IDC Minutes 12-15-1994MINUTES • MONTICELLO I~`1DUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday , December 15 , Z X04 - 7:00 a . ;n . City Hall MEMBERS PRESEPdT: Treasurer P.on Hoglund, Shelley Jo~rnson, Don SmitrL, Tcm Li:.dquist, Merrlyri Seefeldt, Dr. Glenn Nemec, Cyrdie Jahnsor>>, and Bill Tapper. ^EP9BEF.S ABSEP7T: Chairpersor. Jahn McVay, Vida Chairperson Kevirr Doty, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Vern Maur, Harvey Kendall, Mayor Brad Fyl^, Stove Lemme. and Jim Fleming. S~'AFF: Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. r ES ~ g rr, 1 M^`^'~ Bridge r,tiateT. GJ T : TOm O1 ~. 1 r ~~._rler a uis<a.ger , Telephone Company. 2. CALL TO ORDER. Treasurer Hoglund called the IDC meeting to order at 7:?? a.m. ~. CONSIDERA'T'ION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 17, 1~J94 P"INUTES. _.._._..,. ~._ .__._..._._ _____,_~_.__ ._.m__..__,~.. ~~_ ___.___._ ~. _._..___ _.____.,.~ ~_._ _.._.._.._ _ __._.__ ._.._.,.._.-._. • Without a quorum, the November 1.7 iniiL?iteS Vvert~ ta~3ied t;~r approval until the next ~r~eeting. S . C0~`7SIDERATIO;`~ TO HEAR AT7D ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. :vro financial report was given. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PRCPSPECT UPDATES: a) Fay-Mar Fabricators, Inc. - It is anticipated the seccr.d appraisal will be completed shortly. More equity will be injected intc the financing and plans r~rnairL for a wint~Y construc,ticn. b) Micro-Tech -- The tele-sales office of P9icre-Tech has moved into the second-floor of Marquette Bunk. Lorry Anderson, President; Gordon Bye, Co-owner and Vice-- Pre:~ider~t of Sales ~; P~lanagemer.t; L'ea:~ita Evans--Byu, Co- owner and National Sales Maragcr; and Rots Spinner, Regior.«1 Sales Manager, are a;nar~g the 20 staffinembers at the Monticello office. The company`s productier~facility is located in Edon Prairie and the company produce: hearing aid canals and products. Tree company is community orientated and cbserved Monticello lacks • Page 1 • • IDC MINJTES DECEMBER 15. 100 quality, market-rate living quarters, Dear~ita ar~d Bob were guests of :aropchak at a Rotary n•~eetirg. c) Retail Services Corporation -Kevin Doty, John McVay, Ron :iaglund, and Korapchak visited this north east Minneapolis company on November 29. The company manufacturers laminated woad counters, display fixtures, and caseYaorks for retailicc;nmerical uses. The company has looked at the nfef fen bUlldliig arld 3tuted It Ydas r1IGe, iaat iar ge enough, and tea costly. The group Liked Manticella, they currently Lease for $2.uC per sq .ft and will cantin•ue to look around. The two plant managers were from Maple Lake and Daytcn. d) 150,000 sq ft distribution center - This automotive warehouse distribution center would employ 50 individuals at a range of $?.00 to $12.00. Anticipation of 25-SO trucks per week. Monticello remains among the shot list of six communities and the next location cut is anticipat:~d for December 15. e) 50,000 sq ft ma:~ufaGturing,/distribution -Marmon Keystone of Chicago which prcduces steel piping products is laok.ing for a new regional center. The company would initially employ 12. Firral buildir;.g quotes are expected in December. f) Commercial Businesses looking for space - Sparti:~g;'recreatian, .furniture stare, and Oil filter r eCyC i 1 i~g . g) Goldeneye Products, Inc. - A last minute invitation was extended by Sr.ingabee for a preser~tatior~ of Manticella incentives far /~l/~ease optLions . The company looking to CaiiStrLiCt a 25,000 sq ft IJUliding, Currf?ritiy :~0 aG'aSOnul jabs, projected to 100 jobs in three years, sprig;g construction. Mike Cleary and Bruce Nilson. BRE P.EPORTS a) No response from Fingerhut or Aroplax. b) Eridge y7ater Telephar~e Company - CyrLdie Jo~~:asan introduced Tam Ollig, neva General Manager of Eridge Water Telephone Company. Tam ir.farmad IDC members he raas 43 years old, married for 21 years, and has four daughters. He Seer his reW dab as a C~'ial~.L-~iig~.' and ~'iOpcS to maVF_' ~1S family to P•2onticella. He previously has bear very active in the Communities where he resides. Teiepharle ar~~. Datu Systems (TDS) purchased Eridge Water. TDS Twill invest dcllars into training of its employees to increase customer service. TDS owns 100°~ of US Link and US Link. has a new president. With a total of 21 employees, the existing Eridge Water office is over---crowded. Plans are to expand tre current facility ar build a new facility (estimated cast of $8-10 million). In addition to office Page 2 IDC MINUTES • DECEMBER 15, 1994 and technical equipment space, the facility may include ar. ire-ho~u.so training cent`r far employees ar~d customers . As the company improves, the company quill become a marketing tool far prospects. Don Smith welcomed Mr. Ullig and encouraged greater participation between Bridge Water and the TDC. Tam responded he agreed. 5. GUNSIDERATIUN TU DEFINE UBJECTIVES AND FUP.MAT OF THE IDC BRAINSTURM WURYSHUP. IDC members were asked for suggestions of individuals to facilitate the workshop. With no suggestions, the EXecutive Subcommittee will meet to discuss the workshop format with Doug Uhrhammer, Ar~cka Electric Cooperative, who will be the facilitator. IDC members will receive information prior to the Sheeting. The workshop is not lriterided to assess City objectives but to assess IDC objectives. Workshop is January 19, 7:fl0 p.m., NSP Training Center. 6. CUNSIDERATIUN TU REVIEW LIST OF IDC MEMBERSHIP TERMS. Tabled. • :. OTHER BTJSINESS . aj Quad County Update - Korapchak. reported the group is looking at th` pros and cons for establishing a Central Minnesota EDA. The EDA would be for the 14-county central Minnesota area. Ore benefit is that sntitios would be eligible for an additional 109 of Federal dollars far vaater• and sewer projects. Secondly, MDUT St. Gloud official gave a report of area projects. Tr~ree Communities haV~ ~Xt;ressed lnter°St for art I-94 interchange: St. Cloud, Albertville, and Monticcllc. MDUT said communities are respcnsibl~ to pravid~ MDUT with information for its future determination. Who's aggressive' bl Wright County Partnership - The upcoming meeting will consist of a visit ar~d report from representatives of the Seven-County Metro Council. The partnership will hold a one-day assessment and planning workshop far baardmembers in January or February. c} Na Chamber meeting today, Chamber Banquet scl^.eduled far Monday, January 30, 6:30 p.m. at the Riverwood Business P.esort . • Page 3 IDC P~INUTES . DECE~9EER 15 , 1004 8 . ADJOURNC~fENT . The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:10 a.m. Ollie ~orcpchak, Executive Director • • Page ~