IDC Minutes 01-20-1994MTNUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 20, 1994 - 7:30 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson John McVay, Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Arve Grimsmo, Shelley Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Jay Morrell, Tom Lindquist, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Ken Maus, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Linda Mielke, and Cyndie Johnson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Smith, Mary Micke, and Steven Lemme. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson McVay called the IDC meeting to order at ?:30 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 16 1993 IDC MINUTES. Shelley Johnson made a motion to approve the December 16, 1993 IDC minutes. Seconded by Harvey Kendall and with no additions or corrections, the monthly minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS. Treasurer Hoglund reported January balances of $1,224.36 at Marquette Bank and $4,702.39 at Metropolitan Federal Bank for a total of $5,926.75. Monthly deposits included the 1993 Chamber contribution of $2,800 and the 1994 City contribution of $6,650 with one of the disbursements being $15,582.03 for salary and benefits. Tom Lindquist made a motion to accept the monthly financial report as given. Seconded by Kevin Doty and with no additions or corrections, the financial report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: Prospect and BRE updates as per the January 20 agenda supplement. In addition to the supplement, Chairperson McVay informed members that a few existing industrial property owners have raised a concern regarding the construction of a pole barn along Fallon Avenue. The metal facility constructed with pole supports rather than steel supports. Does our ordinance allow this? • Page 1 IDC MINUTES • JANUARY 20, 1994 5. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1994 IDC OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON VICE CHAIRPERSONS AND TREASURER. Chairperson McVay opened the floor for nominations of officers for the IDC. Harvey Kendall nominated the current officers: Jahn McVay, Chairperson; Kevin Doty, Viee Chairperson; and Ron Hoglund, Treasurer. With no further nominations, Chairperson McVay ceased nominations and called for a motion. Harvey Kendall made a motion to elect the nominated indiviudals as 1994 IDC officers. Seconded by Arve Grimsmo and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT IDC MEMBER RESIGNATIONS AND CONSIDERATION OF REPLACEMENTS FOR VACATED SEATS. Having received letters of resignation from Lowell Schrupp and Dave Peterson, the IDC officers and Finance Committee member Harvey Kendall considered the list of individuals interested in or suggested for IDC membership. The list consisted of Judy Leming, Jim Fleming, Charlie Pfeffer, Bill Tapper, Charles Christopherson, Schoen or Demeules family members, and Maureen Steinwall. The Planning Committee's recommendations to the general membership for consideration were Bill Tapper • and Jim Fleming. Linda Mielke announced and submitted a letter of resignation at the meeting. Shelley Johnson made a motion to accept the three letters of resignation and requested appreciation letters be written to the outgoing members. Tom Lindquist seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Nemec made a motion to accept Bill Tapper and Jim Fleming as new IDC members, the motion was seconded by Harvey Kendall. Discussion followed and members agreed not to fill the seat vacated by Mrs. Mielke, thereby, allowing for future options and flexibility. Membership guidelines call for 16-18 members. The motion passed unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT IDC YEAR-END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PROPOSED 1994 BUDGET. The year-end financial statements were prepared by Karopchak from the IDC checkbook records, accounting all revenues and expenditures. The December 16, 1993 year-end checkbook record and Marquette Bank statement balances coincided at $10,326.19. The December 16, 1993 checkbook record and Metropolitan Federal Bank statement balances coincided at $1,249.11. • Page 2 IDC MINUTES . JANUARY 20, 1994 Thereafter, the prepared financial statements and bank statements were reviewed and audited by City Finance Director Rick Wolfsteller. Additionally, members received a comparison of IDC year-end financial balances dating back to 1987. Next, the members reviewed the second draft of the proposed 1994 IDC Budget. The first draft mailed in the agenda was amended by the Planning Committee. Upon drafting 1994 subcommittees and goals, the Planning Committee increased the marketing dollars from $2,000 to $4,000. This amount budgeted for costs associated with the implementation of a target- marketing program as recommended for exploration in the 1994 Economic Work Plan. It was noted that the City Administrator had increased the Economic Development Director's - HRA salary and benefit portion by 59b as suggested last year; however, the overall result to the IDC was a decrease of only $52.11 from 1992 to 1993. If the IDC had not received the City's 1994 contribution of $6,650 prior to paying the 1993 City debt of $15,582.03, the IDC's financial report would indicate a negative balance of $723.25. It was recommended that a special committee research and evaluate funding sources • available, other than the IDC, to assist with the Director's salary and benefits. Upon completion of the study, demonstrate the findings to the City Council for participation approval. Chairperson McVay and Treasurer Hoglund volunteered, and Administrator Wolfsteller and/or City Auditor Ric Barden were suggested as committee members. Dr. Glenn Nemec made a motion to implement the prior said recommendation and to accept the second draft of the proposed 1994 IDC Budget. Harvey Kendall seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 8. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF___1.9.9.3 ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND TO REVIEW FOR AMENDMENT THE PRELIMINARY DRAFT OF THE 1994 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN. On January 18, John McVay, Kevin Doty, Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, and Koropchak met to draft 1994 IDC goals or objectives. A preliminary draft of the results were distributed to the members. Koropchak indicated at the January 18 meeting, the subcommittee assessed the 1993 Work Plan far accomplishments and listed the objectives not accomplished. Additionally, the group agreed the most important role of the IDC was in • Page 3 IDC MINUTES • JANUARY 20, 1994 Business Retention and Expansion (BRE}. The discussions then centered around ideas that could encourage greater membership participation in the BRE program. The results were one: A greater use of subcommittees, chaired by an IDC member and utilizing the expertise of IDC members and local citizens. And secondly, an accountability of BRE visits through the development of an annual monthly-report schedule. The five subcommittees and their suggested tasks were highlighted. The five subcommittees were Marketing, Education, BRE, Legislative, and Infrastructure. Under the tasks of the Marketing Subcommittee, not all IDC members agreed nor were they convinced that a direct mail target- marketing plan was feasible. Members were reminded that the tasks were meant as suggestions for assessment or exploration. After a subcommittee's exploration of a task would they make a recommendation to the IDC for consideration and implementation approval. Jack Brown of Electro Industries was suggested as a name for the Education Committee. Chairperson McVay expressed his interest to establish an Industrial Presidents Club. • The IDC officers and Mr. Kendall plan to meet again to discuss and suggest individuals for the subcommittees. This and the BRE visit schedule as per the sign-up sheet will be presented for review at the February meeting. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a) Metro Phones - Koropchak reported she had attended the public hearing on January 11 when the Public Utilities Commission accepted the Monticello 295-exchange rate additives as proposed by Bridge Water Telephone Company and the Department of Public Service. After the order calling for a twenty-day waiting period is satisfied, the next step of the Monticello 295 petition is polling. If no reconsideration of the proposed rate additive is requested by February 24, then the PUC expects polling to take place in the second quarter of 1994. As the petition sponsor, the IDC may want to discuss in the near future its position if any for endorsement of the polling process. b) Dunwoody Institute Tour - The January 13 tour to Dunwoody was attended by John McVay, Robert Voecks, Jack Brown, Jim Demeules, Bill Tapper, and Koropchak. Dr. Bensen joined the group for breakfast. • Page 4 IDC MINUTES • JANUARY 20, 1994 c) Anoka/Hennepin-Alexandria Technical Centers - Plans continue to progress slowly on the potential establishment in Monticello of a flex-lab center. d) Members were reminded of the Chamber Banquet on January 25, stating a fun evening was planned. Jay Morrell brought to the attention of members the issue to be considered at the '94 Legislative Session regarding the temporary used-fuel storage at the NSP-Prairie Island Plant and how this might effect Monticello residents and businesses. After discussion, Jay Morrell made a motion of IDC endorsement and support for the temporary storage of used-fuel at Prairie Island and IDC encouragement for Federal Government to carry out the construction of the promised permanent storage facility in Nevada. Shelley Johnson seconded the motion and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. A letter to be drafted and mailed to District 19 Legislators and the Energy Committee members. Additionally, Jay Morrell made a motion of IDC support far workmens' compensation reform and the endorsement of the Wisconsin Workmen's Compensation Plan as supported by Governor . Arne Carlson. Harvey Kendall seconded the motion and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. A letter to be drafted and mailed to District 19 Legislators. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. a ~ \~ ~ 9~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Director • Page 5