IDC Minutes 12-21-2000MINUTES
Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 7:00 a.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Vice Chair Kevin Doty, Don Smith, Tom Lindquist, Bill
Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, and Susie
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Mosford and Dan Carlson.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak.
Call to Order.
Chair Ollig called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. Consideration to approve the November 16, 2000 IDC minutes.
Don Roberts made a motion to approve the November 16, 2000 IDC minutes. Seconded by Dick
Van Allen and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written.
Continued -Follow-up discussion to the November IDC meeting relative to suggested strategies for
development to improve public perception.
Chair Ollig gave a brief background of IDC discussions leading up to the November motion "The
December agenda to consist of one item only: Discussion of styles and structures for improvement
of public perception." Members inquired as to whether the City has a Flow Chart listing time
frames and accountability for development in Monticello. O'Neill responded "yes". Upon
requesting a copy of the Flow Chart, O'Neill noted accountability is within the job descriptions.
O'Neill informed members the first draft of the Design Manual is scheduled for completion the end
of December 2000. This being drafted by the City Engineer Consultant will include a planning and
design flow chart. O'Neill continued stating the financing process, policies, and application forms
are in place. IDC members concluded that it appears at the completion of the marketing process
(technical side) the prospect has a good feeling about Monticello and suggested afollow-up format.
1. A prospect be assigned a key contact person, IDC and/or Council member. The suggestion to
include an IDC member is to assure the IDC hears both positive and negative feedback. 2. If
problem is perceived, the problem is identified at site review by the key contact. At that point, it is
decided whether project management and/or city get involved. 3. Develop a discipline flow chart
(not flow calendar) for the Planning, Site, and Building Review Process. Staffneeds to educate the
prospect as to the process. IDC members asked, "For example, if a disagreement relative to design
occurs who within city staff has the final word?" Wolfsteller was identified as the "hammer man".
Tapper spoke of development process from the prospective of a small industrial business owner.
You must seek financing, you're under stress, additional revenues are yet to come in, you're
nervous about commitments. If a delay or problem arises, it adds dollars and additional stress.
IDC Minutes - 12/21/00
It's important to speak with a person of "clout", the Mayor or Council member. Certainly a
linkage to the IDC is good added Tapper; however, you need a person with "clout." Doty added
even a week delay in development causes increase in development costs. Business owners seek
financing based on estimates, including estimates of city fees and development information
received. Changes or surprises increase development costs. If increased development costs
exceed the approved loan amounts, this is a major issue for the mom/pop shop unlike a Sunny
Fresh backed by a large corporation. Doty noted he was aware of four individuals who will not
develop in Monticello. The IDC's desire is for a final outcome of "Happy to be in Monrticello."
IDC members requested Wolfsteller and O'Neill draft a development process flow chart (blueprint)
for prospects including time-line range, staff contact with phone numbers, and key contact person
with phone number for review at the January IDC meeting.
4. Other Business.
With the unlmown time-line of Barb Schwientek's recovery and noting the November IDC minutes,
Chair Ollig suggested appointing Mary Barger to the IDC. Koropchak noted the membership
solicitation procedure of which a committee reviews the list of prospective candidates for
recommendation. Kevin Doty made a motion to appoint Mary Barger to the IDC. Dick Van Allen
seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Smith reported the Marketing Committee met on December 15 with Van Allen, Barger, Koropchak
and himself in attendance. He noted the brochure inserts were updated and disbursement of
brochures will increase from 25 to 100 per month. The committee will revisit the brochure in a
year to consider a redo. It appears we have sufficient funds in the Marketing Account. The web
site has been updated. The committee will look for a new activity replacing the Bus Tour/Golf
BRE and Prospect Report. See Attachment.
5. Adjournment.
The IDC meeting adjourned by a consensus of its members.
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Ollie Koropchak, Recorder