IDC Minutes 02-17-1994MINUTES • MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 17, 1994 - 7:30 a.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson John McVay, Vice Chairperson Kevin Doty, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Shelley Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Smith, Harvey Kendall, Jay Morrell, Dennis Taylor, Tom Lindquist, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Bill Tapper, and Jim Fleming. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ken Maus, Steven Lemme, Dr. Glenn Nemec, and Cyndie Johnson. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller. GUEST: Ron Svedjan and Jo Strand, Anoka-Hennepin Technical College. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME OF NEW MEMBERS. Chairperson McVay called the IDC meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and welcomed new members Bill Tapper and Jim Fleming. • Koropchak acknowledged that letters of appreciation were written and mailed to the three resigned IDC members. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JANiJARY 20 1994 IDC MINUTES. Ron Hoglund made a motion to approve the January 20, 1994 IDC minutes. Seconded by Harvey Kendall and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY TDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Haglund reported monthly balances of $4,707.81 at Metropolitan Federal Bank and $1,237.73 at Marquette Bank for a total balance of $5,945.54. Kevin Doty made a motion to accept the IDC monthly financial report. Seconded by Merrlyn Seefeldt and with no additions or corrections, the report was accepted and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: The agenda supplement update was accepted without questions. • Page 1 IDC MINUTES • FEBRUARY 17, 1994 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR DISCUSSION IDC SUBCOMMITTEE TASKS AND APPOINTEES AND BRE VISIT SCHEDULES. Koropchak highligYited the enclosed subcommittee information stating the purpose to establish IDC subcommittees is two- fold: One, to encourage greater IDC membership participation and secondly, to utilize the expertise of other local citizens. IDC members were appointed to either the Marketing, Education, BRE, or Infrastructure Subcommittee by the IDC officers. The Legislative Subcommittee originated through the Chamber and is a part of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. Individuals agreeing to chair the respective subcommittees are Kevin Doty, Marketing; Shelley Johnson, Education; Tom Lindquist, BRE; and Dennis Taylor, Infrastructure. Appointments are not carved in stone, therefore, anyone wishing to switch subcommittees may da so. Many of the local citizens have been contacted and accepted; however, not all. Subcommittees will meet upon necessity and will make recommendations to the general membership. Starting time generally at ?:30 a.m., City Hall. The subcommittee chair is responsible for reporting to the general membership. The Infrastructure Subcommittee needs to address OIP traffic • flow and its safety, to resolve the issue if pale barns are allowed in Monticello, and to determine a wet-industrial flow for the Waste Water Treatment Study. Mr. O'Neill stated that pole barns are allowed in the I-1 and I--2 Zones. In order to amend the Zoning Ordinance, the IDC can request the Plann':~1 Commission call for a public hearing for consideration of amending the Ordinance. The request made through a petition or by a motion. Suggestion was to consider allowing pole barns in I-2, not I-1 and to define what constitutes a pole barn. Merrlyn Seefeldt made a motion requesting the Planning Commission call for the public hearing in April, 1994. The motion was seconded by Jim Fleming and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Mr. O'Neill reminded members that the safety issue was identified in the 1992 Chelsea Area Transportation Study. The Marketing Subcommittee's most immediate need is to review and update the fact sheets of the Monticello brochure. The original fact sheets are being photocopied far use. The BRE Subcommittee needs to assess the BRE Spring Breakfast, Groundbreaking Reception, and Fundraiser Banquet and thereafter establish dates, places, and potential formats. • Page 2 IDC MINUTES • FEBRUARY 17, 1994 The yearly BRE-Visit Schedule was reviewed. Members were assigned their identified industrial choice from last month's signup sheet and monthly reporting was determined at random. In response to "How an industry might feel about sharing information with IDC members?" Mr. Tapper said, "In order to run faster than his competition, Genereux has an open organizational approach and is not reluctant to discuss financial matters." IDC members were reminded that the intent of the visit was two-fold: To learn of a company's successes and concerns, and secondly, to boost of the IDC's successes and objectives and the City's strengths. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOLLOW-THROUGH OF THE IDC LEGISLATIVE ISSUES. Koropchak noted the enclosed authorized letters supporting the Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Plan and temporary dry-cask storage at NSP's Prairie Island. Also enclosed were responses from various Legislators. Shelley Johnson informed IDC members of a letter received from Red Wing's retired Supt. of Schools requesting Monticello's support and participation in a Citizens Alliance for Reliable Energy (C.A.R.E.} Rally scheduled for March 3, 2:00 p.m., Capital Rotunda. Specific request for the Mayor's participation, the distribution of fliers, and circulation of a petition for signatures supporting temporary dry--cask storage. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE EDA 1993 YEAR-END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Koropchak summarized the enclosed financial statements by stating sources of funds available for GMEF use beginnyling 1994 are UDAG cash balance, $71,1?0.80; SCERG cash balance, $33,346.77; GMEF cash balance, $70,504.21; and approved Liquor Fund Appropriation, $100,000. All GMEF, UDAG, SCERG, and TIF Loan paybacks are current. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. Koropchak reported if no comments are received at the Office of the Public Utilities Commission by February 24, polling for EAS will be next. The IDC, as petition sponsor, may wish to determine a strategy to educate the community on the palling process. Because of the importance of voting, Don Smith suggested a committee of Steve Johnson and other citizens . Page 3 IDC MINUTES • FEBRUARY 17, 1994 organize to develop efforts to support voting as well as efforts against possible opposition. Members were reminded of the Chamber Eggs and Issues Breakfast, tomorrow, 7:30 a.m. with Rep. Mark Olson. Jeff O'Neill presented a rezoning request for the Kjellberg property from PZM and R1 to a mix of BC, B4, B3, and PZM and a conceptional zoning request for the Kline Property to multi and single-family housing. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing March 3, 7:00 p.m., zoning request by Tony Emmerich. The rezoning request for the 40 acres to the east of Highway 25 is for industrial and a potential regional mall. Additionally, the potential to develop the Kline property as residential could encourage completion or further development of School Blvd. School Blvd was identified in the Chelsea Area Transportation Study and can be funded in part by State Aid. IDC members questioned if this was a flip-flop of a previous plan, the need to preserve the Kline property for industrial use, the compatibility of I-2 and R Zones, and the need for immediate approval of the rezoning request on March 3. The IDC referred the rezoning issue to the Infrastructure Subcommittee. • 9. PRESENTATION. Ran Svedjan, Anoka-Hennepin Technical School, stated the Anoka-Hennepin and Alexandria Technical School Partnership Plans are scheduled for completion in July/August. Plans include the development of a flex-lab computer base and cla:~s offerings, setting up a three-month trial period at the location of the NSP Training Center, and hiring an outreach person to identify customized training needs. Mr. Svedjan disbursed educational brochures outlining programs available at the technical school. The IDC referred the Partnership's request for endorsement to the Education Subcommittee. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. Ollie Korapchak, IDC Executive Director • Page 4