. City staff questioned BDS on the legality of de-certifying an existing district. The original $2,075,000 financial proposal was reviewed . by the EDA on June 7. This proposal included equity, State funds, TIF, and the issuance of $1,175,000 of G.O. TIF Bonds by the EDA. However, the EDA elected not to issue the bonds because in their opinion the projected bond rate of ?.69o was comparative to commercial lending and not a sufficient savings to the H-Window. On June 14, prior to Mr. Lemme's departure for Norway, the revised financial package of equity, commercial lending, TIF, and State funds was reviewed with Mr. Lemme. Of the projected annual $35,000 tax increment, $20,000 was for the company's annual debt service with excess TIF for land write-down of the City's lots. The legality of de-certification was still not resolved. In conversations with BDS from Koropchak's home, inquiries were made to the legality of de-certification and progress of the H-Window proposal. At the August 11 HRA meeting, the HRA approved splitting and de-certifying the TIF District No. 1-7 boundary for creation of TIF District No. 1-16 subject to compliance with the Minnesota Statutory. On August 12, BDS determined the de-certification of the district bo~zndary was not legal. Yesterday, Mr. Kirscht and Koropchak met with Mr. Lemme regarding the new TIF information and the Page 4 IDC MINUTES • AUGLiST 19 , 1993 HRA has scheduled a special meeting this evening to approve the use of TIF surplus funds for $160,000 of site improvement assistance over eight years. The HRA will evaluate BDS' performance as to the length of time (from May 25 to August 12) to resolve the legality issue as questioned by city staff; therebye, causing HRA embarrassment and H-Window undue disappointment and frustration. Although, the H-Window Company remains committed to Monticello, the Norwegian parent company is apprehensive of their approved 2-million expansion which has temporarily been put on-hold, reported Mr. Lemme. Additionally, Mr. Lemme suggested if the current H-Window facility met the needs of Standard Iron, a potential sale of their facility would allow the H-Window to purchase a new 20-acre site adequate for their long-term planning. The IDC fully endorsed the H-Window expansion and recommended the HRA consider the project as number one priority. Additionally, the IDC suggested tYie HRA consider purchase of the existing H-Window facility and lease it back to the H-Window or another company, and • suggested an IDC Subcommitte meet with the HRA to evaluate the performance and billings of BDS, Inc. b) Sunny Fresh Foods - With the dollars invested in renovation of the old-creamy and the potential expansion of Sunny Fresh, Don Smith suggested the City move quickly and explore the legality of the 5th Street right-of-way. Sunny Fresh plans call for utilization of the right-of- way far parking. Mayor Maus reported the project is back in Sunny Fresh's court as to the overall site plan. Contact person at Sunny Fresh is Mr. Roberts. c) Aroplax Corporation - Koropchak noted the "thank you" note the IDC received and reported the open house was attended by past and present company employees and their families, suppliers, and Schoen family members from California and Arizona. d) Custom Canopy - In a conversation with Steve Birkeland, the construction progress was delayed by rain, the company is currently moving into the shop area and anticipate the office area to be completed the end of this month. Business is going-well. Page 5 IDC MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1993 5. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES: a} IDC Banquet - Banquet plans are well on-the-way with tickets to be distributed at the next IDC meeting. Potential testimonial speakers noted were Knut Flakk of the H-Window, Bondhus Corporation, or Genereux Fine Wood Products. The banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, guest speaker is Dr. James Bensen. b) Central Minnesota Initiative Fund Report - Tabled as Kevin Doty was absent. c) Wright County Economic Development Partnership - Their next meeting is scheduled for August 25, 10:30 a.m. at the Hanover City Hall. Koropchak presented copies of the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Establishment of Task Force for ratification. d) Quad County Development Network - Next meeting scheduled for September 17, 10:30 a.m. at the St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce Center. e) Industrial Business Directory - Koropchak will notify the IDC Subcommittee to begin plans for development of a local industrial business directory. f} Letter from Jim Fleming - Enclosed with the IDC agenda was a letter from Mr. Fleming with notification of his acceptance to the Leadership TwinWest. Mr. Fleming is • interested in IDC membership and currently serves on the Police Commission. g) Metro phones - Koropchak reported the second-round of phone traffic and rate studies have been completed by the metro and Monticello telephone companies. The Public utility Commission will start its reviewal process. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Chamber Business After Hours, Today, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Monte Club. b) Dungannon/Monticello Rotary Exchange - Don Smith briefed the IDC members as to the brainstorming plans of this first exchange scheduled for October 1994 The exchange would include the areas of arts/cultural, education, religion, government, and economic development with potential of industrial importing and exporting. Mayor Maus, Jeff O'Neill, and Koropchak will be providing information or local and state marketing materials. c) Jahn McVay informed IDC members that during the month of September approximately GO-70 fuel tanker trucks per-day would pass through Monticello enroute to the NSP Sherco Plant. The trucks would be enroute from a coke refinery facility south of the metro. Members recommended the trucks utilize Highway 25 and not East Broadway. Page 6 IDC MINiJTES . AUGUST 19, 1993 7. ADJOURNMENT. Mary Micke made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting, seconded by Harvey Kendall. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. e~ K~ ~~~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Director • • Page 7