IDC Minutes 10-19-2000MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Vice Chair Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, and Dan Carlson. COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas and Council Member Clint Herbst. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. Call to Order and Welcome. Chair Ollig called the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. 2. Consideration to approve the September 21, 2000 IDC minutes. Mike Benedetto made a motion to approve the September 21, 2000 IDC minutes. Seconded by Bill Tapper and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. Consideration of uQdates: Mayor Belsaas - Mayor's report Update given last month. b) Koropchak -Prospect and BRE Don Roberts reported the Sunny Fresh expansion project is about 90% completed. Finishing touches outside and roof work remain. He is working with Koropchak for the IDC to meet and visit the new expansion soon. Koropchak informed members of the financial incentives given New Flyer by the City of St. Cloud and read a thank you note from Jim and Lois Miller, winners of the Rand Mansion Gift Certificate from Expo `99. Koropchak's report attached. c) Smith Ollie or Van Allen - Marketing (Follow-up of IDC Banquet) Chair Ollig commented on the success of the banquet, the excellent attendance, and the importance of a great speaker. 4. Continued -Follow-up discussion to the September IDC meeting relative to city engineer consultant and public relations. Chair Ollig thanked the city staff and Council member Herbst for attending the IDC meeting and then read excerpts from the IDC minutes of September 21 pertaining to last month's discussion. He encouraged the same open discussion and requested discussions remain within the room. The IDC recognizes the need for rules and regulation; the IDC's concern is comments made by some developers and builders relative to the attitude of city staff and city engineering consultant. (The perception is that City of Monticello is a difficult place to do development.) The lack of a customer fiiendly attitude. Ollig spoke of his conversation with Twin City Die Castings relative to one surprise after another. Mayor Belsaas acknowledged that a need exists for city staffto • IDC Minutes - 10/19/00 • improve their attitude and suggested that the IDC and city staff work together as a cooperative body to develop an attitude of "we want to work with you" replacing the attitude of "that's the way it is." O'Neill informed IDC members that the staff (including Koropchak) and consultants hold weekly site review meetings at 2:00 p.m. every Thursday and invited IDC members to visit. Additionally, O'Neill said there are positive things in which people don't hear and the IDC does not seem to recognize. For instance, the dollars saved the TCDC through input on the electrical system design. Also reported O'Neill, Jay Ellers has recently indicated that he is very happy with city involvement and help on this project. We need to get the good word out when good service is provided. O'Neill deferred to Patch who informed IDC members of his preliminary meetings with the first architect, the second architect, cost over runs, the number of hours spend on the project, etc. and his scheduled meeting this a.m. Another IDC member spoke ofthe "fear of retaliation" by residentiaUcommercial developers. Although the staff requested specifics, the IDC preferred speaking in general. The building department did find an alternative way to avoid installation of an elevator at the Monticello County Club; however, initially, the review process was bad and slow. Time increases project costs. Roberts reminded individuals that once a company makes up their mind they're on fast track. In his experience, those successful communities have open arms and move quickly, they work more like a business. Discussion turned to hiring of a second engineer firm. Mayor Belsaas was aware ofthe sometime lack of tactfulness by the existing engineer consultant. Tapper mentioned the previous suggestion of hiring two engineers: one at a fixed fee for overall planning ofthe city and a second engineer for individual projects. Wolfsteller said he did contact three surrounding communities and their engineering services are similar to Monticello. At one time, the City of Buffalo hired a city engineer/technician as an employee; however, Buffalo's arrangement is back to consulting service. Simola said he spoke to John Bogard, a local engineer and former planning commission member, and Bogard suggested hiring a second engineer firm in order to give people a choice. Certainly, WSB, Inc. has the historical background ofthe city. Simola continued stating Bogard reviewed the city's centralized storm sewer system and he agreed the system was not over-designed. Roberts remembered Bondhus' concerns as the project kept changing and why spend money now when not knowing when needed. The Mayor informed IDC members the City stopped the installation ofthe sanitary sewer pipe but are proceeding to get the necessary easements. The Mayor suggested city staff alternate attending the IDC meeting for project updates and concerns associated with the appropriate staff member. Council member Herbst suggested a mailing to businesses stating "we've changed" along with a survey. Tapper acknowledged no one wants a shabby building; however, the interpretation by the building official appears to be the worst case scenario rather than an interpretation taking a little risk. In defense of Patch, Wolfsteller stated Patch is a licensed building official hired by the City to enforce building codes for the purpose of protection, safety, and health. Mayor Belsaas noted that some ofthe responsibility for changing the perception rests with the IDC itself. Roberts suggested apost-construction summary meeting with owners and Tapper suggested to formally assign a key contact person for each commerciaUindustnalprojea. Benedetto informed members in his business he deals with perceptions as well and suggested the IDC and staff develop strategies to over-come the negative perceptions. IDC members requested the November IDC agenda include further discussion ofthe strategies mentioned such as post-construction summary • 2 IDC Minutes - 10/19/00 . meeting, alternative staff representation to IDC, assign key person to project, attend site review meetings, mailing/survey, and other ideas. Consideration to review approved 2001 water rates and WAC fees and to discuss a proposed trunk water charge increase. (John $imola) Public Works Director Simola presented IDC members with a copy the cash flow analysis for the water trunk fee fund which is running in the red. The trunk fees pay for new improvements such as wells, pumps, water towers, etc. The proposed rate increase, based on need, will be somewhere between $950 to $1,500 per acre. The Council may act on this sometime in November. Simola also noted the adopted increase in water rates and water hook up fees which are effective January 1, 2001. Any replacement costs such as replacing the old water trunk line along Broadway proposed for next year are paid through assessments and tax levy. The IDC agreed the water trunk fee fund needs to stay healthy. Chair Ollig thanked Simola for the information. 6. Follow-up on the recruitment of Barb Schweintek as an IDC member and award of Johnson's appreciation plaque. Chair Ollig informed members that he contacted Barb Schwientek of her interest in becoming a member of IDC. Discussions were deferred until after surgery. Koropchak has plaque for Johnson. 7. Continued -Consideration of an update on the progress to activelypursue acquisition of land for future industrial use. aj Draft cop`y of Swap A~a-eement between City and Chadwick parcel. O'Neill informed IDC members that the original swap concepts is changing and the City is preparing three/four different purchase options for the Chadwick Group to consider. One option to include the purchase of the entire 180 acres. More later. Other Business. None. 9. Adjournment. Next IDC meeting, Thursday, November 16, 2000. The IDC meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 a.m. Ollie Koropchak, Recorder •