IDC Minutes 11-16-2000. MINUTES
Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 7:00 a.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Kevin Doty, Don Smith, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don
Roberts, and Mike Benedetto.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Tom Lindquist, Bob Mosford, Dan Carlson, and Jim Amundson.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak.
GUEST: Tom Feaski, Tricon, Inc.
Call to Order.
Vice Chair Kevin Doty called the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 a.m.
2. Consideration to approve the October 19 2000 IDC minutes.
Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the October 19, 2000 IDC minutes. Seconded by Don
• Roberts and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written.
3. Consideration of updates:
a) Mayor Belsaas -Mayor's report.
Mayor Belsaas reported the Gold Nugget court case was solved. The judge dismissed the claim
and deferred costs to the complaint.
b) Koropchak -Economic Development report.
Tom Feaski informed IDC members of his recent purchase of the Value Plus building on Thomas
Park Drive for his business, Tricon, Inc. The commerciaUindustrial builder has relocated from
Rogers and the majority of his clients are family-owned businesses. Much of his business is
repeat. He's excited about locating in Monticello because of its aggressive approach to
development. He and his wife have also purchased a home in Monticello. Members welcomed
Tom to the area.
Don Roberts informed members that Sunny Fresh is looking at a February breakfast for IDC
members. New president of Sunny Fresh is Mike Luker. More later.
See attachment for Koropchak's report. In addition, Koropchak noted Mary Barger, Suburban
Mfg., is interested in serving on the IDC and suggested adding her name to the list of candidates
for potential membership. The Chamber of Commerce has elected not to host a golf outing in 2001
as the event was not a money maker. Lenny Kirscht is now employed by First National Bank of
Elk River, Rogers Branch. The IDC membership requested a letter be drafted from the IDC and
mailed to the appropriate person or brokerage firm relative to comments made by Twin City Die
Casting management at the MN Development Conference. Copy TCDC.
IDC Minutes - 11/16/00
c) Smith, Ollie, or Van Allen - Marketing
The Marketing Committee will meet in early December.
4. Continued -Follow-up discussion to the October IDC meeting relative to suggested strategies for
development to improve public perception.
Included in the agenda was a list of suggestions made by the IDC in October for consideration as
possible strategies to improve the public's perception for development in Monticello. Using the
list, O'Neill agreed and suggested an IDC member be assigned as key contact person for projects.
In order to see the other side, O'Neill agreed that an IDC member attend weekly site reviews. IDC
members Dick Van Allen, Bill Tapper, and Don Roberts volunteered to attend site review meetings
at random. Koropchak to notify them only if site review is rescheduled or canceled. O'Neill
summarized the city's planning process as good and noted an engineer design manual is being
drafted. Attention to the process for answering questions is being addressed (focus point for
consistent answers from public works and engineer.) The process to address pro-activeness,
quality and standards. Smith liked what he was hearing from staff: improved communication "no
surprises" and "consistency" speak with one tongue. Tapper agreed in principal but questioned
the "how to solve." In order to solve, the assigned person must be one with clout, not the
Economic Development Director or IDC member, but the Mayor or Council member. Perhaps to
check-in once a week. Van Allen and Roberts agreed with Tapper. Other IDC members
• questioned the amount of time involved for officials and "if city hires staff for that role?" Doty
noted the agreement among industrial business representatives and recalled the IDC's mission
relates to uidustnal development and not commercial. Within the past year or two, this means two
projects: Twin City Die Casting and Sunny Fresh expansion. Guest Feaski added a few years ago,
10% of construction time was devoted topre-construction and today, its between 50-60% in order
to meet requirements. He cited the City of Champlin and other northwest suburbs, 3-4 months to
obtain permits. Tapper understands the IDC's objective to be: "a perception that the City of
Monticello is a friendly place to do development" unlike the suburbs. Benedetto suggested the next
IDC meeting agenda consist of this one item only: Discussion of styles and structures for
improvement of public perception. Bill Tapper made a motion for the December IDC agenda to
consist of one item only: Discussion of styles and structures for improvement of public perception.
Dick Van Allen seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed
Continued -Consideration of an update on the progress to actively pursue acquisition of land for
future industrial use.
a) Draft copy of Swap Ag_reemeirt between Citv and Chadwick parcel.
O'Neill stated Chadwick has hired a third party "outsider" to negotiate, city focusing on control of
the entire 180 acres, and yet to be determined a method for gravel harvesting.
6. Other Business.
IDC Minutes - 11/16/00
7. Adiournment. Next IDC meeting Thursday December 21 2000
Tapper made a motion to adjourn the IDC meeting. Seconded by Van Allen, the IDC meeting
adjourned at 8:40 a.m.
Ollie Koropchak, Recorder ~~