IDC Minutes 06-15-2000MINUTES
Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 7:00 a.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Vice Chair Kevin Doty, Shelly Johnson, Don
Smith, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, and Mike
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Mosford, Don Roberts, Dan Carlson, and Jim Amundson.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak.
GUEST PRESENT: Bret Weiss, WSB, Ina (City Engineer Consultant)
Call to Order.
Chair Ollig called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. consideration to approve the May 18.2000 IDC minutes.
• Shelly Johnson made a motion to approve the May 18, 2000 IDC minutes. Seconded by
Bill Tapper and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written.
3. Consideration of updates:
Mayor Belsaas -Mayor's report
Mayor Belsaas referred to his update under Item 4 and Weiss' presentation.
Korapchak -Prospect and BRE See Attachment A.
Smith, Ollie. or Van Allen -Marketing Mayor's Tour and Golf Outing held June
14. Smith requested an invitation be extended to Jim Eastwood of Northern
Ireland Economic Development Council to attend the July IDC meeting and for a
few minutes on the agenda. The members so agreed.
4. Continued -Consideration of an_uvdate on the nro~ress to actively pursue acquisition of
land for future industrial use.
Grading Study for Chadwick parcel
Bret Weiss of WSB, Inc. displayed a map outlining the proposed Chelsea Road West and
wetlands after study of the contour of the Chadwick land for industrial development.
Bret noted the Chadwick Group purchased the property for the purpose of mining gravel
and anticipated up to 3-4 million yards of material. With the City's concern to acquire a
site ready for developmenrt following completion of the mining operation, and to determine
IDC Minutes - 6/15!00
the available acreage for development relative to road construction and wetlands and to
address timing issues relative to the mining and development opportunities; WSB, Inc.
was requested to complete a grading study. Upon completion of the grading study it
appears assuming the proposed Chelsea Road, wetlands, and treatment ponds; the
remaining acreage for development to the east and north of the proposed Chelsea Road is
approximately 80 acres. An additional 13+ acres lies to the south and west of proposed
Chelsea Road with an additional 34 acres to be retained by Chadwick. The study
considered the amount of gravel anticipated for mining from the site by Chadwick which
resulted in elevations unacceptable to City Staff and City Engineer. Bret estimated
approximately 1.5 million yards of gravel on site for mining. Bret continues to look for
various grading options to maximize the mining opportunities and to maximize an
acceptable site for development. It appears the mining may concentrate aver a larger area
of the property than first anticipated and the issue then may become timing. Phase I of
the proposed swap agreement included 54 acres of the northeast corner of the Chadwick
property which could be served by gravity flow for 28 acres of the Remmele property.
Suggestions by the IDC were: One, mining of Phase I in one to two years and Phase iI in
six years. Two, perhaps the mining needs to be staged in three phases. IDC members
thanked Bret for the update and recommended he continue to work with Chadwick and
the City to determine an acceptable grading plan for execution of the swap agreement.
Draft copyQf Swap Agreement between City and Chadwick parcel.
Addressed above.
Planning Commission Update of June 6 relal<.ive to Gold Nugget Icel.
With O'Neill not present, no update.
Update on Chelsea Road West Development.
It is anticipated Chelsea Road West will be completed by August 2000 between Sandberg
Road and 90~' Street. All property owners affected are on board.
5. Consideration to hear feedback of the Ctv's_Bu~ Tour and Golf Outinu (promotional
event .
Koropchak expanded on the Bus Tour and Golf Outing stating about 35 people joined the
Mayor on the tour and for lunch and about 25 golfed as our guests in the Chamber Golf
Outing. Each member in attendance received an update of Monticello maps, contact data,
and community profile, etc. Developers appeared most interested in the proposed
industrial land for ownership by the City. The most asked question relative to the
Chadwick site: Are there plans for an interchange at I-94 and County Road 39 West?
Additionally each participant received a golf towel and tees compliments of the City of
6. Other Business.
Adjournment. Next IDC meeting, July 20,.2000.
The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:20 a.m.
Ollie Koropchak, Recorder
IDC Minutes - b/15/00